View Full Version : Funny D&D Stories?

2012-10-16, 03:43 AM
Would love to hear some.

2012-10-16, 03:48 AM
Okay I've actually got one from last session:

My brother was playing a Paladin and I was DMing, so I naturally let him have more stuff(He's the only player.) So what he does is beat a Goblin half to death, and then use it's d**k as a weapon against the other Goblin, where he rolls a crit., and kills it. So now he can honestly say that he that he killed a goblin bytrying to stroke his friend.:smallredface:

2012-10-16, 04:15 AM
Id say that's what I would expect from any paladin character.:smallconfused:

2012-10-16, 04:22 AM
So.. Really heavy RP Campaign...
no proper Rp equals Xp loss...
so.. i was Dming a group of 5..
the group was on an unexplored/unknown island...
at some point they found a pond,where a society of pixies inhabit...
my most Xperienced player, a Paladin of Heironeous, engaged em on a conversation...
a Pixie asked: "You are a what?What is a Paladin?"
Paladin answered: "Ehhmm... Paladins are.. hmm... F@**n' awesome!"

Well.. he got 1000 Xp Bonus just for making me fell of my chair laughin' for about 20 mins :P

2012-10-16, 04:27 AM
So it was my first campaign. I'm playing as a Lupin Rogue, named Cranthis.

During one session we were at the kings table, having a meal. Being the person in charge of doing almost everything social, I sat closest to him. I asked what was on the table, the dm said everything you would find at a royal feast, you can imagine that part. So I took some bread, meat, and cheese, and made a sandwich. Apparently, this was the first occurrence of a sandwich in this world, and the king was stunned, and asked me what my glorious creation was. From that point on, in that campaign and all others, sandwiches are called Cranthises.

2012-10-16, 04:31 AM
Second story, which actually came first.

It was very early in the campaign, and we were in a very small dungeon, some kobolds and an orc or two. We get to this one room, which we find a variety of kobolds and animals in cages. And it just so happens there was a dire frikkin' pig in one of the cages. I opened it up, and the dm asked for a handle animal check. We used the "natural 20 = success" variant for skills.

Guess which Lupin Rogue had a dire pig mount for the rest of the campaign.

2012-10-16, 04:38 AM
Last story for now, until I remember another. Same Lupin rogue named Cranthis. This was after I aquired Chuckles, my dire pig mount, and invented the Cranthis (Sandwiches). So after some stuff happened, this army of gnomes shows up at the city of the same king, they were allies helping the kingdom in the war that just started. We had just aquired the plans of what were supposed to be pistols, but they lacked dimensions, so instead the canon was invented. But. We (our characters) and the gnomes had no idea what to fire out of it. Guess who stepped to the plate on this one. Cranthis (I) suggested we find a way to fire gnomes out of it, to get them behind enemy lines. Gnomes experienced pleasure usually reserved for the bedroom at the thought, gnomes being gnomes.

2012-10-16, 04:39 AM
That was our first time ever playing lol. Another time, I was a Rogue, and tried to do Assassin's Creed move when I fail a Stealth Check and impale myself on the guy's sword(was above him)... had roll a new PC.

2012-10-16, 04:49 AM
For reference:
More Funny D&D Stories (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=248776)

2012-10-16, 10:42 AM
My first time DM'ing, my players were hired by the city mayor to investigate some strange disapearences in the town. They discovered a sadistic cult torturing and sacrificing their victims to the goddess Scahrossar. They proceed to clear the temple (built under the city in a network of old, forgotten catacombs). They finally find BBEG's room, and the hidden escape route trap door he had there.

Fighter: I crack open the trap door and peer through.

DM: You can't see much through the narrow opening, but you see a pair of feet in front of you, sturdy workboots, standing in front of what you assume is a table. You can hear a steady "thunk, thunk" of something hitting wood, and there's a heavy tang of blood in the air.

Fighter: I throw open the trap door and charge. [rolls crit, confirms crit, rolls max damage]

DM: Congratulations, you just caved in the butcher's chest, and his blood sprayed the table of steaks he was cutting up.

Halfling Rogue: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .... the butcher!... HAHAHAHAHA

Wizard: I grab several of the steaks and put them in my pack.

I almost fell out of my chair I laughed so hard.

2012-10-16, 11:10 AM
It's not actually D&D, but a original system using 3d6 as base instead of d20. Three sixes means that you succeed at any action. And it's not actually my story, but it's worth sharing. The party is robbing a dwarven blacksmith's store at night. The dwarf himself lives and is currently sleeping on the second floor of the building(the 1st floor is the shop). As they are robbing the shop, someone accidentally pushed a suit of full plate and it fell crashing on the floor waking up the dwarf on the second floor. The smith( awoke, but still very sleepy) shouted "Who's there?". The rogue rolls a bluff check: 6,6,6. Result: The rogue shouts "No one" and the dwarf replied "Okey then" and went back to sleep.

2012-10-16, 11:25 AM
In a session I was DMing, the players were out to get a powerful artifact. It was hidden under a castle in the nearby capitol, but there was a volcano nearby, so they decide to check that out instead.

They make their way down a path on the inside of the volcano, and eventually find a very evil, very senile, very powerful wizard. Through good roleplay and good skill checks, they convince him to locate the artifact for them, he tells them to come back the following day, because he needs to prepare the proper spells, rituals, and whatnot. The party feels rather accomplished, and decides to head out of the volcano.

All the monk heard, however, was "evil wizard <blah, blah, blah>, okay, time to leave the volcano." So the monk looks at me and says "I snap his neck."

We're all speachless.

I tell him to roll a grapple check, he beats the wizard's check, has a hold, and snaps the wizard's neck.

Before the party can start to yell at him, the magic jars start to activate, and the wizard succeeds in possessing the duskblade. What ensues is the party repeatedly knocking out/stunning fist the duskblade while yelling at the monk until they get to the top of the volcano (where their other equipment is), so the mystic theurge can get his book of true name magic to get to wizard's soul out of the body and to get the duskblade back in.

They had to find the powerful artifact the hard way after that.

2012-10-16, 11:42 AM
In a session I was DMing, the players were out to get a powerful artifact. It was hidden under a castle in the nearby capitol, but there was a volcano nearby, so they decide to check that out instead.

They make their way down a path on the inside of the volcano, and eventually find a very evil, very senile, very powerful wizard. Through good roleplay and good skill checks, they convince him to locate the artifact for them, he tells them to come back the following day, because he needs to prepare the proper spells, rituals, and whatnot. The party feels rather accomplished, and decides to head out of the volcano.

All the monk heard, however, was "evil wizard <blah, blah, blah>, okay, time to leave the volcano." So the monk looks at me and says "I snap his neck."

We're all speachless.

I tell him to roll a grapple check, he beats the wizard's check, has a hold, and snaps the wizard's neck.

Before the party can start to yell at him, the magic jars start to activate, and the wizard succeeds in possessing the duskblade. What ensues is the party repeatedly knocking out/stunning fist the duskblade while yelling at the monk until they get to the top of the volcano (where their other equipment is), so the mystic theurge can get his book of true name magic to get to wizard's soul out of the body and to get the duskblade back in.

They had to find the powerful artifact the hard way after that.

I hope the duskblade after that then proceeded to ray of enfeeble his butt into mush for the next five hours. :smallannoyed: Stupid =! Lawful and or Lawful Good.

2012-10-16, 12:09 PM
In my party there is a Warforged Juggernaut, and the DM prepared an encounter against few giants.

As you probably know giants throws rocks and our scout overheard this discussion between the giants:

-oh? what a huge rock! why you prepared a such large rock to splat pity humans?
-for pity humans, no need of huge rock. I prepared the huge rock in the case an killer robot from another dimension suddenly appears here!
-ahahah, killer robot from another dimension... ahahah

Guess what happened just after...

2012-10-16, 12:24 PM
In my party there is a Warforged Juggernaut, and the DM prepared an encounter against few giants.

As you probably know giants throws rocks and our scout overheard this discussion between the giants:

-oh? what a huge rock! why you prepared a such large rock to splat pity humans?
-for pity humans, no need of huge rock. I prepared the huge rock in the case an killer robot from another dimension suddenly appears here!
-ahahah, killer robot from another dimension... ahahah

Guess what happened just after...

Reminds me of an old saying, "Rocks fall, everyone dies."

Speaking of which in our session yesterday. "I have to go swimming in the poo water don't I?" "Well, you are the only one who doesn't have to worry about taste, smell or you know breathing." Do it twice. "I see no door down there. You both owe me a new cloak." Not five seconds later, the DM gives me a funny look after one of our team mates hits buttons in a certain order and another section of the floor falls away, as has been happening for the past two times we have been guessing at the combination. "... God D**** Dale! I have to go open the door in that poo water again don't I!?" "I don't know what you are talking about sir." All the while a giant **** eating grin is on his face. "... I hate you so much at this point."

