View Full Version : Elemental Template from Magazine / Aquatic Lycanthrope

2012-10-06, 09:27 AM
This post is a two-parter.

Firstly, I'm trying to recall an old 3.0 (I'm judging by it reaching back in history to the hazier, blurry days of Highschool) Dragon or Dungeon magazine with Templates of partial elementals. The concept seemed to be much like how a Tiefling is a toned-down version of a Half-fiend. I've checked various sources for listings of Templates but have found nothing. I want to say Dragon issue # 396 for some reason? I only had a few issues anyway.

Secondly I'm wondering if anyone has an interesting concept for an Aquatic based Lycanthrope, I like the Sealwolf from Stormwrack, but want to go with an aquatic creature to shift into. Frog or Alligator maybe? A connection with swamp waters is preferable. Seems like if nothing else it could just be a Change Self spell into either a Bullywug or Lizardfolk to achieve this, but as I have both of those races present in my current game, I'd like to introduce something distanced and unique from them.

2012-10-08, 07:02 AM
Apparently the race I was looking for was from Dragon #293 (March 2002), of the Planetouched/Genasi races. Surprised no one knew of this? They were later published in the Forgotten Realm campaign.

2012-10-08, 07:37 AM
I am surprised nobody posted - but genasi are kinda old news - they were in the forgotten realms setting of 3.0, 3.5, and they are also in the pathfinder system as the Ifrit, Oread, Slyph, and Udine.

Also: Were-Whale Shark. Good times.

2012-12-13, 06:30 PM
Here is something I created several years back for second edition. Its crude but it might serve as a good starting point.

Lycanthrope, Were Gator
Climate/Terrain: Any swamp or wetlands
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Night
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: High (13-14)
Treasure: DM’s Choice
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
# Appearing: 1
AC: 3-4
Movement: dry land; 9, swamp; 12 – 30
Hit Dice: 6d6 + 2
THACo: 13
# of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: 1d12 + 12, 1d6 +2
Special Attack: Death Roll
Special Def.: None
Magic Resistance: None
Size: M (6’ -7’)
Morale: Elite (13 – 14)
Exp. Value: 800
Combat: Were Gators are vicious. They bite for 1d12 + 12 points of damage. They can claw for 1d6 points of damage. They have a 50% chance of latching on to a target and going into a death roll. The target must then save against death or be killed.
Were Gators have three forms: Human, Alligator, and a hybrid form.
In human form they have dark grey hair and dark olive skin. They speak with a growly, gravely voice. They stand between six and seven feet tall.
In their alligator form they are close in size to regular alligators, but with slightly longer legs. The hybrid form consists of a humanoid body covered in dark grey scales. The front of the torso, inner arms, and inner legs are covered in dark olive scales. The fingers and toes end in alligator claws.