View Full Version : Fun Builds

2012-10-10, 10:21 PM
So I'm looking for various personal opinions on fun builds for my next 3.5 character.

Things to note:

Low-OP party. Incredibly Low-OP.
Any books are allowed. No Dragon Mag, and likely not factotum.
DM doesn't like cheesy things, like d2 Crusaders etc. However, funny things? Awesome things? Yeah, he'll allow that.

So, anything you guys want to throw my way?

2012-10-10, 10:25 PM
you left this pretty wide open, so i'll give you my zany idea that i had a while back.

i was thinking a halfling rogue sniper who got a reduce person spell permanently cast on him. he'd ride on the back of whatever kind of bird it took to support him, and sneak attack from above as he flew from branch to branch in the trees. i don't know how all the mechanics would work, but as far as awesome things go... well, i think it's pretty awesome.

looking forward to seeing what others suggest.

2012-10-10, 10:30 PM
you left this pretty wide open, so i'll give you my zany idea that i had a while back.

Yep. That was on purpose. I just wanted a little bit of everything, because I know that while I have fun ideas, other people have, inevitably, thought of even better ones.

So I wanted to pick the community's brain.

2012-10-10, 10:45 PM
If you can swing a Factotum, I recommend that. Without Iaijutsu optimization, you aren't even doing Rogue damage, and are probably relying on magic items to contribute to combat, so you're definitely not going to overshadow anyone. That said, you have so many options available (between your awesome skills, good spellcasting, minor heals) that you can pretty much always be useful. You are arguably the best skillmonkey in the game, so get your ranks' worth out of those skills.

Bards are fun, certainly not overpowered, and are extremely versatile (both thematically and mechanically. Requires a bit of book diving, so I recommend using a handbook). Skills, spells, Inspire Courage, musical shenanigans, much fun to be had. Play as a heavy metal vocalist, and see if you can get the other players to put ranks into Perform skills (or go All-Bard party Band. It's been done, and it works well, considering how versatile Bards are). Put your ranks in Perform (Comedy) and crack one-liners every round. Perform (Oratory), and deliver epic speeches all the time, if you're good at that, or be an awesome commander.

2012-10-10, 10:50 PM
Back before I knew our DM had banned Unearthed Arcana, I worked out a Dragonborn (Water Halfling) Scout with the Wings aspect, Dungeon Specialist ACF and Dark Creature Template. He also had Draconic Aura (Swiftness). Effectively he had a very good natural land speed, swim speed, climb speed and fly speed. He was a pretty stealthy little guy too.

A lot of the people I played with thought he was a bit underpowered, but I thought he was pretty cool and was disappointed when the DM disallowed him because of his race being from UA. Most of the other small races I found with natural swim speeds had the aquatic subtype and when they underwent the rite of initiation to become dragonborn they lost the ability to breathe air.

The Redwolf
2012-10-10, 10:53 PM
If you wanted to be particularly ineffective but fun for roleplaying (and could get out of multiclass XP penalties) you could go with 20 single-level dips for classes that don't make sense with each other and then roleplay yourself as a "Jack of All Trades". You'd need to try and make sure they didn't stack with each other though, because that would defeat the purpose.

2012-10-10, 10:56 PM
If you wanted to be particularly ineffective but fun for roleplaying (and could get out of multiclass XP penalties) you could go with 20 single-level dips for classes that don't make sense with each other and then roleplay yourself as a "Jack of All Trades". You'd need to try and make sure they didn't stack with each other though, because that would defeat the purpose.

Ahahah, I would do this, but the party is only 3 players as it is. Being THAT useless would not bode well for us surviving.

2012-10-10, 10:57 PM
Rilkan Rogue 3/Druid 3/Hexblade (Dark Companion Variant) 4/Fochlucan Lyrist 10
FEATS: PB Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Indigo Strike, Practiced Caster (Druid), Practiced Caster (Hexblade) Obtain Familiar, Improved Familiar (Winter Wolf), Unsettling Enchantment
FLAWS: Noncombatant, Vulnerable

The Redwolf
2012-10-10, 10:58 PM
Ahahah, I would do this, but the party is only 3 players as it is. Being THAT useless would not bode well for us surviving.

Could you then try and make as many of the dips as possible have synergy with each other so you could actually get some usefulness out of it? :smallconfused: I'm sure it'd be tough, but it might be manageable, especially considering how much people on here know.

2012-10-10, 11:07 PM
Rilkan Rogue 3/Druid 3/Hexblade (Dark Companion Variant) 4/Fochlucan Lyrist 10
FEATS: PB Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Indigo Strike, Practiced Caster (Druid), Practiced Caster (Hexblade) Obtain Familiar, Improved Familiar (Winter Wolf), Unsettling Enchantment
FLAWS: Noncombatant, Vulnerable

I see the build... not sure what it does that's fun though. Elaborate?

Could you then try and make as many of the dips as possible have synergy with each other so you could actually get some usefulness out of it? :smallconfused: I'm sure it'd be tough, but it might be manageable, especially considering how much people on here know.

This might be doable and fun. Hmm... in what direction would synergy be a goal? Also: MAD. So MAD. Unless there is some VERY clever building.

And lastly: Does the name 'El Senor Vorpal Kickasso' ring a bell?

2012-10-10, 11:12 PM
KNIGHT. Knight. knight. yeeuh. Knight WARLOCK... Knight HEXBLADE... Knight HELLREAVER... Knight SAMURAAAIII... Knight SWASHBUCKLER... Knight SCOUT... Knight BARD.
So many options. So much... honooouurrrrr.

The Redwolf
2012-10-10, 11:12 PM
This might be doable and fun. Hmm... in what direction would synergy be a goal? Also: MAD. So MAD. Unless there is some VERY clever building.

And lastly: Does the name 'El Senor Vorpal Kickasso' ring a bell?

It could be very MAD, yes, but I bet you could get it down to 3 abilities if you built carefully, for example if you went with stuff like psion, wizard, factotum, carmendine monk, stuff like that you could probably build based off of intelligence; bard, sorcerer, paladin, favored soul, rogue to an extent could key off of charisma, and this is without going into any special stuff, I guarantee the Playground could come up with a good (for this purpose) build for you.

2012-10-10, 11:17 PM
KNIGHT. Knight. knight. yeeuh. Knight WARLOCK... Knight HEXBLADE... Knight HELLREAVER... Knight SAMURAAAIII... Knight SWASHBUCKLER... Knight SCOUT... Knight BARD.
So many options. So much... honooouurrrrr.

Knight? Huh, I've never heard of this. Just did a quick Google on that and I'm reading a handbook on it.

Edit: Apparently there's a viable Pacifist tank build for Knight? What?

2012-10-10, 11:27 PM
Knight? Huh, I've never heard of this. Just did a quick Google on that and I'm reading a handbook on it.

Edit: Apparently there's a viable Pacifist tank build for Knight? What?

Yea I guess you use some feats from BoED and just dare people to smack you in the face... and take it. Probably with some tricks to reducing the damage considerably.

2012-10-10, 11:37 PM
Hm. I'm sort of tempted to see if I could do an effective Knight/ToB build.

2012-10-10, 11:40 PM
Is Dragon Compendium allowed? Because tibbit assassins are loads of fun.

2012-10-10, 11:49 PM
Hm. I'm sort of tempted to see if I could do an effective Knight/ToB build.

Crusader/Knight is a great combo. Knight 5/Crusader 5/Hellreaver 10 can give you some great Tanky-support combos.

2012-10-11, 12:04 AM
Crusader/Knight is a great combo. Knight 5/Crusader 5/Hellreaver 10 can give you some great Tanky-support combos.

Crusader20 is a fine way to go. Tanky-ness, heals (and thus sustainability. Keep swinging all day long), good damage when you can't Full Attack. What's not to like?

For ultimate tanky, take Stone Power and combo it with your delayed damage pool. Then run around with your healing/defensive maneuvers (and adamantine fullplate, of course, for DR 3/-) on top.

2012-10-11, 12:12 AM
There's not much point in using Knight unless you want an MMO-style of tanking. For realistic tanking I'd prefer to go Dragonborn (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20060105b) or use some other means of gaining a breath attack and get the feat Entangling Exhalation from Races of the Dragon. That will deal damage every round and slow down opponents, so they'll view your character as an immediate threat and the rest of your party can easily avoid their attacks. You can throw that onto any class that can sustain/avoid damage to make a viable tank.

Crusader 5/ Binder 1/ Hellreaver 5/ Crusader 9 is extremely tanky and extremely good at keeping the party healed, and it still gets 9th level maneuvers by 20th. This build (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=257585#25) is also extremely fun, though it may begin to trivialize encounters with all the debuffs.

2012-10-11, 12:15 AM
Crusader20 is a fine way to go. Tanky-ness, heals (and thus sustainability. Keep swinging all day long), good damage when you can't Full Attack. What's not to like?

For ultimate tanky, take Stone Power and combo it with your delayed damage pool. Then run around with your healing/defensive maneuvers (and adamantine fullplate, of course, for DR 3/-) on top.

Hush you. But yea the idea here is the fact that Knights have the best actual aggro ability in the game. And Hellreaver has some decent damage, buffing, and healing. As well as a cool capstone.

Edit: AAAAND Mettle! *drool*

2012-10-11, 12:29 AM
Play capitain america as a warblade/bloodstorm blade! Wield only a shield with both hands and go kill stuff!

2012-10-11, 12:51 AM
I have this character build ready to use in an Against the Giants campaign:

Carl the Giant Climber - Whisper Gnome Rogue3/Swashbuckler7/Fighter 4.
Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus Light Mace, Hammer and Piton (dungeonscape), Daring Outlaw (Complete Adventurer), Underfoot Combat (races of the wild), confount the big folk (races of the wild), Daring Warrior (complete adventurer), Combat Expertise, Quickdraw, Two Weapon Rend.

What does it do?
Round one: enter square of creature 2 sizes bigger then you (normally large but reduce person makes you do this on medium creatures aswell). Thanks to Underfoot combat your enemy does not get an AoO and you gain cover.
Melee touch to drive a piton in your enemy 1d4 damage.
Round Two: Start climbing the creature (move to him if he moved) DC=AC.
Hit him with one of you maces including sneak attack (dex to AC is denied while your on him. Put atleast 1 point in combat expertise so other enemies have a 50% chance to hit the creature you climbed on instead.
Quick Draw your second light mace.
Round Three: Go nuts with all your attack on his head.

Its not optimal (a greater invisibility makes you sneak attack without the climbing) but I think this combat style is cool and out-of-the-box. This isnt the exact build but I thought it would be fun to share anyway.
My idea was to keep the giants of my party by climbing one and lure the other giants to hit me with 50% they hit my new "Mount".

2012-10-11, 12:55 AM
Could always play a wis SAD crotchety old guy. Usual paladin2/swordsage2/stone blessed (dwarf)3 are about the only real things for fun do a shiba protector 1 dip for gigles. This is feat intensive for little pay out. You need educated, serenity, alertness, iron will, combat reflexes, and ancestrial knowledge...along side knowledge devotion. You then run the fun of wis to saves, to hit, damage, AC, and knowledge checks.

I have done this with a lesser assimar and human heritage...it is best to fill the rest of the levels with cloistered cleric and run the usual party buff guy. You won't have high level spells, but you don't need high level spells to bust out mass resurgence, close wounds, energy resists ect.

Be old and yell at the others that they are all getiing beat up because they are impetuous youths and don't know the importance of patience and experience...while slipping in and out of senilic style rants about "back in your day..."

Wise Green Bean
2012-10-11, 02:05 AM
Hm...If you did a melee focused tripper...I bet you could manage to do a very low op but useful character using a level of all base classes. For bonus points, in alphabetical order. It wouldn't be too MAD because you only need a little bit in each place to make it work. 15 STR, 16 CON, 13 DEX, 14 INT, 12 WIS, 11 CHA is a 32 point buy. Able learner feat so you can focus on a few skills at all times all times, and you could make a reasonably successful tripper. Start off with a few melee classes to get the basic build in place, then grab some casters. Get yourself like a million wands, wands for first level spells are really damn cheap. A good few 2nd and 3rd level spells down the road.

Maybe something like this.

