View Full Version : Has anyone ever tried a Constitution focused build?

2012-10-06, 02:15 PM
It was a though experiment: a party of 6, each character focusing on a different stat and different group function. I saw someone offer such a scenario to their group, and so I started thinking about it...

And then it hit me: other than getting your spellcasting somehow based on Constitution, I can't think of any real things, other than HP, that canbe affected by onsttution. Everyone can optimise a stat for their special ability, be it spells or psyonics or whatever. And most offensive characters can also find a way to focus their stat into their attacks...

But, other than hit points, i there much of a way to really do anything with constitution? The main thing I see from the X to Y thread is to armor check, with a few other bonuses that don't sem to accrue as quickly or last so long in the day.

Maybe there's just something I've never known...

2012-10-06, 02:19 PM
Pathfinder has an orc-only archetype for the witch class that uses Constitution instead of intelligence as a casting stat - it's called the Scarred Witch doctor. That's the only thing I can think off at the moment.

The Redwolf
2012-10-06, 02:19 PM
I have seen the Fist of the Forest monk prestige class mentioned on here and it apparently gives you con to AC, so not only would you be able to get a lot of HP but you could also get a lot of AC as well, then just tank and have others kill stuff I guess...?

2012-10-06, 02:19 PM
This is pretty much how Dragonfire Adepts and Totemists work.

Well one of the way each *can* work. If focusing on either's breath weapons or Totemist's save-or-X abilities, you're pretty much running on Con.

And Dwarf Sorcerers! I'm not sure they're in huge demand, but they're definitely an option.

Piggy Knowles
2012-10-06, 02:19 PM
There are a couple of ways to get Con to AC (Deepwarden and Fist of the Forest, for instance). There are also various ways to tie in Concentration (which is of course Con-based) to various rolls, such as the Diamond Mind maneuvers that use Concentration in place of saves. X Stat to Y Bonus would be a good start.

EDIT: Here, from Person_Man's X Stat to Y Bonus thread:


Ranger 3/Monk 2/Fist of the Forest 1/Deepwarden 2/Kensai 5


Warblade X/Fist of the Forest 1/Deepwarden 2

Ranger provides the Endurance feat and Skill pre-reqs for Fist of the Forest and Deepwarden. But you can swap it out for Dwarf Paragon or Factotum or various other base classes, as long as you can cobble together what you need.

Monk provides Evasion and Improved Unarmed Strike (pre-req for FotF). But you can swap this out as well.

Fist of the Forest grants you your Con to AC while unarmored.

Deepwarden grants you your Con to AC (replacing Dex).

The Steadfast Determination feat (requires Endurance) lets you replace your Wis with Con for Will Saves.

Along with various other buffs, Kensai lets you replace Reflex Saves with Concentration checks.

Warblade can replace any Save with a Concentration check if you have the right manuevers. But be mindful that they're Immediate Actions, so you can only do so once per turn, and once per encounter (until you re-fill your manuevers). He can also get his Con to damage (twice!) with Greater Insightful Strike (once per encounter until you re-charge your manuevers).

If your DM lets you use 3.0 sources, be sure to buy a Hammer of Earth for Con to damage. But with full-ish BAB and Power Attack, you won't need it.

It's also worth mentioning that the Totemist (Magic of Incarnum) gets powers based on Con, in case you want a Con SAD build.

Put them together, and you get one heck of a Tank. Your AC (including your Touch AC) should be pretty ridiculous. Your Saves should be equally ridiculous, and it's not that hard to get Evasion (and Mettle, if you really care, but it's rarely useful).

It's also worth noting that the Kensai can also boost its own strength using Concentration, which doesn't quite fit the theme of Con-SAD, but certainly doesn't hurt.

2012-10-06, 02:21 PM
A dragonfire adept's breath weapon save DC's are affected by constitution.

2012-10-06, 03:35 PM
Wildshape Rangers with Champion of the Wild are sorta Con-SAD since they need no other stat thanks to Wildshape. If that's not what you want tho, yeah, as said in the thread Dragonfire Adept is probably the best choice. You can dip Warblade/Swordsage for Insightful Strikes, but straight DFA is good.

Elric VIII
2012-10-06, 03:45 PM
Have you seen Fistbeard Beardfist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6404306)?

2012-10-06, 03:47 PM
My pathfinder oracle shield other healer was con focused to absorb more damage from shielded targets. Cha was the minimum required to cast because heals and buffs don't have saves.

2012-10-06, 03:55 PM
I have a Dragonborn Warforged focused on con.

Meld debuffs have their DCs based on con. Basilisk Mask totem bind is really nice, as are Frost Helm and Krenshar Mask.

