View Full Version : [GURPS 4e] Science Fantasy High Adventure [Fast Posting] [Always Recruiting]

2012-10-08, 04:43 PM
You were hired as guards for a merchant shipment aboard the Star Freighter Amaledia. You were hanging out in the Commons room when a *vroompf* noise was heard, and much to the surprise of you folk and two other guards, there are now seven elven warriors in the commons. They are outfitted with advanced Force Swords, and are brandishing them menacingly. The blades provide even more light, and they seem to be wearing bodysuits of nanoweave make that cover all but their heads.

Their leader proclaims loudly, "Surrender your craft now, fools, or you die!"

2012-10-09, 06:53 AM

One moment they weren't there, and then they were. Leraje had to admit to himself that they were fast. Elves! He had bitter memories of that stereotypically frolicking trash. After all, some of Earth's most ardent and longstanding enemies wore the long ears and permanent sneer unique to elfenkind. Indeed, it was entirely possible he had already met some of these gentlemen, considering their lifespans.


There were seven of them. Out of the corner of his eye, Leraje could see Shao Bai Gai - he could also virtually smell the fear in the eyes of some of his fellow mercenaries. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, as he contemplated the situation.

Nanoweave suits and force swords. High technology. Affiliation unknown. Numbers: overwhelming. Parameters: likely act of piracy. Pertinent information: no masks. They wore no masks.

They wore no masks. They wore no masks. Theyworenomasks. Why? Why? Why?! Why no masks? Wh-

'Gentlemen! Leraje asks your attention!'

Leraje-9 stands up with an almost feline grace, leaving his gauss rifle slung on his back, his pistol still holstered. His arms were outstretched, the fists closed.

'Piracy is - Leraje knows - a generally profitable exercise. But Leraje sees before him pirates who wear no masks. Pirates who do not fear recognition, or recording devices, or eidetic memories. This tells Leraje you will likely take no chances, upon this vessel's surrender. Not with witnesses, in any case.'

Leraje moves forward slowly, but surely. The others had to see how certain he was. They had to accept his version of events. There were too many elves to kill in a straightforward shootout.

'With that in mind, Leraje directs your attention to his hands...'

Slowly, Leraje's fists come undone: on each palm there rests a lump of strange material with an electronic attachment.

'This man understands you are no backward fools. You know what this is. Leraje holds in his hands two pounds of High Energy explosive material. Enough, if you will, to deliver you unto your makers, along with most of this ship. Leraje does not fear death. Do you?'

2012-10-10, 07:32 PM

One moment they weren't there, and then they were. Leraje had to admit to himself that they were fast. Elves! He had bitter memories of that stereotypically frolicking trash. After all, some of Earth's most ardent and longstanding enemies wore the long ears and permanent sneer unique to elfenkind. Indeed, it was entirely possible he had already met some of these gentlemen, considering their lifespans.


There were seven of them. Out of the corner of his eye, Leraje could see Shao Bai Gai - he could also virtually smell the fear in the eyes of some of his fellow mercenaries. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, as he contemplated the situation.

Nanoweave suits and force swords. High technology. Affiliation unknown. Numbers: overwhelming. Parameters: likely act of piracy. Pertinent information: no masks. They wore no masks.

They wore no masks. They wore no masks. Theyworenomasks. Why? Why? Why?! Why no masks? Wh-

'Gentlemen! Leraje asks your attention!'

Leraje-9 stands up with an almost feline grace, leaving his gauss rifle slung on his back, his pistol still holstered. His arms were outstretched, the fists closed.

'Piracy is - Leraje knows - a generally profitable exercise. But Leraje sees before him pirates who wear no masks. Pirates who do not fear recognition, or recording devices, or eidetic memories. This tells Leraje you will likely take no chances, upon this vessel's surrender. Not with witnesses, in any case.'

Leraje moves forward slowly, but surely. The others had to see how certain he was. They had to accept his version of events. There were too many elves to kill in a straightforward shootout.

'With that in mind, Leraje directs your attention to his hands...'

