View Full Version : A Land In Need

Gamer Girl
2012-10-08, 07:53 PM

For almost 200 years, the surrounding countryside has been held in the grip of a line of Dark Rulers, from a race known as dark nagas. Using arcane powers and a seemingly endless supply of brigands, thugs, and even orcs (or worse) that seem compelled to do their bidding, the family of dark nagas (calling themselves the Dark Rulers, though locals have other names for them) exact tribute in the form of crops, coin, and even people from time to time. Although a few stalwart citizens, and even wandering heroes, have tried to end the rule of the Dark Rulers, none have succeeded. Some even turn to serve the Dark Rulers.

The current Tyrant is the 10th of the line, Sorplen, and his "Queen" Marveeica. They are rarely seen by any who return to report it. Instead, their proxies dispense the justice and exact the tribute from the scattered villages of the region. The Red Lord, armored and mysterious, and the Black Collector, wrapped in robes of darkest night, are the field commanders who guide the human and not-so-human minions of the Dark Rulers. Myth says that these two have been by the side of the Dark Rulers since the very first one, Osselbdelon, almost two centuries ago.

Recently, the raids by the Dark Rulers forces have grown scarce. Rumors have begun to spread that maybe the 10th Tyrant has met a hopefully horrid fate. No bands of brigands or orc raiders have issued forth from his redoubt in the hills north of the town of Darlington in more than 6 months. The locals are looking for a brave group of adventurers who would venture north and see if their tormentors have gone for good - or are merely gathering strength for some more sinister purpose.

You are those brave adventurers.

OOC Thread:http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14030618#post14030618

2012-10-09, 10:32 AM
"Harlin, nephew, tell me what you think of the people of Darlington. You are closer to these humans after all. They seem to be in such a rush, is that normal?", Tuchon paused to feed Uohcut, his raven, some sliced apple, the only thing that passed for food in this squalid inn. The town's best they were told but menu that consisted of potatoes and ham or potatoes and beef hardly counted as the best where Tuchon was concerned. Fruit and berries would suffice until they were in more civilised lands.

"Apple, " the raven croaked and then "shiny," as his black eyes passed over the crystal in Harlin's plate armour.

"How did we end up volunteering to help them anyway, I thought we were going to Chanar to visit your father?" His dismissal and nonchalance with regards to the folk of Darlington was feigned. In truth there were only two reasons why raiders stopped raiding: they had either been killed or they were massing for an attack. For a problem to resolve itself was too much to ask the gods. He'd learned that much in fighting goblins and their kind years before.

2012-10-09, 10:56 AM
Warren enters the common room from the back of the inn, after a disappointing talk with the innkeeper. Taxes had been hard, and luxury items such as the fine wines he produced were less and less in demand. As such, he had been traveling farther and farther abroad, seeking new markets in which he could potentially turn a profit. It seemed he would have no luck here.

When he heard of the lull in raids and tax collection, he thought it would mean an upsurge. But people have been holding on to their meager coins, hiding them away in preparation for the day when the brigands would return.

He mutters to himself, loudly enough for any to hear.
I suppose I have to go see what the situation with the Dark Rulers is. No one will buy until they are sure that their money won't be stolen at a moment's notice. And I'll just have to kill them if they're still there...

2012-10-09, 05:36 PM
Harlin Q'Nestra (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=450253)

Harlin slurps soup from his spoon, underneath his visor, savoring the taste and knowing it could very well be the last decent meal he'll enjoy for quite a while. Uncle you already know why we must go. The people are in need, it is our duty as the able-bodied to assist them. Don't play this out to be one of those riddles you're so fond of. I'm no good with riddles and you know it. The shifting of his chin shows his Uncle that a grin is spread across the half-elf's face under his helm.

Father will have to wait. If he wishes to see me so badly, he could very well roust himself and march with us to Darlington. Harlin sets aside his bowl. One spoonful was more than enough. He didn't need the nourishment and felt no hunger, but as Javid had often intoned to him during his sermons at the shrine of Heironeous, one should never forget where he came from, as it fosters empathy for the masses. Besides it really was a remarkable soup!

2012-10-09, 07:53 PM
Where is your sense of adventure, anyhow? Says Brillon from the corner, previously unnoticed. For some reason people dont pay as much attention to clergymen as they used to.

Brillon walks closer to the elf and his half-elven nephew, leaning on his staff Yes its for the people, but there is certainly more to it than that. Eventually these Dark Rulers, unless they have truly disappeared, will want to spread. It is best to stop them now while they are presumably weak. Else some day we shall not have any open roads to enjoy.

2012-10-09, 08:07 PM

Harlin looks over to Brillon and rises to his feet, gesturing for him to sit with them, ashamed he hadn't done so earlier.

Well spoken, Priest, very well spoken. You see Uncle, here is some sense made. You know what Grandmother would have said to ignoring the advice of the clergy.

2012-10-09, 08:39 PM

Harlin looks over to Brillon and rises to his feet, gesturing for him to sit with them, ashamed he hadn't done so earlier.

Well spoken, Priest, very well spoken. You see Uncle, here is some sense made. You know what Grandmother would have said to ignoring the advice of the clergy.

Bah, Clergymen are rarely more correct than the common man, or elf for that matter. We are merely good at making points by practicing preaching and speech-making. I will take that seat though. Fharlanghn likes us to be on our feet, but a good chair is always welcome when not on the road. And you can call me Brillon, or Longstride, Cleric of Fharlanghn

2012-10-09, 08:57 PM

Well met, truly, Brillon Longstride. Harlin takes his seat next to the cleric. I am Harlin Q'Nestra of Heironeous's Light, this is my Uncle, Tuchon. The half-elf slides his soup bowl towards Brillon, I would be remiss if I didn't offer some succor to a follower of the Traveling God.