The Redwolf
2012-10-16, 02:14 PM
There are several from my group, but one that I particularly enjoyed happened just the other night, although it's more cool than it is funny. I'm playing as a warforged monk and I have invested heavily in grappling feats. This is 3.P, and Pathfinder's grappling feats are pretty nice. We got into an encounter with an oni and a few frost drakes. The drakes died on the first turn and I ran up and grappled the oni. After putting him into a chokehold and pin I used a pinning rend on him and got somewhere around 250 damage. The DM just looked at me with an almost blank expression on his face and says in near-monotone, "you ripped him, the f***, apart..." After that I stood up, still covered in blood and let out a battlecry/shout of victory sort of thing while the witch in the party used Form of the Dragon 3 behind me so that I had an awesome backdrop. This also all happened in the middle of a blizzard, and my character has a permanent silent image on him so that he glows gold at all times. The mental picture of this moment as it happened...priceless.:smallsmile:

2012-10-16, 02:21 PM
Id say that's what I would expect from any paladin character.:smallconfused:

That's what happens when you base your paladin on Jaime Lannister.

2012-10-16, 02:37 PM
If you're not looking for just DND, I saw a few funny CoC stories... but be warned, there is some strong language in parts.

Old Man Henderson (http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Old_Man_Henderson)

2012-10-16, 02:42 PM
I have some fun stories, but some of the best ones aren't mine, but rather caps from other forums.

">Playing 3.5 D&D
>Everyone has decided to roll up monks.
>We didn't plan this out, we all showed up with insane kung-fu back-stories, school names, etc.
>DM quietly puts away notes for the game he had been planning.
>We start out in a noodle-shop.
>Two Monks, one LG, one LE are arguing about the best use of the power bestowed by Kung-fu.
The good one says that kung-fu shows that we all have a place in life.
>The evil one believes that kung-fu masters should rest at the top.
>My character is a drunken master, CN (DM fiat).
>Saunter over to table.
>Soon joined by other guy LN.
>We can't agree on anything.
>Finally say something that lets us stop the philosophic debate.
"We should decide this like warriors."
>initiative rolled.
>Ones all around.
>Evil dude goes first by virtue of improved initiative feat.
>Attempts to flip table aside dramatically.
>Rolls a two.
>Having hurt his hand he decides a flying kick over the table would be better.
>Rolls acrobatics and attack.
>1, 2.
>Foot catches the side of the table, falls onto chair, and flips over backwards.
>I throw my saki at the good dude.
>He catches it and throws it back.
>It breaks on my face.
>I kick the table, breaking it in half.
>The lantern on the table falls over on me and I go jump in the decorative pond outside to put myself out.
>The good and neutral monk stare each other down.
>The good one attempts to punch him.
>one, two, one.
>Trips over table, dislocates own arm.
>Neutral guy does a back-flip out of the way.
>rolls acrobatics, one for the jump, one for the landing,
>18, 3.
>Crashes into nearby empty table, knocks himself out.
>This all took slightly less than 6 seconds.
>Noodle store guy yells at us for wrecking his shop."

-Waffle House Millionaire.

2012-10-16, 02:57 PM
Wizard argued that the table listing in Polymorph any Object of a pebble into a human allowed him to fly over a Dragon and polymorph a pebble into a blue whale for a very short amount of time.

Just about long enough to fall on the Dragon.

2012-10-16, 03:02 PM
So it was my first campaign. I'm playing as a Lupin Rogue, named Cranthis.

During one session we were at the kings table, having a meal. Being the person in charge of doing almost everything social, I sat closest to him. I asked what was on the table, the dm said everything you would find at a royal feast, you can imagine that part. So I took some bread, meat, and cheese, and made a sandwich. Apparently, this was the first occurrence of a sandwich in this world, and the king was stunned, and asked me what my glorious creation was. From that point on, in that campaign and all others, sandwiches are called Cranthises.

That's funny cause sandwich is named after some royal named Sandwich.

2012-10-16, 03:05 PM
Some copypasta from the chans

2012-10-16, 03:18 PM
That's funny cause sandwich is named after some royal named Sandwich.
Well now they are named after Admiral Cranthis, Inventor of the Cranthis and Gnomish Paratroopers, Rider of Chuckles, the dire pig.

2012-10-16, 03:20 PM
In a friend's campaign he once found an artifact in the form of a book. Apparently its pages held immense power, but anyone reading its words would go insane from the secrets it contained. After the party stares at the closed book for about five seconds, the (illiterate) barbarian steps up and opens it. One loophole later, they've got a clairvoyent barbarian, a sidequest avoided, and incoming gold from the Wizards' library.

2012-10-16, 03:35 PM
In a friend's campaign he once found an artifact in the form of a book. Apparently its pages held immense power, but anyone reading its words would go insane from the secrets it contained. After the party stares at the closed book for about five seconds, the (illiterate) barbarian steps up and opens it. One loophole later, they've got a clairvoyent barbarian, a sidequest avoided, and incoming gold from the Wizards' library. Now that is how you utilize resources.

2012-10-16, 04:45 PM
Our last session of Pathfinder started out with the goal of finding a temple of Gorum (God of War) to ask his priests about something.

Half way there our own cleric suggests we go gambling instead, and the rest of us (neutral/evil party) immediately see dollar signs from protection money or taking over gambling dens. We end up in the seediest part of the city we are in on a street called Dropped Gemstone Cresent, staring at a run down pub called the Swan and Hostage.

One brutal killing of a drunk man later we owned a pub with no bartender, so the cleric stayed downstairs to run the bar while we rested. Early morning he comes knocking on our doors one by one, drunk, looking to get laid. The ranger stabs him with his rapier and says "Okay, you got your poke. Now go to bed." He didnt take the hint, and another stab later he is in negatives on the floor. At this point the barbarian wakes up and sees his best friend (the cleric) on the ground bleeding, and proceeds to rage and teamkill the ranger. Meanwhile I and the wizard are putting heal potions down the cleric and getting him to his room.

Result at end of session: Complete deviation from expected plot, we own a pub in the biggest city in the area, we lost a party member without a single combat all session and are playing a dangerous game of favorites with the four local gambling dens.

2012-10-16, 08:58 PM
Id say that's what I would expect from any paladin character.:smallconfused:

My brother says thanks.

2012-10-16, 09:59 PM
From 1983.
Grog the Dwarf, with an INT 4, leads the party into the basement. There's a sword on the floor. Grog picks it up, decides he's not interested, tosses it over his shoulder.
He hears a Clang! behind him, so he spins around to see what it was.
There's a sword on the floor. Grog picks it up, decides he's not interested, tosses it over his shoulder.
He hears a Clang! behind him, so he spins around to see what it was.
There's a sword on the floor. Grog picks it up...and the cleric quickly says "Grog, can I take a look at that please?"

2012-10-16, 10:01 PM
I hate to be that guy, but there's a much larger thread for this in the general Roleplaying Games forum, I believe. ./parade-rain

Mithril Leaf
2012-10-16, 10:07 PM
In the very first campaign I ever player, I was a dwarven barbarian. We were exploring the cave of a local goblin and had found ourselves at a chasm. The rest of the party started discussing strategy while I took out my rope and wrapped myself up. Once they finally agreed upon coming back later, I handed them one end and charged to the edge, jumping across with a sweet 18. I got most of the loot from the chest on the other side. :smallsmile:

2012-10-16, 10:10 PM
-Invisible Spell
-Perform "Gangnam Style"

2012-10-17, 08:07 PM
Id say that's what I would expect from any paladin character.:smallconfused:

-Invisible Spell
-Perform "Gangnam Style"

agreed (good idea)

2012-10-17, 09:36 PM
In a moderately RP heavy/ mid power/low-mid optimized game i was playing a Dread Necromancer (easily my favorite class):
It was a long time ago and don't know what level it was but I had a portable hole and a bunch of skeletons including a few wolfs.
No one (npcs) know that i was a necromancer or that i was undead (necropolitan). I RPed to be some kind of arcane druid from an obscure order and my undead were either out of sight (in the portable hole)or under heavy robes, full-plate and helmet.
I carried the portable hole on my chest under my shirt.
We attacked a bandit camp (or something) I was at the front. The fight went back and forth. After a few hits including a vicious stab to the chest (a critical hit, but i was immune) i fell to the ground mortally wounded (not really, just a good feint skill check). With my last words i cursed my 'killers' so that death itself will come and eat them alive!
That was the command for my wolf-skeletons to claw their way out of chest and attack any hostiles. Can you say save-vs-fear with a DC of you-will-not-beat-this? :smallbiggrin:

2012-10-18, 05:48 AM
I was playing a warblade in a party of mostly newbies to the game, and I had been the tank/melee damage focus for our group with the rogue and archer-cleric focusing on ranged combat and the duskblade dancing around with his two longswords. The party relied on me a lot to hold the line and I did a pretty good job of it. My character, Arlina, wasn't very serious, she collected nice dresses, glamoured her armor and often bought herself flowers from the townspeople.

We have to go into the sewers of a town, the DM liked to use obscure/invented things. We come across two poop golems. Arlina retreated at full speed and fast climbed out of the nearest exit, screaming "No, no no no," all the way. The party was left to fend off the battle by themselves (they were forced into a retreat after 8 rounds) and the DM awarded us extra xp for being amusing.

2012-10-18, 03:41 PM
Killed a male colossal red dragon. Our Loki worshiping sorcerer decided to cut off his penis, straighten it completely, and then cast flesh to stone. He created our new battering ram. :smallyuk:

I also may be the holder for the fastest death natural of all PCs. I decided to start as a 1st level expert (thatcher). On an armory roof (beginning of campaign) I had to find the rotted spot in the roof, and fix it. I rolled a 1 on the spot, totaling a 3 (needed 5 to find). On the graph paper I showed where I was walking to look and hit to weak spot, falling through all three levels and landing on the ground. I failed the reflex save to try to catch myself.

Total quest time, maybe 15 seconds counting rolling, only 1 round in game. Ugh.

2012-10-18, 04:05 PM
Also we have a character who had a ring of feather fall. He had previously loaned it to another character so he could make a safe drop and unlock a gate. After we finish raiding the keep, we leave and look down the cliff (500-750 ft) to see the village on fire, seeing several humanoids committing arson. Wanting to aid the village, he jumps off the cliff to feather fall (60 ft per round). But he never got the ring back from our rogue..... rest in pieces Marcus, rest in pieces.

Other funny failures have been forgetting to remove full plate (and not having any ranks in swim) and drowning (13th level too I think).

A goat knocked a fairly high level wizard down a ravine who was deep in thought and failed the listen check. He was knocked unconscious on the first crash on the rocks, never being able to stop before dying.

Set up a large portable hole filled with holy water on the floor, and the carpet was put back over it. The lich walked over and fell into it, and the shadowdancer he was walking toward (our bait) shadow jumped the 100 feet to the hole and closed it. Dead lich, pissed DM.

A mid-level fighter has died from over pooping (dehydration), as he had a virus but wanted tough it out. Not having a real healer and him ignoring the need to drink fluids didn't help.

2012-10-21, 06:49 PM
these are all prettyfunny...

2012-10-21, 07:13 PM
Still on Cranthis, we had to go figure out a way to reduce the number of troops this enemy guy had. We had a scroll that let us have a few minutes of telepathy with anyone who's name and face we knew. So, using a ridiculous success on a bluff check, I told him that all of his troops were conspiring against him, planning on a mutiny, and that I was a secret benefactor, in cahoots with his boss.

He executed 2/3rds of his force.

2012-10-21, 11:35 PM
Oh god, most of what my group does is just BS. The hilarious comments and jokes are unending!

So, one of our first long-running games our DM decided that he was willing to let the nuker-mage have incredibly poor physical stats for the ability to cast spells above his caster level, conditional that he took a feat that allowed him to do that, and that whenever he cast a spell above his level, he rolled a D% to do physical damage to himself. Oh, and he had 3 HP as a fifth level character because he had some horribly low Con. So, he cast a high level spell and knocked himself out.

So, we were in an encounter (five of a us including an allied NPC) against like two dozen POed Lizardfolk. He opens the encounter by dropping some insane spell that takes out half of them, and reduces himself to -8 HP. Our healer brought him back up to snuff right after combat ended. We go somewhere else, and another Lizardfolk opens combat by knocking him out, we clean house, he gets brought back awake, and then a sniper kills him.

In our DMs defense, he accepted the character session-by-session (basically, he reserved the right to kill the character at any time), and he opened the session with "And in this session, the cleric is kidnapped, and the wizard dies". The wizard was crestfallen at this announcement, and the cleric was mad. We rescued her though, but not before the "good" necromancer dominated her and convinced her to marry him.

