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View Full Version : Quantum Locked Aasimar (Sorcerer Concept) [PF]

2012-10-01, 05:16 PM
So I had an idea for a campaign that started recently. I am running an Aasimar Sorcerer (Empyreal bloodline for appropriateness~).

However I was hoping to flavour him to have had a Weeping Angel, the angels from Doctor Who (A race created by Moffat If I remember right). I'm hoping to pick up spells that let me highlight this aspect, time manipulation, other transmutation abilities to improve speed.

So I am somewhat beseeching the playground for advice on how to make this work, and still contribute to the party without dedicating too many spells to the concept that aren't useful otherwise.

We're starting at level one but I really like the build concept and am curious to see where I can take it, thank you for your help in advance!

2012-10-01, 07:38 PM
If I understand correctly (never having seen them myself), the weeping angels were known for horrifically killing people in the scariest way possible. That sounds like an easy way to contribute to the party. Unless you're epic level, you probably won't be able to cast Time Stop every time someone blinks, but picking some scary spells like Save-or-Dies, casting Silent, Stilled spells, covering yourself with a constant Silent Image to make yourself look like an unmoving statue (and heck, mimicking the Weeping Angels with that alone could freak people out), putting cc ranks into intimidate, could all work.

Also, I understand there are non-core spells that allow you to teleport small distances at low levels.

2012-10-01, 08:14 PM
The spell Statue (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/statue) comes to mind.
Alchemist 6 / Wizard/Sorc 7
Has a duration of 1 Hour/level.

A statue spell turns the subject to solid stone, along with any garments and equipment worn or carried. In statue form, the subject gains hardness 8. The subject retains its own hit points. The subject can see, hear, and smell normally, but it does not need to eat or breathe. Feeling is limited to those sensations that can affect the granite-hard substance of the individual's body. Chipping is equal to a mere scratch, but breaking off one of the statue's arms constitutes serious damage. The subject of a statue spell can return to its normal state, act, and then return instantly to the statue state (a free action) if it so desires as long as the spell duration is in effect.

Also, if you'd like a less "caster"-y character, Living Monolith PrC gets the ability to use Statue AT-WILL on self at level 9 (earliest is level 14).

2012-10-01, 08:49 PM
So, somewhere in your history you had a weeping angel ancestor? I assume you're editing the flavor of weeping angels so they don't displace victims to alternate timestreams in order to consume their essence?
I'm playing a time thief (3rd party class) right now, and I'm looking at spell effects that can mimic time manipulation.
1st Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Memory Lapse, True Strike
2nd Accelerate Poison, Blur, Make Whole, Slipstream
3rd Blink (not material/ethereal... present and past), Dispel Magic, Displacement, Haste, Slow
Also, check the Time Thief (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/super-genius-games/time-thief) for ideas.

2012-10-01, 08:55 PM
If I understand correctly (never having seen them myself), the weeping angels were known for horrifically killing people in the scariest way possible. That sounds like an easy way to contribute to the party. Unless you're epic level, you probably won't be able to cast Time Stop every time someone blinks, but picking some scary spells like Save-or-Dies, casting Silent, Stilled spells, covering yourself with a constant Silent Image to make yourself look like an unmoving statue (and heck, mimicking the Weeping Angels with that alone could freak people out), putting cc ranks into intimidate, could all work.

Also, I understand there are non-core spells that allow you to teleport small distances at low levels.

The Weeping Angels are known for being stone (so basically invulnerable) while anyone was observing them, and being ridiculously fast and killy when nobody was.

For anyone who didn't know.

2012-10-01, 09:18 PM
I'm a bit of a doctor who nerd, so from what I remember of them;

- Appears as any humanoid stone statue, although transforms into a distinct visage when attacking
- When being observed (This mostly extends to sentience only. birds and animal observing has no effect it seems) they are completely immobile.
- When not being observed, can move very rapidly, in the span of a foot or two in a eyeblink.
- Their main attack is a touch witch teleports you back in time far enough so that you die on the day you were sent backwards (i.e. if you'd live 50 more years in 2000 they send you back to 1950)
- This attack doesn't need to be a backwards time one, and can just teleport you to a location.
- They feed on the temporal distortion their attack causes, and enough use of this ability can cause problems for any other temporal distortion energy attempting to enter the area (i.e. TARDIS)

2012-10-01, 09:59 PM
I'm a bit of a doctor who nerd, so from what I remember of them;

- Appears as any humanoid stone statue, although transforms into a distinct visage when attacking
- When being observed (This mostly extends to sentience only. birds and animal observing has no effect it seems) they are completely immobile.
- When not being observed, can move very rapidly, in the span of a foot or two in a eyeblink.
- Their main attack is a touch witch teleports you back in time far enough so that you die on the day you were sent backwards (i.e. if you'd live 50 more years in 2000 they send you back to 1950)
- This attack doesn't need to be a backwards time one, and can just teleport you to a location.
- They feed on the temporal distortion their attack causes, and enough use of this ability can cause problems for any other temporal distortion energy attempting to enter the area (i.e. TARDIS)

In their reappearance in Season 6 (and possibly in the new one, though I haven't seen it yet) they've abandoned the time-warp-touch and just settle for snapping your neck. Basically SCP-173.