2012-10-09, 09:30 PM
Seeing a group of people eating with nothing to slake their thirst, Warren decides he has some potential customers.

Do any of you fancy a glass of the finest red in the land to go with your dinner?

He seats himself and produces a bottle of wine, uncorks it, and lets the aroma pour forth for their enjoyment.

2012-10-09, 11:04 PM

Well met, truly, Brillon Longstride. Harlin takes his seat next to the cleric. I am Harlin Q'Nestra of Heironeous's Light, this is my Uncle, Tuchon. The half-elf slides his soup bowl towards Brillon, I would be remiss if I didn't offer some succor to a follower of the Traveling God.

Seeing a group of people eating with nothing to slake their thirst, Warren decides he has some potential customers.

Do any of you fancy a glass of the finest red in the land to go with your dinner?

He seats himself and produces a bottle of wine, uncorks it, and lets the aroma pour forth for their enjoyment.
The only gifts I need is the road ahead, but it would certainly be rude not to accept a gift. And wine is something I doubt I could ever turn down Brillon says with a warm laugh. If this adventure goes as all adventures eventually do, Brillon would have plenty of opportunity to return the favor. Plus, oddly enough, soup is one of his favorite ways to eat. Simple men, simple pleasures.

How did you come across this wine? If there is a decent market in town I'd like to know it

2012-10-10, 01:21 AM
I cannot argue with the passions of the young when it comes to helping others, Tuchon leans back in his chair with a smile, "and I know that keeping you from doing the right thing would be next to impossible."

He stands when the priest approaches and bows as the introductions are made, "There is always room at our table for travellers, as the wine seller interjects he adds, "and those bearing gifts."

2012-10-10, 10:26 AM
The wine is a family vintage. But as it was already open and no one is buying, there's no need to let it go to waste. I don't suppose any of you are in the market for a few barrels full...

2012-10-10, 03:14 PM

The half-elf turns his nose up at the wine as politely as he can manage, I beg you good sir, please don't turn my dear Uncle into a stumbling sot before we set out. A little self control yes?

2012-10-10, 05:08 PM
We'd need a cart and a donkey to carry around a few barrels full. But since this one is already open...

2012-10-12, 09:59 AM
Tuchon Ninaelchanar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=449927)

"A sot, eh? Chance would be a fine thing."

The raven on his shoulder launches into a raucous squaking of "Sot, sot," until the elf jams an apple slice in his beak.

"Excuse Uohcut, he's eager to find out more about the trouble plaguing this region. Do you know if Darlington has a mayor or a lord or something? Someone who is in charge."

Gamer Girl
2012-10-12, 10:55 PM
And hour after sunset, Lady Boleslava Lyubimov, an elderly human female, makes it over to the Sleeping Moon, the largest Inn of Darlington where you are all gathered. Boleslava has pale, wrinkled skin and a short, bent over body. Like all of the folk in the area, she wears little more then simple homespun clothing.

"I thank you all for coming. As you can see we are a land in great need. Need of heroes. People such as yourselves. For my whole life, my fathers life and his father beyond him have lived under the rule of the Dark Tyrants. A family of dark nagas that came from somewhere in the east of here. But for some time, we have heard nothing and not experienced any further horrors. But we don't know what, if anything, has happened. They could just be having a huge feast. But we need to know, we need you to find out. Any questions?

2012-10-13, 12:15 AM

Rising again as the Lady approaches, "It would be an honor to assist your people, Lady Lyubimov. Would you happen to have any more detailed information about where we could begin looking for the tyrants?"

2012-10-13, 01:38 AM
Any travel supplies would be most helpful as well.

2012-10-13, 04:00 AM
"My lady" Tuchon bows as his words are echoes by the raven, "it would be most useful to know what efforts to gather information have already been attempted. Divinations? Scouting? Flight over the land? What can we expect as we travel into what may be hostile territory?"

Gamer Girl
2012-10-13, 04:11 PM
Lady Boleslava Lyubimov"Well, the Dark Tyrant lives is a fortress a bit of a ways north if here, in the hills. Whatever is up must be there or part of it. We have not done much to gather any information, but then we have so few resources anyway. No local risks talking the way north towards the Dark Fortress. And the few others that have dared to go have never returned. Divinations have not turned up much, but then we don't have a good local oracle or seer. What ever happened is a mystery us."

Lady Boleslava Lyubimov""As for supplies, we don't have much, but your welcome to take any food,you can carry. We don't have much else to give.

2012-10-13, 08:31 PM
Well, no sense standing around. Can't make money until those tyrants are out of power, and that's Good enough reason to help out.

He finishes his drink, gathers his things, and gets ready to head out the door.

2012-10-13, 08:49 PM

"Well, if all of us are agreeable, we should be off without delay. As you can see," he rises from the table yet again, I am packed."

2012-10-14, 02:40 AM
Do you have any map of the area, or at least leading up to it? It would be wise to know as much of the road ahead as possible.

Also, if it is at all possible that you can spare a cart and horse, I would be glad to pay for it.

2012-10-14, 04:38 AM
"A map would indeed be most useful." stands and walks to the inn door and whispers to the raven, "Go and take a look around, my friend, let me know if the roads are clear." Uohcut gives Tuchon a withering look before taking wing. I hope he doesn't get distracted.

Gamer Girl
2012-10-14, 03:52 PM
Lady Boleslava Lyubimov "A Map? She lets herself chuckle. "Who would have drawn it? No one returns from the Dark Fortress. Any maps we had are long gone, often fuel for fires to stay warm in winter."

"The road to the north is said to go right to the Dark Fortress. It's a bit of a winding road. About a good walk from town you will come to the Dark Forest. That is as far as I've ever gone. The Dark Fortress is further north then that, but i know not where exactly."

