View Full Version : (5e) Things Old and New [IC]

2012-10-13, 10:57 PM
A fat, orange sun hangs low in the sky, painting the sky with pastel red and bathing the festivities below in rich amber hue. The rustic farming village of Densvale has been swept up in the spirit of the Spring Chase, the straw-thatched roofs strung with garlands, candles burning in every window to bolster the failing light. In the village square three great tables have been put out and burdened with as grand a feast as could be arranged; Poultry and game in savory mushroom gravy, thick stews of rabbit and the last of autumn's harvest, tarts, pies and pastries filled with berries from the nearby forest.

Although this spread is to be left untouched until the hunters return and the chase done, there are no such restrictions upon the drink, and so mead and ale flow like water. Much of the village is already besotted and intoxicated, laughing, singing, dancing to the clumsy tune of what passes for a band in this backwater place. These celebrations will go on all through the night, pausing only to watch as the boar is released, on until the hunters return, the boar in tow, it's life taken and purpose served.

That is how it is supposed to go. But sometimes things are not as they are meant to be. And although none know it yet, tonight is such a time. As happy and simple as this rite may seem it holds a deeper purpose too, beyond mere entertainment. A purpose that harkens back to an older time, when things were not so happy or simple. Not that anyone remembers that now. Not when there's singing and drinking and dancing going on all around, for villagers and the visiting hunters alike.

2012-10-13, 11:45 PM
Lloyd wander about the village taking in the sights, his eyes filled with joy at the festival around him. even as he makes one final check of his blade making sure his equipment is to his strict standard. Lloyd drinks waiting for the signal to start the hunt glad i came, just wish the hunt would start

Prince Zahn
2012-10-14, 08:11 AM
TE:can you open an OOC thread for this? It would be very comfortable. :smallsmile:
EDIT:Thanks! Also, changed Vrattarin's voice from thisto this from here on...
"...A dwarven hunter? Ha ha ha! Well Maybe he'll find a hare or two, but the Boar is good as ours!"
The confident shouting of Vrattarin can be heard from right outside the gathering, he stands with a smug face among his few friends.

Scowling Dragon
2012-10-14, 08:15 AM
Alice stands quietly in the crowd. face disguised as a mask. Shes disguised as a man, and if anybody comes up to talk to her she just grunts that she is here for the celebration.

In reality she is tracking a man that seems to be hiding somewhere in the town.

2012-10-14, 08:52 AM
An aged elf is seated outside the inn. Impressive enough feast for a small village, but I wonder if it has any significance, he muses. But all the humans are much to drunk for such talk.

2012-10-14, 12:15 PM
Kyachi would be milling about in the crowd, Watching the festivities and occasionally joining in in discussions, but He was very much out of his element. He's not one for parties, pulling out a couple of his ball bearings and working them over in his hands as he walks among the crowd, keeping a eye out for something that might grab his interest that wasn't involving drunkards falling over their own feet.

Irish Musician
2012-10-14, 05:20 PM
Dorian Crimson (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16I2MqlE79flndVrad4yeY0DEjW98cvTfuoUkULS5Y_g/edit), Sorcerer Spy
Dorian sat at a table, laughing with some of the villagers, easily able to come into any situation and make fast friends with most anyone. He drinks his ale and keeps his eye out, ever watchful. Troubles of the city drive him out of it from time to time, and he enjoys the peace of the countryside, the simplicity of it all. So here and there he lets himself go and enjoys a few days respite, before going back to the city and starting his work again.

2012-10-15, 12:25 PM
Lloyd wander about the village taking in the sights, his eyes filled with joy at the festival around him. even as he makes one final check of his blade making sure his equipment is to his strict standard. Lloyd drinks waiting for the signal to start the hunt glad i came, just wish the hunt would start

"So, I've heard you'll be joining the hunt today." An enormous hand clamps down on Lloyd's shoulder as Dun, the village blacksmith, pulls him into a brotherly embrace. "What's a priest doing hunting for boars, eh?"

TE:can you open an OOC thread for this? It would be very comfortable. :smallsmile:
"...A dwarven hunter? Ha ha ha! Well Maybe he'll find a hare or two, but the Boar is good as ours!"
The confident shouting of Vrattarin can be heard from right outside the gathering, he stands with a smug face among his few friends.

"Oh? And you thnk you'll do better than me? You? A flimsy, skinny little do-gooder? Hah! The boar will bag itself before then!" The dwarf in question yells back at Vrattarin, his own friends, all dwarves themselves, cheering him on and raising their glasses high. "How about a bet then? Eh? Care to put your coin behind that bragging?"

