View Full Version : Lereth; Stormport(IC thread)

2012-10-13, 01:43 AM
Link to ooc (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=258040)
Link to recruiting thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=257864)

Character Colors;
Rokku's character(undecided colour currently)
NPC colour/secondary NPC colour

IC(might as well start now, in order to give you guys more time to figure out what to do):
Off near the border of the bazaar and the main city, about 40 feet away, you can see what looks like either a young girl, or perhaps a tall fairy, running about, asking nearby shopkeepers about something, while gesturing somewhat frantically towards an area that mostly consists of old abandoned houses and shops that have started to decay and fall apart, from what you can hear from here it’s something about thieves or muggers, involving someone she knows, though she’s to far away to figure out much more then that.
Over near the docks, in front of a small, battered boat--which appears to have been patched together from driftwood, planks, and parts of aged ship wrecks--is an odd, scrawny old man, wearing a battered shirt, and sun-bleached trousers covered in small holes with a few patches made from various types of cloth. He has a long grey beard and mustache, and scraggily, tangled hair, as well as a crude eyepatch fashioned from strips of aged cloth. He’s sitting an a barrel near the odd little ship, telling what sounds like a tall tail about an island and ancient ruins, as well as tails of strange fauna, such as a man eating fruit tree and an odd purple predator that sounds like a combination of a tiger and a rat.
Off near a rug merchant’s stall there also appears to be a scuffle breaking out between a visiting ogre and the merchant, a tall fairy dressed in purple and blue silk, with a chained man carrying a heavy pile of the rugs she's selling behind her. quickly approaching this scuffle is the guard in charge of security at the bazaar, a rather lanky goblin--named Lorenzo from what you’ve heard during your time in Stormport--he appears to have his hand on his sword’s hilt as he moves towards the ogre, and has two human guards following behind him, one with a mancatcher and the other carrying a pair of large shackles in one hand, and a tonfa in the other.

2012-10-13, 11:50 AM

Two women have been strolling through the bazaar for a little while, drawing lustful stares from almost every male in the place. They both stand about the same height, perhaps one an inch or two higher, and both are beautiful. One carries a pair of swords (the slightly taller one) and has brunette hair down to her shoulders and blue eyes. She dresses in fluttering silks that billow at times, giving enticing glances of skin; but if it werent for the swords, she would look more like a exotic dancer of some kind, her gait seems to have some of dancing flow to it. While she is stunning in her own right, her partner has to have some sort outsider origin, because she is supernaturally beautiful. Golden blonde hair flows to her shoulders, and her green eyes sparkle with all sorts of mischief. Her skin tight and barely legal clothes leave no doubt about the curves she possesses, and she walks with an alluring strut that few women can match.
They watch the proceedings for a few minutes, conversing quietly with each other, and then seem to come to some sort of decision. They start to walk towards the tall fairy to see what her problem is.

2012-10-13, 11:54 AM

Zarabeth walks side by side with Linteshar, even though they are in a city, her eyes are constantly watching the crowds for potential threats. Her hands rest very close to her short swords, ready at a moments notice to pull them in defense of herself and her friend.

2012-10-14, 02:35 AM
As you near the fairie she walks up to you and says to Zerabeth in a somewhat miffed, but frantic tone;
"maybe you can help me. My cousin's gotten ‘imself in a mess with a dangerous clan, they’re holding 'im in one of the buildings over there, and demanding a trade with my employers, but I haven't been able to get anyone to help me get 'im back, and I aint stupid enough ta try to take them on alone"
"If you gals could help me retrieve him my associates can probably offer a reward. You look strong, and he has value ta us, and the clan that's holding 'im is asking a steep price, though I don't have much on me at the moment so we’d have to pay you at a later point"
Now that she's close you can see that she is indeed a fairie, and that she is dressed in thick clothes, with her wings wrapped around her somewhat like a cloak.

Over at the rug merchant's stall;
Back at the rug merchant's shop you can hear sounds of clinking metal, out of the corner of your eye you can see the ogre being wrestled down by the guards and restrained while the merchant glares at him spitefully.

The old man by the odd boat;
The old man has started a different tale now, this time about a one eyed ogre and a flock of metal vultures.

2012-10-14, 09:55 AM

Linteshar moves just enough to make the fairy notice her and realize that she needs to talk to her.

We might be interested in helping you, but we will need a bit more information. For instance, how many of them are there, what building are they in, and do you know how strong they are? Will we be able to approach the building without being seen?

2012-10-14, 04:56 PM
"Are you one of those folks from the outer planes?, I don't think I've ever met one of yer kind in person before, though I do know a few people in my business that have had dealings with you folks before" she says when she notices Linteshar,
afterword she gets back on the subject regarding the people she's hired you to help with.
"There's about five to seven of them, and they're hiding in one of the two buildings farthest away from the port along the avenue over there" she says as she points out the buildings, "They aren't much stronger then a gang of the city's guards, though their business does have a fair amount of power, however I'm pretty sure we have something valuable enough to them to prevent any acts of revenge against you gals. There aren't any windows on this side of the buildings, so you can get to them without being noticed, though the inside may have traps, since they've been expecting my associates to take action in this matter soon"

2012-10-14, 05:58 PM

A scruffy young man in rugged traveling clothes strolls lazily through the bazaar, reading advertisements and listening in on conversations. Eventually he can hear a girl's voice, plaintive in tone though she is too distant to make any words out. His interest piqued, he makes his way in that direction, and a bird-like creature appears to follow along from high above.

2012-10-15, 08:01 AM

What makes you think Im from an outer plane? Im just a simple woman, with simple needs.
Her eyes flash at the words "we have something valuable enough to prevent acts of revenge"
And just what might that be?

