View Full Version : Help with Anti-Magic Fields

2012-10-13, 02:05 PM
My friends and I our playing a type of d&d 3.5 we call god campaigns. We each make a 40th level character and raise an army and duke it out until one of us is remaining. I am playing a dark elf lich wizard. I was wondering, does the spell greater spell immunity function against anti-magic field. It's all a matter of what takes effect first, greater spell immunity or anti-magic. If the spell doesn't work against it, can you please list some other methods a 34th level wizard could become immune to the effects of an anti-magic field, because it would be really useful to negate the magical abilities of my foes while I can keep my own.

2012-10-13, 02:12 PM
Are you using psionic/magic transparency rules? If not, you could go Psion 5/Wizard 5/Cerebramancer 30 (basic version, but you get the idea) and use powers when anti-magic etc. are in effect.

2012-10-13, 02:13 PM
"The warded creature effectively has unbeatable spell resistance regarding the specified spell or spells. Naturally, that immunity doesn’t protect a creature from spells for which spell resistance doesn’t apply."

So greater spell immunity wouldn't help you at all. But check out the initiate of Mystra feat in Player's Guide to Faerun.

2012-10-13, 02:42 PM
Master Specialist Abjurers can use Abjurations that normally emanate or are personal into touch spells, if you want to use them offensively

Prismatic Sphere (and Wall) isn't penetrated by AMF.

Epic Spells aren't always affected by AMF.

2012-10-13, 02:55 PM
Thanks for your help. I dug out my copy of PGtF and looked at initiate of mystra. Its really good. I can see why they say Faerun is where casters get their cheese.:smallsmile:

2012-10-13, 02:59 PM
You might want to look at the twice betrayer (ie initiate of mystra feat). Depends on your optimization level if that is appropriate. Ah beaten to it.

2012-10-13, 03:21 PM
I looked at the feat, and i saw it needed three cleric levels to get,will i have to take the levels, or is there a way i can get effective cleric levels (feat or otherwise) that a 34th level lich drow who is also Chaotic Evil can gain access to so i can take the feat

2012-10-13, 05:29 PM
40th level character

1. Develop epic Immunity to Antimagic Field spell.
2. ???
3. Profit.

2012-10-13, 05:52 PM

But with 40th level character, just make a damn epic spell that gives you complete immunity to antimagic field.

As well as anything else that could remotely harm you, in any way, at all, ever.

Also, you do know that, if played right, a level 20 Wizard (with some prestige classes) Lesser Drow Necropolitan could probably do everything you want your level 40 Lich Drow to do, right?

The optimization ceiling for Wizards is such that you don't NEED Epic levels to become a god and unkillable.

Also, for any campaign of this level, it is vital to figure out what the boundaries and houserules for epic spells are. The Epic spell system is really totally that bad.

2012-10-13, 06:37 PM
thanks. does the epic immunity spell appear in epic level handbook? Also any other tips? I will be duking it out with several other player playing 40th level characters, as well as some npc gods from Deities and Demigods. One of my friends is the lord of the abyss and is balor fighter, any tips on taking him down? My planned tactic for taking down the gods is to scry the other gods with crystal balls and then when two of them start to fight, I Epic Teleport my forces right in the middle, casting Superior Invisibility on myself, sneaking over to the other gods, casting Analyze Dwemer, then when i find out what items they have , casting a Heightened Intesified Disjuction spell to kill their items then Intensified Energy drain followed by 2 quickened intensified energy drains (i can quicken 2 spells per round, thx to a feat found in the epic level handbook) and then casting soul trap to prevent raising them. Is this an effective strategy?
If you have any other tips, please list them. I have an artifact spellbook that contains ALL the spells 1-9. It's called the Last Book (epic level handbook). I also have a feat that let's me have up to lvl 25 spell slots for metamagic, and the creation feats and stuff like that. Any help is appreciated!

Edit: btw, i have an intensified, extended time stop to buff my self during, and the whole purpose of this tread was for me to be able to put up an antimagic field while being able to cast fulling within, while they cant

2012-10-13, 10:16 PM
Nonono, every example epic spell ever written by WotC sucks.