An aged elf is seated outside the inn. Impressive enough feast for a small village, but I wonder if it has any significance, he muses. But all the humans are much to drunk for such talk.

Not everyone is drunk. With a sigh and a creak of aged bones, Mortimer, one of the villages elders, settles down on the step outside the inn, next to the elf. "I trust the day finds you well?

Kyachi would be milling about in the crowd, Watching the festivities and occasionally joining in in discussions, but He was very much out of his element. He's not one for parties, pulling out a couple of his ball bearings and working them over in his hands as he walks among the crowd, keeping a eye out for something that might grab his interest that wasn't involving drunkards falling over their own feet.

Dorian Crimson (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16I2MqlE79flndVrad4yeY0DEjW98cvTfuoUkULS5Y_g/edit), Sorcerer Spy
Dorian sat at a table, laughing with some of the villagers, easily able to come into any situation and make fast friends with most anyone. He drinks his ale and keeps his eye out, ever watchful. Troubles of the city drive him out of it from time to time, and he enjoys the peace of the countryside, the simplicity of it all. So here and there he lets himself go and enjoys a few days respite, before going back to the city and starting his work again.

Now these three have the right of it, not letting down their guard over a mere bout of celebration. And so, as they kept their eyes peeled, they see something that is indeed more interesting than mere drunks falling over each other.

Out in the forest, a wavering, unearthly light, so faint it might be a mere candle were it not so clearly a thing of magic. The light bobs and weaves, moving on the edge of the woods and never past. But watching. Very clearly watching them even as they watch it.

2012-10-15, 01:14 PM
Lloyd feels the hand on his shoulder and is pulled into a brotherly hug before he fully realizes whats going on. Dun good to see you Lloyd says laughing I'm here to test myself against the other hunters Lloyd declares his voice filled with determination. are you taking part? Lloyd asks as he takes a sip from a flagon

Prince Zahn
2012-10-15, 01:19 PM
Intrigued and insulted simultaneously, Vrattarin thinks of a counter-quip:
"ooh, did I hear correctly, Slimy Sully? Does This 4 foot goat really wish to fiddle with the Wolfhide gang?

Vrattarin squats down, and laughs lightly at the hunter.
"Ha ha, Tell you what, little mooncalf, I'm not handing a dwarf my coin, but You must like trophies, right? so I'll wager you, a tooth for tooth! Dawn after the feast, we spar by the meadow.
Capture the hog, and you get to sling the first fist, and please your 'dwarven honour', how about it?
Looking at the dwarf party's annoyed faces he continues:
"OOORR we can do the sparring now, we're up to it either way, aren't we boys?"

Irish Musician
2012-10-15, 02:59 PM
Dorian Crimson (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16I2MqlE79flndVrad4yeY0DEjW98cvTfuoUkULS5Y_g/edit), Sorcerer Spy
Dorian, still talking with the current company he was keeping, sees the ball of light, but as of yet says nothing. He keeps his "mask" on of jovial fun, but his eyes are now trained on this ball. If it starts to move from his sight, he excuses himself and gets up to follow it. Not getting close, just walking around the crowd, nonchalantly, keeping the light in his sight.

2012-10-15, 07:08 PM
Kyachi would blink upon seeing the ball appear at the edge of the forest, tilt his head for a moment before heading off to go explore what was going on with this ball of light. The party was not to his interest anyway, so anything to break him out of it was a good thing is his mind.

2012-10-17, 01:03 PM
"Greetings, yes, I am well. Most of these harvest festivals have a story behind them. Is it so here?" The aged sage asks, ever on the look out for a new legend of some sort.

Scowling Dragon
2012-10-17, 02:02 PM
Alice rushes over to a person she thinks is her target. She grabs him with a gauntleted hand turns him around and.....Its not him...

"Watcha doing With me you..."

The man realises that Alice is 6' 6.


Alice grunts and walks off.

Prince Zahn
2012-10-18, 04:31 PM
what will our post rate be? Because I'm getting a bit restless since I don't know if this is daily or weekly or bi-monthly or what?...After a few seconds of silence from the dwarven hunter, Vrattarin let out a healthy laugh. As he speaks his body language is betrayed more boldly than moments before:
"Silent, are we, dwarf? Honestly I viewed your kind was a bit more loudmouthed and bold, the defiance of your nature is as smart as you'll get when messing with me, 'goat-beard'...We take our leave, fellows!
Vrattarin pats the dwarf on the back as he walks casually towards the crown, his right hand staying close to his scabbard, unbeknownst to the dwarves, the his words have a meaning and purpose to the group behind him:

<present profile...expect back attack...keep guard... This is not finished.>
Thieves' Cant, clearly words in italics are code words, I'm kind of making this up as I go, if asked I can gather the multiple meanings together in an OoC post...
Prepared action: draw scimitar and strike an attacker from behind ig any of the dwarves choose to attack Vrattarin.