2012-10-15, 05:57 PM
((ooc: just realized you're probably shapeshifted into a wingless form, ignore the fairy's comment about you being from an outer plane then)

"A few weeks ago the son of their leader ended up ..visiting.. one of our businesses. Upon finding out who he was, my associates decided to persuade him to stay with us until matters with his clan can be resolved."
Laine is also now close enough to hear the conversation, including that last bit.

2012-10-15, 06:06 PM

Zarabeth muses out loud. So you captured one of theirs, and they in turn captured one of yours. Have you considered making a straight trade? Not that we mind, we'll go get him and then you can keep your hostage. Just saying.

2012-10-16, 04:42 PM
"main problem there is that we had him captive. a few days ago he went missing and we haven't been able to locate 'im since, though as far as we know they don't know he's escaped yet."

2012-10-16, 05:02 PM

As he drew closer, Laine picked up the gist of their conversation: Someone needed retrieving, and anyone in the way would need to be dealt with. Perfect job for him; coin was becoming scarce again.

With an awkward throat-clearing and a poor mockery of a bow, he approaches and introduces himself with noticeably halting speech.

"Ah, good day, ladies." Turning to the faerie, he continues. "Pardon me Miss, but I couldn't help but overhear your problem. I have great experience solving such problems, and if small compensation is promised, my friend and I would gladly help solve it."

2012-10-16, 06:20 PM

Well, the idea of compensation hasnt even been discussed yet. But even before we go there, who are you and how do we know we can trust you?

2012-10-16, 06:26 PM

At one moment, Zarabeth's swords were in their sheaths, but in the twinkling of an eye, they are in her hands and out as this mysterious stranger attempts to insert himself into their conversation. They arent threatening....yet.

2012-10-16, 09:17 PM

"The name's Laine Kyander. I guess you could say, I'm a freelance problem-solver." He ignores the drawing of weapons and continues. "And I'm thinking she has just as much reason to trust me as to trust the two of you — Unless you're already acquainted?"

2012-10-17, 12:51 AM
"I don’t have any prior connections with them, they were just the first people to actually stop and listen, most of the others were too afraid of retribution from the Kamei"
"and sure, I'd be willing to hire ya, you look like you might have some tracking skill, which could be useful in finding my cousin"

2012-10-17, 06:45 AM

Linteshar gently pushes Zarabeth's swords down with a smile at her, and then turns back to Laine.
She can be bit aggresive when my safety is concerned, and you startled her a bit.
So youre a freelance problem solver, is that how you describe it? Thats vague enough, I guess.
Well, we havent heard exactly what she is offering, but we're willing to take the deal on some sort of speculation. And you?

2012-10-17, 08:24 PM

With a shrug, Laine replies "Problem solver is the best way to describe it. I hunt bounty, rescue lost or stranded people, you name it. I don't risk my life for strangers for free, but nor I am a greedy man."

2012-10-17, 11:01 PM
"Sounds like you would be just what we need then"
"If your all ready to go we should probably head over soon, since there's only about three quarters of an hour left before sundown, and the area they're holding 'im in is prone to darkling attacks at night"

2012-10-18, 07:42 AM

Well, we are both ready to go looking at Laine if you are.
looking back to the girl We would prefer if you could lead us to a spot where we could approach by stealth. I have spells that can make us invisible, but I prefer to save my power for other, more offensive, uses.

2012-10-18, 08:46 PM

"Ready as ever. Lead on, miss."

Laine points up at the creature circling slowly overhead. "If you want, my friend and I can create one hell of a diversion."

2012-10-19, 01:46 AM
The fairie leads you to the building(using the side without windows), upon reaching a small door she opens it and motions for you to enter while saying “here we are, I'll let you guys head in first"
Inside, through the door you can see a dark room lit by a single candle(now nearly drowned in melted wax) a table covered with cards, laid out for blackjack, and two empty door frames, one to the north and one to the east(as well as the one to the south which you are looking in through, which does possess a door)

2012-10-19, 11:18 AM

Stepping back outside for a moment, Laine waves to his animal companion, calling it down to land.

"Stay here. Don't let anyone through that isn't us."

With that, he draws his bow, nocks an arrow, and moves silently into the building.

Stealth: [roll0]

2012-10-19, 09:20 PM

Without a word, Zarabeth moves into a position in front of Laine, its obvious that she takes the lead in all missions. Her swords are already out, and she moves with stealth, as does Linteshar

[roll0] Stealth, Zarabeth
[roll1] Stealth, Linteshar
putting Linteshar's roll in my post for convenience

2012-10-20, 05:24 AM
Everything seems silent and calm, and nothing attacks you.
Through the doorway to the east you can see some old shelves, and a few small crates with a candle atop them, sitting in it's own wax like the one in this room.
The door to the north is slightly ajar and you can see a small amount of light in the room beyond, though it appears to be daylight rather then a candle.
The door you entered in creeks slightly from the wind and slides to about three quarters open.

2012-10-20, 11:37 AM

Linteshar waits for Zarabeth to give the all clear sign to enter, and then she enters the room. She spares only a moments glance for the contents, and then moves to check on the two exits from the room. She briefly checks both of them for traps
[roll0] Perception
[roll1] Perception
and she finds any on either, she will attempt to deactivate them
[roll2] Disable
[roll3] Disable
If neither of them have traps, or she disables both of them, she will motion for Zarabeth to enter the room with a candle. If only one them is trapped, she will point for her to go that way.