Slowly, Leraje's fists come undone: on each palm there rests a lump of strange material with an electronic attachment.

'This man understands you are no backward fools. You know what this is. Leraje holds in his hands two pounds of High Energy explosive material. Enough, if you will, to deliver you unto your makers, along with most of this ship. Leraje does not fear death. Do you?'

One of the elves sneers.

"You don't fear death, but does your employer? Do your friends? We'll give up our lives for the sake of our Elvenhold, but will your friends do the same?"

2012-10-10, 08:19 PM
"Ha!" Bai gives a stout chuckle from the belly. Without standing from his table he continues, "For the sake of your Elvenhold? There's no Elf hold on this ship. Are we assaulting your Elf hold? Why have you boarded our vessel? Thats what I want to know."

2012-10-11, 12:35 PM
Hoping the spectacle some of the rest of the security is making would be sufficient to hide it, Volker makes a small hand gesture, speeding up as he jumps up out of his slouching relaxed posture and quickly walks over to the elves.

"Now, now, we're all being very hostile here. I'm sure we can talk this out in a way that makes us all happy."

He offers a handshake to the lead elf.

"Name's Volker."

Casting Haste (putting the max of 6 energy into it for +3 Move/Dodge): [roll0], target 14.

2012-10-11, 04:38 PM
The lead elf shakes Volker's hand, holding his force sword in the other.

"A mage, hmm? An accomplished one too."

Three elves, blades extended, hold them towards Bai. "You carry cargo through our lands without paying tribute."

Three more elves look at Leraje.

"Well, you'd better put those on the ground slowly."

2012-10-13, 06:41 AM
Leraje turns his head to his side and smiles nastily.

'Or what, elf?'

He takes another step forward.

'Leraje will hear you speak, but you will not tell him to do anything, ever. That is Leraje's way. He will put the explosives down when he is sure you are not here to kill all aboard, steal what's theirs, and dance your way back to your fetid little elf gardens. Convince Leraje you do not mean to do this. Lower your homely little shivs. And in answer to your previous question: Leraje could not care less if he tried.'

2012-10-13, 08:09 AM
Leraje turns his head to his side and smiles nastily.

'Or what, elf?'

He takes another step forward.

'Leraje will hear you speak, but you will not tell him to do anything, ever. That is Leraje's way. He will put the explosives down when he is sure you are not here to kill all aboard, steal what's theirs, and dance your way back to your fetid little elf gardens. Convince Leraje you do not mean to do this. Lower your homely little shivs. And in answer to your previous question: Leraje could not care less if he tried.'

One of the elves who has been hanging back becomes very angry. He walks towards Leraje.

"Put it down NOW! Or I kill you!", he shouts as brandishes his Force Sword thuggishly.

The other two elves near Leraje seem horribly afraid and teleport away, one of them muttering about how he doesn't want to be killed by some superhuman with explosives.

2012-10-14, 04:32 AM
The angry elf takes Volker attention away from the leader, and he quickly moves over to where he's brandishing his sword.

"Woah, woah. No need to get like that about it."

As the talks, he makes another gesture with his hand.

Casting Spasm, with a -1 penalty for range, on the angry elf's hand. [roll0], target 12 - success by 5. If I succeed, he rolls HT, and then if I have a larger margin of success than his roll the spell has an effect on him (if I get a critical success this part doesn't matter).

2012-10-14, 05:54 PM
With the aggressive move of the elf, Bai stands--deliberately knocking the table over if it isn't bolted down, and draws his rifle.

2012-10-14, 06:26 PM
Bai knocks over the table.

Elf HT roll with HT 14, [roll0]

2012-10-14, 06:31 PM
The elf angrily draws his laser rifle.

"You fools are gonna DIE!"

All of the other elves promptly teleport away.

2012-10-14, 07:23 PM
I'll go ahead and take my coming actions as follows:
(1) Aim action
(2) Fire two shots [roll0] vs 13 (for 2 hits) or vs 15 for 1 hit at the elf.
[roll1] (hit 1) + sleep (roll vs HT-4) if any damage penetrates DR
[roll2] (hit 2) + fear (roll vs Will-4 in quick contest against my alchemy [roll3] vs. 17 (success by 5) if not already asleep and any damage penetrates DR

2012-10-14, 08:20 PM
While Bai aims, the elf does likewise, then opens fire as soon as Bai does.
[roll0] vs effective skill 23 (17 base, +1 for laser sight, +2 for firing 10 shots, -3 for called shot to the vitals, -4 for off-hand attack, -2 for range, +12 for Acc)

The needles ping off the elf's body armor.

2012-10-14, 08:29 PM
Damage? (I assume it is aimed at Bai)

2012-10-14, 08:31 PM
All attacks have an armor divisor of 2. The weapon does 5d(2) burn damage, but has a x2 wounding multiplier due to hitting the vitals.

I scored 10 hits, so you get ten active defense rolls.


2012-10-14, 08:38 PM
Dodges vs 7:
1. [roll0]
2. [roll1]
3. [roll2]
4. [roll3]
5. [roll4]
6. [roll5]
7. [roll6]
8. [roll7]
9. [roll8]
10. [roll9]

Looks like I dodge the first and get hit by the rest, for a total of 132 x 2 = 264 damage to the internals without a suit or 90 (after DR) x 2 = 180. Either way I'm pretty much vaporized.

2012-10-15, 04:59 AM
The elf is pumped full of Gauss rounds before he could hope to fire his laser blaster. He falls down dead, his body littered with metal slugs.

2012-10-15, 08:37 AM
[roll0] vs 14 (Fast-Draw test)

IF successful, then on same turn Attack with half Acc bonus because of Gunslinger:

[roll1] vs 21 (15 base + 2 for Scope + 4 for Accuracy + 2 for RoF (12) - 2 for Range)

IF successful, then damage roll:


2012-10-15, 08:38 AM
Also, the Gauss Rifle has an Armor Divisor of 3

I'll refrain from posting fluff to cover the crunch until I know I've gotten everything right.

2012-10-15, 08:01 PM

The sequence of events blurred in Leraje's mind as combat training, nano-stimulants and deep conditioning took over. Whereas one moment he was holding his high energy explosives threateningly, the next he was looking down the barrel of his gauss rifle, watching the pulverized elf crumple in a ruined heap.

It was all automatic.

He found himself in a combat stance, front knee bent and slightly leaning into the gauss rifle to cope with the recoil. Immediately, his eyes began scanning the room.

Have all the elves teleported away? Also, yay! Welcome back, Bao Gai! Dead isn't a fun thing to be!

2012-10-16, 04:43 PM
Leraje sees no more elves.

Then, in the blink of an eye, one comes back. He is unarmored and unarmed. He has a frown on his face, like one who seeks to scold a child. Then, he sees Leraje, and the dead elf riddled with gauss rounds, and he smiles.

"That was unexpected."

2012-10-16, 09:21 PM
It took every ounce of self-control Leraje had to arrest the pull of his trigger finger, before it perforated the elf now in front of him.


The elves were gone from the common area - teleported away - but there was still a ship, nearby. A ship that may very well atomize the freighter, if its crew thought that Leraje and his colleagues were too much of a nuisance to deal with otherwise.

'Elf, identify yourself and state your intentions. You speak to Leraje.'

He kept the gauss rifle trained on the new guest, nonetheless.

2012-10-16, 09:45 PM
Bai on the other hand, observing the facial expressions of the elf, lowers his rifle. "It seems you come with a little more peaceful message than this one intended," indicating the fallen elf.

2012-10-17, 10:55 AM
Volker still seems somewhat surprised at how quickly things developed into the stage they're currently at, and nods.

"Turns out our people are very quick to react once your elf there started getting angry and waving around his weapon. I assume you're here to take a less direct tack about all this? I was hoping we'd be able to deal with all this without bloodshed, but we're pass that point."

2012-10-17, 06:48 PM
The elf smiles at Leraje.

