View Full Version : The Ambush! (Rogue RPG playtest, part three)

2012-10-11, 07:55 AM
Rogar must die! That treacherous son of a bitch is going to rat out the identities of many rebels and the locations of a few Resistance safe houses. If you fail, it'll cost dozens of rebels their lives!

You're in Stonewall, a medium-sized town about 100 miles north of Eisendorf. Lydia leads you to the Saint Acorius's block, through which Rogar and his entourage are expected to travel. The most notable building in the area is the old St. Acorius church. It's no longer in use because everyone worships the Emperor these days. There are also some privately owned residential buildings.

It's 5 PM and the sun is still high up in the sky. You've got 15 minutes (in-game time) for your preparations. You may use 100 EP worth of extra equipment for this mission. Getting a ladder, for example, helps you access the rooftops, and disguises may be useful as well.

Ok, go! :smallcool:


Ground floor


Upper floor

+------+-+. .##########
|......|\| ##########
|........| ##########
+~-~--~-~+ .
. ######### .
+-+ +-~-+ ######### .
|\|~~~|...| #####+~-+ .
|.+...+...| #####|..| .
|.........! #####!..! .
+-~-~-+...| #####++=+ .
##### +-~-+ ######|.| .
##### |\| .
##### +---+ +---+ +~+ .
. |...| |...| .
. ### |...! !...| +-~-+
. ### |...| |...| |\..|
. ### |.+~+ +~+.| !...|
. ### |\| |\| |...|
. ### +-+ +-+ +-~-+
. .
........... ...........

. ground, floor or the top of a wall
# rooftop
+ - | wall
/ \ stairs up, stairs down
0 door
! ~ window

2012-10-11, 10:18 AM
Ok, time for work. Siera, you're on overwatch; James, get her onto the roof on the west. I've got some rope you can use if you need it. Alissa, start putting up some traps in the side alleys. Make sure they don't go in the west alleys, Siera can't shoot well over there. Derryk, get that building on the east open.

I'd suggest adding an OOC thread too, so we can discuss what extra objects we're going to buy with the 100 EPs.

2012-10-11, 10:23 AM
"You know, I can do other things then jump..." James will ignore the rope, pick up the archer, and do a high jump onto the roof indicated. If it's over 10 ft high, he will climb up the wall carrying the archer.

mobility= [roll0]


2xshort sword(50)
6xthrowing knives(30)
normal clothes(5)

Laura Eternata
2012-10-11, 03:59 PM
I push away from James as he grabs me. "I have a ladder, I can get up there myself. What'll the rest of you be doing?"

Out of curiosity, what is the western building? Is that St. Acorius church?

2012-10-11, 09:08 PM
Derryk quietly goes to the central building on the east side and tries the door. If it's locked then he'll try to pick the lock stealthily.

Gadgetry: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

(Also going to assume I bought three more throwing knives.)

2012-10-12, 01:52 AM
(OOC thread created -- see my sig.)

Lydia issues orders to her comrades.

Derryk goes to the large stone building on the east side; there's a bell tower at the top -- this must be the church. There's a sign nailed to the door "KEEP OUT", and a large padlock keeping the door firmly shut. The lock looks robust enough to make it difficult to smash it without making an awful lot of noise, but Derryk thinks it'd be possible for him to open it. On his first attempt, he thinks he's got it figured out, but cannot get the last pin to move. He instinctively looks over his shoulder and thinks that no civilians have noticed what he's doing yet.

If you keep trying, make as many Gadgetry attempts as you are willing to risk. No need to roll Stealth again, though.

An expert climber, James thinks he'd be able to make the climb easily alone, but carrying a woman whilst climbing would be tough. Seira is, however, prepared for this eventuality and refuses James's help. The keen-eyed Seira observes the nearby buildings. It appears that most buildings are inhabited. Only the church looks abandoned, and the two small building directly north of it look like they're used for storage rather than living.

Which roof do you want to climb onto? Do you want to climb right away for wait until a little later? If you wish, you may spend a few minutes to walk around a little and make an Awareness check to determine if there are any houses the owners of which are away.

