View Full Version : How to make an Avataresque character

2012-10-06, 02:09 PM
I have a friend that wants to play a character that is similar to Aang from the show avatar(basically an elementalist).

Im not entirely sure how to go about doing this, we have a really high point buy so MADness isn't really an issue, but we are starting out at level 5.

I thought about making a sorcerer and just picking spells that are similar to that sort of idea, but im not sure what spells to get. Im not all that familiar with making spellcasters so i can't really imagine off the top of my head what he would have.

2012-10-06, 03:08 PM
I have a friend that wants to play a character that is similar to Aang from the show avatar(basically an elementalist).

Im not entirely sure how to go about doing this, we have a really high point buy so MADness isn't really an issue, but we are starting out at level 5.

I thought about making a sorcerer and just picking spells that are similar to that sort of idea, but im not sure what spells to get. Im not all that familiar with making spellcasters so i can't really imagine off the top of my head what he would have.

Does he want to focus on a specific element, or does he want to be able to control all 4 like the Avatar could in the show?

If he wants to focus on a single element, I'd suggest sorcerer or wizard and then going into the Elemental savant prestige class from Complete Arcane. Their whole schtick is about focusing on a certain element. For spells just look for ones with the right elemental subtype (i.e. [fire] or [air]). He can get creative too. For example a lot of force spells could be flavored as wind. And other things, like Airbenders being able to run really fast can be mimicked by something like haste or expeditious retreat. And fly would be a must of course.

If he wants to be able to control multiple elements, it gets a bit trickier. Your best bet there might be to just go sorcerer or wizard and take various elemental spells.

Or you could to Jade Phoenix Mage. That would give him martial arts (swordsage maneuvers), as well as fire-themed desert wind stuff, and your sorc/wizard spells would pick up the rest of the elements.

2012-10-06, 03:52 PM
There's The Best Avatar d20 Homebrew (http://www.brainmurk.com/kasan/Avatar_RPG.pdf) which looks pretty good. I have limited experience playing it, but it takes a bit to figure out the Bending mechanics. I'm still not completely sure what role Benders are supposed to fill.

A lot simpler than Spellcasting, skill-based, and not limited on daily resources. If your DM is willing to allow the subsystem, that is..

2012-10-06, 09:36 PM
If he wants to be able to control multiple elements, it gets a bit trickier. Your best bet there might be to just go sorcerer or wizard and take various elemental spells.

Particularly a universalist.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-10-06, 09:41 PM
There's some decent (http://www.scribd.com/doc/35806756/Avatar-the-Last-Airbender-D20-RPG-Printable) homebrew (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67493) around which looks pretty good. I have limited experience playing it, but it takes a bit to figure out the Bending mechanics. I'm still not completely sure what role Benders are supposed to fill.

Why is it that so few people seem to know of the best version (http://www.brainmurk.com/kasan/Avatar_RPG.pdf)?

Although to be completely fair, I wouldn't have known of it if I hadn't looked at Blue Ghost's extended sig.

2012-10-06, 09:44 PM
Why is it that so few people seem to know of the best version (http://www.brainmurk.com/kasan/Avatar_RPG.pdf)?

Although to be completely fair, I wouldn't have known of it if I hadn't looked at Blue Ghost's extended sig.

That's the one I was looking for, but it wasn't on the first few Google results. I'll edit my post to reflect that.

2012-10-07, 12:31 AM
I'm not as familiar with the homebrew versions, but there are plenty of uses for Reserve feats to function as bending mechanics, and by 5th level you can have spells known enough to qualify for at least one or two. The force-effect and air-effect ones can be combined in an Air bender with spells being more complicated and difficult techniques. A Water bender with Cold and Water reserve feats could also work very easily. Fire is a little more difficult as a 'caster since there's only the one reserve feat, but there is also the Swordsage (Desert Wind school is all fire all the time, as well as having a more martial-artist type focus, maybe slipping Diamond Mind in; "Fire needs focus, Focus needs fire.") and the Pyrokinetcist PrC via Psionics if it's allowed.

Earth Elementalist might work okay with a mix of Stone Dragon maneuvers as a Swordsage along with Setting Sun for the earthly control, along with dips in Warlock for the dirt-and-stone hand invocation and replacing eldritch blast fluff as rocks being lifted and tossed (maybe switching to Bludgeoning damage, but keeping it a touch attack.)

2012-10-07, 10:09 AM
Particularly a universalist.

A who with the what now?

2012-10-07, 10:47 AM
A who with the what now?

As far as I can tell, he's either talking about a Generalist Wizard (who has not specialized in a school), or about a character who can Bend all the elements (like Aang or the other Avatars).

2012-10-07, 11:06 AM
Rather than going sorcerer, may I suggest playing a shugenja for this concept instead? Their spells are much more closely bound to the idea of elemental magic, and their class features also play into this idea.

2012-10-07, 11:17 AM
Wu Jen specialize in elements, and have that eastern flavor. If I was going to build an Earthbender he'd be an earth-specialized Wu Jen.

2012-10-07, 11:22 AM
I think a Psionic character is probably the best choice here. Carmadine or Tashalatora Monk/Psion even retains some of the martial arts theme.