Then there was the time I was DMing, and flat out told a PC "if you do this, you are going to die. You have other options. Options which are smarter then this, even to him". He ignored me, and the 1st level fighter found himself horribly out matched by a 7th level cleric casting inflict wounds, at some level or other. I managed to kill the rest of the party 5 minutes later. "No, no, it's OK, I can take the falling damage. Crap, I just failed the roll".

We also had a session where one of the PCs was a shapeshifting Druid who took the form of a big cat, and a kobold rogue rode him around. Not joking. They were in an area with a bunch of IEDs and carbombs that were attached to pressure plates with loot sitting on top. The Druid had no faith in the kobold's ability to deactive the bombs, and just set them off. The tank didn't appreciate having gold coins bouncing off of his nice new armor.

We were playing in a science-fantasy-wtf? game in HERO that resulted in the lines: "**** your magic, science!", and "not your science, MY SCIENCE!" being shouted at some high level military officer who was about to kill us all. There was the zombie game seemingly inspired by Resident evil that had the line "if you mowed the lawn more often there wouldn't be a zombie throwing grenades back there". I don't remember when, or the context, but we had "OK, we're playing 'Rock, Persuasion, Gun'".

Sadly, most of the comments are not age appropriate, or I'd just start copy-pasting from my groups forum where I record these things.

2012-10-21, 11:55 PM
I may have mentioned it elsewhere, but I'll post it here regardless.

At one point our party was visiting a city of cloud giants. Our dwarf ordered a drink at the bar between quests, and when the Giant asked if he wanted a small (normal-sized) drink, he refused. When the giant (highly amused) brought him a mug of mead sized for a Huge creature, the GM tells him to roll a Fort save to see how much he drinks before passing out. He got a natural 20 on the save. Twice in a row. Consequently, our dwarf effectively drank a small swimming pool, and has his name on the tavern's wall for breaking laws of physiology. If the Cleric hadn't prepared Remove Sickness, I'm not sure he would have survived the hangover.

2012-10-22, 03:50 AM
In our Old group our funniest deaths...

Let's see there was the Halfling Barbarian that got deafened and nearly killed by waking him with a whistle. (Stupid keen senses and maxed Listen....) He died later because not hearing any warnings... was fun shouting in everyone's face though....

The Vampire Incident:
Then there was the time before I played with the group. They told me a story about a pretty "high" level group that got slaughtered by a single vampire and only short of becoming a TPK because of the odd bonus character that happened to be present at that time (a Halfing with a really really big had with a really really big feather on a pony on a flying carpet).
Party goes into "vampire" mansion. Fighter gets hit by Lightning. Fighter says never hit the same spot twice stuff and gets hit by another Lightningbolt. Fighter and Blackguard get dominated and brainwashed to kill the party.
Told the Dragon Disciple that there was something in the Basement... slaughtered her. Told the Monk the DD was killed in the basement and killed him there. The Necromancer was raising an army to counter the vampire... knew the blackguard was coming for him and dodged his attack...right into the axe of the fighter. New Command kill each other. They start attacking each other while the Halfing finally found the wizard and disintigrated him. Blackguard and Fighter look at each other and begin to curse because they now have to ressurrect everyone.

In another fewsession adventure I played a Duskblade with less than elite array stat-rolls. The other two have already changed characters once/twice and we are near a hole with a pretty high drop. The ElvenBarbarian drops into and I help her get out but because she had 2 points more STR than me I get pulled in. I fail reflex and balance checks on a 1 point miss basis and end up dead. (Yes the character that survived 95% of the adventure died because of that.

"Ironic" Death:
I played a Neutral Cleric that I wanted to get into master of shrouds. Our three man party was in a dungeon and we split a bit (I'm not knowing the other 2 went back to the tavern) and I finally solved the puzzle we were supposed to solve... guess what awaited me on the other side? A Ghoul that paralyzed me (the DM rolled my saves in secret for that one ignoring the nat 20 I rolled for the save...).

Then there was the incident where my GF' Character died due to the aura of a door and was resurrected for 10 minutes to open the next door with the same aura.

2012-10-29, 04:34 PM
I think that these are all pretty good. I had a rouge that owned a Bag of Holding, and when my Fighter friend died, I stuffed his body in it. As it turns out, I had put an Incinerator in it (homebrew) and his body was "accidentally" cremated, so he had to re-roll a character.:smallsmile::smallbiggrin: Well, he got mad, flipped over the table, and stormed out of the room. That was the last we saw of Mr. Fluffy the Zealous (His character name and title.)