2012-10-18, 05:40 PM
hearing laughter nearby Lloyd turns his head seeing a argument between a elf and a group of dwarves he notices the hands resting on blades and sighs great more idiots, honestly people can't behave for 1 day

Irish Musician
2012-10-18, 05:52 PM
Dorian Crimson (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16I2MqlE79flndVrad4yeY0DEjW98cvTfuoUkULS5Y_g/edit), Sorcerer Spy
Dorian, keeping one eye on this light, sees with his other an elf, whom he recognizes, and a dwarf that seems to be getting darker shades of red by the minute. Seeing what is most undoubtedly about to happen, Dorian takes a couple of steps back into the shadows, and sees where this is going. He wonders if Vrattarin will coax the dwarves into combat, or if they will think better of their tempers. HA! He almost made himself laugh with that one, dwarves controlling their tempers.....

Stealth(Disadvantage) - Lower of the 2 rolls is my Check.

2012-10-19, 01:45 AM
Lloyd feels the hand on his shoulder and is pulled into a brotherly hug before he fully realizes whats going on. Dun good to see you Lloyd says laughing I'm here to test myself against the other hunters Lloyd declares his voice filled with determination. are you taking part? Lloyd asks as he takes a sip from a flagon

hearing laughter nearby Lloyd turns his head seeing a argument between a elf and a group of dwarves he notices the hands resting on blades and sighs great more idiots, honestly people can't behave for 1 day

After all this hunt's done for me? Of course! No better time for blacksmiths. Dun proclaims, glancing over at the brewing fight and shaking his head. Pay 'em no mind, they're only drunk. A few more and they'll have forgotten what they were ever fighting about. And more like than not singing arm in arm like old comrades. Say, you had a look-see at this years quarry? It's a fine and fat old beast, pair of tusks I wouldn't mind on my wall.

"Greetings, yes, I am well. Most of these harvest festivals have a story behind them. Is it so here?" The aged sage asks, ever on the look out for a new legend of some sort.

Mmm.. Yes. From my fathers time. The elder nods, leaning forward and running a hand across the thinning hair of his brow as he tries to remember. I cannot recall the details and the names are gone, but... When my father was a lad, there was a spirit that dwelled in the forest. And it would prey upon the people of the village, who were then all quite peaceful, sending it's wolves to steal away their young.

The people lived in fear, until one day, a cleric of the war god passed by on a mission to farther lands. When he heard of the spirit, he took up his hammer and strode into the forest, to kill the spirits hounds one by one and give the rites of passage to the dead children. As he prayed, the spirit appeared before him and demanded to know why he would protect those who had made no attempt to protect themselves. And he said that the spirit had not given them a fair chance. So, a compact was forged. Each year the people of the village would prove their worth in hunt, so that the spirit would leave them in peace.

Coming to the end of his tale, the elder lets out a long sigh, pausing for a moment before continuing. But I am very old and that happened forever ago, even for a spirit. I would think it's found less fortunate folk to torment by now, for neither hide nor hairs been seen of it for years since.

Intrigued and insulted simultaneously, Vrattarin thinks of a counter-quip:
"ooh, did I hear correctly, Slimy Sully? Does This 4 foot goat really wish to fiddle with the Wolfhide gang?

Vrattarin squats down, and laughs lightly at the hunter.
"Ha ha, Tell you what, little mooncalf, I'm not handing a dwarf my coin, but You must like trophies, right? so I'll wager you, a tooth for tooth! Dawn after the feast, we spar by the meadow.
Capture the hog, and you get to sling the first fist, and please your 'dwarven honour', how about it?
Looking at the dwarf party's annoyed faces he continues:
"OOORR we can do the sparring now, we're up to it either way, aren't we boys?"

what will our post rate be? Because I'm getting a bit restless since I don't know if this is daily or weekly or bi-monthly or what?...After a few seconds of silence from the dwarven hunter, Vrattarin let out a healthy laugh. As he speaks his body language is betrayed more boldly than moments before:
"Silent, are we, dwarf? Honestly I viewed your kind was a bit more loudmouthed and bold, the defiance of your nature is as smart as you'll get when messing with me, 'goat-beard'...We take our leave, fellows!
Vrattarin pats the dwarf on the back as he walks casually towards the crown, his right hand staying close to his scabbard, unbeknownst to the dwarves, the his words have a meaning and purpose to the group behind him:

<present profile...expect back attack...keep guard... This is not finished.>
Thieves' Cant, clearly words in italics are code words, I'm kind of making this up as I go, if asked I can gather the multiple meanings together in an OoC post...
Prepared action: draw scimitar and strike an attacker from behind ig any of the dwarves choose to attack Vrattarin.

Oh. That was a mistake. That was a mistake twice over. In the blink of an eye the dwarf has Vrattarin by the offending arm, twisting it painfully and shoving the bandit towards the muddy, trampled ground.

Oh, I'll take yer challenge ya flouncing bastard. But 'less you find an apology right quick, you'll be fighting one arm short! He growls, his friends closing around them in a circle to hold back Vrattarin's own pals from interfering.

Make a Grapple check!

Yes, the first roll of the game shall be a Grapple roll. This bodes ill.:smalltongue:

Dorian Crimson (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16I2MqlE79flndVrad4yeY0DEjW98cvTfuoUkULS5Y_g/edit), Sorcerer Spy
Dorian, keeping one eye on this light, sees with his other an elf, whom he recognizes, and a dwarf that seems to be getting darker shades of red by the minute. Seeing what is most undoubtedly about to happen, Dorian takes a couple of steps back into the shadows, and sees where this is going. He wonders if Vrattarin will coax the dwarves into combat, or if they will think better of their tempers. HA! He almost made himself laugh with that one, dwarves controlling their tempers.....

Stealth(Disadvantage) - Lower of the 2 rolls is my Check.

Oh, no-one's paying much attention to Dorian. All eyes among the two warring gangs are locked upon each other, staring the opposite number down. Hands slowly creep towards blade hilts and axe handles, feet paw at the ground, leaving little space in the growing conflict for anyone to notice another human in the crowd.

But how much attention is Dorian paying to that dot of light he spotted earlier, if he's now busy trying to stay unseen in the crowd? Enough to notice as another breaks away from the party and heads after it, or when the light begins to fade away in response?

Kyachi would blink upon seeing the ball appear at the edge of the forest, tilt his head for a moment before heading off to go explore what was going on with this ball of light. The party was not to his interest anyway, so anything to break him out of it was a good thing is his mind.

The ball of light freezes in the air for a moment as he draws near, then begins to shrink, bobbing away on the breeze, deeper into the forest with each step he takes. Curious.

2012-10-19, 10:40 AM
Lloyd turns to dun aye i have seen the beast. tough looking one he won't go down without a fight, i reckon he says.

seeing the argument escalating he excuses himself from dun promising to find him and share a drink after the hunt. Lloyd strolls towards the group of dwarves and the elf now,now lets calm down and save your energy for the boar he reasons with the group his voice calm (diplomacy to try a get everyone to calm down)

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3741294/ for a total of 8. crap someone gonna punch me aren't they

Irish Musician
2012-10-19, 10:56 AM
Dorian Crimson (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16I2MqlE79flndVrad4yeY0DEjW98cvTfuoUkULS5Y_g/edit), Sorcerer Spy
Dorian, seeing things getting more heated, just smiles. As he watches them, he notices more movement from the corner of his eye. Another ball of light shot from the crowd, heading to the other one, and the other one fading into the forest. Dorian crouches down and whispers, still looking at he light but seemingly to himself, "Go into the forest, follow the light, only one of you. Do not get too close and do not stay away long. Report back to me as soon as you return. And, please, be careful. You little ones are not cheap." With a wave of the hand he rises and waits for his messenger to return.

Prince Zahn
2012-10-20, 01:51 PM
Vrattarin breathes in violently, as struggles to break his arm free he speaks I. A startled tone:
To think ganging together HRRRgh!upon a single target was above you people... Oh...Hrrn! Wow, you those arms are not for show, I guess your Hrrrngh! Choice is Hrrngh!"
With his free arm he unsheathes his scimitar and lunges it towards the dwarf's arms and immediately retracts it(and his hand) back near him. "HEY! TOO TIGHT!"
drawing his blade is a signal for the gang to draw their weapons, the would presumably carry one long sword, and couple of knives and multiple finesse weapons.
Intimidate: [roll0]
"You win this round, but you'll get your apology with the punch, if you get the boar, now really, now if you excuse us there lies a festival down yonder and I would wish to keep my arm for the javelin event, I heard well of it."
taking 10 on bluff check[16]

2012-10-21, 12:09 PM
Zarilix notes the light. He reaches out with his magical senses to see what he can find out. Meanwhile, an owl flies toward the forest.
detect magic on the light and my owl familar will scope it out

Scowling Dragon
2012-10-21, 12:18 PM
Alice turns around to see the darting white ball.

Uses Detect Magic on it.

2012-10-22, 02:56 AM
Kyachi would roll his eyes at the conflict, not interested in whatever they were arguing over, as he keeps following the ball of light, curious to see if it was fey-related or not.

2012-10-26, 02:07 AM
Lloyd turns to dun aye i have seen the beast. tough looking one he won't go down without a fight, i reckon he says.

seeing the argument escalating he excuses himself from dun promising to find him and share a drink after the hunt. Lloyd strolls towards the group of dwarves and the elf now,now lets calm down and save your energy for the boar he reasons with the group his voice calm (diplomacy to try a get everyone to calm down)

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3741294/ for a total of 8. crap someone gonna punch me aren't they

The dwarf facing Lloyd from the circle snorts, fingers drumming on the hide-bound grip of a heavy oak mace. You can clear right off, cloudy. The last is a dwavern word for human. Not a very pleasant one either. By the way the dwarf is glaring at Llody, along with all the dwarves beside him, the cleric won't be finding much traction for his pleas of peace here.

Vrattarin breathes in violently, as struggles to break his arm free he speaks in a startled tone:
To think ganging together HRRRgh!upon a single target was above you people... Oh...Hrrn! Wow, you those arms are not for show, I guess your Hrrrngh! Choice is Hrrngh!"
With his free arm he unsheathes his scimitar and lunges it towards the dwarf's arms and immediately retracts it(and his hand) back near him. "HEY! TOO TIGHT!"
drawing his blade is a signal for the gang to draw their weapons, the would presumably carry one long sword, and couple of knives and multiple finesse weapons.
Intimidate: [roll0]
"You win this round, but you'll get your apology with the punch, if you get the boar, now really, now if you excuse us there lies a festival down yonder and I would wish to keep my arm for the javelin event, I heard well of it."
taking 10 on bluff check[16]

An uneasy muttering in dwarfish passes through the circle around Vrattarin as the wolfhides draw arms. They bring out their own weapons, their hammers and clubs, but no-one wants to make the first move, no-one takes a step towards the opposing line.

The leader is more resolute. It would be a lie to say he doesn't flinch when Vrattarin feints at his arm, nobody's that fearless, but he doesn't let go. If anything his grip tightens, rough-chewed nails digging into flesh.

Huh. So you say. But my boys aren't the ones who've got you locked. The hand on Vrattarin's wrist releases, just in time for a second, meaty fist to slam into the bandit's jaw. Teeth crunch together and gums split open and fill his mouth with he metallic taste of blood, setting his head spinning in pain. I'll have my apology now, and if you find a problem there, we'll settle the matter like warriors.

Alice turns around to see the darting white ball.

Uses Detect Magic on it.

Oh the light is magical alright. In truth, the light is magic. A rough sphere of skillfully-woven glamour, pulsing with the ebb and flow of the power fueling it. It's a wild magic, easily recognizable to anyone remotely familiar with the arcane, a construct of the wilds or it's inhabitants.

But there's more. There, darting across the muddy, trodden ground, a faint spark of necromancy. This one, not of the wilds. A mortal spell.

Dorian Crimson (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16I2MqlE79flndVrad4yeY0DEjW98cvTfuoUkULS5Y_g/edit), Sorcerer Spy
Dorian, seeing things getting more heated, just smiles. As he watches them, he notices more movement from the corner of his eye. Another ball of light shot from the crowd, heading to the other one, and the other one fading into the forest. Dorian crouches down and whispers, still looking at he light but seemingly to himself, "Go into the forest, follow the light, only one of you. Do not get too close and do not stay away long. Report back to me as soon as you return. And, please, be careful. You little ones are not cheap." With a wave of the hand he rises and waits for his messenger to return.

Kyachi would roll his eyes at the conflict, not interested in whatever they were arguing over, as he keeps following the ball of light, curious to see if it was fey-related or not.

The light shrinks farther and farther back into the woods at Kyachi's approach, picking up speed until it's a blurred streak, forcing him and the two animal servants to pick up their own pace. The trees grow closer together until their reaching limbs form an almost solid wall, clutching, bending, then snapping back with a stinging bite, more often than not toothed by thorns, the ground matted thick with nettles and vines.

And then it stops. The light halts, bobbing up and down in place at the trunk of a great, gnarled sycamore. The tree itself is unexceptional save for it's impressive age, but nestled between it's roots is the mouth of a tunnel, a burrow, the lair of some unknown creature, perhaps abandoned.

Prince Zahn
2012-10-26, 02:41 AM
Ooh, now he's done it... I didn't wanna come to this... And shouldn't there be an attack roll somewhere?Vrattarin moves his jaw to see if its broken, but I. Truth at this point he doesn't care anymore, this dwarf has been a short pain in the neck for too long. With the flick of the wrist he sends the edge of his blade towards the dwarf's shoulder swiftly and strongly.
and there it is:
Attack: [roll0]

Irish Musician
2012-10-26, 03:25 PM
Dorian Crimson (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16I2MqlE79flndVrad4yeY0DEjW98cvTfuoUkULS5Y_g/edit), Sorcerer Spy
Dorian, seeing that things were getting quite heated between his "friend" and the dwarf, decided to intervene if he could, even though it looked like a pretty desperate situation for Vrattarin. Dorian walked up to the both of them and spoke to the dwarf first, putting himself in between Vrattarin and the dwarf, "Good dwarf....I would beg your forgiveness for my friend's insolence at this grand occasion. Everyone has gathered here in celebration and glad tidings, and I would beg of you to let those times continue without bloodshed. We don't want these honorable precedings sullied with the needless spilling of blood. The only one that should die today is the boar. Please, noble dwarf, let me buy you an ale for amends and we may drink the rest of the night, what say you?" After this he shoots a glance at Vrattarin, making sure he understands that he most likely has erred in picking a fight with a dwarf.

Diplomacy [roll0]

Scowling Dragon
2012-10-26, 04:26 PM
Alice emmidiatly stands on alert


Decides to drop pursuing the ball of light, and continues using detect magic to follow the trail of the necromancy.

2012-10-26, 09:50 PM
give up dwarve velkt won't be pleased with drunken brawling and for that matter neither will I lloyd threatens his hand resting on his sword his holy symbol gleaming in the sun. if you wish to settle this. fight one on one both of you if not then both of you apologize to each other Lloyd advises his voice stern and gruff like when he spoke to the new recruits leaving no room to argue

2012-10-28, 12:45 AM
Kyachi, upon seeing the orb of light speed up then stop at the sycamore, grins as he proceeds to head into the tree. as he spots the burrow, his curiosity is piqued. just what would this orb of magic lead him to within? Would it perhaps be another fey entity he could gain power from or talk to? Would it lead to riches or peril? The possibilities are endless.

2012-11-04, 01:02 AM
Ooh, now he's done it... I didn't wanna come to this... And shouldn't there be an attack roll somewhere?Vrattarin moves his jaw to see if its broken, but I. Truth at this point he doesn't care anymore, this dwarf has been a short pain in the neck for too long. With the flick of the wrist he sends the edge of his blade towards the dwarf's shoulder swiftly and strongly.
and there it is:
Attack: [roll0]

The dwarf snarls through clenched teeth as his shoulder is laid open in a spray of red, the scimitar cutting deep through flesh and striking against the bone underneath. Not a mortal blow, but a hindering one, one that leaves the arm lamed, hanging dead at his side.

That's all it takes. The wolfblades scream with wild anger and rush in, the dwarves step forward to meet them, hacking and slashing, bludgeoning and bashing away at each other in a cacophonous spilling of blood. One sets his eyes upon Vrattarin, lunging in from behind to bring his club crashing down towards the bandit's skull. Quick footwork proves Vrattarin's saving grace, a swift step to the side leaving nothing but thin air in the club's path.

But even that one step is ground given, attention pulled away from the other combatant. And the dwarf leader seizes upon that opportunity. Pulling a blade from his boots he wades back into battle, stabbing low, towards Vrattarin's small intestine. Once more the bandit's quick feet keep his hide and his innards intact, but this time it's close; The blade slices through his garb and leaves a shallow graze across his side.

Dorian Crimson (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16I2MqlE79flndVrad4yeY0DEjW98cvTfuoUkULS5Y_g/edit), Sorcerer Spy
Dorian, seeing that things were getting quite heated between his "friend" and the dwarf, decided to intervene if he could, even though it looked like a pretty desperate situation for Vrattarin. Dorian walked up to the both of them and spoke to the dwarf first, putting himself in between Vrattarin and the dwarf, "Good dwarf....I would beg your forgiveness for my friend's insolence at this grand occasion. Everyone has gathered here in celebration and glad tidings, and I would beg of you to let those times continue without bloodshed. We don't want these honorable precedings sullied with the needless spilling of blood. The only one that should die today is the boar. Please, noble dwarf, let me buy you an ale for amends and we may drink the rest of the night, what say you?" After this he shoots a glance at Vrattarin, making sure he understands that he most likely has erred in picking a fight with a dwarf.

Diplomacy [roll0]

If Dorian's goal was to bring the fray to a halt, then he might've wished to start before things passed the point of no return. And although his view of the battle is hindered by the same wall of dwarves that keeps him from intervening, judging by the sudden hiss of pain from the within the ring, that point has just now been reached.

