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2012-10-11, 07:46 PM
Therendor 15th, 998 YK:

The House Deneith conclave is still under construction. As such they are not officially performing any of the normal House functions. However a Paladin of the Silver Flame had enough money to move two of the House Deneith mercenaries into protecting the Paladin from harm. The two were on a leave of absence and as such the accepting of the mission was purely voluntary. Their names were Talgen d'Deneith (Trained under House renown swordsman Draco d'Deneith) and Sharwyn d'Deneith (A trained wizard and sibling of Talgen). The mission length was to be "no more than two weeks." After completing the mission the two were to travel directly to Starilaskur.

Therendor 16th, 998 YK:

Sojan d'Deneith arrives in New Cyre. The only other dragonmarked member of House Deneith in the area is Kerowyn d'Deneith. Kerowyn is an elderly House Deneith who's mission is to establish a thriving House Deneith conclave in New Cyre. Sojan is in charge of most of the paperwork and is used as little more than a secretary. He is considered to officially still be on a leave of absence yet finds himself helping out where he can.

Eyre 14th, 998 YK:

The two siblings never arrived in Starilaskur where the parents live (and are understandably worried) and they send a letter via House Sivis to Kerowyn in New Cyre.

Eyre 15th, 998 YK:
Kerowyn (who is too busy to deal with a missing persons case and without any resources to do anything about it) sends Sojan to learn as much as he can about the dissapearance of the two siblings. She tells him everything she knows. A Paladin of the Silver Flame (Sir Braford) along with (what she assumed to be) his squire (a male elf named Karakas) hired the two for a mission that Kerowyn knew little about. She was not in charge of the two siblings and Sir Braford hired them unofficially so she wasn't involved in the deal. She does know that the Human Paladin and the Elven squire were from Thrane.

Sojan was at a loss as to how to proceed. In a bar he was directed (by Quil) to locate a female half-elf named Serra ir'Waynlen working for House Medani who has skills in such activities (also Quil). Together they investigated for clues as to the whereabouts of the missing paladin and Deneith siblings.

Eyer 20th, 998 YK:

By the end of the 20th of Eyer 998 YK, Sojan and Quil (in the form of Serra) had discovered that the Paladin was last seen in a bar called Metrol Memories located near the Old road on the south east side of town. According to a very finely dressed halfling, the paladin was here about a month back. He drank a bit too much and started talking about visions he was receiving. Darkness down the old road deep inside the earth.

The Old Road used to be a trading road that went from the settlement here across the seawall mounts and into what is now called Darguun about 100 years ago. When the Goblins took over the area now known as Darguun, the trading road fell out of use. The area had seen several raids during the last war and now the Old Road houses nothing more than abandoned and razed barns. Apparently some Goblin Merchants did use the old road recently. They told tales of strange forms of magic given life.

When it became apparent to Sojan that they would need to leave the city in order to determine what happened he informed Kerowyn that he would require the bodies of adventurers willing and capable of taking on whatever may have captured or killed the last group. Kerowyn put out the word for able bodied mercenaries who are tasked with locating two members of House Deneith. The reward for finding them alive was 1,000 golden galifers half that for the recovery of their signet rings.

The first to arrive was Emlyn d'Lyrandar who indicated that he had been summoned to House Deneith. Kerowyn looked confused at first, but then quickly explained the mission and the reward to which Emlyn accepted. Only two more were brave enough to answer House Deneith: A human female with tattoos on her face and a nondescript warforged.

Sojan convinced Kerowyn to give them a large portion up front and she only relented when he said he would make sure that he would control the spending. He was given an advance on the reward of 200 gold to start with instruction to divy it up as he saw fit.

Eyer 21st, 998 YK:

The group decides to meet at the bar to talk about their mission as well as decide what to spend their gold on. The warforged introduced "herself" as Fix with some skills as a artificer. Serra ir'Waynlen, a half-elf who helped gather information with Sojan, introduces herself and offers to continue to offer her services. Oren introduces herself as a cleric of the silver flame, not entirely what you expected by the looks of her, but then one shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. The group decided that without knowledge of what they were up against the best thing to do was to stay versatile. Fix described her aptitude with scroll making and his extensive knowledge of spells that he could craft for any situation that could arise. The group decided this was a wise use of money and agreed to depart on the morrow.

Eyer 22nd, 998 YK:

The four heroes joined together at sunrise and began their journey down the old road. The overgrown Old Road winds through rocky downs, near stands of old-growth oak, and past several abandoned farm shacks. The lonely road is empty of all travelers except for the four of you. The sun finally rises high, and yet the early morning chill never seems to leave. Most of you develop a cold sweat. You take a break at mid day and continue on your trek.

2012-10-12, 07:35 PM
Play Begins:

Eyer 22nd, 998 YK (cont):
At some point in your travel down the old road the group encountered some large, fluid, mass of sand that immediately began assaulting the party. "Magic given life" as the merchants in town had called it. Serra manifested some type of power that was able to burn it and Fix discovered it was weak against magic. All other attacks were ineffective.

So close to the Mournland as you were who knows what other monstrosities were about.

While travelling Fix, the warforged, revealed that she was created within the last year; this was after the Treaty of Thronehold.

Eventually the group reached a ravine and despite the warning that trespassers will be executed they descended.

At the bottom the group had to deal with some wild animals before continuing down the ravine. At the bottom of the ravine was some type of ancient sunken citadel.

Inside the first room Serra revealed that she was a psychic and that she had a psicrystal that could move around like a spider. This proved useful when half the party lady bleeding and dying on the ground assaulted by undead skeletons released from a hidden room. The psicrystal led the undead away and the group was able to lick their wounds.

Sojan revealed he can heal the group with his magical personality. Oren reveals she forgot to bring a blanket to sleep in.

Eyer 23rd, 998 YK:
You guys buff up and rock-n-roll. With the undead beaten you guys find a magic shield, some scrolls, and some trinkets. The next room had a large door with dragon artwork worked into it. The room also had some rats that were easily dealt with.

The door is completely undamaged and obviously magical. Fix is unable to get through it. Their is a keyhole in the dragon's roaring mouth.

Doubling back you guys proceed down a hallway. There were three doors, one was a large stone door with a relief-carving of a dragon like fish swimming in an aquatic setting. The second was empty. The third had Meepo.

Serra served as the translator with the group and conversed with the kobold leaders. The tribe was very formal and the conversation was tense. Yusdrayl informed the group that the "warm bodies" came through here. She told the group that if they rescued their dragon she would give you a reward. The dragon was a newborn and that the goblins are insane.

Leaving with Meepo towards the route the siblings of Deneith took you encounter a magically concealed door. Only a couple of people in the group can see it. Fix finds powerful magic and a trap in the door.

Another secret room with undead which the party dispatched. Inside the room is some type of ancient laboratory (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12493486&postcount=559). The party finds some more magical gear.

Oren acts oddly around a magical dreamcatcher the group found.

The party clears out a den of dire rats and finds the body of one of the adventurers that was in the group of the deneith siblings, Karakas (The paladin's squire). You also find treasure (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12692147&postcount=792)that no one recorded on their character sheet.

You guys camp for 24 hours, identify some magic items, and almost throw the dream catcher into the forge.

Eyer 24th, 998 YK:
The group encounters some of the goblin cultist. They are insane and into self mutilation. Two battles are fought and the group manages to save a famous gnome tactician of Thrane and two kobolds.

The gnome is not interested at all in saving the deneith siblings and joins the group, despite is flailing health, in order to prevent a great evil. Aberrations from the depths of Khyber are plotting something and he aims to stop it.

He inspires the group of a frontal assault on the goblin's tribe on the morrow.

Eyer 25th, 998 YK:

The goblins look to have begun re-fortifying their rear entrance. But you guys catch them before preparations are complete. Still you guys bring a whole host of goblins down upon you. They are insane, into self mutilation, and lead by a two-faced monstrosity and an undead kobold.

After defeating them the group finally encounters the white dragon. Just as Meepo proclaimed. He looks to have received a wound across it's face and greet's the party by blasting them with a blizzard breath weapon.

2012-10-12, 07:39 PM
Sojan you're not sure what Serra is prattling on about. You can sense her worry though and it doesn't take you that long to see what she's worried about. Your eyes had been darting around the room finally landing on a small patch of snow on the wall. No... not snow.

What you took as a snow drift clinging to the wall was in fact a small snow-white lizard. It's small gem-like eye widens when it see's that you've seen it and it suddenly clambers up the side of the wall until it's perched on a sheen of ice near the corner of the ceiling. From it's vantage point it whips it's head back down at the group and tilts it's head sideways.

The creature is about the size of a cat, it's scales glisten like frosted white mirrors. His head has a sleek profile, with a small, sharp beak at the nose and a pointed chin. A vicious half-healed scar from the top of his small head down the side of his face to his neck looks to have been nearly life threatening for a creature so small. A crest supported by a single backward-curving spine tops the head. The lizard also has scaled cheeks, spiny dewlaps, and a few protruding teeth when its mouth is closed.

From the back Meepo shouts, "Cal'cryx! No Kill clan's Dragon" in draconic. The small dragon immediately locks eyes with the kobold and opens it's mouth in a ferocious manner, making a noise not unlike a cat hissing. It does not appear to be even remotely pleased to see Meepo. In fact, unadulterated hatred, seems clear as a snowstorm in Lharvion across the small creature's face.

None of you have ever seen a dragon, or heard of anyone seeing a dragon. You would never have imagined that they could be this small. Mystical creature's from a far away continent... what would bring it here? Or is it just some type of lizard from beneath the earth?



*Note: Calcryx is at +5 ft. Room is two squares high.
*Note: Calcryx is size tiny.
Tiny: A Tiny creature (such as a cat) typically occupies a space only 2-1/2 feet across, so four can fit into a single square. Typically they do not have reach, but the lizard's long neck allows him to attack creatures in adjacent squares.

Map (including side angle showing the "height" plane) The "door" is "5" feet high, so there is a perch above it where the dragon is standing. It is somehow able to cling to the walls with ease.

NOTE: You can move through both squares between J8/9 and I8/9. The door technically occupies the exact center of the hallway.

Round 1:
Sir Erky


Remember that the amount you can speak is what could normally be spoken in 6 seconds (the length of a turn). Serra you can ask the dragon that question in your second post on your next turn since you spent the entire six seconds saying what you said in your first post.

Also remember that "initiative" is a construct; you all are really acting at the same time and that means you all are speaking at the same time. If you spend all six seconds of your turn speaking and so does someone else you both are speaking at the same time. Which is fine, as long as you aren't both speaking to each other (unless you are gnomes from dragonlance which is, apparently, a racial trait of theirs).

On Serra's turn she retreated down the hall away from the dragon and closed the door. While all of you are gawking, Meepo pulls out his sling and loads a sling stone and the dragon flies at the group and breaths a cone of ice upon several of you.

You barely have time to react (as you haven't even taken a turn yet) let alone speak. Most of the things you all said occurred after being blasted by a breath weapon. Let's also not forget that you're actively dodging out of the way of the blast with your reflex save.

2012-10-12, 07:40 PM

Serra cursed through her teeth at Meepo shouting and the dragon hissing.
"He said don't kill the clan's dragon. Maybe we can offer it two-face; it's already burnt!" She grimaced at her suggestion. Gem's humor was her own, after all, and burnt just might be the thing it likes to eat.

She hesitated to move for a moment.

"We're all kinda stuck in the corridor." She said in a mater-of-fact tone, and walked to close the door behind them.

Combat Turn:

Move: Move to N8
Move: Close Door

2012-10-12, 07:41 PM
Meepo drops his longspear and pulls out his sling. With flawless effort he loads the sling and begins to whip is around behind his head.

Still hissing in anger the dragon never let's his eyes off of Meepo. One can clearly see that the dragon seems to be gunning for the kobold. Leaping off the wall the dragon flies straight at the group landing on the wall above the door. It quickly twists it's neck down and shoots forth a blast of cold so cold it instantly freezes your clothing, and hair. The super chilled water freezes the moment it hits your skin (or surface layer) and were it not emitted from such a small creature it very well could have left you too numb to move.

When Meepo's cold body hit the ground unmoving, the dragon's shouted loudly down the hallway in draconic, "Ray stebadronhui Don'Moar! Un whuii!"
The voice was deeper than you would expect and spoken slowly, almost stupidly. What he's going on about is beyond you.

Except you Serra

"No capture Don'moar! I free!"

Doesn't appear terribly bright, he's apparently renamed himself Don'moar.


Free: Drops longspear
Move: Draws sling

"White Dragon"
Move: Flies to I8 +5 feet. This is the wall above the door. The dragon is able to stand on this surface.
Standard: Cone of Cold. It affects Sojan, Fix, Meepo, and Sir Erky

2012-10-12, 07:43 PM
Paces behind her taller companions, Oren is at first curious about their strange comments, but the instant the creature comes into view she's instead confused.

It lasts only a heartbeat, however, when it emits a blast of freezing water like a gale blowing in from the Bitter Sea. She experiences an instant of exhiliration as her body recalls cold northern winds, but the reactions of those in front of her make the little dragon's power obvious.

It's deadly - but smart enough to talk! Do we kill it ...?

She raises her hand. "Weaken!"


Standard Action:
Casts Doom.

The white dragon seems affected by hostile magic.

2012-10-12, 07:44 PM
Realizing that things are rather cluttered at the moment, Sojan shakes off the cold and moves into the room, shield held up.


Standard Action: Total Defense (+4 AC)
Move Action: Move to F9

2012-10-14, 10:37 PM
Fix takes a long breath, narrows her eyes, and then lunges at the dragon, her thick, heavy hands outstretched, attempting to grasp the tiny creature with her bare hands. "I may require assistance!" She shouted, deeply hoping that that she wasn't about to require a massive amount of assistance.

I hate the grapple rules.

She provokes an attack of opportunity. If it hits, then this is all for not.

Her Touch Attack: [roll0]
Her Grapple Check: [roll1]
Her Unarmed Damage: [roll2]

Note that Fix is big enough that the dragon cannot grapple her back.

EDIT- Failure, and it's bad enough that I'm not going to try to use an action point. Sigh.

2012-10-15, 02:54 PM
Emlyn moves forward, carefully moving around the other party members, before reaching out to grab the dragon.

Emlyn moves to I9, and tries to grapple Cal'Cryx.
Touch attack:[roll0]
*crosses fingers*

2012-10-15, 03:18 PM
Provokes an AoO:

Bite: [roll0] vs Emlyn for [roll1] points of damage.

Sorry the modifier is incorrect it should be +6. This attack does hit AC 14 (Emlyn) for 2 points of damage. This factors in Sojan's DR aura.

(+2 size, +3 BAB, +1 Higher Ground) <--- YAY OBSCURE RULE!

If the AoO deals damage the grapple fails.


Opposed Grapple Check: [roll2]

Great Reverend
2012-10-15, 04:07 PM
Did not happen.
Serra calls down the hall in Draconic and begins in a tone that sounds suspiciously as though she was scolding a child, "Don'moar! Mydryba drniedr! Anyon kidr tyyzira whuyli drniihui. Anyon niefii whuyjiira Meepo niechw dry tyiedrni." She does not stand idle, instead she motions for others to lend a hand as she squeezes into the other room after the tiny dragon.

"Don'moar! Stop that! You get down from there. You have frozen Meepo half to death."


Move: I7
Standard: Grapple:
Grab: Touch to initiate grapple. (1d20+1=10) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3734926/)
Oh, wait! Action point!
Action point, duh! (1d6=1) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3734943/)
Hold: Opposed Grapple Check (1d20+1=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3734929/)
Damage: Unarmed, non-lethal (1d3+1=3) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3734932/)

2012-10-15, 06:55 PM
Provokes an AoO:

Bite: [roll0] vs Emlyn for [roll1] points of damage.

Sorry the modifier is incorrect it should be +6. This attack does hit AC 14 (Emlyn) for 2 points of damage. This factors in Sojan's DR aura.

(+2 size, +3 BAB, +1 Higher Ground) <--- YAY OBSCURE RULE!

If the AoO deals damage the grapple fails.


Opposed Grapple Check: [roll2]

Okay I forgot about Weaken. The dragon misses his AoO and was grappled by Emlyn. Emlyn did not take damage.

Emlyn deals [roll0]+1 = 2 points of non-lethal damage to the dragon.

Great Reverend
2012-10-15, 07:15 PM
Serra called down the hall in Draconic and begins in a tone that sounds suspiciously as though she was scolding a child, "Don'moar! Mydryba drniedr! Anyon kidr tyyzira whuyli drniihui. Anyon niefii whuyjiira Meepo niechw dry..." She stopped as Emlyn pulled the writing white creature off the wall. "Oh. Anyone have a new chain or thick rope?" She went to Emlyn to help hold the tiny dragon.

"Don'moar! Stop that! You get down from there. You have frozen Meepo half to..."


Move: H9
Standard: Join Grapple:
Grab: Succeed
Hold: Adjudicated new opposed grapple check (1d20+1=17) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3735210/)
Damage: Unarmed, non-lethal (1d3+1=4) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3735211/)

2012-10-15, 07:37 PM
White Dragon Opposes Serra

Oppose Serra: [roll0]
Oppose Sir Erky: [roll1]

Sir Erky Joins the Grapple

Hold: [roll2] FAILS!
Damage: [roll3] (Minimum 1)

White Dragon's Turn:

Standard Action: Escape Grapple
I need opposed grapple checks from Serra and Emlyn

2012-10-15, 08:36 PM
White Dragon

Escape Artist [roll0].

This fails. (Trust me)

2012-10-15, 08:52 PM
The white dragon danced along an ice patch on the wall as if it were solid ground. When Fix tried to reach up to grab him she was surprised at how nimble he was.

It wasn't until Oren cast her spell that the dragon slipped up. Dumbly the white dragon tried to bite at Emlyn and failed. Emlyn jumped up and literally grabbed the white dragon into a headlock and fell roughly to the floor. The dragon began flapping it's wings wildly in an attempt to escape buffatting Sir Erky away.

Serra jumped into the pile as well dropping an elbow onto the body and wrapping her arms around it.

The entire time during the struggle the dragon was shouting out in draconic. "RaY! RaY! RaY! Ifiunch Goypoychtymy Whuiiiiiityyli"


No! No! No! Evil Kobolds! Freeeedom!

It doesn't sound like he was stringing a sentence together. More like speaking as the turn of events went poorly for him.

Round 2:
Sir Erky



2012-10-17, 08:14 AM
Not about to simply throw herself atop everyone else, Oren stays warily away from the little dragon's mouth ...

Delay action.

King Tius
2012-10-17, 08:16 AM
Sojan will move in to help keep the dragon pinned.

Not sure if I need to roll a grapple as well or if I can just wade in and lay hands, as it were. In particular, he will focus on pointing the dragon's head in such a way that it can' frost breath everyone.