1 barbarian(combat expertise and able learner)
2 fighter(improved trip)
3 cleric(knockdown)
4 wizard
5 druid
6 bard(exotic weapon proficiency: spiked chain)
And so on, taking your pick of sourcebooks for more. At this point, your HP isn't too shabby and you can cast almost any spell off a wand. Get combat reflexes at level 9 and you are now a pretty darn good chain tripper. You probably won't memorize for most of your casting classes, as that would take a really long time(most take an hour and you'll have like 10...), but each only gives you a few spells, so it doesn't matter much anyway. So may situations can be solved or greatly helped with spells from level 1 to 3, and you can cast basically any of them. Good selection of the spells as you pick up lots and lots of wands. As I recall, you can use wands in armor without ASF chance. At least through mid levels, I think this build could remain relatively competitive in a low OP game. As long as you keep a butt load of wands around.

2012-10-11, 02:38 AM
What I'm doing at the moment: Divine Metamagic (Reach Spell), Extra Turning, Domains (Healing, Restoration). Cure spells at range! Rise from the dead once/day! Multiclass as Warlock and be an ranged specialist, then go Eldritch Disciple.

Haven't found the best way: Be really, really tough. Max Con. Possibly

NPC turned PC: Choker. Used 2 of these guys to try to pickpocket the PCs. Ranged touch attacks - yes! Plus that extra move action per turn cheese. And grapple, ho! Oh, and who doesn't want to be a tendonous aberration with an asphyxiation fetish.

<not mine>
Infantry mage (ECL3): Human Wizard (Conjurer) 1; Feats - Focused Specialist Wiz ACF [CM], Immediate Magic Wiz ACF [PHBII; lose familiar], Precocious Apprentice [char 1], Fiery Burst [Reserve] feat [CM], Winter’s Blast [Reserve] feat [CM], Acidic Splatter [Reserve] feat [CM]; Lost that 2nd lvl for 2 more uses of their high int; for bonus spell memorize ice knife (conjuration), melf’s acid arrow (conjuration), and with the Int bonus scorching ray; Now you have a shotgun (15’ cone) from the icy reserved, a grenade launcher from the fiery burst, and a hunting rifle (ranged touch) from the acid reserved; Plus you can teleport 10ft. as a swift action your Int bonus times per day.

<also not mine>
The Little dragon: kobold; Sorcerer; Totemist [MoI] with soulmelds – Wormtail Belt [MoI], Dragon Claws [Dragon Magic], Dragon Mantle [DM], Dragonwrought [RotD/DM], Dragon Wings [RotD/DM]; Dragonfire Adept CC [DM; uses invocations; breath weapon at will]; Entangling Exhalation feat [Races of the Dragon], Ability Focus (Breath); breath feats such as Slowing Breath; Firestride Exhalation [DM;]; Dragon Tail [RotD/DM]; Imp Dragon Wings [RotD]; Reinforced Wings [RotD]; Heavyweight Wings [RotD].

<again, someone more brilliant than myself>
Fearsome Warlock, or The Emporer/Dark Lord of the Sith (ECL 1+)
Magic Blooded Feytouched Warlock 1; Cha 22, Dex 14; Flaws - Pathetic Str, Noncombatant; Feats - Dreadful Wrath, Ability Focus (Dreadful Wrath), Ability Focus (Frightful Blast); Least Evocation - Frightful Blast; Shoot a Frightful Blast forcing opponent to make two Will saves - 1) DC 20 frightful blast, 2) DC 18 dreadful wrath.
Advancement - Imperious Command feat [DotU]; fearsome armor property [DotU]; Daunting Presence feat [Libris Mortis]; Frightful Presence feat.

<others, again, brilliant>
Kobold Krossbower ECL 1
Race: Kobold (use variant http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a)
Class: Rog
Attributes: Max Dex (for TWF prereqs, ranged att bonus, and rogishness)
Flaws: Take 2 (that don’t hurt archery builds)
Feats: Dragon Tail [RotD 98], Prehensile Tail [SKing 147], Multiweapon Fighting (or Multibow Fighting).
Items: 2 x hand crossbow, lots of crossbow bolts
Result: Dual-wield hand crossbows and reload them with your tail.
MoI Alt: Be any race, take Shape Soulmeld [MoI] and Dragon Tail soulmeld [DMagic] and Prehensile Tail, but be aware that it is a dispellable/surpressable with dispel and antimagic.
Alt: Be a Ftr and use a buckler on your tail. Take Imp Buckler Defense [CompWar 100] and be able to fire a 3rd crossbow from your tail, while still gaining the buckler’s shield bonus to AC. NOTE – this is extreme cheese, as it’s hard to imagine a tail stabilizing and firing a crossbow.
Advancement: Advance as a pistoleer/archer.
Advancement: Become a cleric of Mouqol, which gives Fav Weapon in crossbow, which means your spiritual weapon is, too. Take Divine Metamagic (Quicken) and quickly bring to bare multiple spiritual crossbows in addition to your material ones.

Hope these help,

2012-10-11, 04:26 AM
Half-Fey (Gnome or Halfling) Warlock with Eldritch Glaive.
Half-Fey fluff allows green skin and pointy ears, the other race just gives you size. The Half-Fey SLA's give you the mind control stuff.

2012-10-11, 05:10 AM
Monk/Psychic Warrior or should I call it DBZ monk. Here's an example of a 32 point buy build.

