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2012-10-14, 08:03 PM
You arrive early in the day to the funeral of your old friend Petros Lorrimor. You are immediately greeted by Kendra, his daughter. She leads you towards the entrance to the Restlands, where her fathers coffin remains, his body still as it was in life, even in death. She begins talking once all four of you have caught your breath. "Thank you for coming. It means a lot to me that you've come." She points out quietly how few others have come, and then starts talking again. "I don't know who you were to him, but we'll talk about that after the funeral, i promise. That and the will." She closes her eyes, obviously red from having cried so hard in recent days. "Would any of you be willing to help as Pallbearers? There aren't very many people to help." She smiles softly, and waits for the answer, along with any questions.

2012-10-14, 08:52 PM
Dr. Stein

"It would be an honor to be a pallbearer." Stein steps forward, and extends his hand. "My condolences as well. Your father was a great man. "

2012-10-14, 09:07 PM
"I have never been a pallbearer. But i'll gladly help in anyway I can." replyed Legault who remained behind the other three as his voice was muffled by the mask he wore over the lower part of his face as it seemed he was trying to hide from the others.

2012-10-15, 05:56 PM
She had managed to press her small frame through the crowd gathered about the coffin, her hair was wind-blown and wild and although the scene was sad her eyes still shone with a gentle sort of kindness. She came to an abrupt stop beside the woman asking for pallbearers and raised her hand pointedly into the air. When she spoke her voice held a soft, Irish lilt, "I volunteer to be one of this honorable mans pallbearers Ma'am."

2012-10-15, 07:31 PM
The male Schwarz grinned underneath his dark, mysterious look. He turned his back upon the four other organisms gathered around him, waving them off in a rude fashion. "I'll have no part in that, you three look well enough."

2012-10-15, 07:57 PM
As Mercy, Stein, and Legault take their places around the coffin, three more men take places to help, and Kendra leads the way, assumably with Schwarz following her, the six pallbearers following behind her. She leads the party and companions towards the grave site, and as they turn a corner onto a path called the Eversleep, they see a group of about a dozen angry looking men, the largest of which calls out the moment he sees the procession.

"That's far enough. We been talking, and we don't want Lorrimor buried in the Restlands. You can take him upriver and bury him there if you want, but he ain't goin' in the ground here!"

Kendra responds angrily and swiftly. "What are you talking about? I arranged it with Father Grimburrow. He's waiting for us! The grave's already been..."

You don't get it, Woman. We won't have a necromancer buried in the same place as our kin. I suggest you move out while you still can. Folk are pretty upset about this right now.

Kendra snaps angrily. "Necromancy!? Are you really that ignorant?"

2012-10-15, 08:14 PM
Dr. Stein

Calling to the brute behind them, Stein asks the man to hold his place on the coffin for a moment. "You're sure you have the plot ready, and everything, my dear?" Before the woman can make the affirmative, Dr. Stein raises his hands, speaks, and an explosion of colours rains over the jerks standing in their way.

Colour Spray on the men stopping us. DC 16

Spells: Color Spray, Summon Monster 1, Shield, And Cause Fear.

2012-10-15, 08:24 PM
About half of the men in front of the group move forward as they see Dr. Stein switch places with Schwarz, brandishing their weaponry as they approach slowly. As they do, Stein's outstretched hand bursts into a spread of bright colors, causing three of the threatening men to fall to the ground unconscious, unable to resist the power of his magic. The remaining three step forward, with a pitchfork, a hoe, and a shovel, respectively, each out of range of the spells area, while the remaining six men back up a good fair distance, already afraid to fight.

2012-10-15, 08:58 PM
Legault would let go on his side of the coffin leting the rest hold it up which it would now be alittle heavy for the other person that was on the other side of it. He would then let his right hand fall towords to the hilt of his rapier that would be at his left side where he would unseathed it showing off the blade to the group of men infront of them as he steped infront of the older gentalmen named Stein. "If you are looking for a fight then fight someone who has a weapon.."

2012-10-15, 08:59 PM
Schwarz had gone missing from his spot on the coffin all of a sudden. At the same time, a fist made contact with the male wielding a pitch fork. Schwarz's black hair drifting in the wind, standing in front of the Dr. Stein. "You owe me about 10, 000 yen, useless."


2012-10-16, 06:01 PM
As both Legault and Schwarz let go of their coffins suddenly, the other pallbearers find themselves unable to keep holding it due to the surprise, and it tumbles down one side, the body half sliding out of the coffin as it hits the ground. Kendra shrieks and rushes to her fathers body, as the others look on with obvious surprise at the carelessness.

It is Mercy's turn, and with her, Rat's.

2012-10-16, 09:33 PM
Mercy watched the mans body tumble from his coffin in silence. A cold fury was building up within her and her hands clenched into tight fists at her side as she set her jaw. Furious eyes rose to glare daggers at the men who had begun this and she took several quick steps away from the toppled coffin towards the group, oblivious of the possible dangers. "How could you DARE disrespect the dead of any kind, is this any way to treat a morning family!" Her tone seemed to rise above all the others, her Irish accent becoming thick and undeniable as she shouted furiously. Seeming to rise silently from nowhere her companion, Rat stepped out from behind her. His thick hackles where risen in a rage that mirrored hers and his canines where bared as he growl furiously towards the aggressors. He was a large, muscular creature, although his build was more of lean muscle rather then thick, a scar criss-crossed his right eye, the other was a bright golden that blended in with his timber coat, he stood defensively before the group of people, her legs sprawled and muscles tensed.