Lydia, James and Alissa, what's your plan?

2012-10-12, 02:52 AM
A challenge such as this couldn't really be set aside, and no one else was watching, so Derryk tried again.

Gadgetry: [roll0]

Edit: Seriously? Fine. I'll try again! Roll in OOC.

2012-10-12, 04:11 AM
Third time's the charm. "Click" says the lock as it opens.

Assuming that Derryk lets himself in or takes a peek inside:

A heavy layer of dust covers the floor. Aside from rows of pews, a large wooden altar and statues of mythological creatures related to the worship of a now-forgotten god, there's nothing here. The atmosphere is rather eerie. It's dead quiet, and the statues stare blankly at nothing, with a hint of sadness in their eyes.

In the southeast corner, there's a stairwell leading up to the bell tower.

EDIT: Oh, and you now have 14 minutes left until the target is assumed to arrive.

Laura Eternata
2012-10-12, 10:13 AM
Leaving the ladder with Lydia, I decide to take a quick look around the square before choosing a perch.

Awareness: [roll0]

Specifically, I keep an eye out for roofs with a good line of sight to a majority of the streets, which buildings are abandoned, and if there's any chance of jumping or climbing between rooftops in case of emergency.

2012-10-12, 02:48 PM
A quick glance around the dark room tells Derryk just about all he needs to know. He closes the door, making sure not to actually lock it again, and seeks out his comrades in arms. Once he gets a chance to relay the information he says, "Building's a church. Empty. Got roof access. Looks dead useful if you ask me."

2012-10-13, 04:15 AM
Derryk returns with some information about the abandoned church. James looks up to the bell tower and spots a perfect place for hiding and watching over the area on the roof next to the tower. It looks like it's possible to climb out from one of the windows in the tower with little chance of any onlookers noticing it. (OOC: Go there now or wait until a little later?)

Seira looks around the square to see if there are any abandoned buildings. Besides the church which Derryk already checked out, none of the buildings appear to be abandoned. There are signs of recent activity everywhere. However, it appears the inhabitants of the small building in the southwest corner, and the slightly larger building in the southeast corner are not currently at home. Also, the two small buildings directly north of the church are some kind of storage buildings and nobody seems to be inside.

The door to the large two-storey building in the northwest part of the square opens. A little boy walks out, closes the door and looks at Seira. "Hello, miss. Nice bow!" Having said that, he walks towards the north gate.

13 minutes left...

Laura Eternata
2012-10-13, 10:31 AM
It's licensed! I call after him as he walks. If you're some kind of undercover guard, I have a hunting permit. I display it.

Can I tell what the building he walked out of is used for?
Awareness: [roll0], if necessary.

2012-10-13, 10:58 AM
The boy goes wide-eyed with surprise first, which soon changes to an expression of pure excitement. "A REAL bow AND hunting license! I haven't seen one before! Oh boy, my friends are going to be so jealous when I tell them I saw one!"

(The boy seems genuinely surprised, and frankly, looks far too young to be an agent.)

The house looks rather posh, whoever owns it must be fairly rich. Other than that, it looks like an ordinary house, built for people to live in.

Laura Eternata
2012-10-13, 11:49 AM
(Is that an assumption, or actual knowledge I have from my time with the Invictus? Do they have strict rules against using children?)

If I am relatively certain he's not Invictus, I say, Hey,wanna help me out a little? If you're good, I might even give a you an arrow to show your friends. All I need you to do is keep an eye on this block and tell me when you see some guards come through. I'm conducting a study of how well defended small towns are nowadays. I'll be keeping watch from a roof, so all you'd have to do is whistle when you see some. You can whistle, right? I demonstrate a shrill whistle. Us hunters use whistles like that to communicate across long distances.

Guile: [roll0]

2012-10-14, 12:45 PM
As far as Seira knows, the Invictus don't have child agents or soldiers. Things may have changed since her days in the Invictine army, but at least officially, they don't employ children.

"Oh, I didn't know hunters also do that kind of things. I thought you were lost or something because you rarely see hunters in this part of town. Anyways, I'll be playing with my friends over there," the boy says, pointing at a square beyond the north gate, "and I'll whistle if I see any soldiers." The boy smiles and waves a goodbye and walks off to the north.

12 minutes left.

OOC: So, everyone, do you need more information or are you ready to choose where you'll be hiding? Also, I need to know whether you ready your weapon (and those who have several weapons, tell me which weapon you've drawn, if any). And lastly, what signals will you be using to coordinate the attack? This is particularly important if you're hiding in places where you cannot see each other, or if only one or two have direct eye contact to the south gate through which they're entering.

2012-10-14, 09:54 PM
After reporting the open access of the church, Derryk takes his own initiative and sets himself up in the south eastern corner. He slouches down in a shadow from where he can see the South Gate and the Church at the end of the alley. Should Rogar and his men take the east alleys, Derryk could easily follow and maybe even dispatch one before any brawl starts up.

Stealth: [roll0]

OOC: We don't seem to be very communicative with plans, so how's this: Divert them to the East Alley. James on the roof of the church will be able to see Derryk from that position and if we position Seira on that Western Roof, she'll have that covered. Could we block the Alley that's east of the church? This way the targets need to walk into Seira's line of sight. I have no real idea what to do with Lydia, but if she's stationed inside the Church she can pop out when the fighting starts. This is just a rough plan, but it looks like our best bet is to isolate them and direct them into a narrow alley.

2012-10-14, 09:56 PM
James considers the square... and decides a roof would be a proper hiding place.

He moves over to the wall under his selected spot, and attempt a quick climb up the wall in a stealthy manner. He will then huddle against the wall with his cloak rapped about him.

mobilaty to climb:[roll0]
stealth to do it quietly:[roll1]

2012-10-15, 07:29 AM
Derryk hides in the shadows, and James climbs up and also hides.


L, J, S and D represent your locations on the map, as suggested by MintyNinja and bobthe6th. Seira and James are perched on rooftops while Lydia is hiding inside the church and Derryk is hiding around the corner near the south gate. Are these ok? (Nb. I combined the upper floor and ground floor maps so that I could put you all on the same map - so no, the church roof didn't suddenly collapse, it's just a cut-away view. :smallcool:)


11 minutes.

2012-10-17, 08:49 AM
I'm good with that placement. Sorry, thought I didn't need to say anything.

Laura Eternata
2012-10-17, 05:30 PM
I asked a question in the OOC thread the other day that has yet to be answered. Its answer will dictate Seira's position.

2012-10-18, 04:29 PM
Ooc: I'm going to have to move the story onward or we'll get stuck here. So make any last minute decisions now, the action begins tomorrow. Sometimes the rebels just don't have time for elaborate plans and they have to improvise.

Laura Eternata
2012-10-19, 06:44 AM
It was a simple question, but alright. :smallmad: I guess I'm fine with the suggested position.

2012-10-19, 07:05 AM
Agreed, it's a simple question. But which alley they meant and how they intended to force the enemies to take that route, I don't know. :smallconfused: I cannot wait forever, PbPs die too easily. :smallannoyed:

Anyways, I'll move Seira onto the rooftop a bit farther to the north as Minty suggested. That way she won't be directly visible from the South Gate (with Stealth +0 it might be dangerous) and she can also see James, who in turn can see Derryk, so it's possible to relay commands through hand signals.

Derryk sees that a woman with long curly hair and a green cloak wrapped around her shoulders walks through the South Gate (see W on the map). She quickly glances around her and continues along the street towards north.

OOC: We'll use tactical rounds meaning that if you move or draw weapons, you can only take actions worth up to 8 AP until it's their turn again. Init hasn't been rolled yet because neither side has been openly hostile yet. As soon as both sides become aware of each other or the first attack is made, you'll have to roll init. You can assume that Derryk and James relay hand signals indicating that the enemy (or at least a suspicious person) has arrived (so you don't have to wait until Minty and bob have posted first).



2012-10-19, 10:20 AM
James draws two throwing knives, and waits.

Laura Eternata
2012-10-20, 08:37 AM
I draw my bow and knock an arrow, studying the street below me.

Awareness: [roll0]

2012-10-22, 02:50 AM
(OOC: Derryk and Lydia do not seem to be doing anything so let's start a new round.)

Seira observes the street, but can only hear the footsteps of a person walking down the street. Presumably it's the woman Derryk saw.

Derryk can see she continues walking down the street, but the house blocks his view so it's impossible to tell where she went exactly until someone has a line of sight to her again.


A few rolls...

Modifiers omitted so you won't know who's rolling and why. :smallwink:

2012-10-22, 02:58 AM
OOC: Never saw the last update, sorry bout that.

Derryk gestures to James that there's one person before he attempts to re-establish line of sight.

Moving 2 squares closer: -1 AP for movement only, and -1 Normal AP.
Stealth: [roll0]

2012-10-22, 03:34 AM
The thread is cursed... :smalleek: Eldest seems to have the same problem with the thread subscription.

Derryk moves closer to re-establish LOS:


You still cannot see where she is, but you can hear some faint sounds that suggest she's somewhere near the NW corner of the building.

At the same time, James spots her. She's positioned herself cleverly in a shadowy spot to peek around the corner, but foolishly, she is leaning forward far too much (read: abysmal roll). Unfortunately for you, she also spots James. The look on her otherwise pretty face is a bit frightened and very dismayed scowl, probably because she blew it.

Since neither side has surprise, everyone roll init normally. (3d6+ the best of Aw, Fi or Mo). Her init: [roll0] If you beat her roll, you can act immediately.

2012-10-22, 02:57 PM
Jame"s initiative: [roll0]

2012-10-22, 03:07 PM
james will quickly move 3 squares forward, then try to jump down onto his foe(jump:[roll0], land:[roll1]) (what is the AP cost? right now going with 1, but feel free to correct me), stabing with both daggers(+1 from acceleration, +1 from weapon, -2 from double attacking. [roll2], [roll3]).

2012-10-22, 03:31 PM
Derryk will move back to his position in the alley and again attempt to blend in.

Init: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]
Derryk assumes that the others will deal with her and he will go back to watching the south exit.


2012-10-22, 04:29 PM
Before the woman can react, James bursts into action, taking a few quick steps forward and leaping through the air at his target. Whilst landing, he stabs the woman in the chest (5 damage!) with a throwing knife and lands beside her, breaking the fall with a somersault.

The woman, leaning against the wall, spitting blood, hands shaking and breathing laborously draws a dagger from a sheath behind her back and tries to look as menacing as is possible in her miserable state.

"Don't.... don't kill me... just a scout. I done nothing.... please."

OOC: You are wielding throwing knives which can only be used as improvised weapons in melee because their shape is a bit awkward for anything other than throwing (+2 AP to use -- see the Combat section in the rules reference). Each square of movement whether running or jumping costs 1 AP, so you need 5 AP to reach striking distance. When landing, the vertical movement doesn't cost any AP. So, to move, jump and attack, you needed all your 8 + 2 AP. But you scored a really good hit!

Anyway, that was her turn (she's too weak to attack in the same round she drew her dagger).

Lydia hears a soft thump and some other noise from outside the church. Derryk hears it too, and Seira actually saw James's mighty leap and ferocious attack, though she has no LOS to the woman.

Do you want to capture her or kill her?

2012-10-22, 05:32 PM
Lydia peeks her head out, sees the woman, and flips a few hand gestures at James, telling him to get inside the church and bring the woman too.

2012-10-22, 06:12 PM
James acknowledges the command. To the injured scout he says,
"come with me if you want to live." staring her down with a cold look in his eyes, motioning towards the church door.

If she tries anything, he takes a swing at her with his fist. [roll0], and carry her into the church. note, fist, this is an unarmed stun attack. really, if I had been smart, the last one would have been the same.

If she moves along he will guide her into the church.

2012-10-23, 05:00 AM
"Okay... okay," she says in a weak voice. Very slowly, she places her dagger on the ground. "See... unarmed..." And holding her hand to her bleeding chest, she walks into the church, James watching her every move.


