View Full Version : (PF) Stat me a druid, please

2012-10-15, 06:12 PM
I'm throwing together something for some friends this weekend. I've got the by the book monsters pretty much down, but I'm getting slowed by the prospect of building bad guy spell casters.

So, I was wondering if some of you fine young Americans (and others) here could do me a solid and build me a NE 9th level druid. He'd be working alongside humanoids of significantly lower power (part of an army) so he would rely primarily on himself and his pet.

25 point buy. Standard gp in equipment. A list of memorized spells would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance! Sorry if I'm being presumptuous.

2012-10-15, 07:27 PM
Thanks in advance!

You're welcome

Sorry if I'm being presumptuous.

You're forgiven.

Also, at the very least, what kind of druid do you want? One who focuses on wildshape or one who focuses on magic?

2012-10-15, 07:28 PM
What sourcebooks do you have access to? Also, how are hit points calculated when gaining a new level?

For now, I'll be Core only. Also, I used Treantmonk's Guide to Pathfinder Druids for help. You might find it of use as well. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/community-creations/treatmonks-lab)

NE Human Druid 9

Hit Points 83 (assumed that hit points gained at later levels are 1/2 HD + 1 + Con mod + favored class + toughness, total +9 per level after 1st).

Str 17 (7 points, +2 Human bonus)
Dex 10
Con 14 (5 points)
Int 10
Wis 20 (17 points), 24 with Periapt, originally 18, +2 at 4th and 8th level
Cha 7 (-4 points)

Armor Class 22 (+10 armor, +2 deflection), touch 12, flat-footed 22

Skills (45 points)

Fly 8 (+11)
Handle Animal 9 (+10)
Heal 5 (+13)
Knowledge (Nature) 9 (+14)
Perception 9 (+17)
Survival 5 (+15)


Fort +10
Ref +4
Will +15


Melee +9 (+12 with Greater Magic Fang)


Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Augment Summoning
Improved Initiative
Natural Spell
Heavy Armor Proficiency (for Ironwood Full Plate)

Class Features

Nature Bond (Animal Companion: Tiger at 7th level)
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy (1d20+7)
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Resist Nature's Lure
Wild Shape 3/day (Diminutive to Huge Animal, Medium Elemental, Small or Medium Plant)
Venom Immunity

Equipment (assumes 46,000 gp for starting wealth)

Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4 (16,000 gp)

+1 Ironwood Wild Full Plate (+10 armor bonus, can use and retain spellcasting, can be used in wildshape, 17,500 gp)

+2 Cloak of Resistance (4,000 gp)

+2 Ring of Protection (4,000 gp)

Pearl of Power, 1st-level spell (1,000 gp)

Wand of Cure Light Wounds (750 gp)

2,750 gp is left. I usually spend 200 gp on standard adventuring gear and keep the rest


Spells Per Day (4/6/6/5/3/2):

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Mending

1: Entangle, Faerie Fire, Goodberry, Longstrider, Obscuring Mist, Produce Flame

2: Barkskin, Chill Metal, Fog Cloud, Restoration: Lesser, Soften Earth and Stone, Warp Wood

3: Call Lightning, Sleet Storm, Spike Growth, Stone Shape, Wind Wall

4: Air Walk, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement

5: Animal Growth (stacks nicely with Summon Nature's Ally and Augment Summoning!), Wall of Thorns

Recommended Wild Shapes:

Dinosaur, Deinonochysus: for the speed and multiple attacks.

Dire Tiger: Pounce, grab, and good damage.

Dire Bat: For flight!

Keep in mind that this Druid build is well-optimized, focusing on wildshape tanking and battlefield control spells. If playing with a more casual or down-to-earth group, you can "power down" the options.

2012-10-16, 05:05 PM
There were some things I forgot to add in, namely the human +2 bonus to an ability score of their choosing. I chose Strength.

2012-10-17, 09:42 PM
Couldn't you end up with the same stats if you put the bonus in wisdom, bought less wisdom and more strength?

After working it out, I realized you only save 1 point, so I guess it doesn't really matter. Still, you could make a slightly higher Int or Dex. Or better yet, drop strength to 16 (same modifier), and you can bump both Dex and Int to 12 and you get the same other modifiers. A gain of 1 AC, reflex, initiative, and ranged to hit, along with 9 skill points.

2012-10-17, 09:51 PM
Lemmie add my 2c here:

Druid can choose between a Domain and a Companion. Lemmie show you something rather powerful:

Choose the domain, then choose to sacrifice the domain for an Inquisition. These give you the Inquisition class feature of Inquisitor. Now, you choose the Blackpowder Inquisition and now you get EWP: Firearms and Gunsmithing, along with a slight anti-arcane debuff. Not bad. Losing spells from crappy domains for 2 feats and a minor debuff looks like a fair trade, especially when you consider that your firearms only have to hit Touch AC, meaning the druid now has a decent ranged attack, with the right weapon.