View Full Version : Speak language?

2012-10-13, 03:37 PM
so, at creation, you have some automatic languages, and then a couple of bonus languages that are chosen based on int bonus. what if, somehow, you have a really high int bonus and that bonus is greater than your number of bonus languages, what happens?

2012-10-13, 03:51 PM
You select other languages that aren't secret languages (such as druidic). Bonus languages are just the common languages members of that race will learn given that they have a high enough int bonus to warrant extra languages beyond the automatic ones.

2012-10-13, 04:08 PM
You select other languages that aren't secret languages (such as druidic). Bonus languages are just the common languages members of that race will learn given that they have a high enough int bonus to warrant extra languages beyond the automatic ones.

Is there a source for this? I've tried to find something before but not been able to. I was under the impression for 3.5 you had to pick from the listed bonus languages.

2012-10-13, 07:38 PM
I believe WarKitty is correct. If you're out of bonus languages, you're out of bonus languages.

It's not often that most races have a higher Int bonus than they do bonus languages, but warforged almost always do; they have zero bonus languages, unless they start as a Cleric or Wizard.

2012-10-13, 08:04 PM
The bonus list is great, but you can always add to it.

There might be regional languages in the world that your character might speak, in addition to common and racial languages. Regional languages can be made complementary to rolls for Local Knowledge, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Sense Motive if the DM wants to equate knowledge of a language with knowledge of the regional culture.

I've also seen some DMs rule that you have to buy spoken and written languages separately. A character might be able to speak dwarfish, but not know how to read the runes. A character might be able to read the language of the lost ancients, but no one knows how to speak it anymore.

You might even throw in ancient versions of languages as requiring their own language skill. Draconic is probably still the same as ever, but ancient halfling might be very different from contemporary halfling.

Finally, a character might speak (or only understand) a specific animal language (if it doesn't step on the druids' or rangers' toes too much). Bard of Laketown understood the speech of birds, while barbarians might know the speech of specific totem animals.

I hope it goes without saying that these options should only be used in a campaign where they have a chance of being played. All are completely optional home rules to be used or excluded at the DM's discretion.

2012-10-14, 02:02 PM
By RAW, Page 12 of the PHB, "Select your character's bonus languages (if any) from the list found in his or her race's description later in this chapter."

If its not on the list, you can't pick it with bonus language points. I don't enforce this rule at my table though.

2012-10-14, 08:24 PM
By RAW, Page 12 of the PHB, "Select your character's bonus languages (if any) from the list found in his or her race's description later in this chapter."

If its not on the list, you can't pick it with bonus language points.
True, but also remember to check supplements like the Races of .., books. Some of them expand the bonus languages list, either generally or for subraces.

2012-10-14, 11:53 PM
You just cast Tongues anyway because you really ought to be a spellcaster (at least a Factotum) if you have an Int that high?

2012-10-15, 02:21 AM
IIRC there is a rule about certain special languages that anyone can learn like infernal and the like in either Planar handbook or Manual of the Planes. Not sure and away from books though. That said getting tongues permanent isn't all that costly if you cast it, and only 10g if you get the scroll.

2012-10-15, 02:39 AM
Is there a source for this? I've tried to find something before but not been able to. I was under the impression for 3.5 you had to pick from the listed bonus languages.

What if you're a Human Factotum that has "any" for their bonus languages. You can get every single language if you really wanted too do so... (Be a waste of skill points though...)

Hell, in two level if you're Int is High enough you can learn half of (If memory serves) the 26 languages without much effort :smalltongue:

Gonna take a few levels to learn ALL the languages and be a natural polyglot (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=208167) :smalleek:

2012-10-15, 04:18 AM
What if you're a Human Factotum that has "any" for their bonus languages. You can get every single language if you really wanted too do so... (Be a waste of skill points though...)

Hell, in two level if you're Int is High enough you can learn half of (If memory serves) the 26 languages without much effort :smalltongue:

Gonna take a few levels to learn ALL the languages and be a natural polyglot (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=208167) :smalleek:

There're two feats that can help, though spending feats for linguistics is only going to be useful in a certain kind of campaign. The first is called, I think, master linguist and it gives you a new language at every level without spending points. The other is called smatterings, which allows you to make an intel check to get a basic grasp of a language after a short time of exposure, but only temporarily. The former is in either ECS or RoE, and the latter is in RoD.

2012-10-15, 09:14 AM
What if you're a Human Factotum that has "any" for their bonus languages. You can get every single language if you really wanted too do so... (Be a waste of skill points though...)

Knowing the elemental/abyssal/infernal/celestial are good for summoners. Especially if the summons don't speak Common.

For total Polyglot status? You can seriously freak out an Aboleth, which would be totally worth it. Maybe even ask it for some of its mucus ("Wait, you're telling me you people want to buy my snot? Sure, take it. Whatever floats your boat, freak").

2012-10-15, 09:37 AM
It's not often that most races have a higher Int bonus than they do bonus languages, but warforged almost always do; they have zero bonus languages, unless they start as a Cleric or Wizard.

And then there are the Races of Stone. Three of the races in that book (Chaos Gnome, Dream Dwarf, Stonechild) have regular entries for Automatic and Bonus Languages. But Neither Feral Gargun nor Whisper Gnome entries include this section. For those two races, there is only a mention of some of the languages they speak in the fluff section.

2012-10-15, 12:32 PM
many races have a line in the bonus languages section that states that particularly intelligent indiduals know the languages of their allies and enemies. so if you want draconic, for example, just say you hate dragons.

2012-10-15, 12:46 PM
There're two feats that can help, though spending feats for linguistics is only going to be useful in a certain kind of campaign. The first is called, I think, master linguist and it gives you a new language at every level without spending points. The other is called smatterings, which allows you to make an intel check to get a basic grasp of a language after a short time of exposure, but only temporarily. The former is in either ECS or RoE, and the latter is in RoD.

If you are stuck for feat slots, magic to the rescue!
In one campaign I am playing, the DM gave us a magical pipe. When lit & smoked, an elemental will emerge, automatically knowing the languages of the person who lit the pipe, and everyone previously. The thing's been around for a while, so we have an instant translator! He's a bit cranky though, unless you give him really good tobacco. We have a lot of fun with ol' Smokey, and he helps us communicate. And it is always great RP experience to try to figure out how to get strange creatures you can't talk to, to smoke a pipe, so Smokey can learn a new language.

2012-10-15, 02:03 PM
If you are stuck for feat slots, magic to the rescue!
In one campaign I am playing, the DM gave us a magical pipe. When lit & smoked, an elemental will emerge, automatically knowing the languages of the person who lit the pipe, and everyone previously. The thing's been around for a while, so we have an instant translator! He's a bit cranky though, unless you give him really good tobacco. We have a lot of fun with ol' Smokey, and he helps us communicate. And it is always great RP experience to try to figure out how to get strange creatures you can't talk to, to smoke a pipe, so Smokey can learn a new language.

That just makes me want to gargle bleach for about an hour to be honest. :smalleek:

2012-10-15, 10:22 PM
That just makes me want to gargle bleach for about an hour to be honest. :smalleek:

In fairness, I'm 99.95% sure he's talking about a pipe in-game and as such, things like taste and cancer aren't a concern.

2012-10-15, 10:36 PM
In fairness, I'm 99.95% sure he's talking about a pipe in-game and as such, things like taste and cancer aren't a concern.

I think what he was referring to was smoking the same pipe as thousands of other creatures throughout history (even in-game) squicks him, which is kind of understandable.

a quick prestidigitation (arguably) would kill the germs though, since it can be used to clean small items, which a pipe would definitely qualify as

2012-10-15, 11:05 PM
Smokey likes it dirty. Maybe Smokey won't help your negotiations if you clean his pipe. Maybe all your peace offers to the goblin horde will be translated as insults. Or maybe this all goes away and no one gets cleaned.

2012-10-15, 11:06 PM
I think what he was referring to was smoking the same pipe as thousands of other creatures throughout history (even in-game) squicks him, which is kind of understandable.

a quick prestidigitation (arguably) would kill the germs though, since it can be used to clean small items, which a pipe would definitely qualify as

Didn't think of that angle. That's pretty nasty. Wouldn't bother some of the characters I've made though.

2012-10-16, 01:38 AM
Didn't think of that angle. That's pretty nasty. Wouldn't bother some of the characters I've made though.

I never thought of that either, nor did any of the other players in my group. Interesting...

2012-10-16, 01:44 AM
I never thought of that either, nor did any of the other players in my group. Interesting...

I wouldn't give it too much thought. Germs aren't necessarily a thing in D&D. The behaviors of energy and matter are already kinda blurry in regards to the in-game world and there're no stats for microbes, IIRC.

Between that and the fact that such a pipe is a more or less direct port of some cultural ceremonies IRL, just rolling with it is probably the way to go.

2012-10-16, 01:54 AM
Between that and the fact that such a pipe is a more or less direct port of some cultural ceremonies IRL, just rolling with it is probably the way to go.

And roll (role?) with it I will. My character will continue to seek out the finest tobaccos for Smokey and try to find interesting new languages for him to acquire. I never envisioned my character as a pipe smoker, yet he puffs on the pipe on occasion, even when there is no translation needed, just so Smokey can stretch out a bit and see the world.

2012-10-16, 01:59 AM
And roll (role?) with it I will. My character will continue to seek out the finest tobaccos for Smokey and try to find interesting new languages for him to acquire. I never envisioned my character as a pipe smoker, yet he puffs on the pipe on occasion, even when there is no translation needed, just so Smokey can stretch out a bit and see the world.

While you clearly got the meaning from context, I'll just mention this for the benefit of anyone that didn't.

"Roll with it" is a colloquialism from my region and the generation before mine. It roughly means just let things be how they're going to be.

Bah, showing my age and my dorkness in the same post. :smalltongue:

2012-10-16, 05:04 AM
*insert cunning linguist joke*

No really, apart from druidic you can learn just about any language, only it would make sense for you to learn some languages sooner then others (i.e. the bonus languages) If you are out you could probably learn the rest. For a bard it would be nice so he won't have to sacrifice a spell known for tongues (besides he has speak language in class which is funny to say the least)

2012-10-16, 05:47 AM
Even though the OP didn't ask, I'm going to throw a recommendation for a couple of languages to know.

Battle signals and drow-sign are both very much worth knowing for tactical and espionage purposes.

Battle signals let you communicate simple messages up to 120ft away without making a sound as long as your allies know where to look for you. Better yet, it's useful in that context even if the "listener" doesn't know the signals; he can make a dc15 int check to understand what you're basically wanting him to do.

Drow sign on the other hand can be used to convey meaning on a level of complexity close to verbal speech, but usually only to one person at a time. Again, the communication is utterly silent.

Better still, both come in an extreme long-range version. For battle signals you can learn the somatophore version, which extends the range up to 1200ft. Drow-sign comes with the ranged option built in, but requires you have a means to produce dancing lights. I don't remember the exact range, but it's a pretty good distance.

Battle signs are detailed in heroes of battle and drow-sign is in Drow of the Underdark.

2012-10-16, 07:58 AM
I think what he was referring to was smoking the same pipe as thousands of other creatures throughout history (even in-game) squicks him, which is kind of understandable.

a quick prestidigitation (arguably) would kill the germs though, since it can be used to clean small items, which a pipe would definitely qualify as

You are correct sir! Granted it's a benefit to be able to communicate effectively, but I doubt some of my characters would have gone through with it. Besides that, the after taste must be pretty odd after about a thousand years of tobacco and no washing.

Some other good languages to learn are draconic and one of the elemental ones, for you never know when complimenting an elder Efeert on his burning prowess could save your life.

2012-10-16, 10:17 AM
No really, apart from druidic you can learn just about any language

No big deal, just have an Atonement spell handy. Have just one Druid teach it to a linguist/polyglot/language teacher, then have the teacher teach it to more people. Soon enough, you'll have a whole community of Druidic-speaking non-Druids. So there's no real issue teaching more people.

And it's not exactly inconceivable that a Druid might teach it. I mean, Paladins fall like rocks, and they're supposed to be the most devoted guys out there...

2012-10-16, 10:23 AM
Every time I read "Speak Language"

2012-10-16, 03:00 PM
You are correct sir! Granted it's a benefit to be able to communicate effectively, but I doubt some of my characters would have gone through with it. Besides that, the after taste must be pretty odd after about a thousand years of tobacco and no washing.

Some other good languages to learn are draconic and one of the elemental ones, for you never know when complimenting an elder Efeert on his burning prowess could save your life.

Hooray! yeah, I can understand where you're coming from.

hey, learning the elemental languages (auran, ignan, aquan, and terran) is also very useful if you're a summoner. elementals have pretty decent int scores, and can speak a language, so being able to give commands other than ones you could give in an RTS (stop, protect, flee, attack) could be very useful (hey rocky, use earth glide, go into the next room and feel if there are any baddies in the next room. come back and tell me what you learned) I put points into speak language for my first few levels (cloistered cleric ftw) to get those languages since I had no int bonus, and haven't regretted it since.

as far as druidic goes, learn it from a blighter. that way no druids have to fall. blighters don't have druidic wiped from their minds by druidic men in black (though that would be a cool way to run druids, as an organized society of secret agent types) and they've already fallen, so they wouldn't care about teaching it to you

2012-10-16, 10:20 PM
have druidic wiped from their minds by druidic men in black

Maybe that's what happens when you stop qualifying for a PrC. Some immortal Vecna-Blooded guy in a suit with an (at-will) Wand of Mindrape shows up and wipes out half your class abilities.