Ok, she's in the church. Does James go back to the roof? What are James and Lydia going to do with the wounded scout?

2012-10-23, 08:42 AM
Lydia softly tells James to get the knife from the road, then to go back on the roof and be lookout again. Then she turns to the scout.
Ok, what's your name, and who're you working for? Why're you in an empty part of town?

2012-10-23, 09:45 AM
James exits the building, sheathing his throwing knives. He collects the knife, adding it to his belt in the one empty slot. Then he climbs back to his perch in a stealthy manner(climb[roll0], stealth [roll1]). Once on the roof he draws his two short swords, keeping them under his cloak. (stealth [roll2])

Laura Eternata
2012-10-23, 02:54 PM
I decide to ignore whatever's going on, assuming the others can handle it, and keep my eyes on the road.

(A few awarenesses for the next few rounds, as I'm not really sure when one ends and the next begins.)


2012-10-23, 04:05 PM
"Zira... that's my name. I was paid to check out the route for spies and ambushes... guess they were right about the rebels trying to intercept..."

OOC: She was going to lie, but I rolled so badly that it's easier to just say that she's too scared to try anything that might cost her her life. (And to keep things moving.) Rogar hired her, and Rogar and three of his men are waiting for her signal just outside the South Gate.

What's your plan?

2012-10-23, 05:32 PM
Ok, Zira, I'm sorry that my associate stabbed you. He wasn't supposed to do that. Now, what was the signal for you have the all clear? How many guards are there? How were they armed?

What does she look like? I'm thinking maybe either Lydia or Laura's character (whose name I can never remember how to spell, sorry about that) as Zira and trying to get them to come forward into the trap. Does that sound feasible?

2012-10-24, 09:01 AM
She's of average height, about 20 years old, and she's wearing a green cloak and leather armor. Curly brown hair.

She looks surprised when Lydia apologizes for the stabbing. She coughs up some blood and speaks in a weary voice.

"The signal.. it's a bird-like whistle." She cups her hands and brings her thumbs close together and blows to produce a cooing sound. She coughs again, looking exerted.

"Rogar and three men.. they got axes, swords, knives. A big bald man also has a shield. And one of them has a crossbow. They look tough."

2012-10-25, 10:33 PM
And would they find it suspicious if you gave the signal from someplace they couldn't see you? Or from a fair distance away?

2012-10-28, 04:32 PM
Oh, I only need to go close enough for them to hear me. Rogar said I shouldn't be wasting time by going all the way back. I don't think they'd hear me from this far away, but half the distance from here to the gate should be close enough...

2012-10-29, 10:02 AM
Zira seems willing to help you with the plan to lure Rogar and his men in.

OOC: Since things are progressing really slow here, I'll rule that you allow Zira to go close enough to make the signal sound after which it's time for initiative. So here's what I want you to do:

1) Roll init, everyone
2) Tell me whether you stay where you are now or move to a different position
3) Tell me where Zira will be when she gives the signal. She must be somewhere within 10 squares from the gate to be heard. Remember that you cannot trust her 100% so it may be advisable to make sure she cannot escape or do something foolish that might get you killed.

2012-10-29, 01:01 PM
James stays where he is. also, initiative=[roll0]

2012-10-29, 01:30 PM
Lydia shifts positions to an alleyway near the gate, to better watch what is going on with Zira, and picks up a cobblestone to throw if things get dicey.
You still haven't given people that use fighting a ranged option, so I'll make my own...


2012-10-29, 03:03 PM
Derryk remains where he is, inside the alley, hidden in a shadow.

Init: [roll0]

Laura Eternata
2012-10-29, 03:22 PM
I stay put.

Initiative (Awareness): [roll0]

2012-10-29, 05:04 PM
Four men walk through the South Gate, keeping their eyes peeled as they advance.
1: Big bald guy, brigandine, axe (right hand), shield (left arm), throwing knives in bandolier
2: Average height, wearing a gray cloak; armor and weapons, if any, cannot be seen because of the cloak
3: Short dark hair, brigandine,short sword, main gauche, hawk axe (tomahawk)
4: Goggles, big nose, crossbow, gambeson, daggers

OOC: Lydia can also use a tomahawk, the party had lots of EP to spend anyway.


