View Full Version : VtM: bloodlines tabletop?

2012-10-02, 08:28 PM
is there a book detailing the characters from Bloodlines for VtM tabletop use? I know it's based loosely on LA by night, but is there something a little more tailor made?

2012-10-02, 08:52 PM
I'm pretty sure Smiling Jack is statted out somewhere, but I don't know about the other characters.

2012-10-02, 10:17 PM
Like i said, LA by night. Jack is in that, but i didnt see a mention of tourette voerman, nines rodriguez, or sebastian lacroix,

2012-10-06, 07:41 AM
I could be wrong, but I really doubt that any of the Bloodlines characters have tabletop stats (not official ones from White Wolf, at least). Bloodlines was released very close to the end of the oWoD line - I think it was a few years before the New World of Darkness came out - and the only two canon characters in the game were Jack and Beckett. Pretty sure everyone else was made wholesale by Troika's writers and that close to ending the line, I doubt WW would have spent the money on a tie-in sourcebook related to the video game's plot and characters.

2012-10-06, 07:48 AM
I could be wrong, but I really doubt that any of the Bloodlines characters have tabletop stats (not official ones from White Wolf, at least). Bloodlines was released very close to the end of the oWoD line - I think it was a few years before the New World of Darkness came out - and the only two canon characters in the game were Jack and Beckett. Pretty sure everyone else was made wholesale by Troika's writers and that close to ending the line, I doubt WW would have spent the money on a tie-in sourcebook related to the video game's plot and characters.

Pretty sad. Some of these characters were really interesting. I liked the Tremere Primogen, Hollywood's Baron and the Voerman Sisters. All interesting characters in their own rights.

The Glyphstone
2012-10-06, 07:53 AM
Stats for the cab driver would be easy to write.:smallbiggrin:

2012-10-06, 08:58 AM
Stats for the cab driver would be easy to write.:smallbiggrin:

Rules to fight the Cab Driver:

You lose

Zen Master
2012-10-06, 06:14 PM
So the general consensus is that it's Caine driving you around? Well that was my thought too. Was he in the coffin then? Or ...!?

2012-10-06, 06:21 PM
So the general consensus is that it's Caine driving you around? Well that was my thought too. Was he in the coffin then? Or ...!?

There IS a feeling of dread that filled Los Angeles relatively as the same time as the Sarcophagus was about to arrive. Many people linked these two events by thinking it was an Antideluvian in said sarcophagus.

However, the commonly accepted theory now is that it's Cain who arrived in town and provoked that sentiment. Also supporting this theory is... well, if you play as a Malkavian. You get to understand everything more when you play as a Malkavian.

It's frightening and maddening. The developers really outdid themselves there.

The Glyphstone
2012-10-06, 07:38 PM
So the general consensus is that it's Caine driving you around? Well that was my thought too. Was he in the coffin then? Or ...!?

Half general consensus, half collective in-joke, half Mumble of God...reportedly, if you open up the game's files, the cab driver's dialogue is stored in a folder marked 'Caine' (or they might be cainespeech1.wav, etc., can't remember).

The last half is if you play a Malkavian.

2012-10-07, 04:13 AM
Half general consensus, half collective in-joke, half Mumble of God...reportedly, if you open up the game's files, the cab driver's dialogue is stored in a folder marked 'Caine' (or they might be cainespeech1.wav, etc., can't remember).

The last half is if you play a Malkavian.

You still need to account for that feeling of Dread all Vampires seems to be panicking about. They make it a point to mention the Vampire community is really nervous about this whole affair, therefore there IS something supernatural in LA.

2012-10-07, 12:08 PM
So the general consensus is that it's Caine driving you around? Well that was my thought too. Was he in the coffin then? Or ...!?

Nah, in the Anarch ending you can see it was just a mummy. A mummy who has become Jack's drinking buddy.

The Glyphstone
2012-10-07, 01:54 PM
And note that whether or not the cabbie is Caine, or just an elder Malkavian whose delusion is that he's Caine, is still one of the most hotly debated and incendiary topics among fans of Bloodlines to this day, regarded about as well as Alignment/Morally Justified threads are here.

2012-10-07, 02:41 PM
The cabbie is either Cain or convincingly enough like Cain to make the Malkavian PC utterly flip out during the endgame conversation.

The guy in the coffin was just a regular mummified corpse, though. It's almost certainly the cabbie who was twigging out everyone's Spider-Sense, regardless of whether he was Cain or just a super-powered Malkavian.

Or everyone is just on edge and paranoid because they're vampires.

2012-10-07, 02:47 PM
The corpse in the Sarcophagus was a vampire, though. Jack is seen sitting with him and watching LaCroix's tower explode in some of the endings. And even though he doesn't say anything, it's implied he spoke to Jack before.

2012-10-07, 03:52 PM
The corpse in the Sarcophagus was a vampire, though. Jack is seen sitting with him and watching LaCroix's tower explode in some of the endings. And even though he doesn't say anything, it's implied he spoke to Jack before.

The way he's just lying around, I don't think the corpse is animate.

2012-10-07, 03:54 PM
That's possible. It's been a while since I played Bloodlines, and when I did I sided with Strauss, so the Sarcophagus wasn't opened.

2012-10-09, 08:44 AM
Yeah, the coffin just held a dead Mesopotamian king - Jack did talk to the corpse in that last scene, but it was more in the comedic sense; He of the Hobo-Beard wasn't expecting a response. Only other person that talked in that scene was the Cabbie who was standing behind Jack.