2012-10-17, 09:26 AM
How many people are grappling the dragon? How many more can do so?

I repeat: I hate grappling rules.

2012-10-17, 10:49 AM
The Grapple Rules Sucketh much; thank godith this be a play by post: (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20050322a)

"Ganging Up in a Grapple: Up to four combatants can grapple a single opponent in a given round. Creatures that are one or more size categories smaller than you count for half, creatures that are one size category larger than you count double, and creatures two or more size categories larger count quadruple. For example, eight halflings (size Small) can grapple one human (size Medium)."

This means that two medium sized people can grapple one tiny sized creature.

I encourage everyone to read the grapple rules so that they are at least aware of their options. The "rules of the game" article was very helpful if you like long essays like me.

Part one (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20050301a)
Part two (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20050308a)
Part three (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20050315a)
Part four (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20050322a)

Sojan you find no room to join the grapple. You still have a standard action.

2012-10-19, 01:09 PM
Sojan is on autopilot

Sojan moves to help Serra and Emlyn contain the dragon. He bashes the white dragon in the head with the butt of his morningstar.

Morningstar: (Non-Lethal): [roll0] for [roll1]

Fix's turn.

2012-10-19, 04:47 PM
Fix watches Sojan, and after a moment of hesitation she swings her fist into the fray, trying her best to do no permanent harm to the dragon. "I hope this is the best thing to do," she mutters to no one in particular. Her hesitation proves too much, however, and she misses the little white dragon by a mile.

Nonlethal Slam Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-10-20, 06:14 PM
Emlyn does his best to avoid the dragon's claws and teeth, while trying to pin it down. "You know, I never expected to be wrestling a dragon. Going to be quite the story."

Emlyn is trying to pin the dragon.
Grapple Check: [roll0]

2012-10-20, 06:50 PM
Emlyn pins the dragon and specifically clamps the dragon's mouth shut to prevent it from using it's breath weapon.

Opposed: [roll0]

*Note pin last for one round.

Great Reverend
2012-10-20, 07:00 PM
Serra relaxed her grip on the little creature. "Don'moar! Mydryba! Mydryba edrdrestgounrak eraty zii'chch chidr anyon ky!"

"Sojan, maybe a little help for felled member?"

Ready to pin if Don'Moar attempts to wriggle free.
(You can roll for it if you want.)

"Don'moar! Stop! Stop attacking and we'll let you go!"

2012-10-20, 07:08 PM
The white dragon seems panicked with his mouth clamped shut and continues to struggle vainly against his bondage. With the creature's wing's buffeting against Emlyn's face the dragon is able to pry it's mouth free for the briefest moment before Serra quickly puts the white dragon into a headlock with his head pinned. Unable to do much against his oppressors you can all see the small creature's eye's shimmer with tears.

Escape Artist to get out of the pin.
Serra attempts to Pin in reaction to this.

Serra standard action to pin: [roll0]
White Dragon opposes Serra's pin: [roll1]

White Dragon tries to get out of Emlyn's pin. Escape Artist from Emlyn: [roll2]
Emlyn's opposed roll against escaping pin: [roll3]

Emlyn is grappling with the white dragon
Serra has the white dragon pinned for 1 round.

You do not have to pin the dragon's mouth closed. I'm assuming you do this because of the creature's ability to use a breath weapon. You can pin without preventing the dragon from speaking.

2012-10-20, 07:14 PM
Sir Erky watches the struggle with unease. He turns to Oren and asks, "What are we trying to do here?"

Round 3:
Sir Erky



2012-10-20, 09:29 PM
A bit confused and breathless as she watches the struggle before her, Oren replies quickly to the gnome. "We were supposed to bring it back to the kobolds, but it doesn't seem to like'em. And everybody's yelling gibberish."

She looks conflicted about inflicting more violence upon the beast but obviously can't communicate with it as Serra can.

King Tius
2012-10-21, 05:22 PM
Sojan shakes his head at the comical scene. "Sorry little buddy." He tries to knock the dragon unconscious again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (nonlethal)

EDIT: Forgot the -4, so that should be a 13

2012-10-21, 06:57 PM
Fix swings again, trying to knock the little creature out. "I'm not sure how bright it is," she says as she swings. "What is it saying?"

Nonlethal Slam Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-10-22, 11:18 AM
Emlyn continues to struggle with the dragon.

2012-10-22, 07:10 PM
Emlyn Grapple check to deal damage: (1d20+1)[3]

White dragon opposed: [roll0]

Emlyn fails to harm the dragon.

Serra's turn. Note: Pin only last for one round.

Great Reverend
2012-10-22, 08:34 PM
"I said if he stops fighting; we'll stop attacking. Fix, you're right--he's said nothing important"

Serra again relaxed her grip on the dragon and reiterated in a calmer voice, "Don'moar. Mydryba edrdrestgounrak. Zii'chch chidr anyon ky."


Again, ready to pin if Don'Moar attempts to wriggle free or attacks.


"Don'moar. Stop attacking. We'll let you go."

2012-10-23, 10:55 AM
Sojan had slammed his morningstar into the dragon's head. This time, bloodied, and weak, the dragon finally stopped struggling when Serra spoke to it in draconic.

Weakly the dragon spoke, "Chidr lii whuii."


Let me free

Both Serra and Emlyn still are restraining the dragon. But the dragon does not seem to be struggling.

Great Reverend
2012-10-23, 12:24 PM
Assuming there is time to speak:
Serra called out the dragon's words. Her tone indicated translation. "Let me free."

"Ygo. Eramyziihu e wizi xonimydrunyramy."

"Ok. Answer a few questions."

King Tius
2012-10-26, 02:18 PM
Sojan activates his healing aura for Meepo. He looks at the dragon with a mix of pity and frustration but keeps his morningstar ready to strike again if they need to knock the thing unconscious.

2012-10-27, 07:55 PM
Fix takes a half-step away from the dragon, no longer taking any ineffectual swings at it. She tries to seem as nonthreatening as possible, though she listens to the verbal exchange as carefully as she can. She makes a note to herself that Draconic should definitely be added to her list of things to learn; not just due to their current situation, but also because of the commonplace use of Draconic in various magical linguistic architectures in spells.

2012-10-29, 06:26 PM
Emlyn relaxes his hold on the dragon, letting it mostly get into a comfortable position, although he keeps his hands at the ready in case it should attempt to act violently.

2012-11-03, 05:20 PM
The dragon sits on the floor warily after being let go. His face looks bruised and one of his eyes is swollen shut. "Epoyondr ifiunch goypoychtymy kypochunramy?" he asks Serra, while eyeing Meepo's unconscious body.

Draconic to Common spoiler block.

About evil kobolds and goblins?

Great Reverend
2012-11-04, 01:52 PM
"Goypoychtymy eraty Kypochunramy wyhu mydrehudrihumy." Serra turned away from the little creature to her party. "He called the kobolds evil and knows of the goblins--odd he didn't include them as evil." She paused a moment as she looked back at the tiny dragon. "The scar is pretty fresh; no wonder he saves his hate."

"Well, what questions do we have for him?"

Draconic translation:
"Kobolds and Goblins for starters."

2012-11-04, 02:55 PM
Fix takes out one of the old, cracked scrolls that they had found shortly after defeating the roomful of skeletons. She looks it over, ensuring that it is the correct one, before look to Serra. "Can you tell him that I am going to heal him? This should help foster trust; in actions there is more power than there are in mere words."

She murmurs several arcane-sounding syllables, including a few that sound like mixed-up Draconic words, moving her hands as she does. There is a faint glow from the scroll, and the words and symbols on it fade away. She holds out her hand, a faint white glow on her fingers, and (assuming he doesn't try to bite her) she gently brushes the edge of the little dragon's wound. The glow spreads from her to him, and with a faint pulse of magic the injury is closed, the worst of it vanishing.

UMD: [roll0]

Cure Light Wounds: [roll1]

King Tius
2012-11-04, 05:27 PM
Sojan holsters his morningstar and crosses his arms. "Tell the little whelp why we're here. We're helping the kobolds because we need to find my kin and that paladin. Meepy (nickname, not a typo) here has been helpful but we don't owe the kobolds anything. If the dragon doesn't want us to drag him back to them, maybe it can help us instead? If it doesn't hate the goblins, maybe they know where the others went? This knee-high turf war is about as interesting to me as watching grass grow. Now I admit these goblins seem to be about as crazy as crazy can get, but if this dragon can help us get the job done faster, I'm fine with that." He pauses for a minute. "Maybe don't translate that last part to the Meep."

2012-11-04, 09:51 PM
Fix lets out a snort of laughter at the words "knee high turf war." How she can snort without lungs remains a mystery, but then, so does the fact that she considers herself gendered without sex organs.

2012-11-05, 11:02 AM
Oren looks curiously at Fix, then shares a small smile with the warforged. She remains quiet but concerned, awaiting some explanation from the dragon.

King Tius
2012-11-05, 12:10 PM
Sojan realizes that his comment might be offensive to their new vertically-challenged acquaintance. He clears his throat and looks at Erky. "No offense meant good Sir."

2012-11-06, 08:38 PM
The small white dragon watched curiously as everyone began talking and seemed to appreciate the healing touch provided by Fix. The white dragon speaks up with more courage looking Serra over without blinking, "Goypoychtymy ifiunch chungoi kypochunramy Dryhudronhui Don'Moar; mystehu westi. Kypochunramy unramyerai. Drhuan dry myesthuunwunsti tyhuekyra pochyyty." Don'Moar smiles proudly, "ypochunramy weunch"

Don'Moar tilts his head sideways, "Don'Moar niichbamy gounchch kypochunramy eraty goypoychtymy?"


Kobolds evil like goblins. Kobolds torture Don'Moar; scar his face. Goblins insane; They try sacrifice dragon.

Goblins fail.

Don'Moar helps kill goblins and kobolds?

Meepo is still unconscious at this point although probably very close to waking up.

2012-11-06, 08:56 PM
(Assuming the dragon is translated)

Fix frowns, looking to Meepo with concern. "I did not get a good feeling from the other kobolds, but Meepo is a good person. He has put himself in significant personal risk several times to aid us in battle, and despite his very slight stature and limited power he has proven himself both brave and noble. He will not come to harm while I am able to prevent it."

King Tius
2012-11-06, 09:44 PM
Sojan drops to a crouch to look the dragon square in the eyes. He holds up his hands to show he means no harm as he continues talking. Truth be told, he is fascinated by the little guy.

"If there's one thing my house believes, it is that warriors come in all shapes and sizes. I'd be more than happy to bring Meepo back with us and teach the little runt the common tongue. As to Don'Moar, I'd love a chance to get to know a dragon personally. He'd certainly be a useful ally. I agree about those other Kobolds. We could stash Meepo and wipe out the lot of them if you're up to it."

He smiles at Don'Moar and points to the sky, then the ground, then all around him, then at Don'Moar, then at himself. "Siberys. Khyber. Eberron. Don'Moar. Sojan." He holds out his hand and offers the dragon a shake, realizing the thing might not be able to.

2012-11-07, 03:39 PM
Oren looks sceptically at the unconscious lump of lizard, then watches uncomfortably as Sojan pantomimes around the little dragon's face. "Yeah. He's somethin'.

Those goblins have gotta go. That kind of corruption could spread and be real dangerous. Once we're done with them and our other business, the kobolds should be fine if we, you know, just leave."

2012-11-07, 08:30 PM
Sojan realizes that his comment might be offensive to their new vertically-challenged acquaintance. He clears his throat and looks at Erky. "No offense meant good Sir."

Sir Erky looks annoyed at the comment but he doesn't say anything; chooses to be the bigger man.

Great Reverend
2012-11-07, 08:53 PM
Serra too had to stifle a smile at Sojan's disdain for the pint sized war.

"Ok, I'll let him know." She continued after Don'moar spoke,"Undr myiilimy lian whuuniratymy ehui ziunchchunrak dry mystyonhu drnii kypochunramy whuyli drniunmy bachesti ziundrni anyon; niyziifiihu, zii ehui niihui wyhu e baonhubaymyi ydrniihu drniera... kiraystuntyi. Niunmy," she points to Sojan, "niyonmyi unmy Deneith eraty zii ehui chyygounrak wyhu drnihuii whuyli drniiunhu yhutyihu ziniy ziiradr liunmymyunrak niihui. Stera anyon niichba onmy ziundrni drniedr dremygo unra eraan lieraraihu?"

"Fix, like I pointed out earlier, Meepo was the dragon's keeper. That scar is probably from his care. I would not expect an easy reconciliation."

"Well, one this is he's eager!" Sera translates what Don'moar said.

And, then explain's Sojan's attempt to communicate, and admiration.

"It seems my friends are willing to scour the goblins from this place with you; however, we are here for a purpose other than... genocide. His," she points to Sojan, "house is Deneith and we are looking for three from their order who went missing here. Can you help us with that task in any manner?"

2012-11-07, 09:09 PM
Don'Moar responds quickly, chatting excitedly. He even snorts a cloud of frost as he speaks, "Ray raiity dry gounchch echch goypoychtymy. Raydr echch poety. Mystehu kunfiihu eraty niunmy ziunstgoity wechmyi tyhuekyra xoniira Yusdrayl yrachan yraimy ziniy tyimyihufii tyiedrni. Un ziunchch styziihu drnii huimydr yw drniili. Ewdrihu goypoychtymy tyiechdr ziundrni, Tyyra'Liyehu niichba anyon gounchch kypochunramy, wunraty whuuniratymy. Un..."

Suddenly Meepo stirs from unconsciousness; Sojan's healing aura finally healing it back from the brink of death. The dragon's eyes immediately dart to Meepo in shock; then anger. Hissing frost from his mouth he speaks in a voice that indicates extreme prejudice, "Mystehu Kunfiihu"

Meepo eyes open and look at the dragon in a confused manner, "ziniedr...?"

Probably going to have to go back into initiative at this point. The dragon doesn't look like he's going to give you guys any chance but to respond to his offensive.

2012-11-07, 09:54 PM
Are we going back to the previous initiative order, or can Fix make a hasty action?

Great Reverend
2012-11-08, 12:20 AM
Off to the side of the dragon and the group, Serra began to translate while Don'moar spoke, "...No kill, oops, sorry!" She allowed the dragon more lead time for her to translate. "No need...to kill all kobolds. ...Not all ...bad." Serra paused about the second time Mystehu-Kunfiihu is heard. Her eyes widen as Meepo awakened.

She pivoted away from the dragon, "Get dow--"

In case you need it: :smallsmile: Init: [roll0]

2012-11-09, 10:33 PM
It's clear to all of you the following information:

The dragon has nothing but seething hatred towards Meepo. A possible explanation given what you've heard and learned is that the white dragon didn't particularly enjoy being held against his will. Serra also mentioned that Meepo may have given the dragon his scar. It's also clear that the dragon is going to attack Meepo.

Emlyn has a readied action that triggers. The rest of you act on your initiative count. No one is flat footed.

Turn Order:
Sojan: [roll0]
Fix: [roll1]
Serra: 6
Oren: [roll2]
Meepo: [roll3]
White Dragon: [roll4]
Sir Erky: [roll5]

Round 1:
Emlyn (Nothing stops the white dragon from taking an AoO against you)
White Dragon
Sir Erky



2012-11-10, 01:35 PM
As soon as Serra says to get away from the dragon, Emlyn reaches over, trying to stop it from attacking one of the others by grabbing it tightly.

And back to the grappling!

2012-11-10, 05:34 PM
The dragon's initial movement seemed to be a feint and Emlyn's hands reached nothing but air. Emlyn you know you left yourself open for a counter-attack and noticed the dragon did not take it (much to your relief).

Still this flurry of movement postponed the dragon from breathing, giving other allies an opportunity to react.

Fix then Oren.

2012-11-10, 06:51 PM
Fix, as both a warforged and an artificer, has a strong propensity towards order. Her own person is kept perpetually neat and tidy, and she uses every moment she has to its utmost. She is, in essence, a naturally lawful individual.

Some situations, however, call for a little bit of chaos. And so it was without thought that she bent down, scooped up Meepo, and said, "I'm going to take him back to the forge room! Hold it off while I hide him!" She then proceeded to run as fast as she could away from the little monster.

I have no idea how to do this mechanically.

2012-11-10, 07:39 PM
Picking Meepo up is a move action. Moving is a move action. Unfortunately Serra closed the door that would take you to the forge room. Opening the door is a move action. But you can pick him up and move adjacent to the door this round.

2012-11-10, 11:14 PM
I guess the real question was if she needed to grapple him or not; that said, if I were in his shoes, I'd trust that Fix was trying to help me. I am, however, quite biased.

Fix picks up Meepo as a move action and carries him as far away as she can as another move action. If he tries to get free she does not resist.

2012-11-13, 09:10 AM
Fix is doing my plan so I'm just going to ... get out of the way or something. I don't have hold of the dragon and I can't get Meepo now. So I'm left standing in a hallway. I go whichever way is easiest to avoid fighting again.

2012-11-13, 08:19 PM
The white dragon tries to hit the fleeing fix holding his prey and it looks like he hesitates just slightly as Oren gets out of the way. Dodging and diving away from Emlyn the white dragon moves into the open and spreads his wings wide.

It looks like he wants to hit Fix and Meepo with his breath weapon but he doesn't, instead hissing in a very low very upset growl, "Ziyliera drichch drnii liidrech yrai yonhu bachera...."



Great Reverend
2012-11-13, 08:37 PM
Serra tried to step aside from the white dragon as it craned it neck and made to look like it was attacking with its breath weapon. When it escaped Emlyn's grasp, she gave chase. "Damn it! I said don't let him wake up!" She cursed bitterly and then called out to everyone, "He'll help fight the goblins and find the missing men. ...If we help kill the queen, and," she could find no way to sugar-coat it, "he hates Meepo." The look on her face told all.

2012-11-14, 12:49 PM
Jop, you're an evil bastard.

King Tius
2012-11-14, 01:40 PM
Sojan shouts out to Fix. "Take him back to the workshop and give him some rations. You can have some of mine if you need them. I think the dragon will prove more useful in a fight. Maybe we can get it to trust us more before we try and make them play nice. Either way we have to get them out of each other's sight."

No other actions taken

2012-11-14, 02:25 PM
Stepping out from the doorway, her heart pumping and face red, Oren nods meaningfully to Sojan and Serra. "We outta think this out," she says quietly. "The two of them are pulling at us like the tides. Nothing we do will make both of them happy and I'm not about to finish up this mission by turning on the dragon or kobolds - neither of which seems like a danger except to each other.

Only advantage we got is Serra's the only one who can talk to them both, so we control the information."

2012-11-14, 02:55 PM
Fix continues moving back towards the forge room, only walking on squares that she has previously searched. She double-moves every round, but does not run.