14 STR, 14 DEX, 14 CON, 12 INT, 16 WIS, 8 CHA
lvl 1 Monk1
Feats: (Monk)Improved Unarmed Strike, (Monk) Stunning Fist, Dodge
Skills: Ballance +4, Concentration +4, Jump +4, Swim +4, Tumble +4
Other: AC bonus, Flurry of blows,
HP: 9

lvl 2 Monk2
Feats: (Mon)Monastic Training(psychic warrior)
Skills: Ballance +5, Concentration +5, Jump +5, Swim +5, Tumble +5
Other: Evasion
HP: 14

lvl 3 Monk3
Feats: Mobility
Skills: Ballance +6, Concentration +6, Escape Artist +1, Jump +6, Swim +5, Tumble +6
Other: Still Mind, Fast Movement +10ft
HP: 19

lvl 4 Psychic Warrior1
Feats: Practiced Manifester(psychic warrior)
Skills: Autohypnosis +2, Ballance +6, Concentration +7, Escape Artist +1, Jump +6, Swim +5, Tumble +6
Powers: Expansion
PP: 1

lvl 5 Psychic Warrior2
14 STR, 14 DEX, 14 CON, 13 INT, 16 WIS, 8 CHA
Feats: Tashalatora
Skills: Autohypnosis +5, Ballance +6, Concentration +7, Escape Artist +1, Jump +6, Swim +5, Tumble +6
Powers: Inertial Armor
HP: 28
PP: 4

lvl 6 Psychic Warrior3
Feats: Spring attack
Skills: Autohypnosis +6, Ballance +6, Concentration +9, Escape Artist +1, Jump +6, Swim +5, Tumble +6
Powers: Metaphysical weapon
HP: 33
PP: 7

lvl 7 Elocater1
Feats:(Elocater)Sidestep Charge
Skills: Autohypnosis +7, Ballance +7, Concentration +10, Escape Artist +3, Jump +6, Swim +5, Tumble +7
Powers: Hustle
Others: Scorn earth
HP: 37
PP: 11

Then finish with Psychic Warrior and Charger feats. Best of all "Form of Doom" reflavor as needed and you have a SUPER SAIYAN
Then if you find Egoist to fuse with and go early DBZ style.

Monastic Training
You are part of an order that combines the monastic discipline of the monk class with another form of training.

Benefit: Pick one class. Taking levels in this class does not prevent you from taking monk levels. If you take levels in any other class, you lose your
ability to progress as a monk as usual. If the selected class also has estricted advancement, such as the paladin class, taking monk levels does not prevent you from advancing in that class.

Special: A monk can take this feat as his bonus feat at 1st, 2nd, or 6th level.

You have successfully integrated martial arts with psionic power under the tutelage of Tashalatora masters.

Prerequisites: Autohypnosis 5 ranks, Concentra*tion 5 ranks, Monastic Training (psionic class), ability to manifest 1st-level powers.

Benefit: Your levels in the psionic class you selected for Monastic Training stack with your monk levels to determine your AC bonus, flurry of blows attacks, and unarmed damage from the monk class.

2012-10-11, 06:26 AM
For other anime-inspired ideas, here's a build based on Zabuza from naruto:

Ninja 3 Cleric X

Because there are cleric levels, this build should be adjusted to match the OP level of your party, but the very basic build takes Blind-Fight and makes frequent use of Fog Cloud (is that right? It's the level 1 spell). The water and travel domain should be taken as well, for flavor and to increase your ninja-y movement goodness. The sky is nearly the limit after that; in higher OP groups DMM is the way to go; sounds like you might want to avoid it though. Subbing in actual water-based casting would fit well (energy substitution could work here - change everything to cold damage and flavor it as icy water).

The ninja levels give sudden strike, ghost step, an AC bonus that synergies with cleric, and a strong skill list.

If you can get your hands on a whirling bloodfeeding (huge weapon) it would match up with Zabuza's weapon pretty well.

2012-10-11, 07:32 AM
Druid with the Aspect of Nature and Druidic Avenger ACFs, throwing in Warshaper if Aspect of Nature counts for it. Rage, use Vigor Aspect, and cast Bite of the <best available>. That's +32 Strength as early as Druid 11/Warshaper 2.

Refluff the Bite of the <whatever> natural attacks as stabbing with your spiky golden hair.

2012-10-11, 09:22 AM
Take a look at Korg the Magical (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=195049) :smallbiggrin:

2012-10-11, 09:45 AM
Take a look at Korg the Magical (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=195049) :smallbiggrin:
Fun indeed.

As far as fun goes... it depends on the DM. If your DM uses combat encounters almost exclusively, a Totemist or Warblade or blaster would be fun. If not you might want to be something with a few more tricks. Like Swordsage or... I might suggest a Shaper specializing in AC. A cool trick but can still do plenty of other things.

2012-10-11, 10:08 AM
My husband rolled up a character once he never played, and DM kept the sheet so I can't give exact feats, but I'll give you what I remember.

Halfling Stone-Thrower. With several feats to give things like rapid shot, quick-draw. So he was basically a mini-machine-gunner, except with stones in a sling. He did need an extra feat or two for the initial build, so DM imposed two "flaws": Don Juan, the lady's man (he HAD to seduce every woman of a certain type), and a mortal enemy (he seduced the wrong man's daughter). Would have provided some great comic release if he'd stuck with it, but not be completely innefectual at the same time.

2012-10-11, 10:22 AM
No, no, no...it's all wrong...you want Real FUN...
Truenamer...With Monk!

Honestly though, I loved my Dragonwrought Kolbold Beguiler. Nothing says hello like a Kobold dropping from a ceiling with Spiderclimb only to Color Spray and run around stabbing things to death!

2012-10-11, 10:57 AM
No, no, no...it's all wrong...you want Real FUN...
Truenamer...With Monk!

Honestly, with the way my party works, I could probably try this and not be completely useless.

2012-10-11, 11:08 AM
Take a look at Korg the Magical (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=195049) :smallbiggrin:

I don't know if I should use this idea, combine it with the 1-level dips class, or take the concept and use it in a different way (Thinks he's a master rogue instead etc.)

2012-10-11, 05:09 PM
I believe I have you all beat in the category of fun/awesome/silly

Alignment:True Neutral
Languages:Common, Sylvan,
Specialty Schools:Enchantment
Forbidden Schools:Evocation, Abjuration
Alternate Class Features: Domain Granted Power(Tyranny)
Templates:Awakened Animal
Books Used:Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual 1, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Savage Species, Player’s Guide to Faerun, Magic of Faerun, Player’s Guide to Eberron, Complete Champion, Heroes of Horror, Races of the Dragon, Spell Compendium, Frostburn

{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

+0|Bluff2, Diplomacy2, Intimidate2, Knowledge(Arcana)2, Sense Motive2, Spellcraft2|Fey Heritage|None

+0|Bluff2.5, Diplomacy2.5, Intimidate2.5, Knowledge(Arcana)2.5, Sense Motive2.5, Spellcraft2.5|None|None

