View Full Version : Gesalt DFA/Binder? Clash of Concepts?

2012-10-02, 02:45 PM
Going to toss this up in the air, is a gesalt of DFA and Binder a clash of to many abilties and not enough times to use them, or a good mesh?

2012-10-02, 04:35 PM
Going to toss this up in the air, is a gesalt of DFA and Binder a clash of to many abilties and not enough times to use them, or a good mesh?

There's quite a lot of synergy actually:

- High Charisma boosts your binding check as well as your Invocation DCs. It also makes you a better party face, which vestiges like Naberius can enhance even further.
- Binders can get 1/2 Con to AC, as well as proficiencies DFAs don't get.
- If you ignore combat invocations, you can walk around in very heavy armor, because neither your breath nor your vestige abilities have ASF.
- Binders can get breath weapons with a timer (e.g. Amon's fire breath.) This will let you qualify for Metabreath feats, which you can then apply to your DFA breath weapon.
- The most powerful Binder abilities typically have a cooldown. So you can open a fight with those, then breath or invoke repeatedly while you wait for them to come up again. You can also focus on passive Binder abilities instead, like Geryon's gaze or Halphax's DR, and use all your actions on your DFA powers.

Fluff-wise, I think Warlock is a better fit - very few vestiges are draconic in nature. But it's certainly doable with DFA. I'd say that among the T3 classes, only the Totemist gets more out of a DFA gestalt.