"I am Jha-Shael, grandson of Hezekar-Semit. We are here because you trespass on our land. While one of our neophytes sought single combat with you as a group, we have not resigned. We offer peace, as long as we have one of your people as a Chaka-atan. That, or you lead me to your leader and challenge him or his proxy to single combat. Or I get to see your cargo hold."

The captain's voice comes in over the PA system.

"We can't let you see the cargo hold."

The two hired guns ( other than you folk ) stand silently, weapons primed and ready.

2012-10-17, 08:59 PM
"And do tell, what is a Chaka-adan?"

2012-10-18, 05:17 AM
"And do tell, what is a Chaka-adan?"

"Your people may call it a, a, a, bondservant?"

2012-10-18, 08:23 AM
"Hmm, a bond-servant eh? Well, I'm pretty sure both of those options are out of my paygrade. But it would be a chance to live, in a manner of speaking, among elves. Even so... what is it that your bond-servants do?" Bai then adds with a grin, "And please don't say feed the Rancor."

2012-10-18, 05:47 PM
"Hmm, a bond-servant eh? Well, I'm pretty sure both of those options are out of my paygrade. But it would be a chance to live, in a manner of speaking, among elves. Even so... what is it that your bond-servants do?" Bai then adds with a grin, "And please don't say feed the Rancor."

"Oh, no, they do not feed pets. They manage households, work as scribes, and work as clerics in the priesthood until their debt is paid off. They are kpt from manual labor, and have androids to serve them. If you send a crewman as a bondservant, we will be fine."

After a few minutes, the captain speaks.

"Attention security team! This is your call, but don't let them see the cargo, and if one of you goes you do it willingly. Bridge out."

The elf replies, "I'm only getting more curious about this. Do you folk mind if I examine the cargo bay?"

2012-10-18, 08:09 PM
Leraje interposes himself between the elf and the nearest except.

'The Captain said no. The Captain employs Leraje. The answer is no. What are the parameters of the single combat you referred to, elf?'

Leraje tried to keep his neck stretching and joint flexing subtle

2012-10-19, 03:19 PM
Leraje interposes himself between the elf and the nearest except.

'The Captain said no. The Captain employs Leraje. The answer is no. What are the parameters of the single combat you referred to, elf?'

Leraje tried to keep his neck stretching and joint flexing subtle

The elf seems displeased.

"We are to fight with no weapons and no armor. There is to be no outside interference. We fight to the death. Magic is allowed when used by either combatant. Are you sure you seek this?"

2012-10-21, 10:34 AM
Leraje sneered.

'Longears, Leraje is not a mewling child. You are asking him to come to a gunfight armed with a knife. Your terms are unacceptable. One of the combatants in this duel does not have the weapons afforded the other. Would you fight Leraje man to elf, eye to eye? No petty magic? Or ask your people for a champion who would?'

2012-10-21, 07:24 PM
Bai chimes in, "Indeed Leraje has a point. You cannot bring a weapon but you can use magic seems problematic. What's to stop you from using magic to summon an assault rifle? Or summon a mighty beast to fight in your place? Or even teleport the opposing champion into space. These seem far less honorable than using weapons."

2012-10-21, 07:45 PM
Bai chimes in, "Indeed Leraje has a point. You cannot bring a weapon but you can use magic seems problematic. What's to stop you from using magic to summon an assault rifle? Or summon a mighty beast to fight in your place? Or even teleport the opposing champion into space. These seem far less honorable than using weapons."

"It is an issue of skill. If your champion was trained in magic as well as any youth of our hold was, he could easily try to blow me up, bend my heart out of my flesh, or electrocute me. How would you respond if a man challenged you to a duel and complained because he never fired a weapon before?"

2012-10-21, 08:12 PM
'Then the option you give us is no option at all. You are not willing to fight Leraje physically, and he is not willing to subject himself to your pathetic magics. It is known that when you challenge a man to duel, it is the challenged that chooses the weapons for the combat. Your cowardice is shameful, elf. What is left to us, then?'

Leraje began readying himself, hands primed to draw his weapon if the situation was to deteriorate any further. He'd put a hole in this elf before he teleported anywhere, if worse was to come to worst.

2012-10-21, 08:52 PM
"Ha! An issue of skill... using weaponry isn't a skill? Perhaps you'd like a contest of alchemy then? Or something more artistic like a poetry contest? What you choose to consider a 'skill' seems rather arbitrary to me."

2012-10-22, 04:36 AM
'Then the option you give us is no option at all. You are not willing to fight Leraje physically, and he is not willing to subject himself to your pathetic magics. It is known that when you challenge a man to duel, it is the challenged that chooses the weapons for the combat. Your cowardice is shameful, elf. What is left to us, then?'

Leraje began readying himself, hands primed to draw his weapon if the situation was to deteriorate any further. He'd put a hole in this elf before he teleported anywhere, if worse was to come to worst.

"Keep in mind YOU challenged ME. I would have been fine with a peaceful solution."

2012-10-22, 04:56 AM
'A matter of order, elf! Offering a duel is the challenge. Accepting an offer is what Leraje did. But you hide behind your magics. Disappointing. What now, then?'

Leraje's trigger finger grew ever itchier.

2012-10-22, 05:13 AM
"So the peaceful options aren't an option for our side of things, and we can't agree on the violent option. How troubling. A question, elf. How many people do you have? You're already one down, how many will you be willing to lose if things get past this single combat that you can't agree on the rules for?"

2012-10-22, 03:57 PM
"So the peaceful options aren't an option for our side of things, and we can't agree on the violent option. How troubling. A question, elf. How many people do you have? You're already one down, how many will you be willing to lose if things get past this single combat that you can't agree on the rules for?"

"As to our men? You saw seven. Minus one. Then me. I have 200 men for active combat, and one thousand more as a militia. Your friend's Gauss Rifle hasn't been reloaded, yet his hand is twitching. If you want, I will forsake my magic in single combat to appease your sensibilities, but let it be known I sought peaceful resolution for your trespass. If you defeat me, all my men will stand down and you will go free on your way. If you fail, we get your cargo bay."

2012-10-23, 08:43 AM
'So, it is to the death then, elf? Leraje will say this: you have proven your honor by forsaking the magics for which your people are so known. Leraje salutes you. Leraje also promises that your body will be treated with dignity. Do you have kin you would have informed?'

As he speaks, Leraje begins removing the rifle and pistol, lowering each to the floor in turn, carefully. Then he shifts his head from side to side, audibly cracking his neck.

2012-10-23, 05:34 PM
'So, it is to the death then, elf? Leraje will say this: you have proven your honor by forsaking the magics for which your people are so known. Leraje salutes you. Leraje also promises that your body will be treated with dignity. Do you have kin you would have informed?'

As he speaks, Leraje begins removing the rifle and pistol, lowering each to the floor in turn, carefully. Then he shifts his head from side to side, audibly cracking his neck.

"Yes. My son should be told. Merely tell the hold to inform him, if you will. Do you have kin?"

He assumes a battle stance.

2012-10-28, 09:02 PM
Leraje lowers his body into a soft crouch, arms slightly raised by his sides.

'Very well, then, elf. Leraje is ready.'

His eyes begin scanning his enemy's movement, patiently waiting for the right moment to strike. Leraje decided to allow the lithe elf to make the first move. He needed to gauge his speed and his power, before committing to the attack. He was, after all, a well trained combatant. It wouldn't do to make a full of himself by dying from ignorance.

2012-10-29, 06:02 AM
Leraje lowers his body into a soft crouch, arms slightly raised by his sides.

'Very well, then, elf. Leraje is ready.'

His eyes begin scanning his enemy's movement, patiently waiting for the right moment to strike. Leraje decided to allow the lithe elf to make the first move. He needed to gauge his speed and his power, before committing to the attack. He was, after all, a well trained combatant. It wouldn't do to make a full of himself by dying from ignorance.

You wait as the elf assumes a defensive stance.