+1|Bluff3, Diplomacy3, Intimidate3, Knowledge(Arcana)3, Sense Motive3, Spellcraft3|Spellcasting Prodigy|None

+1|Bluff3.5, Diplomacy3.5, Intimidate3.5, Knowledge(Arcana)3.5, Sense Motive3.5, Spellcraft3.5|None|None

+1|Bluff4, Diplomacy4, Intimidate4, Knowledge(Arcana)4, Sense Motive4, Spellcraft4|None|None

+2|Concentration3|Shadow Weave Magic|None

+4|Concentration6, Knowledge(Arcana)5, Spellcraft6|Scribe Scroll|Familiar, Scribe Scroll Bonus Feat

+5|Concentration7, Knowledge(Arcana)7,Knowledge(Nature)1, Knowledge(The Planes)1, Spellcraft4|None|None

+5|Concentration8, Knowledge(Arcana)8, Knowledge(Dungeoneering), Knowledge(Local), Knowledge(Religion), Spellcraft8|Spell Focus(Enchantment)|None

+6|Concentration9, Disguise1.5, Knowledge(Arcana)9, Spellcraft9|None|None

+6|Concentration10, Disguise3, Knowledge(Arcana)10, Spellcraft10|None|Tyranny Domain Power

+8|Concentration11, Disguise5, Spellcraft11|Fey Power|100 ft. Telepathy

13th|Master Specialist1|
+10|Concentration12, Disguise7, Spellcraft12|Skill Focus(Spellcraft)|Skill Focus(Spellcraft) Bonus Feat

14th|Master Specialist2|
+11|Concentration13, Disguise9, Spellcraft13|None|Expanded Spellbook

15th|Master Specialist3|
+11|Concentration14, Disguise11, Spellcraft14|Arcane Mastery, Greater Spell Focus|Greater Spell Focus Bonus Feat

16th|Master Specialist4|
+12|Concentration15, Disguise13, Spellcraft15|None|Minor School Esoterica

17th|Master Specialist5|
+12|Concentration17, Spellcraft17|Nonel|Expanded Spellbook

18th|Master Specialist6|
+13|Concentration19, Spellcraft19|Mindsight|+1 Caster Level

19th|Master Specialist7|
+13|Concentration21, Spellcraft21|None|Moderate School Esoterica

20th|Master Specialist8|
+14|Concentration23, Spellcraft23|None|Expanded Spellbook[/table]

{table=head]Level|0lvl|1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th|7th|8th|9th|New Spells







7th|3|1|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|Charm Person, Sleep, Silent Image, Power Word:Pain, Mage Armor, (3 more 1st level)

8th|4|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|(2 more 1st level)

9th|4|2|1|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|Alter self, Touch of Idiocy

10th|4|3|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|entice gift, Fox’s Cunning

11th|4|3|2|1|-|-|-|-|-|-|Shivering Touch, Suggestion

12th|4|3|3|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|Hold Person, Greater Mage Armor

13th|4|4|3|2|1|-|-|-|-|-|Charm Monster, Celerity

14th|4|4|3|3|2|-|-|-|-|-|Polymorph, Greater Rebuke

15th|4|4|4|3|2|1|-|-|-|-|Dominate Person, Insidious Suggestion

16th|4|4|4|3|3|2|-|-|-|-|Mass Charm Person, Hold Monster

17th|4|4|4|4|3|2|1|-|-|-|Freezing Glance, Mass Suggestion

18th|4|4|4|4|3|3|2|-|-|-|Geas/Quest, Endless Slumber

19th|4|4|4|4|4|3|2|1|-|-|Final Rebuke, Mass Hold Person

20th|4|4|4|4|4|3|3|2|-|-|Banishment, Finger of Death[/table]

2012-10-11, 05:14 PM
I believe I have you all beat in the category of fun/awesome/silly

This is from that awakened cat thread, innit?

2012-10-11, 05:22 PM
yes. But I have had it buried for a while and was looking for a chance to show it around. Want more? I have more!

NAME:Symbiont Master
ALIGNMENT:True Neutral
CLASS:Wizard3/Druid1/Cleric1/Impure Prince5/Incantor10
RACE:Daelkyr Half-Blood
LANGUAGES:Common, Daelkyr, Undercommon, Draconic, Sylvan, Druidic
DOMAINS:Spell, Planning, Knowledge
ALTERNATE CLASS FEATURES:Deadly Hunter, Cloistered Cleric
BOOKS USED:Player’s Handbook(Classes, Feats, Spells, Basic Game Rules), Magic of Eberron(Symbiont Mastery, Impure Prince, Daelkyr Half Blood), Unearthed Arcana(Deadly Hunter), Spell Compendium(Spells, Domains), Player’s Guide to Faerun(Incantator)

Symbiont Master
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Wizard 1 |
+2|Concentration 4, Gather Information 2, Knowledge(Arcana) 4, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 4, Search 2, Spellcraft 4|Iron Will, Symbiont Mastery, Scribe Scroll|Familiar, Scribe Scroll Bonus Feat

2nd|Druid 1 |
+4|Concentration 5, Gather Information 2.5, Knowledge(Arcana) 5, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 5, Knowledge(The Planes) 2, Search 2.5, Spellcraft 5|Track|AC Bonus, Animal Companion, Favored Enemy(Aberrations), Track Bonus Feat

3rd|Cleric 1 |
+6|Concentration 6, Gather Information 3, Knowledge(Arcana) 6, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 6, Knowledge(The Planes) 6, Search 3, Spellcraft 6|Item Familiar(Ring of Feather Falling), Extend Spell|Turn Undead

4th|Wizard 2 |
+7|Concentration 7, Gather Information 3.5, Knowledge(Arcana) 7, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 7, Search 3.5, Spellcraft 7|None|None

5th|Wizard 3 |
+7|Concentration 8, Gather Information 4, Knowledge(Arcana) 8, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 8, Search 4, Spellcraft 8|None|None

6th|Impure Prince 1 |
+9|Concentration 9, Knowledge(Arcana) 9, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 9, Spellcraft 9*, Familiar Spellcraft 4|Sacred Vitality|Expanded Spell List, Lure Symbiont