Bad guy party init> [roll]3d6+4[/CODE]

If you beat their init, you can act immediately. They haven't noticed you yet, but they can make Awareness rolls on their turn normally to notice you.

2012-10-29, 05:06 PM
Ach, rerolling init[roll0]

2012-10-29, 05:19 PM
Crap, initiative!

2012-10-29, 05:40 PM
James edges 4 spaces forward, if that keeps him out of their LOS.

he then waits until a foe is about to round the corner.

Laura Eternata
2012-10-29, 05:46 PM
I'll shoot at Man #2 as soon as he comes into my line of sight.

Archery: [roll0]

2012-10-29, 07:48 PM
Derryk stays hidden in his alleyway, waiting for the men to advance further into a bottleneck.

Stealth: [roll0]

2012-11-01, 05:06 AM
OOC: Lydia is doing nothing on round 1 I guess??

The men move forward fast but carefully and they stop briefly at the corner of the house opposite to the church. Seira doesn't have LOS yet, but she can tell they're behind the building and she if she moves a little she can see them and shoot.

Man #2 spots James. "Over there! On the roof!"

Zira stays put, staring at Lydia. She whispers "what do you want me to do, miss?"


They spent most of the AP moving, so it's your turn!

Laura Eternata
2012-11-01, 09:33 AM
Seira doesn't have LOS yet, but she can tell they're behind the building and she if she moves a little she can see them and shoot.

I'll do so. I assume I can use Archery roll I already made? If not,

Archery: [roll0]

2012-11-01, 10:19 AM
*Twang!!! Woosh!! Aarrgh!*

The arrow hits the man's chest, the tip piercing his leather armor and skin and flesh beneath it. He's barely standing and can only wail in pain! (7 damage)

2012-11-01, 10:46 AM
"Damn, they see me..."
James advances 4 squares to the west, jumps down diagonally into the street next to man 2(mobility [roll0]), swings with a short sword(attack [roll1]), and jumps onto the roof of the building on the opposite side of the ally(jump mobility [roll2]).

should be 10 AP in all... using his bonus 2 from mobility.

2012-11-01, 02:22 PM
Derryk hears the scream of pain (despite initiative issues) and he realizes that everything's about to go to hell. He moves three steps north and draws a throwing knife from his back belt and his normal knife from his front. He decides that waiting a little bit longer is best so as to not reveal their true numbers.

2012-11-01, 04:07 PM
Lydia hisses to Zira as she pulls out a tomahawk. Run, up the alley. Make a lot of noise. She then rushes north through the alley, keeping an eye on Zira, and yells out once she's visible from the street. There! Get them, men!

7 AP to go to the spot I'll show in a second, 2 to draw a medium weapon. I'm trying to get them to assume we have quite a few people in the alleys on the east side, which I think is a guile check.
Guile: [roll0]


2012-11-03, 10:59 AM
As Lydia moves north to intercept Rogar's men, Zira sees her chance to get away from this nasty situation. She runs -- or rather, staggers -- down the alley to the south and towards the gate.

James jumps down and slashes across the already badly wounded man's chest. He dies instantly. James uses the momentum to make another leap back to the roof, pulling himself up and rolling onto the roof.

Lydia's bluff seems to be working. The man with short black hair shouts "Oh ****e, they've got more people down there! Move, move, take cover! Specs, get the sniper!"

The man with goggles (#4) nods and moves to take cover at the corner of the building and takes a shot with the crossbow at Seira.


Edit: Seira's ranged defense is 15, so 18 is a hit, and it exceed her defense value by 3, so it's 4 damage.

Man #1, the big bald man, moves 3 squares north and prepares himself to attack anyone who comes too close. Man #2 moves 3 squares north and 1 square NE (so he and man #1 are side by side) and does the same, preparing to attack anyone who moves to an adjacent square.

OOC: Sorry I cannot update the map right now... will do that later!!!)

2012-11-03, 01:54 PM
"now now, shooting the sniper is very rude. I guess I have to teach you manners."
guessing specs is a square behind number one?

James jumps (mobility [roll0]) next to specs, double attacks(attacks(6skill+2weapon+1momentum-2dual strike) [roll1], [roll2]), then tries to get onto the roof adjacent #1(mobility [roll3]) and drops his off hand short sword.

2AP diagonal movment, 6 AP double attack, 2 AP to jump up. that right?

2012-11-04, 05:50 AM

Laura Eternata
2012-11-04, 11:22 AM
Gritting my teeth in pain, I take by bow between my teeth and try to jump the nearby rooftop. If I make it, I fall prone for cover behind the eastern wall and knock an arrow.

(That's 1 square north, a jump to the east, a square northeast, and another square east. 5AP, 4 from my injury and 1 from 5 Mobility.)

Mobility: [roll0]

2012-11-04, 01:20 PM
Lydia moves down the alley, ignoring Zira's flight. Not a big deal, after all. The man with the crossbow, though, he is an issue, and one that has to be dealt with now. She swings with the tomahawk at the man, trying to ignore the men behind her. They'd come later.
Move to right above man number 4, taking 6/9 AP (counting the bonus from mobility) and then attacking him.
Fighting - [roll0]

2012-11-04, 02:08 PM
Derryk runs up towards the fighting but a quick glance tells him that he needs to head off the thugs. He barges into the church without stopping and continues running to the far end.

Used all 8 AP +1 for Movement Bonus to run up ahead.
Where is thug 2? And maybe having an initiative list will help us, because I'm only posting because I don't know who's turn it is.


2012-11-06, 06:10 AM
James and Lydia make short work of the crossbowman. Now there are only two men left - the big bald man (#1) with axe and shield, and the man with short black hair (#3) who's wielding a short sword and a main gauche. The two move towards the North gate, prepared to defend themselves if anyone comes too close (both ready an attack).


Man #2 was already dead thanks to Seira and James, and #4 died this turn so only two are left. They're dangerously close to the gate, so do something, quick! :smallbiggrin:

Breaking a window is usually TN 10...15. If you intend to just run through the window, I'll rule that you take 1 lethal damage (but you don't have to spend 3 AP to attack).

Oh and I totally forgot that the building is a two-storey building, so jumping onto the roof would have been..... a lot more difficult for James and Seira. But it's my mistake, I totally forgot about that and should have reminded you about it before James leapt onto the roof. So, it's a 10 foot tall building from now on and you both made the jump.


Laura Eternata
2012-11-06, 07:23 AM
On my next turn, I stand up from cover and make a focused attack on the black haired man.

Archery: [roll0]

2012-11-06, 12:36 PM
Lydia looks at her tomahawk, looks at the man with the shield, and lets fly. Just get them before they make that gate!
Focused attack: [roll]3d6+7[roll]
And do we not know what Rogar looks like?

2012-11-06, 12:37 PM
Buggered up the attack roll.

2012-11-06, 12:41 PM

2012-11-06, 01:37 PM
"Fine, time to stop dodging... my life for the cause." James sighs deeply, then starts running one blade in hand.
James runs down the roof, and jumps off the roof([roll0]) headed for the square in front of man 1, taking a hack at him as he falls([roll1]).

2012-11-07, 02:48 AM
Derryk keeps up his reckless charge and crashes through the north window of the church's first floor. His hands are cut and there's a line of blood mixed into his beard. He turns left and draws a throwing knife to dart at the man with black hair. (Throwing attack: [roll0]) <-- I think I did that right, not sure.


2012-11-07, 10:23 AM
Seira gets up and lifts her bow, but with the roof blocking the view, she cannot see neither of the two men. (You can retroactively move on your next round.)

Lydia throws her Tomahawk at the big bald man, who attempts to block it with his shield. The haft of the axe hits the shield, but the axe spins around and cuts his upper arm. (3 damage!)

James makes a leaping charge, but the big man easily pushes him away with his shield and simultaneously swings his axe in a big swing.

