View Full Version : Sniping Rules

2012-10-10, 01:21 AM
Greetings! I'm running a campaign where I have a 9th level ranger who isn't doing so well with his archer based combat style. Someone at the table pointed out a rule regarding sniping. Basically it states that a ranged character may use a full round action to aim at his target. Every round he stays in the same place, as a full round action, the character gains a +2 to his attack roll, cumulative depending on how many rounds he stays in place.

I like the idea. I think it would benefit any ranged attacker, however, I was unable to locate the source of such ruling. If anyone has heard about it, please link me to a source, or direct me to a book so I may read up on it. Thank you very much.

2012-10-10, 01:33 AM
I don't recall that rule, however he can try to remain hidden while sniping. You take a -20 to your hide, but if you do it from a distance it can be wholly negated (-1 for every 10 feet means at 200 feet they take a -20.)

With far shot and a composite longbow that means you can shoot from 330 feet and only take a -2 to your attack roll, but they take a -33 to their spot check.

There's also a spell (sniper's shot) that allows you to sneak attack regardless of the distance between you and your target as well as the able sniper feat from races of the wild that gives you +2 on ranged attack rolls against flatfooted opponents with a +4 on your hide check after you shoot.

2012-10-10, 11:55 AM
As far as I'm aware of no such rule like that exists. The only rule for sniping is what has already been said.

You can fire off a shot and attempt to hide again with a -20 on the hide check.

But as other people have stated, if your at a decent distance then the -20 really doesn't matter much. If you do plan on going this route I suggest somehow acquiring the Arrowsplit spell. At least that way you will at the very least be firing more than one arrow per round.

2012-10-10, 01:12 PM
Interestingly the best sniper is spellcaster 1/then into warrior

You can look at them here. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/genericClasses.htm)

2012-10-10, 05:20 PM
Thank you all for your quick responses! I looked into such rule, but could not find it either. The player who suggested this said it was in the Rules Compendium, but sadly, I was unable to locate it. maybe he used it as a house rule elsewhere.

2012-10-10, 05:29 PM
The sniping rule is in the PHB under the hide skill's description. There's a couple feats in RotW that expand the sniping option.

2012-10-11, 02:31 AM
The aiming thing comes from the Star Wars Saga Edition, where you could take a full round to aim and it would give you a bonus on your shot. Of course, since most Star Wars combat is blaster-related, it was a very, very useful rule. But there isn't anything similar in D&D apart from what's been said.

I hear Artificers make pretty nifty archers, since they can infuse both bow and ammunition, and I believe the effects stack. :)

2012-10-11, 03:37 AM
See if your dm will allow a few pathfinder archery feats, it does a good job at buffing it and may help as well.

2012-10-11, 04:12 AM
There are two basic modes of archery:

The single shot where you add precision damage (sneak,skirmish,OBI,etc.).

The machine gun, where you aim to fire as many arrows per round as possible.
This is by far and away better than sniping. You need Rapid Shot (and possibly Imp. Rapid Shot) and some means of increasing damage output. Getting someone to haste you is also useful. You should be getting 3 arrows per round at 9th, 4 if hasted and you will be getting another at 11th.

For increasing damage you should have strength bow, if possible. Favoured Enemy is unreliable, but having energy effects on your bow is good. A +1,flaming,shocking bow is better than a +3 for instance. Improved Critical can help. Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialisation adds +2 damage, though there are better feats.

2012-10-11, 02:06 PM
You can get a +5 against inanimate objects if you take a full round action to line up the shot. You might convince the DM to allow it on sleeping targets.

Rule here: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/exploration.htm#armorClass

Based on the similar coup de grace rules I believe the attack is part of that same full round action.