7th|Impure Prince 2 |
+10|Concentration 10, Knowledge(Arcana) 10, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 10, Spellcraft 10**, Familiar Spellcraft 8|None|Favored Enemy(Aberrations)+2

8th|Impure Prince 3 |
+10|Concentration 11, Knowledge(Arcana) 11, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 11, Knowledge(The Planes) 1, Spellcraft 11***, Familiar Spellcraft 11|None|Aberrant Anatomy(25%)

9th|Impure Prince 4 |
+11|Concentration 12, Knowledge(Arcana) 12, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 12, Knowledge(The Planes) 4, Spellcraft 12****, Familiar Spellcraft 12|Extra Spell(Ring of Blades)|Aberrant Fortitude

10th|Impure Prince 5 |
+11|Concentration 13, Knowledge(Arcana) 13, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 13, Knowledge(The Planes) 7, Spellcraft 13****, Familiar Spellcraft 13|None|Otherworldly Surge

11th|Incantator 1 |
+13|Concentration 14, Knowledge(Arcana) 14, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 14, Knowledge(The Planes) 8, Spellcraft 14****, Familiar Spellcraft 14|Persistent Spell|Bonus Metamagic Feat, Focused Study

12th|Incantator 2 |
+14|Concentration 15, Knowledge(Arcana) 15, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 15, Knowledge(The Planes) 9, Spellcraft 15*****, Familiar Spellcraft 15|Extra Spell(Venomfire)|Cooperative Metamagic

13th|Incantator 3 |
+14|Concentration 16, Knowledge(Arcana) 16, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 16, Knowledge(The Planes) 10, Spellcraft 16*****, Familiar Spellcraft 16|None|Metamagic Effect

14th|Incantator 4 |
+15|Concentration 17, Knowledge(Arcana) 17, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 17, Knowledge(The Planes) 11, Spellcraft 17*****, Familiar Spellcraft 17|Twin Spell|Bonus Metamagic Feat

15th|Incantator 5 |
+15|Concentration 18, Knowledge(Arcana) 18, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 18, Knowledge(The Planes) 12, Spellcraft 18******, Familiar Spellcraft 18|Extra Spell(Divine Power)|Metamagic Spell Trigger

16th|Incantator 6 |
+16|Concentration 19, Knowledge(Arcana) 19, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 19, Knowledge(The Planes) 13, Spellcraft 19******, Familiar Spellcraft 19|None|Seize Concentration

17th|Incantator 7 |
+16|Concentration 20, Knowledge(Arcana) 20, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 20, Knowledge(The Planes) 14, Spellcraft 20******, Familiar Spellcraft 20|Quicken Spell|Bonus Metamagic Feat, Instant Metamagic 1/day

18th|Incantator 8 |
+17|Concentration 21, Knowledge(Arcana) 21, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 21, Knowledge(The Planes) 15, Spellcraft 21*******, Familiar Spellcraft 21|Magical Aptitude|Snatch Spell

19th|Incantator 9 |
+17|Concentration 22, Knowledge(Arcana) 22, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 22, Knowledge(The Planes) 16, Spellcraft 22*******, Familiar Spellcraft 22|None|Instant Metamagic 2/day

20th|Incantator 10 |
+18|Concentration 23, Knowledge(Arcana) 23, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 23, Knowledge(The Planes) 17, Spellcraft 23*******, Familiar Spellcraft 23|Echoing Spell|Bonus Metamagic Feat, Improved Metamagic[/table]


Spells per day/Spells Known
{table=head]Level|0lvl|1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th|7th|8th|9th|New Spells

1st|3|1|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Fist of Stone, Mage Armor, True Strike, Expeditious Retreat, Shield, Identify, Tongue Tendrils



4th|4|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Enlarge Person, Abberrate

5th|4|2|1|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Alter Self, Invisibility


7th|4|3|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Addiction, Toothed Tentacle

8th|4|3|2|1|-|-|-|-|-|-|Haste, (Replace Mage Armor with Greater Mage Armor)


10th|4|4|3|2|1|-|-|-|-|-| Animate Dead,










20th|4|4|4|4|4|4|4|3|2|1| Apocalypse from the Sky, [/table]

Druid Spells
Spells per day/Spells Known



Spells per day/Spells Known
{table=head]Level|0lvl|1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th|7th|8th|9th|New Spells



3rd|3|1|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|Message, Erase, Identify, Unseen Servant

2012-10-11, 06:08 PM
Incredibly low-op, plus need for hilarity .... Drunken Master might work.

2012-10-11, 06:09 PM
Bit of an NPC this one, but could be amusing to RP

Professor (Geologist )
Lvl 15 Dwarf Expert


Appraise|18|Int +7||25
Decipher Script|18|Int +7||25
Know (Arch/Eng)|18|Int +7||25
Know (Dungeoneering)|18|Int +7||25
Know (Geography)|18|Int +7||25
Know (Nature)|18|Int +7|Synergy +2|27
Profession ( Geologist)|18|Wis +1||19
Search|18|Int +7|+2 Secret door|25
Survival|18|Wis +1|+2 Underground|19
Spot|18|Wis +1||5

Headband of Intellect +6

2012-10-11, 08:12 PM
Binder is fun - the pacts/signs/influences lead to all kinds of silliness, saying "no" to SR and magic-immunes is great, and you're strong crunchwise too. Take Knight of the Sacred Seal and be the party's tank, or go with Anima Priest/Psion/Mage for casting firepower.

2012-10-12, 01:05 AM
Dragonborn Water orc with Barbarian 2/Fighter 18 and Spirit lion totem, whirling frenzy, and wolf totem AFCs on the Barbarian levels. Built up as a Frankenstein type chain fighter with 2 weakening arm, feathered wings, strong leg, and fast leg as grafts. I liked him because he was definitely evil, but only towards humans and gnomes (the one's who experimented on him) yet almost sickeningly soft hearted to everyone else (I actually declared that he would weep in combat against halflings and elves).

