View Full Version : Dealing With Dragons

Piggy Knowles
2012-10-11, 08:47 AM
(Man, that thread title alone makes me want to re-read that series!)

Anyhow, this is more of a general thread, but a campaign I'm in made me think of it.

I'm playing a wizard in what is turning out to be a fairly dragon-heavy campaign. Ordinarily this would be no problem for a wizard - spectral hand followed by assay spell resistance and shivering touch. There's just one problem..... I'm a specialist wizard, and I've banned Necromancy!

I still have a solid game plan for taking on dragons - judicious use of BFC to keep the dragon grounded, polymorphing my pals into tremendous badarses, and a lot of energy resistance seems to be doing the trick.

But it made me think. What are some other nice tactics for dealing with dragons? Everyone knows about what a dragon-killer Shivering Touch is, it seems, but what other methods are there?

2012-10-11, 09:06 AM
Does this count as necromancy?


Yes, yes it does.

2012-10-12, 02:51 AM
If it's a Large-sized or less dragon, a couple of tanglefoot bags are rather effective.

2012-10-12, 03:01 AM
... Diplomancy is rather effective for Dragons *amused grin*

Talk a small group of dragons into helping you do the quests, then sit back and profit.

Jeff the Green
2012-10-12, 03:48 AM
If it's a Large-sized or less dragon, a couple of tanglefoot bags are rather effective.

And if it's not, some means of increasing your size and nets (ideally with something to up the Strength DC to break them).