2012-10-21, 12:51 AM
you are able to locate a single trap on the northern door, a walking stick with a bronze handhold, propped against the other side of the door, it was probably meant to fall over and hit the ground as an alert.
It is easy to move it to the side though.

Northern Room;
Behind the door, on the north end of the room you can see a decrepit chair with a hunched humanoid figure sitting on it. The figure is wearing strips of worn cloth as a robe and does not react to your presence. on the east side of the room you can see a rickety staircase leading up, with the small bit of daylight leaking in from a window with two partly broken shutters that is near the top of the stairs.

Eastern Room;
In the eastern room there is a small doorway to the north, leading to a plain room with more small crates, is has a wooden hatch in it's center, and two pairs of shackles attached to the northern wall. There are also odd little bits of dusty, worn, wood scattered about the floor, they appear to be from a mannequin of some sort. Another candle lies on the floor near the hatch.

2012-10-21, 11:01 AM

Before the robed figure can react to her presence, Linteshar steps in the door way and casts Deep Slumber on the figure.
(DC:26+1(SF)+1(GSF)+1(Beguiler Surprise)+2(Veil)=31)

2012-10-21, 11:43 AM
It continues to not react.
Everything also seems perfectly silent.

2012-10-21, 01:58 PM

Seeing Linteshar's spell not having the desired effect, Zarabeth, with both blades drawn, slowly enters the room. If there is the faintest twitch of reaction from the robed figure, she will cover the gap, slicing.

2012-10-21, 08:10 PM
The figure doesn't move as you enter the room.

2012-10-21, 09:02 PM
Laine stays in the doorway, keeping his bow taut, and aimed at the other room. He whispers over his shoulder,

"Is that him?"

2012-10-21, 09:15 PM
"I do not think it's him, I'm not sure it's even alive"
The fairy continues to wait slightly outside of the door

You also notice that some time has passed, and it's now about forty minutes until sunset.

2012-10-22, 07:24 AM

When the figure does not react to Zarabeth entering the room, Linteshar enters as well, looking around to see if there is anything else of note

[roll0] Perception

2012-10-22, 07:25 AM

Keeping her swords out and ready, Zarabeth approaches the figure, trying to discern what it is and if it is alive.

2012-10-22, 07:57 AM
You notice small foot prints leading towards the cloaked figure, and there are outlines that show several things(probably maps or paintings) have recently been removed from the western wall of the northern room.

2012-10-22, 08:46 AM

Zarabeth approaches the robed figure, even poking it with the tip of her sword, to see if there is any reaction. She also signals for the rest to enter the room.

2012-10-22, 09:18 AM
It does not react as you prod it. From poking it with your sword, it feels like it's made of wood or clay.

2012-10-22, 09:24 AM

Its all clear, come on in. Its just a dummy of some sort

Zarabeth will check the mannequin for anything valuable or of note.

2012-10-22, 09:26 AM

Linteshar will leave Zarabeth to check on the dummy, she will check the stairs going up to see if they are trapped.

[roll0] perception

2012-10-22, 11:57 AM
as you move towards the stairs you feel a sudden feeling of dizzyness and weakness and hear a loud humming noise in your ears.

ooc battle information:
rolling a Will save for Linteshar((since it was a surprise attack, and it might stun/daze you)): [roll0]
damage: [roll1] charisma damage and you are dazed until the next round.

Initiative(rolling to determine if the enemy can react a second time):

Zarabeth and Laine:
As Linteshar is hit by some invisible, silent force, you can see the wooden figure light up with green runes, and twitch slightly.

2012-10-22, 02:06 PM

Laine's blood runs cold as he realizes the trio has walked into a trap. As the dummy begins to glow and twitch, he yells "Clear out!" and moves out of the room.

2012-10-22, 02:22 PM

Clear out? Why? The funs just getting started.

With her blades already out, Zarabeth is into battle with a swirl of her skirts. Her Abjurant Champion powers allow her to bring up a Shield spell with just a thought, and then her blades are slicing at the dummy.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage
[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage

2012-10-22, 03:14 PM
Your swords strike true, though the tough material of the construct reduces their impact slightly.

Soon after the construct is hit, it starts to shake violently, and slowly starts to float off of the floor, until it is about ten feet above the ground, suddenly a flurry of small, but hypnotic, green lights start to flash across it's surface.
OOC: DC 24 will save to negate, check below table only if you end up failing the save.

Laine:[roll0] suddenly you are filled with overwhelming fear of the strange construct, and flee the room in an attempt to escape from the construct on your next turn.

Linteshar:[roll1] You feel an uncontrollable urge to attack Zarabeth(make an attack against her using normal modifiers on your next turn).

Zarabeth:[roll2] You feel an uncontrollable urge to attack Linteshar(make an attack against her using normal modifiers on your next turn).

As it continues to emit the strange flashs of light, some of the sword marks on the construct start to fade.

2012-10-22, 06:04 PM

[roll0] Will save

2012-10-22, 06:07 PM

[roll0] Will save

2012-10-22, 07:18 PM

Will Save: [roll0]

2012-10-22, 08:17 PM
Okay, Linteshar missed her action in the first round due to Daze, so she acts first in the next round. Laine will be fleeing, so Linteshar will cast on Zarabeth as that is her most effective attack form.


The strange construct has a wierd effect on Linteshar's normally strong mind and with a seductive smile, she turns and casts a Hold Monster on Zarabeth, attempting to freeze her in place and make her an easy target.

2012-10-22, 08:19 PM

Zarabeth is turning towards Linteshar with murder in her eyes, but the spell from the succubus catches her and freezes her in place.


EDIT: Zarabeth is frozen and loses action, Laine flees, guess the monster is up now.

2012-10-22, 10:20 PM

Laine bolted from the room, sprinting for the building's exit. His erstwhile compatriots were insane, he was sure of it. Didn't they see the glowing runes? That dummy could be rigged to explode for all he knew.

2012-10-23, 04:57 AM
As Laine starts to flee, the construct's lights start to slow, but they are still clouding your minds.
Laine:[roll0]: You start babbling incoherently
Linteshar:[roll1]: You start babbling incoherently
Zarabeth:[roll2]: You start babbling incoherently, or at least you would if you were stunned.

suddenly you hear a loud, deep rumbling in your subconscious, and for a split second see through the eyes of the strange construct.
ooc: roll a fort save

Laine and Linteshar:
with a quick flash of green light it seems like Zarabeth and the construct switch places, though it only lasts or an instant

edit: didn't expect it to incapacitate the entire group at once

2012-10-23, 05:09 AM
With a sound like hundred of pieces of glass breaking, the construct swings both cloaked arms in Linteshar's direction and conjures a strange shard of some sort of crystal, which flies in her direction.
rolling for hit: [roll0] ranged touch. damage: [roll1] piercing
And scores a clean hit(for 32 piercing damage) before fading into nothingness once more.

After this your minds finally begin to clear, and you can think clearly once more.((ooc: confusion has worn off))

2012-10-23, 06:27 AM

Paralyzed by Linteshar's spell, Zarabeth now feels some sort of assualt coming from the construct. She desperately attempts to fight it off.

[roll0] Fort save.

EDIT: Dont know what the DC is, but I have a feeling that didnt make it.

2012-10-23, 08:03 AM
For an instant you feel like you're covered in frost, but the sensation quickly fades.
((at least at the moment you feel fine, other then Linteshar's spell))

2012-10-23, 09:16 AM

With the constructs wierd mental abilities wearing off on her, Linteshar examines the situation. She calls for Laine to return to the room and moves to dispel the magic that she cast on Zarabeth.

Otherwise, are you alright?

2012-10-23, 10:38 PM

The danger having passed, Laine rushes back into the room. "Are you two all right? We need to move, our quarry has surely used this time to escape."

2012-10-24, 06:24 AM

With Laine rejoining the group, Linteshar moves once again to check the stairs to see if they are trapped or safe.

[roll0] Perception

2012-10-24, 06:28 AM

Zarabeth attempts to shake off the strange frostiness that temporarily overcame her, and waits for the results of Linteshar's search.

2012-10-24, 07:09 AM
ooc: it's actually alive and still attacking.

The construct unleashes a strange bestial, howl. As it does this you feel like you've been hit by a strong impact.
everyone takes [roll0] untyped damage with a DC 27 will save halving the damage

2012-10-24, 07:13 AM
And scores a clean hit(for 32 piercing damage) before fading into nothingness once more.

I thought the construct was no longer in the room???

2012-10-24, 08:09 AM
Ah, I meant the crystal had vanished, rather then sticking in you.
sorry having out that bit a bit vague, should we redo the last few sets of actions?

2012-10-24, 08:30 AM
Ah, I meant the crystal had vanished, rather then sticking in you.
sorry having out that bit a bit vague, should we redo the last few sets of actions?

Yes, as both Zarabeth and Linteshar would have attacked the construct, instead of checking the stairs. Should we post attack rolls for both?

2012-10-24, 09:59 AM
Aye neededtenletters

2012-10-24, 10:01 AM

The succubus is through playing it soft against this construct, and now its time to get serious. Her best attacks only work on creatures with a mind, but she has Zarabeth as her tool and shes willing to use her. She casts a Haste on the swordswoman, and includes Laine as well, to boost their attacks.

2012-10-24, 10:06 AM

With Linteshar's spell boosting her, Zarabeth has another trick of her own to power up her attacks. Reaching into her arsenal of Abjurant Champion tricks, she summons the power of her best spell (5th level slot) but channels it into her blades, making their damage dealing potential that much better, and then proceeds to hammer the construct.

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

[roll6] attack & [roll7] damage
[roll8] attack & [roll9] damage
[roll10] attack & [roll11] damage

2012-10-24, 10:07 AM
And one threat

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage

EDIT: At least 80 points of damage and depending on results of attack #1 and #3 on her first hand, upwards of 120. Hand #2, attack #1 is a pure miss.

2012-10-24, 10:30 AM
As Zarabeth strikes at the construct three of her attacks hit, but they seem to be mirrored back onto her about halfway through each strike, damaging the construct somewhat, but still dealing three nasty gashes to herself.

As your attacks start to hit, you feel the strange feeling of frost comeback, before being dispersed by the searing pain of your own attacks partly rebounding on you, dealing 32 damage

2012-10-24, 10:49 AM

Zarabeth shrieks in pain as her attacks damage herself as well, and points them out to Linteshar. Linteshar is ready to work on that with her next action.

(waiting on Laine and the construct)

2012-10-24, 01:02 PM

Save against the construct's howling attack. Only a Natural 20 will succeed.

As the fear and pain ebbs from his limbs, replaced by the surge of adrenaline and Linteshar's arcane power, Laine unleashes a hail of arrows at the construct from point-blank range.

Taking a Full Attack action against the construct. Applying Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, and Deadly Aim. With the Clustered Shots feat, all damage is totaled before applying Damage Reduction.