The other dwarves hear it as well and the ring breaks, a great battle cry going up as the dwarves and wolfhides are upon each other in seconds, Dorian's request for rationality totally drowned out beneath the din. But he has at least succeeded in convincing them he's no threat himself, for neither side wastes time to try and cut him down.

give up dwarve velkt won't be pleased with drunken brawling and for that matter neither will I lloyd threatens his hand resting on his sword his holy symbol gleaming in the sun. if you wish to settle this. fight one on one both of you if not then both of you apologize to each other Lloyd advises his voice stern and gruff like when he spoke to the new recruits leaving no room to argue

No room to argue? Good then, the dwarf he's accosted is in no mood for wordy debate. His response is a guttural growl, starting forward as if he's about to bite Lloyd before feinting back, testing him. Even as his comrades break out in battle with the wolfhides, this dwarf holds his ground against Lloyd.

It would appear the options are to fight or step back.

Alice emmidiatly stands on alert


Decides to drop pursuing the ball of light, and continues using detect magic to follow the trail of the necromancy.

Lucky then that to do so requires no deviating from the original goal. The tiny spark of necromancy leaps and scrambles over roots and under the brush, following the light and several times threatening to escape from sight, although Alice never quite loses it's trail. Finally it comes to a halt outside the ancient sycamore and the mercenary learns just what it is- A small mouse, or the framework of one, tiny bones knit together with magic, flakes of gemstone set in it's eyesockets.

Kyachi, upon seeing the orb of light speed up then stop at the sycamore, grins as he proceeds to head into the tree. as he spots the burrow, his curiosity is piqued. just what would this orb of magic lead him to within? Would it perhaps be another fey entity he could gain power from or talk to? Would it lead to riches or peril? The possibilities are endless.

Who knows? But the smell rising up from the burrow is rank enough to suggest at least some level of danger. The usual aroma of leaves and earth, yes, but also another stench beneath, that of decaying flesh and stale blood.

2012-11-04, 12:36 PM
okay if that's how use want it but remember you asked for it Lloyd says drawing his warhammer and lunging at the dwarve bashing him on the arm with a strong blow from his warhammer

attacking non-lethally http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3766665/ 22 vs ac and 9 damage

2012-11-04, 01:56 PM
Zarilix turns to the elder and points to the light. "What do you make of that?"

Prince Zahn
2012-11-06, 06:43 AM
"I'll kill you, you two-legged goat!
Moving quick on his feet, Vrattarin barely dodges a few a couple of blows as his he moves the behind the leader and swiftly and strongly whips his blade at the dwarf's thigh. He is very upset, but that never stopped Vrattarin from trash talk before.
Hrnngh! Is that your best shot? Or is your knife as blunt as your fist!? HAH!
moving around him with Tumbling Dodge maneuver, I'm not leaving his reach, so no opportunity attack. Also, attacking once again.
Tumbling Dodge(total; +14AC): [roll0]
Attack(Scimitar): [roll1]
Damage(Scimitar -if hit): [roll2]

Scowling Dragon
2012-11-06, 06:48 AM
Alice quickly grabs it. Or tries to grab it.

....Whats going on.....The gemstones mean that this is no ordinary random spike of necromancy. This undead was created by a caster.

She searches for any more necromancy in the area

2012-11-09, 02:21 PM
Kyachi keeps following the light down into the burrow, still wondering just what laid beneath, feeling capable of being able to deal with a foe if one presented itself.

2012-11-15, 02:26 AM
okay if that's how use want it but remember you asked for it Lloyd says drawing his warhammer and lunging at the dwarve bashing him on the arm with a strong blow from his warhammer

attacking non-lethally http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3766665/ 22 vs ac and 9 damage

Ah, the perils of announcing your attacks. As Lloyd goes for his sledgehammer the dwarf doesn't hesitate to deny him the time, ducking low, raising his shoulder and barreling into the cleric. They tumble to the ground and dwarf manages to pin one arm, kicking viciously at Lloyd's gut for good measure.

Llody is now grappled! Lots of that going round it seems.

Zarilix turns to the elder and points to the light. "What do you make of that?"

I think we should be more concerned with this ruckus. The elder says, bitterness creeping into his voice as he gestures at the battle that's broken out. Damn bandits swagger around like they own the place and they might as well, for all we can do.