"Our local livestock is mostly for farm work. We don't have traveling mounts. If you'd like a couple of pack mules, I know some for sale."

2012-10-14, 06:03 PM
Lady Boleslava Lyubimov "A Map? She lets herself chuckle. "Who would have drawn it? No one returns from the Dark Fortress. Any maps we had are long gone, often fuel for fires to stay warm in winter."

"The road to the north is said to go right to the Dark Fortress. It's a bit of a winding road. About a good walk from town you will come to the Dark Forest. That is as far as I've ever gone. The Dark Fortress is further north then that, but i know not where exactly."

"Our local livestock is mostly for farm work. We don't have traveling mounts. If you'd like a couple of pack mules, I know some for sale."
A mule would be most welcome. We should start out before first light, so that we can travel through this uncharted territory with the most sun we can

2012-10-14, 06:13 PM

Shall we meet at the main gate then, in say an hour's time? If everyone agrees to it, he bids the Lady a well-wishing farewell, and attends to his uncle as he makes preparations to head for the city's main gate.

2012-10-14, 09:44 PM
i was thinking that we should possibly sleep here and start out at ~6AM assuming first light is at ~8AM. that way we get as much uncharted territory covered with light as possible, We can talk about it in the OoC thread.

To Lady Boleslava: Where might I find a few items? I am hoping for an informational book on geography if you have any sort of library, or a man likely to be willing to sell his own book, as well as some map cases, some jars, some quills and ink, an empty book, some pots and metal bowls and forks, knives and spoons, and a cart? Since we have a cart, maybe we could also get a couple sacks of fruits, vegetables and grains, and maybe coffee and tea? I am willing to buy everything I need, so I do not burden the small folk any more than I have to while we find out what happened to these Dark Tyrants.

Gamer Girl
2012-10-15, 10:21 PM
Lady Boleslava Lyubimov"Sounds like you'd want Moench. He is the towns historian and keeps track of births and deaths and deeds and such. You can't miss his tower, it's at the far south side of the town right next to the graveyard. Bulk foods can be bought at Glynis's GreenGrocer, that big green building right on the market square."

2012-10-15, 11:36 PM
Lady Boleslava Lyubimov"Sounds like you'd want Moench. He is the towns historian and keeps track of births and deaths and deeds and such. You can't miss his tower, it's at the far south side of the town right next to the graveyard. Bulk foods can be bought at Glynis's GreenGrocer, that big green building right on the market square."
If someone can get the food and cart for me, I can go to Moench and we can meet up sooner. I'll reimburse the gold you spend on my behalf of course

2012-10-16, 01:12 AM
"An historian?" Tuchon's ears pricked up, "I'll come with you. Maybe he has some insight into these nagas"

2012-10-16, 03:59 AM

Very well, I'll wait at the gate and keep the guards company...I've no head for history lessons and you know it Uncle. Fortune be with you, 'til the Light sees us together again.

The half elf strides purposefully and proudly from the room.

Harlin only requires 2 hours trance a night, so he will be chillaxin' with the guards at the gate until everyone's ready to depart.

2012-10-16, 10:22 AM
I'm probably the best at shopping, so I'll take care of the supplies. Does anyone need ammunition, or any other special requests?

Falling back on experience at haggling. Shopping for a cart, donkey, provisions, mapmaking tools, spare ammunition if necessary, and people's requests.

Appraise [roll0]
Bluff (for haggling) [roll1]
Knowledge Local (to find anything I might need) [roll2]

2012-10-16, 04:19 PM
I'm probably the best at shopping, so I'll take care of the supplies. Does anyone need ammunition, or any other special requests?

Falling back on experience at haggling. Shopping for a cart, donkey, provisions, mapmaking tools, spare ammunition if necessary, and people's requests.

Appraise [roll0]
Bluff (for haggling) [roll1]
Knowledge Local (to find anything I might need) [roll2]

If you could grab everything that I had listed, minus the books, I would gladly reimburse you for those purchases. And while you are out, do gather what information you can about our trip there.

Gamer Girl
2012-10-16, 07:43 PM
Warren has very little problem shopping and hardly needs to shop or haggle. The people are quite happy to help out in some small way a group of heroic adventures. The shopkeepers are happy to offer the needed goods at base cost.

The folk seem to offer there best goods and you have no problem shopping.

2012-10-18, 10:18 AM
When we reach Moench's tower, Tuchon knocks politely. While he's waiting he scans some of the markers in the graveyard for dates. Some of these people were born, grew old and died all while I was a child. They live such fleeting lives. he thinks to himself.

Gamer Girl
2012-10-18, 08:36 PM
Moench's tower is a small, old stone tower half buried into a hillside covered in vines and crawling plants and tilting ever so slightly to the side. Moench himself is a middle aged human male. He wears long black robes trimmed with white and decorated with white human skulls, including a image of a large white human skull embroidered on his chest. He takes several minutes to come and open the door once you knock.

"Well met, well met. What can I do for you fine young fellows? Says Moench.

2012-10-18, 11:35 PM
Oh, we were about to join up with the rest of the adventuring party to go out and see what we can uncover about the Dark Tyrants, and were wondering if we could borrow a little wisdom

Diplomacy roll: [roll0]

2012-10-19, 12:48 AM
"Indeed, we have heard much of your knowledge of the history of these wicked naga and their history and the Lady Lyubimov recommended that we seek you out immediately," a little flattery never hurt.

Diplomacy [roll0]
Bluff [roll1] for the flattery

Do I have any idea what the skulls represent other than morbid decoration?

Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) [roll2] for heraldry
Knowledge (History) [roll3]
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll4]

2012-10-19, 01:01 AM
knowledge:religion on the skulls as well. [roll0]

Gamer Girl
2012-10-19, 08:07 PM
Moench"Ah, the young" he says with a shake of his head "Wisdom can not be borrowed, it must be learned from life experiences. But, of course the young never understand that. What did you need from me?"

Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) heraldry: The skull is not commonly used for heraldry, other then the pirate skull and crossbones, of course. But it's not a completely unknown symbol, though it's rare to find it alone without another symbol to modify it. Such as a skull and shovel to indicate a gravedigger.

Knowledge (History) Historically, the worshipers of death and/or undeath are the only ones who would openly display such an abundance of skulls. Most often even people that deal with death, such as a cemetery custodian would at least half conceal a symbol like the skull.

Knowledge (Arcana) Of course, obviously, the skull is often used by necromancers, spellcasters in general that deal with a lot of necromancy, and worshipers of gods of the dead or related things. Intelligent undead of all types are also known to prominently use and display the skull symbol. And plenty of primitive and savage types of spellcasters use skull symbols.


knowledge:religion Gods of death, undeath and the afterlife commonly use the skull symbol.

2012-10-20, 03:12 AM
"Young?" Tuchon laughs, "I'm probably three times your age." A little wary of the overt necromancy symbols he nevertheless extends his hand. Magic is an art as well as a tool and if one man specialises in one aspect of it then who am I to judge.

2012-10-20, 03:06 PM
Yes yes, well, regardless of who is older, we unfortunately arent from around here, and would like to know some information about these Dark Tyrants. We were told that you could help us if you have the time.

Gamer Girl
2012-10-20, 10:55 PM
Moench"Oh my young fellow, no one ever has enough time. Come, sit in my out in my statuary"

Moench steps fully out of his tower and quickly closes the door behind him with a loud bang. He then walks along the side of the tower and waves for you to follow. He walks over to a small paved area of to the side of the tower that contains several medium sized stone statues and several stone benches arranged in two rows. Each statue is slain and simple work, and represents something like a mother, a farmer, a warrior, a father and other such common descriptions.

Moench seats himself in the front most stone bench, "So what is it you'd like to know?"

2012-10-21, 04:23 AM
"Anything and everything that you can share," Tuchon smiles, "I'm be interested in the capabilities of these Dark Tyrants and their servant, what spells can they cast, what are they resistant to, what are their typical tactics, how tough are they, what are their weaknesses, etc. Their numbers and locations, their motivation for being here, anything you can tell us really. Do you have any books on the subject that we could perhaps borrow or obtain a copy of when next we return here?"

Gamer Girl
2012-10-22, 08:15 PM
Moench"Well, I certainly know a lot. There is nothing written down, of course. No books or scrolls or anything. Such things are not allowed. Knowledge is power you know. Any such book will have been burned, and the person found with it punished, or even killed. But they can't do anything about what people know and pass by words of mouth."

"It was almost 200 years ago when the first Dark Tyrant, Osselbdelon, showed up. He was a dark naga, a serpent race. They have a long snake-like body, but the head of a humanoid. They move swiftly and have a poisonous bite. Worst of all they have sorcererious powers and can command much fowl magic. They are well know for having arcane powers that can cloud or control a persons mind."

"They have always used an endless mob of thugs and enforcers made up of all races. The Dark Tyrant rarely lives his castle. The Red Lord is the main enforcer. He is a massive fellow clad in hulking red armor. We have no idea what race he might be, as he has never removed his armor in public. There is a story for him being of just about any race. The same stories will tell you that the same Red Lord has served the Dark Tyrants forever. And that is possible, I suppose, but it could simply be any big fellow in that armor. The Red Lord is an amazing fighter, and has never been know to lose a fight."

"The Black Collector is the other mysterious figure. A cloaked and hooded humanoid that enforces taxes and fees and things. Again, his race is unknown. And he could be the same one, or several people in the same cloak. He has lots of magical powers to control minds and make others see things that are not there. And worst of all is the Black Collector has the ability seemingly know everything hidden and any secrets a man might keep."

"The current Tyrant is the 10th of the line, Sorplen, and his "Queen" is Marveeica. They, the Red Lord and the Black Collector and the thugs have not been seen in just over a moon cycle. "

2012-10-23, 02:02 AM
Do you have any maps, personal knowledge, or know anyone with personal knowledge of the area that we are exploring? The woman who gathered us said there weren't any maps of the area, but there is certainly the possibility that some knowledge escaped the grasp of those who would mute it. Are there any other threats, or anything particular of the surrounding geography, that we should be aware of?

Also, do you know anything about the effects of the poison that the Tyrants use? Any knowledge of the effects, or how to treat it, would be most helpful. If you have books or scrolls that could help us create antitoxins, maybe we could create some with samples of the poisons they use.

Finally, do you have any blank books and extra paper, ink, pens, and map or cases that I would be able to purchase from you? I will be keeping records of things we discover in the event that they are relevant to our mission.

personal note, start preparing detect poison (0), iron guts (1), delay poison (2), tomorrow only prepare continual flame instead of downdraft

2012-10-23, 04:26 AM
"While the leadership are obviously important can you tell us of their servants as well. Are there orcs or goblins or similar twisted things that serve this Dark Tyrant, perhaps undead," he pauses for effect, "even creatures of the lower planes. There is a deal of difference between preparing to face human bandits serving a villain and preparing to face animated skeletons or ghouls under control."

Gamer Girl
2012-10-23, 12:14 PM
Moench"The most common thugs are a mix of humans, orcs and goblins. Sometimes with another odd rare or two thrown in. From time to time some have seen a summoned Baatezu or two, or other such infernal creature. Undead are not unknown, but they are only used as guards around the castle or other sites. They don't send the undead into the farms and towns."

"No maps are around. It's too dangerous. The Black Collector has a way of find out about maps. And then they will come for you and your map. If your lucky they might just kill you. If not they will wound you, or do a worse thing such as take your children."

"I have plenty of paper, ink, quills, bone cases and a couple blank books. After all we are not forbidden from keeping the town history, just from mentioning the Dark Tyrants in any way."

"Plenty of us know the area well, except to the north, where the Dark Fortress rests. No one who has ever gone there has ever returned. Just to the north of the town is the dirt road that leads between a couple farms. And a bit farther north the road winds into the Dark Forest. The forest is a heavily overgrown dark place full of wild monsters. But no one has ever entered the forest and come back, that we know of. Most of us only go as far north to see the edge of the forest and then turn back.

"The poison of a dark nagas sting tail weakens a body into a sleep like state, but the bite of the dark naga is deadly."

2012-10-23, 04:29 PM
"Elves are immune to the magical effects of sleep spells. I wonder if we would similarly be immune to the tail sting of the naga"

2012-10-23, 05:15 PM
Sounds like we will be making maps on our own then, unless some adventurous youth ran out and explored a little, but I would doubt that given the circumstances. Do you maybe have history books about the surrounding area from before the Dark Tyrants came? Maybe there is information we can get from that, seeing as the Tyrants werent around yet to censor the information.

If not, then looks like we have a new road to explore.

Other than that, I would be glad for those items.

Gamer Girl
2012-10-23, 08:13 PM
Moench"I have plenty of history books, but none have anything about the Dark Tyrants. All my books have been well censored by the Black Collector. I do have history books that go back before the Dark Tyrants, but I know they don't have anything useful about the Dark Tyrants."

Moench walks over to a small shed attached to the back of the tower and brings back over a blank book, ten blank scrolls, two quills, two clay inkwells and five bone scroll cases. "Here you go, five gold should cover all this.".

2012-10-23, 10:23 PM
Moench"I have plenty of history books, but none have anything about the Dark Tyrants. All my books have been well censored by the Black Collector. I do have history books that go back before the Dark Tyrants, but I know they don't have anything useful about the Dark Tyrants."

Moench walks over to a small shed attached to the back of the tower and brings back over a blank book, ten blank scrolls, two quills, two clay inkwells and five bone scroll cases. "Here you go, five gold should cover all this.".

Here is the gold. And I am not looking for information on the Dark Tyrants in your history books, that would have been very well censored. But if there is anything historically significant about the area that it might have been written about in passing, maybe like a book of famous battles that happened long ago? Any familiarity with a spot of land that we might come across could prove beneficial to our safety.

after a moments thought, Brillon adds

I'm sure there can't be much, and we have little time to research ourselves. Soon I will have access to a Sending spell that would allow us to communicate very briefly; if you in your own time find anything that might be relevant to our success in tracking down these Dark Tyrants, any frivolous knowledge about the surrounding area like I previously described or some old mention of them, it could be of great assistance to a very noble cause.

Diplomacy roll, hopefully he will be motivated to help our cause [roll0]

Gamer Girl
2012-10-24, 12:28 PM
Moench"As a historian, I think I can say there in nothing to find. The Black Collector is just too good at his job. Even before the Dark Tyrants folk did not go any further north then the Dark Forest. And if they did they sure did not write it down or tell anyone else. And if they did it would be long gone by now from the Black Collector. We don't even know for sure that the Dark Fortress is to the north beyond the Dark Forest. That is just what has been said for centuries. And that is the direction the servants of the Dark Tyrants come from"

"I can try to dig up something more, but I'm sure there is nothing to be found. "

2012-10-24, 12:34 PM
Warren is waiting at the gates of the town, sitting in a cart Attached to a donkey and filled with travel supplies. He had quite enjoyed himself spending other people's money, and now bided his time patiently, smoking a cigar, and reading a book with a beautifully illustrated cover.

Just letting everyone know i'm still here and following along, lol

2012-10-24, 01:52 PM
Moench"As a historian, I think I can say there in nothing to find. The Black Collector is just too good at his job. Even before the Dark Tyrants folk did not go any further north then the Dark Forest. And if they did they sure did not write it down or tell anyone else. And if they did it would be long gone by now from the Black Collector. We don't even know for sure that the Dark Fortress is to the north beyond the Dark Forest. That is just what has been said for centuries. And that is the direction the servants of the Dark Tyrants come from"

"I can try to dig up something more, but I'm sure there is nothing to be found. "
That will do. If my friend here has nothing else to ask of you, then we shall be on our way.

2012-10-24, 02:43 PM
Warren is waiting at the gates of the town, sitting in a cart Attached to a donkey and filled with travel supplies. He had quite enjoyed himself spending other people's money, and now bided his time patiently, smoking a cigar, and reading a book with a beautifully illustrated cover.

Just letting everyone know i'm still here and following along, lol

Harlin welcomes Warren when he arrives at the gate, and spends some time going through the cart, making sure supplies are stowed in proper fashion, making sure the donkey is harnessed correctly, and inspecting the cart for defects or dangerously worn parts.

Basically me-too, lol

2012-10-24, 03:48 PM
"Thank you, " Tuchon stands, "Unfortunately we cannot stay, our friends are waiting for us. I hope to see you when we return. Oh, before we go, are you able to make potions, scrolls and such? I don't doubt that we'll be seeking magical enhancements once we've scouted the area." After he replies we make our farewells and rush to join the others.

Gamer Girl
2012-10-24, 09:15 PM
Moench"I do have some skill mixing potions, but no such writings as a scroll. Farewell and good luck!"

2012-10-24, 10:57 PM
As we walk away, I say in low tones

It seems as if we are going in blinder than a bat. At least bats can use sound to find their way around up there. The good grace of Fharlanghn has gifted us with a new, untraveled road.

And we may not get much much extra magical support once we get out there, but I am skilled in some weaponcraft. If we stumble across empty villages or any kind of civilization out there that has access to a forge and anvil, we can still magically enhance our weapons and armor.

2012-10-25, 04:58 AM
"Good to know, " Tuchon says, "Magical arrows are relatively cheap to produce as I understand these things. I can produce scrolls of my own spells, really as a backup in case I run out or haven't prepared them that day. I can empower these scrolls so that they are more effective than normal though the costs in rare components for inks is much greater."

"Look, the others are already at the gate."

2012-10-25, 11:15 AM
"Good to know, " Tuchon says, "Magical arrows are relatively cheap to produce as I understand these things. I can produce scrolls of my own spells, really as a backup in case I run out or haven't prepared them that day. I can empower these scrolls so that they are more effective than normal though the costs in rare components for inks is much greater."

"Look, the others are already at the gate."

And they have the supplies! Wonderful, I can summon a mule out of my Survival Pouch and we can be on our way north. I dont know if you anyone knows how to lead a cart, but I walk most of the way anyway and can lead it on foot.

when we approach the the rest of the party, I shout HAIL to get their attention, and when we get closer, I continue: It looks like the historian didnt know much about the road ahead, but he did warn us of these Tyrant's poison, so we will have to be wary of that. And we were able to get some other supplies from him too. What were you able to get from the market?

Gamer Girl
2012-10-26, 11:16 PM
A young female dwarf walks over to within just a few feet of the gate. She looks around a bit, but seems to focus on Harlin, looking at him much more often.

2012-10-26, 11:21 PM

Harlin finishes checking over the cart by the time the others arrive. He leaves Warren to go over their supplies with the others, just arrived from their fact-finding mission, as he notices the young dwarf-lady looking at him.

He approaches her and in a gentle voice says, "Can I help you with something, young Miss?"

Gamer Girl
2012-10-27, 09:35 PM
"Yes, kind sir. Are you one of the heroes that will be heading north?" She says quietly, looking around at every word, and especially looking to the north when she says the word north.

She looks down at a small all metal hammer in her hand and slowly rubs her thumb across it.

2012-10-27, 09:51 PM

Touched by the girl beyond any obvious reason, Harlin takes a knee before her, "I'm going North, Miss, but I'm not hero, just a man doing something that needs done. And who might you be?"

Gamer Girl
2012-10-28, 10:48 PM
"I'm Frejaina Heavyforge. My...my father when north. Almost two weeks ago. And..and...he has not returned. I...I wish to find him. I..I tried to go alone several days ago...but, but I could not even enter the Dark Forest. But, may hap, I can come with you?" Says Frejaina as she mostly looks down at her boots.

2012-10-28, 11:18 PM

"I'm afraid I couldn't, in good conscience, take you into such danger, Mistress Frejaina. If you would provide me with his name and description, I swear to you under Heironious's Light with Moradin looking on from his forge as witness, I shall do everything under my power to find him and bring him back to you."

2012-10-28, 11:59 PM
Brillon takes notice that Harlin is talking to a young female dwarf. He walks over.

Who is your friend young companion?

2012-10-29, 12:12 AM

"Well met, Master Brillon! This is Mistress Frejaina Heavyforge. She was just asking to accompany us north to seek after her over-due father. Mistress Heavyforge, this is Master Brillon Longstride, Priest of the Road. His presence should be a great reassurance that we shall find your father and return him home."

Gamer Girl
2012-10-29, 12:15 AM
Frejaina Heavyforge"I'm not a youngling and can take care of myself! My hearth roars well. I'm a Merciful Maiden of Lady Sharindlar. I'm not unknow to the hardships of travel on the road, nor the violence of the road. I need no male, nor man elf, to take care of me." Frejaina says as she slips the tiny hammer back into a pocket and touches the amulet around her neck of a steel needle in flames.

"I, just wish to find my father........" she says finally taking a breath.

2012-10-29, 12:20 AM

Harlin looks from the dwarf to the cleric, in careful consideration. "Master Brillon is much wiser than I. What say you priest?"

2012-10-29, 02:25 AM
Tuchon listens to the pleas of the young dwarf maid with some sympathy, "What can she do, Harlin?" he asks, "There's always room for another warrior but if her skills don't match our own then she's likely going to be a liability. If we find her father I don't want to be the one to explain that we got his daughter killed." Perhaps speaking bluntly would be a greater kindness in the long run.

2012-10-29, 10:35 AM
I dont know if I can edit a post after it has seen a roll, so I will just post again after this. I personally know who Sharindlar is, so if I roll well enough I will just use some familiarity of the god in my post knowledge:Rel [roll0]

2012-10-29, 10:43 AM
The road ahead becomes clearer after a moment's thought.

Ah, a Merciful Maiden of a merciful God would be practiced in the healing arts. But we will need to know how well you can use that little hammer, for the road ahead may be wrought with peril.

Still, there should be no harm in allowing her to come with at least as far as is safe. Miss Heavyforge, can you tell us any of your training, to put our minds at ease that we are not leading you to your grave?

Gamer Girl
2012-10-29, 07:53 PM
Your knowledge of religion lets you know the common things about the dwarven goddess.

Gamer Girl
2012-10-29, 07:57 PM
Frejaina Heavyforge"I am not a hammer swinging dragon slayer. My hammer is used in gem cutting. My weapons are my mind and my faith. My skills don't rest in battle, but more the arts of healing, mercy and helping. "

2012-10-29, 08:06 PM
Brillon turns to his allies and says We may have as much need of her as she does of us. Extra healing power can always be useful. If she stays out of the way, like in or under the cart, and doesnt attract much attention, she will certainly be safer than us. What say you guys?

2012-10-29, 10:51 PM

Harlin rises to his full height, and looks the girl in the eye. "Thank the light for clergymen. They always have a way of simply solving the most complex problems. Your part in the bargin, Mistress Heavyforge, is to stay out of harm's way as best you can. Failing that, stick close, and my life shall shield your own."

2012-10-29, 11:32 PM
Why might you have a hammer for gem cutting?

2012-10-30, 02:28 AM
"Could we stop her from following us?" Tuchon recognises the headstrong qualities of this young priest, "Her life is her own to spend as she wishes. We have no right to stop her," he turns to face the dwarf, "Though if you put us in danger we will send you away for our own protection."

"She will need a weapon, a light crossbow I think. I can armour her with mage armour as I do myself. I hope that this is not a mistake."

Gamer Girl
2012-10-30, 09:51 AM
Frejaina Heavyforge looks over at Brillon "A hammer is used with a chisel for cutting or splitting large chunks of gemstone.''

"I need no manufactured weapon. As I said, I have my mind and my faith for weapons. And I can also shield myself with my faith for protection. I don't wish to be unkind, but I don't much like magery or their armors. So I won't need none of that."

2012-10-30, 10:08 AM

Well, sounds as if she's accepted the risks, and is willing to pitch in. There's room in the cart, and plenty of food, so long as she does her share. I say that we set off before the sun has a chance to rise any higher.

2012-10-30, 11:22 AM
"As you wish Mistress Heavyforge, " Tuchon bows before walking to the gate and whistles for Uohcut, his familiar, to return. "Did you see anything interesting old friend?" he says when the raven eventually lands on his arm. The raven hops up to his shoulder to whisper in his ear, a maneuver repeated many times over the years by the pair.

2012-10-30, 01:45 PM
If we do not have a mule with our cart, I will supply one with my Survival bag, and I start by leading the cart on foot. A proper cleric of the road walks when he can I would say

2012-10-30, 05:28 PM

"It seems we are ready to depart. If you're coming along, this is the deciding moment Mistress Heavyforge." He offers a hand to assist her up into the cart, and walks to the right side of the cart down the road.

Gamer Girl
2012-10-30, 10:58 PM
Frejaina Heavyforge accepts Harlin's help up into the cart and she sits herself down on the seat. "I'm ready"

2012-10-31, 10:59 AM
Warren snaps the reins once everyone is situated or ready to walk and starts down the trail. He keep his eyes carefully on the roads and to the sides to find any possible threats that would come at them.


Gamer Girl
2012-10-31, 01:05 PM
There are only a couple small farms as you leave town on the dirt road and with in a couple minutes you all enter the wilderness. For the first couple dozen feet, it's not exactly pure wilderness as you can see plenty of sings of activity. You see the stumps of cut down trees, holes dug in the ground and plenty of boot, hoof and wheel marks in the dirt.

After about a half hour you do enter the more true wilderness and see no signs of activity. The land is rough and over grown and shows no sings of tracks, other then the tracks on the dirt road. Slowly the low hilly land that is mostly high grass and plants, starts to fill up with small patches of trees. Plenty of birds, mostly black crows, fill the sky and tree branches.

After about an hour the dirt road winds on ahead into a wide, dark forest.

2012-10-31, 01:54 PM
At this point, I think it might be best for Harlin, Warren and I to walk outside the cart, in case we need to mount a defense at a moment's notice.

Gamer Girl
2012-11-03, 09:15 PM
The Dark Forest looms ahead of you all. The dirt road winds into the forest, quickly turning to the side and continuing to swerve through the woods. The forest is full of thick, black barked trees. The trees grow quite closely together, patriotically at the tops where all the tree branches weave together. This forms a thick canopy over the top of the forest blocking nearly all the sunlight inside the forest. The forest is quite dark and shadowy as a result of the thick tree cover.

Except for the single dirt road, the forest is full of very thick undergrowth. Various types of fern-like plants grow thickly between all the trees, plus you can easily see large amounts of thick thorns growing everywhere except the road. Dark green and brown vines cover most of the tree trunks and branches, further making the foliage dense.

A great many of the tree branches are covered in thick white spider webs....

2012-11-04, 12:04 AM

Harlin's gut tells him something is fundamentally wrong with his surroundings. "Caution, friends, it seems this place has earned its name well. I don't like the looks of it one bit."

He glances nervously from bush to shadow to branch, seeing and hearing menace at every turn, but always just a fraction outside of his senses' range.

2012-11-04, 04:07 PM
Warren draws his rapier and looks carefully around him as they walk, with his torch in his other hand.


2012-11-04, 04:40 PM
spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]
know(nature): [roll2]

I do not like the looks of those webs one bit

Brillon takes one potion of invisibility out of his haversack and gives it to the young dwarf, and tells her what it is. If trouble gets to be too much, she needs to drink the potion and run back to the village as fast as she can

2012-11-05, 01:56 AM
"I'm going to cast a defensive spell," Tuchon announces before casting Mage Armour on himself. With a six hour duration that should last the rest of the day. Once complete he reaches into his haversack and thinks of his wand of magic missiles. Moments later it appears ready to use.

2012-11-05, 10:27 AM
I think I will do the same, you never know what could be going on behind those webs.

In fact, I should also cast detect magic in case that picks something up.

I cast Magic Vestment and Detect Magic, so my AC is now 18.

Gamer Girl
2012-11-05, 11:57 PM
The Dark Forest

Gamer Girl
2012-11-06, 12:02 AM

You don't see anything much more then the trees, plants and thorns.

There is a slight 'tick tick' like noise, just slightly heard above the gentile 'woosh' of the tree branches.


You don't see anything much more then the trees, plants and thorns.

There is a slight 'tick tick' like noise, just slightly heard above the gentile 'woosh' of the tree branches.

The webs sure look like normal enough spider webs, but considering the amount at least some must be webworms(larva moths). The two coexist in webs together as the spiders don't see them as food until they are moths. And lots of bugs, like flies eat the webworms and in turn often get caught in the spider webs.

Some of the webs look quite big for normal sized vermin though, so chances are there are some quite large ones in the woods.

The Dark Forest does not glow with any magical effect that you can see.

2012-11-06, 01:24 PM
Everyone be wary, I dont like the looks of the size of those webs. I am going to keep concentrating on my Detect Magic spell for a while and see if it picks up anything

2012-11-06, 02:48 PM

Harlin fingers the hilt of his sword, then dismisses the idea of drawing it. "Better to do a thing, than live with the fear of it. Let's be off, friends."

Gamer Girl
2012-11-07, 05:28 PM
The road into the Dark Forest quickly twists and turns through the tick woodlands. The winding road makes it impossible to see what is both behind and in front of you as the foliage is so thick on the sides of the road.

Only a couple dozen feet in, you come to the part of the road ahead that is covered with dull white bones. Several look like humanoid bones and you do see a couple skulls. The bones you see on the road are scattered and do not make a complete skeleton anywhere.

As you approach this area, you all feel a odd tingle in the air.
Will Saves

You now detect moderate necromancy magic filling the area.

2012-11-07, 05:35 PM

The hairs on Harlin's neck stand straight up as he's accosted by an unseen force. He can be heard mumbling quietly, "Walk in the light, blessed of light, banish the evil back to the night... repeatedly under his breath as a mantra against the fear rising in his belly.

[roll0] (+2 if [Enchantment], if sleep, he's immune)

2012-11-07, 05:39 PM
Will save

Warren was getting jumpy at the sight of the bones, and the presence of magic only reinforced this. Shaking himself, he draws his sword and prepares to be attacked.


2012-11-07, 06:45 PM
Tuchon prepares for an imminent attack.

Will save [roll0]

2012-11-07, 10:08 PM
Friends, I feel the dark fingers of necromatic magic, be on guard for an attack. A new road brings us new evils to face.

Checks and stuff: will save:
spot: [roll] 1d20-1
listen: [roll1]
I cast Bulls Strength if nothing debilitates me from doing so, which is active for the next 6 minutes

2012-11-07, 10:10 PM
my spot check messed up, mulligan: [roll0]

Gamer Girl
2012-11-08, 09:48 PM
You each feel some type of dark, cold magic effect pass through your bodies, for just a second....before it fades away into nothingness.

WarrenYou don't see anything but trees, webs and the Dark Forest.

BrillonYou don't see or hear anything other then the Dark Forest.

2012-11-09, 03:01 PM
Have I been focusing on this aura long enough to detect its location of origin? If not, Brillon focuses for a moment longer to try and find the source of whatever happened.

Gamer Girl
2012-11-11, 06:49 AM
BrillonThe medium strength necromantic magic effect does not have a source and seems to come from the whole of the Dark Forest.

Gamer Girl
2012-11-11, 06:57 AM
Several minutes and several sharp bends in the the Dark Forest (Putting the group a good 500 feet into the forest) a sharp clicking sound comes from above. And several skeletal shapes slowly drop from the webbing overhead.

Each looks vaguely like a spider, but is made from humanoid bones. Rib bones, spines, arm bones, leg bones and such all are stuck together to make spider-like shapes, with a single humanoid skull for a head. Each skeletal spider is quite large, about the size of a horse.

They descend slowly on web lines, five about 20 feet in front of the group, five directly over head, and five about 20 feet behind the group.

They are descending quite slowly as they click their bones together...

Everyone gets an action, if you wish to take one before initiative.

2012-11-11, 09:45 AM
"Undead or constructs?" Tuchon summons energy to blast the creatures, weaves it to split and then unleashes it against two of them.

Initiative [roll0]
Scorching Ray (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/scorchingRay.htm) ranged touch attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2] Split Ray
Scorching Ray (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/scorchingRay.htm) ranged touch attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4] Split Ray

What do we know about these monsters?
Knowledge Arcana [roll5] in case they are constructs rather than undead

2012-11-11, 11:06 AM
Either way, they lack vulnerable areas for me to exploit. Warren swears under his breath, trying to find some way to be useful with a small pointy stick in his hands.

attack if one comes in range
i'm assuming sneak attack doesn't work against these things.

also the crit probably doesn't apply. boourns!

2012-11-11, 06:12 PM

The half-elf slides his blade out of its scabard slowly and deliberately. "Stand close, stand ready, do not hesitate to send these tortured souls to their rest."

Move action to draw his courtblade, Harlin is in Iron Guard's Glare stance (-4 atk penalty for any threatened foe who attacks anyone other than Harlin)
Granteds from the top down, skipping anything already granted:

2012-11-11, 07:02 PM
Warren, can you see anything that could work as a staff or a club?

Knowledge: Rel To see if they are undead and not constructs

If I determine that they are: Turn Undead!
Turn check: [roll1]
Turn result: [roll2]
If I determine they are not undead: With a staff at hand already, activate my protection devotion ability to grant every ally within 30 feet gains a +3 sacred bonus to AC

Initiative: [roll3]

2012-11-25, 02:14 PM
Also, if Brillon has the time, he slips Warren an invisibility potion so he can try to find an appropriate improvised weapon.

2012-12-02, 04:34 PM
Battle Time!

2012-12-11, 11:23 AM
Warren draws his sword with intent to provide flanking to his companions while looking around for some sort of club.


2012-12-11, 12:15 PM
can you tell me what happened concerning my actions in my previous posts?