View Full Version : How to throw someone? PF

2012-10-02, 06:03 PM
I recently constructed a "Clockwork Centurion" which is a large, Cr 6 construct with the grab creation ability. needless to say this thing is no shorter than 14 feet tall.

Long story short is that this thing is capable of grabbing npcs very well, which is a good thing as he's meant to be a team player. What I want to do with him is grab, and then throw a fighter.

I don't know how much damage, how far he would go, or how high I could potentially throw him, or the range.

Anyone care to assist?

2012-10-02, 06:30 PM
Rules Interpreting: Treat the human as an improvised melee weapon, sized for... a Huge creature? That gives it the base 10ft range increment (50ft maximum range, like a thrown dagger), and a damage die around 3d8 Bludgeoning, and tohit penalties which add up to like -6 or -8 (4 improvised, 2-4 inappropriate size). Maybe add piercing/slashing if he's wearing spiked armor.

Homebrew suggestion: Grapple before throwing, throwing requires successful CMB check against the person (the target can voluntarily fail these checks if s/he so desires). Failure means he stays in your space as normal.

2012-10-02, 08:37 PM
So essentially grapple someone, and throw them the same way you would pin them.

Instead of pinning, however, you could throw them a total of 30 feet, assuming the thrower beats their cmd again.

Large creature grapples a medium creature
Medium creature incapable of escaping grapple.
Large creature attempts to throw medium creature
Medium creature fails to get out of grapple again and is automatically thrown 30 feet, taking the normal falling damage, which is 3d6?

2012-10-02, 09:35 PM
So essentially grapple someone, and throw them the same way you would pin them.

Instead of pinning, however, you could throw them a total of 30 feet, assuming the thrower beats their cmd again.

Large creature grapples a medium creature
Medium creature incapable of escaping grapple.
Large creature attempts to throw medium creature
Medium creature fails to get out of grapple again and is automatically thrown 30 feet, taking the normal falling damage, which is 3d6?

Falling damage makes sense, possibly add the thrower's Strength. Maybe 2x Str, because you're giving up iteratives to launch the guy.

Also, I could see allowing Grapple+Throw as a Full-Round action (instead of a Full Attack, basically). Maaaybe a Standard Action if you're feeling really generous.

The combined weight of the thrown character, his stuff, and thrower's stuff should not exceed maximum load.