View Full Version : Can a Rogue PrC into a Techsmith?

The LOBster
2012-10-01, 08:06 PM
I know, I already made a thread about Ferrus Pax (My Warforged Crusader/unarmed tank), but now I need to know if Rogues (like my Shifter, Kaya) can PrC into Techsmith. It sounds like what I saw her 4E class (An Artificer) to be, and it seems like it could be a good fit for her character. Unfortunately, it requires a spell, apparently.

2012-10-01, 08:15 PM
Not just any spell, but minor creation, a 4th-level spell. You're going to have a very hard time getting that without being a straight spellcaster. In any event, the PrC's not very good, particularly for someone who isn't a primary spellcaster. Artificer/Techsmith might be OK.

There is an Artificer class in 3.5, you know, in Eberron Campaign Setting. It's quite good.

The LOBster
2012-10-01, 08:20 PM
Not just any spell, but minor creation, a 4th-level spell. You're going to have a very hard time getting that without being a straight spellcaster. In any event, the PrC's not very good, particularly for someone who isn't a primary spellcaster. Artificer/Techsmith might be OK.

There is an Artificer class in 3.5, you know, in Eberron Campaign Setting. It's quite good.

I know of the 3.5 Artificer, but unfortunately, Shifters have some nasty penalties to charisma and intelligence.

2012-10-01, 08:36 PM
I know of the 3.5 Artificer, but unfortunately, Shifters have some nasty penalties to charisma and intelligence.
Ah, well then. Yeah, unfortunately Shifters are a decidedly poor race in 3.5. Net -2 in exchange for an opportunity to shift 1/day to get +2 to something... bringing you to the same net-0 every other race has by default.

Anyway, beyond very low levels, you can probably play a Shifter Artificer OK enough anyway. The penalties only amount to a -1 anyway. Ranks are going to counteract that quickly anyway.

2012-10-02, 12:22 PM
Net 0 is better than -1 or -2 depending on who you ask about the warforged scout. It doesn't even list their slam attack anywhere in MM3, thus suggesting they dont get one at all.

2012-10-07, 02:03 PM
I played a Rogue/Wizard/Techsmith and it was quite fun. Not high powered, but fun.