"I'll kill you, you two-legged goat!
Moving quick on his feet, Vrattarin barely dodges a few a couple of blows as his he moves the behind the leader and swiftly and strongly whips his blade at the dwarf's thigh. He is very upset, but that never stopped Vrattarin from trash talk before.
Hrnngh! Is that your best shot? Or is your knife as blunt as your fist!? HAH!
moving around him with Tumbling Dodge maneuver, I'm not leaving his reach, so no opportunity attack. Also, attacking once again.
Tumbling Dodge(total; +14AC): [roll0]
Attack(Scimitar): [roll1]
Damage(Scimitar -if hit): [roll2]

Vrattarin drops into a roll and comes up behind the dwarf, scimitar at the ready. But the dwarf is quick, twisting around in time to parry the strike with his dagger. Another strike then in retaliation, jabbing at the joint between Vrattarin's leg and hipbone, countered in turn by the bandit. One step forward, one step back.

The second dwarf too is stepping back, but only to draw a compact little crossbow from his boot, setting a bolt to the strings. No prize for guessing his target.

Alice quickly grabs it. Or tries to grab it.

....Whats going on.....The gemstones mean that this is no ordinary random spike of necromancy. This undead was created by a caster.

She searches for any more necromancy in the area

Up to Celtic to respond to this one.

Kyachi keeps following the light down into the burrow, still wondering just what laid beneath, feeling capable of being able to deal with a foe if one presented itself.

The steep incline of loose soil leading down into the burrow soon gives way to a level floor of packed earth, the walls and ceiling made of the same and looming in on all sides such that Kyachi's nearly forced to crawl. No sunlight could trickle down this far, even if there was a sun out to lend it's brilliance, so only the dancing sphere of luminance remains to guide his way, casting the contents of the burrow in a stark, warmthless light.

Bones litter the floor, stained with rusty brown, some still adorned in the last tatters of their flesh. Some are animal bones; Those of rabbits, birds, foxes, even wolves. But others cannot be mistaken for anything less than human, or perhaps dwarf, skulls grinning with an absolute lack of humor at the wayward adventurers

2012-11-15, 05:29 AM
as Lloyd hits the ground anger wells up inside him get the hell off me he roars as he hurls the dwarve off himself before standing up brandishing his warhammer threateningly what's the matter too afraid to draw a weapon he says tauntingly

grapple roll to throw him off http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3785171/ 23 total so i think he's off then i stand up

Prince Zahn
2012-11-20, 06:42 AM
Like the dance of foxes Vrattarin circles the leader, as they as their swords brush against one another. He spies in the glimpse of a moment an enemy dwarf arming his crossbow, danger fills his lungs at the possibility of death, he must choose to pick up his pace, or keep on blowing and risk the shot strike his o so precious spine as his back turns.

In a moment's keen notice he shifts to keeping his body swift and his scimitar ready to block a potential lethal blow.
With another, well-timed acrobatic-jump-ground-roll back he recieves another moment's vision of both his adversary and the crossbowdwarf as he is currently directly behind the Dwarven poacher.
Dodge, and Tumbling dodge, in the imaginary grid Vrattarin would be placed in clear vision of the crossbow(because of height) but from the X-bow viewpoint The dwarf is directly in front of me.
Is that disadvantage for X-bow dwarf?
NEW AC(+Dodge): [roll0]

2012-11-23, 02:29 PM
I think we should be more concerned with this ruckus. The elder says, bitterness creeping into his voice as he gestures at the battle that's broken out. Damn bandits swagger around like they own the place and they might as well, for all we can do.

I'll let them thin out their own numbers ant then clean up the rest. But what do you make of that light?

Irish Musician
2012-11-23, 02:55 PM
Dorian Crimson (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16I2MqlE79flndVrad4yeY0DEjW98cvTfuoUkULS5Y_g/edit), Sorcerer Spy
Dorian steps back from the tussle, once his diplomatic option didn't seem to work. He is quite put off by the rudeness of the dwarves, but he doesn't take it to heart too much. He stands back to see what is going to happen...though the dwarves have gotten on his bad side, and that isn't the place you want to be.

You attempt to grab the odd, little rat skeleton, but as soon as you get your hand near it, it seems to sense you are too close and it shoot off away from you quite quickly to the other side of a tree. You immediately chase it to the other side of the tree, and when you get over there, you see it scurrying up the tree, doing its best to hide in the limbs and leaves. When you reach out to find more necromancy, you don't seem to find anymore.
I hope this is an ok answer. Didn't really know what Emperor wanted with my answer, so I tried my best to answer your post, Dragon.

Scowling Dragon
2012-11-23, 03:56 PM

Because the Necromancy radiates off the mouse Alice is able to see the mouse even in the tree.

I wonder......

Come over here before I vaporise you

Alice begins to charge the Radiant lance spell in her hand.