Most of them don't even follow their own rules.

What you do with epic magic is you just always make custom spells. The system is so badly written that, by chain binding angels or entities with high level spell slots, it is ridiculously easy to mitigate any and every epic spell you make to 0, making the time to develop the spell and the money to develop it essentially 0. As long as you have enough simulacrum or clone copies of yourself, or chain bound or chain gated spellcasting whatever's, you can make yourself completely immune from harm, and able to achieve any conceivable goal in a moment's notice. You just spend a few days every month or every few months casting these insane buff spells that last several months, and which you can expend to do damn near anything.

Basically, at 21st level, when a Wizard gets the Epic Spellcasting feat, the game becomes 'let's pretend', and loses all sense of following any rules whatsoever.

The epic spell creation system is that badly written.

And antimagic field is an absurdly easy to bypass defense. Many epic spells can bypass it with an appropriate check. Many gods (your foes at this point) can ignore it entirely. You want to make custom layered epic spells, each custom made, for your invulnerability.

In other words, you need to get very, very, very familiar with the custom epic spell creation system, if the GM is going to run it as written (beg for him not to).

2012-10-14, 03:01 PM
Yeah, i was reading the epic spell creation system and laughed when i read it. That stuff is BROKEN! I'm gonna use the Ward seed to make myself immune to anti-magic fields. I was also wondering, you know how it shows a description of what the seed does under the seed, is there a way i can just cast the seeds themselves without having to make them into a spell, or would i just make a spell using only that seed to do so?

Edit: btw, the epic spell rules are being used exactly how they are written in the Epic Level Handbook. So I being an epic spell caster, am gonna wipe the floor with most of the other gods. I've just gotta get my energy drain save DCs really high, any tips on that? Also, I know one of the others has a feat that can deflect my energy drains, so any tips on getting my hold monster DCs really high so he can't use that feat?

2012-10-14, 03:52 PM
ATTENTION! hi just so you know i have moved the disscussion of my god campaign over to the tread titled "god campaign" because i thought that the title help with anti magic fields wasn't the best for the current topic

2012-10-14, 04:20 PM
Yeah, i was reading the epic spell creation system and laughed when i read it. That stuff is BROKEN! I'm gonna use the Ward seed to make myself immune to anti-magic fields. I was also wondering, you know how it shows a description of what the seed does under the seed, is there a way i can just cast the seeds themselves without having to make them into a spell, or would i just make a spell using only that seed to do so?

You have to develop a specific spell.

Also, I just read over the Ward seed, and Imminity to Antimagic Field is a paltry DC 28 and requires no ad-hocs.:smallsigh:

2012-10-14, 05:48 PM
So I could just for example make a spell only using the slay seed and call it slay and it would basically just using the seed itself?

2012-10-14, 08:41 PM
So I could just for example make a spell only using the slay seed and call it slay and it would basically just using the seed itself?

Not quite. I'm pretty sure the specific seed effect used by the spell has to be chosen during development, not during casting. So you could develop a SoD "Slay" spell or a level draining "Slay" spell, but not one that can do both.

2012-10-14, 10:47 PM
Master Specialist Abjurers can use Abjurations that normally emanate or are personal into touch spells, if you want to use them offensively

Prismatic Sphere (and Wall) isn't penetrated by AMF.

Epic Spells aren't always affected by AMF.

Antimagic field does not automatically suppress epic spells as it does standard spells. Instead, each time an epic spell is subject to an antimagic field, make a dispel check as a 20th-level caster (1d20 + 20). The epic spell has a DC of 11 + the epic spell’s spellcaster level. If the suppression check is successful, the epic spell is suppressed like any other spell. If the dispel check is unsuccessful, the epic spell functions normally.

If you're going at a level 40 Epic Spellcaster, you better be packing some epic magic of your own. In this specific case the moment your caster level hits 30 and you're popping out Epic spells your enemies are gonna need something a little stronger then a simply "anti-magic field" to take you down since you're ripping peoples souls out of their body with a thought (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/spells/momentoMori.htm)

EDIT: God forbid you're a Shadow Weave user :smalltongue: