View Full Version : Kickstarter for ComputerRPG using new mechanics [Project Eternity]

2012-10-12, 03:55 AM
Hey guys,

I couldn't find any posts on this in here and I thought some of you might be interested in checking out a new computer RPG coming out from Obsidian Games, an indie gaming company, and they're making games that hearken back to the old Infinity Engine games (Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Planescape:Torment, Star Wars: Knights of the Republic, Icewind Dale).

If you're interested you should check it out; it's only going on for four more days. They've already reached their starting goal, but they've added what are called "stretch goals" where if they get enough backers, they'll be adding more content to the game (like making two huge cities with multiple maps or adding even more levels to an already Epic Dungeon, etc.) You should seriously check it out and let your friends know if they're interested.

So seriously excited about this...


2012-10-12, 07:24 AM
I think this should not be here but in the Gaming(Other) Forum.

This part does not include videogames.