[roll0] <-- EDIT: If James's melee defense is 18, then that's a hit (1 damage). If it's better, no damage.

Derryk crashes through the window, taking 1 damage. His target has the benefit of cover from the church, but the attack still hits, dealing 2 damage!

(Let's see if the bald guy hits James... then it's the bad guys' turn, bwahahah!)

2012-11-07, 10:36 AM
The bodyguard's attack draws blood but causes little damage. Rogar, the black-haired man sprints off to the north. The loyal bodyguard makes a desperate (possibly his last) attack with the axe, trying to take James's head off his shoulders.

Focused attack:



Technically, mission failed. More realistically, you'd probably be able to catch Rogar sooner or later, but the victory condition for the scenario was that he may not reach the north gate, which he did.

You may post your actions for the next round (including finishing off the big bald guy and any RP about how your characters are going to catch Rogar).

2012-11-07, 10:45 AM
"Oh no you don't you little bastard!"

James blocks the guards blow, and spins into a full sprint for Roghar, leaping when in range, but without enough time to make a stab.

What is the AP cost to tackle? James should be able to reach him with 1-0 AP left...

2012-11-07, 10:52 AM
(OOC: Tackling is just another kind of attack, same AP cost as normal attacks: 3)

2012-11-07, 01:13 PM
fine, he just slips in front of him.

Laura Eternata
2012-11-07, 03:36 PM
I run to the north-eastmost part of this roof (5AP). If I can still see Roghar, I take a focused shot at him.

Archery: [roll0]

2012-11-07, 04:07 PM
James blocks Rogar's path, staring menacingly at the coward who wanted to earn some gold by revealing sensitive information about the Resistance. Rogar sneers at James and prepares to strike with his short sword. But an arrow pierces his back and he drops to his knees. The sword and dagger fall to the ground and he stares at James, blood dripping from his wounds.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Be done with it, I haven't got the whole day!"

2012-11-07, 06:10 PM
"Sadly, I am not a murderer, I fight for all good left in this world."

Kick, to, the, face! kick him in the face for stun damage:([roll0])

If he is still standing, sheepishly kick him again and again until he stops fighting back.

Then pick the traitor up and carry him to the group.

2012-11-07, 07:58 PM
Lydia gestures everyone into the church. Barring the door, she turns around and faces the group. What exactly do you expect us to do with a prisoner? The guard knows we're here, thanks to Zira, and as far as I know, he's of no use to us. Lydia absently checks to see if he's still conscious.

And Kensen, this might be one of the situations we talked about before. Get the heck out of Dodge, before the guard catches up. Course, if you want to declare the mission one way or another, go ahead. I will be writing up a summery of what I think worked and what didn't once the mission is called.

2012-11-07, 08:08 PM
"We could find out something from him, and killing him now isn't that hard. Also, we could find out why he turned in the first place. Weather he was pressed, or if it was his own greed..."

James drops the corpse and goes for his short sword on the roof of the building across the road.

Laura Eternata
2012-11-07, 08:30 PM
I'm with Lydia, I say, leaning back against the bolted door. Our mission's to plug the bastard, not take him in, and there's no time for an interrogation. Just cut his throat so we can get our asses out of here.

2012-11-08, 02:28 AM
Thanks to your quick thinking, you still managed to turn the situation into a victory!

Feel free to continue RPing what you're going to with Rogar, but for all other purposes the mission is completed. The RP may slightly affect any future missions, but no need to overthink it. The orders were pretty clear: kill Rogar. He's just a greedy bugger with a few contacts here and there who just happened to get the hold of some sensitive information on the rebels.

And if you want to comment on the new combat rules, please do so in the design thread in my sig.

2012-11-08, 02:33 AM
Derryk returns from his corner, holding a bandage across his face. His arms are already darkening in bloody bandages. "I'm leaving it up to you folks. I'll be elsewhere. If the Resistance has need of me, they know how to find me."

And so ends the apathetic wandering thief's involvement in this particular scenario. It's been fun. I'll write up something for the other thread.