First Iterative:
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Piercing + [roll3] Fire + [roll4] Cold + [roll5] Electric
Manyshot: [roll6] Piercing + [roll7] Fire + [roll8] Cold + [roll9] Electric

Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11] Piercing + [roll12] Fire + [roll13] Cold + [roll14] Electric

Rapid Shot:
Attack: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16] Piercing + [roll17] Fire + [roll18] Cold + [roll19] Electric

Second Iterative:
Attack: [roll20]
Damage: [roll21] Piercing + [roll22] Fire + [roll23] Cold + [roll24] Electric

Attack & Damage Accounting (for me as much as for the DM :smallredface:):

+10 BAB
+7 DEX
+2 Enhancement
+1 Haste
+1 Weapon Focus
+1 Greater Weapon Focus
+2 Weapon Training II
+2 Gloves of Dueling
+1 Bracers of Archery, Lesser
+1 Point Blank Shot
-2 Rapid Shot
-3 Deadly Aim
= 23

1d8 Base Weapon Damage
+3 Composite STR Bonus
+2 Enhancement
+2 Weapon Training II
+2 Gloves of Dueling
+2 Weapon Specialization
+1 Point Blank Shot
+6 Deadly Aim
+1d6 Shock Enhancement
+1d6 Flaming Enhancement
+1d6 Frost Enhancement
= 1d8+3d6+18

Edit: Forgot to close a spoiler tag.

2012-10-24, 01:15 PM
Save against the construct's howling attack. Only a Natural 20 will succeed.

The howling attack didnt occur. Since I was under the impression that the construct disappeared. It might howl now, or do something else.

2012-10-24, 02:18 PM
The howling attack didnt occur. Since I was under the impression that the construct disappeared. It might howl now, or do something else.

Okay, I wasn't sure if that action was being redone as well.

2012-10-24, 03:56 PM
The howling thing was one of the undone things.

Current round(your attack did go through)
All your shots strike the golem, badly damaging it, however the same effect as last time appears to have happened to Zarabeth, causing arrow wounds to appear on her. She appears near death.

As Laine's arrows hit the golem, the frost returns once more, banished this time by the sting of his arrows, dealing 7481 damage

Seemimly bored with the situation, the strange construct lands, before fading away with a mechanical, and maddening, laughing.

Linteshar: roll a will save(DC 30), if you fail you lose consciousness.

Laine: as Zarabeth falls, The golem fades, and Linteshar is hit by a mental attack, the fairy pushes past you.
"what happened 'ere?" she says as she kneels by Zarabeth, and uses a spell to heal her back to 1hp "are you okay?, I never expected anyone like 'im to be here"

2012-10-24, 05:12 PM


EDIT:OMG, thats a terrible roll.

Linteshar suffers another mental attack and collapses to the ground.

2012-10-24, 05:17 PM

Zarabeth collapses from the pain of Laine's arrows and seems to be spinning towards a blackness, when she is suddenly drawn back by the heal spell of the fairy.

What was that thing? And whats happened to Linteshar, do you have something to heal her with?

2012-10-24, 10:33 PM

Cursing colorfully, Laine rushes to his stricken companions as they fall. Fortunately, the construct seemed to have vanished.

As the fairy's healing spell brings Zarabeth back to consciousness, Laine turns his attention to Linteshar.

"No wounds that I can see. What happened to her?"

2012-10-25, 06:26 AM
"It looks like the golem used somethin' on 'er, This should be able to get her back up though" the fairy then lays a hand on Linteshar and chants something in an odd language, after a small flash of light, Linteshar appears to stir. "I'm not sure what that thing was, but from where I was it looked pretty nasty" "I had heard some rumors amongst my associates that something like it was involved in the disappearance of my 'cousin' from the guard that survived"

2012-10-25, 08:21 AM

Linteshar seems to recover after the fairy lays a spell on her.

Whatever it was, Im not sure if we arent in over our heads. And even if we are not, we're going to have to retreat, at least for a moment, because Zarabeth is clearly in no shape to continue. And that would be bad, because they would alerted to our efforts.

2012-10-26, 07:28 AM
"I could heal her up a bit, and there's only a room or two left in here, though it is starting to get dark, and this area does have higher then usual numbers of reported darkling attacks"

2012-10-26, 08:06 AM

Do it then and then we move up. No pointi in getting caught by those things

While the fairy heals Zarabeth, Linteshar will (finally) check the stairs to see if they are trapped or wont fall the minute she steps on them.

[roll0] Perception

2012-10-26, 03:33 PM
"Alright" with that the fairie begins to heal Zarabeth, bringing her back to 53 hit points.

Perception Results;
you find no traps on the staircase, at the top you can see a door that is sitting open a crack.

2012-10-26, 06:14 PM

Youre going to need this.
Linteshar takes out two potions of healing, which Zarabeth drinks


EDIT: Well that sucked.

2012-10-26, 06:20 PM

Zarabeth keeps her swords out, and attempts to move quietly up the stairs, and peek through the door without alerting whatever is there.

[roll0] Stealth

EDIT: Okay, we're not rolling tonight anymore.

2012-10-26, 07:31 PM

Laine lines up along the wall behind Zarabeth, with another arrow nocked, and tenses himself to burst through the door.

2012-10-26, 09:37 PM
"what!, No no no no no, you won't get me too, you wooden fiend!" shouts an angry but alarmed voice from behind the door as Zarabeth approaches it.

2012-10-27, 06:13 PM
Hearing the sounds of some sort of battle, Zarabeth bursts open the door as she energizes her Shield spell.

2012-10-27, 06:21 PM
When Linteshar sees the headstrong swordswoman charging into battle, she immediately brings out her wings, and flies up quickly to see what she has gotten herself into.

2012-10-27, 07:01 PM
As Zarabeth pushes open the door you can see the fairie that was leaning against it knocked a few feet backwards. This room is about the same size as the entrance, and has a window on it's east wall which is mostly blocked by dust. On the south wall of this room you can spot two sets of shackles, and a mount for a third, set into the wall. The wall around the empty mount is stained a dark cobalt colour, with the wall's original colour showing as an outline in the shape of a fairy and the missing shackles. the fairie pushed aside by Zarabeth looks a bit battered, and he holds a sword covered with relatively fresh blood. two more fairies lie sprawled on the floor, one dead, with stab wounds--probably from the conscious one's sword--and the other curled up with blank eyes, alive, but unconscious.

As everyone enters the room the conscious fairie starts to stumble towards the party while muttering "thank the spirits, your not a golem!" "Save me! Save me!, Save me from this waking nightmare!, I’ll pay you all I have, just free me from this cursed prison"

2012-10-27, 07:56 PM

Zarabeth does not put away her swords just yet, but does approach the fairy.

If you want to be rescued, drop the sword and come quietly to me.
Did you attack these other two, and are there any more of them? Any more prisoners, I see two more sets of shackles?

She waits until the fairy that hired them enters

Is this your missing cousin?

(naturally, the rest of her instructions do not apply if he doesnt, in the first case, drop his sword)

2012-10-27, 10:23 PM
"Are you with the guard, was he your doing?" despite his angered tone he drops the sword and shuffles backwards slightly.

The fairie that entered the room enters while he's saying this.
"I had hoped to collect all of yer crew. So what'd ya you do with the heir" she says as she draws a small knife and moves towards him "Answer now". she says in a calm, cold voice.

2012-10-28, 01:31 PM

Linteshar enters the room and is a little confused by what she just said. In order to make things not get too complicted, she starts by attempting a Charm Monster on the now disarmed fairy
DC:31 Will save

She then turns to the fairy.
So this is, or isnt your cousin? And by what you just said, it sounds like this was more of a seek and destroy mission, rather than a rescue one? What about these others?

2012-10-28, 10:06 PM
your spell appears to work and the fairie sits down, legs folded under him.

In response to your question the fairie that hired you answers; "He aint the heir, just one of the thugs from the looks of it. And I suppose you could call it a 'seek an destroy', the boss ordered me ta get his heir back, and to teach their clan a lesson, but it seemed like a good idea to hire some cannon fodder"

"So, where's 'e at?" she says to the charmed fairie. She appears to have sheathed her blade now that you've charmed him.
((ooc: can an npc being charmed cause it to respond to orders from anyone or just the caster?, I just realized I'm not sure what the proper ruling for that is))

2012-10-29, 06:33 AM

Linteshar puts a hand on the fairy who hired her.
He wont listen to you. Only me. Let me handle this.
Linteshar turns to the charmed fairy, moving close to him, and she is all smiles now, even sitting down beside him.
Listen honey, we dont want any trouble, and we certainly dont want to hurt you. In fact, Ive got some fun ideas that Im sure you would enjoy, know what I mean? :smallwink: But before we get to that, we have to find the fairy you captured. That wasnt really very nice of you to do. So, you just tell us where he is, we'll go get him, and then you and I can find a nice motel room and :smallcool:

2012-10-29, 05:24 PM

Laine rolls his eyes at the mage's interrogation, but nonetheless turns away before doing it. Whatever works, works.

He busied himself with checking the live, unconscious fairy still on the floor, nudging him with the toe of his boot.

2012-10-29, 06:01 PM
"Yer standing on 'im. He vanished, leaving this dust when the golem came here" says the charmed fairie, while pointing at the dust on the floor.

The unconscious one seems fine physically, but he has a terrified expression on his face

2012-10-29, 07:11 PM

If what he is saying is true, and it likely is, your cousin appears to have been disintigrated. That would explain the dust being left behind. I dont know if the golem was capable of that but it sure was powerful.

2012-10-29, 07:31 PM
"D****t all, tha boss aint gonna be pleased with 'is heir turned ta dust..."
"Any of you want anything else from em before I finish the conscious one?, I'd rather he doesn't become a loose end 'ere and alert the guard or his clan. The out cold one might still know something useful, so I'll save 'im fer now"

"Wait, wait, your going to kill me!?" the charmed fairie says, somewhat panicked despite the spell.

"Business is business, we can't go 'aving customers thinkin' we're too merciful" she says as she draws her dagger once more.

2012-10-29, 07:40 PM

Laine interjects "Actually, I was wondering if he could tell us where that runic monstrosity might have come from. Who knows when this one," he gestured at the unconscious fairy, "might wake up?"

2012-10-29, 08:06 PM
"It came out of the floor, like some sort of specter, and attacked us, turning me against Ryu, knocking out Tomo and making Kiru’s heir vanish, I had only regained my sense when you entered, and the maddening whispers stopped, that's all I know, please, don't leave me here with the Haru clan 'collecter', I don't want to die, I was just following orders!"
The fairie's threat against him appears to have weakened the spell.

2012-10-30, 06:45 AM

Linteshar stays the fairy's blade.
Shes not going to hurt you, dont worry.
Turning to the fairy, she switches to telepathic communication, addressing Laine and Zarabeth as well.
What he is saying makes sense with some of the things we know the golem could do. The disintigration is a different matter. But killing him doesnt do us any good. Why not bring him back to your boss for further questioning to make sure what he said is true? That way, your boss wont say you didnt do the whole job.
And if you think this is a good idea, let me spin the story to him. Im not about to tell him straight out thats whats going to happen. You see what happens to my spell when you start threatening.

2012-10-30, 03:24 PM
"I suppose you 'ave a point there, and the boss is prone to shootin' the messenger, so having this guy deliver the bad news could save my skin I suppose. Go ahead then"

2012-10-30, 05:53 PM

Tell your men to meet us at the Golden Griffon Inn, room 107. Now, leave, it will make him more trusting

Linteshar waits until the others leave the room.

You held up your end of the bargain, so Im more than willing to hold up mine. We're going to have so much fun, you'll have the time of your life, I promise. Ive got a room at the Golden Griffon Inn, lets go there and I'll show you things you could never imagine.

She stands up, doing a bit of a pose to let him see just how good she looks.

[roll0] Bluff

2012-10-30, 06:05 PM

Zarabeth, well acquainted with Linteshar's techniques, will leave the room. She shares the Inn room with Linteshar, so she will lead the rest of the group there, after they go to pick up the boss and any others needed, which will give Linteshar time to get him back there.

2012-10-30, 06:23 PM
As Laine, Zarabeth and the Fairie leave the room the male fairie seems to relax a little "So I get to live, thank the ancestors...I, I'll follow you then..." he stammers, obviously unused to talking to women, though he did fall for your bluff.

Laine and Zarabeth;
"I'll go and alert a few other colleagues of mine, Eligor and Shao, they should be able to meet you at the Golden Griffon" says the female fairie, "I should be able to handle any darklings, and hopefully you'll be right about the boss's reaction"

edit: Everyone has also gained 10,200xp(165200xp total) from escaping the golem, and the encounter with the kidnapper.

2012-10-30, 08:05 PM

Linteshar, with a big, sexy, suggestive smile take him by the hand, and helps him stand up. She leads him out of the building and slowly back to the Golden Griffon, making sure that she will arrive before the other fairies, but not a whole lot. (aiming for about 15-20 minutes)
When she does get him back to their rooms, she does begin a romantic encounter, making sure to get him naked and defenseless against anything that might happen. Just before the others arrive, one of her kisses will utilize her succubus powers, draining him of one level.
And then bosses will arrive.

2012-10-30, 08:57 PM

"I'll go in ahead of you, case out the joint, and take up a good position to cover you."

Laine leaves separately, letting his Hippogriff resume circling overhead, and quickly but discreetly heads to the Golden Griffon by another route.

2012-11-01, 12:11 AM
At the golden griffon:

Laine and Zarabeth;
once you reach the inn you encounter the fairie standing near the entrance, along with a tall, furry, hoofed man wearing a tailcoat, and possessing large curved ram horns--as well as a beast like face-- and a shorter, handsome man in a flamboyant black silk shirt and white trousers.
“Ah, you must be the lackeys Kite hired, it’s a pleasure to meet you, My name’s Shao.” says the shorter, human looking man, adding a wink towards Zarabeth on the last word. “And I’m Eligor.” says the bestial man with a shallow bow. “Kite said you were able to catch one of the kidnappers, what happened to the other two? Did Kite finish them?, She tends to get a bit axe crazy sometimes”. "I'm not that bad" chimes in the female fairie--aparently named Kite--, a bit miffed

The male fairie acts a bit shy and flustered(this appears to be his first time doing this sort of thing), but you are able to drain a level from him.

2012-11-01, 06:21 AM

They were attacked by some sort of weird golem, we had trouble with it as well. They were affected by a spell and ended up killing each other, although one survived in an unconscious state. And the one we captured, of course. From what they said, it appears your heir was disintigrated by the golem
But we should head into our room...Linteshar's "attentions" can be rather strenuous.

Zarabeth leads the way to hers and Linteshars room and opens the door, on the somewhat surprised fairy, and the waiting Linteshar.

2012-11-02, 03:13 AM
"A bit of an unorthodox way of capturing someone, though I suppose it's effective. Lets get him some clothes before we take to the boss, I can't imagine he would enjoy it if we brought the hostage back nude" says the bestial looking Eligor, with the same emotionless expression he’s kept since you met him.

2012-11-02, 03:38 AM

Though he bristled at "lackey", especially after being called cannon fodder earlier, Laine attempted to keep his composure, but soon opted to mutter "This whole day so far has been unorthodox, I'd say."

2012-11-02, 07:08 AM
(could we get an answer on the OOC question posed?)

2012-11-02, 03:30 PM

Still quite naked, Linteshar smiles at Laine
Unorthodox is what I do best. Its part of my charm
She gestures noncholantly at the fairy's clothes, dropped in a heap near the bed.
I suppose you'll probably want me to be in clothes as well when we meet the boss.

2012-11-02, 05:21 PM
"Your quite the beauty regardless of what's covered or not, but it might attract questions from wandering citizens or guards if you walked around without your modesty through the town" says Shao.

"Huh?, what's happening, who are you.....wait, I thought I was free..." says the male fairie, still a little dazed from having a level drained. "Hold still you little bugger, it's hard enough getting you without you trying to escape" says Eligor, as he's struggling to get the fairie's clothes on(both due to the fairie figuring out what's going on, and due to Eligor being 8 feet tall, compared to the 3 foot tall fairy)

ooc: sorry about the confusing colour scheme in the post where I introduced Shao and Eligor, I misclicked on the text colour button when selecting he colours(so one of the sentences is in a different shade of grey)

2012-11-02, 06:28 PM
Well, you see, youre free as far as we're concerned....but these guys seem to have a different view and theyre stronger than we are. the last is said with a bit of a smirk from Zarabeth

2012-11-02, 07:23 PM
"Your quite the beauty regardless of what's covered or not, but it might attract questions from wandering citizens or guards if you walked around without your modesty through the town" says Shao.

