View Full Version : [PF] Looking for free one-shot with pregens. (New players & DM)

2012-10-13, 02:33 PM
I haven't done much Pathfinder, but I have some friends interested in picking it up. I figured I'd run a small one-shot for them to pick it up. Pregens would be nice. Any recommendations? I have one player dead set on elf or half-elf Cleric with a healing focus- I can rework the Cleric if needed.

Found something!

2012-10-13, 02:57 PM
You may or may not want to consider getting the Beginner Box. It's a great way to enter the game, but it also is NOT accurate to the actual rules of pathfinder...AT ALL. So while it's a fun introduction to the basic mechanics of Pathfinder, it does little in the way of showing new players just how the classes work and what options are available to them. That's not to say that the beginner box is not a great product; it is, and is wonderful for introducing the core mechanics of the game. However, just be warned the classes as presented in the beginner box are NOT the same as those in the actual pathfinder game(Clerics lack domains in the beginner box, for example.).

So, in the end, I do recommend the beginner box, but with the disclaimer that certain classes will not be the same as they are in actual pathfinder and/or will have FAR less options for them then the standard pathfinder rules.

As for actual free runs? Well, sadly, I don't know of any for a level 1 party. I DO know places to find some for $5.00 and under online, but I sadly know none that are 100% free. As of now, the only thing I can think of to find free runs would be to set sail, raise that Jolly Roger and go hunting for them on the net.

However, when it comes to pre-made characters, I have found a bunch of them for free on the net. They can be found here (http://www.scribd.com/doc/48277288/80/Human-Sorcerer-Undead-Bloodline-1#page=3).(Scroll up to get to a list of all of them.)

2012-10-13, 04:15 PM
Actually, I found Paizo's free modules, and "We Be Goblins" looks great. It's a group that likes Munchkin and Magic the Gathering, and crazy goblins are the perfect blend.

2012-10-14, 03:17 PM
google for "pfs pregens" (PFS is pathfinder society) and you'll find a document with a lot of pregens (at least 1 for each race+class combination in core)

for a player intro I had a good time with "The Burning Plague", which is actually a 3.5 adventure, but can be adapted to PF on the fly (you just need to change the skills)