2012-10-16, 09:45 PM
The man that Schwarz punched drops his weapon in awe, and following that falls to the ground, unconscious. The other two move besides Schwarz, swinging their weapons in unison to try and knock him out and get to the mage.

Thug 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Nonlethal Damage

Thug 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3] Nonlethal Damage

Take 5 Nonlethal Damage

2012-10-17, 06:06 PM
Legault seeing that the brut Schwarz was now being attacked by the two men who was companians with the man that he knocked out would easly take this time to move to one of the males side flanking the man he was targeting. Legault: [roll0] Damage: [roll0] Sneak Attack: [roll1]

2012-10-17, 06:06 PM
Dr. Stein

Feeling as though the others have the situation handled, Dr. Stein moves over to his past mentor's daughter, and guides her back from the trenches, securing her in his safety. "Don't worry, Dear. We have this all under control."

2012-10-17, 06:10 PM
messed up the rolls by clicking preview post) Legault: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] Sneak Attack: [roll2]

2012-10-17, 09:22 PM

Rubbing his head, his fingers trailed throughout his luscious straight black hair. Glancing over his shoulder whilst his palm dropped to the back of his neck, rubbing the flesh. Looking towards the man known as Stein who now helped the female to her feet, he smacked his lips softly. Schwarz then glanced at the other male who fought, taking his rebellion as a distraction to step away from the circle of men.

2012-10-17, 09:29 PM
Rat was now upon the male nearest to him, his thick claws sinking into the weak flesh of the mans back as he landed upon it. With a snarl of fury his jaw opened and he clamped his canines around the inside of the mans shoulder.
Bite: [roll0] [roll1]

2012-10-17, 09:42 PM
As Schwarz backs away, the man closest to him takes the opportunity to swing at his face, hoping to knock him out still. Legault and Rat both home in on the same target, and where Legault's well aimed attack fails, Rat knocks the man to the ground and rips a chunk out of his shoulder, the man passing out immediately from blood loss. The remaining man just watches for a second, and then bolts, running away.

First, Nonlethal Attack of Opportunity on Schwarz

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Nonlethal Damage

Well, with a miss, this encounter is over, new post incoming shortly

2012-10-17, 10:12 PM
As the people among the procession help the Professors body back into the coffin, an elderly man dressed in robes of the clergy approaches, hearing the fight. As he approaches, Kendra looks at the collapsed men, then turns to the party. "I'm so sorry for that, i don't know what got into them. I shouldn't have needed to get you involved with thugs like those."

As the priest approaches, he takes hold of his Holy symbol, and a burst of energy emanates from him, healing the wounds of anyone and everyone within the battlefield. The thugs all get up and skulk away, their will to fight drained by the beating they took.

Everyone is healed for [roll0] damage, not like it matters. nobody really got hurt, except Schwarz

Here's your chance to talk for a moment before we continue. We need the Pallbearers to lift up the coffin before we can move on.

2012-10-17, 10:45 PM
Legault would seathed his weapon once the problem was dealt with. he would walk over to the coffin so that he may help the other pallbearers with the coffin once more not really intrested in stoping to talk when a job is needing done.

2012-10-18, 07:32 AM
Dr. Stein

Dr. Stein Looks at the man that boxed like an animal. giving a swift nod to him, he thanked the brute for his help in defusing the situation. With a shift of his white cloak, Dr. Stein stands near the coffin, patting the top of it with a sigh, as to apologize to his past mentor.

2012-10-18, 04:11 PM
She had waited patiently for Rat to approach her. The wolf came slinking over to her, its head held low to the ground and it's ears perked forward. She reached her hand out, as if in greeting and Rat pressed his head into her palm, a soft whine rumbling in his throat as she scratched across his skull. "That's a good boy Rat, way to show 'em." Her gaze flickered over towards the men as she watched to ensure they needed no help replacing the elderly mans coffin. She kept her hand placed into the soft fur of Rats head.

2012-10-18, 05:25 PM

Schwarz nodded back to the doctor, feeling more of a respect to that male than the other members of the party because of his strength. Schwarz returned over to the coffin, looking down upon it with a blank expression. Well, that's over. Let's hurry up and move on, I'm starving. Schwarz then turned, and continued to walk ahead, having no care for anything behind him once more.

2012-10-18, 05:40 PM
Dr. Stein

Dr. Stein resumes his place as a pallbearer. Lifting it up as best he could, he wavered his head to the others. "The man needs us to lift him. Can someone help?"

2012-10-18, 05:43 PM
Legault who was already in his position would help the older pallbearer named Stein to lift up the coffin so that they can get the dead man into his new home.

2012-10-18, 06:22 PM
Mercy patted Rats head once more in a fond manner before whistling lowly to him, his ears flickered forward in her direction, his head cocking to the side before he turned and vanished back into the woods. Turning on the bare balls of her feet she rushed over behind the male calling out for help and grasped one of the poles in her hands, scrunching her nose and lifting upwards with little effort. Her face taking back on it's solemnly respectful features.

