View Full Version : Dishonored!

2012-10-14, 11:18 AM
I just got this really awesome game yesterday on the Xbox 360 for a very reasonable price. I am loving it so far, I'm currently on the mission "Lady Boyle's Last Party" and I just stealthily assassinated the titular character. I'm playing on Hard mode, using stealth and non-lethal force whenever possible.

2012-10-14, 11:56 AM
For me, this game is one of the best of the year, if not the best. I have beaten it on normal with high chaos, and plan on playing through at least two more times: once on hard/expert, and once going complete pacifism. The story is actually pretty predictable and cliche, but it gets very interesting close to the end (you'll know what I mean when you get there). Lots of characters that seem like the standard cliches early on, but if you snoop around and read a couple books/eavesdrop, it becomes clear they're much deeper than they seem.

Also, if you really want to jump around, I love the agility passive ability combined with level 2 blink; there is almost nowhere where you can't go with both of those. Also, is it just me, or are sleep darts the most useful things ever? Especially when upgraded.

P.S. Minor spoilers: The high chaos ending isn't as bad as they made it seem. I won't ruin much, but I expected something like "The plague kills absolutely everyone and the entire country crumbles because of you, you monster." At least, thats the impression I was given from the tooltips warning you not to kill too many people.

2012-10-14, 01:15 PM
Since this happened to me, I'm going to warn people: If you're going for a Ghost/Clean Hands playthrough (don't get seen and don't kill anyone), there's a point in the 7th mission when you can do something that counts as a kill, even though logically it shouldn't, and it doesn't show up as a kill on the mission stats screen. Details in the spoiler below, though even in there I'm going to try to be vague, since I'm mostly aiming this at people who haven't done the mission yet:

Towards the end of the mission, you will come across a man and a woman, each asking you to help them. You will need the lady's key. If you side with the man, and you knock the woman unconscious after performing the action the man requests, it counts as a kill for some reason (again, it won't tell you this on the mission stats screen). I don't know what happens if you knock the man out. The safest way to handle it, if you can, is to stop time, pickpocket the key, and run. That's what I did to eventually get the achievement.

2012-10-14, 09:35 PM
Also, if you really want to jump around, I love the agility passive ability combined with level 2 blink; there is almost nowhere where you can't go with both of those. Also, is it just me, or are sleep darts the most useful things ever? Especially when upgraded.
ayeup, the sleep darts are god's gift to assassins, and combined with slow time allow for pacifists to pull off the vigilante rescues that pop up now and then...

On the agility+lvl 2 blink, it is actually borderline broken what you can do with that, I've completely bypassed puzzles with that particular combo (ex scaled a wall, using them, only to realize later that a machine opens a staircase for said wall)

2012-10-15, 06:43 PM
How difficult is this game? I've been looking into it, and it sounds like if you had even half the items and spells you can get, you could cruise through the game with ease.

2012-10-15, 07:32 PM
How difficult is this game? I've been looking into it, and it sounds like if you had even half the items and spells you can get, you could cruise through the game with ease.

On Normal or Easy? You can cruise through. On Hard or Very Hard? It's very difficult.

2012-10-15, 09:30 PM
Played through on normal/non-lethal. Kind of annoyed you can't take down tall boys...at all...in a non-lethal fashion. Restarted the game and doing the "violent" route and I have to admit its WAY more fun. Especially since I can now use my entire repertoire of items/weapons.

2012-10-15, 11:02 PM
I did a high chaos cruel stealth playthrough (knocking them unconcious then killing them). The game is so fun, and gives you so many ways to go about assassinating them/knocking them out/hiding the bodies.

This playthrough is a Very hard ghost/clean hands.

2012-10-15, 11:05 PM
The game really isn't my style but the storyline and the aesthetics are amazing. Been watching Pauseunpause play through it, been quite enjoyable.

Lost Demiurge
2012-10-16, 12:14 PM
Hmm... Is this game on STEAM? I might have to give it a look...

2012-10-16, 12:57 PM
It is indeed.