Crunch wise he had very high strength and health, decent saves across the board for a fighter-type, and had everything needed for a Gatling chain tripper, jack-be-quick, and ubercharger build all built into one

2012-10-12, 01:25 AM
Dragonborn Water orc with Barbarian 2/Fighter 18 and Spirit lion totem, whirling frenzy, and wolf totem AFCs on the Barbarian levels. Built up as a Frankenstein type chain fighter with 2 weakening arm, feathered wings, strong leg, and fast leg as grafts. I liked him because he was definitely evil, but only towards humans and gnomes (the one's who experimented on him) yet almost sickeningly soft hearted to everyone else (I actually declared that he would weep in combat against halflings and elves).

Crunch wise he had very high strength and health, decent saves across the board for a fighter-type, and had everything needed for a Gatling chain tripper, jack-be-quick, and ubercharger build all built into one

But...this isn't Low-OP.

2012-10-12, 01:57 AM
But...this isn't Low-OP.

The version I used isn't, but the concept takes a bit of work to pull off to stop it from being low-OP when you try to blend different arch-type builds into the same character.

Another build I enjoyed was playing a straight spell caster from UA

2012-10-12, 02:06 AM
A knife-fu build is something I've always wanted to try. Something along the lines of Fighter 4/Warblade 1/Bloodstorm Blade 4/Master Thrower 5. It takes a while to get fully up to speed, but once it does, with TWF feats you throw 4 knives per iterative. Combine with feats out of CW that let you disarm, sunder, etc. from range if you have extra feats (though it's fairly intensive in that department).

I mean, good luck actually dealing DAMAGE with those knives, but you can throw a crapload of them.

2012-10-12, 05:43 AM
I've recently cooked up a Soulbow build I'm looking forward to try.

Combining (Improved)Rapid Shot, TWF and Whirling Frenzy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/classFeatureVariants.htm#rageVariantWhirlingFrenzy ) to get as many attacks as possible.

High Wisdom and Zen Archery is a must, be a (Strongheart) Halfling, put your skillpoints in Hide, MS and Spot and you'd make a decent party scout.

Ranger 2/Soulknife 2/Fighter 4/Barbarian 2/Soulbow 10

Halfling bonus: Yondalla's Sense
1: Point Blank Shot
9:Woodland Archer
12: Ranged Weapon Mastery

Fighter bonus feats:
1: Precise Shot
2: TWF
4: Weapon Specialization: Mind Blade

Soulbow bonus feats:
1: Zen Archery
3: Manyshot
5: Improved Rapid Shot
7: Far Shot
9: Sharp Shooting

This would net you 16 BAB, and the option to take -4 to your attacks to make 4 attacks at your highest bonus, and wisdom to attack and damage.

But the best part is walking around completely unarmed and suddenly unleashing a barrage of arrows at your foes.:smallamused:

Get your party caster to cast Haste on you for yet another attack

Oh, and you can do this from 165ft. away with no range penalty.

As you can see you have plenty of feats to spare. If you can use Oriental Adventures see about dropping the 2nd level of Barbarian to add a level in Shiba Protector. You'd need to be human, lose 1 BAB and get Combat Expertise, Iron Will and Alertness. You'd lose your 4th iterative attack which wasn't likely to hit anyway, but get to add wisdom to attack and damage twice!
Combat Expertise also opens up the feat Sense Weakness(Drac), allowing you to ignore 5 points of DR, the bane of many archers.

Walk around unarmed and surprise your enemies by creating arrows from nothing!

2012-10-12, 05:55 AM
No, no, no...it's all wrong...you want Real FUN...
Truenamer...With Monk!

Joking aside, you can pull off a quite decent Monk/Acolyte of the Ego. Kung-fu Genius/Carmendine Monk for some Int synergy and default Monk buffs. Acolyte of the Ego is kind of okay-ish.

2012-10-12, 07:42 AM
feral, mineral-warrior water-orc wizard?

or on a more general note: a craft based wizard; with the crafts for:
traps, weapons, armor, bows, alchemy, poison, and any other crafts out there.
his spell list would also have a craft-heavy focus; once you get fabricate you can bypass the crafting time on a lot of these things and produce piles of items.

2012-10-12, 11:44 AM
feral, mineral-warrior water-orc wizard?

Take Eschew Materials and swagger around with a Greatsword on your back, and no shirt on, exposing your huge Orc muscles.

Enemies will think you're a Barbarian, so they won't focus you... allowing your real DPS (the Fighter wearing a purple robe, bracers, and conical Wizard hat) to take them completely by surprise! Switch outfits every so often to keep them on their toes.

Gray Elf Psion. You look like you're just standing around (or better, cowering), with no Verbal/Somatic/Material components to give you away. But in reality, you're casting manifesting like a pro. Dress like a cart attendant (or whatever lowly noncombatant role is most appropriate), so you look like an innocent hireling. Enemies won't prioritize you, but will focus fire on the tanks (exactly where you want it to go, giving you time to wipe the floor with them!).

2012-10-12, 01:08 PM
I like Assassin PrC

Kobold Dragonfire Adept Assassin-We saw people enter and exit, but we can't find anyone that matches their description...

Soulknife Assassin- I didn't know sir, I swear! He was unarmed when I searched him!

Factotum Assassin- He got past everything we had... Traps, anti-magic, the front gate soldiers, next thing you know, he cuts down everyone with quick, fluid motions from his razor

Paladin Assassin - Evil shall be extinguished by my own might!
Alignment waving, also, use with Blurstrike to make sure that enemys know you are there, and you aren't some shadowy killer.

Barbarian Assassin - One time, I had this one target, her head just wouldn't come off! Its like her neck was made of steel or something! I just had to keep hacking at it with my battle axe. Turns out, she was a vampire!

Bard Assassin (PF Archivist archetype) - Next thing you know, that new secretary you hired turns out to be an assassin... She was damn good looking, next thing you know, you have a pen sticking out of your eye.
Managed to keep the library in great shape though.

Monk Assassin - Best low-op way to kill people, period.

Ninja Assassin - Why not mimic a corny action flick?

Healer Assassin - She went to see the healer, but never came back...
Major alignment waving, lol!

Druid Assassin - Plants just came out of nowhere, we couldn't move! Then an eagle swooped down and seemed to fly right through his heart!

Wilder Assassin - All we herd was a loud scream and a sharp hum... Next thing you know. The man was just dead...