The Heart Aspect breath weapon has DC based on con as well. The damage isn't impressive, but you can go debuffing with that as well. Wand of Blinding Breath is nice. Even better, though expensive, is the Crown of the North Wind, giving access to the metallic dragon breath effects. Sleep, Stun, Paralize, Slow, repulsion... All at a nice DC(10+1/2 HD+con), boostable with Ability Focus, and you can hit them with Entangling Exhalation first to debuff their save. Throw in Barbs of Retribution as well to force a second save at -5 when it really matters. With the con focus taking 25 damage for it is neglibible.

2012-10-06, 04:56 PM
I kept this build as a backup character a while ago:

Race: Mongrelfolk
Template: Dragonborn of bahamut
Alignment: any nonlawful good

1 Barbarian
2 Barbarian (for pounce, + rage gives you extra Con)
3 Stoneblessed
4 Stoneblessed
5 Stoneblessed Con +2 (now considered a dwarf)
6 Dwarf Paragon
7 Dwarf Paragon
8 Dwarf Paragon Con +2
9 Deepwarden
10 Deepwarden

key magic item: hammer of the earth (adds your Con bonus to damage)
interesting feats: steadfast determination (Con bonus to will save)

-while insightful strike is fun, you usually do more damage with the hammer since you get to use iteratives, you can also get the hammer fairly early

-Fist of the forest has some very annoying roleplay requirements so , unless you're making a vow of poverty build, I'd avoid it.

-Personally I enjoy going frenzied berserker 10 at level 11 but that's just me. There are plenty of useful options open to you.

-If the hammer of the earth is unavailable, you can also take a few levels of Warblade and rely on insightful strikes and, eventually, greater insightful strikes.

2012-10-06, 05:02 PM
Almost every rage ability relies on CON for duration. Imagine a character whose in an almost constant state of berserk!:smallwink:

2012-10-06, 05:45 PM
You could also try certain monster races that have abilities with DC's tied to con, focusing on improving their attacks. don't know how viable it is, though

2012-10-06, 06:18 PM
Pathfinder has an orc-only archetype for the witch class that uses Constitution instead of intelligence as a casting stat - it's called the Scarred Witch doctor. That's the only thing I can think off at the moment.
With the Racial Heretige Feat, a Human (and depending on how you read Half Orc's Orc Blood, a Half Orc as well) can as well.

2012-10-06, 06:31 PM
I've never played one unfortunately, but others say that warlocks don't really need any one stat to be particularly high to play well, and Hellfire warlock prestige class does extra damage by taking con damage, so depending on how you interpret "Constitution-Focused" that could be useful.

2012-10-06, 06:55 PM
Constitution is to incarnum classes what intelligentce is to wizard. Look into incarnum.

Also the feat lost traditions allows a spell caster to change his main state. So you can play a con focused wizard.

2012-10-06, 07:14 PM
I like Dwarf Ranger 1 / Barbarian 2 / Chaos Monk 2 / Fist of the Forest 2 / Deepwarden 2 / Pious Templar 1 / Bear Warrior 10. Take Steadfast Determination and Instantaneous Rage.

With Con to AC twice, con-based Will save, mettle, and the crazy con boosts from Bear Warrior (plus evasion and imp uncanny dodge, cuz why not?) you're really tough.

The Dark Fiddler
2012-10-06, 07:58 PM
The problem with a Constitution-focused build is that there's so few ways to use it offensively, and 3.5 is an offense-based game. Pretty much all of them have been mentioned already, except for Mineral Warrior's Con-based smite in Earth Strike.

If you want to crib stuff from 3.5-derivatives, though, Iron Heroes has a trait that lets you use any ability score you want for attack and damage with a single weapon. I quite like it.

2012-10-06, 09:15 PM
Captain Constitution (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/29180061/) from the Weekly Optimization Showcase is basically the epitome of this. The showcases are created by the members of a gaming group that include Tempest Stormwind, Radical Taoist, DisposableHero_, Andarious, Sionnis, and Seishi. You may recognize some of these people as innovative, respected and experienced optimizers from the old WOTC boards. I highly reccomend checking the showcases out as they have lots of great builds.

The problem with a Constitution-focused build is that there's so few ways to use it offensively, and 3.5 is an offense-based game. Pretty much all of them have been mentioned already, except for Mineral Warrior's Con-based smite in Earth Strike.

If you want to crib stuff from 3.5-derivatives, though, Iron Heroes has a trait that lets you use any ability score you want for attack and damage with a single weapon. I quite like it.

One way that indirectly keys of Con are effects that damage your hitpoints to damage your enemy (since Con hugely effects hit points). For example the above Captain Constitution build uses the shocking fist feat.

2012-10-06, 09:43 PM
If there are any playable races with natural poison, the DC of such poisons is usually based off CON. You still need to hit the target to deliver the poison of course.

2012-10-07, 01:13 AM
Thri-kreen are often cited as one of few LA/RHD adjusted races that are worth it, and have a racial con based poison.
Unfortunately it's 1/day and about the least useful trait they have...

And I can't think of anything better.

2012-10-07, 01:27 AM
What sourcebook is Hammer of Earth from?