2012-10-01, 10:18 PM
In their reappearance in Season 6 (and possibly in the new one, though I haven't seen it yet) they've abandoned the time-warp-touch and just settle for snapping your neck. Basically SCP-173.

I can't in good conscious tell you anything, what with "No Spoilers" and all...

But thank you all for the help and advice it's been quite inspirational and helpful. If any other ideas pop up I'd be happy to hear them!

2012-10-01, 11:00 PM
- Their main attack is a touch witch teleports you back in time far enough so that you die on the day you were sent backwards (i.e. if you'd live 50 more years in 2000 they send you back to 1950)
- This attack doesn't need to be a backwards time one, and can just teleport you to a location.
Battlefield controller!
I know there are temporal spells outside of core, which I don't have access to, so people with those please chip in.
Here's some ideas:
25 Point Buy: Cha 18, Dex 14, Con 11
Rapid Metamagic variant Sorcerer (trade familiar for no increase in time when applying metamagic)

Being able to craft wands/weapons/armor lets you fill another role for the party outside battle (and in it, indirectly)
Metamagic, eg. Silent and Still as mentioned earlier, Quicken =), etc.
Spell Focus: Concentration is not bad.

Level 1 Spells: Note that at lower levels you'll probably have to do regular sorcerer stuff just to get by. But you can have fun with it :smallwink:
Mage Armor + Sleep (Bread & Butter spells for contributing)
Silent Image
Level 2 Spells:
Web (they can't run...)
Baleful Transposition (basic teleportation)
Blindness (always fun, especially for your shtick)
Level 3 Spells:
Bands of Steel (more BFC, what's scarier than shackles out of nowhere?)
Fly (so you can get to them, all around good spell)
Dispel Magic (all around good, if your DM uses magic at all)
Blink (for the moving-without-moving effect)
Level 4 Spells: This is where we really get into the teleportation/kill people area :smallamused:
Dimension Door
Level 5 Spells:
Telekinesis (do things without moving)
possibly Baleful Polymorph (Fort Save or Lose, good against small/fast/caster enemies)
Level 6 Spells:
possibly Flesh to Stone (Fort Save or Lose, now turning other people into statues!)
Freezing Fog (good for setting the mood)
Planar Binding (good for wishes, and everything else!)
Disintegrate (good spell all around)
Level 7 spells:
Finger of Death (drop dead!)
this level also has Statue
Level 8 spells:
Greater Arcane Fusion (good for cheese, among other things)
Greater Prying Eyes (for scouting)
Polymorph Any Object (again, good for cheese, along with everything else)
Level 9 spells:
Maw of Chaos
Time Stop (blink? move.)

Also consider this read: 8 Simple Rules For Selecting Sorcerer Spells (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=7229.0)

2012-10-01, 11:03 PM
In their reappearance in Season 6 (and possibly in the new one, though I haven't seen it yet) they've abandoned the time-warp-touch and just settle for snapping your neck. Basically SCP-173.
I'm pretty sure SCP-173 *is* a weeping angel.

2012-10-02, 12:08 AM
The psychic power time hop teleports people ahead in time. Quintessence creates a bead of time-y stuff that removes whatever it's coated in from the time stream.

Ask your DM if you can get those as sorc spells.

2012-10-02, 08:17 AM
In their reappearance in Season 6 (and possibly in the new one, though I haven't seen it yet) they've abandoned the time-warp-touch and just settle for snapping your neck. Basically SCP-173.

The neck-snapping seems to have been an isolated incident...........

2012-10-02, 09:20 AM
Consider Oracle of Time instead of Sorcerer for this.

2012-10-02, 06:48 PM
I've been looking through a lot of the answers, while I like them I unfortunately can't use many of the cooler suggested spells as they were not ported into pathfinder (We rotate DMs and are trying to keep things simple as not everyone is very experienced)

Again I wanted to thank everyone for helping out!

Oh, I know that the Oracle of Time would work the concept splendidly, but... there's already an oracle in the party and I didn't really want to step on my buddy's toes too much. Thank you for the insight though Analysis