Party pooper but Linteshar pulls on just enough clothes to make sure she doesnt get arrested. The only look she spares for the fairy to make sure he doesnt get away from Eligor

2012-11-05, 02:52 AM
"Follow me if you want to meet the boss" says the female fairie, as Eligor ties a rope from his wrist to the male fairie's, "if we're quick we should be able to reach the boss before the sun finishes setting all the way"

OOC: you can choose to follow them if you want, or go a different way for now, since I have more of the city written I could make the campaign a bit more sandboxy if you guys want.

2012-11-05, 11:33 AM

I'm all for meeting bosses and such, you can never know too many people
she seems to direct a wink at Shao with the last
lead on

OOC: Im all for sandboxy if you like, but we'll follow the fairys to see if we get paid for this...then maybe we'll go our own way if we dont like the pay or they dont have a better offer. We could always go back and see the crazy ship captain.

2012-11-05, 12:26 PM

Nodding his assent, Laine follows the others. This business was getting weirder by the minute, and if he didn't get a decent pile of coin out of this job, he'd take his services elsewhere. Then again, he'd put up with stranger things before. Everything, he supposed, would depend on how the meeting with his employer's boss would go.

2012-11-05, 03:15 PM
The group leads you through several twists and turns, and you get the feeling they’re taking you the long way to their base.....after a few minutes you reach a normal looking door set into a wall. Shao pauses for a moment while he selects a key from a loop on his belt, using it to unlock the door. "The real door's over here by the way, wouldn't want you falling into the trap there" says Shao as he wanders a door over and opens it.
"In here, the boss should be waiting" says Kite(ooc: the female fairie)

The group leads you down a few downward twisting hallways until you finally reach a large, well lit, circular room, with small cushions to sit on arranged to all face a small dias in the center, where an elderly male fairie(in very fancy robes) sits. At your approach he says "Ah...you have returned. These are the hirelings who managed to help catch my son's kidnapper?...The messenger has already told me a few details...thank you for having brought this villain to me...please take this gift as payment..." he tosses a small silk bag, containing 6000gp worth of small gems. "you have proven your usefulness...should I require aid in a situation like this again...I will likely seek you out once more..." with that he closes his eyes and appears to go back to meditating, or perhaps sleeping

Text colours;
Kite(female fairie)
Head of the Yakuza Clan

2012-11-05, 07:25 PM

Linteshar divides, as best she can, the gems into 3 piles and then offers Laine first choice on which pile he takes. She and Zarabeth chose after him.

Well, if you do need us, you know where to find us, you can leave a message at my room.
pointing at the captive fairy
So whats going to happen to him?
All the time she talks, she seems to keep her body in such a way that Shao can see her in profile.

2012-11-07, 12:25 AM
"we may finish him...then again...he could be useful alive, due to his encounter with the being....."
"Should I find a way to retrieve my heir, I will likely seek out your group once more....."

((ooc: also the "..." or "....." are meant to represent him speaking slowly and groggily))
NPC colours: Head of the Clan

2012-11-07, 08:56 AM

Then it appears as if our work here is done. Like I said, leave a note at the Inn if you want us. Hopefully, we'll still be alive

She gives Shao a wink and a saucy smile

Lets go see what other mischief we can scare up for ourselves. Laine, was it? Youre more than welcome to join us, we dont believe in long allegiances, sort of just seeking our fortunes.
My name is Linteshar, and as you have seen, Im a spellcaster.

2012-11-07, 08:57 AM

And Im Zarabeth holding out her swords I make holes in things. Lots and lots of holes.

2012-11-07, 11:19 PM

What a strange coincidence - I make holes in things too. And I know a few spells, but nothing too spectacular. You both can obviously handle yourselves in a fight, so I might as well join you. Was starting to get tired of working alone anyways.

2012-11-09, 02:55 PM

When we first came to the docks, there was some sort of ships captain, going on about an island with ancient ruins and man-eating fruit trees. I dont know if its just a lot crap, but if there are ruins, theres likely treasure. I think we should go check it out

Linteshar leads the way out of the house, making sure that Laine can see the sway of her rear as she does so.

2012-11-09, 03:18 PM

"...Might be worth checking out. Especially if the man-eating fruit trees have kept the ruins safe."

2012-11-09, 07:39 PM
((adding a minor feature, inspired by Rizban, mainly a little notice board thing I'll put in a post sometimes, since we're aiming for an open world game, as well as a calendar))
Time: about an hour after sundown(mostly added since whether it’s day or night will probably prove useful later on)
Date: 3rd of first quarter((the Lereth year is divided into four quarters, each 95 days long))

Notices((posted on noticed boards around inns, large shops, and taverns, as well as sometimes guard stations):

“The yearly Verdan peach festival is coming soon. Inquire for information about setting up stalls or events at the dockmaster’s office in Stormport or Maelstrom, or at Bo’s Trading post in Verdan itself”

“WANTED ALIVE: Belzallor Tribbles, for theft of goods[5 accounts], assaulting the guard[8 accounts], and escaping imprisonment[1 account].
Victim is offering 20 fingers of jade as bounty for his capture.
Inquire at West Gate Stormport guard station for more information.”

“New shipment of Gliding Weasels as Korth’s pet stall, only 40 gold pieces each.
Located in the port bazaar, locate with stall code 253”

Announcements((heard from criers, as people talking about them, or at public meetings))
“The king of Xiang is visiting Stormport on the 8th of first quarter, for a public meeting with the Triarchy at the Bazaar’s Plaza”

Interesting Misc Things((seen while wandering about)):
An old, scraggly man has been telling tales of mysterious islands down at the port recently.
The golem you encountered vanished without a trace, and used unusual powers in it’s ambush.