2012-11-18, 08:01 PM
Fix when you picked Meepo up he didn't put up much of a fight. At some point after you opened the door (but before you went through it) he suddenly seemed to snap out of his revere, barked something out in draconic, and struggled to get free from you.

Meepo is trying to get out of your hold. Do you prevent him or do you let him land?

2012-11-18, 08:17 PM
Round 2:
White Dragon
Sir Erky

2012-11-18, 09:54 PM
Fix does not resist Meepo's attempts to get free.

2012-11-19, 08:28 PM
Emlyn reaches out to grab the dragon once again, hoping to give the others time to escape.

Grapple because I have no clue what else to do!

2012-12-02, 05:54 PM
Emlyn's touch attack hits.
Opposed grapple check:

2012-12-02, 05:58 PM
Fix, Meepo lands on the ground gracefully. His eyes darting around trying to understand the situation at hand.

Emlyn pounces on the white dragon smashing the poor creatures head into the ground and successfully grappling the white dragon.

non-lethal damage: [roll0]

When Meepo see's Emlyn grappling the white dragon he seems to relax for a second.

2012-12-02, 11:04 PM
Fix looks to the dragon, and Meepo, and she sees an untenable situation. "We need Meepo to go back to the forge room, or this is going to get bloody!"

2012-12-05, 10:32 AM
Emlyn grits his teeth as he holds the dragon down and into the ground. "I'll try to hold the dragon down until you get him out of here!"

2012-12-07, 09:24 PM
Emlyn suddenly snaps his hand back and away from the dragon who's mouth and neck twisted back to bite the half-elf. In that brief moment the dragon twisted away from the grapple and scrambled away from the half elf. His eyes darting back and forth between Meepo, Emlyn, and Serra. He seems momentarily uncertain of what to do.

White Dragon
Escape Artist: [roll0]
Emlyn's opposed roll: [roll1]
Five foot step to K9

2012-12-07, 09:26 PM
Round 2:
Oren (Delayed)
White Dragon
Sojan Your Turn.
Sir Erky



Great Reverend
2012-12-08, 10:05 PM
Serra looked desperately among her allies for help: an inkling of what to do. She felt sorry for the dragon being tortured and captured, but wasn't ready to let Meepo die for his crimes.
What is it now, Gem?
<I wonder if I'd be so concerned for the goblins if they were helping us.>

She looked to the dragon, "Un niefiira'dr niety drunlii dry iqubacheunra anyonhu bachera, ziniunstni ziunchch niefii dry poi echdrihuity. Meepo niemy poiira e khuiedr niichba dry onmy."

She looked to the dragon, "I haven't had time to explain your plan, which will have to be altered. Meepo has been a great help to us."

King Tius
2012-12-10, 09:05 AM
Sojan walks to MP, trying to put more bodies in between the dragon and the kobold.

"Go ahead and take Meepo out, Fix. I'll make sure the little bugger doesn't follow you."

2012-12-11, 08:13 PM
The small kobold doesn't appear to enjoy what Serra just said to the white dragon. While pulling out his sling and loading a sling stone he glared angrily at the white dragon and spoke loudly down the hallway, "Anyon liegoi bachera ziundrni drhuunpoi. Niichba Liiibay pohuunrak poestgo stchera'my tyhuekyra eraty zii kunfii huiziehuty. Undr'my baestdr."

2012-12-11, 08:17 PM
Sir Erky seemed to have enough, and over the sound of everyone talking he can clearly be heard saying to Oren, "Flame forgive me, but this is getting ridiculous."

Emlyn's turn

2012-12-13, 04:33 PM
Emlyn lunges forward, trying, once again, to get a good hold on the dragon so the others can escape with Meepo.

This really is getting a touch ridiculous...

2012-12-14, 12:29 AM
The white dragon seems to relax for a second and is taken by surprise as Emlyn charges forward, grabs the white dragon and slams his small body against the wall. The dragon does his best to try to defend himself against Emlyn's assault but Emlyn is able to easily pummel the surprised dragon's attack aside.

Dragon takes his attack of opportunity) Bite: [roll0] for [roll1] points of damage.

Emlyn does [roll2] points of non-lethal damage.

Fix then Oren.

2012-12-14, 07:54 PM
Fix leans down and pushes against Meepo, driving the little kobold away from the dragon as far as she can without hurting him.

She moves into Meepo's square; he technically gets an AoO against her.
Strength check, +4 because he's small: [roll0]

2012-12-14, 07:57 PM


If you beat the defender’s Strength check result, you push him back 5 feet. If you wish to move with the defender, you can push him back an additional 5 feet for each 5 points by which your check result is greater than the defender’s check result.

2012-12-14, 09:18 PM
With the kobold being dragged away and the dragon occupied, Oren simply nods in annoyed agreement with Erky and walks quickly down the hall to examine the door and possible exit (though it seems to lead into some sort of gas, she finds that preferable to what she's been watching).

Moves to 9F and examines door.

2012-12-14, 09:37 PM
Fix pushes Meepo all the way to N12, assuming she can't take him past the barrier.

2012-12-14, 09:41 PM
Oren you move around Emlyn pummeling and trying to hold the small white dragon who has, for the most part, ignored Emlyn's attempts at trying to restrain him. However Emlyn's most recent efforts has clearly enraged the dragon who is looking pretty beat up at this point. The white dragon tries desperately to escape but his most recent meeting with the wall is having an effect on the white dragon's efforts.

Combat Rolls
Escape Artist: [roll0]
Emlyn Opposed: [roll1]

2012-12-14, 10:22 PM
Oren eyes the dragon with mixed fear and concern as she walks backs away inot the other room. "Serra, can't you tell this thing to settle down?"

Great Reverend
2012-12-15, 05:01 AM
Serra's exasperation matches everyone else's, "Settle down?! He was held captive, repeatedly beaten within an inch of his life, and is out for revenge! He wants Meepo, the queen, and the goblins dead! We can't stop him without him turning on us, or at best being fiercely angry at us. He was willing to help us in our search and rescue mission if we helped kill Meepo and the Queen. How many times do I have to say it? Our promise to find the dragon and return him to Meepo is right here, in front of us. Let's tie it up!" She took a breath after rattling that out all too quickly. "Damnit! Why did he have to wake up! The dragon thought he was dead!"
She moved to a frosted ice patch and kicked hard at the snow.
"There's nothing I can do to calm this situation. I'm starting to feel his anger at being caged."

2012-12-15, 10:45 AM
Ok. I'm sure the DM is going to block me here, if for no other reason but taking more than one round to do this, but as the only other option seems to be killing one or both of these NPCs, I'm going to go for a grand gesture and probably get killed, but at least it's in character and better than staring at a door.

Abashed at Serra's shared frustration, Oren thumps the door with her toe and turns back toward the hallway. What kind of mythical godlike creature doesn't speak common? Stupid dragon.

She brushes past Serra, bluntly saying, "Translate for me." She steps next to Emlyn and hunches just enough to look the little dragon in the eyes, only a foot away. Empty hands held up in front of her, she tries to look at non-threatening as possible. "Hey," she says firmly but in a contrite tone, "There are other things here for us to fight. Do you wanna kill one kobold in revenge, or help out and piss them all off by leaving this place with us?

"Just put up with that guy," she says, pointing down the hall, "and I promise by the Silver Flame I'll get you out of here.

"If I get out of here," she mutters.

Diplomacy + Action point

[roll0] + [roll1]

2013-01-01, 07:10 PM
As the sounds of Fix and Meepo's departure grow quieter Emlyn quickly releases the white dragon in a way that clearly shows to the creature that he was subdued, again, and is being released.

The white dragon, although severely beaten at this point, reacts quickly whipping his head around leaving a trail of cool white frost in the air, and for half a second he looks like he's going to blast the half-elf with his breath weapon. But the rage leaves his eyes when he see's how outnumbered he is and the look on his face is replaced with a passive aggression. He's clearly upset at the way he's been treated. Oren the look on the small dragon's face seems to be wounded pride. You've humiliated him and he doesn't appear pleased with his situation.

He sits there in silence thinking on Oren's words translated to him by Serra. He holds him self up low and he avoids eye contact as he speaks in slow carefully chosen draconic, "Si surrender. svabol tir wux tuor de ve."

I surrender. What do you want from me.

King Tius
2013-01-02, 02:01 PM
Sojan squats down to look the dragon in the eyes more easily. "We want your help. I need to find my kin and they're somewhere down here. If we need to kill every Goblin and Kobold down here, so be it, but this one" he points at Meepo "has earned our trust and saved our lives. If you give him the chance, I think he will help you too, all previous aggressiveness aside. Will you assist us in clearing this place? I promise if you help us we'll help you find your freedom."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-01-04, 01:25 PM
The dragon looks between Serra and Sojan as she translates Sojan's words. His bloodied and smashed face has reveals a bruised face and the scar given to him by Meepo has re-opened and bleeds slowly. He's beat up and saddened but all signs of anger seem to have dissipated from his face.

"Tyyra'liyehu ziunchch niichba wunraty ziehuhuunyhu Sojan'x pohuydrniihumy; gounchch kypochunramy.. lieanpoi gounchch goypoychtymy? Un raydr nionhudr Liiibay... drytyean." His eyes seem to squint as if thinking hard before he says the last word. The dragon cracks a smile at his comment.


"Don'moar will help find warrior Sojan's brothers; kill goblins.. maybe kill kobolds? I not hurt Meepo... today."


Meepo and Fix have departed the area.

King Tius
2013-01-04, 01:39 PM
Sojan smiles and offers his hand to the dragon, not particularly caring if the dragon understands the gesture or not.

"Put her there, little guy. If you want to go after the kobolds once we find my kin I'll be happy to help. Warrior Sojan, I like the sound of that."

He gets up and dusts himself off. "Let's go talk to Meepo and make sure he's on board as well. The sooner we clear up this blood feud the sooner we can get back to our task."

Sojan will head out of the room to talk to Fix. "Alright my little friend, we've convinced the dragon to work with us and to try not to kill you. Can you promise to do the same? I won't lie, he wants to kill your clan, but for now we can focus on these goblins. What say you, Meeps?"

2013-01-04, 02:15 PM
Oren silently watched Sojan recede down the hall and then turns back to he dragon thoughtfully. She slowly and gently cleans the creature's wound, murmuring prayers as she does so.

She waits for a plan to come together.

2013-01-04, 04:36 PM
Fix touches Sojan's shoulder, getting his attention for a moment. Her face shows concern. "I believe Meepo should stay behind, if we can convince him. He is brave, and has some magical power, but he has nearly died twice in the past day, and he has come to harm many more times than that. I am picking up on Draconic as best I can, but I still cannot properly talk to him to explain why his remaining is a good idea. It is frustrating, Sojan."

King Tius
2013-01-04, 04:52 PM
Sojan can't help but smile at Fix. "Easy there, Mother Hen. We've all come a bit too close to death down here. We'll give him the option but if he wants to come with us I won't turn him down. There's fight in him, even for a Kobold, and I admire him for that."

I am assuming that Serra is willing to join Sojan and help translate, so my previous post doesn't make much sense if that isn't the case....

2013-01-04, 05:14 PM
Fix frowns at Sojan, but she doesn't respond, instead looking to Meepo. She does, in fact, look rather concerned for his well-being.

2013-01-06, 10:29 PM
Emlyn frowns as he watches the dragon, playing with one of his slightly-pointed ears absent-mindedly. After a moment, he looks over at Serra. "Serra? Do you think you could... apologize to him for me? I feel bad for needing to wrestle with him."

2013-01-08, 12:18 AM
"Emlyn," Oren says with simmering annoyance, "we already talked the thing down. Apologize and you just make us look weak. We have to be strong to get through this and if ... it thinks we're not why in Dolurrh would it help us?"

2013-01-11, 03:09 PM
Serra, Fix, Meepo, Sojan

While Sojan and Fix are speaking Meepo seems to fix Serra with a cold stare that seems to unnerve Serra. Clearing her throat she responds awkwardly to Sojan, "Meepo isn't here to help us on our quest remember? I doubt this is going to work, before he left he told the queen that he would find the dragon and bring it back or die trying. Nothing about that tells me that he'll continue along with us on our journey."

*Serra has not translated anything yet to Meepo.

Don'Moar, Oren, Emlyn, Sir Erky

The dragon lets Oren clean his wounds although he watches her with a wary eye.

Sir Erky says, "It's the weak who are the cruelest because it take strength to do the right thing in the face of adversity." Erky shrugs and continues, "How old do you guys think this dragon is? It's amazing that he is so capable at such a young age. His breath weapon will come in handy if we have to fight an army in a small corridor. We'll just have to protect him; he's weak in a close fight."

King Tius
2013-01-21, 09:26 AM
Sojan frowns as he looks at the kobold, cupping his chin and rubbing the stubble on his face. "As much as I like him, we've got bigger fish to fry. We'll string him along as long as we can and when the time comes he'll just have to deal with it. Serra, mind translating this bit for me?"

"Meepo, this dragon is going to help us kill the rest of the goblins. Once we've taken care of them, we'll bring the dragon back to your tribe. You can either come with us or wait in the forge room until we've killed the rest of them. If you come with us, you can't give the dragon any trouble or it won't help us and we'll just have to tie it up. Carrying the dragon around is going to be a pain and it will be more useful to us if it is fighting. I promise nothing bad will happen to it."

Bluff Check: [roll0]

Great Reverend
2013-01-23, 08:01 PM
... "Serra? Do you think you could... apologize to him for me? I feel bad for needing to wrestle with him."

"Emlyn ... [an apology would] just make us look weak. We have to be strong to get through this and if ... it thinks we're not, why in Dolurrh would it help us?"

Serra stands up from kneeling near the dragon and dusts off her legs. "I think Oren's right. Best to save apologies for when we finally part ways."

"Alright my little friend, we've convinced the dragon to work with us and to try not to kill you. Can you promise to do the same? I won't lie, he wants to kill your clan, but for now we can focus on these goblins. What say you, Meeps?"

Serra does not translate, but instead says to Sojan:
"Meepo isn't here to help us on our quest remember? I doubt this is going to work, before he left he told the queen that he would find the dragon and bring it back or die trying. Nothing about that tells me that he'll continue along with us on our journey."

"Meepo, this dragon is going to help us kill the rest of the goblins. Once we've taken care of them, we'll bring the dragon back to your tribe. You can either come with us or wait in the forge room until we've killed the rest of them. If you come with us, you can't give the dragon any trouble or it won't help us and we'll just have to tie it up. Carrying the dragon around is going to be a pain and it will be more useful to us if it is fighting. I promise nothing bad will happen to it."[/COLOR]
Bluff Check: [roll0]

Serra translates for Meepo into Draconic. "Zii niefii e bahuypochili. Ihuli, anyonhu tyhuekyra unmy fiihuan etyibadr edr wunknidrunrak lieraan wyimy, myy chyrak emy drniian tyyra'dr kidr e rayymyi ehuyonraty niunmy lionjijichi. Nii ifiira ywwihuity dry niichba onmy wunraty yonhu liunmymyunrak baiybachi unw zii chidr niunli gounchch kypochunramy; ziniunstni, nii myiilimy xonundri stebaepochi yw gounchchunrak lieraan unw zii liegoi myonhui drniian tyyra'dr... lionjijichi niunli. Zii stera'dr niefii anyon eraty nii drhuanunrak dry gounchch iestni ydrniihu drnii ziniychi drunlii yhu ichmyi ray yrai kidrmy ziniedr drniian zieradr. Myy, tyy anyon zieradr dry stylii echyrak ziundrni onmy dry liegoi myonhui yonhu iraty yw drnii poehukeunra unmy stylibachidrity? Anyon'chch niefii dry raydr poiedr Don'm...Calcryx tyonhuunrak drniunmy baehudr yw drnii liunmymyunyra. Yhu, anyon stera mydrean niihui onradrunch zii stylibachidri drnii xonimydr. Un tyyra'dr drniunrago dranunrak onba drnii tyhuekyra eraty tyhuekkunrak niunli ziundrni onmy unmy kyunrak dry liegoi yonhu viypo eraan iemyunihu. Eraty, zii stera'dr niefii niunli tyyunrak drnii myelii drniunrak dry anyon, iundrniihu."

Draconic Translation:

Serra translates for Meepo into Draconic. "We have a problem. Erm, your dragon is very adept at fighting many foes, so long as they don't get a noose around his muzzle. He even offered to help us find our missing people if we let him kill goblins; which, he seems quite capable of killing many if we make sure they don't... muzzle him. We can't have you and he trying to kill each other the whole time or else no one gets what they want. So, do you want to come along with us to make sure our end of the bargain is completed? You'll have to not beat Don'm...Calcryx during this part of the mission. Or, you can stay here until we complete the quest. I don't think tying up the dragon and dragging him with us is going to make our job any easier. And, we can't have him doing the same thing to you, either."

2013-01-23, 09:26 PM
Praise Krom, we can get rollin'.

2013-01-24, 12:10 PM
Serra begins speaking quickly to Meepo in draconic and the it's unclean whether the tension in the room clears up or not. Meepo's face doesn't give out much other than the occasional eye blink. When Serra finishes speaking Meepo replies back to her in draconic, "Un zieundr niihui eraty niybai ziehuli poytyunimy huidronhura stchera'my tyhuekyra ziniira tyyrai onmyunrak undr."

2013-01-24, 01:04 PM
Oren tries, unsuccessfully, to appear completely calm as the back and forth continues with Serra at the center. She bites her lip and taps her foot and generally fidgets as she listens to the woman and two lizards negotiate in their strange tongue.

She gives the dragon a weak, momentary smile and says quietly to Emlyn, "So I guess this is what politics is like in the Five Nations. Everyone hating each other working together and pretending they don't. No wonder the place is so corrupt.

It's a lot easier to tell the winner of a knife fight." She appears thoughtful and somber as she awaits a resolution.

Great Reverend
2013-01-24, 01:19 PM
Serra's face looked stern, but pleased and gave Meepo a nod, "Very well." She then motioned to Sojan that it was time to leave. "Meepo said that he'd stay in the forge room and wait for us to return... hopefully alive, with the clan's dragon when we're done using it."

She waited until she was clear of Meepo's earshot before continuing. "I get the feeling he doesn't expect us to live. And, that he only wants us for help getting the dragon." She looked right in Sojan's eyes. "He's not going to just wait in the room. We should expect much resistance."

King Tius
2013-01-24, 01:28 PM
Sojan looks at Serra before glancing at Meepo. "Should we tie him up? If he does run and tell his tribe, well, we'll have to deal with that when we get there. I wonder if we could jam the mechanism to keep him locked in there. Fix, do you think it could be done?"

