View Full Version : Mega City Judges and Old Order Jedi. How they get along?

2012-10-09, 03:47 PM
What gets to me about prequel and Clone War Jedi. Before the prequels the Jedi seemed to be a romanticized hybrid of the samurai and Western Musketeers with the religious qualities the Knights Hospitaliers or Templars, but with a much more human and pantheistic bent. Equally warrior, priest and kindly sorcerer the Jedi protected the weak from the evil strong and established peace and freedom in the galaxy. Love, including familial and romantic love, wasn't forbidden to them in my eyes, just not pursued as often as non-Jedi do. Mostly because they seek to dedicate themselve to the Force and good of all and some Jedi feel they lack the ability to handle both love and duty.

But prequel Jedi aren't like this. They're much more authoritarian and hide bound. Almost every form of love is forbidden to them with only vague benevolence being accepted. In effect prequel Jedi seem more like quasi-Buhddist Judges (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judge_(2000_AD)) with mystical powers than anything I once imagined them to be. Many of their rescue or protection missions are aimed towards the elite and their children. Not that there's anything wrong with protecting those people, but where are stories of Clone War era Jedi rescuing common people when it isn't tied to millitary action. Even the Judges are better on that part! I guess I was just spoiled by the original trilogy. Though the idea of a Judge Dredd (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judge_Dredd) like Jedi is pretty cool.

So with all this said how would a meeting between prequel ear Jedi and Mega City Judges go? If they form an alliance how long would it last?

2012-10-09, 04:05 PM
So with all this said how would a meeting between prequel ear Jedi and Mega City Judges go? If they form an alliance how long would it last?

Judges are intensely prickly, and anyone not converse in regs of the MegaCities is going to be spending some time in an IsoCube. The Jedis initially violate one of the more byzantine rules, then refuse to accept the authority of the Judge, then it escalates into full blown large scale conflict.

Brother Oni
2012-10-09, 05:14 PM
Judges are intensely prickly, and anyone not converse in regs of the MegaCities is going to be spending some time in an IsoCube. The Jedis initially violate one of the more byzantine rules, then refuse to accept the authority of the Judge, then it escalates into full blown large scale conflict.

Agreed. Just because they both support law and order, it doesn't mean they support the same kind of law and order.

2012-10-09, 05:28 PM
Which is why I don't consider the current view of the prequal era jedi canon in my eyes.

Hell it's why I find levels of Canon stupid to begin with.

2012-10-19, 03:02 AM
Agreed. Just because they both support law and order, it doesn't mean they support the same kind of law and order.

Yeah, that kind of stupid can be expected from competeing order mongering zealots.

Which is why I don't consider the current view of the prequal era jedi canon in my eyes.

Hell it's why I find levels of Canon stupid to begin with.

Actually it's worse. While both the Jedi and Mega City Judges denounce love and personal attachment among their members, the Judges allow for and even encourage mourning fallen comrades and those close enough to count as friends. Now does anyone remember what RotS Yoda said about mourning and missing lost loved ones? Oh this line. “Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.”