View Full Version : Teleporting With a Rope.

Lonely Tylenol
2012-10-07, 01:39 AM
I have a problem. (This is a situation one of my players is trying to work with.)

I (the player) have three levels of Swordsage (or IL 3 or better) and a 50-foot spool of rope (not at all wound up).

I give one end of the rope to another player, and then Shadow Jaunt away, holding the other end of the rope.

What happens to the rope if I Shadow Jaunt to another location within 50 feet?

What if I Shadow Jaunt outside of the 50-foot range of the rope?

2012-10-07, 02:02 AM
I see three options.

A) The "magic" recognizes the rope as being in your possession. It disappears from your ally's hand and goes with you.

B)The "magic" recognizes the rope as being in you ally's possession. You appear at the destination sans rope.

C) The "magic" recognizes exactly half of the rope as being in your possession and half in his. It's split exactly at its center, half traveling with you and half remaining with him.

(magic is in quotes because these maneuvers aren't tagged as SU, even though they should be)

Of course, the shadow-port maneuvers all have a 50ft limit, so you can't teleport far enough away that you couldn't just fling the end of it back to your ally afterwards. Given this, you could always go with rule of cool and say it becomes a shadow that stretches across the intervening distance and coalesces back into a rope at the same time you pop back into existence.

2012-10-07, 04:35 AM
I think that the caster must choose option A or B, though the other PC may get a save to resist if you choose A.

2012-10-07, 07:15 AM
I think that the caster must choose option A or B, though the other PC may get a save to resist if you choose A.

1. Grab enemies armor
2. Teleport
3. Enemy fails save
4. ???
5. Profit!!!

2012-10-07, 07:31 AM
Well technically, it doesn't say to take any carried items with you, although common sense dictates that you don't drop all your gear whenever you use this ability. However, I personally would rule that holding onto the end of an object does not count as carrying it, therefore you leave it behind when you teleport. I think that way leads to the least headaches.

2012-10-07, 07:57 AM
You really can't go with option C, as there is no part of the Shadow Jaunt mechanic that deals damage to objects. So it has to be A or B depending on who is currently 'carrying' the rope. That may be something that needs to be determined randomly if both characters have equal possession, or the DM may rule that if possession is equal, whoever had possession first retains possession.

2012-10-07, 08:02 AM
1. Grab enemies armor
2. Teleport
3. Enemy fails save
4. ???
5. Profit!!!

Nice job, if you can get it.

The point with the rope is that it is in shared ownership, the enemies armour is not.