2012-10-19, 10:00 PM
The party and the rest of the procession make their way to the grave site, where a few gravediggers are still waiting. Shortly afterwards, they lower the coffin into the grave, and Father Grimburrow (the priest) begins his sermon. After he finishes, he invites Kendra to say a few words, which she does reluctantly, speaking of his exploits, and then, unable to say anything more, she asks if anyone else wishes to share any stories they might have with him.

You're welcome to speak or not, its up to you. If you do speak, make a Perform (untrained) or Diplomacy check, just for the sake of doing it.

2012-10-21, 11:26 PM
Dr. Stein

Stein moves up the crowds, and makes his way to where Kendra was. He was never good with people, but his mentor's passing is an occasion to get over it.

"Professor Lorrimor was a great man. He kept calm under adversity, but stayed brilliant in darkness. He commended everyone he met to try the hardest, and to do their best. When heard of my new studies, he didn't do as others, and shun me. He embraced me, and my work, and told me how noble I am for such a concept. Lorrimor didn't deserve to die so soon, but he deserves what I wish to accomplish." Dr. Stein raises an make-believe glass, and looks to the dead man. "Here's to you."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-10-22, 04:52 PM
Legault would simply move his way into the back of the crowed not really wishing to speak.

2012-10-23, 06:10 PM
In response to the male that had the courage to speak, Schwarz raised his glass before taking a sip of what it contained. Afterwards, he resumed his search for food.

2012-10-24, 04:45 PM
After giving plenty of time for everyone present to speak or refrain from speaking, the gravediggers begin to fill the grave up with dirt, as others begin to leave. Kendra takes her time to deal with goodbyes, and then approaches the party, speaking quietly. "Thank you for coming. I know i informed you of a will in which you were mentioned. I'd like you all to come with me to my house, we'll be meeting with the councilman for the reading of my father's will shortly afterwards, and i'd be honored to let you stay the night. There is plenty of room. After that she leads the party towards her home, through the town, giving them plenty of time to talk while she refused to talk anymore unless spoken to. Once she reaches the house, she lets the party in, coming in last after everyone, excluding Rat, who she asks stays outside, has entered. In the decently large house, it seems like every room you enter has bookshelves upon bookshelves, to the point where the walls are covered in them.

Kendra takes her leave and secludes herself to personal business, leaving the party in her sitting room to speak amongst themselves. She lets them know that she expects the councilman within the hour.

2012-10-24, 05:54 PM
Dr. Stein

Dr. Stein walked alongside the very brute man that made a respectful partnership with the Dr. He already knows the man's personality, it's not hard for a Doctor to notice slight things. With a simple shrug and pat, he forced the man's rather large right arm forward, as a sign of mutual respect, but a show case of "Get in my way, and I'm fond on kicking your ass."

When they all reached the house, Dr. Stein noticed the books and smiled. It was ignorant for him to think about this first, but he just assumed Lorrimor's daughter inherited his love of theology and learning. When left alone, Dr. Stein scoured the books like a mad man, looking for some that might have belonged to the Professor.

2012-10-26, 07:01 PM
Mercy had paused towards the front of the crowd, her head turned upwards as she listened carefully to the male speaking of the dead man. Her head was cocked lightly to the side and her eyes were shut gently, she only contained focus through her ears.

2012-10-26, 09:36 PM
Schwarz had occupied an entire couch to himself, throwing his feet up onto the furniture. He had the little manners to at least remove his shoes. He let out a loud yawn, glancing to the Dr. who scanned through books if they were computer programs. Schwarz then took a look to the other two, and then closed his eyes, falling into a sleep almost instantly.

2012-10-27, 04:22 PM

Legault would remain by himself near the door of the room as the group did whatever they was doing in the room his eyes closed as he keeped his mask over the lower part his face waiting for this to be over so he can go home.

2012-10-27, 05:55 PM
Precisely one hour after the party a man enters the room through the front door, and from the other door, Kendra walks in with six drinks. She sets the drinks on the ground and smiles half-heartedly. "Thank you for coming Mr. Hearthmount."

The man nods softly, and addresses everyone in the room equally. "My name is Vashian Hearthmount. I have been asked to be the reader of the will, and you four..." He pauses for a second, and then speaks the next word with a slight snarl. "outsiders....have been requested to be present. He pulls out a still sealed scrollcase, showing it well enough to the five present to prove that the professor's personal seal is still intact, and then breaks the seal, opening the case. As it opens, a key falls out of the tube. Removing the will itself, he begins reading aloud.

"I Petros Lorrimor, being of sound mind, do hereby commit to thiss parchment my last will and testament. Let it be known that, with the exception of the specific details below, i leave my home and personal belongings to my daughter Kendra. Use them or sell them as you see fit, my child.
Yet beyond the bequeathing of my personal effects, this document must serve other needs. I have arranged for the reading of this document to be delayed until all principals can be in attendance, for i have more than mere inheritance to apportion. I have two final favors to ask.
To my old friends, i hate to impose upon you all, but there are few others who are capable of appreciating the true significance of what it is i have to ask. As some of you know, i have devoted many of my studies to all manner of evil, that i might know the enemy and inform those better positioned to stand against it. For knowledge of one's enemy is the surest path to victory over its plans.
And so, over the course of my lifetime, i have seen fit to acquire a significant collection of valuable but dangerous tomes, any one of which in the wrong circumstances could have led to an awkward legal situation. While the majority of these tomes remain safe under lock and key at the Lepidstadt University, i fear that a few i have borrowed remain in a trunk in my Ravengro home. While invaluable for my work in life, in death, i would prefer not to burden my daughter with the darker side of my profession, or worse still, the danger of possessing these tomes herself. As such, I am entrusting my chest of tomes to you, posthumously. I ask that you please deliver the collection to my colleagues at the University of Lepidstadt, who will put them to good use for the betterment of the cause.
Yet before you leave for Lepidstadt, there is the matter of another favor--Please delay your journey one month and spend that period of time here in Ravengro to ensure that my daughter is safe and sound. She has no one to count on now that i am gone, and if you would aid her in setting things in order for whatever she desires over the course of this month, you would have my eternal gratitude. From my savings, I have also willed to each of you a sum of one hundred platinum coins. For safekeeping, I have left these funds with Embreth Daramid, one of my most trusted friends in Lepidstadt--she has been instructed to issue this payment upon the safe delivery of the borrowed tomes no sooner than onemonth after the date of reading this will.
I, Petros Lorrimor, hereby sign this will in Ravengro on this first day of Calistril, in the year 1099"

After he finishes, he looks at Kendra, who speaks quietly to him. "Thank you. You can go." After he leaves the house, she turns to the party and takes a deep breath, before speaking again. "Thank you for coming, i'm sorry it had to be under such circumstance. I'm not ready to decide what i want to do with this stuff yet, i'd like to give it a couple of weeks of thought first. In the meanwhile, as my fathers will stipulated, i've got plenty of rooms here for you. And i will be delighted to have you stay here during that time. Now, if you'll excuse me, i must get the chest of which my father spoke of."

She leaves the room for a few minutes, and returns with a chest made mostly of oak and iron. She sets it down on the table, and offers the key to Dr. Stein, looking more than a little nervous. "It belongs to you four, one of you should open it. She then backs up a bit, watching quietly.

2012-10-27, 06:43 PM

Legault would open his eyes after the reading was over with and looked at the chest the young women brought out to them he would lightly put his hand up to his face and pulls down his mask so that his voice can be heard clear. So the Professer has another job for me after all...though hes paying me more then I normaly would like. I wont open the chest...for I dont find what's ever in it shouldnt be mine... Legault would grab one of the glasses that was brought to the group and take a drink clearly not even going to atempt to open the chest.

2012-10-27, 06:52 PM
Dr. Stein

Still holding the key to the chest, he turned at the young man's out burst with a blank face. He nodded, and then turned back to the chest he needed to open. He flashed a look at Kendra, smiling like he had seen the Professor do so often. Eyeing the chest before he opened it, Stein tried to find out more about it.

Simple Spellcraft check:[roll0]
And Arcana check:[roll1]

2012-10-27, 06:54 PM

The chest is completely mundane. Its just got a really good lock on it, and is decently reinforced against breaking.

2012-10-27, 06:59 PM
Dr. Stein

"It's okay everyone, nothing magical or demonic about it. Just a chest." Stein sounds almost disappointed in his words, but opens the chest with the key, and peers to look inside it.

2012-10-27, 07:05 PM
The key fits the lock perfectly, and within it are several old tomes, and one relatively new one. The newest one sits on top, with the words "Read me now!" scratched into the leather cover. The other tomes are the dangerous books he mentioned in his will, three of them, named respectively, On verified madness, Serving your hunger, and The Umbral Leaves, possess notes stating that they should be delivered to one Montagnie Crowl, at Lepidstadt University. The fourth, Manual of the Palatine Eye, is noted to be delivered to Embreth Daramid, listed with an address and a request for the delivery to be handled discreetly.

2012-10-27, 07:18 PM
Dr. Stein

Peering over to Kendra with a smile, Stein lifts the book on the top to her, and asks with a begging voice, "May I read this one now?"

2012-10-27, 07:38 PM
Kendra smiles a little. "They are all yours. Do with them what you will. I'll make up the beds for you guys, and then i think i will lay down. Your rooms are down the hallway, the four separate doors just past my kitchen." She then leaves the room quietly, looking away as she does.

First things first, you see that the book is actually the professors journal, and in fact, a note in the cover says that the journal is safe to keep for yourself.

Paging through the journal you find the entries relatively bland, mostly accounting for the day-to-day activities of a small town. However, a choice number of entries are circled in red ink, as though he wanted to call attention to them.

Ten years ago
The Whispering Way is more than just a cabal of necromancers. I see that now. Undead is their fountain of youth. Uncovering their motivation does not place me at ease as i thought it might. Their desire to be eternal simply makes them more dangerous

Two Months ago
It is as i had feared. The way is interested in something here in Ravengro. But what could it be?

