View Full Version : Want to know what region we haven't had enough of? Let's storylocke Pokemon White 2!

2012-10-16, 12:24 AM
So there I was playing my White 2 nuzlocke and taking notes on what pokemon I caught and what pokemon died and such. And I thought. Let's do something I've never done before, let's write a story locke.

Yes this will have spoilers for the pokemon games that came out barely a week ago.

White 2 rules

Rule #1 Can only catch the first pokemon without a catch symbol in each area.
Rule #2 If a pokemon faints, put it in the last box and can't use it anymore.
Rule #3 For every important battle, (Gym leader, Rival, Villainous leaders) I may only use as many pokemon as the opponent uses.

Ch 1 The strength of ideals!

Nate My name is Nate. Nate Alkain. I had the mind of a scientist. I wanted to be a master engineer. Everybody tried to tell me my future was in battling. In elementary school whenever they had practice battles I would always win. Always. None of my classmates were even close to a match for me.

Nate But.... I didn't want to. I never wanted to do that. I mean pokemon aren't human but they are sentient beings. And they can die. I.... My mind's meant to solve problems, make new technology. Not to send pokemon to their deaths in a vain attempt for glory and money.

Nate And this is my greatest secret. I can hear the voices of pokemon. Like the “Hero” of Team Plasma. And I've never told anyone...

Nate It was the morning of my eighteenth birthday. My mom called me down from my room.
Mom Nate. I know you don't want to hear this, but I talked to Professor Juniper. She's agreed to give you a starter pokemon in exchange for a pokedex.
Nate Mom! I don't want to! I won't kill pokemon!
Mom Nate. You are good at this. There is a lot of money in competitive battling. Why are you so defiant!? :smallmad:
Nate I would think you'd be happy I'm unwilling to kill. :smallannoyed:
Mom It's a pokemon! It's different.
Nate Not enough.
Mom *sigh* Look Nate, let's make a deal. I know you want to go to college and become a scientist. If you try this... If you make an earnest attempt at being a champion, I'll pay for college should you fail. Okay?
Nate ... What?
Mom Nate I want you to try this. I'm certain that you will become champion. If promising to pay for college should you fail get you to try, I'm more then willing.
Nate I wanted to say no.... I wanted.....

Nate I was supposed to meet one of Juniper's aides at the Asperita city airport. I was told to look for a girl named Bianca, and that she was a little shorter then me, with blond hair, glasses and a green hat. I was nearly there, when I saw one of my friends Hugh. I didn't want to talk to him though. Our friendship had suffered a strain in recent months. He had grown more and more insistent that I join the police force like him. Which would of course involve battling. Unfortunately he saw me.
Hugh Hey, Nate. I heard. Finally getting a pokemon. huh?
Nate Yes, yes. You may begin the gloating.
Hugh Heh. No gloating. Today is a great day. Finally you have seen the light.
Nate *sigh*
Hugh No, no don't look like you're walking to your execution. I'm sincerely happy. You may not have joined the force but we're going to need men with your talents soon. He leaned in whispering.
Hugh Besides maybe it's for the best. Since you're not a cop you can take certain liberties with suspects.
Nate ... Really? :smallannoyed:
Hugh Hey, I wouldn't normally say that, but desperate times. All throughout our nation we've been hearing chatter about Team Plasma. Nothing concrete but.....
Nate Dude. You always think Team Plasma's going to commit some heinous crime. Their criminal elements died out two years ago when Hilbert defeated N at the pokemon league, they aren't going to do anything.
I wouldn't be so sure. From what Hilbert told me, N was just a figurehead. And that the true mastermind also managed to escape. A voice butted in from behind me You're Nate, right? I'm Bianca, Juniper's aide.
Nate Um.... Uh... She was beautiful. I had some crush before and even a couple of girlfriends. But... I had never seen a girl half attractive as she was. My body felt like I was electrified and on fire all at the same time. And my brain and my mouth wouldn't form words.
Bianca Hello.... Anybody home? She lightly knocked on my forehead with an adorable quizzical look while my brain was still trying to form words.
Hugh Yeah, yeah forgive him. He's just a little nervous. It's his first pokemon after all. We've all been like that.
Bianca Yeah..... I still remember that day. It's the second greatest day of my life.
Nate Uh. Yeah sorry about that. Hugh whispered “You owe me.” I ignored him. So, um. How do we do this. Do you ask me some questions? Does my hair color determine what pokemon I get? She giggled.
Bianca I take it no one told you much. You pick one of these three, She pulled a case out of her backpack. The Grass type Snivey, The Fire type Tepig, or the Water type Oshawott. Oh! And here's your pokedex!
Nate Uh....... I... I guess Oshawott. I had touched the poke-ball when my pokedex blared out.
Pokedex Got the Oshawott at Aspertia city at level 5. Nature Hardy, Strongly defiant. Ability Torrent
Hugh Hey, I have an idea. Why not show Bianca how well you handle that pokemon. I challenge you to a one on one battle.
Nate Hugh :smallmad:

So tell me what you think. This is again my first storylocke.

2012-10-16, 01:08 AM
How many ranks does Nate's mom have in Diplomacy? Clearly alot seeing as how she knows Nate won't willingly let the team die on him seeing how he'll actually care about those that he will be taking into battle.

Oh and by the way Nate's mom you are a specieist (expletive!)

Oh and I am quite interested and it's clearly invoking my passion.

Well Hugh is technically wrong, but also, very, very wrong. At least from the Lawful Good perspective, (which according to three different D&D alignment tests seems to be my own world view).

2012-10-16, 01:49 AM
How many ranks does Nate's mom have in Diplomacy? Clearly alot seeing as how she knows Nate won't willingly let the team die on him seeing how he'll actually care about those that he will be taking into battle.

Oh and by the way Nate's mom you are a specieist (expletive!)

Oh and I am quite interested and it's clearly invoking my passion.

Well Hugh is technically wrong, but also, very, very wrong. At least from the Lawful Good perspective, (which according to three different D&D alignment tests seems to be my own world view).

Well if she didn't know her son well enough to know he's not going to purposefully kill her team off, I'd call her a inattentive parent.

Remember unlike Nate and N, Nate's mom can't talk with pokemon. Which puts a barrier between them.

Hugh could very well be Lawful Neutral, or any alignment really, remember he's a cop not a Paladin. The only important part is that he not get caught saying these things.

2012-10-22, 09:11 PM
Ch 2 Small steps

Nate Hugh, you've been a police officer for over two years! Your pokemon are way more experienced then mine! :smallannoyed:
Hugh Not my Snivy, Nate. I'll use my Snivy that's never fought before, and you use you Oshawott that never fought before.
Kevin The name's Kevin, idiot.... My Oshawott muttered.
Nate Um, I can name the Oshawott, right? I asked Bianca
Bianca Of course, it's your pokemon.
Nate Hmmmm.... I think Kevin sounds like a good name. Kevin's eyes shot up in shock.
Kevin You... you can hear me? He said mystified.
Nate Yes....... I think Kevin's a wonderful name.
Hugh There you named it. Snivy take it out.
Nate Kevin! Kevin sprung to his feet instantly, jumping off the ground and to the side avoiding Snivy's dive.
Kevin Oh yeah, come at me you little worm. Kevin body-slammed Snivy as it tried to get up.
Pokedex Critical hit! My poke-dex shouted out.
Bianca Impressive! Keep up the pressure.
Hugh Arrgh! Snivy finish this, it's never fought before.
Nate The Snivy tried to rolled out from under Kevin, as Kevin started gnawing on any body part it could reach.
Kevin Stay down!
Nate The Snivy managed to get to it's feet, and tried to dive on Kevin, but Kevin managed to roll out of the way of the dive, and get to it's feet. Kevin! Finish it.
Kevin On it! Kevin bit it by the tail as it tried to get up, and started shaking.
Bianca Enough! Enough! Nate won. Your Snivy's clearly out-matched.
Hugh No it isn't! Snivy finish this.
Nate Kevin return before you kill him.
Hugh Arrgh! I don't need your compassion! Go.....
Nate Before he could send out his next pokemon, I saw a flash of movement from my side. Bianca already had her hands on a poke-ball.
Bianca Try it! See how well that works out for you. Hugh took a calming sigh as I heard his phone go off.
Hugh What? Floccesy ranch? Are you sure? Yeah I'm on my way. And then he ran off, just like that. Hey, Bianca thanks. I have no idea what was going through his head.
Bianca Hrm..... I don't like him. He seems a-tad unbalanced.
Nate Normally he's not like that. I've beaten him before in school and he never acted like that.
Bianca Yeah but in school he wouldn't have had a second pokemon to do that with..... In any case, do you need to need me to show you around the pokemon center?
Nate Her comment was right. And the shock that maybe Hugh planned to put my life in danger at the very least stunned me.
Bianca Um.... okay I guess not?.... I'll be going now then.
Nate No, no. I'm sorry. I just didn't think of the second pokemon thing. I'd love for you to show me how to be a top trainer. :smallredface:
Bianca Oh. Okay, Well first you have to lead me to your pokemon center. So after you.
* * *
Nate We were on the outskirts of route 19. Bianca had just shown me how to catch pokemon.
Bianca It'd be better if you had some method of putting it to sleep, or stunning it but..... Well your turn, so me your catching skills.
Nate Wait, what!?
Bianca Come on, show me how good of a teacher I am. Catch something.
Nate Um, I don't have any pokeballs, Bianca...... I guess we have to go back to the pokemon center then. I said hopefully.
Bianca Heh. You think I didn't think of that? Here, consider this a good-luck gift.
Nate She said smiling as she placed a small bag in my hands. Um okay, Kevin, let's try to catch the first thing we see.
Kevin You got it, boss.
???Oh Arceus, so close. Two humans and a Oshawott.... What to do? What to do? I..... I want to run..... But this is my home, I won't let it be invaded!
Huh? Suddenly a Patrat charged out of a bush and rammed Kevin in the ribs. They both stumbled and the Patrat started beating Kevin with it's stubby little arms.
Kevin Ow. Ow stop it! This is for the best, this guy can understand us.
??? I don't believe you! My name is Emma and I will drive you from my home. And that was all I needed to hear. I could have perhaps persuaded Emma to come with us, if I were alone, but there would be no way I could do that without tipping off Bianca, which was not something I was risking. I threw the poke-ball.
Bianca That won't work..... You need to weaken it first. And then we heard a ding.
Pokedex Caught a Patrat on Route 19 at level 3. Nature Timid, Strong willed, Ability Run away
Bianca You got lucky......
Nate Heh. Or I just had a wonderful teacher.
Bianca Yeah, yeah She rolled her eyes as she said that. I think that's everything, so I have to go.
Nate Oh.... Are you sure?
Bianca Yeah, Juniper might chew me out if I spend much longer..... Hey, um....
Nate Yeah....
Bianca I.... I don't like leaving you alone with your.... “Friend”, so here's my number. If you need advice, or your friend goes off the deep end, I'm just a call away.
Nate I might need a lot of advice. And I couldn't believe I just said that. Ugh.
Bianca *snerk* That's fine I suppose, just don't call me when I'm sleeping. See you around Nate.
Nate And like that, my trainer career had started.

So did people like chapter 2? Any changes I should make to my story-telling?

2012-10-22, 09:49 PM
I'm enjoying this so far. I think maybe spacing the dialogue out a bit might be good, though.

2012-10-22, 10:25 PM
I'm enjoying this so far. I think maybe spacing the dialogue out a bit might be good, though.

What do you mean?

2012-10-22, 11:48 PM
What I meant is, is there any way to make it less "wall of text"-ey?

2012-10-22, 11:51 PM
I can try to split up scene changes, and maybe throw in a bulbapedia pic or two. Would that help?

2012-10-22, 11:59 PM
I think that would help a lot.

2012-10-23, 12:14 AM
I think that would help a lot.

Okay, I'll try that and see how that works.

So whose your favorite character so far?

2012-10-23, 12:19 AM
Why do I have the feeling Hugh is going to cause even more problems than I'm imagining already...

2012-10-23, 12:40 AM
Why do I have the feeling Hugh is going to cause even more problems than I'm imagining already...

Because it'll give me stuff to write about.

2012-10-30, 05:29 PM
Ch 3 Hugh's going to rage now.

Nate The first step of our journey was to be Virbank city, although Aspertia city had often tried to talk to the league about getting a gym, the league always said it was looking into potential gym leaders and nothing was ever done about it. So my first gym badge would be at Virbank.
Emma Can he really understand us? Emma had said as we left Floccesy town
Nate Yes, I can Emma. We've gone through this.
Emma You're...... you're just like that green haired boy from two years ago...
Nate Heh. Hugh would kill you if he heard that, or rather understood it.
Emma Are you going to free us from human tyranny, like he tried to do?
Nate If all pokemon want freedom, why don't you try and fight for it? You don't need someone to understand you, just cause enough havoc.
Kevin Because most don't care about freedom, and it's not in our heads to organize into one big social strcuture like you humans, most pokemon that want freedom are better off hiding then attacking a city by themselves or whatever small group that they could scrounge up.
Nate Huh. I can't really comprehend that mindset. Not wanting to be around others. It's strange.
Kevin And I can't comprehend caring about anyone but your family. Kevin said shrugging.
Alexandria You. Human! You'll pay for entering my territory! If you leave one of your pokemon as a snack, perhaps I'll forgive your intrusion. I'm Alexandria the Purrloin. Master of Route 20.
Kevin Really? *snerk* What else inhabits Route 20? Magikarp?
Nate Kevin... Really?
Kevin Nate. It's a Purrloin. They suck.
Nate You don't need to insult it. Be nice.
Alexandria You'll be the first victim, otter. The Purrloin called as it dived on Kevin
Kevin Come at me, you flea ridden, cat!
Nate Flea?, Cat? Whatever Kevin attack! Kevin lunged into the air, evading the Purrloin's attack effortlessly.
Alexandria Arrgh! Stand still! Kevin rammed the Purrloin with a disdainful expression
Kevin Just shut up.
Nate Good job, Kevin. I said as I threw one of the poke-ball's Bianca gave me.
Kevin Seriously, a Purrloin. Are your standards actually that low?
Pokedex Caught Alexandria the Purrloin on Route 20 at level 3. Nature Relaxed, Quick to flee. Ability Unburden
Nate Shut up! I won't use it, just capture it for the data.
Kevin Yeah, yeah that's what they all say. Then they send it out against a magikarp, saying “It can totally handle this, and then the Purrloin dies.”
Nate Dude, tone down the racism just a tad.
Emma Um.... sorry sir. But wouldn't it be specieism?.... Just saying.
Nate I don't know! Or care really.
Emma S.....sss....sorry, sir.
Nate Yeah, it's fine. Let's just get to Virbank.
Nate After a little while traveling, I came upon a police blockade. There were three cops each with their hands on their poke-balls.
Police officer I'm sorry sir we cannot let you go any further. We are looking for a team-plasma criminal said to run off with a Mareep.
Nate Now even if Hugh hadn't said something about Floccesy ranch before he ran off the fact that Team-plasma was mentioned..... Let me guess, Hugh's in charge of this operation,
Police officer How did you kn....... I'm sorry sir, I cannot reveal that information.
Nate Right, I.... uh..... need to deliver something to Hugh. It's vital for his investigation. His sister, gave it to me. I'm Nate....
Police officer Nate! Oh follow me, Hugh said if you showed up to bring you to him to help in the investigation. Come with me, sir.
Nate Uh, sure. This development of events was different.... And with Hugh's temper tantrum earlier worrying.
Police officer Sir, your.... “Battle genius” has arrived.
Hugh Ah, thank you. You may go back to your post. So how are you doing, Nate?
Nate Tell me what in the abyss is going on. First you throw a temper tantrum when you lose. And now you're yet again accusing Team Plasma of stealing pokemon.... again. Then Hugh started laughing.
Hugh Wait.... hahhhh... Don't tell me you believed that. Hehh..... You did? Dude I was acting.
Nate ..... hm. Why?
Hugh Um that way you could get her in bed.
Nate What! Hugh!
Hugh Oh come on, she saves your life from the corrupt police officer, you offer to show her around town as thanks, one things leads to another.....
Nate Hugh! I'm not going to sleep with a girl I just met.
Hugh Oh, dude get off your high horse.
Nate Shouldn't that be high Rapidash?
Hugh What was that? Nevermind. Hugh said dismissively. So you just let the girl you think was smoking hot sail off into the sunset?
Nate Well.... Not exactly.... I did....get her number.
Hugh Really. I gave you a perfect opening, and all you did was get her number? Arceus Nate, you may be a good battler, but you are a terrible Pick up artist. That number's probably fake anyway.
Kevin Wow..... ******* And Kevin was saying what I was thinking, of course the fact that Hugh couldn't understand him kinda removed any impact.
Hugh Well you missed your chance with your dream girl, so big deal. How about me and you have another one on one battle, None of my police have returned yet.
Nate You promise not to throw another temper tantrum if you lose? I joked.
Hugh Yeah, yeah I won't lose. Go Snivy!
Nate Emma go! Emma and the Snivy glared at each other waiting for our commands.
Hugh Oh come on, you're not going to use your Oshawott?
Nate His name is Kevin, and no. He's at a type disadvantage.
Hugh Whatever his name is! I don't care. Arceus your being a coward. He scoffed.
Nate Yes, how dare I fight you with type neutrality. :smallannoyed:
Hugh Whatever.... Snivy vine whip
Nate Emma was knocked off her feet by the lashing vine. Emma use bite!
Emma Uhhh.... Yes captain, right away.
Hugh Snivy don't let it get close! Keep lashing at it with your vines!
Nate Emma tried to get close to the Snivy, but it couldn't make any progress with the vines tripping her and forcing her back. Eventually she bit one of the vines instead and the Snivy screamed in pain. Emma now's your chance.
Hugh Snivy finish it now!
Nate Then the Snivy did something completely unexpected. It wrapped the un-bitten vine around Emma's neck and started squeezing Hugh call off your Snivy!
Hugh ....
Nate Emma!
Emma no no no... No No No.... NO! Emma started struggling and flailing like a panicked rat. Managing to overpower the snivy, and get it's teeth in range of the vine around it's neck.
Nate Yeah, that's it! Bite it, get it away from you. Once the vine was bitten the Snivy couldn't maintain pressure anymore and Emma slipped out.
Emma I'll kill you! I'll kill you!
Nate Emma return!
Hugh Coward! Send it back out!
Nate No! One of them is going to end up killing the other one. Let's call it a draw, okay.
Hugh No! Send it back out!
Nate You know what, fine. You win. I really do not care! What the hell was up with your Snivy trying to strangle Emma!? That's what I want to know.
Hugh I guess it just got caught up in the heat of the battle. Don't send your pokemon out if you're not prepared for it to die.
Nate .... I'm just going to go look for the stolen pokemon. What makes you think Team plasma took it anyway?
Hugh The thief shouted out. Team Plasma rules! And then ran off with the pokemon.
Nate .... That's it. Really. And it didn't occur to you, that perhaps the criminal is lying about it's affiliation?
Hugh Anyone that cares what pokemon want is an idiot.
Nate ******* I muttered under my breath.

So I think I will ask you a question, what do you feel are Nate and Hugh's alignments? (For those that play D&D, for those who don't, are they Good, Neutral, or Evil? Or you can substitute your favorite game system's alignment.)

And @Forrestfire Is this what you meant? Or did you want more pictures, less pictures?

2012-10-30, 06:45 PM
What I meant was more line breaks, but the pictures are pretty cool too.

Also, I've found that I don't like Hugh so far :smalltongue:
Probably because I liked him in the game.

I feel like your Hugh is roughly Neutral so far, leaning more toward Law than Chaos. Nate seems Neutral Good.

2012-10-30, 06:52 PM
What I meant was more line breaks, but the pictures are pretty cool too.

Also, I've found that I don't like Hugh so far :smalltongue:
Probably because I liked him in the game.

I feel like your Hugh is roughly Neutral so far, leaning more toward Law than Chaos. Nate seems Neutral Good.

I figured I wanted to change the typical rival dynamic. Most times it's either they just met, or are BFF''s so I figured I'd go for a rapidly failing friendship.

2012-10-30, 09:36 PM
*Picard facepalm* Yes Hugh believe somebody did something for some organization just because they claim to be a part of that organization. You sir a blood lusting, sexist, animal torturing, overzealous, uncaring, and best I can tell at the moment lawful evil punk who just happened to get a cop badge.

*Starts praying Hugh isn't representative of a significant proportion of Unovan society*

2012-10-30, 09:59 PM
Yeesh, harsh restrictions for Black/White 2. It takes a really long time in this game for plot enemies to start yielding a full team.

What are you going to do with the Musketeers?

2012-10-30, 10:04 PM
*Picard facepalm* Yes Hugh believe somebody did something for some organization just because they claim to be a part of that organization. You sir a blood lusting, sexist, animal torturing, overzealous, uncaring, and best I can tell at the moment lawful evil punk who just happened to get a cop badge.

*Starts praying Hugh isn't representative of a significant proportion of Unovan society*

Don't worry both Nate and Hugh are rather unusual compared to Unova.

Maybe he wasn't lawful evil when he got the badge.

About the organization thing, Nate's wrong in that, that's always what happens. I mean, I think it's dumb, but they always make an effort to announce their affiliation

2012-10-31, 12:13 AM
Oh I know Plasma actually did it, (seeing as one of its two factions is the chief villain according to the knowledge I have on it), just pointing out that some terror organizations like to take credit for things they didn't do, or someone can claim the protection of an organization, etc. etc.

2012-10-31, 12:21 AM
Oh I know Plasma actually did it, (seeing as one of its two factions is the chief villain according to the knowledge I have on it), just pointing out that some terror organizations like to take credit for things they didn't do, or someone can claim the protection of an organization, etc. etc.

Oh, yeah that was what Nate was getting at.

2012-10-31, 05:00 PM
i thought a story lock
was you can not buy pokeballs or evolve a pokrmon without droping vender loot like nugets

2012-10-31, 05:05 PM
i thought a story lock
was you can not buy pokeballs or evolve a pokrmon without droping vender loot like nugets

No it's a nuzlocke where you write, instead of a comic, or a screenshot.

2012-11-05, 11:20 AM
Huh, didn't see this. Funny story, that question about Oshawott/Snivy was because I'd gotten Black 2 earlier that day and decided "What the hell, I'm gonna nuzlocke it."

2012-11-05, 02:53 PM
Huh, didn't see this. Funny story, that question about Oshawott/Snivy was because I'd gotten Black 2 earlier that day and decided "What the hell, I'm gonna nuzlocke it."

May Arceus bless your pokemon.

I nuzlocke all my games now. Regular is just so boring for me.

2012-11-06, 08:48 PM
Ch 4

Nate Well I had found the stolen pokemon after a couple of searching for it, the thief was shouting out something about how Team Plasma rules. But the real Team Plasma wore a different outfit, so obviously he was trying to divert blame. After a quick battle the thief had no other pokemon, so he was forced to come with me. Hugh put him in handcuffs and tried to claim all the glory. With the cops it worked, but the ranch owners had seen me walk up with the thief, and in thanks they gave me one of their Mareep herd. A young girl named Tasha, who seemed very alert.

Nate I would have continued to Virbank, but that day I just wasn't feeling it, after what had happened to the cops. So I returned home for the night. The next morning as I was leaving town I saw a huge crowd around the community center.

Nate What's going on? I wondered.
Emma It's scary seeing that many people, can we go now?
Alexandria They should be worshiping me, not crowded around a building.
Tasha Oh, let's go see!
Bianca Nate! Is that you? A familiar voice exclaimed. Turning around, and seeing Bianca made my heart feel like it was trying to jackhammer itself out of my chest. I guess you heard then? She said with a smile.
Nate Uh, no actually. I was about to go see what was going on. I was nervously rubbing the back of my head.
Bianca Heh, it's your lucky day then. Your town has finally gotten a gym leader.
Nate Bianca, they always say things like that, but nothing ever happens.
Bianca Well they are opening up right now. If you're so sure it'll close down in a few days, Let me get you a battle now. She said with a smirk.
Nate You can do that?
Bianca Normally no, but I know the gym leader, and his buttons. She said as she lightly tugged me through the crowd.
Bianca Hey, Cheren. I've got your first challenger right here!
Cheren Bianca! What the.... Oh you brought your.... friend.
Nate Is there.... I started before Bianca interrupted.
Bianca Your first challenger, my present without a bow to you. Unless you don't think you can beat him. She said with a smirk.
Cheren Heh. Well one is as good as any-other I suppose. How many badges do you have?
Nate Uh, zero. :smallredface:
Cheren Well it'll be a quick battle if nothing else. Another thing, I sure you don't mind having this battle in front of a crowd they've been starved for a gym battle for so long. :smallamused:
Bianca Really Cheren, trying to intimidate the poor kid. Real mature of you!
Nate Heh, I'm not afraid. A bigger crowd just means more people to see his first loss. I replied faking confidence. Honestly it was my first gym battle, and inside I was terrified. But Cheren didn't like my remark. Glaring he called out.
Cheren I wonder? Have you faced death? :smallamused: A two-on-two battle to the death. He sent out his first pokemon a Patrat.
Nate Tasha, I choose you! I had seen what she could do to wild pokemon while going home last night.
Cheren Patrat, take it out!
Tasha I've got this, boss!

Nate The Patrat charged at Tasha with fangs opened wide. The Patrat bit into only the fleece of Tasha, and started pulling, causing pain but no real injury. Tasha responded with a electrical jolt. This caused chaotic movement in the Patrat, before Tasha whacked it with the ball on her tail, sending the Patrat flying.
Cheren Come on Patrat, don't give up now, get up and fight!
Nate Tash,a keep up the pressure.
Nate The Patrat stood up shakily as Tasha charged it. However, by the time Tasha had reached it, the Patrat had side-stepped, and headbutted it in the side.
Pokedex Critical hit!
Nate Tasha screamed in agony as the Patrat hit it, sinking to the ground. The Patrat started to descend on Tasha with a vicious hungry grin.
Nate Tasha zap it! Before it gets you! Tasha swung her tail wearily, but she managed a lucky connect and zapped the Patrat, driving it back. Tasha got up slowly in clear agony.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Nate The crowd chanted hungry for blood, and while Tasha and the Patrat were heavily injured no blood had spilled out yet.
Nate The Patrat struggled to get up this time, and swayed on its feet. Falling to all four for better balance it charged at Tasha. Tasha tried charging back but her front right leg was too injured and buckled under her. The Patrat bit Tasha on the forehead, managing only a nick, but it did what the crowd wanted, spewing blood everywhere. The Patrat gasped for breath.
Cheren Patrat, finish it now!
Nate Tasha look out! While the Patrat tried to catch it's breath, Tasha slowly spun around, and when she faced away from the Patrat she swung her tail over the Patrat's head, driving it into the ground with massive jolts of electricity. All the while, Tasha continued to drive the tail into the Patrat. The Patrat twitched upon the ground and laid still, as Tasha whined in agony.
Cheren Not bad, not bad at all. I wonder if you can handle my next pokemon. Lillipup, I choose you!

Nate Tasha, come back! But Tasha shook her head.
Tasha No, I can do this! I'm not dead yet!
Nate Tasha. I muttered. The Lillipup charged Tasha with blinding speed fresh from the poke-ball. Tasha tried to stand up again, but couldn't. The Lillipup bit Tasha on her tail and started shaking her. Tasha's tail flailed and even connected with the Lillipup a couple of times, but the lighting had no effect on the crazed beast. Then I heard a loud snap, and Tasha stopped struggling.
Nate Tasha! :smallfrown:
Cheren Heh, I guess you haven't faced death before. So what will you do? Surrender or send out my next victim!
Nate Tasha! I'm sorry. The crowd cheered like mad as the Lillipup started eating Tasha. Kevin boiled with rage.
Kevin We'll talk about how you screwed up later. But if these monsters want a show, let me put on a show.
Nate Okay..... Kevin, I choose you!

Nate Kevin, reacted instantly without waiting for commands, blasting the Lillipup with a force spray of water. The water caught in by surprise, knocking it off its feet. Dazed, the Lillipup stood up and shook off the water.
Kevin Come at me, bro! Or does a little otter terrify you.
Cheren Lillipup! evade the water and take it out.
Nate The Lillipup charged Kevin at full speed, even faster then when it attacked Tasha, and Kevin sprayed another forceful blast of water. However, the Lillipup jumped high in the air, evading the blast. It came down on Kevin, and they both tumbled to the ground. Kevin!
Kevin I've got this!
Nate Both of the pokemon erupted into a vicious close-quarters melee, the crowd loved it and went wild. It only seemed a few seconds before the Lillipup had Kevin's tail in its mouth.
Kevin That's not going to work a second time, bitch!
Nate Unlike Tasha, who was too weak to put up much of a fight, Kevin managed to kick it in the eyes, stunning the Lillipup. Kevin then sprayed it with water, driving it off.
Cheren Lillipup take it out, weaken it first.
Nate The Lillipup cried out in pain before responding as its right eye had a layer of blood over it. However, it still charged, and this time grabbed Kevin by the arm.
Kevin Ah! Arceus!
Nate Kevin cried out as the Lillipup tried to bring it down.
Crowd Yeah, tear it apart!
Crowd No! Punch it in the other eye!
Nate Kevin did exactly that, punching the Lillipup with his other hand, hard. Repeatedly. Eventually, dazed, the Lillipup let go of Kevin. Kevin took the opportunity to blast it hard with a forceful spray of water.
Cheren Lillipup, don't you dare fail me. Kill it now!
Nate Blinded by blood, half mad by pain. The Lillipup still charged this time with a vicious desperation bringing Kevin down to the ground again. But this time it was too injured, to do much more. Kevin sprayed another forceful blast of water and sent the Lillipup into the sky. When the Lillipup fell to the ground it did not get up again, and the crowd went nuts.

Nate Me and Bianca were in the building, spared from the crowds chaos. Cheren walked over to us.
Bianca What in the endless plains of the abyss was that!? You may have used the right pokemon, but you were way too rough! Cheren didn't even look at her.
Cheren Here is your basic badge. Nate. This is your first step on your journey to become champion. He sighed. You know if I had used my real team you would have lost.
Bianca Yes, very good Cheren. You could beat someone that's had pokemon for all of a day. Truly you are a master trainer. :smallannoyed:
Cheren Oh, just get out you two, You have your badge, and I have other trainers to fight.
Nate We left though a backdoor to try and avoid the crowds. Thankfully this worked, and once we left the building, I asked Bianca Is there something between you two.
Bianca There was, two years ago. But he's so damned obsessed with being the strongest, I felt he had no time for me. Like I came second in his life. He had gotten better for awhile, but when Hilbert was praised all over Unova as the legendary hero, Cheren.... Well, he snapped, and he became worse then he ever had been. I was shoved aside for more training, more drills with his pokemon. I told him I wasn't going to be second anymore, and left. Heh. We're still polite when we meet each other, but we haven't been friends since then.
Nate I'm so sorry.
Bianca Heh. I'm not. He made his choice, I'm just sorry your mareep had to pay the price.
Nate Right, Tasha..... :smallfrown:

Tasha the Mareep Lv 5-13 R.I.P

Our first death. :smallfrown: What did you think of the gym battle?

This update would have had photo's but photobucket decided to be a pain, and say something about invalid file type.

The gym battle (For those interested.)

Steven sent out Tasha, Cheren sent out Patrat

Round 1 Tasha used Thunder wave. Patrat was paralyzed, Patrat used Work up. Patrat's Attack and Special attack rose.
Round 2 Tasha used Thundershock. Patrat is fully paralyzed.
Round 3 Tasha used Thundershock. Patrat used Tackle. Critical hit. Tasha ate an oran berry.
Round 4 Cheren used a potion. Tasha used Thundershock.
Round 5 Steven used an Oran berry. Patrat used Tackle.
Round 6 Steven used a potion. Patrat is fully paralyzed.
Round 7 Tasha used Thundershock. Patrat fainted.
Cheren sent out Lillipup
Round 8 Lillipup used Work up. Lilliup's Attack and Special attack rose. Tasha used Thunder wave. Lillipup was paralyzed.
Round 9 Tasha used Thundershock. Lillipup used Work up. Lillipup's Attack and Special attack rose.
Round 10 Tasha used Thundershock. Lillipup used Tackle.
Round 11 Tasha used Growl. Lillipup's attack fell. Lillipup used Tackle. Tasha fainted.
Steven sent out Kevin.
Round 12 Kevin used Water gun. Lillipup used Tackle.
Round 13 Kevin used Water gun. Lillipup fainted.
Steven won.

2012-11-06, 09:50 PM

Not much else I can say.

Except that the line breaks definitely made it easier to read.

2012-11-06, 10:14 PM

Not much else I can say.

Except that the line breaks definitely made it easier to read.

Work up+STAB is too OP for the first gym in my opinion, but I'm probably biased.

Thank you, any other advice?

2012-11-06, 10:18 PM
Well, I greatly enjoy your work as it is. However, and I really hate to be a grammar nazi, and it wasn't that jarring or anything, so maybe it's just me, there's a few spelling and grammatical errors in there, such as lack of a comma where a pause occurs in the sentence.

:smallredface: Why do I have to care about grammar so much? Ugh.

2012-11-06, 10:30 PM
Well, I greatly enjoy your work as it is. However, and I really hate to be a grammar nazi, and it wasn't that jarring or anything, so maybe it's just me, there's a few spelling and grammatical errors in there, such as lack of a comma where a pause occurs in the sentence.

:smallredface: Why do I have to care about grammar so much? Ugh.

It's fine, just put any mistakes I've made into spoilers.

2012-11-07, 12:25 AM
First fatality... ouch.

Good grief what happened to Unova society, why are they so involved in blood lust, what happened to Gene Roddenberry's future of humanity coming together and tackling almost all of the problems of society.

2012-11-07, 12:34 AM
First fatality... ouch.

Good grief what happened to Unova society, why are they so involved in blood lust, what happened to Gene Roddenberry's future of humanity coming together and tackling almost all of the problems of society.

And Mareep's are one of my favorites too. :smallfrown:

If I did that, the plot would be boring.

2012-11-07, 01:30 AM
Nate Well I had found the stolen pokemon after a couple of searching for it, the thief was shouting out something about "Team Plasma rules!" But the real Team Plasma wore a different outfit, so obviously he was trying to divert blame. After a quick battle the thief had no other pokemon, so he was forced to come with me. Hugh put him in handcuffs and tried to claim all the glory. With the cops it worked, but the ranch owners had seen me walk up with the thief, and/so in thanks they gave me one of their Mareep herd. A young girl named Tasha, who seemed very alert.

Nate I would have continued to Virbank, but that day I just wasn't feeling it, after what had happened to the cops. So I returned home for the night. The next morning as I was leaving town I saw a huge crowd around the community center.

Nate What's going on? I wondered.
Emma It's scary seeing that many people, can we go now?
Alexandria They should be worshiping me, not crowded around a building.
Tasha Oh, let's go see!
Bianca Nate! Is that you? A familiar voice exclaimed. Turning around, and seeing Bianca made my heart feel like it was trying to jackhammer itself out of my chest. I guess you heard then? She said with a smile.
Nate Uh, no actually. I was about to go see what was going on. I was nervously rubbing the back of my head.
Bianca Heh, it's your lucky day then. Your town has finally gotten a gym leader.
Nate Bianca, they always say things like that, but nothing ever happens.
Bianca Well, they are opening up right now. If you're so sure it'll close down in a few days, Let me get you a battle now. She said with a smirk.
Nate You can do that?
Bianca Normally no, but I know the gym leader, and his buttons. She said as she lightly tugged me through the crowd.
Bianca Hey, Cheren. I've got your first challenger right here!
Cheren Bianca! What the.... Oh you brought your.... friend.
Nate Is there.... I started before Bianca interrupted.
Bianca Your first challenger, my present without a bow to you. Unless you don't think you can beat him. She said with a smirk.
Cheren Heh. Well one is as good as any-other I suppose. How many badges do you have?
Nate Uh, zero. :smallredface:
Cheren Well it'll be a quick battle if nothing else. Another thing, I sure you don't mind having this battle in front of a crowd—they've been starved for a gym battle for so long. :smallamused:
Bianca Really Cheren, trying to intimidate the poor kid. Real mature of you!
Nate Heh, I'm not afraid. A bigger crowd just means more people to see his first loss. I replied, faking confidence. Honestly it was my first gym battle, and inside I was terrified. But Cheren didn't like my remark. Glaring, he called out.
Cheren I wonder? Have you faced death? :smallamused: A two-on-two battle to the death. He sent out his first pokemon: a Patrat.
Nate Tasha, I choose you! I had seen what she could do to wild pokemon while going home last night.
Cheren Patrat, take it out!
Tasha I've got this, boss!

Nate The Patrat charged at Tasha with fangs opened wide. The Patrat bit into only the fur fleece of Tasha, and started pulling, causing pain but no real injury. Tasha responded with a electrical jolt. Causing This caused chaotic movement in the Patrat, before Tasha whacked it with the ball on her tail, sending the Patrat flying.
Cheren Come on Patrat, don't give up now, get up and fight!
Nate Tasha, keep up the pressure.
Nate The Patrat stood up shakily [removal of comma] as Tasha charged it. However, by the time Tasha had reached it, the Patrat had side-stepped, and headbutted it in the side.
Pokedex Critical hit!
Nate Tasha screamed in agony as the Patrat hit it, sinking to the ground. The Patrat started to descend on Tasha with a vicious hungry grin.
Nate Tasha zap it! Before it gets you! Tasha swung her tail wearily, However but she managed a lucky connect and zapped the Patrat, driving it back. Tasha got up slowly in clear agony.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Nate The crowd chanted hungry for blood, and while both Tasha and the Patrat were heavily injured, no blood had spilled out yet.
Nate The Patrat struggled to get up this time, and swayed on its feet. Falling to all four for better balance, it charged at Tasha. Tasha tried charging back but her front right leg was too injured [removal of comma] and buckled under her. The Patrat bit Tasha on the forehead, managing only a nick, but it did what the crowd wanted, spewing blood everywhere. The Patrat gasped for breath.
Cheren Patrat, finish it now!
Nate Tasha look out! While the Patrat tried to catch it's breath, Tasha slowly spun around, and when she faced away from the Patrat she swung her tail over the Patrat's head, driving it into the ground [removal of comma] with massive jolts of electricity. All the while, Tasha continued to drive the tail into the Patrat. The Patrat twitched upon the ground and laid still, as Tasha whined in agony.
Cheren Not bad, not bad at all. I wonder if you can handle my next pokemon. Lillipup, I choose you!

Nate Tasha, come back! But Tasha shook her head.
Tasha No, I can do this! I'm not dead yet!
Nate Tasha. I muttered. The Lillipup charged Tasha with blinding speed fresh from the poke-ball. Tasha tried to stand up again, but couldn't. The Lillipup bit Tasha on her tail and started shaking her. Tasha's tail flailed and even connected with the Lillipup a couple of times, but the lighting had no effect on the crazed beast. Then I heard a loud snap, and Tasha stopped struggling.
Nate Tasha! :smallfrown:
Cheren Heh, I guess you haven't faced death before. So what will you do? Surrender or send out my next victim!
Nate Tasha! I'm sorry. The crowd cheered like mad as the Lillipup started eating Tasha. Kevin boiled with rage.
Kevin We'll talk about how you screwed up later. But if these monsters want a show, let me put on a show.
Nate Okay..... Kevin, I choose you!

Nate Kevin reacted instantly, without waiting for commands, blasting the Lillipup with a force spray of water. catching it my surprise, the water managed to knock it off it's feet. The water caught it by surprise, knocking it off its feet. Dazed, the Lillipup stood up and shook off the water.
Kevin Come at me, bro! Or does a little otter terrify you.
Cheren Lillipup! evade the water and take it out.
Nate The Lillipup charged Kevin at full speed, even faster then when it attacked Tasha, and Kevin sprayed another forceful blast of water. However, the Lillipup jumped high in the air, evading the blast. Coming It came down on Kevin, and they both tumbled to the ground. Kevin!
Kevin I've got this!
Nate Both of the pokemon erupted into a vicious close-quarters melee, the crowd loved it and went wild. It only seemed a few seconds before the Lillipup had Kevin's tail in its mouth.
Kevin That's not going to work a second time, bitch!
Nate Unlike Tasha, who was too weak to put up much of a fight, Kevin managed to kick it in the eyes, stunning the Lillipup. Kevin then sprayed it with water, driving it off.
Cheren Lillipup take it out, weaken it first.
Nate The Lillipup cried out in pain before responding as its right eye had a layer of blood over it. However, it still charged, and this time grabbed Kevin by the arm.
Kevin Ah! Arceus!
Nate Kevin cried out as the Lillipup tried to bring it down.
Crowd Yeah, tear it apart!
Crowd No! Punch it in the other eye!
Nate Kevin did exactly that, punching the Lillipup with his other hand, hard. Repeatedly. Eventually, dazed, the Lillipup let go of Kevin. Kevin took the opportunity to blast it hard with a forceful spray of water.
Cheren Lillipup, don't you dare fail me. Kill it now!
Nate Blinded by blood, half mad by pain. The Lillipup still charged—this time with a vicious desperation—bringing Kevin down to the ground again. But this time it was too slow from injures injured to do much more. Kevin sprayed another forceful blast of water and sent the Lillipup into the sky. When the Lillipup fell to the ground it did not get up again, and the crowd went nuts.

Nate Me and Bianca were in the building, spared from the crowd's chaos. Cheren walked over to us.
Bianca What in the endless plains of the abyss was that!? You may have used the right pokemon, but you were way too rough! Cheren didn't even look at her.
Cheren Here is your basic badge. Nate. This is your first step on your journey to become champion. He sighed. You know if I had used my real team you would have lost.
Bianca Yes, very good Cheren. You could beat someone that's had pokemon for all of a day. Truly you are a master trainer. :smallannoyed:
Cheren Oh, just get out you two. You have your badge, and I have other trainers to fight.
Nate We left though a backdoor to try and avoid the crowds. Thankfully, this worked, and once we left the building, I asked Bianca Is there something between you two.
Bianca There was, two years ago. But he's so damned obsessed with being the strongest, I felt he had no time for me. Like I came second in his life. He had gotten better for awhile, but when Hilbert was praised all over Unova as the legendary hero, Cheren... Well, he snapped, and became worse then he ever had been. I was shoved aside for more training, more drills with his pokemon. I told him I wasn't going to be second anymore, and left. Heh. We're still polite when we meet each other, but we haven't been friends since then.
Nate I'm so sorry.
Bianca Heh. I'm not. He made his choice, I'm just sorry your mareep had to pay the price.
Nate Right, Tasha..... :smallfrown:

I made some changes that I think improve readability in red. Of course, I may be the only one who actually cares :smalltongue:

If I'm being a bother, just ignore me and I'll deal with it. I enjoy your nuzlockes too much to let a little grammar stop me. :smallsmile:

2012-11-07, 02:07 AM
Nate Well I had found the stolen pokemon after a couple of searching for it, the thief was shouting out something about "Team Plasma rules!" But the real Team Plasma wore a different outfit, so obviously he was trying to divert blame. After a quick battle the thief had no other pokemon, so he was forced to come with me. Hugh put him in handcuffs and tried to claim all the glory. With the cops it worked, but the ranch owners had seen me walk up with the thief, and/so in thanks they gave me one of their Mareep herd. A young girl named Tasha, who seemed very alert.

Nate I would have continued to Virbank, but that day I just wasn't feeling it, after what had happened to the cops. So I returned home for the night. The next morning as I was leaving town I saw a huge crowd around the community center.

Nate What's going on? I wondered.
Emma It's scary seeing that many people, can we go now?
Alexandria They should be worshiping me, not crowded around a building.
Tasha Oh, let's go see!
Bianca Nate! Is that you? A familiar voice exclaimed. Turning around, and seeing Bianca made my heart feel like it was trying to jackhammer itself out of my chest. I guess you heard then? She said with a smile.
Nate Uh, no actually. I was about to go see what was going on. I was nervously rubbing the back of my head.
Bianca Heh, it's your lucky day then. Your town has finally gotten a gym leader.
Nate Bianca, they always say things like that, but nothing ever happens.
Bianca Well, they are opening up right now. If you're so sure it'll close down in a few days, Let me get you a battle now. She said with a smirk.
Nate You can do that?
Bianca Normally no, but I know the gym leader, and his buttons. She said as she lightly tugged me through the crowd.
Bianca Hey, Cheren. I've got your first challenger right here!
Cheren Bianca! What the.... Oh you brought your.... friend.
Nate Is there.... I started before Bianca interrupted.
Bianca Your first challenger, my present without a bow to you. Unless you don't think you can beat him. She said with a smirk.
Cheren Heh. Well one is as good as any-other I suppose. How many badges do you have?
Nate Uh, zero. :smallredface:
Cheren Well it'll be a quick battle if nothing else. Another thing, I sure you don't mind having this battle in front of a crowd—they've been starved for a gym battle for so long. :smallamused:
Bianca Really Cheren, trying to intimidate the poor kid. Real mature of you!
Nate Heh, I'm not afraid. A bigger crowd just means more people to see his first loss. I replied, faking confidence. Honestly it was my first gym battle, and inside I was terrified. But Cheren didn't like my remark. Glaring, he called out.
Cheren I wonder? Have you faced death? :smallamused: A two-on-two battle to the death. He sent out his first pokemon: a Patrat.
Nate Tasha, I choose you! I had seen what she could do to wild pokemon while going home last night.
Cheren Patrat, take it out!
Tasha I've got this, boss!

Nate The Patrat charged at Tasha with fangs opened wide. The Patrat bit into only the fur fleece of Tasha, and started pulling, causing pain but no real injury. Tasha responded with a electrical jolt. Causing This caused chaotic movement in the Patrat, before Tasha whacked it with the ball on her tail, sending the Patrat flying.
Cheren Come on Patrat, don't give up now, get up and fight!
Nate Tasha, keep up the pressure.
Nate The Patrat stood up shakily [removal of comma] as Tasha charged it. However, by the time Tasha had reached it, the Patrat had side-stepped, and headbutted it in the side.
Pokedex Critical hit!
Nate Tasha screamed in agony as the Patrat hit it, sinking to the ground. The Patrat started to descend on Tasha with a vicious hungry grin.
Nate Tasha zap it! Before it gets you! Tasha swung her tail wearily, However but she managed a lucky connect and zapped the Patrat, driving it back. Tasha got up slowly in clear agony.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Nate The crowd chanted hungry for blood, and while both Tasha and the Patrat were heavily injured, no blood had spilled out yet.
Nate The Patrat struggled to get up this time, and swayed on its feet. Falling to all four for better balance, it charged at Tasha. Tasha tried charging back but her front right leg was too injured [removal of comma] and buckled under her. The Patrat bit Tasha on the forehead, managing only a nick, but it did what the crowd wanted, spewing blood everywhere. The Patrat gasped for breath.
Cheren Patrat, finish it now!
Nate Tasha look out! While the Patrat tried to catch it's breath, Tasha slowly spun around, and when she faced away from the Patrat she swung her tail over the Patrat's head, driving it into the ground [removal of comma] with massive jolts of electricity. All the while, Tasha continued to drive the tail into the Patrat. The Patrat twitched upon the ground and laid still, as Tasha whined in agony.
Cheren Not bad, not bad at all. I wonder if you can handle my next pokemon. Lillipup, I choose you!

Nate Tasha, come back! But Tasha shook her head.
Tasha No, I can do this! I'm not dead yet!
Nate Tasha. I muttered. The Lillipup charged Tasha with blinding speed fresh from the poke-ball. Tasha tried to stand up again, but couldn't. The Lillipup bit Tasha on her tail and started shaking her. Tasha's tail flailed and even connected with the Lillipup a couple of times, but the lighting had no effect on the crazed beast. Then I heard a loud snap, and Tasha stopped struggling.
Nate Tasha! :smallfrown:
Cheren Heh, I guess you haven't faced death before. So what will you do? Surrender or send out my next victim!
Nate Tasha! I'm sorry. The crowd cheered like mad as the Lillipup started eating Tasha. Kevin boiled with rage.
Kevin We'll talk about how you screwed up later. But if these monsters want a show, let me put on a show.
Nate Okay..... Kevin, I choose you!

Nate Kevin reacted instantly, without waiting for commands, blasting the Lillipup with a force spray of water. catching it my surprise, the water managed to knock it off it's feet. The water caught it by surprise, knocking it off its feet. Dazed, the Lillipup stood up and shook off the water.
Kevin Come at me, bro! Or does a little otter terrify you.
Cheren Lillipup! evade the water and take it out.
Nate The Lillipup charged Kevin at full speed, even faster then when it attacked Tasha, and Kevin sprayed another forceful blast of water. However, the Lillipup jumped high in the air, evading the blast. Coming It came down on Kevin, and they both tumbled to the ground. Kevin!
Kevin I've got this!
Nate Both of the pokemon erupted into a vicious close-quarters melee, the crowd loved it and went wild. It only seemed a few seconds before the Lillipup had Kevin's tail in its mouth.
Kevin That's not going to work a second time, bitch!
Nate Unlike Tasha, who was too weak to put up much of a fight, Kevin managed to kick it in the eyes, stunning the Lillipup. Kevin then sprayed it with water, driving it off.
Cheren Lillipup take it out, weaken it first.
Nate The Lillipup cried out in pain before responding as its right eye had a layer of blood over it. However, it still charged, and this time grabbed Kevin by the arm.
Kevin Ah! Arceus!
Nate Kevin cried out as the Lillipup tried to bring it down.
Crowd Yeah, tear it apart!
Crowd No! Punch it in the other eye!
Nate Kevin did exactly that, punching the Lillipup with his other hand, hard. Repeatedly. Eventually, dazed, the Lillipup let go of Kevin. Kevin took the opportunity to blast it hard with a forceful spray of water.
Cheren Lillipup, don't you dare fail me. Kill it now!
Nate Blinded by blood, half mad by pain. The Lillipup still charged—this time with a vicious desperation—bringing Kevin down to the ground again. But this time it was too slow from injures injured to do much more. Kevin sprayed another forceful blast of water and sent the Lillipup into the sky. When the Lillipup fell to the ground it did not get up again, and the crowd went nuts.

Nate Me and Bianca were in the building, spared from the crowd's chaos. Cheren walked over to us.
Bianca What in the endless plains of the abyss was that!? You may have used the right pokemon, but you were way too rough! Cheren didn't even look at her.
Cheren Here is your basic badge. Nate. This is your first step on your journey to become champion. He sighed. You know if I had used my real team you would have lost.
Bianca Yes, very good Cheren. You could beat someone that's had pokemon for all of a day. Truly you are a master trainer. :smallannoyed:
Cheren Oh, just get out you two. You have your badge, and I have other trainers to fight.
Nate We left though a backdoor to try and avoid the crowds. Thankfully, this worked, and once we left the building, I asked Bianca Is there something between you two.
Bianca There was, two years ago. But he's so damned obsessed with being the strongest, I felt he had no time for me. Like I came second in his life. He had gotten better for awhile, but when Hilbert was praised all over Unova as the legendary hero, Cheren... Well, he snapped, and became worse then he ever had been. I was shoved aside for more training, more drills with his pokemon. I told him I wasn't going to be second anymore, and left. Heh. We're still polite when we meet each other, but we haven't been friends since then.
Nate I'm so sorry.
Bianca Heh. I'm not. He made his choice, I'm just sorry your mareep had to pay the price.
Nate Right, Tasha..... :smallfrown:

I made some changes that I think improve readability in red. Of course, I may be the only one who actually cares :smalltongue:

If I'm being a bother, just ignore me and I'll deal with it. I enjoy your nuzlockes too much to let a little grammar stop me. :smallsmile:

It's fine, it makes it look better. I made all the changes you suggested except one.

Since the quote from Team Plasma isn't an exact quote, do I still use quotation marks?

2012-11-07, 02:24 AM
I think that you would put quotation marks there, at least to differentiate it from the normal flow of the sentence. The way it originally reads is "something about Team Plasma rules," which I read as meaning 'rules of team plasma.'

It's up to you, really, depending on how you like the was the sentences looks.

2012-11-07, 02:41 AM
I think that you would put quotation marks there, at least to differentiate it from the normal flow of the sentence. The way it originally reads is "something about Team Plasma rules," which I read as meaning 'rules of team plasma.'

It's up to you, really, depending on how you like the was the sentences looks.

I put a how in between about and Team. So now it's "something about how Team Plasma rules".

That work?

2012-11-13, 09:15 PM
Ch 5 Virbank city

Nate This time there were no roadblocks on my way to Virbank city. I was able to get there quickly and without hassle. Kevin spent the whole time lecturing me about how I should have returned Tasha, and sent him out after the Patrat. He said I shouldn't have listened to Tasha, and a good trainer would have known her limits. I returned him to his poke-ball and locked him in after that comment.

Nate I had walked up to the gym, and noticed the door was locked.
Emma What's going on? Maybe the leader is sick?
Alexandria They should be here to serve us, and battle when we demand it!
Nate She. The gym leader is a girl. I walked up to the nearest person Excuse me sir. Do you know where the gym leader is?
NPC Yeah, she should be at Virbank complex. There was an accident down there, and it's still in total unrest. One cop who ran down there said it was probably a Team Plasma plot.
Nate I gave the man my thanks and ran off. I figured if I helped out down there I wouldn't have to wait as long for my gym battle.

Nate When we got there, it was in total chaos. Cops and the gym leaders aides were battling with people in Team Plasma suits. And it was violent. Hugh called out to me.
Hugh Hey, Nate! Care to help, we need all the help we can get.
Nate All that statement did was get one of the “Team Plasma” members to notice me. He charged me as he sent out a Patrat.
Nate Alexandria I choose you!
Kevin What! No you idiot, she'll be slaughtered! Kevin's voice was muffled by the poke-ball. Which served to remind me to unlock it in case I needed him.
Alexandria I've got this. It's just a little rat.
Nate Alexandria charged the rat with claws extended. She started trying to claw at the rat's face, but the rat kept ducking and weaving. The Patrat whacked her on her head, with one of it's stubby little arms. Dazed, Alexandria stumbled for a bit before coming back to her senses.
Team Plasma grunt Patrat, use bide!
Alexandria Don't worry, boss. I've got this.
Nate Don't! Wait Alexandria, don't attack. But she was already in mid-air before I spoke, she couldn't change her direction and her claws were still extended.
Pokedex Critical hit! My pokedex shouted out as Alexandria's claws jabbed the Patrat's face. I looked fearfully as the Patrat didn't fall.

Nate The Patrat grinned as a white beam erupted from it's mouth. Alexandria, tried to avoid it, but she was too slow. The beam tore through her mid-section, obliterating it. Alexandria!
Alexandria AHHH!!! Arceus, it hurts!! It hurts!!! Make it stop!! Make it stop!! Those were the last words she ever said.
Kevin I've got this! Don't send out Emma!
Nate Kevin erupted from the poke-ball. Upon looking at the Patrat, he immediately attacked. Pulling the shell from his chest he coated it in a blue energy. The Patrat tried to charge Kevin, but he threw the shell from his chest like a boomerang, it lopped off the Patrat's head in one blow.
Kevin That's how it's done! Wait, what?
Nate Kevin's skin started glowing. I thought for a moment then realized. Kevin you're evolving!
Kevin Am I?
Nate Kevin's body started changing shape, transforming into a Dewott, before my eyes. When the change was completed Kevin's glow erupted. It was trying to look at the sun. I averted my eyes.
Kevin Such power! Hah! I've never felt more alive. Hey you, got anymore pokemon?
Nate Kevin tried talking to the grunt, but the grunt couldn't understand him. It didn't matter, if he did have a pokemon he would have sent it out already.

Emily Hey, there. You look like a talented trainer. You in the market for a fire type?
Nate Yeah, sure. You want to come along? I mean you did see what happened to Alexandria right?
Emily Oh! You can understand me! Glorious! And the Purrloin? Dude, it's a purrloin what did you expect?
Nate You sound just like Kevin. :smallsigh:
Emily Who?
Nate My Osh.... Dewott now. So are you coming along?
Emily Yeah, I think so. These other Growlithe's they just aren't at my level.
Nate So I gave it one of my pokeballs
Pokedex Caught Emily the Growlithe at Virbank complex at level 11 Nature Hardy, Somewhat vain, Ability Flash fire

Nate Hugh was talking to Roxie.
Hugh I think we've got most of them now. I'm sure there are a few deeper in the complex itself, but we've got the forces to handle it. You should get back to the gym.
Roxie I'm still surprised someone so young is in charge of the Team Plasma problem.
Hugh I was telling the heads that Team Plasma was going to be a problem for over a year now. I guess I just seemed like the natural choice, Hey Nate. Roxie this is my friend Nate.
Nate Hey Roxie. I waved halfheartedly. I mean my impressions from her were in a rock-band. A far cry from her authority as a gym leader. I truthfully didn't know what to make of her.
Roxie Hello, Nate. So are you a traveling trainer?
Nate Yeah, I'm taking the pokemon league challenge.
Roxie Oh? Well come with me and we can get your battle started. How many badges do you have?
Hugh Zero.
Nate One. I corrected as Hugh glared. They just opened up a gym in Aspertia city.
Roxie Right, now I remember. You were Cheren's first challenge. I'm sorry about your Mareep.
Nate Thank you, miss Roxie.
Hugh Right, right. Now that we've gone through the introductions. Roxie why don't you take him for his first badge.
Roxie Second She corrected with a smirk.
Hugh *sigh* Yeah, second sorry.
Nate Thank you for the offer. But I'd rather bury my Purrloin if it's all the same to you. After that though?
Roxie Well if you want. She said with a shrug. See you later, Nate.

Alexandria the Purrloin Lv 3-14 Died to a Patrat's bide. :smallfrown:

It had to happen eventually, it was a Purrloin after all.

But on the bright side, I still have three team members and my first evolution.

Some liberties were taken with the order of events.

2012-11-13, 09:43 PM
Is it cheating if I use the Genesect I downloaded in a nuzlocke?

2012-11-13, 09:45 PM
Depends on if you are playing the "no legendaries" rule.

Otherwise, he's just the first pokemon you caught in that area, since it's a pokemon center :smalltongue:

2012-11-13, 10:01 PM
Is there some sort of rule of three on your team? Because so far there seems to be a bit of a problem with having and maintaining more than three pokemon.

2012-11-13, 11:01 PM
Is it cheating if I use the Genesect I downloaded in a nuzlocke?

Up to you.

Depends on if you are playing the "no legendaries" rule.

Otherwise, he's just the first pokemon you caught in that area, since it's a pokemon center :smalltongue:

Or the first thing he caught in that town. Or it's a gift.

Is there some sort of rule of three on your team? Because so far there seems to be a bit of a problem with having and maintaining more than three pokemon.

Well Cheren is op, and Purrloin's suck.

2012-11-14, 11:56 AM
Well Cheren is op, and Purrloin's suck.

I've been sitting outside the gym for a while now, because I need to grind some more after that first trainer battle nearly killed someone. And agreed, Purrloin sucks.

2012-11-15, 01:57 AM
I just wanted to say that I started reading this today and am enjoying it. I just recently finished an Emerald Nuzlocke and once I finish evacuating my Diamond cart into Black 2, I might do a Diamond Nuzlocke. After that, perhaps a really long, sure to be painful HeartGold Nuzlocke all the way to Red. That might require some story.

Best of luck with your Nuzlocking.

2012-11-15, 02:00 AM
I've been sitting outside the gym for a while now, because I need to grind some more after that first trainer battle nearly killed someone. And agreed, Purrloin sucks.

It's like the Magikarp of Unova. Only no Gyarados...

I just wanted to say that I started reading this today and am enjoying it. I just recently finished an Emerald Nuzlocke and once I finish evacuating my Diamond cart into Black 2, I might do a Diamond Nuzlocke. After that, perhaps a really long, sure to be painful HeartGold Nuzlocke all the way to Red. That might require some story.

Best of luck with your Nuzlocking.

Thank you :smallsmile: I've done a heart gold nuzlocke and yeah it took awhile. It also had the highest death count at like 8 or something.

May Arceus be with you.

2012-11-20, 08:12 PM
Ch 6 We'll speak with venom!

Nate I had buried Alexandria right outside of Virbank city. It was Route 20, her home. I figured she would want to be buried there. We all said our farewells, and I made Kevin say something nice.

Nate With that behind us, I walked back to Virbank gym, when I got in I saw Roxie talking to several people, upon noticing me, she smiled and waved me over.
Roxie Hey, Nate. How did the burial go?
Nate About as well as could be expected. I was a little uncomfortable about answering that, sure she seemed nice, but we had talked for all of about five seconds.
Roxie Hey, you okay? If you need to wait to be emotionally ready to battle, I understand.
Nate No I'll be fine. But thanks.

Nate Roxie walked me to the battle stadium. Since Roxie was an a band, it was littered with instruments to use as cover or as weapons. Roxie and I took places on opposite ends of the battle field.
Roxie This will be a 2 on 2 battle for your second gym battle the price of failure will be your pokemon's deaths. Do you accept?
Nate Yes, my pokemon are strong we will handle this!
Roxie Go Koffing!
Nate Kevin let's do this! He sprung into battle before anyone else could react, throwing his shell like he did against the Patrat, however this time it didn't go through the opponent.
Roxie Koffing don't let that faze you!
Nate The Koffing breathed a poisonous gas. Kevin leaped to the side, but still breathed in some of the deadly vapors. Although he looked fine, I knew he couldn't take too many of those. Kevin be careful.
Kevin Heh, No worries, I'll show this bloated sack whose boss.
Nate Kevin sprayed a blast of water at the Koffing, stunning it. Taking advantage of that moment, he sent another shell towards it. However the Koffing recovered quickly, and dodged the attack.
Roxie Koffing, let's show him an Assurance!
Nate A giant ghost like hand appeared in front of the Koffing, the Koffing slammed into it sending it hurling towards Kevin. Kevin managed to hide behind a drum set to avoid the worst of the impact, but it still jarred him. The poison, and the hand took their toll, and he struggled to get up.
Kevin Fine, no more holding back!
Nate Kevin took out the shell like before, but this time he spun it up towards the ceiling, before catching it, and sending it towards the Koffing.
Pokedex Kevin activated Torrent! Critical hit!
Nate The Koffing was split in half by the shell, a cloud of poisonous gas dissipated from where the Koffing was split, and it fell to the ground.
Roxie Not bad, Go Whirlipede!
Nate Kevin return, Emily I choose you!
Kevin By Arceus you're finally learning!

Nate Emily charged the Whirlipede, as a fiery aura engulfed her. She rammed into the Whirlipede's side, stunning it.
Roxie Whirlpede! Let's do this, put on a show!
Nate The Whirlipede started spinning, it's spikes turning up the battle field, it rammed into Emily jabbing her with it's spikes.
Emily Ahh! Damnation!
Nate Emily spat a ball of flame at the bug, but it focused for a moment and a green aura surrounded it, blocking the attack.
Roxie Come on Whirlipede we've got this! Keep up the pressure.
Nate The Whirlipede spewed a purplish liquid at Emily, which she barely avoided by taking cover behind a piano. Emily responded by blasting the Whirlipede again with balls of fire but it just blocked the attack with the same green aura. Emily you'll have to get in close, it'll block anything at range! Use Flame wheel now!
Roxie Get in close too Whirlipede, tear it apart with your spikes.
Nate Emily lunged high in the air, as the fiery aura started to come around her. Instead of charging this time she let gravity do the work, as the Whirlipede spun in place. Both were blasted back by the impact.
Nate Emily!
Emily Ah! I'm fine.... ow...
Nate But the Whirlipede was not.

Roxie It was a good match Nate. You are a truly talented trainer, but you seem to be a tad reckless. Watch out for that in the future or you may bite off more then you can chew.
Nate I understand. I couldn't really think of what else to say, I mean she just complimented me and insulted me.
Roxie But be that as it may, you did defeat me. I give you your second badge, this time without any deaths.
Nate I took the badge and looked at it. Sure no deaths happened during the battle, but I still was responsible for the deaths of two beings, and maybe more later. All because I was too weak to say no.

Sad Nate.... :smallfrown:

2012-11-20, 10:22 PM
Indeed, Nate may understand that fortune favors the bold, but without preparation he better be ready to face the fact he will have more fatalities.

2012-11-29, 11:06 PM
I thought I'd subscribed to this. I'll have to catch up later.

2012-12-05, 12:22 AM
Ch 7

Nate When we had finally entered Castelia city, I saw Hugh again.
Hugh Hey! Nate we need your help. Team Plasma stole a whole bunch of the gym's pokemon and fled into the sewers. We need every able body trainer down in there to help us root them out.
Nate Hugh! You ask me to help so often, I'm starting to wonder whether I should be getting a pay-check.
Hugh Come on Nate! Don't you have the desire to help your country!
Nate Hugh! You're getting a pay-check, isn't it hypocritical for you to be questioning my desire to serve my country, when I've helped you twice for free?
Hugh Oh just come on, unless you want Team Plasma to rule the country.
Nate Yes, because my help will make so much difference I said sarcastically
Hugh And if everyone thought like that, Team Plasma would rule in a week.
Nate Oh... You will owe me so much when I call in those favors I muttered as I followed him into the sewers.

Kevin Seriously, we're helping that ******* again? You should just let him handle his own problems. Maybe getting fired will tone down his ego.
Nate Kevin said this as soon as Hugh went off in a different direction. I can't just let my friend get fired. It's not that simple.
Emily He's not your friend! He's just using you to solve his problems! Now let's get out of this sewer.
Nate He's not the best friend. But he is my friend. I mean I'm not going to injure myself to help him, but this is barely going out of my way. Come on, let's look for these “Team Plasma” guys.A zubat flew down from the ceiling.
Zubat Hey pokemon, is your trainer looking for Team Plasma?
Nate Yes I am, why? Do you know where they are?\
Zubat You can understand me?
Emma Yes he can! He's just like N!
Zubat Heh. I remember Lord N, He was good. But now Team Plasma kidnapped a whole bunch of zubats for the grunts to use. When did Team Plasma become Team Rocket.
Nate I'll try to see if I can get the Grunts to release their pokemon.
Zubat I'd like to come with, and help you deal with the corrupted Team Plasma. My name is Tyler.
Nate Mine's Nate. Welcome aboard.
Pokedex Caught Tyler the Zubat at Castelia sewers at level 14 Nature Naughty, Sturdy body, Ability Inner focus

Nate It didn't take long before I found some Team Plasma grunts. They were arguing over being lost in the sewers. Okay, guys. We ambush them. Let's not let them send out pokemon. Emma trip the guy on the left, Emily the guy on the right. Kevin cut the belt that's holding the pokeballs with your shell. Tyler fly in their faces.

Nate Surprisingly, almost everything went as planned. One of the grunts managed to send out a pokemon, but it wouldn't listen to him at all, which was strange... He sent out a Petilil. I knelt down and talked to it.
Nate Hello there. We're not going to hurt you, I just want to know... Why did you not feel compelled to follow your trainer's orders? And yes before you ask, I can understand you.
Petilil My trainer? Where is she?
Nate ... These guys aren't your trainers? I said feeling very confused.
Petilil No? Where is my trainer?
Nate I... don't know Pokeballs had a way of verifying DNA and only the person who caught the pokemon could send out the pokemon inside it. It could be changed. But it took time, more time then the grunts would have had, and in most cases you needed the original person to change it.
Petilil Did my trainer leave me? She looked like she was about to cry.
Nate No you were kidnapped. I said distracted. The grunts were unconscious now, so I looked over there bodies. Huh.... I wonder why they were able to use the stolen pokeballs?
Kevin Seriously. You're more worried about that, then the kidnapped pokemon? :smallmad:
Nate It's a fascinating, and important question. I replied offended.

Nate I noticed both the grunts had gloves on their hands. On a hunch, I decided to put one on my hand, and try to send out a pokemon. To my astonishment it worked. I recalled the pokemon instantly. This is amazing! Team Plasma has technology to fool the sensors in poke-balls? I..... I knew I should give all the gloves to the police when I handed in the trainers.... But it was a really amazing piece of technology... And the League would probably destroy it. And it's not like I was going to use it like Team Plasma was. So I put the glove in my backpack.
Tyler You're using their technology! What the hell man!
Nate I'm not going to use it... I said guiltily Just.... preserve some of it.
Tyler Right. Tyler said sarcastically
Nate It's good tech!

Nate Eventually I managed to wander out of the sewers, my pokemon helped me carry the two unconscious grunts. Hugh called me over to a tent.
Hugh Hey, good job. I knew we could count on you. Only two though?
Nate ... These were the only two I could find, Hugh. Unless you want to take a look I said as I pointed to the sewer behind me.
Hugh Eh, nah. Any others probably got away by now. He said as he turned up his nose.
Nate Suddenly a young girl somewhere between fourteen and sixteen burst through the tent.
Goldilocks! Goldilocks! Do you have her sir? The girl asked putting her her hand on my shoulder.
Nate I don't know. Try using one of the poke-balls? I said offering up the Poke-balls that the Grunts had. She went for a few of them, before finally being able to send out the Petilil I had talked to. Immediately Goldilocks tried to jump in my arms
Goldilocks No! Go away Gabrielle! I don't like you anymore! You didn't save me, he did!
Gabrielle Goldilocks? What's wrong? Do you want to travel with the police officer?
Nate Oh, ma'am. I'm not a police officer. I'm just here to help.
Goldilocks Oh! Even better! Take me with you!
Gabrielle ... Goldilocks? Um... well I guess if you want to take her for a little while The girl tried to fake awkwardness, but I could tell she was really upset. Let's go outside.
Gabrielle Thanks, I always said my pokemon were free to leave whenever they wanted. I just never thought they would want to. She said as soon as we left the tent. She was trying not to cry.
Nate Hey, who knows. Maybe in like a week, she'll be stamping her foot and hinting she wants to go home.
Gabrielle Yeah, hopefully. She sighed sadly. Just keep her alive, please.
Nate I'll do whatever I can. We walked to the pokemon center, so we could transfer ownership.

With two new members, Nate's team climbs up to 5 members. But can Nate keep everyone alive, and travel towards becoming the Pokemon league champion? Or will he fail his friends? Find out eventually!

Comments are appreciated.

This would have gone up last week (I figure a weekly update schedule is good for this) But I was doing NaNoWriMo, so I wasn't in the mood to write more.

2012-12-05, 12:34 AM
That poor girl :smalleek::smallfrown:

2012-12-05, 12:43 AM
That poor girl :smalleek::smallfrown:

Hey, I'm happy it happened, Lilligant's are amazing :smalltongue:

2012-12-07, 03:48 PM
So, jsut an update on my Black 2 run. I'm taking it really slow, due to life, but I've cleared out two gyms now, having only lost a Purrloin, and frankly, whatever. I did get a Magby though, who I promptly named Erk. It feels cheap, but I'm using Genesect. At least I'm keeping it at the same level as the rest of the team. And Ocelot evolved. "Two blades. Now, I've got two blades."

Seriously, people. Metal Gear Solid is just awesome.

2012-12-07, 04:01 PM
So, jsut an update on my Black 2 run. I'm taking it really slow, due to life, but I've cleared out two gyms now, having only lost a Purrloin, and frankly, whatever. I did get a Magby though, who I promptly named Erk. It feels cheap, but I'm using Genesect. At least I'm keeping it at the same level as the rest of the team. And Ocelot evolved. "Two blades. Now, I've got two blades."

Seriously, people. Metal Gear Solid is just awesome.

Just make sure your Genesect doesn't die. That'd be embarrassing.

2012-12-07, 05:20 PM
To say the least.

2012-12-07, 08:53 PM
Well Cheren is op, and Purrloin's suck.

Especially since the only fighting Pokemon you can catch before fighting him has a 5% chance and doesn't learn an STAB move until level 15, which takes waaay too long to grind.

2012-12-07, 09:23 PM
Especially since the only fighting Pokemon you can catch before fighting him has a 5% chance and doesn't learn an STAB move until level 15, which takes waaay too long to grind.

Especially thanks to my un-written rule, don't actively grind over the gym leaders highest level. (Unless you wiped to him/her before)

2012-12-07, 10:07 PM
Especially thanks to my un-written rule, don't actively grind over the gym leaders highest level. (Unless you wiped to him/her before)

Oh, I just got bored. I had the Riolu, but I went at Cheren with three Pokemon at level 12 or 13. No, wait... two of them were level 11.

Typically, I don't grind at all.

2012-12-07, 10:15 PM
Oh, I just got bored. I had the Riolu, but I went at Cheren with three Pokemon at level 12 or 13. No, wait... two of them were level 11.

Typically, I don't grind at all.

I used Kevin the Oshawott, and Tasha the Mareep

2012-12-07, 10:19 PM
I used Kevin the Oshawott, and Tasha the Mareep

I don't use the "only use as many Pokemon as they do" rule. 'Specially since he wiped my party once.

2012-12-07, 10:33 PM
I don't use the "only use as many Pokemon as they do" rule. 'Specially since he wiped my party once.

I've only wiped to a gym leader once with that, and that was because I went in at level like 10 with two pokemon that were weak to the gym leader (First emerald run, before Illven)

2012-12-08, 04:46 PM
You knw Nate and Hugh's dialogue at the beginning of the chapter reminded me of one incident at my telefundraising job...

Hey I'm a poor college student, I did what I had to.

Anyway one of the women I called went into an absolute nutty because while I was being paid to call people to raise money for various political campaigns (I won't say which party to avoid any political confrontation), and she went into an absolute nutty about how she was doing it for free and if I truly wanted my candidates to win I would be out volunteering to...

Yeah that was the harshest someone ever responded to me I think.

2012-12-08, 05:01 PM
You knw Nate and Hugh's dialogue at the beginning of the chapter reminded me of one incident at my telefundraising job...

Hey I'm a poor college student, I did what I had to.

Anyway one of the women I called went into an absolute nutty because while I was being paid to call people to raise money for various political campaigns (I won't say which party to avoid any political confrontation), and she went into an absolute nutty about how she was doing it for free and if I truly wanted my candidates to win I would be out volunteering to...

Yeah that was the harshest someone ever responded to me I think.

.... Yes, how dare you get payed? :smallconfused:

2012-12-09, 12:23 PM
I've only wiped to a gym leader once with that, and that was because I went in at level like 10 with two pokemon that were weak to the gym leader (First emerald run, before Illven)

That fight with Cheren is the only time I've ever wiped to a gym leader.

2012-12-09, 06:09 PM
I lost my Purrloin, said "screw it", and pulled out the Genesect.

2012-12-19, 08:52 PM
Ch 8 The Insect badge just Bugs me :smalltongue:

Nate Thankfully the following day I was able to get to Castellia gym. I walked up to the receptionist. Hey, miss. Is Burgh free to battle? She looked at her computer screen.
Receptionist Yes, but word of warning he might be somewhat difficult to get a battle out of.
Nate ... Why?
Receptionist He's easily distracted from battle, and very hard to get out of his art.
Nate Maybe I should come back later then? I mean I'd hate to disturb him now. She waved her hand dismissively.
Receptionist He shouldn't be drawing during gym hours anyway. But the league wants to show that we're not all about Pokemon battles. She said sarcastic.
Nate Um... Okay if you're sure. I walked into the arena.

Nate The first thing I saw was Burgh painting on a easel. Hey Burgh? Are you ready to battle?
Burgh Go away. I'm CREATING!
Nate Uh. Burgh I walked over to him and gently poked the shoulder he wasn't holding the brush in.
Burgh Did you not hear me?! CREATING!
Nate That's nice, but the gym's open and I want to challenge you.
Burgh You dare to interrupt my masterpiece!!!.... He turned away from the easel, and when he saw me, he shook his head.
Burgh Oh.... sorry. I thought you were one of the receptionist bitching about how I “don't do my job.” You're here for a trainer battle? He asked as he moved the easel out of the way.
Nate Yes. Three on three right?
Burgh Correct. Let me see the picture you and your pokemon have painted together! Go Swadloon!
Nate I face-palmed as I sent out Tyler. Tyler I choose you!
Tyler *sigh* To kill another pokemon for sport.... To stop Team Plasma's corruption, I must become corrupted myself.

Nate Tyler Wing attack! I shouted out. Tyler rushed the bug as it's wings glowed with energy.
Burgh Swadloon razor leaf!
A swarm of leaves were sent from the Swadloon, which Tyler barely managed to evade by diving to the ground. The Swadloon leaped towards Tyler ramming into him.
Nate Tyler! Bite it, bite it!
Burgh Don't let stress ruin the picture. Tyler started biting, as the Swadloon slashed at it with razor sharp leaves. Tyler managed to hang on to Swadloon and started flying high.
Nate Tyler! Throw it down! I shouted as I saw the Swadloon continue to hack at him with it's razor leaves.
Burgh Swadloon struggle bug now!
The Swadloon started punching and kicking as best it could with it's lack of real limbs, It managed to whack Tyler a few times before Tyler managed to throw it to the ground. Tyler now Wing attack! Dive into it.
Burgh Protect!
Nate Tyler dived as fast he could, but the Swadloon managed to conjure up a glowing shield of some kind. Tyler only managed to dive straight into the shield. Tyler crumbled to the ground exhausted and injured.
Burgh Swadloon, finish it!
The Swadloon opened it's two face leaves and drew Tyler into itself. It's other leaf glowed with energy, clearly it was intending to cut off Tyler's neck. Tyler turned it's head, and spat an acid of some kind on the Swadloon's body. It screamed in agony, and let Tyler go.
Tyler No! I'm not going to be beaten by a grass type!
Nate Tyler, kill it! Spit more poison, bite it, beat it with your wings. Anything!
Burgh If I painted you, I'm sure it would be erratic and random.
The Swadloon sent more of it's razor leaves at Tyler, as it winced from it's injures. Tyler managed to evade the leaves, by rolling on the ground. Coming close to the Swadloon it spat in it's face. The Swadloon screaming as it's face melted, fell to the ground dead.
Tyler The... there we.... go.... Wait... what's... Tyler said panting heavily, as his skin started glowing.
Burgh Evolution? Huh, I guess your Zubat has earned it. Go Dwebble
Nate Return Tyler, I said smiling realizing I had a Golbat. Go Kevin!

Nate Kevin and the Dwebble burst from their poke-balls at the same time. Both of them looked their foe in the eye and charged. Kevin Razor shell.
Burgh Dwebble, Smack down!

Nate The Dwebble launched itself into the air, thudding Kevin's head with it's powerful claws. Kevin took off his shell and started slashing at the Dwebble.
Burgh Oh? Such finesse, such skill. Your Dewott truly a master of the blade in a past life. Dwebble faint attack!
The Dwebble charged Kevin who spat a spray of water. However suddenly the Dwebble teleported. The spray missed, and The Dwebble charged Kevin from behind.
Kevin Ah! Try dodging this.
He shouted as he kicked the Dwebble on it's underbody. Knocking it off of him, he started attacking the Dwebble with his shell again, but the Dwebble latched unto Kevin's arm with it's powerful pincers.
Kevin Arceus damn it! Wait I know.
Nate Kevin grinned as he punched the Dwebble in the eye. Blinded the Dwebble squeezed even harder, Kevin winced as he spat some more water knocking the Dweeble off.
Kevin You'll pay for that. Kevin muttered clutching his useless arm.
Burgh Dwebble finish this now. Smack down again!
The Dwebble launched itself into the air again. But this time Kevin was ready for it, and dodged jumping to the side. The Dwebble hissed viciously, as Kevin blasted it with water again. The Dwebble collapsed, and let go of it's rock shell which fell on it's neck
Burgh Such power, but such inexperience. This is my last pokemon of the fight. Levanny! Show them your skill.
Nate Emily I choose you!

Emily charged the leaf-humanoid. An aura of fire erupting from her. She slammed into it as it slashed at her with it's leaf arms.
Nate Emily don't let it cut you!
Emily I can handle it!
Burgh Levanny slow it down String shot!
It tried to spray a white gunk at Emily, but Emily spat a ball of fire, burning the gunk before it hit her.
Burgh Levanny get in close, turn it to ribbons.
Nate Emily!
Emily You worry too much!
Emily charged the Levanny again, ramming it again while coated in fire. It tried to slash at Emily while engulf in flames, but Emily side-stepped the blades, and bit it in it's shoulder.
Nate Emily try a close range Ember!
Emily Yeah, yeah!
Emily's jaw loosened, as she spat balls of flame. The Levanny buckled from the heat and collapsed.
Burgh Impressive. Get a little more experience and you'll be a force to be reckoned with. I'm glad to award you the Insect badge, now normally you would have a choice to go between Lenora or Elesa, but apparently Skyarrow bridge is closed for repairs indefinitely. Your path lies north to Nimbasa city

So in the full interest of fairness here's what actually happened.

Tyler was a Crobat, and thus curb-stomped Swadloon, and Levanny. And Kevin handled Dweeble with no problems. Would have one-shotted if not for Sturdy.

2012-12-19, 10:36 PM
It's Dwebble, not Dweeble. Dweeble makes it sound about as useless as Bidoof. :smalltongue:

2012-12-19, 10:47 PM
It's Dwebble, not Dweeble. Dweeble makes it sound about as useless as Bidoof. :smalltongue:

.... Uh... World changes. :smalltongue:

I'll fix that eventually. Right now.

2012-12-20, 04:47 PM
I just picked up taht badge a day or two ago myself.

Also: mind-destroying moments brought to you by Pokestar Studios!

Foe Swadloon used Attract!

Vanillice fell in love with foe Swadloon!

Foe Swadloon fell in love with Vanillice due to the Destiny Knot!

Vanillice is in love with foe Swadloon!

Vanillice used Harden!

2012-12-20, 05:42 PM
I just picked up taht badge a day or two ago myself.

Also: mind-destroying moments brought to you by Pokestar Studios!

Foe Swadloon used Attract!

Vanillice fell in love with foe Swadloon!

Foe Swadloon fell in love with Vanillice due to the Destiny Knot!

Vanillice is in love with foe Swadloon!

Vanillice used Harden!

My mind is fine :smalltongue:

2012-12-20, 11:01 PM
I don't know about you, but I'd like to know how an ice cream learns harden. They don't do that often.

2012-12-20, 11:38 PM
I don't know about you, but I'd like to know how an ice cream learns harden. They don't do that often.

Well in the non perverted sense, if it partially melts and you re-freeze it, it can harden.

2012-12-20, 11:42 PM
Well in the non perverted sense, if it partially melts and you re-freeze it, it can harden.

I meant in a non-perverted sense.

I guess I just don't let my ice cream melt all that often.

2012-12-21, 12:38 AM
I said that for Yakyak

2012-12-21, 01:42 PM
I said that for Yakyak

But... you quoted my post? :smallconfused:

2012-12-21, 01:45 PM
Don't ask me.

2012-12-21, 02:03 PM
But... you quoted my post? :smallconfused:

I was answering your question, while preventing Yakyak from making a comment.

2013-01-01, 05:50 PM
Ch 9 For someone with self proclaimed low Charisma he certainly has a lot of people that want to talk to him.

Nate I sat at a table outside the Pokemon center, looking at a map of Unova. Okay, now normally we could go to both Nacrene city and battle Lenora, or go north to Nimbasa city and battle Elesa.
Hugh Dude, are you talking to your pokemon? I sighed silently, thankfully my face was hidden by the map. Kevin, Emma, and Emily all growled at his presence.
Nate It helps me to think out loud, and talking to my Pokemon allows me to be seen as not crazy. I lied effortlessly. I had used the lie before.
Hugh Dude, you're still seen as crazy. Just in the let's take pity sense, rather then let's lock him up before his shoulder demon tells him to kill us all.
Nate Yes, the guy who could probably be diagnosed with some sort of obsessive disorder is going to sit there and call me crazy. Is that irony?
Goldilocks Why are you insulting my hero!? Goldilocks said walking over to Hugh.
Hugh Shoo. Hugh said dismissively as he waved his hand. Shoo, Leaves. Nate control your pokemon.
Nate I am. How can you be a Pokemon cop if you can barely stand to be within a few feet of Pokemon.
??? Your friend is right, young trainer. You should control your Pokemon.
Nate Some weird guy, with some head-tiara of some sort came up to me and started talking. Excuse me... Who are you?
??? Ah, my apologies. My name is Colress. I'm researching the strengths of Pokemon.
Hugh Researching the strengths of Pokemon? You sound like a Team Plasma member... Maybe you should come with me. Hugh started standing up.
Colress Please I wish no harm, and share no views with N. In fact my studies show that Pokemon with trainers are usually stronger then their wild counterparts.
Nate Yeah, I don't think anyone affiliated with N would tell me to control my pokemon.
Tyler He might still be part of Team Plasma, they have changed.
Nate Tyler might be right. But if he is, he's certainly not going to admit to it. I could ask him some questions about his studies. If he is a part of Team Plasma it might be helpful to see how they operate. Excuse me, sir. You said Pokemon that have trainers are stronger. Are you sure that's the case?
Hugh Nate? What are you thinking?
Colress What do you mean?
Nate Well if I were a trainer concerned about being the champion, my first thought would be too find the strongest examples of a species and catch those, rather then weak ones. And thus it would seem that the wild Pokemon are weaker because their strongest specimens are being removed. Colress laughed at that.
Colress My research covers that. I primarily interviewed hobby trainers. The wild Pokemon I studied were far off the beaten path, and likely to not have been captured. I followed caught Pokemon for a long time. If the trainer managed to get his Pokemon killed, I dis-counted the evidence from all his Pokemon. As naturally the weak would be more likely to die. Pokemon owned by trainers become stronger.
Hugh Ah! Tell that to Team Plasma!
Kevin They are just going to say strength is not all that matters.
Nate They aren't going to listen. Most people can easily discount evidence that they don't agree with.
Emma So if I stay with you, I'll become stronger and be less likely to die.
Colress I don't care whether Team Plasma listens or not. I don't do this for them, I do this for knowledge. Now my research takes me to the North. May I see you both again.
Nate Hey, Hugh. I should get going to. I need to buy some desert survival gear.
Hugh Oh really? Spending some time with the Shining beauty. Are you hoping for a battle or her number?
Nate Hugh was joking, but even knowing that I couldn't help but blushHugh, it's not like that. She's a gym leader, I'm a trainer.
Hugh Oh. You have a thing for blondes? You hoping she'll “lead”...
Nate Hugh. Didn't she dye her hair anyway? Or she was dyeing it and she stopped.
Hugh Right, Nate. You only care for the badge she'll provide. Hugh said sarcastically. Oh whatever will your little blond girlfriend say about Elesa.
Nate That's it. We're done here.
Hugh Oh dude, come back. It was just a little joke.... Big baby.

Emily Why are you friends with that *******
Nate I'm not exactly the most sociable guy. I don't have many friends to choose from.
Emma Plus, what if he turns violent. I don't like him.
Nate I seriously doubt he'd turn violent. He's a friend, not a scorned lover.
Goldilocks There's no way he'd turn violent. He needs you to cover for your own incompetence.
Bianca Hey, Nate! Is that you?
Nate Bianca! What are you doing here?
Tyler Who's that?
Kevin His girlfriend to be, if he has any say.
Goldilocks Is she good enough for him? I will not have our hero marry just anyone. They are so lucky, I'm the only one that can understand them.
Bianca I was sent by Juniper to first deliver something to Fennel. Have you battled Burgh yet?
Nate Yup. Flawless victory.
Bianca Very good. I remember Burgh. I picked Tepig, so it was just as easy a victory. But didn't you pick Oshawott? She looked behind me to get a closer look at my pokemon.
Nate Heh. Emily and Tyler gave me the victory.
Kevin I helped too!
Bianca Aw! They are so cute! A Growlithe, and a Golbat. Do you know how they evolve?
Nate Uh... Now I knew I should know that, but I couldn't recall it.
Bianca Oh? You don't. Well how about we hang out on the pier for a couple of hours, and if you're really nice I'll tell you.
Nate Heh. I have no problem with that.

So we finish up Castelia city in this update. We talk to some familiar faces, and a new face.

2013-01-01, 07:45 PM
Yay for updates :smallbiggrin:

As always, great chapter.

2013-01-08, 09:42 PM

@Forrestfire Thank you!:smallsmile: And I hope my inevitable typos weren't too distracting.

Ch 10. Seriously I'm not sure what's worse.

Nate The desert. A shifting mass of sands. A sandstorm that blocks vision, and terrain that only those who can fly and wield magic can move over without being slowed down, in addition I have to find treasures buried in the sand before I leave it forever.... Oh wait, wrong game, and yet my situation is probably not any better.
Kevin So, genius. Care to explain why we're in a desert and you don't have any Rock, Steel, or Ground type pokemon? Kevin said sarcastically.
Goldilocks Don't insult him! I'm sure he as a good reason! :smallmad:
Nate Well, I don't have any rock, ground, or steel types genius. Maybe if you were strong enough to carry me while swimming we could avoid the desert. :smallamused:
Kevin Can't see why we couldn't wait until Skyarrow bridge was finished with repairs?
Nate You'd really want to wait weeks or months or however long it would take? If it's serious enough to stop all foot traffic, it's going to take some time. I pointed out. Although yeah, I would like to cross the desert as soon as possible.
??? Kid? Are you having a conversation with your pokemon? A voice said from behind me. I turned around and all I could see was a Sandile.
Nate Who are you? I said, kneeling down.
??? My name's Rebecca, normally I offer my services as a guide to other pokemon needing to cross the desert for food. But if you can understand me, Well I'll offer my services to you.
Nate I thought about it for a moment. I really did need to get through this sandstorm as soon as possible, and it wasn't like I could navigate through one. Uh, sure. Forgive me for being rude, but what do you take for currency? I doubt human money is going to do you any good.
Rebecca Nah, it's fine. I take food and water, especially water. I don't like going near the oasis’s if I can help it.
Nate Well, it might be rude of me to ask but would you like to join my team? You'll have a supply of food that way.
Rebecca No thank you, I'm quite fine not getting killed in one of your gym battles, my life is not for sale.
Nate Aren't you risking your life out here anyway? I pointed out.
Rebecca I guess that's true.... Okay here's the deal, I'll let you catch me till the end of this desert, if I like what I see I'll come along, if not I want you to release me. Is that clear?
Nate Seems fair.
Rebecca I can trust his word, right? She asked my pokemon.
Kevin Well, you'll probably leave at the end of this, but yeah. You can trust his word.
Emma What ever gets out of this storm quicker.
Emily Hell, yeah. I mean his taste in friends could be better, but unless you have some super-secret prototype he'll let you go.
Tyler I have no issues with his training so far.
Goldilocks He saved me from a kidnapping.
Rebecca Okay, I guess I'll come along for now.
Pokedex Caught Rebecca the Sandile at level 14 on Route 4. Nature Rash, Likes to run, Ability Moxie.

Colress So, you can talk to pokemon? A voice I knew I had heard before, but couldn't place, said. I shot up.
Nate Wait! What? What are you talking about? :smalleek: Colress was it? What are you doing out here? I asked, trying to get him away from the topic of conservation.
Colress You were talking to your pokemon, I didn't know there was anybody else like that. Maybe you and Lord N are related.
Nate Um, Colress. I don't know what you think you saw. I started to lie.
Colress I know what I saw. Nate, pokemon speaker. What is it like talking to them? Are they as smart as us? Smarter? Dumber?
Nate How do you know my name? I never told you it.
Colress Your friend told you to control your pokemon. He called you by name. Hm... Now I'm wondering if a pokemon speaker's pokemon might be the strongest of all? I'd like to test that theory.
Nate I can't help you, I can't talk to pokemon. I lied, starting to panic.
Colress Do you take me for a fool? I'm not one of those dumb gullible sheep that must surround you on a daily basis. I'm an intellectual, just like you. And you will help me test my theory, or I will share your secret with the world.
Nate ... Okay, let's say for a moment that you're right. No one is going to believe you. If I just started shouting about how someone can talk to pokemon, no one would believe me. At least not without evidence. I said, breathing heavily.
Colress Most wouldn't. That is true. He said with a shrug. Colress But, your friend. The one with the blue hair, I wonder what would be his reaction, if I mentioned it, and just hinted at a possible relation with N?
Nate What! :smalleek:
Colress Help me with my research, and I'll take your secret to the grave. Refuse, and I tell. Those are your two options.
Nate .... Fine. :smallannoyed:
Colress Thank you for contributing to science. He said with a smirk and a bow.

Colress Go Magenmite!
Nate Go Rebecca! Hopefully, Rebecca would screw over his research, since she was my newest pokemon, and if there was any effect, it would be minimal. Plus it was the best choice for the foe, and environment.
Colress Very good choice. Immune to the sandstorm raging around us, and immune to my Magenmite's lighting powers. Good start.
Nate Rebecca! Finish this quickly!
Rebecca Got it, boss! But this better involve hazard pay!
Rebecca stomped the ground with her front paws, and a pillar of sand rose from the ground engulfing the Magenmite.
Colress Magenmite, Sonicboom.
The Magnemite let out a blast of sound, dispersing the pillar and blasting Rebecca, making her ears bleed. Even to me the sound was somewhat painful.
Rebecca AHHH!!! Damnation! What was that.
Nate A sonicboom attack, a blast of powerful sound that defenses are useless against!
Colress Very good, Nate! I assume your grades in school were very good.
Nate Rebecca, you need to take it out, before it can attack you again.
Rebecca What!? I can't hear you? I'll take care of it, don't worry.
Rebecca launched herself at the Magenmite, grabbing it's magnet with her mouth and bring it to the ground, hard.
Colress Magenmite, Magnet bomb.
The Magnemite pulled away from Rebeeca tearing the magnet, that she had gotten a hold of. It's eye closed and then flew open, a steel orb flying at Rebecca at high speeds.
Rebecca Ha! Missed me! She said as she dived out of the way of the orb. But I knew what the attack was, and what it would do.
Nate Brace for impact! I commanded.
Rebecca Why? I already dodged... She said as the orb swerved and hit her head.
Nate Rebecca!
Rebecca I'm fine... I'm fine. Rebecca lunged at the Magenmite grabbing it's other magnet and shaking it into small rocks. The Magenmite tried to pull away again, but it had lost strength from it's injuries, and eventually Colress returned it.
Colress Very good. I admit my Magenmite's defeated.
Nate I sensed that there was more. But...?
Colress But my Klink is another story. He said as he threw another poke-ball.
Nate I reacted quickly, swapping out Rebecca for Emily. Rebecca was too injured to keep fighting. However as soon as I sent Emily out, the sandstorm turned worse. Crap. We'll have to finish this quickly Emily!
Emily On it! She yelped at the stinging sands.

Emily lunged at the Klink, biting it with flame coated fangs. The Klink countered by stunning Emily with a electric shock.
Colress Klink, gear grind!
The Klink seemed to come apart, as it reached Emily, it split into two and dug into Emily's fur and flesh. The sandstorm brought sand into the open wounds the Klink left.
Emily Ah!!!
Nate Emily! I needed to end this quickly, before the wounds became infected. I was about to send out Rebecca again, after all, she may be injured, but she'd be unaffected by the sand-storm.
Emily I'm fine boss! Here, watch this!
Nate Emily glowed with power, lunging over the Klink, and landing on it, slamming it to the ground. When it was brought to the ground, she started stomping on it viciously. Each stomp, caused a mini-eruption.
Colress Return Klink. It seems my theory might be correct. That Sandile you just caught had a much harder battle, then that Growlithe. How long have you had it?
Nate Her. I corrected.
Colress My apologies. How long have you had her?
Nate A couple of weeks now. I replied.
Colress Well I'll see you later. After all I must do follow up research to see if your pokemon continue to increase in strength. He started to wander off.
Kevin Why are you letting him go, he could spill your secret. Let us kill him while no one is watching!
Nate I'm not a murderer.
Kevin Tell that to the gym leader's pokemon.
Nate And for that, I'm truly sorry. :smallfrown:

And Nate finally has a full team, yay! :smallsmile:

And feels sad... boo. :smallfrown:

Comments are appreciated.

2013-01-08, 10:02 PM
I like your Colress. :smallbiggrin:

2013-01-08, 10:40 PM
I like your Colress. :smallbiggrin:

Thank you! :smallsmile:

What did you think of the Fire emblem reference?

2013-01-15, 09:00 PM
Ch 11 Who puts a resort in a desert of eternal sandstorms?

Nate The sandstorm was getting worse by the minute. A whirling curtain of stinging sands. Picking up the desert gear was a good idea. I don't think I'd last that long out here in regular clothes.
Rebecca We sometimes find a dead human that tried that, but not often. Usually, the Pokemon rangers save them.
Nate What about Daurmaka's? Aren't they Fire types?
Rebecca They know the desert well, and when the sandstorms get like this, they seek out the ruins and hide in them. Not that we don't see dead Daurmakas also, it's just most of them have the common sense to stay near the ruins.
Nate And like magic, I heard a voice
??? Wait! Wait, wait up!
Nate What's that? Who is there?
Rebecca Oh, don't tell me...
??? Oh, generous Sandile convince your trainer to capture me, It's a matter of life and death, It was a Darumaka on it's knees begging with Rebecca.
Rebecca What happened to the ruins?
??? Heh, heh, heh. Well I kinda got turned around before the sandstorm hit. Please! I won't last much longer.
Rebecca Well, I suppose I could try and convince my trainer for a....
Nate I can understand you. You want to come along? Be my guest.
Oliver Wait, you can under.... Nevermind, a question for a later time. Thank you, kind sir. My name is Oliver
Pokedex Caught Oliver the Darumaka at level 18 at the Desert resort. Nature Careful, Capable of taking hits, Ability Hustle
Nate Desert resort I wondered as the poke-ball hovered, shined a glorious glow and vanished. The same sensors that tracked DNA, would also sense the number of poke-balls with the same DNA release markers. If there were more then 6, the most recent catch would be transported to a Pokemon center.

??? Hey, you!
Nate A woman, from the sound of her voice, had approached me just after catching Oliver Um, yes. What do you want?
??? I've been tracking that Darumaka for hours. It's the perfect mate for mine.
Nate Well tough luck. I caught it first.
??? I don't think you understand me, I will have that Darumaka. She had her hand on her pokeball. I grabbed one of mine, I wanted to resolve the situation without violence, but I wasn't a fool.
Nate Lady, I can't give you the Darumaka, you must have saw the flash. You know that means it's been transported to the Pokemon center.
??? That flash was a trick. You shined something to make me think it's at a pokemon center. Darumaka I choose you!
Nate Go....I started to throw my pokeball before Rebecca jumped in.
Rebecca I've got it, I'm the only one that fight at full effectiveness in this sandstorm. Rebecca lunged at the Darumaka biting it's arm and trying to pull it down. The Darumaka responded by flipping Rebecca over it's head. I grabbed Rebecca's poke-ball. The Darumaka executed Rebecca with a single fiery coated punch.
Nate Rebecca!
Rebecca Heh, I guess I won't be leaving after all. Such a shame.
??? Good job, Darumaka! Who's next? She asked me with a savage grin.
Nate What the hell is wrong with you!? You had no reason to kill my Pokemon!
??? Your Sandile would have been fine if you had given me the Daurmaka. It's death is on your hands.
Nate No it isn't! It's on your insane hands! Go Kevin!
Kevin We'll be fine in the sandstorm he said, No one will die he said!
Nate For some reason I assumed we'd meet sane people.

Kevin smiled cruelly as the sandstorm fell. He let loose a blast of water from his mouth, stunning the Darumaka. He rushed at the Darumaka drawing his shell blades. He jumped on top of it knocking it to the ground.
Kevin I'm not going to kill you yet. First I'll make you suffer! You'll be begging for death before I kill you. Kevin started pressing down on the Darumaka crushing it.
Nate Kevin! Don't! Either knock it out, or kill it quickly, but I will not let you torture it!
Kevin Fine. Kevin said clearly annoyed as he decapitated the Darumaka.
Nate There. Miss, I hope you learned a lesson. Your violence just lost you your first Darumaka. Kevin lunged at the trainer. Kevin! He heard me. I knew he did. But he didn't stop... just lopped off the girl's head....
Kevin No mercy.
Nate .... Kevin.... What the hell is wrong with you!? Killing a trainer? You didn't even ask!
Kevin Because I knew you'd say no.
Nate Did you really think that doing it without permission would be any better?
Kevin Look, Nate. She was psychotic. If you had let her go, she'd probably get a new Pokemon, and chase after you again. Perhaps killing another teammate do you want that on your conscience?
Nate Do you think I want that dead girl on my conscience? I yelled
Kevin You didn't order it, so it wasn't your fault. Kevin said with a shrug.
Nate It is not that simple.
??? Vengeance....
Nate Was that you? I asked, knowing full well it wasn't
Kevin No. He said looking confused.
??? Slayer.... I will have my vengeance.
Nate As I looked around, I saw a black fog pass over the girl's body. Oh no. I muttered, knowing full well, what was happening. A Yamask, the ghost of a human who in their last moments felt strong overwhelming emotions, whether positive or negative. Before the fog could completely form I threw a poke-ball at it.
Tyler Seriously, you threw a poke-ball before it could form? Before you could ask if it wanted to come along.
Nate I'm not going to let it kill me. That's just foolish. I looked at the poke-ball. With Rebecca's death, it wouldn't teleport. What's your name?
??? I'll make you suffer.
Nate That was an order, in case you didn't notice.
??? Nicole.
Nate Huh, the pokedex is saying that you're male. Would Nick work? Or do you insist on Nicole?
??? You will die at my hand.
Nate Nick it is, welcome to the team. :smallannoyed:

Of course I had caught Nick at Relic tower, but I felt this was more fun.

Comments are appreciated.

2013-01-15, 09:05 PM
Did the dead trainer just turn into a Yamask? :smallamused:

Also: :smalleek:

2013-01-15, 09:20 PM
Did the dead trainer just turn into a Yamask? :smallamused:

Also: :smalleek:

Yamask are dead humans, seemed like a good way to connect the catch.

It was such a shame, I wanted to use a Sandile, but Ground didn't resist Fire, and it went from full hp to dead in one Fire punch.

2013-01-15, 10:23 PM
Well, that was... interesting.

I liked Oliver's entrance.

2013-01-15, 10:27 PM
Well, that was... interesting.

I liked Oliver's entrance.

That's kinda how it happened in game, Trainer comes out of nowhere, one-shots. A few minutes later I catch a Yamask.

2013-01-15, 10:43 PM
Heck, even with the loss, you still caught more cool Pokemon than I did. Actually, you caught more Pokemon than I did, period... In the three of those areas, I got all of... a Sandshrew. The other two got killed by my stupid Audino.

2013-01-15, 11:13 PM
Heck, even with the loss, you still caught more cool Pokemon than I did. Actually, you caught more Pokemon than I did, period... In the three of those areas, I got all of... a Sandshrew. The other two got killed by my stupid Audino.

I wouldn't call a Hustle Darumaka cool. I just don't like hustle.

2013-01-15, 11:33 PM
I wouldn't call a Hustle Darumaka cool. I just don't like hustle.

Oh, well, not hustle, no. But Darumaka themselves are pretty badass.

I'm talking straight up Pokemon, not abilities or anything. I had a Watchog and an Audino. I would hardly call them exciting.

2013-01-15, 11:47 PM
Oh, well, not hustle, no. But Darumaka themselves are pretty badass.

I'm talking straight up Pokemon, not abilities or anything. I had a Watchog and an Audino. I would hardly call them exciting.

Watchog is fuctional, for certain purposes.

2013-01-15, 11:56 PM
Watchog is fuctional, for certain purposes.

Its speed is already terrible and it was relaxed natured.

I don't like Watchog as a Pokemon, I don't care if it's "functional." It was the first one out of my party.

Also, I just noticed they have the starters out for the next gen...

2013-01-16, 12:02 AM
Its speed is already terrible and it was relaxed natured.

I don't like Watchog as a Pokemon, I don't care if it's "functional." It was the first one out of my party.

Also, I just noticed they have the starters out for the next gen...

Maybe we'll have a fire starter, that's not Fire fighting :smalltongue:

I mean I'll still use the frog. (Even if I'm not the biggest fan of it) But it'd be nice to not have Fire/Fighting.

2013-01-16, 12:25 AM
Maybe we'll have a fire starter, that's not Fire fighting :smalltongue:

I mean I'll still use the frog. (Even if I'm not the biggest fan of it) But it'd be nice to not have Fire/Fighting.

At the same time, I would like to see all dual-typed starters.

And they totally stole my frog and changed its type.

2013-01-16, 12:31 AM
At the same time, I would like to see all dual-typed starters.

And they totally stole my frog and changed its type.

Have I seen your frog?

2013-01-23, 01:44 AM
Ch 12 Secrets.... So much for them.

Nate I had spent a couple of days in Nimbasa city, just taking in the sites. Castelia was a bigger city, but Nimbasa was more lively, and I just couldn't deal with the crowds during the middle of the day. Everything changed, the day Hugh called me, saying that we should grab lunch together. I didn't really want to, but after him persauding me for a little while, I was convinced

Nate So Hugh, what's with the sudden desire to hang out with me?
Hugh Well you know you're my friend, and even though we've been traveling in the same areas we haven't sat down and talked for awhile.
Nate Now of course, this was because I didn't like him much but I wasn't going to tell him that. Well you know, in my travels I've just made so many cooler friends I said in a teasing tone.
Hugh Oh right, crazy popular you. With all your friend making abilities, and making everyone love being around you. He said sarcastically.
Nate Well we can't all be as good as you.
Hugh And if you just followed my advice, you might one day become like me. When have I ever gone to one of our friends parties without a girl on my arm.
Nate To be fair, It was the rare party that I was without a girlfriend also.
Hugh Nate, You had an Orre girlfriend. “Oh I met her over the internet! You don't know her because she lives in Orre!” You don't get any lamer then that.
Nate That was the truth! :smallmad: And alright. Discounting her, I've still had two girlfriends. Maybe not as many as you, but my shortest relationship was three months. Have you ever even had a three month relationship?
Hugh That's because I don't need three months to get what I want.
Nate And that right there, is why you never will have even a three month relationship.
Hugh This coming, from you. Mr.Too afraid to make a move? Where did that number you got from.... from... that aide girl go to by the way.
Nate To her phone. :smallannoyed: We've talked on the phone, quite a few times, and I've even met up with her a couple of times.
Hugh Huh, remind me is she cute.
Nate Hugh, how would you feel if I asked that about your girlfriends? Even if you go through them like water.
Hugh Nate, is this about Danielle? Either way, because I know what you like, Nate. And very few of my girlfriends have been blond.
Nate I do not have a thing for blonds! :smallmad:
Hugh Erica, and Danielle were both blonds, your “Orre girlfriend” was blond. And yeah, I remember the aide chick was blond. Plus the fact that you would buy anything Elesa endorsed and yeah. You have a thing for blonds.
Nate You'll buy anything that has a girl in almost no clothes on it. Should I assume you only find girls that wear next to nothing attractive? In that case no, you would not find Bianca attractive. :smallannoyed:
Hugh Oh, ha, ha. Nate, very funny. At least a girl doesn't have to be blond to have a shot with me.
Nate That's not true.
Hugh It isn't? Name one of your crushes, that haven't had blond hair. I'm not judging, but you may want to get off your rising Rapidash.
Nate Name one of your girlfriends that you've been with longer then a month. I said sick to death of this conversation, and getting ready to leave.
Hugh Nate, calm down. I'm not judging you. I don't care what criteria you have for a girlfriend, I'm just sick to death of you looking down at me for how I “Go through girls like water” Just because I've never been in a relationship as long as yours doesn't make me a bad person.
Nate Maybe if you didn't treat me like I couldn't get girls. Just because I'm a virgin, and haven't had as many girlfriends as you do, doesn't make me less successful then you are.
Hugh In the area of love, you are.
Nate Right. I wonder how my girls you've seduced by taking credit for my actions. After all that seems to be the only way you got anywhere in your job. I said face-palming mentally as the words came out of my mouth.
Hugh *snerk* Hey, I do what I have to make Team Plasma pay. If taking credit for your actions, is the only way to get into a high enough position to do some good. Then, yeah sure I'll do it. But that does bring me to the real reason I asked you to come.
Nate Oh, let me guess. You think the restaurant itself is a member of Team Plasma. You might be right, but how do we prove it. :smallannoyed:
Hugh Well not exactly. More like it's a front for Team Plasma. Here, let me show you some of my findings.
Nate I face-palmed at this.