2013-01-24, 10:32 PM
Emlyn nods at Oren, watching the conversation take place. "It has been for some time. Ideally, we could get to a point the Nations could join together without such troublesome politics."

2013-01-24, 11:13 PM
The priestess sniffs. "An' I'm a mermaid."

2013-01-25, 08:15 AM
Fix inspects the doors for a moment or two before shaking her head softly. "If it is doable, it is beyond my ability. I could try, but it would take a good deal of time, and these doors were made by an artificer with far more than my level of ability. I doubt I could jam them in a way that didn't make them extremely hard to reopen."

2013-01-28, 08:55 PM
When Fix begins to inspect the door Meepo's eyes suddenly begin to dart back and forth between her and Serra.

King Tius
2013-02-06, 09:54 PM
Sojan is growing increasingly frustrated. "Fine, tell Meepo to wait in here while we go kill the goblins. If he goes and gets his tribe we'll just kill them, too. It's time to get a move on."

2013-02-06, 10:31 PM
Fix crosses her arms, her stone and metal brow knitting for a moment in thought. Finally, she sighs, despite her lack of lungs. "I dislike the idea, but Sojan is right. We made a contract, and we need to fulfill it. Not to mention the fact that those humans should not be left with the goblins any longer than possible; and if we are going to find nothing but remains, I have no qualms with wiping out the aggressors. They have displayed both violence and a lack of willingness to parley; there is no moral quandary there.

Fighting Meepo's people is more distasteful, but again I must agree with Sojan; if we are put in the situation where we much pick sides, I will always choose to defend myself and my allies. I will not attack them, but I will defend myself with lethal force if necessary. If Meepo will not aid us, he needs to stay out of our way."

2013-02-13, 07:25 PM
With some hesitation the group gives Meepo one last look before moving out. The small guy who you all have grown so close to's face is unreadable and it's not known what he plans on doing. You all leave him in the blue glow of the forge room and press on down the hall, stepping over a dire rat's corpse, through the room with caltrops strewn about and step casually over the crenellations.

As you approach the target practice room the sound of Erky talking can be heard and as you step over the second crenellations you can tell that he's speaking as if to a child, stories of the silver flame and the heroes of Thrane.

"... then Tira Miron, a paladin most pure of heart, joined with the Flame. Only then could we hear the good and true words spoken to us mortals." Sir Erky could be heard saying.

It was clear that the sound of armor approaching ended his story early and as you rounded the corner the small weary gnome slowly stood back up.

The badly bruised and terribly scarred white dragon looked carefully at each one of you and looked beyond as if expecting to see the small kobold. When it became apparent that the small kobold was not coming he seemed to relax slightly.

"The young dragon has experienced nothing but horror since he was born. And as we fight the depraved I fear that he will continue to experience nothing but fighting and bloodshed. Still, his breath weapon is much like a silver flame. I take it as a sign that he was meant to fight along side us." Sir Erky said calmly.

"When we fight the tribe, hold. Let the dragon get a shot with his breath weapon before rushing to meet your opponent. I believe he cannot use his breath weapon again immediately. Once engaged in melee his opportunities to assist us will be limited so let him get that first shot." Sir Erky explained. His voice was always calm and firm and it's clear to you that he has a confident and firm grasp on commanding troops into battle.

Area Map


2013-02-13, 10:03 PM
Fix runs through her supplies as the group makes its way back to Sir Erky and the dragon, both to ensure that her mental tally is accurate and to keep her mind off of Meepo and his potential betrayal. She puts away her used scroll-paper, saving the raw material to be reused later.

"Alright, I have remaining to me two flasks of acid, a single infusion, and scrolls of Entangle, Obscuring Mist, Feather Fall, Knock, Endure Elements, Bless Weapon, Lessor Vigor, and Invisibility." She lists the spells off without any particular inflection, though her mind is clearly running over the options.

"Of that list, only Obscuring Mist, Bless Weapon, Lesser Vigor, and Invisibility will be of any use in a fight. Entangle can be a very powerful spell, but there is no foliage here to make use of; if only there were weeds amongst the stone, I could hold down a large number of goblins.

The Invisibility spell will last about a minute or so, but it will vanish as soon as the target makes an aggressive or offensive action, including the casting of a dangerous spell or using a breath weapon. It would, however, grant the attacker a large measure of surprise, and potentially superior positioning that could not otherwise be achieved.

The Bless Weapon spell is mostly useful against demonic or diabolic creatures, not goblins, but it would grant the wielder of the blessed weapon an edge against any magical foes that are objectively morally evil. It only works on melee weapons.

Obscuring Mist will work best to cover a retreat. I hope it is not required. Lessor Vigor is a healing spell, obviously, and I will save it for the end of the fight. I will use my last infusion to make my crossbow Goblinbane, which will hopefully be the best course of action. It will, however, mean that I will need to focus on goblinoid foes, and that I will be taking a ranged role in this upcoming fight.

Sojan will receive the Bless Weapon spell, unless anyone objects, and I believe that our new draconic ally would benefit most from the Invisibility spell, if he so consents. Serra, would you mind translating my intention to make him invisible, and the fact that it would only afford him a single unhindered attack?"

Hot-diggity-damn did I miss being verbose. I've really missed Fix.

King Tius
2013-02-14, 10:27 AM
Sojan nods respectfully towards Ser Erky. Truth be told, he thought the man was more than a little strange at first, but much like the other two small-sized add-ons to the party, he was beginning to grow on the Deneith mercenary. "A solid strategy, Ser. From the way you talk it sounds like you've seen your fair share of fighting. When we're out of this rat-infested maze I'd love to buy you a drink and pull a few yarns out of you."

Turning to his mechanical bride-to-be, Sojan gives Fix a pat on the shoulder and a wink. "Works for me. You may want to hang on to that invisibility spell, just in case. If we run into another sticky spot like with those skeletons a few moments of invisibility could help turn the tide back in our favor."

Sojan strides forward to F8 and bows slightly, pointing his arms towards the door at F 9/10 and looking at the psycrystal. "After you, I insist."

2013-02-15, 06:47 PM
For a moment Oren pauses in concern as the gnome seems to talk to himself and wonders if he's gone stir crazy. When he stands and the tiny lizard come into view, she wonders if he's gone just plain crazy.

Well, he's not new to the faith - maybe he feels word of the Flame transcends language. She wasn't about to discount the possibility, but now was not the time for philosophising.

She watches the ever-polite Sojan usher the strange little crystal creature into the next room and gets Fix's attention. "Acid flasks? Somethin' to keep in mind - I've seen boarders tie'em to arrows and bolts and shoot'em into the masts. It cuts the lines without setting fire to the whole ship. Just a ... tactical thought for you."

She shrugs and walks on.

2013-02-16, 11:33 AM
Sir Erky smiles at Sojan before speaking, "I think I've forgotten what wine taste like." His smile slowley fades away before he walks over to a broken bench where an ancient, burned, crumbling parchment lays delicately on top. Next to it is a unsealed scroll case carved of bone carrying an inscription. "I began searching the room but Don'Moar took some... offense to my actions. Any idea what the scroll says?" He says to Serra.

2013-02-17, 03:05 AM
If Serra does not understand the scroll, or if she offers it to Fix to interpret:

Spellcraft, [roll0]

King Tius
2013-02-19, 09:23 AM
Sojan looks at the scroll case and let's out a loud "hmmmmmmm."

"You know, I've been thinking. Don'Moar here is a dragon, and they don't just spring out of the ground like weeds. He can't be more than a few years old at most. So where's his mommy? How did a tribe of little runts like these get a hold of a dragon egg? I was nearly killed as a young lad by an angry goose when I got too close to her nest. I can only imagine the fight a white dragon must put up when someone goes for her brood. "

2013-02-19, 03:04 PM
Oren looks concerned and says to Sojan, "Hey, let's not plot that heading. That -" she nods toward the little lizard - "is one thing. But I've never heard of anybody living a peaceful and carefree life after trying to bargain with an angry dragon. Have you?"

Rolling Lore just to see if I know any frightening tales of woe off the top of my head.


King Tius
2013-02-19, 03:06 PM
"Oh no no, I don't want to try and make friends, though that'd be quite a friend to have. I'm just wondering what strange circumstances landed this little dragon here without mom to scoop him back up."

2013-02-19, 03:24 PM
"Oh." She shrugs. "Well, it's a rotten world. Let's just give'em a chance to live in it and make it better instead of worse."

Great Reverend
2013-02-20, 03:46 PM
Serra lets their new pint-sized party member in on the magical battle plans then immediately takes up task with Erky's prize. She inspects the casing, damaged and partially burned, and the aged parchment with fire damage making most of it illegible. She mutters some goblin words, sounds, and attempts to make out the missing bits.

Finally she sighs, "This is all I can get; it's pretty old and not much ink--or paper--survived the ages. '...even our most powerful samurai. Bright Blade' Hrmm," she mumbled. "'Ja-ha Shah-arrat will soon be besieged and all of Dhakaani will soon fall unless you succeed here Tobin. Thank the gods for Csarivchizzik or we would have no hope at all.'"

She stopped reading and held a puzzled face for a moment before expressing her thoughts, "I'm not sure what, who, or where is Ja'Shaarat. I might be a shining weapon, the wielder of a weapon, or a great city. The writer mentions the owner of this case." She points to the only word on the case Csarivchizzik; it is in Draconic. "At least it sounds like a name."

She waits a moment to see if anyone has a place for this new puzzle piece.

"Gem, let's see what's ahead."

I won't send Gem out if we have more to discuss.

2013-02-20, 07:41 PM
Sir Erky crunches his face slightly, "I know the The Sovereign Host has a festival called Brightblade dedicated to Dol Dorn. The Dhaakani empire..." Sir Erky trails off for a second before continuing, "Not sure what pantheon they would have worshiped."

When Sir Erky brings up Brightblade those who follow the Sovereign Host remember the holiday as a festival marked by gladiatorial and athletic contests and is a holy day of Dol Dorn, the Sovereign Lord of Strength and Steel.

2013-02-20, 09:17 PM
Fix looks between the humanoids in the party, clearly confused. "I know even less of your history than I do of your culture, to be honest. What are these things you are referencing? The Sovereign Host is a kind of god, correct?"

If anyone moves to respond she holds up a hand, shaking her head. "It is not important for now, but I am going to need to hear some more stories once we leave this place, I should think. If I'm going to live in this world, I need to gain an understanding of it."

2013-02-20, 09:47 PM
Oren considers the conversation and her teachings, though she doubts she's more knowledgeable than Sir Erky ...

Why not try? Maybe a combination of the two rolls will get something, if they come to anything. Can't wait to level again.

Kno: Religion [roll0]
Lore [roll1]


King Tius
2013-02-20, 09:51 PM
Sojan points to the closed door nearby with his morningstar. "Let's get a move on, folks. Unless the scroll is going to help us kill these goblins it can probably wait till we're out of this gods-damned place."

2013-02-24, 06:50 PM
"I agree. As interested as I am, we'll have time to look over it once we're safe."

2013-02-24, 09:09 PM
Just like the last time you entered this chamber, several torches mounted in crude wall sconces burn fitfully in this chamber, filling the air with a haze that blurs sight. A double row of marble columns carved with goblin artwork marches the length of the hall

This room is severely irritating to the eyes. The smoke caused by the wall sconces causes your vision to blur severely and you're forced to constantly squint. The hallway looks blurry and distorted through the haze. Your characters would suffer a 20% miss chance while fighting in this room.


2013-02-24, 09:49 PM
Oren tries not to swipe the tears from her eyes, not knowing if that might make it worse.

"Sojan? Which door first? We should have that dragon at the front - " she looks at it and Serra. "Is it all right in here?

"Fix, do you think it would be safe to dowse those flames and use our own torches?"

King Tius
2013-02-24, 09:52 PM
"That one, let's cover our butts." (indicated doors at J8).

2013-02-24, 10:08 PM
Blinking rapidly and shaking steaking water down her cheeks, Oren says, "Aye," and walks around to find the best covering shot she can.

[Assuming all the doors open counter-clockwise, moves to H10]

2013-02-25, 12:17 AM
"Just a second, Oren, and I'll tell you if putting out these sconces is a good idea or not." Fix takes a moment to inspect the wall sconces, her own eyes not bothered by the thick, greasy smoke.

Search, for any reason why we couldn't just put them out and use torches: [roll0]

2013-02-25, 08:15 PM
Fix you inspect the burning incense. They look like they could burn for hours producing the obnoxious smoke. It looks like putting them out would be no problem.

2013-02-25, 10:31 PM
Fix snuffs out one of the burning sconces, waiting a moment just to make sure that is isn't another trap. Assuming nothing happens, she moves to the next one, and begins dousing it as well. "We can go ahead and put these out! We'll lose their light, but our torches throw off more than enough without reducing visibility so heavily. And you all began leaking from the face when we came in this room, which is usually a bad sign. Try not to open any doors until we let the smoke clear out, unless it seems like it doesn't want to go away."

2013-02-26, 08:52 PM
Fix as you move around the room snuffing out the sconces you eventually get near the far western door. You can clearly hear the sounds of a large number of goblinoids jabbering or something on the other side of the door. The noises they make are unlike anything you've ever heard another humanoid make. They sound possessed.

2013-02-27, 04:33 PM
Fix freezes in place as soon as she can hear the sounds beyond the door. She moves back across the room extremely carefully, firmly motioning everyone else back. Once she gets all the way back across the room, she whispers. There is clear fear in her voice. "There seem to be a large number of goblins behind that door. They do not sound... sane. What should we do? Prepare to fight and kick the door down?"

2013-02-27, 05:47 PM
Oren looks between Sojan and Erky, nodding emphatically. "It'd be best. If its more cultists they could be casting who-knows-what. Or, worse, summoning ... things."

2013-02-27, 07:59 PM
Sir Erky grins after Oren speaks and he glances at Sojan before looking back at the group with a more serious face, "Nay. Woman and children more like it. All of them ramble like that whenever they are awake. It gets worse and louder when they're angry but even when they think they're alone they mutter incoherently. The cultist are insane. So are their woman and children, so indoctrinated in their dark faith. They will not know what to do at first when they see us, then they will throw themselves at us with whatever weapon they have. "

King Tius
2013-02-27, 08:11 PM
"If you'd caught me on a better day with a warm meal in my belly and a proper bed to sleep in, I might have balked at the note of killing women and children. Then again, I'm not Paladin and we're not in Sharn. We've got two acid flasks, an Entangle spell, and Obscuring Mists. I say we pop open the door, throw down that Entangle spell, hurl in the flasks, and beat the rest to a pulp as they try and come at us. Any objections? I'll take point in front of the door. Fix will need to cast the entangle spell. Serra, Oren, you're on Flask duty. Erky, Emlyn, you two flank the doorway to get at them as they spill out. We'll let our new dragon ally blast them and fall back behind me. Any questions?"

2013-02-27, 08:28 PM
Fix raises her hand as she shakes her head in a negative gesture. "I agree with using the acid on a crowd, as the splash from the vial can kill just as well as the actual dose, but I have not yet been able to use the Entangle spell inside this place. There is not enough vegetation on the ground for the spell to use. It only needs grass or weeds to function, but so far we have not had even that little foliage. We can't plan on using it indoors."

She pauses for a moment, thinking. "As for killing women and children, I do not see why it would be an issue. We were just planning on killing the goblins, correct? Why would gender or age matter when it comes to killing them? If anything, the children should pose less of a threat."

King Tius
2013-02-27, 08:48 PM
Sojan frowns but quickly lets the frustration pass. "We'll just use the Obscuring Mists instead, right after we toss the flasks. Normally it isn't considered honorable to kill defenseless women and innocent children, Fix. In this case, however, I'd say they're neither. I'm sure the good Ser Erky could explain things better than I, but this is hardly the time. Everyone into position...let's do this."

2013-02-27, 08:50 PM
Oren very studiously re-checks her gear ... then does as Sojan said, flask in hand.

2013-02-27, 08:57 PM
"Before we begin I think we should air this room out. If it is the bulk of the tribe it's unlikely they'll be wearing armor. They will benefit more so than us from the stinging clouds in this room. We should finish dousing the sconces." Sir Erky points out while looking around the room.

2013-02-27, 09:32 PM
Fix nods at Erky's word's, and she resumes dousing the sconces, though taking much more care than before to be quiet while doing so, speaking her plans softly. "Now, after we douse these, we should wait a few minutes for the smoke to clear.

After that, I will give two of you my acid flasks, enchant my crossbow with Goblinbane, and prepare to cast Obscuring Mist. Sojan will throw open the door, and I will aim the spell such that the area in front of the door is clear, but beyond that will be obscured. This way, we can fight with clear air, and they will be unable to effectively use magic or ranged weapons against us.

Once we have cleared out this following room, we should continue to push through the mess. The Obscuring Mist will last a minute, and once it goes down we should try to keep moving as long as my Goblinbane lasts, assuming no one is seriously injured; my effectiveness will be much greater during my infusion's duration, so I'd like to make the best of it."

2013-03-01, 12:49 AM
Sir Erky chuckles before speaking, "Oh, ho-ho. You'll make the best of the infusion Fix. When the warriors hear that we're attacking the main of their village they'll come, armored up, and probably from that door and that door and that door." Erky points at the two doors on the north wall and then the one door on the south wall for emphasis, "Half a minute tops before the warriors come. Not sure which door they'll come from but I assure you it won't be pretty once we're surrounded. Fix you should take my spot and bane your arm. Myself, Oren, and Serra will cover your backs and move to prevent a flank from whichever door they do come out of."

2013-03-01, 12:56 AM
Fix looks to her fist, and then her crossbow. "I... do suppose my natural weapons are more versatile and reliable indoors and underground. I just feel so brutish, clubbing things to death with my fists. At least a crossbow is a tool, a weapon. I dislike being the weapon. But I agree with your advice."

2013-03-01, 01:00 AM
Sir Erky nods with understanding, "Serra and Oren might lend you a dagger?" He looks between the two of them, and the daggers they have resting on their sides.

2013-03-01, 09:26 AM
Oren hands over a dagger.

2013-03-01, 01:20 PM
Fix accepts the dagger, weighing the heavy-pointed knife in her hands. She looks down on the blade with something like trepidation, though her expression is difficult to read.

After a moment, she hands the dagger back to Oren, shaking her head softly. "No. I thank you, but I cannot accept this. If I am to take lives, it should be as a brute would. With my bare fists and my magic alone. Such is the way of the warforged, for better or worse; and who am I to betray such an illustrious tradition?"

She says the last with a faint bitter irony, and then she reaches into her spell component pouch, drawing out a small lump of cinder. She begins to etch over her arms, swirling designs the evoke a faint tribal essence. She begins to chant, faintly, and her quiet voice mixes with the still air, until the room is filled with the words of her chant, mixing and rebounding upon themselves. She draws two final marks, thick lines of black on her cheeks, and then she brings her fists together with a faint clap of impact.

The lines and designs upon her body flare into a cobalt-blue light, enough to throw out stark shadows across the room. Her eyes burst into light as well, as does the identifying mark on her forehead. After a moment, the glow recedes, but it does not vanish, and the marks shine sharply on her arms.

"Alright," she says, taking a scroll from her belt. "Time is ticking. This infusion is my most powerful, in a way, and it will last for a little under four minutes. Let's make that time count. Sojan, when I signal, please open the door. Everyone, be prepared to begin combat."

She begins casting her spell, weaving faint words and tracing lines on the parchment with her finger. After a few seconds, her eyes snap up, and she nods sharply to Sojan. As he throws open the door, she whips her hand forward, unleashing her spell on the center of the next room. As she does, she takes in as many details of their hosts as possible.

She casts Weapon Augmentation, Personal at +1 CL because she is a Warforged, and with another +1 CL because of her Infuse Self class ability. It takes one minute to cast, and will last four.

She then readies an action to cast Obscuring Mist as Sojan opens the door, and then she signals him to do so. She is centering the spell twenty feet away from herself into the middle of the cultists, if possible. It will last one minute.

Use Magic Device, DC 21: [roll0]

King Tius
2013-03-01, 01:31 PM
Sojan switches his aura to the one that imbues his allies with damage resistance before readying his morningstar and throwing open the door.

2013-03-01, 03:03 PM
Emlyn draws his longsword and moves into position, a grim expression on his face. "And into the fire we go..."

2013-03-03, 11:39 PM
The Children of Khyber

The room looks like something out of a nightmare. The stone walls have been painted with what looks to be blood. A lot of blood. With it's raised ceiling the place looks like it was at one point a gods honest cathedral. No more, now it is the sleeping area of the bulk of the tribe. What was once the alter has been transformed into a sacrificial slab. A corpse rests upon it, a kobold by the looks of it. Freshly dead. In the sickening light dozens of goblins go about their daily business, which seems to be sleeping, preparing food, arguing, eating, sleeping, fighting, sharpening weapons, sneaking, sleeping, shouting, speaking in tounges, fighting, scarring themselves, and performing lewd acts with the corpse on the stone slab.

There are more goblins that you can count and when you kick open the door for the briefest moment you have an entire room full of goblins stare dumbly at you. In that moment you all act.


You all get partial actions in the surprise round


Don'Moar (1d20+1)[18]
Emlyn [roll1]
Erky [roll2]
Fix [roll3]
Oren [roll4]
Serra (1d20+2)[16]
Sojan [roll5]



2013-03-03, 11:55 PM
Surprise Round Initiative:

Oren 22
Don'Moar 18
Serra 16
Fix 16
Sojan 15
Sir Erky 13
Emlyn 12 <--- Your turn

2013-03-04, 12:27 AM
Biological beings say that before they die, their lives flash before their eyes. That saying meant little to Fix; though it wasn't true of all warforged, she had a perfect memory, and she could remember every moment of her life since the moment she had stepped out of the Creation Forge. She recalled the first sight of Merrix d'Cannith as if it were happening before her, and she recalled every conversation and tutoring session she had with the man.

She recalled Fist, her one and only friend back inside Merrix's secret laboratories, a massive warforged juggernaut with the mind of a child and the heart of a saint. She remembered the experimentation forced on Fist, experimentation that she was occasionally obliged to personally witness. And participate in, on occasion. She remembered the incredible strength her friend had held, and the fact that he would not use that strength to harm anything, even his captors and torturers.

She remembered wishing that she could cry. Then wishing that she could kill Merrix. And when she realized that would be impossible, she sought to escape. And escape she did, but it was at a horrible price; Fist was left behind.

Her thoughts went down that path, in the moment that the door opened, because of the last words Fist has spoken to her, the night that she fled. The night that she tried to take him with her, only to learn that his holding pen was locked well enough to surpass her rudimentary abilities.

It had taken ten minutes, but Fix finally gave up working at the lock. The adamantine panel simply was not going to budge, and she had nearly destroyed her hard-earned metal splinters she had worked into mostly functional lockpicks.

"I'm so sorry," she breathed through the barred window into the cell. "I can't do it, Fist. I don't know how to open this cell. I'm afraid that I won't be able to let you out." There was a stirring inside, and a massive face with a heavy iron jaw pressed against the bars. It would have shocked her, were it not for the fact that he had become quite used to the terrifying visage, and she had complete faith in the personality behind the fearsome image.

"No sorry, Fix." The juggernaut spoke slowly, and with a monotone. He was a very intelligent example of his kind, which meant that his mind was childlike at best. "No sad. And no fear."

Fix looked down in shame. "But I am afraid, Fist. Afraid of what they're going to do to you. They've already forced those... those spikes on you, made them burst out of your surface. What next? I heard rumors of an all-adamantine covering, and the kind of pain that would put you through..." She peters off, her head still bowed.

"Fix, do not fear. Not for Fist. And not for Fix." The juggernaut seemed completely unworried, though he also seemed to grasp the situation at hand. "Why shouldn't I worry, Fist? I'm leaving tonight, and I don't know what's out there. I just know that there's an entire world that I have never seen, and that I refuse to be a prisoner any longer. No matter how polite they are on the surface, I know what I am. I'm an experiment, and they're waiting for me to show them results.

And if I don't give them the results they want? If I can't? I don't know the circumstances of my creation, but Merrix only runs the forge for very specific purposes. He does not create run-of-the-mill warforged anymore. And as much as I would like to think my mind makes me exceptional, that simply isn't the case. I know, deep down, that there was another element to my creation. And when that element does or does not bear fruit?

The experiment will be over. And I will be a walking, talking, thinking liability. A problem, with a simple solution. They will kill me, Fist. And I am worried that when your body cannot take any more, they will kill you."

The juggernaut watched and listened quietly and attentively, though Fix knew that he would understand little of her emotional diatribe. When she finished, he remained still for another long moment, before finally speaking. "No sorry, Fix. No fear. Fix is the strongest warforged Fist knows. Stronger than Fist. You will go out, and not die. Fist will stay. Will hurt. But Fist will not die; does not want to."

A resolution washed over the juggernaut's face, something Fix had never seen there before. "You live, because you are strong. Stronger than Fist. And Fist live, because Fist strong. Stronger than anyone else. Go, Fix. Go, and prove you are strong." It was the most she had ever heard the warforged juggernaut say at a single time, and Fix found herself unable to reply. Instead she looked Fist in the eye one last time, and then she ran. She ran until a human would have collapsed, and then she kept running, for days and days. But no matter how far she ran, she could not escape the shame of leaving a gentle soul behind to become either killed, or hardened by the blood of his captors.

Fix raises her hand, casting the readied Obscuring Mist into the center of the room. The mist leaps out, filling the massive hall with opaque clouds. "Do not run. If we run, we die. We will kill them until they break. And when they run, they will die." Her voice is hard, and sharp, and utterly without fear. The runes on her arms and face burn with a cold blue light; and her eyes burn with a different kind of light. For you, Fist. I will be strong for you, so that one day I may repay the strength that you gave to me that night. I will live, because I still owe you for the courage it took to break free.

This is just about the most roleplaying I've ever put in a single post.

What she is trying to say, from a tactical standpoint: the idea of closing the door and running is an attractive one, but ultimately a lethal decision. They know this area much, much better than we do, and they move at the same speed we do. If we turn and run, they will pursue us and kill us all by shooting us in the backs or breaking us apart. By remaining in a single unit, and forcing them through a narrow entrance, we are maximizing our strength and minimizing their support of numbers.

She is going to put the Obscuring Mist somewhere around G-H/10-11; whichever square that is visible from a corner of her square and from which a 20ft radius will cover the most area. The UMD for her scroll is in my above post, and it succeeded. She then readies an action to hit the first thing through the door, since casting the spell was itself a readied action.
(This is only the case if readying actions does not hurt her high initiative; I forget your ruling on readying actions vs delaying.)

2013-03-04, 01:19 AM
Seeing such terrible thing in the room beyond and the likelihood none of them will see another day, Oren hesitates for aheartbeat before throwing her weapon ... and even as she does so and reaches for an arrow, she feels chills at Fix's words and emotionless tone.

So many things to see to here ... and now Fix. Flame, but she wants to help, but there's no time.

OOC: We're stiull throwing those acid bonbs first, yeah? Or did we change plans?

2013-03-04, 05:36 PM
Oren acts before Fix uses Obscuring Mist:

Oren throws her acid flask at the hobgoblin near the door.

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0][sup](+2 dex, +1 BAB, -2 R.I.) for [roll1] points of damage.

If it misses: [roll2]

Oren you wouldn't want to use an action point by some chance... You know... before I tell you whether you hit or miss.

Or were you aiming for a grid location to hit as many enemies as you can? (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#throwSplashWeapon)

2013-03-04, 06:33 PM
I thought the whole idea was to hit as many as possible. We know there's a lot of them in there - isn't that why we're attacking with our only splash weapons first?

2013-03-04, 06:42 PM

Please read the rules on acid flasks and the difference between targeting one opponent (which causes splash damage to those surrounding him) and targeting a grid square (which is easier to hit but only causes splash damage to those around it). I can't tell what you're doing from your first post and your second post didn't answer either of my questions and didn't really tell me anything different than your first post. I am keeping your action as is since that's how I interpret what Oren was doing. If I was mistaken, in the future indicate exactly what you're doing (I.E. I'm targeting Grid Intersection F9/G10)

Sojan leans towards Fix allowing a shot to his left. Oren tries to throw her acid flask between that space but it clips the wall as it passes through the doorway sending a burst of acid and glass on Sojan and Emlyn, and the goblins in J9 and J11. Sojan and Emlyn take 1 point of acid damage.

Don'Moar sails overhead flying into the room, and circling up to gain some altitude. Don'Moar ends at D10 +25.

King Tius
2013-03-04, 07:10 PM
Sojan sees the door open and shakes his head, dropping into a deeper stance. "By the gods, there's plenty enough for everyone. Come on you little buggers, see if you can hit me!"

He raises his shield and bangs his morningstar against it.

Surprise Round Action (regardless of what else happens): Total Defense (+4 AC)

2013-03-04, 11:37 PM
The DR aura should still prevent Acid damage, unless I'm very mistaken.

2013-03-04, 11:50 PM
The DR aura should still prevent Acid damage, unless I'm very mistaken.

That would be acid resistance.

2013-03-05, 01:27 AM
That would be acid resistance.

Hey look, I was mistaken. Apologies.

2013-03-06, 09:37 PM
Serra chucks her acid flasks at the hobgoblin in J9.

Ranged touch attack: [roll0] vs touch AC
For [roll1] points of acid damage.

on Miss: [roll2]
Sojan and Emlyn, and the goblins in J9 and J11 take 1 point of acid damage.

2013-03-06, 09:39 PM
Sir Erky presses his hand on the back of Sojan and murmurs a prayer to the Silver Flame, "If you fall, we all fall."

Sir Erky cast lesser vigor on Sojan

Emlyn it's your turn and Fix's obscuring mist has caused every enemy to vanish in the cloud.

2013-03-07, 12:29 AM
Emlyn pauses for a moment, unable to see the goblins. He then begins to chant in Elvish, causing his party members to feel a boost of courage and strength flow through them.
Too late to come up with a story, so chanting instead.
Emlyn uses two Action Points to gain a use of Inspire Courage.

2013-03-07, 04:49 AM
Shock griped your mind when you saw what you were up against. The dim lighting was enough to see countless hunched humanoids, dirty, ugly things crawling around in filth, gore, and decay. Muttering incomprehensibly to themselves; insane.

Time seemed to slow down as you stood momentarily stunned by how many you were up against. In that briefest moment countless thoughts danced across your mind although what they were wouldn't be recalled until much later. In the dim light you watched as the nearest goblin's eyes slowly focused on the group. He stared at you forever; it's face was scarred and ugly and without comprehension.

If shock was the lightning, fear was the thunder. It snapped you violently out of the stasis of the moment and time seemed to rush forward as if catching up to where it should have been.

Sojan raised his shield and banged his morningstar against it. Planted firmly in the doorway he had given Oren little room to throw her flask and the vial had caught the wall on the left side exploding violently into a noxious cloud of acid and glass. Serra's vial was thrown immediately behind it and seemed to explode even before hitting anything when it came into contact with the first vial's eruption. Acid mists burned onto Sojan and Emlyn's exposed skin and as you look to see how the goblin's fared an obscuring mist enveloped the room. Your enemy had vanished from your sight as if they were never there.

"Do not run. If we run, we die. We will kill them until they break. And when they run, they will die." Fix had uttered fearlessly.

The first insane cry came from the obscured room. Followed quickly by several more. It was an evil, unnatural sound that sent your heart racing. Though nothing could be seen through the mist, sound came unblocked. Over three dozens picked up the dissonant roar. The shouting was nonsense, with pitches ranging across the spectrum of sound. None of the goblins you've encountered had sounded like this and if you were not afraid by the numbers you saw the sounds they made chilled you to the bone. It wasn't just the insanity of it but the anger it would take to cause them to make that kind of noise. One thing was clear: if any goblin didn't know you were here, they did then.

Through the chaos of sound Emlyn's clear voice had broken through your fear and despite the language being foreign to your ears you found yourself filled with hope. At that moment you had become as fearless as your opponents."Oeym laeycla aniraa tyailmaw elane anira elilca lil'am ane maanyml...." Emlyn had began.

Sojan banged his shield once more and shouted out, "By the gods, there's plenty enough for everyone. Come on you little buggers, see if you can hit me!" As if on cue, Don'Moar had flown by, vanishing quickly in the obscuring mist.

Although no one was paying Sir Erky any mind at some point he had placed his hand on Sojan's back and whispered, even if it was to only himself, "If you fall, we all fall."

2013-03-07, 08:17 AM
Round 1




Fix infused her arm with goblin bane in round -1
Emlyn used inspire courage in round 0.
Sojan has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 0.
Obscuring mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm) was cast in round 0.
Example on how far you can see in the Obscuring Mist: Oren can only see Sir Erky and Serra. She cannot see Sojan.

Sojan <--- Your Turn
Sir Erky

2013-03-09, 07:40 AM

Oren closes her eyes and fires a single shot that vanishes into the fog.
[roll0] for [roll1] points of damage.
Miss Chance for concealment [roll2] (1 - 50 miss)

Goblins actions beyond the cloud

A goblin does something
A goblin might be making an attack
A goblin might be making an attack
Another goblin is doing something... insane!
A goblin screams loudly
A goblin is doing something that will end all of you
A goblin hahaha laughs insanity!
A goblin does something...
Another goblin begins to cry loudly but in a screaming/anger sorta way
Oo smart goblin does smart sneaky things.

Dragon roar! Screams of pain.. probably ice breath! Terrin it up!
Probably attackers attacking back

Sojan/Emlyn/Fix (What you can see)

A small scrawny goblin comes barreling forward and leaps at Sojan unarmed and unarmored.
Unarmed Strike [roll3] for [roll4] points of damage.
Miss due to Total Defense action taken by Sojan.

The armored hobgoblin, probably the one hit by acid, comes barraging forward throwing his entire body weight into Sojan. Bullrush (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#bullRush)attempt.

Bullrush requires opposed strength checks. Sojan you can make the roll, tell me if you're using an action point, and then I'll tell you if you win or not.

All of you, with some difficulty, can pick out the sound of Don'Moar's breath weapon and some screams turn into the sound of pain briefly.

Next Action Required:

Sojan makes an opposed strength check with Hobgoblin < --- Waiting
DM adjudicates the bullrush
DM Adjudicates some other things
Serra's Turn.

King Tius
2013-03-09, 04:27 PM
Sojan's Strength check to oppose the bull rush attempt: [roll0]

I am NOT going to use an Action Point. The hobgoblin pushing Sojan back 5 feet should make him easier for others to hit.

2013-03-09, 08:52 PM
Hobgoblin's opposed strength check
Hobgoblin falls prone in K9.

2013-03-09, 09:00 PM
Serra pulls out her heavy crossbow and fires at the goblin standing in the doorway.
[roll0] for [roll1] points of damage.
[roll2] (Miss 1 - 20)
[roll3] (Bolt breaks 1 - 50)

Goblin in K9 falls unconscious. Hobgoblin is prone in K9. Another goblin appears in K10 unarmored and unarmed.

Fix's turn.

2013-03-10, 09:46 PM
Fix swings her glowing fist down on the prone hobgoblin in front of Sojan, attempting to crush the warrior before he can stand. "Sojan, you may want to back up a step!"

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

2013-03-10, 09:47 PM
Good way to start a fight.

Crit Confirmation: [roll0]
Critical Damage: [roll1]

2013-03-10, 11:47 PM
Fix confirms critical. Hobgoblin is really dead.

Sojan's turn. You gain 1 hit point at the start of your turn. The only goblin you can see is in K10. He is unarmored and unarmed.

King Tius
2013-03-11, 07:23 AM
Sojan lets out a hearty laugh as the meaty hobgoblin bounces off his shield and falls prone. "Ha! Picked that trick up from a Dwarf named Durvim years ago. Get him!" Before he has a chance to react Fix brings her magical meat tenderizer fists in to finish the job. The dragon shaman can't help but curse softly in surprise as bits of hobgoblin brain matter spray up onto him. Realizing a smaller target is in reach, Sojan takes a swing at the goblin in K10 before falling back to create the meat grinder.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move to M9.

King Tius
2013-03-11, 07:25 AM

Crit Confirmation: [roll0]
Crit Damage: [roll1]

2013-03-11, 07:56 PM
Sojan moves back crating a nice little death pocket for the group. Rocks and various objects get thrown at the group through the doorway but blocking them with your shield is trivially easy.

A small scarred and ugly goblin comes screaming into the doorway and is greeted immediately by Sir Erky's heavy pick.

Sir Erky Heavy Pick [roll0] for [roll1] points of damage.
Concealment [roll2] (Miss 1 - 20)

The goblin attacks [roll3] (Fix) with it's dagger [roll4] for [roll5] points of damage.
Concealment [roll6] (Miss 1 - 20)

Both Miss.

Emlyn's turn. The only goblin you can see is in L9 and is being flanked by you and Fix.

2013-03-11, 08:05 PM
Emlyn continues to chant as the goblins fling themselves at Sojan.
Emlyn continues to use Inspire Courage.

2013-03-11, 08:10 PM
Emlyn continues to chant as the goblins fling themselves at Sojan.
Emlyn continues to use Inspire Courage.

It's a standard action to start using bardic music. You started it last round.
In later rounds it's a free action to speak/continue using bardic music. So you still have a full round action left to you. Also you're a level 2 bard, I think you get two uses a day and didn't need to use two action points.

2013-03-11, 08:54 PM
...I forgot to update my sheet after resting, didn't I?:smallsigh:
As for the continuing, I thought Inspire Courage was one of the ones the required Concentration in 3.5, for some reason.
He'll attack the Goblin in L9; I'll roll in the OOC thread.

2013-03-14, 10:20 AM
Surprise Round:
Shock griped your mind when you saw what you were up against. The dim lighting was enough to see countless hunched humanoids, dirty, ugly things crawling around in filth, gore, and decay. Muttering incomprehensibly to themselves; insane.

Time seemed to slow down as you stood momentarily stunned by how many you were up against. In that briefest moment countless thoughts danced across your mind although what they were wouldn't be recalled until much later. In the dim light you watched as the nearest goblin's eyes slowly focused on the group. He stared at you forever; it's face was scarred and ugly and without comprehension.

If shock was the lightning, fear was the thunder. It snapped you violently out of the stasis of the moment and time seemed to rush forward as if catching up to where it should have been.

Sojan raised his shield and banged his morningstar against it. Planted firmly in the doorway he had given Oren little room to throw her flask and the vial had caught the wall on the left side exploding violently into a noxious cloud of acid and glass. Serra's vial was thrown immediately behind it and seemed to explode even before hitting anything when it came into contact with the first vial's eruption. Acid mists burned onto Sojan and Emlyn's exposed skin and as you look to see how the goblin's fared an obscuring mist enveloped the room. Your enemy had vanished from your sight as if they were never there.

"Do not run. If we run, we die. We will kill them until they break. And when they run, they will die." Fix had uttered fearlessly.

The first insane cry came from the obscured room. Followed quickly by several more. It was an evil, unnatural sound that sent your heart racing. Though nothing could be seen through the mist, sound came unblocked. Over three dozens picked up the dissonant roar. The shouting was nonsense, with pitches ranging across the spectrum of sound. None of the goblins you've encountered had sounded like this and if you were not afraid by the numbers you saw the sounds they made chilled you to the bone. It wasn't just the insanity of it but the anger it would take to cause them to make that kind of noise. One thing was clear: if any goblin didn't know you were here, they did then.

Through the chaos of sound Emlyn's clear voice had broken through your fear and despite the language being foreign to your ears you found yourself filled with hope. At that moment you had become as fearless as your opponents."Oeym laeycla aniraa tyailmaw elane anira elilca lil'am ane maanyml...." Emlyn had began.

Sojan banged his shield once more and shouted out, "By the gods, there's plenty enough for everyone. Come on you little buggers, see if you can hit me!" As if on cue, Don'Moar had flown by, vanishing quickly in the obscuring mist.

Although no one was paying Sir Erky any mind at some point he had placed his hand on Sojan's back and whispered, even if it was to only himself, "If you fall, we all fall."

It didn't take long for the first goblin to come barreling through the fog, and it didn't take much longer for the first goblin to meet it's end. Serra's crossbow bolt slammed into the small goblin stopping it dead in it's tracks from the impact. Before it's body could even hit the ground another much larger goblin came barreling forward blindly through the fog. Sojan reacted as if he expected this move. He caught the charging hobgblin roughly in the head with his shield and the blow took it's feet out from under him sending the hobgoblin stunned to the ground. Sojan wasted no time, bringing his morning star down upon the hobgoblin's head and ending it's pitiful life.

"Ha! Picked that trick up from a Dwarf named Durvism Years ago!" Sojan yelled as blood and gore splattered into his face.

"Sojan, you may want to back up a step!" Fix yelled over the chaos and Sojan nimbly complied. The doorway turned into a death trap for any goblin who was foolish enough to step through it.

Sojan's vacant spot was immediately filled by a small pitiful goblin with a dagger. It seemed to hesitate suddenly as it realized it was surrounded at the last minute, before lunging at the warforged weakly and without any skill. Fix easily avoided the attack.

Emlyn and Sir Erky swing at the creature but each time the goblin seemed to vanish in the fog, finding nothing but air.

During this time the dissonate chorus of screams from the room had briefly joined in unison. First in terror as the sound of a breath weapon could be heard, and then twice in triumph. Or at least that's what you had imagined was occurring. The sounds of insane screaming seemed to rise all around you and the hair on your neck stood on end. You couldn't tell if the noise was echoing around you, or if new goblins had joined the fight.

2013-03-14, 10:22 AM
Round 2




Fix infused her arm with goblin bane in round -1
Emlyn used inspire courage in round 0.
Sojan has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 0.
Obscuring mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm) was cast in round 0.

Sir Erky

2013-03-14, 10:25 AM
Oren fired her bow once again, blindly.
Longbow [roll0] for [roll1] points of damage
Miss Chance [roll2] (Miss 1 - 50)

2013-03-14, 11:50 AM
Serra drops her heavy crossbow and pulls out her quarterstaff.
Quarterstaff [roll0] for [roll1]
Concealment: [roll2] (1 - 20 Miss)

Don'Moar flies into the room overhead, dodging the wild attacks of the goblins below. Blood trails from his body, he has taken damage. He ends in N10+5 feet.

2013-03-14, 11:59 AM
Fix takes another magically empowered swing at the goblin in front of her, using Sojan's presence to distract the ugly creature from her blow. She takes note of the injured dragon, and she calls over to Emlyn, tapping a scroll at her side as she does. "Can you use scrolls? I have one for healing on my belt!"

Attack with Flanking and Inspire Courage: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

2013-03-14, 01:02 PM
Fix's slam attack takes the goblin so viciously that it tears through the goblin's body sending viscera onto Emlyn.

No sooner had that goblin fallen than another goblin came into it's spot.
Dagger [roll0] vs Emlyn for [roll1] points of damage.
[roll2] (1 - 20 concealment)

Sojan's Turn

King Tius
2013-03-14, 01:19 PM
Sojan tries to belt the little guy in front of him.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Concealment roll (if needed): [roll2]

2013-04-01, 06:25 AM
Sojan you catch the small insane gibbering goblin in the chest with your morning star. It promptly crumples to the ground in an unmoving heap. His replacement comes screaming out of the fog brandishing a broken piece of furniture in two hands.

Sir Erky doesn't seem to be able to see the creature and misses wildly at it.

More projectiles fly out from the obscured room easily blocked by shield or they miss wild, flying overhead and far behind you.

Emlyn you see stumbling out of the fog behind you a goblin, fully armored and armed with blood already dripping from his face; he's wounded you're not sure how. He screams insanely at you and you realize quickly that what you took to be an echo is actually the sounds of more goblins behind you.http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v296/Jopustopin/Sunless/Midturn_zpsd7471b2c.pngSir Erky:[roll0] for [roll1] points of damage.[roll2] for concealment.Don'Moar AoO[roll3] for [roll4] points of damage.[roll5] for concealmentGoblin vs Sojan [roll6] [roll7] [roll8]

2013-04-03, 05:44 AM
Sojan you watch Emlyn turn and swing at something behind him.

Longsword [roll0] for [roll1] points of damage. Miss

2013-04-03, 06:03 AM

K9 starts a grapple with Emlyn. Has cover from him and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Touch Attack: [roll0] vs AC 9
Concealment: [roll1]
Opposed Strength: [roll2]Goblin
Opposed Strength: [roll3]Emlyn
Damage: [roll4]

2013-04-03, 06:43 AM
Surprise Round:
Shock griped your mind when you saw what you were up against. The dim lighting was enough to see countless hunched humanoids, dirty, ugly things crawling around in filth, gore, and decay. Muttering incomprehensibly to themselves; insane.

Time seemed to slow down as you stood momentarily stunned by how many you were up against. In that briefest moment countless thoughts danced across your mind although what they were wouldn't be recalled until much later. In the dim light you watched as the nearest goblin's eyes slowly focused on the group. He stared at you forever; it's face was scarred and ugly and without comprehension.

If shock was the lightning, fear was the thunder. It snapped you violently out of the stasis of the moment and time seemed to rush forward as if catching up to where it should have been.

Sojan raised his shield and banged his morningstar against it. Planted firmly in the doorway he had given Oren little room to throw her flask and the vial had caught the wall on the left side exploding violently into a noxious cloud of acid and glass. Serra's vial was thrown immediately behind it and seemed to explode even before hitting anything when it came into contact with the first vial's eruption. Acid mists burned onto Sojan and Emlyn's exposed skin and as you look to see how the goblin's fared an obscuring mist enveloped the room. Your enemy had vanished from your sight as if they were never there.

"Do not run. If we run, we die. We will kill them until they break. And when they run, they will die." Fix had uttered fearlessly.

The first insane cry came from the obscured room. Followed quickly by several more. It was an evil, unnatural sound that sent your heart racing. Though nothing could be seen through the mist, sound came unblocked. Over three dozens picked up the dissonant roar. The shouting was nonsense, with pitches ranging across the spectrum of sound. None of the goblins you've encountered had sounded like this and if you were not afraid by the numbers you saw the sounds they made chilled you to the bone. It wasn't just the insanity of it but the anger it would take to cause them to make that kind of noise. One thing was clear: if any goblin didn't know you were here, they did then.

Through the chaos of sound Emlyn's clear voice had broken through your fear and despite the language being foreign to your ears you found yourself filled with hope. At that moment you had become as fearless as your opponents."Oeym laeycla aniraa tyailmaw elane anira elilca lil'am ane maanyml...." Emlyn had began.

Sojan banged his shield once more and shouted out, "By the gods, there's plenty enough for everyone. Come on you little buggers, see if you can hit me!" As if on cue, Don'Moar had flown by, vanishing quickly in the obscuring mist.

Although no one was paying Sir Erky any mind at some point he had placed his hand on Sojan's back and whispered, even if it was to only himself, "If you fall, we all fall."

Round 1:

It didn't take long for the first goblin to come barreling through the fog, and it didn't take much longer for the first goblin to meet it's end. Serra's crossbow bolt slammed into the small goblin stopping it dead in it's tracks from the impact. Before it's body could even hit the ground another much larger goblin came barreling forward blindly through the fog. Sojan reacted as if he expected this move. He caught the charging hobgblin roughly in the head with his shield and the blow took it's feet out from under him sending the hobgoblin stunned to the ground. Sojan wasted no time, bringing his morning star down upon the hobgoblin's head and ending it's pitiful life.

"Ha! Picked that trick up from a Dwarf named Durvism Years ago!" Sojan yelled as blood and gore splattered into his face.

"Sojan, you may want to back up a step!" Fix yelled over the chaos and Sojan nimbly complied. The doorway turned into a death trap for any goblin who was foolish enough to step through it.

Sojan's vacant spot was immediately filled by a small pitiful goblin with a dagger. It seemed to hesitate suddenly as it realized it was surrounded at the last minute, before lunging at the warforged weakly and without any skill. Fix easily avoided the attack.

Emlyn and Sir Erky swing at the creature but each time the goblin seemed to vanish in the fog, finding nothing but air.

During this time the dissonate chorus of screams from the room had briefly joined in unison. First in terror as the sound of a breath weapon could be heard, and then twice in triumph. Or at least that's what you had imagined was occurring. The sounds of insane screaming seemed to rise all around you and the hair on your neck stood on end. You couldn't tell if the noise was echoing around you, or if new goblins had joined the fight.

Emlyn's elven poetry had continued to pound into your heads, the hoard's screams grew quieter, your focus greater, and the hope that you might win the day grew stronger. Don'Moar sailing into the room, trailing blood, did little to dampen your hopes. Good would prevail this day.

Fix had smashed powerfully through a goblin, another corpse for the pile, before yelling at Emlyn "Can you use scrolls? I have one for healing on my belt!" But Emlyn had continued talking in elven in a steady, powerful voice that did not betray the struggle he was enduring.

It had been Sir Erky who responded to Fix, "I got the healing covered."

Sojan had caught another goblin with his morningstar and the pile of bodies at the doorway had grown once more. Still the goblins continued to pile through the small space. While Fix and Sir Erky had been unable to see the group, or the danger that everyone was in, Sojan could and did. He watched as Emlyn turned to face a foe behind him. In that instant a goblin had leaped onto Emlyn's back and it was all Emlyn could do to keep on his feet before slamming his head back knocking the goblin away from him. He saw the white dragon veer up and away from something, biting wildly at some unseen foe, and screeching a warning to the group. He saw the two faced abomination barrel forward in between Serra, Oren, and himself. He watched Oren suddenly react as if surrounded by even more foe's. The group was flanked, and not everyone knew it.

"Abomination!" Serra yelled finally. Fortunately for the group, the fear you should have felt was dampened considerably by the elven poetry pounding in your heads.

2013-04-03, 06:44 AM
Round 3




Fix infused her arm with goblin bane in round -1
Emlyn used inspire courage in round 0.
Sojan has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 0.
Obscuring mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm) was cast in round 0.

Sir Erky

2013-04-03, 07:16 AM
Oren dropped her bow and pulled out her cutlass. She raised up her cutlass to deflect a goblin's blow and then returned the attack before bouncing away and placing her back against the wall. No sooner had she done that when the door slammed open violently into her. More. Goblins.

Don'Moar had circled in a tight ring before landing on the ground behind Sojan. He wasted no time sending a blast of freezing cold into the abomination.

Serra manifest a power while dodging the attacks from those around her. The dolgrim begins to burn. A chiming noise can be heard as the dolgrim is covered with whitish material that burns away quickly.[roll0] for [roll1] points of damage.[roll2] points of damage. [roll3][roll4] vs DC 11[roll5] vs DC 11[roll6] vs DC 11N7: [roll7] for [roll8] points of damage. [roll9]N6: [roll10] for [roll11] points of damage. [roll12]

At the sight of more goblins, Sir Erky uttered a quick prayer. A bright light flashes away from him and it seems to stick to his allies.
The group has a +2 sacred bonus to their armor class.

Fix's Turnhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v296/Jopustopin/Sunless/midturn1_zps0c293627.png

2013-04-03, 11:07 AM
Fix swings again at the goblin between Sojan and herself, and she notes the sound of more and more goblins with growing dread. "Stay steady, stay together! We can outlast them!" Her fists continue to strike true, the steady blue glow of the runes on her arms and torso providing a calm light in the murk of the mists.

Attack with Flanking and Inspire Courage: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

2013-04-04, 07:12 AM
Fix you kill the goblin. Sojan's turn.

King Tius
2013-04-04, 07:36 AM
Sojan turns his attention to the Dolgrim, deciding that it is currently the biggest threat. Bolstered by Emlyn's magic, he tries to bring the creature down before it can attack again.

"Serra, switch places with me!"

Morningstar Attack on Dolgrim: [roll0] (+1 for Inspire Courage)
Morningstar Damage: [roll1]

OOC: If possible, I'd like to have Sojan do-si-do with Serra so he is the brunt of the attacks. I have never really understood the rules for this, but if she wants to 5 foot step back to his space, can he 5 foot step to hers on her turn to swap places?

2013-04-05, 08:57 AM
Round 3... uh.. stuffs.

Goblins guard vs Serra [roll0]; [roll1] vs AC 16 for [roll2] points of damage.

Goblin guard vs Serra [roll3]; [roll4] vs AC 16 for [roll5] points of damage.

Sir Erky cast lesser vigor on Don'Moar provokes an AoO
Goblin Guard vs Sir Erky [roll6]; [roll7] vs AC 18 for [roll8] points of damage

Emlyn vs Goblin L9 [roll9]; [roll10] vs AC X for [roll11] points of damage

Goblin guard vs Serra [roll12]; [roll13] vs AC 16 for [roll14] points of damage.

Heavy Pick vs Serra [roll15]; [roll16] vs AC 16 for [roll17] points of damage
Light Crossbow vs Serra [roll18]; [roll19] vs AC 16 for [roll20] points of damage.

Attack of Opportunity vs Dolgrim
Don'Moar vs Dolgrim [roll21]; [roll22] vs AC X for [roll23] points of damage
Serra vs Dolgrim [roll24]; [roll25] vs AC X for [roll26] points of damage
Sojan vs Dolgrim [roll27]; [roll28] vs AC X for [roll29] points of damage

Unknown Goblin vs Sojan
Javelin [roll30]; [roll31] vs AC 19 for [roll32] points of damage

Goblin grapple vs Oren
Touch Attack [roll33]; [roll34] vs AC 14
Goblin Strength: [roll35]
Oren Strength: [roll36]

Goblin guards vs Don'Moar: [roll37]; [roll38] vs Ac 15 for [roll39] points of damage

Goblin grapples vs Emlyn
Touch Attack [roll40]; [roll41] vs AC 11
Goblin Strength: [roll42]
Emlyn Strength: [roll43]

Goblin guards vs Don'Moar: [roll44]; [roll45] vs Ac 15 for [roll46] points of damage

2013-04-05, 09:12 AM
Readied Actions in Round 3 based on current events:

Serra concentration check: [roll0] vs DC 13

Goblin moves into L9
Grapples Serra
Touch Attack: [roll1]
Goblin Strength: [roll2]
Serra Strength: [roll3]

2013-04-06, 07:46 AM
Surprise Round:
Shock griped your mind when you saw what you were up against. The dim lighting was enough to see countless hunched humanoids, dirty, ugly things crawling around in filth, gore, and decay. Muttering incomprehensibly to themselves; insane.

Time seemed to slow down as you stood momentarily stunned by how many you were up against. In that briefest moment countless thoughts danced across your mind although what they were wouldn't be recalled until much later. In the dim light you watched as the nearest goblin's eyes slowly focused on the group. He stared at you forever; it's face was scarred and ugly and without comprehension.

If shock was the lightning, fear was the thunder. It snapped you violently out of the stasis of the moment and time seemed to rush forward as if catching up to where it should have been.

Sojan raised his shield and banged his morningstar against it. Planted firmly in the doorway he had given Oren little room to throw her flask and the vial had caught the wall on the left side exploding violently into a noxious cloud of acid and glass. Serra's vial was thrown immediately behind it and seemed to explode even before hitting anything when it came into contact with the first vial's eruption. Acid mists burned onto Sojan and Emlyn's exposed skin and as you look to see how the goblin's fared an obscuring mist enveloped the room. Your enemy had vanished from your sight as if they were never there.

"Do not run. If we run, we die. We will kill them until they break. And when they run, they will die." Fix had uttered fearlessly.

The first insane cry came from the obscured room. Followed quickly by several more. It was an evil, unnatural sound that sent your heart racing. Though nothing could be seen through the mist, sound came unblocked. Over three dozens picked up the dissonant roar. The shouting was nonsense, with pitches ranging across the spectrum of sound. None of the goblins you've encountered had sounded like this and if you were not afraid by the numbers you saw the sounds they made chilled you to the bone. It wasn't just the insanity of it but the anger it would take to cause them to make that kind of noise. One thing was clear: if any goblin didn't know you were here, they did then.

Through the chaos of sound Emlyn's clear voice had broken through your fear and despite the language being foreign to your ears you found yourself filled with hope. At that moment you had become as fearless as your opponents."Oeym laeycla aniraa tyailmaw elane anira elilca lil'am ane maanyml...." Emlyn had began.

Sojan banged his shield once more and shouted out, "By the gods, there's plenty enough for everyone. Come on you little buggers, see if you can hit me!" As if on cue, Don'Moar had flown by, vanishing quickly in the obscuring mist.

Although no one was paying Sir Erky any mind at some point he had placed his hand on Sojan's back and whispered, even if it was to only himself, "If you fall, we all fall."

Round 1:

It didn't take long for the first goblin to come barreling through the fog, and it didn't take much longer for the first goblin to meet it's end. Serra's crossbow bolt slammed into the small goblin stopping it dead in it's tracks from the impact. Before it's body could even hit the ground another much larger goblin came barreling forward blindly through the fog. Sojan reacted as if he expected this move. He caught the charging hobgblin roughly in the head with his shield and the blow took it's feet out from under him sending the hobgoblin stunned to the ground. Sojan wasted no time, bringing his morning star down upon the hobgoblin's head and ending it's pitiful life.

"Ha! Picked that trick up from a Dwarf named Durvism Years ago!" Sojan yelled as blood and gore splattered into his face.

"Sojan, you may want to back up a step!" Fix yelled over the chaos and Sojan nimbly complied. The doorway turned into a death trap for any goblin who was foolish enough to step through it.

Sojan's vacant spot was immediately filled by a small pitiful goblin with a dagger. It seemed to hesitate suddenly as it realized it was surrounded at the last minute, before lunging at the warforged weakly and without any skill. Fix easily avoided the attack.

Emlyn and Sir Erky swing at the creature but each time the goblin seemed to vanish in the fog, finding nothing but air.

During this time the dissonate chorus of screams from the room had briefly joined in unison. First in terror as the sound of a breath weapon could be heard, and then twice in triumph. Or at least that's what you had imagined was occurring. The sounds of insane screaming seemed to rise all around you and the hair on your neck stood on end. You couldn't tell if the noise was echoing around you, or if new goblins had joined the fight.

Round 2:

Emlyn's elven poetry had continued to pound into your heads, the hoard's screams grew quieter, your focus greater, and the hope that you might win the day grew stronger. Don'Moar sailing into the room, trailing blood, did little to dampen your hopes. Good would prevail this day.

Fix had smashed powerfully through a goblin, another corpse for the pile, before yelling at Emlyn "Can you use scrolls? I have one for healing on my belt!" But Emlyn had continued talking in elven in a steady, powerful voice that did not betray the struggle he was enduring.

It had been Sir Erky who responded to Fix, "I got the healing covered."

Sojan had caught another goblin with his morningstar and the pile of bodies at the doorway had grown once more. Still the goblins continued to pile through the small space. While Fix and Sir Erky had been unable to see the group, or the danger that everyone was in, Sojan could and did. He watched as Emlyn turned to face a foe behind him. In that instant a goblin had leaped onto Emlyn's back and it was all Emlyn could do to keep on his feet before slamming his head back knocking the goblin away from him. He saw the white dragon veer up and away from something, biting wildly at some unseen foe, and screeching a warning to the group. He saw the two faced abomination barrel forward in between Serra, Oren, and himself. He watched Oren suddenly react as if surrounded by even more foe's. The group was flanked, and not everyone knew it.

"Abomination!" Serra yelled finally. Fortunately for the group, the fear you should have felt was dampened considerably by the elven poetry pounding in your heads.

Battle chaos. A term coined in the war where plans and tactics were ruined even before you had time to voice the idea. It often referred to that faded jumbled memory where you had fought without any thought to what was at stake. Survival was your sole goal and if you had a moment to orientate yourself to what was going on you would be run through with a sword.

You could barely see your hand in front of your face let alone what was going on around you. The howls from your foes had reached an insane tempo. You were surrounded, you were sure of it, even if you couldn't see it you could feel it.

Sir Erky had shouted to focus on the west room and that they would hold the east.

Even though they couldn't see each other Fix and Emlyn had worked together to slay each goblin as it foolishly ran into the room. "Stay steady, stay together! We can outlast them!" Her fists continue to strike true, the steady blue glow of the runes on her arms and torso providing a calm light in the murk of the mists. The body had collapsed into the next goblin causing it to stumble forward. Emlyn took most of it's head off and it ran into Sojan's armored legs unmoving. Still they continued to pour into the room, the next one clawing wildly at Sojan's armored body.

Don'Moar lowered the ambient temperature by ten degree's as his breath weapon hit his foes. That was the last you saw of him.

Sir Erky dodged an attack and lifted his holy symbol once more, "Flame of righteousness, I ask for your aid!" A bright light exploded from his holy symbol and seemed to stick to your bodies. You felt protected as if someone was personally shielding you from harm. Sir Erky had reached forward through the mist to where he had last seen the dragon held it there for a beat and then quickly pulled his hand back.

No sooner than that and the two-faced abomination had taken the dragon's place swinging wildly and firing his crossbow at the group. It seemed utterly unafraid of your weapons as if daring you to hit him. Sojan and Serra's attacks against the creature was blocked each time by it's shield.
"Serra, switch places with me!" Sojan had yelled and when he looked at her through the mist her bloodied face came into view. Her face was focused and a small bell had chimed in your head. The smell of burnt dolgrim filled the room.

The goblins continued to swarm the group. Those without weapon and armor fearlessly had tried to overrun the group, grabbing and grappling insanely.

2013-04-06, 07:59 AM
Round 4




Fix infused her arm with goblin bane in round -1
Emlyn used inspire courage in round 0.
Sojan has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 0.
Obscuring mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm) was cast in round 0.
Don'Moar has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 3.

2013-04-06, 08:21 AM

Oren attacks the unarmored, unarmed goblin in N7
Cutlass [roll0] for [roll1] points of damage. HIT Goblin is still conscious

N7 attacks Oren backIf it's conscious
Club [roll2] for [roll3] points of damage. HIT

Unarmored goblin with club appears in N10
Club [roll4]; [roll5] for [roll6] points of damage HIT

Serra readies an action to take a five foot step as part of her standard action (doing fire damage to the dolgrim) when Sojan five foot steps into her space.

2013-04-06, 12:31 PM
Fix takes another heavy handed blow, and she forces herself to ignore the sight of the crumpled bodies on the floor. Instead, she commits herself to adding another one to the pile, lest her friends join the goblins on the cold ground.

Attack L9, w/ Flanking: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

I included Sir Erky's +3 to damage, but what are the conditions of that bonus?

2013-04-07, 09:42 AM
Goblin in L9 falls unconscious. Sojan's turn.

King Tius
2013-04-07, 11:15 AM
Sojan moves to a more advantageous position, placing himself in harm's way to get a better shot at the Dolgrim and to shield his allies.

Five foot step to N10
Morningstar Attack on Dolgrim: [roll0] (+1 for Inspire Courage, +2 Flanking)
Morningstar Damage: [roll1]

King Tius
2013-04-07, 11:16 AM
Critical Hit!

Crit Confirm: [roll0] (+1 for Inspire Courage, +2 Flanking)
Crit Damage: [roll1]

2013-04-08, 02:09 AM
Fix& Sojan

Fix misses due to concealment.

A goblin moved to N10 prior to your turn and after I updated the map (it's in the spoiler block).
I'll have you move to M10 and switch with Serra unless you absolutely do not want to do that.

You roll a 25 and confirm it with a 22. You deal 2d8+8 (23) points of damage. The creature has DR 5 against your attack. 19 points of damage is taken by your hit and Serra does 1 point of fire damage to the creature as well.

The creature is outright killed by Sojan's attack.

Sojan and Serra switch places


Goblin in O7 clubs Oren.
Club [roll0]; [roll1] vs AC 19 for [roll2] points of damage

Armed and armored goblin five foot steps to N9. Heavy Pick Oren
Heavy Pick [roll3]; [roll4] vs AC 15 for [roll5] points of damageHit Oren takes 1 point of damage.

Erky Heavy Pick Goblin in L9
Heavy Pick [roll6]; [roll7] vs AC ? for [roll8] points of damageHit Goblin takes 1 point of damage

Emlyn Longsword goblin in L9
Longsword [roll9]; [roll10] vs AC ? for [roll11] points of damageMiss due to concealment

2013-04-08, 02:30 AM
Combat rolls.

Javelin vs Serra
Javelin [roll0]; [roll1] for [roll2] points of damage

L9 vs Serra
Dagger [roll3]; [roll4] for [roll5] points of damage.

Goblin moves from M11 to L11 (five foot step)
Attacks Emlyn
Heavy Pick [roll6]; [roll7] for [roll8] points of damage.

Goblin (M7) attacks Oren
Club [roll9]; [roll10] for [roll11] points of damage.

Goblin guard moves to O8
Heavy Pick [roll12]; [roll13] for [roll14] points of damage.

Goblin Guard five foot steps to M11 Heavy Pick Emlyn
Heavy Pick [roll15];; [roll16] for [roll17] points of damage.

Guard Javelin vs Sojan
Javelin [roll18]; [roll19] for [roll20] points of damage.

Goblin grapples Emlyn
Touch [roll21]; [roll22]
Goblin: [roll23]
Emlyn: [roll24]
Damage: [roll25]

Goblin Guard vs Oren
Heavy Pick [roll26]; [roll27] for [roll28] points of damage.
Character Knowledge

Fix missed
Sojan killed the dolgrim
No active PC can see Oren and therefore do not know she has taken damage
Erky hit the goblin in L9 but did not drop him
Emlyn missed the goblin in L9.
Emlyn was hit by a heavy pick and a small puny goblin successfully began grappling him. Fix is no longer flanking L9.

2013-04-08, 05:25 AM
Surprise Round:
Shock griped your mind when you saw what you were up against. The dim lighting was enough to see countless hunched humanoids, dirty, ugly things crawling around in filth, gore, and decay. Muttering incomprehensibly to themselves; insane.

Time seemed to slow down as you stood momentarily stunned by how many you were up against. In that briefest moment countless thoughts danced across your mind although what they were wouldn't be recalled until much later. In the dim light you watched as the nearest goblin's eyes slowly focused on the group. He stared at you forever; it's face was scarred and ugly and without comprehension.

If shock was the lightning, fear was the thunder. It snapped you violently out of the stasis of the moment and time seemed to rush forward as if catching up to where it should have been.

Sojan raised his shield and banged his morningstar against it. Planted firmly in the doorway he had given Oren little room to throw her flask and the vial had caught the wall on the left side exploding violently into a noxious cloud of acid and glass. Serra's vial was thrown immediately behind it and seemed to explode even before hitting anything when it came into contact with the first vial's eruption. Acid mists burned onto Sojan and Emlyn's exposed skin and as you look to see how the goblin's fared an obscuring mist enveloped the room. Your enemy had vanished from your sight as if they were never there.

"Do not run. If we run, we die. We will kill them until they break. And when they run, they will die." Fix had uttered fearlessly.

The first insane cry came from the obscured room. Followed quickly by several more. It was an evil, unnatural sound that sent your heart racing. Though nothing could be seen through the mist, sound came unblocked. Over three dozens picked up the dissonant roar. The shouting was nonsense, with pitches ranging across the spectrum of sound. None of the goblins you've encountered had sounded like this and if you were not afraid by the numbers you saw the sounds they made chilled you to the bone. It wasn't just the insanity of it but the anger it would take to cause them to make that kind of noise. One thing was clear: if any goblin didn't know you were here, they did then.

Through the chaos of sound Emlyn's clear voice had broken through your fear and despite the language being foreign to your ears you found yourself filled with hope. At that moment you had become as fearless as your opponents."Oeym laeycla aniraa tyailmaw elane anira elilca lil'am ane maanyml...." Emlyn had began.

Sojan banged his shield once more and shouted out, "By the gods, there's plenty enough for everyone. Come on you little buggers, see if you can hit me!" As if on cue, Don'Moar had flown by, vanishing quickly in the obscuring mist.

Although no one was paying Sir Erky any mind at some point he had placed his hand on Sojan's back and whispered, even if it was to only himself, "If you fall, we all fall."

Round 1:

It didn't take long for the first goblin to come barreling through the fog, and it didn't take much longer for the first goblin to meet it's end. Serra's crossbow bolt slammed into the small goblin stopping it dead in it's tracks from the impact. Before it's body could even hit the ground another much larger goblin came barreling forward blindly through the fog. Sojan reacted as if he expected this move. He caught the charging hobgblin roughly in the head with his shield and the blow took it's feet out from under him sending the hobgoblin stunned to the ground. Sojan wasted no time, bringing his morning star down upon the hobgoblin's head and ending it's pitiful life.

"Ha! Picked that trick up from a Dwarf named Durvism Years ago!" Sojan yelled as blood and gore splattered into his face.

"Sojan, you may want to back up a step!" Fix yelled over the chaos and Sojan nimbly complied. The doorway turned into a death trap for any goblin who was foolish enough to step through it.

Sojan's vacant spot was immediately filled by a small pitiful goblin with a dagger. It seemed to hesitate suddenly as it realized it was surrounded at the last minute, before lunging at the warforged weakly and without any skill. Fix easily avoided the attack.

Emlyn and Sir Erky swing at the creature but each time the goblin seemed to vanish in the fog, finding nothing but air.

During this time the dissonate chorus of screams from the room had briefly joined in unison. First in terror as the sound of a breath weapon could be heard, and then twice in triumph. Or at least that's what you had imagined was occurring. The sounds of insane screaming seemed to rise all around you and the hair on your neck stood on end. You couldn't tell if the noise was echoing around you, or if new goblins had joined the fight.

Round 2:

Emlyn's elven poetry had continued to pound into your heads, the hoard's screams grew quieter, your focus greater, and the hope that you might win the day grew stronger. Don'Moar sailing into the room, trailing blood, did little to dampen your hopes. Good would prevail this day.

Fix had smashed powerfully through a goblin, another corpse for the pile, before yelling at Emlyn "Can you use scrolls? I have one for healing on my belt!" But Emlyn had continued talking in elven in a steady, powerful voice that did not betray the struggle he was enduring.

It had been Sir Erky who responded to Fix, "I got the healing covered."

Sojan had caught another goblin with his morningstar and the pile of bodies at the doorway had grown once more. Still the goblins continued to pile through the small space. While Fix and Sir Erky had been unable to see the group, or the danger that everyone was in, Sojan could and did. He watched as Emlyn turned to face a foe behind him. In that instant a goblin had leaped onto Emlyn's back and it was all Emlyn could do to keep on his feet before slamming his head back knocking the goblin away from him. He saw the white dragon veer up and away from something, biting wildly at some unseen foe, and screeching a warning to the group. He saw the two faced abomination barrel forward in between Serra, Oren, and himself. He watched Oren suddenly react as if surrounded by even more foe's. The group was flanked, and not everyone knew it.

"Abomination!" Serra yelled finally. Fortunately for the group, the fear you should have felt was dampened considerably by the elven poetry pounding in your heads.

Round 3:
Battle chaos. A term coined in the war where plans and tactics were ruined even before you had time to voice the idea. It often referred to that faded jumbled memory where you had fought without any thought to what was at stake. Survival was your sole goal and if you had a moment to orientate yourself to what was going on you would be run through with a sword.

You could barely see your hand in front of your face let alone what was going on around you. The howls from your foes had reached an insane tempo. You were surrounded, you were sure of it, even if you couldn't see it you could feel it.

Sir Erky had shouted to focus on the west room and that they would hold the east.

Even though they couldn't see each other Fix and Emlyn had worked together to slay each goblin as it foolishly ran into the room. "Stay steady, stay together! We can outlast them!" Her fists continue to strike true, the steady blue glow of the runes on her arms and torso providing a calm light in the murk of the mists. The body had collapsed into the next goblin causing it to stumble forward. Emlyn took most of it's head off and it ran into Sojan's armored legs unmoving. Still they continued to pour into the room, the next one clawing wildly at Sojan's armored body.

Don'Moar lowered the ambient temperature by ten degree's as his breath weapon hit his foes. That was the last you saw of him.

Sir Erky dodged an attack and lifted his holy symbol once more, "Flame of righteousness, I ask for your aid!" A bright light exploded from his holy symbol and seemed to stick to your bodies. You felt protected as if someone was personally shielding you from harm. Sir Erky had reached forward through the mist to where he had last seen the dragon held it there for a beat and then quickly pulled his hand back.

No sooner than that and the two-faced abomination had taken the dragon's place swinging wildly and firing his crossbow at the group. It seemed utterly unafraid of your weapons as if daring you to hit him. Sojan and Serra's attacks against the creature was blocked each time by it's shield.
"Serra, switch places with me!" Sojan had yelled and when he looked at her through the mist her bloodied face came into view. Her face was focused and a small bell had chimed in your head. The smell of burnt dolgrim filled the room.

The goblins continued to swarm the group. Those without weapon and armor fearlessly had tried to overrun the group, grabbing and grappling insanely.

From what little you can remember, you do remember that when your morning star had crushed the dolgrim's heads into the pillar you believed that to be the turning point of the battle. The turning point had come later but at that point in the fight you didn't realize how outmatched you had been.

The moment the dolgrim had fallen another goblin had taken it's place. This one was clearly warrior and he came through the mist screaming with his heavy pick and shield. The never ending supply of foes continued to replace their fallen and you realized that you were feeling better than ever. You had briefly taken stock of your surroundings and realized you were flanked many times over, with allies and foes surrounding you. Not the best place to be.

As quickly as the tide had moved into your favor, it had moved back. You watched as Emlyn was hit in the back with a heavy pick by a goblin who had moved to flank him. He had stumbled forward almost falling to the ground. In that moment a goblin had jumped from around the doorway and grabbed the half-elf's head in a headlock and had tried to drag him to the floor. Emlyn had kept his footing but more goblins had already begun to help bring the half-elf down.

"Emlyn! Watch out!" Serra had screamed out dramatically as the goblins began to take him down. As she turned to block a goblin with her quarterstaff she had yelled out with even more emotion, "OREN!!"

2013-04-08, 05:31 AM
Round 5




Fix infused her arm with goblin bane in round -1
Emlyn used inspire courage in round 0.
Sojan has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 0.
Obscuring mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm) was cast in round 0.
Don'Moar has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 3.

Hit Points

Fix: 14/16
Sojan: 12/15

Don'Moar: ?/?
Oren: ?/?
Emlyn: ?/?
Sir Erky: ?/?

It is Fix's turn followed immediately by Sojan.