One Month ago
Whatever the way seeks, i am now convinced their goal is connected to Harrowstone. In retrospect, i supposed it all makes sense. The stories they tell about the ruins in town are certainly chilling enough. It may be time to investigate the ruins, but with everyone in town already being so worked up about them, i'd rather not let the others know about my curiousity. There's plenty of folks hereabouts who already think i'm a demonologist or a witch or something. Ignorant fools.

Twenty Days ago
It is confirmed. The way seems quite interesting in something--no, strike that--someone who was held in Harrowstone. But who, specifically, is the way after? I need a list of everyone who died the night of the fire. Everyone. The Temple of Pharasma might have such a list.

Eighteen days ago
I see now just how ill prepared I was when I last set out for the Harrowstone. I am lucky to have returned at all. The ghosts, if indeed they were ghosts (for I did not find it prudent to investigate further) prevented me from transcribing the strange symbols I found etched along the foundation—hopefully on my next visit I will be more prepared. Thankfully, the necessary tools to defend against spirits are already here in Ravengro. I know that the church of Pharasma used to store them in a false crypt in the Restlands at the intersection between Eversleep and the Black Path. I am not certain if the current clergy even know of what their predecessors have hidden down below. If my luck holds, I should be able to slip in and out with a few borrowed items.

Seventeen days ago
Tomorrow evening i return to the prison. It is imperative that the Way does not finish. My caution has already cost me too much time. I am not sure what will happen if i am too late, but if my theory is right, the entire town could be at risk. I don't have time to update my will, so i'll leave this in the chest where it'll be sure to be found, should the worst come to pass.

As a note, the latest entry is dated the same as Professor Lorrimor's death.

2012-10-27, 07:49 PM
Mercy had been peering lightly over the males shoulder, her eyes flickering with a light curiosity as she read the words written within the journal. She took it all in within her own silence, her bare feet tapping gently against the wooden surface of the flooring within the silence of the room as she waited for the others to catch on to it.

2012-10-27, 07:52 PM
Dr. Stein

Stein flipped to the last entry, in order to gain some insight on the Professor's last actions. He took the smell of the small girl to be weird, and in fact, he stepped back ,and placed the book in front of them both. Without thinking to get a thank you, Stein put his brain to work, and scoured the page looking for answers.

After reading the journal, he keeps it out, but places the chest back together, and locks it. He palms the key, and looks around at other books, searching while the others get ready for bed.

2012-10-27, 09:08 PM
Schwarz picked up his glass, taking a sip from it while tucking his other hand into its respective pocket. He made his way out of the room and down into the hallway, where after a couple minutes, the sound of glass shattering was heard.

2012-10-27, 09:17 PM
Dr. Stein

Disregarding the noise he had heard, Stein frolicked along the endless wave of books, and pulled anything he could find, relating to the Whispering Way, or the bodies inside the Harrowstone. After collecting his books, Stein set them on top of the chest, and took the lot of items to his room, which he made sure was the last one. With a slam of the door, and a lighting of the room, he rustled into the bed, and began his decent into knowledge. he made sure to gain at least 4 hours of sleep, but not before finishing at least half of the books.

2012-10-27, 09:20 PM

Legault not liking the sound of glass breaking would leave the room to go cheak on the male that left resting his hand on the hilt of his rapier just incase somthing out right attacks him.

2012-10-27, 09:47 PM
Once Legault reached the area where the glass had shattered, he noticed only the broken glass that Schwarz had been drinking out of, along with the liquid it contained stained on the wall and ground. Schwarz was not there anymore, but in his room, behind the locked door.

2012-10-27, 09:54 PM

Legault would sigh as he removed his hand from his weapon and headed to his own room seeing how the larger male wasent in danger or hurt from what he could tell

2012-10-28, 05:07 PM

Your choice of reading tonight, The Umbral Leaves, turns out to be a simple translation into common of the unholy book of Zon-Kuthon. There is nothing special about it, and you learn little of any topics of interest from reading it.

The night passes, and as far as you four are concerned, nothing of interest happens. The morning comes readily, and the four of you now have the day to yourself. If you look for Kendra, you can find her in her sitting room, reading, but willing to talk.

2012-10-28, 05:53 PM
Dr. Stein

Stein stumbled awake after the long study night, and moved to gather his things. He slept in mere underwear, and let his clothes hang out with scents upon them, making them smell less like cadavers for his trip to town. Walking from his room with a list of subjects he needs to look into, Stein fumbles around the house, and decides to pop in on Kendra. Knocking politely before being told to enter, Stein talks to her.

"Is there anything i can get you, Miss Kendra? All the same, later on today i will be leaving the house with the large man. We'll of course guide the remaining two to stay and watch over your needs. I found it better to have a female here, just in case something feminine happens."

2012-10-28, 06:35 PM

Legault would soon waken from his sleep still dressed in his clothing from the day befor. He would exit his room and start wandering around giving himself a small tour of the place.

2012-10-29, 06:05 PM
Mercy, not wanting to be a part of the people within the strange home, wandered our the doors humming silently to herself. The moment she had wandered out of the towns limits and towards to woods Rat had come bounding out of the thickets, his tail flailing from side to side and he howled lightly with joy and encircled her. She smiled, her body seeming to relax as she continues onward through the woods, her humming the only sound breaking the silence there.

2012-10-29, 06:30 PM

The house is pretty much filled with rooms of books, even the bedrooms have bookshelves lining the walls. Obviously the professor was an avid reader.


Kendra shakes her head. "There is no worries. I'm a grown woman, i can take care of myself. Feel free to go explore the town. Enjoy yourself.


There aren't that dense of woods nearby, but as you treck past towards the nearest natural area, the light forests on the edge of town, you noticed something. You passed a statue, a memorial in town, with blood spatters all over it, and a large, bloody V painted at its feet.

2012-10-29, 09:52 PM

Legault walk into the sitting room clearly not knowing what he should do as he looked around the house for anything intresting to look at then just books.

2012-10-29, 10:28 PM
Dr. Stein

Stein nods to the woman, leaves with closing her door, and seeks out Legault. Finding the rogue, he explains something. "I am collecting the brute who is still asleep probably, and going to do some local research. Would you mind watching over Kendra? Getting her anything she needs, or at least helping her?"

2012-10-29, 11:16 PM

Legault would turn and looked at the older male who was speaking to him his mask was still off of his face which gave the male a full veiw was what Legault really looked like. I'll be happy to help out however I can...it's at least I can do for being allowed to stay here for free. Have a safe trip into town.

2012-10-30, 05:18 PM
Mercy paused, her eyes narrowing down curiously on the bloody V. A soft sigh of exasperation left her lips as she turned a keen eye onto her wolf who let out a low, rigid growl and upon a silently spoken command between them, sniffed upon the V and turned off into the woods. Grumbling beneath her breath, Mercy decided that it would be best to return to the men she'd been stuck with and tell them of her find

2012-10-30, 05:26 PM
[roll0] (Forgot to post this x-x . . .Whoops . . ).

2012-10-30, 05:29 PM

The blood appears to only be about eight hours old, based on looking at it. It must have been done sometime in the middle of the night last night.

2012-10-30, 06:15 PM
The only thing that came from Schwarz's closed door was silence, at a distance. However, once being close enough to the door, one could hear deep breaths. Schwarzs had been entwined in his morning exercise, doing push-ups at the moment in black pants with no shirt.

2012-10-30, 06:45 PM
Dr. Stein

He nodded to the man, and resumed walking down the hallway, in order to knock heavily on the brute's door. "I need you to accompany me in town today. We might run into some people that want to fight, and i assume you love to brawl."

2012-10-30, 07:00 PM

Schwarz stopped halfway down on his push-up, before glancing up at the closed door. Standing up, grasping a towel and wiping the sweat beating from his forehead. Tossing the towel on to the bed, he hollered his response to the male on the other side of his door. "Give me 10 minutes to get ready."

2012-10-30, 07:46 PM

Legault would pull his mask back over his face as he sat on the couch in the main room of the house closing his eyes as he drifted off into a nice calm nap as he waited to be called on for anything.

2012-10-30, 08:18 PM
Dr. Stein

Stein goes back to his room, and gathers up everything he needed for his adventure in town. He's waiting by the man's room after the ten minutes are up.

Spells for the day.
Cause Fear
Colour Spray x2

2012-10-30, 08:52 PM

As the Dr. arrives at his room, Schwarz exits in black sweats and no shirt. Stretching, he begins to walk down the hallway. "Shall we set off, doctor?"

2012-10-30, 09:38 PM
Dr Stein

Nodding to the young man, Stein lead the way outside, and down to the town, trying to gather enough where with all to know where to find a library.

2012-10-30, 09:50 PM
Stein and Schwarz

The two of you make your way towards the town square, where in a surrounding circle you find buildings such as the town hall, the Ravengro Forge, the general store, Jominda's Apothecary, The Silk Purse and The Outward Inn. Further down the road going north, you can find the Unfurling scroll, an past that, a bridge across the river that separates the town.

2012-10-30, 10:45 PM
Dr. Stein

Stein guides the duo of himself and the brute towards the town hall. It's easily put to be patient, so he finds a clerk or something at a leisurely pace, and asks for a map or something to get him to the library.

2012-10-30, 10:51 PM
Stein and Schwarz

The clerk tells Stein that there is no actual Library here, and that if he wants to find a book, he should just ask Kendra, because the Lorrimor household is full of them. She says all of this with a barely noticeable tone of distaste to it. As though she doesn't like him or his companion one bit.


When you arrive home, you find that the only people who remain are Legault and Kendra, with Legault asleep in the sitting room.

2012-10-30, 11:00 PM
Dr. Stein

Being polite as ever, he smiled and nodded. "What about this Harrowstone? Is there any church of Pharasma around?"


2012-10-30, 11:17 PM
Stein and Schwarz

"Yes, there is a church, but they look no better upon outsiders like you than i do or anyone else for that matter. Good luck convincing them to let you use their books. You really should brush up on your local legends before you visit places. Now leave me be, i have work to do."

2012-10-30, 11:22 PM
Dr. Stein

With a simple smile, he leans in before the clerk can leave, and keeps eye contact. "You should learn manners to people that you know nothing about. Who knows, i might just be one of your legends." He had no hint of sarcasm or ill repute, but only to teach the clerk that manners go both ways.

He turned on his nice shoes, and tapped his brute friend on his chest. "Come. We need to find a church."

2012-10-30, 11:24 PM
Stein and Schwarz

Its actually pretty easy to pinpoint where the church is, its on the other side of the river, and you find and make your way to it pretty easily, with no real hitches.

2012-10-30, 11:42 PM
Dr. Stein

Opening the door to the church, Stein bows for a second, and instructs Schwarz to do the same. After all is done, Stein finds a person of faith in the church, and tries to mention that he needs to speak with them.

2012-10-30, 11:44 PM
Father Grimburrow comes up and smiles, holding his hand out to Stein. "What do we owe this...visit to?"

2012-10-30, 11:46 PM

Legault would soon wake up from his nap as he was rahter bored just sitting around he would stand up from his seat and went off to find Kendra as he didnt notice Mercy in the house.

2012-10-30, 11:47 PM

You find Kendra in the kitchen, preparing herself a light snack absentmindedly.

2012-10-30, 11:51 PM
Dr. Stein

Shaking the Father's hand, Stein smiles. "Well Father, i was wondering if i could bother you as to tell me what Harrowstone is? A book i am reading talks about it, and i am just not familiar with it."

2012-10-31, 06:20 PM

"Harrowstone is the prison up the way. Haunted. What's got you so interested in it? Did you want to deface that too?"

2012-10-31, 06:54 PM
Dr. Stein

"What do you mean by deface, Father?"

2012-10-31, 06:55 PM

"You know perfectly well what you did and your companions did."

2012-11-01, 11:14 AM
Dr. Stein

"I honestly don't, Father. But, I'll be sure to make note of it." Stein nods a bow to the Father, and turns to lead himself and the brute out, and back to the house.

When not in ear shot of local people, Stein speaks with his companion. "They certainly don't like us very much. Think it has something to do with yesterday?"

2012-11-01, 07:22 PM
Schwarz smiled. "Not like we did anything wrong. Unless kicking their asses, after they try kicking ours, is wrong?"

2012-11-01, 08:10 PM
Dr. Stein

"Oh well. If we get this treatment for being strong men, I'm certainly not going to roll over, and let them treat me like a puppy. Let's just get home, I need to talk to Kendra."

Stein leads directly back to the house, without willingly stopping.

2012-11-03, 12:50 AM

Legault would be back in the sitting room once more taking a small nap in a chair as he waited to be called on by Kendra as he forgot what he was going to speak to her about and didnt feel like being a bother to her.

2012-11-06, 06:56 PM
Mercy had arrived within the house in a slight mess. Her hair fell in thick strands wildly from it's ponytail and her body was bent over slightly in the hallways, her hands pressed to her knees as she took deep, ragged breaths in an attempt to rid herself of the scent of the blood. She'd shake her head slowly and kick the door gently shut behind herself, seeming to gather her composure she strolled into the living room and tapped a foot roughyl against the couch, causing it to shift across the floor.
I'm back, anyone left here?
Although she seemed to already know the answer to this, her eyes shifted about the house curiously.

2012-11-06, 09:12 PM

Legault would lightly raise his hand in responce to her question showing her the fact that he is still here as he was rudely awakened from his nap by her actions in the living room. "this is not your home so stop making alot of noise"

2012-11-06, 10:24 PM
Shortly after Legault wakes up from Mercy's return home, Stein and Schwarz return to the house together. Kendra is in her room, leaving the party to themselves.

2012-11-07, 07:39 PM
"It may not be my home, but it does not belong to you therefor the rules you create upon it do not bind me." Her gaze flickered down to the man who laid lazily upon the couch, her hands curling tightly behind her back as she shifted her weight from foot to foot and turned her head at the sound of the door opening.

2012-11-09, 10:59 PM
Dr. Stein

Opening the door with a sigh, Stein smiled at the two in the living room. "Why hello there. I assumed everything was up to par while we were gone?"

2012-11-09, 11:04 PM

Legault would sit up streching somewhatbefor looking at the ones who entered the house. Indeed...how was your trip into town?

2012-11-11, 11:32 AM
She gave a subtle twitch, wondering whether she should wait through the others formalities and then tell them, or even if she should tell them about what she'd found at all. Her fingers clasped together behind her back and rubbed against each other in a nervous manner as she waited on in silence.

2012-11-11, 04:51 PM
Dr. Stein

"Well, none of the local people around here like us very much, if at all. The Father mentioned that we defaced something, but I have no knowledge of what it was. Luckily, we did not have to fight anyone, so that's good."

2012-11-11, 09:31 PM
"He could have meant that statue down by the patch of trees. . .

2012-11-12, 01:16 AM
Dr. Stein

"What statue where?"

2012-11-12, 03:38 AM

Legault would stand up from the couch he was laying in giving a small streach as he looked at the others. I dont remember leaving the house last night or touching a statue...

2012-11-13, 07:14 PM
Schwarz looked at the female, and snarled. "The bitch wolf is hiding something."

2012-11-13, 08:39 PM
Her gaze flickered to Schwarz for only a second, long enough for her lip to curl back at the the insult before it dropped once more. "I went for a walk earlier this morning with Rat, I don't like being trapped inside houses, and I went for the nearest wooded area I could find, along one of the paths there is a statue. There was some blood splattered across it. I had Rat investigate the scent, he's following the trail."

2012-11-14, 10:31 AM
Dr. Stein

"And that's a good idea? He may be a wolf, but these villagers only put up with us because we're human. If they catch wind a rat is HUNTING someone, they'll kill him. Without a shadow of a doubt, these people are cruel to our kind. Get him back now, or you may lose him forever. I myself, don't care to get it back. I am going to talk with Kendra. Schawrz, would you like a sandwich? I'll make us lunch when i finish talking with Kendra. We deserve a break after our time in town."

Stein brushes past everyone, and it's clear he's a cold and impassive person. Being a doctor that works on cadavers, it's not in the job description to be cozy to people.

When he finds Kendra, he politely knocks on the door before entering. He attempts to shut the door, and leave the two to talk in privacy, asking her about this Harrowstone Prison, and why her father would travel there.

2012-11-14, 05:47 PM
Schwarz walked past the female, bumping shoulders with her and never turning back to apologize. Following behind the male doctor, Schwarz waited on the opposite side of the hall from Kendra's room, where Kendra and the doctor had been talking. He closed his eyes, and took a gentle breath.

2012-11-14, 07:38 PM

Kendra sits up and smiles half-heartedly at Stein when he comes in and greets her. After hearing his questions, she responds softly. "I'm afraid i don't know much more about it than anyone else. It was a prison that used to stand a ways away from here. It used to be a high profile prison, until the fire. I'm sure my father had some books here that will tell you more. I don't know why he would have gone there on his own, but i'm sure he had a reason." She pauses for a second. "I know the town hall, the church, and Alendru Ghoroven each maintain their own libraries. I'm not sure how much they would appreciate letting a stranger in, but i'm sure Alendru would be willing to let you use his for a price. He runs the Unfurling Scroll." She stares off at the ceiling, lost in thought.

You are welcome to use the Lorrimor Library to research the subjects you are interested in. It is one of four, but it is the only one you have access to. A research period takes the span of four hours, no matter which library you use. And allows you to make a knowledge check with a bonus if you already have ranks. If you do not, you may make your knowledge check untrained, but with no additional bonus.

2012-11-14, 09:07 PM
Dr. Stein

He stood after his conversation, took Kendra's hand and kissed the back of it like a gentleman from the older days. With a bow, he left to accompany Schwarz who was waiting outside. "What would you like to eat? After we eat, however, I need to study in the library here. Tomorrow, we might go about town, and look for some income."

2012-11-14, 10:33 PM

"I'm not that hungry later, but I'm sure knowing a doctor will be up for quite a while tonight. Am I right?"

2012-11-14, 10:36 PM
Dr. Stein

"Yes, i will. I will be working until some time, buy, after my four hour study session, it should still be service hours. Maybe we all can go out for something to drink, or something."

2012-11-15, 05:33 PM

well im going out for a walk i been inside for a long time...i'll be back shortly Legault would exit the house puting his mask over his face as he was acustom to do as he wondered out into town to see what normaly goes on

2012-11-16, 08:56 PM
Her face paled at Dr. Steins words and she turned on the bare heels of her feet, rushing out the door in a whirlwind of panic. Rat was all she had left in this world after the death of her parents and he was the one thing she refused to lose. The door slammed loudly behind her but she didn't care her body was a slightly blurred form as she sprinted across the area towards the wooded area. She eventually arrived on the outskirts of the wooded area, her heart racing wildly and her eyes searching the outline before she crashed onward clumsily through the thickets and such, silently calling out his name in a panicked tone. "Oh, how could I be so stupid. Please be ok Rat, please. . ."

2012-11-16, 09:31 PM

Forgot this again >... < )

2012-11-17, 06:26 PM

Try as you might, you cannot find the same trail you sent Rat on. Better luck next time.


You find your way towards the town square, where in a surrounding circle you find buildings such as the town hall, the Ravengro Forge, the general store, Jominda's Apothecary, The Silk Purse and The Outward Inn. Further down the road going north, you can find the Unfurling scroll, and past that, a bridge across the river that separates the town.

2012-11-18, 05:30 PM
Her form slumped against a tree and she sunk down slowly. Her gaze seemed to un-focus and become numb as her arms rested over her knees and her head slumped against her chest. A small trickle of blood trailed its way down her chin as she chewed at her lower lip her eyes moistening slightly but refusing to let any tears fall.

2012-11-21, 03:26 PM
Dr. Stein

Departing to the library, Stein retains all limits of time, and continuously works on trying to learn more about Harrowstone prison.

Knowledge Local:[roll0]

2012-11-21, 06:47 PM

Harrowstone was built in 4594. Ravengro was founded at the same time as a place where guards and their families could live and that would produce food and other supplies used by the prison. The fire that killed all
of the prisoners and most of the guards destroyed a large portion of the prison’s underground eastern wing, but left most of the stone structure above relatively intact. The prison’s warden perished in the fire, along with his
wife, although no one knows why she was in the prison when the fire occurred. A statue commemorating the warden and the guards who lost their lives was built in the months after the tragedy—that statue still stands on
the riverbank just outside of town.

Congratulations, you gained experience.


As you sit down, you hear a familiar sound, as Rat returns to you at a run, looking slightly sullen as he appears to not have found the path.