Nate Surprisingly, Hugh was right. Or at least partially right. Some of the employees were Team Plasma members. Hugh just flashed his badge to the owner, and demanded the right to search the building. We found some team Plasma members, and they put up a fight, but me and Hugh crushed them. As much as I don't like him, I have to admit we make an effective battle team. His Servine had tied up the grunts with it's vines.
Hugh Who is your leader now!? He demanded, backhanding one of the grunts.
Nate Hugh, maybe you should calm down. Let me handle asking the questions. Won't you get in trouble with the higher ups for showing up with bloodied suspects?
Hugh Nate it's fine. Team Plasma tried to take over Unova a couple years ago. I'll probably get a medal if I swing it right.
Grunt Nate? Isn't that the kid Colress was talking about? Colress!? :smalleek:
Grunt 2 Yeah, couldn't he talk to pokemon or something, like N.
Hugh lunged at me, pinning me to the wall.
Hugh What is this, talking to pokemon....
Nate What, one guy says it, and all of a sudden it must be true? I bluffed as soon as I got air into my lungs.
Hugh No, no, no. It all makes sense. You're not good at pokemon battles on your own. You have a cheat hidden away.
Nate Seriously, you'd rather believe I'm cheating then I'm just better then you. Okay, so maybe the childhood practice sessions weren't fair fights, but still. Not my fault I had an edge.
Hugh You traitor. How much blood do you share with N? How much have you helped Team Plasma?
Nate Helped Team Plasma? If I wanted to help Team Plasma, I'd stop helping you. They'd have free reign of the country in a month.
Hugh Nate. You are under arrest.
Nate For what. I said defiantly. Show me the law that says it's a crime to be able to talk to pokemon. While we're at it, why don't we round up all the psychics too. You know since we're persecuting based on birth now.
Hugh You don't deny it then.
Nate You won't believe me if I try.
Hugh ... Team Plasma stole my sister's Purrloin, all those years ago. I always wondered why. Now I know you were jealous that I “stole” Danielle from you, jealous that I got in her pants while you didn't.
Nate Right, Hugh. Everything's a conspiracy. All the times when you had run out of your favorite foods, it was really me sending Team Plasma grunts to eat your food. :smallannoyed:
Hugh Ha! A confession. That's all I need to bring you in.
Nate I grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him up. You are not bringing anyone in Hugh. I've done nothing wrong, and I refuse to be jailed up because I share an ability with N. I threw him to the ground and started to walk away.
Hugh You two are related. Or something. You two are the only ones with the ability to hear the voice of Pokemon. You expect me to believe that you don't have a connection. Run if you like!Just know that I will hunt you down, like all members of Team Plasma

So that happened! Clearly Colress isn't trustworthy, and Hugh is several strong expletives.

So really no new info. :smalltongue:

2013-01-23, 01:57 AM
Have I seen your frog?

Not yet. I'm working out the fire-that-looks-like-fire. That, and he's got a troll-face going on that I'd like to get rid of.

@Story: Ah, Lawful Dumb.

2013-01-23, 02:10 AM
Not yet. I'm working out the fire-that-looks-like-fire. That, and he's got a troll-face going on that I'd like to get rid of.

@Story: Ah, Lawful Dumb.

So it's Tinsley's spirit pokemon :smalltongue:

@Story, It's even worse then Stupid evil. Stupid evil usually just implodes, and saves you the trouble.

2013-01-23, 02:26 AM
So it's Tinsley's spirit pokemon :smalltongue:

@Story, It's even worse then Stupid evil. Stupid evil usually just implodes, and saves you the trouble.

Yeah, pretty much. He's even purple.

@Story: :thog:

2013-01-23, 02:36 AM
Yeah, pretty much. He's even purple.

@Story: :thog:

Ha! That's amazing. :smallbiggrin:

Yeah, Thog collapsed the arena on himself.

2013-02-05, 09:35 PM
Ch 13 You guys are so lucky I couldn't get Awakening :smalltongue:

Nate Well, uh. Once the anger passed. I kinda realized that I could be in serious trouble. I couldn't call Mom, she'd hate me for hiding it from her. I had no choice, but she'd still hate me.... Okay, I admit, it was a nice excuse to call Bianca. She wanted to talk to me in person, so when she got to Nimbasa, I told her the whole story.

Bianca Interesting... so you can speak with pokemon. She had run a few tests just to make sure. I couldn't blame her, I could just have been saying it.
Nate Yeah, ever since I could remember. I've been able to communicate with the voices of Pokemon.
Bianca I wonder why? She had the most adorable thinking expression.
Nate So it's not genetic? I'm not related to N?
Bianca Nate! I don't know if it's genetic or not. She exclaimed annoyed. I've met one person, well two now. That can speak to Pokemon. I have no idea what causes it. It could be genetic, a result of being exposed to something, some sort of mid-way before full-blown psychic abilities, blessings from some deity. Unless you've all got some secret group no one knows about, there aren't enough samples for me to determine that. Why do you think you could be related to N? What about your parents?
Nate I... uh.... Well.... I've never actually met my father, so.... I trailed off, and turned away. Looking out a window... it was easier. I have no idea who he is, whether he's still alive. What happened between him and my mom. She never discusses it. It's always, I'll tell you when you're older.
Bianca Nate, are you going to be okay? She put a hand on my shoulder, and I jumped. Sorry.
Nate It's fine. It's just, what if I'm related to the worst criminal in history... What if he's my half brother. Hell he could be my fraternal twin for all I know, and each parent took a child. Bianca hugged me from behind.
Bianca Nate, I'm going to tell you a secret. She jokingly whispered. Well, two secrets, the first is that having a father isn't all that it's cracked up to be. What's more important is the quality of the parent you have. And any person who could leave their child like that, wouldn't be a good parent anyway. The second is that, N really isn't responsible for what happened. He needed to be stopped, but that wasn't his fault. His father warped him, Kept him isolated, and only brought Pokemon that hated humans. That combined with his ability to hear the voice of Pokemon, caused him to believe that our society needed to be destroyed. He did what he did, believing that it was the right thing to do. If you are related to N, it means your sibling isn't the worst scum to walk the earth, just misguided.
Nate I suppose you're right. It wasn't as simple as that, I had to struggle with the questions and find my own answers. But she didn't need to hear that. Instead I changed the topic. Can Hugh really arrest me, just because I speak with Pokemon?
Bianca I... don't think so. I mean, it's not like all Team Plasma members can speak with Pokemon. Only N could. All it shows is that you have a similar ability with N, and I mean, we don't throw Psychics in jail, because one Psychic did something illegal. I mean, you did no favors by running, though I can't blame you for that, I'll see what I can do. We should talk to Elesa, she'll have a better idea what to do.
Nate ... Do we have to? I'm not exactly comfortable telling other people.
Bianca Nate. You don't exactly have a choice. And your “friend” is going to tell everybody he can anyway. Your secret is already blown.

Nate Are you sure this is the right way? We probably shouldn't be going through alleyways.
Bianca It's a shortcut, and besides we'll be fine. My pokemon are more then strong enough to handle any city pokemon.
Nate What if someone tries to mug us?
Bianca Pokemon!
??? Leave!
Bianca Nate... what was that hiss?
Nate A hiss? Must be a Pokemon. I've got it.
Bianca Nate, my pokemon are...
Nate I've got it. Go Nick!
Nick Vengeance... I shall fight to gain power.
A Liepard leaped from some trash cans and rammed into Nick, knocking him? To a wall. Nick Will-o-wisp.
Bianca Nate, seriously let me handle it. You're in a bad type match up and it might have....
Nate Don't worry, now that it's weakened I'll let someone else take care of it.
Bianca Nate, wait!
Nate Nick, return. The red beam erupted from the pokeball, engulfing Nick. But... it was strange. It looked like the Liepard was also being engulfed by the red beam? And it was.... They both were in the poke-ball?
Bianca Nate! You... arrgh. She backhanded the ball out of my grasp, and pressed me against a wall and threw us behind some dumpsters as far away as she could get from the ball.

It was like the ball shattered or something. Something broke within it. And from what I could see, The Liepard had re-appeared on-top of Nick, who wasn't moving.... Was Nick dead? I threw a poke-ball at it, and I guess I caught it by surprise. I caught it, with barely a struggle. Running over to Nick, I saw. The Liepard had savaged Nick. It... was brutal and terrible.... And I know I didn't feel as sorry as I should. There was that glimmer of relief, that Nick wouldn't be able to enact it's revenge.

Pokedex Caught Elizabeth the Liepard at level 22 at Nimbasa city, Nature Adamant, Capable of taking hits, Ability Unburden.

Nick the Yamask died to a Blitzle's pursuit. Lv 19-27

Okay, so I changed the death, from one of Elesa's gym trainers to Elizabeth. (Who was caught on Route 16) In my defense, I had no idea that Blitzle had pursuit.

Besides that, we learn a bit about Nate's back-story. Yay!

Comments are appreciated! :smallsmile:

2013-02-08, 06:39 PM
Yeah, Awakening is in short supply all over the US. My local shop will have 3 in on Thursday.

2013-02-08, 06:57 PM
Probably for the best. Who wants a Pokemon determined to kill them? :smalltongue:

2013-02-08, 07:25 PM
Probably for the best. Who wants a Pokemon determined to kill them? :smalltongue:

Ashnard probably would. :smalltongue:

2013-02-27, 01:03 AM
Ch 14 That battle was electrifying

Nate Me and Bianca had talked to Elesa. After berating me for resisting arrest. I told her that the only reason Hugh arrested me, is because he's obsessed with Team Plasma for personal reasons. I hadn't done anything wrong to make Hugh think I was a part of Team Plasma. She agreed to pull some strings considering I had helped Hugh with Team Plasma in the past. After that she offered to have a gym battle with me, which I accepted. Bianca agreed to watch.

Elesa Nate, this will be a three on three battle.
Nate Um, do we have to have it with so many people around?
Elesa Feeling shy? It'll be worse at the Pokemon league. You'll have to get used to it.
Nate Wonderful :smallannoyed:
Elesa Go Emolga
Nate Emma I choose you! The flying glorified Pikachu, and Emma burst from their poke-balls, but.... was Emma a Watchog. Emma? When did you evolve?
Emma Awhile ago. You just never pay any attention to me.
Nate Oh... I'm. The Emolga sprung into action, ramming into Emma quickly. Ah, Emma! Pay attention.
Emma Uh... I'll do my best.
Emma lunged into, leaping at the Emolga with it's mouth opened wide. The Emolga countered with an electricity covered fist. Emma bit on the fist, and cringed when the shock made her fur stand up. Emma then threw the Emolga with a swift head movement.
Elesa Emolga, aerial ace!
The Emolga sprung quickly, too quick for Emma to have a chance to dodge, but as the Emolga tried to fly out of reach, Emma whacked it with her tail. Emma proceeded to whack it again. Stumbling the Emolga.
Elesa Emolga Volt switch!
The Emolga covered itself in a big yellow ball, and charged at Emma. Emma punched it with her little arms. When they connected, the ball flared. When I was able to look at it again a Flaaffy had appeared stumbling from the punch to the head.
Elesa Take down!
The Flaaffy... Would Tasha have looked like that when she evolved? Would she have lunged like that? Emma had effortlessly dodged the blood-raged tackle of the sheep. Emma then jumped at the Flaffy tearing into it's side with her powerful fangs.
Elesa Flaaffy! Thunderpunch!
Nate Emma bite it by the tail.
Emma moved like water. Effortlessly dodging the first punch, and using the momentum to move behind the Flaaffy. From there, she bit the tail, careful not to let the bulb thing touch her. The Flaaffy struggled and screamed, but it couldn't break free. Emma spun it around and around, bashing it into the floor, until it stopped moving. Once it did, Emma let go of the tail, and started biting the body.
Nate Emma! Emma! That's enough it's dead.
Emma Uh.... if you're sure...
Elesa Violent, but not bad. I think my Emolga's rested enough. Go!

Emma lunged at the Emolga, tackling it to the ground. But the Emolga countered with a vicious thunder punch to the face.
Nate Emma!
Emma Woo. Yeah, I'm fine. Ow. Emma shook her head, dazed.
Nate Emma, finish it!
Emma punched the Emolga right in the face, stunning it. Then started whipping it with it's tail. When the Emolga was knocked to the floor, Emma descended upon it with her fangs. It was over swiftly.
Elesa Impressive! Go Zebstrika!
I weighed my options. Emma was injured, and Kevin couldn't fight, neither could Goldilocks, or Tyler. Emily might not be able to handle an evolved pokemon. All I had left was Elizabeth.... I could always swap her out if she got injured. Elizabeth I choose you!

Nate Elizabeth, take it out!
Elizabeth Got it! This will be quick!
Elizabeth moved with sudden shocking speed. Battering the Zebstrika with her paws. This move disorientated it, but it didn't seem to do any real damage.
Nate Elizabeth! Stop playing around with it!
Elizabeth You're no fun!
Elesa Zebstrika flame charge!
The Zebstrika charged at Elizbeth, while engulf with fire. Elizabeth tried to side-step the running inferno, but was still seared by the heat.
Elizabeth Damnation! This won't be fun. I can already tell!
Elizabeth leaped at the Zebstrika, but it reared up and kicked at her with powerful hooves. Elizabeth didn't like that, hissing as she drew back in pain. Zebstrika leaped up trying to crush her with it's hooves, Elizabeth rolled out of the way, and bit one of it's legs. Zebstrika reared up again, but Elizabeth hung on with her fangs, clawing at it's underbelly.
Elesa Zebstrika, Flame charge!
Elizabeth, let go as the Zebstirka erupted into fire. She leaped back, but as the Zebstrika tried to chase her, it buckled on it's leg.
Surrender Elesa, Your Zebstrika can't move, I've won this fight. Elesa gave a long sigh. Bianca's eyes bugged in fear. Realizing, what I said. I changed tactics. Don't make me waste more of my time. The crowd started cheering, and Elesa let out a chuckle.
Elesa Very well, Nate. I admit defeat. Thank you for putting on a good show for my fans.

And so we have the fourth gym badge! We're halfway there! Yay!

2013-05-30, 08:39 AM
Haven't responded to this in a while...

In any case Hugh is just asking for a Quantum Torpedo enema... The world does not revolve around him or his grudge against Plasma, in the minds of Plasma he is just another one of their opponents, no more, no less...