King Tius
2013-04-08, 10:10 AM
Sojan debates switching to his healing aura but with all the attacks coming in he decides to keep his DR aura up. With the Dolgrim out of the way he focuses on the armed and armored goblins next, perceiving the warriors to pose the greatest threat now. He shouts at the goblins with a haughty tone, though none of them probably understand him.

"Ha! Four-arms couldn't handle me, you think you got a chance? Step right up you little $#!^s."

Morningstar Attack on M11: [roll0] (+1 for Inspire Courage)
Morningstar Damage: [roll1]

2013-04-08, 10:21 AM
Fix narrows her eyes at the miss caused by the mist that she summoned, but she consoles herself with the fact that, due to a larger number of enemies and the law of averages, the mist is still doing more good than harm. She swings again, attempting to crush the goblin before her quickly and cleanly.

(Assuming no flanking) Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Concealment (low is bad): [roll3]

2013-04-08, 11:39 AM
"Fix I'll hold this position, save Oren!" Serra shouts. A familiar smell fills your nostrils as she manifests her power. Fix you see the goblin (in K9) lose it's footing and fall prone. No sooner had that goblin hit the ground then Serra did as well. You're not sure what exactly happened to her but something hit her hard enough to knock her out. She lay there unmoving as a goblin skated over her body and landed firmly in the pile of bodies.

L9 is now difficult terrain due to how many bodies are in that square.

Loading please wait

Serra moves to L9 and manifest Grease, Psionic.

Emlyn "damages his opponent" in the grapple
Emlyn [roll0]
Goblin [roll1]
for [roll2] points of damage. Failure!

N10 five foot steps to M9. Sir Erky takes a readied action on the fool.
Heavy Pick [roll3] [roll4] for [roll5] points of damage.
If goblin is still alive
Club [roll6] [roll7] for [roll8] points of damage vs Sojan.
Sojan's AC is +4 armor, +2 shield, +1 Dex, +2 Sacred = 19. Okay we all know the shield is at least +1 by now. AC = 20.

Goblin moves into N10 attacks Sojan
[roll9] [roll10] for [roll11] points of damage.

Goblin comes stumbling and slipping through the doorway landing firmly in L9 with a club in hand.

Warrior L11 attacks Emlyn
Heavy Pick [roll12] [roll13] for [roll14] points of damage.Miss from concealment

Warrior M11 attacks Emlyn
Heavy Pick [roll15] [roll16] for [roll17] points of damage.

Character Knowledge

Sojan misses; Fix hits and kills the goblin in L9
Serra has fallen unconscious in L9 but apparently greased the squares in front of the doorway.
Emlyn is still grappling the goblin in L10. He does not threaten. But he is still reciting elven poetry like a boss. He is struggling to fend off a really weak and scrawny goblin unlike a boss.
L9 has a lot of bodies laying in it.
Things look bleak for our heroes.

2013-04-08, 12:04 PM
Fix your blow took the poor creature in the chest so hard it's ribs had come out it's back. But what happened next occurred so quickly you barely had time to react. Serra had leaped over the pile of bodies planting herself firmly in the doorway. "Fix I'll hold this position, save Oren!" Serra had yelled as she manifested a power.

You had watched as the goblin around the corner hit the floor and you began to turn away towards Oren. In your peripheral vision you recall Serra quickly hitting the ground from some unknown attack and a goblin brandishing a club slide into and onto the pile of bodies at the doorway into her space. The goblin was too scrawny to have knocked Serra out like that you remember thinking.

Sojan you found yourself surrounded on all sides by enemies. The only ally you could see had a goblin firmly attached to his head. Emlyn tried to slam the goblin against the wall but it used it's legs to "stand" on the wall and was keeping Emlyn firmly in a headlock. Despite his predicament Emlyn had parried the warrior's attack with his longsword and blocked the second attack with his shield.

"Ha! Four-arms couldn't handle me, you think you got a chance? Step right up you little shifts." Sojan yelled fearlessly. The goblins had yelled back.

2013-04-08, 12:07 PM
Round 6




Fix infused her arm with goblin bane in round -1
Emlyn used inspire courage in round 0.
Sojan has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 0.
Obscuring mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm) was cast in round 0.
Don'Moar has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 3.

Hit Points

Fix: 14/16
Sojan: 13/15

Don'Moar: ?/?
Oren: ?/?
Emlyn: ?/?
Sir Erky: ?/?

It is Fix's turn followed immediately by Sojan.And you can post in any order you wish

King Tius
2013-04-08, 01:58 PM
Sojan quickly tries to survey the situation around him through the mists. Seeing Emlyn in a headlock causes him to pivot his feet and smash at the goblin with his morningstar. The armored buggers will have to wait...he needs Emlyn in this fight!

"Fix, Erky, report in! Close ranks, back to back!"

Morningstar Attack on L10: [roll0] (+1 for Inspire Courage)
Morningstar Damage: [roll1]

2013-04-08, 05:01 PM
Emlyn does his best to throw the goblin off of him, using his larger size to his advantage, and chanting all the while.

[roll0] to escape the grapple.

2013-04-08, 06:37 PM
Fix smashes at the goblin between Sojan and herself, using his voice to tell her where to aim. The blow is a powerful one, and the weak, unarmored goblin is little match for her force and magical enhancement. "Get closer to us, Sojan! Listen to your own advice!"

Attack goblin at M9: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Concealment, 1-20 is a miss: [roll3]

2013-04-08, 11:40 PM
Sir Erky vs N8
Heavy Pick [roll0] [roll1] for [roll2] points of damage.Minimum 1

2013-04-09, 12:13 AM

Unknown Javelin [roll0] [roll1] vs Sojan for [roll2]

Goblin N10 tries to grapple Emlyn
Emlyn gets an AoO
Longsword [roll3] [roll4] for [roll5] <- this drops N10
Touch [roll6] [roll7]
Goblin [roll8]
Emlyn [roll9]

Not done.

2013-04-09, 12:18 AM

N7 club vs Erky
[roll0] [roll1] for [roll2]

N8 club vs Erky
[roll3] [roll4] for [roll5]

Guard N9 vs Sojan
[roll6] [roll7] for [roll8]

Goblin O11 moves to N10 vs Emlyn
[roll9] [roll10] for grapple
Goblin: [roll11]
Emlyn: [roll12]

Not done

2013-04-09, 12:29 AM
K9 stands up and tries to grapple Fix
[roll0] [roll1]
Goblin [roll2]
Fix [roll3]

L10 tries to grapple Emlyn
[roll4] [roll5]
Goblin [roll6]
Emlyn [roll7]

L9 clubs Sir Erky
Club [roll8] [roll9] [roll10]

Warrior M11 heavy pick Emlyn
[roll11] [roll12] for [roll13]

L11 Warrior attacks Emlyn
[roll14] [roll15] for [roll16] points of damageHit

Character Knowledge

Emlyn was hit for 3 points of damage
Emyn killed the first goblin that tried to grapple him
Sojan missed wildly he's lost his edge
No end in sight for the goblins.

2013-04-09, 05:56 AM
"Fix, Erky, report in! Close ranks, back to back!" Sojan had shouted. He had tried to smash the goblin on Emlyn's head but the opponents on all his sides impeded his attack.

"Get closer to us, Sojan! Listen to your own advice!" Fix had shouted back and when Sojan had looked he suddenly found that the goblin was no longer there. Without any hesitation he fought his way into that location. Sir Erky was bloodied pretty badly but the small gnome had bravely fought on.

Emlyn you had turn and used the goblin's body to block an attack by another goblin and at almost the same instant bit the small goblin's hand hard. The goblin had let go almost immediately and you had bounced away from it's small hands. Another goblin had tried to grab you and reacting with instinct you ran your sword through it's neck. No sooner had it hit the ground then he was replaced by many more goblins trying to paw and grab you. At some point you felt a piercing pain in your shield arm and when you looked one of the goblins had hit you with a heavy pick. Dark blood oozed down and you found that the shield had grown heavy in your hand.

2013-04-09, 05:57 AM
Round 7




Fix infused her arm with goblin bane in round -1
Emlyn used inspire courage in round 0.
Sojan has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 0.
Obscuring mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm) was cast in round 0.
Don'Moar has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 3.
Sir Erky had used Protection Devoction used in Round 3.

Hit Points

Fix: 14/16
Sojan: 14/15
Emlyn: 3/15

Don'Moar: ?/?
Oren: ?/?
Emlyn: ?/?
Sir Erky: ?/?

PC's turn.

King Tius
2013-04-09, 07:18 AM
Sojan calls upon the power of his Dragonmark, activating its shielding ability on himself as he subtly alters his innate aura to knit his allies' wounds and keep them fighting.

Standard Action: Activate Dragonmark (Shield of Faith, +2 Deflection bonus to AC for 2 minutes).
Minor Action: Switch to Vigor aura

OOC: I'm pretty sure that Sacred and Deflection bonuses to AC will stack. If that isn't the case and the Shield of Faith is a waste, he'll attack instead (though I guess he might not know they are redundant)

2013-04-09, 11:08 AM
Fix is greatly relieved to see Sojan mostly whole, and she takes another powerful swing at the goblin in front of her, hoping to give herself room to take a step forward. A wall at her back is nice, but with her companions around there is more profit in giving them more control of the room.

Attack the goblin at L9: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Shift to L9 if the goblin dies.

Sacred and Deflection do stack. Sojan has one hell of an AC right now.

2013-04-11, 06:07 AM
Allies Actions

Sir Erky Heavy Pick N8
[roll0] [roll1] for [roll2]

Emlyn Longsword L11
[roll3] [roll4] for [roll5]

Emlyn drops the armoredWarrior goblin in L11 and five foot steps into his space. Emlyn disappears from the groups vision but you can still hear his beautiful elven poetry.

2013-04-11, 06:13 AM
Goblin in K10 gets his own postBecause he's clearly special

Touch attack to initiate a grapple. He has cover and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Touch [roll0] [roll1]

Ragged make an opposed grapple check. This goblin is dressed exactly the same as the rest of the hoard: dirty, scarred, unamored and unarmed. Unlike the rest he is not screaming and seems utterly focused. The skill and ease at which he grabbed you was not unnoticed by Fix. In fact you may have figured out who it was that so quickly knocked Serra out.

2013-04-11, 10:19 AM
Opposed Grapple Check:
(BAB +1, Str +1) [roll0]

2013-04-11, 05:09 PM
Opposed grapple checkC'mon dice!
[roll0] vs 19

2013-04-12, 06:38 AM
Check... and mate foolish PC's.

Dolgrim moves into K10
Heavy Pick vs Fix [roll0] [roll1] vs AC 19(+2 armor, +1 Shield, +4 cover, +2 sacred)[/sup for [roll2] points of damage.

Goblin[sup]Scrub from N10 five foot steps to M10
Club vs Fix [roll3] [roll4] vs AC 15 for [roll5] points of damageMinimum 1.

GoblinScrub from N7 attacks Sir Erky
Club vs Sir Erky [roll6] [roll7] vs AC 22 for [roll8] points of damageMinimum 1.

GoblinScrub from N8 attacks Sir Erky
Club vs Sir Erky [roll9] [roll10] vs AC 18 for [roll11] points of damageMinimum 1.

GoblinGuard from N9 attacks Sojan.
Heavy Pick vs Sojan [roll12] [roll13] vs AC 22 for [roll14] points of damage

GoblinScrub moves into N10 attacks Sojan
Club vs Sojan [roll15] [roll16] vs AC 22 for [roll17] points of damageMinimum 1.

Goblin K9 joins the grapple with Fix
Goblin: [roll18]
Fix: [roll19]
Unarmed Damage: [roll20]Minimum 1

2013-04-12, 06:48 AM

GoblinGuard from M11 attacks Emlyn
Heavy Pick vs Emlyn [roll0] [roll1] vs AC 16 for [roll2] points of damage.

GoblinScrub from L10 attacks Fix
Club vs Fix [roll3] [roll4] vs AC 15 for [roll5] points of damageMinimum 1.

2013-04-12, 07:01 AM
Fix's powerful attack crushed another faceless goblin and she had quickly climbed over the pile of bodies at the doorway to hold the position. Through the mist she saw two goblins, neither of them had weapons in their hands.

She never saw how the goblin had grabbed her, it had seemed to vanish into the mist and when she finally saw the threat it was too late. This goblin had been different, it was scarred and deranged like the rest, but it's eyes burned with focus, and his mouth remained closed the entire time. In Fix's defense, he was also much, much stronger than the other goblins.

The goblin had grabbed Fix's buckler and pulled her straight into the doorway. Her head had slammed into the wall as she tripped over a body, and for a second she had almost gotten pulled into the room. With equal fervor she had found her footing and pulled back.... straight into the heavy pick of some unseen foe. The strong goblin had gone with the pull and had not let go. Fix found herself unable to detach herself from the creature. Worse, at the doorway another two faced abomination had appeared. The warforged had managed to position her armored side to deflect the blow as another goblin tried to grab her leg. Was this the end? Were you not meant for more than this?

Emlyn had faded away into the mists as well. If he was where you thought he was, he had backed himself into a corner, unable to be flanked.

The turning point for the battle had arrived.

2013-04-12, 07:02 AM
Round 8




Fix infused her arm with goblin bane in round -1
Emlyn used inspire courage in round 0.
Sojan has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 0.
Obscuring mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm) was cast in round 0.
Don'Moar has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 3.
Sir Erky had used Protection Devoction used in Round 3.

Hit Points

Fix: 5/16
Sojan: 15/15

Don'Moar: ?/?
Oren: ?/?
Emlyn: ?/?
Sir Erky: ?/?
Emlyn: ?/?

PC's turn.

King Tius
2013-04-12, 07:26 AM
Emboldened by his Dragonmark but worried about Fix, Sojan turns and tries to clobber the goblin that's grappling the warforged.

Morningstar Attack on L9: [roll0] (+1 for Inspire Courage)
Morningstar Damage: [roll1]

Current AC: 19 (+2 from Shield of Faith)

2013-04-12, 10:25 AM
Fix attempts to crush the goblin clinging to her with a short, vicious blow from her enchanted arm, and she begins to desperately hope that this is not the end for her; that her short life would not end here, in this filthy cave, surrounded by raving fanatics.

She was meant for more than this.

Attack, -4 for grappling: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

2013-04-12, 10:33 AM
That thrice-damned super-calm-and-competent goblin can eat Fix's fist, Jop, because I rolled a 20, and there's no concealment because he's in her square. Damn, but that was a bloody perfect time to crit.

Confirmation: [roll0]
Bonus Crit Damage: [roll1]

2013-04-12, 12:40 PM

"Emlyn, Flank the doorway!" Sir Erky shouted
Five foot steps to L8

Emlyn vs L10
[roll3] [roll4] for [roll5] points of damage.
Five foot steps to L10

Sir Erky vs Goblin grappling Fix
[roll0] [roll1] for [roll2] points of damage.

Goblin tries to do damage to fix in the grapple
Fix give me an opposed grapple check to avoid being hurt.

2013-04-12, 12:47 PM

Opposed Grapple Check: [roll0]

2013-04-12, 01:04 PM
Jopustopin the goblin monk: [roll0]
for [roll1]

Fix the goblin monk falls unconscious. You stand momentarily victorious.

2013-04-12, 01:25 PM

Dolgrim full attack Fix
Heavy Pick [roll0] [roll1] vs AC 22 for [roll2] points of damage
Light Crossbow [roll3] [roll4] vs AC 22 for [roll5] points of damage.
reloads crossbow

GoblinScrub in M10 five foot steps to L11 attacks Emlyn
Club [roll6] [roll7] vs AC 16 for [roll8] points of damage

GoblinGuard moves into M8 attacks Fix
Heavy Pick [roll9] [roll10] vs AC 18 for [roll11] points of damage.

GoblinScrub in N8 attacks Sojan
Club [roll12] [roll13] vs AC infinity for [roll14] points of damage

GoblinGuard moves into M10 attacks Sojan
Heavy Pick [roll15] [roll16] vs AC 22 for [roll17] points of damage.

GoblinScrub in N10 attacks Sojan
Club [roll18] [roll19] vs AC 22for [roll20] points of damage

Hobgoblin moves into N9 attacks Sojan
spear [roll21] [roll22] vs AC 22 for [roll23] points of damage.

GoblinScrub in K9
Club [roll24] [roll25] vs AC 18 for [roll26] points of damage

GoblinGuard attacks Emlyn
Heavy Pick [roll27] [roll28] vs AC 16 for [roll29] points of damage.

2013-04-12, 01:42 PM
"Emlyn, Flank the doorway!" Sir Erky had shouted moving next to Fix.

Fix's situation was dire, those next to her saw that this was no normal goblin. The struggle was brief but intense. The goblin had a firm hold on her head and was repeatedly driving his knee into her gut. She struggled but could not free herself.

Fix you had felt him lose his grip on you slightly, as if he had taken a hit and you had wasted no time. Your ghulra seemed to flare to life and with your buckler hand you had grabbed the goblin around his neck and pinned him against the doorway. Your other enchanted arm delivered a short, vicious blow that collided with the goblin's head and continued into the wall. A large chunk of the wall dislodged itself and fell to the earth.

You dropped his body into the pile. Your pile.

2013-04-12, 01:43 PM
Round 9




Fix infused her arm with goblin bane in round -1
Emlyn used inspire courage in round 0.
Sojan has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 0.
Obscuring mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm) was cast in round 0.
Don'Moar has fast healing 1 for 11 rounds. Cast in round 3.
Sir Erky had used Protection Devoction used in Round 3.

Hit Points

Fix: 5.5/16
Sojan: 15/15

Don'Moar: ?/?
Oren: ?/?
Emlyn: ?/?
Sir Erky: ?/?
Emlyn: ?/?

PC's turn.

King Tius
2013-04-12, 03:15 PM
Sojan attacks whichever of the two goblin guards seems the most injured (M8 or M10). If they both seem equally as healthy, he goes for M8, hoping to clear out the enemies behind him so the group can form a new attack line.

Morningstar Attack: [roll0] (+1 for Inspire Courage)
Miss Chance: [roll1]
Morningstar Damage: [roll2]

Current AC: 20 (+2 from Shield of Faith) (forgot the +1 shield enchantment)

2013-04-12, 05:34 PM
Fix attacks whichever of the guard goblins that Sojan doesn't, or whichever guard is the least injured; she aims to take out the strongest opponent possible.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Unless I'm mistaken, she heals 1 point this round.

2013-04-12, 05:39 PM
I forgot: Concealment (1-20 misses): [roll0]

2013-04-13, 07:11 AM
Don'Moar becomes conscious
Conditions: Total Defense, Staggered, Prone

Emlyn Longsword vs M11
Longsword [roll0] [roll1] vss AC ? for [roll2]
Miss from concealment

Sir Erky Heavy Pick vs K9
Heavy Pick [roll3] [roll4] vs AC ? for [roll5] points of damage.
Miss due to cover

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