View Full Version : Where should my Duskblade go?

2012-10-07, 04:11 PM
I have an 18th level Grey Elf Duskblade who has been around the block a few times, and after a few long hiatuses it looks like the campaign he's in is starting back up(he's leader by the way but that isn't important to the situation, really). With that in mind, it's entirely probable that he is about to enter the epic levels. I had a whole character map of what he was going to do with his epic levels planned, but I think I'm going to throw it out due to being overly complex and taking too long, and now I'm wondering if anybody out there can help me brainstorm.

He is literally a standard Duskblade by every stretch of the imagination; Walk up, Arcane Channel, cast some spells, use Concentrate really hard when you're threatened, tank it out.

Here's his feat selection:

1: Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Mercurial Greatsword)
3: Spell Focus(Evocation)
B: Combat Casting
6: Battle Caster
9: Spell Focus(Abjuration)
12: Spell Penetration
15: Greater Spell Penetration
18: Arcane Strike(We ruled that I can stack spells up to +5d4, but I only use the attack bonus of the highest level spell I sacrifice)

Some of the ideas I had:

*Take Epic Duskblade levels and simply Improve Spell Capacity and Extra Spell to finagle a full spell progression(This was in literally every iteration of the epic progression I had, I just approached it more slowly. This would allow me to shoot it straight up)
*Get a familiar. I mean, that's just one-two feats so it can really go anywhere.
*Archmage! This was the real goal I was shooting for, but I think now that I look back at it that its effectiveness plateaus before I can acquire it. Of course, I'd have to ISP and Extra Slot a few times, which drastically set this back to like, level 30.
*Move to Cleric and dip into Knight of The Raven. I'm not opposed to this idea, and there is a church of The Raven on the continent we're on, but we already have a divine caster/turning master and I don't want to upstage her, two spell lists to keep track of makes me physically ill, and it's nothing too new to me.
*To that effect, I was going to make him take Hellreaver and Exalted Arcanist somewhere in there, but my Charisma is a whopping 10, so Hellreaver is right out, and Exalted Arcanist wouldn't work without increasing my spell list(And isn't that cool, at second glance, but I won't rule EA out because it'd be really helpful to our campaign). To that effect, I would also stack Demonwrecker(but that requires Divine Caster levels, which brings us back to the Cleric thing.

We can use any sourcebooks(and modules!) from core, Faerun, and Eberron as long as we can cite the source(and thankfully, I can cite all the books), no Iaijutsu(for obvious reasons), no Tome of Battle(but Tome of Magic is completely OK somehow). Dragon and Dungeon magazines are totally at his discretion.

I've read through every core book, and most Faerun and Eberron, so there's little allowed material I haven't seen, but I just don't know what stuff I want to use.

So with that all said and done, what are some of the ideas you have for me?

2012-10-07, 04:55 PM
Mostly, you want more touch spells. Duskblade 18/Wizard X/Ultimate Magus X would be nice. Though, Duskblade 13 is usually the stopping point. You may be able to put either Nar Demonbinder or Sublime Chord on there because they stack caster level. For the ultimate stacking, Trickster Spellthief with Master Spellthief is the way to go.

2012-10-07, 05:16 PM
Mostly, you want more touch spells. Duskblade 18/Wizard X/Ultimate Magus X would be nice. Though, Duskblade 13 is usually the stopping point. You may be able to put either Nar Demonbinder or Sublime Chord on there because they stack caster level. For the ultimate stacking, Trickster Spellthief with Master Spellthief is the way to go.

If a prestige class adds +1 spellcasting level, does that mean taking it as an epic level character will give you two spells as if you took a level in an epic class? Because that could make an epic career of prestige classes much more survivable.

I like the Ultimate Magus idea. That wold be a nifty way to capitalize on spells. Especially effective since combat falls a little flat at epic levels.

2012-10-07, 05:28 PM
If a prestige class adds +1 spellcasting level, does that mean taking it as an epic level character will give you two spells as if you took a level in an epic class?

No. If you were, say, Duskblade 18/Wizard 1/Abjurant Champion (advancing Wizard) 2/Ultimate Magus 2 you would cast as a 19th level Duskblade (18 from Duskblade and +1 from Ultimate Magus level 2) and a 5th level Wizard (1 wizard, 2 abjurant champion, and 2 ultimate magus).