2012-10-17, 06:06 AM
I don't know much about Dishonored other than seeing a few ads for it on Steam, but I heard mention that it's actually a lot like Thief, one of my favourite PC games of all time. How true is that? If it's basically a modern Thief, that's enough of a recommendation for me.

2012-10-17, 11:18 AM
I think the best way to describe it is a combo of Thief, Bioshock, and Deus Ex. It's amazing.

2012-10-17, 07:47 PM
Does anyone know if killing the Assassin enemies raises Chaos?

Thanatos 51-50
2012-10-19, 01:24 AM
I tried to make my first play-through a "Clean Hands" play-through. That was the important conduct.
Then, some guard I knocked out and hid on the roof of the Golden Cat had the audacity to fall off the building while I wasn't looking, so I only figured it out when the end of mission screen told me.

Now, the only conduct I'm still holding onto is "Poetic Justice" (Achieved) and "Mostly Flesh and Steel."
This last mission is... interesting with only Blink.

2012-10-19, 07:09 AM
I think the best way to describe it is a combo of Thief, Bioshock, and Deus Ex. It's amazing.

Heh, I explained it to a friend as "a mixture of Thief, Hitman and Deus Ex" since the level designs and multiple approach options reminded me a lot of Hitman.

Thanatos 51-50
2012-10-20, 01:17 PM
So, it turns out that upgrading Blink means you cannot get the "Mostly Flesh and Steel" achievement.

I'll have to try a no-magic play-through later, when I go for Clean Hands/Ghost again.

2012-10-25, 03:16 PM
You made someone a widow, damn you!

2012-10-25, 03:47 PM
You made someone a widow, damn you!

Only if he was married.

2012-10-25, 05:38 PM
Right my game seems to have bugged. I'm on the fourth mission (the costume party) and after sneaking around collecting all the runes I decide to head into the party but as soon as I enter the mansion everyone turns hostile and attacks me. I think I know what triggered the bug. During my rune hunting I momentarily blinked on to a second story balcony on the mansion and knocked out a guard there and I thing that may have turned the hostile switch on in the everyone else.

This sucks since I was looking forward to walking around incognito in the party and only have an autosave from the beginning of the mission.

Thanatos 51-50
2012-10-25, 05:59 PM
Right my game seems to have bugged. I'm on the fourth mission (the costume party) and after sneaking around collecting all the runes I decide to head into the party but as soon as I enter the mansion everyone turns hostile and attacks me. I think I know what triggered the bug. During my rune hunting I momentarily blinked on to a second story balcony on the mansion and knocked out a guard there and I thing that may have turned the hostile switch on in the everyone else.

This sucks since I was looking forward to walking around incognito in the party and only have an autosave from the beginning of the mission.

There's something wrong with that level, methinks. No matter who I knock out where, something ALWAYS SEEMS TO GO WRONG. Choke out the target on the stairs with no witnesses? GUARDS ON ALERT!
Choke out alert guard two flights lower on the staircase as he looks for me with absolutely no witnesses?

I'm... a little bitter about running out of sleep darts.

You made someone a widow, damn you!

Sometimes, when I'm feeling particularly sadistic in a stealth game, I knock out one guy on the room, kill all the others, and pile their bodies together in the same broom closet...
Typically, however, my streak of "he's just doin' his job, man." keeps me from killing anybody if I can help it.
I cringe when I'm forced to kill a guy.

2012-10-26, 07:52 AM
There's something wrong with that level, methinks. No matter who I knock out where, something ALWAYS SEEMS TO GO WRONG. Choke out the target on the stairs with no witnesses? GUARDS ON ALERT!
Choke out alert guard two flights lower on the staircase as he looks for me with absolutely no witnesses?

I'm... a little bitter about running out of sleep darts.

Ah well I guess I'll just have to go invisible murder-god on the partygoers then.

Typically, however, my streak of "he's just doin' his job, man." keeps me from killing anybody if I can help it.
I cringe when I'm forced to kill a guy.

Oh yeah me too. I try to avoid killing people that are not clearly corrupt such as the overseers or gang thugs and I always feel bad when I'm forced to murder a guard.

Now that said during the whore house I turned into the clumsy assassin and got spotted by so many whores that I think I ended up killing all but two of them. :smallsigh: