View Full Version : stupid vampire question.

2012-10-10, 09:22 AM
as stated in the title, this one might come off as kind of stupid. in fact, it's probably so stupid that i'm going to pre-exclude it from my work. but just in case there's something to it, here goes...

the party has a vampire on the defensive. he turns into mist and makes his retreat. on the way out, one of the party swipes an empty flask through the mist and stoppers it immediately.

when the vampire feels it's reached a place of sanctuary, it returns to its corporal form. what happens to the mist in the glass? does it turn into a gloopy mess of flesh and blood? does it remain a mist? is this just too stupid to think about?

2012-10-10, 09:42 AM
There are no rules supporting capturing a vampire in gaseous form. Taking into account that Gaseous Form grants you DR 10/Magic I would say that the normal flask would have passed right through the mist and not actually captured anything.

2012-10-10, 09:44 AM
Yea unless they had a container big enough to capture all the mist at once, which would also have to be air tight, I wouldn't let something like that work.

2012-10-10, 11:14 AM

I see you are an author. THAT'S why you're thinking about these little things.

The rules do not support the vial having collected anything meaningful from the mist.


Because vampires are incarnations of the dark side of sexuality, their apparent suaveness is a guise for the fact that they are disgusting bloodsuckers. Having your small bit of captured mist turn into an horrific and disgusting splat of undead gore is well in keeping with this truth.

So, in short, LOVE IT!!

2012-10-10, 12:09 PM
Go ahead and have it revert into a bloody mess if you want to. It won't be any meaningful detriment to the vampire. Plus, it could make things interesting if your players have some magic which requires a body part from the subject!

2012-10-10, 06:25 PM
thanks guys. yeah, i guess since it wouldn't really hurt the vampire at all, it could be a fun thing to play with. but then again, if a character weren't specifically planning to do that, it would be kind of awkward to set up. this one's probably going to get left on the cutting room floor.

2012-10-12, 06:26 AM
well, you could even make it just a couple drops of blood, seeing that the vampires gaseous form is significantly less dense than it's solid form