View Full Version : Kingmaker Pathfinder Synthesist

Burnt Umber
2012-10-11, 06:53 PM

Playing Kingmaker and I am going to be a synthesist seeing as there are only three of us playing and we need to be able to survive and destroy things. The party consists of a cleric going holy vindicator and a druid. I'm playing a half elf, have one trait and a 30 point stat buy.

I have read several builds and they all contradict each other or just don't make sense to me.

Please help and no spoilers.


2012-10-11, 09:00 PM
Make a character with high charisma. That's all I can give you. I'm not that great at pathfinder, but you'll REALLY be thankful for your crazy high charisma when you actually get to the "King" part of it.

2012-10-11, 09:06 PM
Are you set on synthesist? For high point-buys regular summoner will likely pull ahead of synthesist due to more points to spend on physical stats. With 3 players, you will also appreciate the extra action economy of regular summoner.

If you do go syntheisst, whatever you do, don't dump Con and count on the eidolon-suit to back it up. That way lies death if the eidolon has to go away for some reason. (And a simple sleep spell can do that at level 1.)

Also, be aware the only the Rejuvenate Eidolon spell can heal your eidolon-suit's HP, and your suit must have arms in order for you to cast spells with somatic components. (Both of these are from Paizo FAQ on sysnthesist.)

As for Cha, summoner casts based on Cha, so that's unlikely to be a problem.

2012-10-12, 11:01 AM
Summoner is an amazing class for Kingmaker, due to its outdoorsy nature. One thing you could make work for you is instead of going Synthesist is go for a mount Eidolon. This way, you can have good travel capabilities, as well as combat. Either you could go for a regular Summoner and go for a 'knight' type, where they charge into combat, or go for a Master Summoner and instead go for a more ranged support type.

Though if you're still set on Synthesist.. there are so many ways you can go with it.. something mobile would probably be best though. So perhaps either a quadruped (With arms later, for casting) to increase speed or a biped who'll be about as fast as the other characters unmounted.

Personally, I enjoy Hulking out with a Biped.

Heres a few quickly made ideas to help get you started, using the above mentioned 30-point build (holy crap, best I ever get is 25 points) and starting at Level 1 as a half elf.

Synthesist - Quadruped - Built for speed and power

Str: 13 (So you can get Power attack as a feat)
Dex: 13
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 12
Cha: 16
+2 from Half elf in either Cha or Con

Feat: Toughness or Improved Initiative

Skills + Spells up to you

Eidolon Evolutions: Claws, Pounce, either Improved Bite or Improved Natural Armor


This guy is simple in that he's fast, and charges in and rips things open. However, the problem is that he can't use his spells while in his synthesized form yet. He's basically a polymorphed druid in cat-form.

The Hulk Synthesist

Stats similar to the previous one

Feat: Power attack

Evolutions: Slam (More Hulk Like, and gains 1.5x str), Improved Strength


This guy is a beast. With the Eidolon having 18 str, he'll do 1d8+9 with his Slam (using power attack) which is comparable to a barbarian, excluding the fact its a 1d8 instead of a 2d6 or 1d12. However, two claws could also work, although they'd only deal 1d4+6 instead of 1d8+9. It all depends if you want two good hits, or one really good hit. If you end up going claws, pick either Improved Natural attack (Claws) for 1d6's instead of 1d4s, or go with improved natural armor for defense.

2012-10-12, 04:44 PM
Here's the question: What role are you trying to fill?

Options such as scent, climb, skilled, and swim can all provide very useful all-day abilities. In addition, you'll probably want to get flight asap. The good news is, you can change your Eidolon at each new level. So at first level, you could focus on combat, and then switch it up at the next level to fill in the gaps you find your party has.

2012-10-13, 12:15 AM
Here's the question: What role are you trying to fill?

Options such as scent, climb, skilled, and swim can all provide very useful all-day abilities. In addition, you'll probably want to get flight asap. The good news is, you can change your Eidolon at each new level. So at first level, you could focus on combat, and then switch it up at the next level to fill in the gaps you find your party has.

Well, considering he has a Cleric (Going Vindicator) in the party and a Druid, it seems he's going to be the arcane component of the group.. probably a damage dealer as well. While we don't know what the Druid is going, the Cleric is going tanky/support it seems. The druid could go tanky/melee, or spellcaster.. either way, I think they are going to be short some serious damage dealing, as well as arcane support. So, I'm assuming close-range glass cannon. The druid can probably scout and track well enough, so if the Summoner focuses on any skills, it'll probably be either charisma skills, which the Cleric can also cover, or arcane-oriented skills, such as spellcraft, knowledge planes/arcana, and linguistics.

Honestly, if I had to pick the 3rd character for this party, I'd go for a Master Summoner, using a mount-oriented Eidolon and using it for non-combat purposes. So his evolutions would include mobility evolutions and skill evolutions that will fill any gaps the group doesn't have, which in this case, are trap and possibly sneak oriented ones. The Summoner would then add versatile melee and possibly spellcasting support through summons, while staying back and providing possibly much needed ranged support while mounted.