Wizard Assassin - We found the body, he had a magic scroll in his neck. After examining the body, the scroll blew up... We believe there where explosive runes involved. (BTW, the PF archetype with scrolls as weapons, which is the worst archetype ever, is really fun sounding with an assassin dip.)

2012-10-13, 01:54 AM
Take Eschew Materials and swagger around with a Greatsword on your back, and no shirt on, exposing your huge Orc muscles.

Enemies will think you're a Barbarian, so they won't focus you... allowing your real DPS (the Fighter wearing a purple robe, bracers, and conical Wizard hat) to take them completely by surprise! Switch outfits every so often to keep them on their toes.

There was a fun build idea where you're a barbarian that thinks he's a wizard.

2012-10-13, 02:20 AM
There was a fun build idea where you're a barbarian that thinks he's a wizard.

Yes, it was mentioned a least three times in two pages already.

2012-10-13, 02:49 AM
1) Swordsage/Dungeoncrasher Variant Fighter.

Go unarmed, or get a Brutal Surge Spiked Gauntlet. Drop on your enemy with Sudden Leap or Shadow Jaunt/Stide/Blink, and Bull Rush him into the ground, dealing Dungeoncrash damage.

2) Wizard/Master of the Unseen Hand/Reaping Mauler

Force Choke multiple people simultaneously at range. Be a dwarf, gnome, or halfling, and you're Darth Vader Midget Version.

3) Conjurer with a high Str and Con.

Use Summon Monster to get a bunch of ravens on top of you, and set them all on Aid Another to give yourself bonuses on AC or attack or both. Then, play it like you're a melee character. If this doesn't let on a cool enough mental image, I don't see what can.

4) Expert with lots of ranks at UMD and Knowledge skills.

Pour your wealth into scrolls and wands. You're a traveling merchant who somehow can throw down with the rest of all these so-called "heroes".

5) Goliath Druid/Beastmaster with Fling Ally.

Throw snakes at people.

2012-10-13, 11:14 AM
3) Conjurer with a high Str and Con.

Use Summon Monster to get a bunch of ravens on top of you, and set them all on Aid Another to give yourself bonuses on AC or attack or both. Then, play it like you're a melee character. If this doesn't let on a cool enough mental image, I don't see what can.

Couldn't you do this as a necromancer too? Just find undead creatures with like 1/8th HD (to control more at once. I think that's how it works), and stick them all around you for Aid Another. A good Turn attempt will dust them all, so beware.

Yeah, Aid Another it's the basis of... (what was that one TO build called? H.I.V.E?)

2012-10-14, 08:56 AM
I see the build... not sure what it does that's fun though. Elaborate?

You have your own wolf pack. Which you can buff. Is that not fun? IS THAT NOT FUN!? :smallwink:

2012-10-14, 02:08 PM
I keep a list for my own use:

batman sorc
Fighter round 1 bow => quick draw reach weapon for round 2+. High str, dex, point blank shot, rapid shot, combat reflexes, focus on melee from there.
Gnome sword & board fighter-barbarian; b/c it seems bad but actual offense & defense stats are good. Can THF too but shocktrooper cheese defeats the purpose of the extra con/AC defense.
Halfling javelin thrower => stormlord (complete divine, scales javelins with level), gloves of endless javelins (MiC)
TWF kama monk tripper w/ stunning fist, potions of enlarge person, mage armor: multitude of disable attempts.
scythe paladin w/ multiple extra smitings (complete divine?) & improved crit for massive damage smites
con/str caster with minimal mental stat, combat casting focusing on the best melee and short range spells w/ no save or save partial
chicken infested commoner master thrower with leadership, high cha and 100 level 1 awakened chicken wizards all casting magic missile once thrown. RP: Classic farmer turned martial artist guru gone very wrong.
bard / shadowdancer (min level 10), darkness, haste, wand of empowered ray of enfeeblement, shadow does str damage 2x/round: strength debuffer and scouting build
Unicorn based caster: summon nature's ally, melf's unicorn arrow, unicorn cohort w/ class levels to summon more unicorns, etc.
Limited wish diviner: Eat the xp cost and spam limited wish so you always have the right divination. Also shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, scrolls, prestidigitation, summons, etc. for other utility. UMD a wand of augury and spam it too.
nixie (bonus cha mod > LA) rogue or bard with UMD. Self-proclaimed magician. Scrolls & wands from every class, other tricky magic items. Integrating into standard pixie (bonus cha mod = LA) rogue build works well too.
TWF sword + net tank: Secondary net attack and holding rope keeps foes from running to allies, primary gives you something to do besides holding the net.
Half-dragon (or draconic) ogre barbarian with adamantine pickaxe & tripping weapon: High strength tripping build and also smashes shortcuts throw dungeons with str checks and pickaxe. Or cheese it up with goliath, mineral warrior, half-minotaur, etc. instead. Dungeoncrasher helps.

2012-10-14, 02:20 PM
Why not try something obscure like Halfling Paragon/Warsling Sniper? There are lots of obscure (and/or unused) classes that have flavor like Dragon Lord, Luck Stealer, Blood Magus, Green Star Adept, Dragon Disciple, Hoardstealer, Combat Trapsmith, Master Alchemist, Demonologist, Doomlord...

Or you could play a Monk/Shou Disciple.

2012-10-14, 04:48 PM
Well there's also always the Forsaker PrC just to be a jerk to all of your party-mates. Every day you take your share of the magic items and... destroy them! Yep! To keep the powers that the class gives you, you have to destroy magic items. Kinda a cool idea for a build that starts off with like... Anti-arcanist ranger or rune-scarred barbarian.

Edit: My bad, rune-scarred berserker is a prc that GIVES casting to barbarians... But Occult Slayer could work for this too.

2012-10-14, 06:34 PM
Hulking Hurler+Vow of Non-Violence+Huge Pillows.

2012-10-15, 03:51 PM
I haven't had a chance to play him yet, but I just made a character for my friend's pathfinder game (would work equally well in 3.5).

Old guy, robes, white beard, spell book, familiar, wand expert (there are a few feat trees for wands).

This guy is 1 level of wizard, and the rest is monk.

Be concent shooting your opponents with your wands of magic missile/other spells. Make those use magic device checks for the spells that aren't in your puny spellbook.

When something gets close enough, grapple it and stuff a wand down its throat.