View Full Version : Starting a Shadowrun campaign

2012-10-16, 07:51 AM
Greeetings users,gamers, humans, a.i., skynet, and those who are unspoken
I will be starting a Shadowrun campaign. My team and I are not all that familiar with the rules set yet. We will be running 4th. As Gm, I wll be playing a fixer. I say playing, because The story will start with her. She is from Denver and was a well respected Fixer there. She had three or four teams she regularly used. She thought she was on top of the world. In the span of about two months, her teams were eleminated, her accounts were frozen and contacts and friends people she relied on either went missing or quick speaking to her. At this point she, took what money she had cut all ties and ran ended up in seattle. Fast forward two years, She has laid her ground work networking and is finally ready to put another team together. She finds the PC's and a few other potential prospects. She will have dossier's with as much info about each member of the team. Based on their skill set She will set up a introductionary job for them. (audition if you will) ( will give the GM and PLAYER time to go over the rules in a milk run) Once this is done, she will make her choices and we will play as a team. I will have 4 or 5 players. ( as GM i wanted to take each of them aside and do a simple run to get aquainted with the rules and iron out any problems with charactors or what ever)

As the story progress' she will find more info about what happened in Denver. She will use the team as her personal tools against whom ever did this to her. Maybe 1 in 10 missions will be towards this goal. The team will find out more about her as they progress. then they will have to decide if they still want to work for her or not.

For the street sams folk, I wanted them to escort teenie bopper for a week while daddy is gone on business. She is a genius, and a thrill seeker and is rebelling against daddy. She is 17 in college at a prestigous school. Several companies are looking at her to recruit. her specialty is Chemical and biochemical engineering. She loves to Base jump and has a Orc B/F cause daddy doesn't approve.

The rigger types will have to steal a prized car from a high profile combat biker and deliver it to a undisclosed location.

Hackers will have to break into a security firms annex and take some data and plant some. they will encounter a lazy Technomancer on duty for security.

Awakened charactors will have to deal with a street shaman who has a paracritter sidekick. trying to scratch out a name for themselves in the shadows.

ANy advice or ideas that might help us along would be greatly appreciated.

2012-10-16, 10:44 AM
Character creation:

If you are not familiar with the rules, you may not be able to correctly help your players to build their characters.

Shadowrun character should be able to do one thing good and an other (or two other) quite good.

Shadowrun characters should always have a way to fight at least a little, at least one ranged combat capability (unless they are specialized in close combat). Drones could do it.

Don't get too sentimental with your NPCs, they might die someday.

If some of your characters want to fight, they should take cyberware/bioware that give them more action (wired reflexes by exemple).

Having more than one hacker in the same group are usually useless.
Having two people with the ability to heal is a good thing.

Ask your players to pick up their roles together (Primary and secondary). What they do, not how they do it.

For the face, having contacts is a good thing. But if one of your character wants to be a heavy gunner (RPG, gatling gun...), (s)he should have a merchant or someone like that in his contact to provide her/him in BFG.

Scenario creation:

If your PCs are unable to deal with a kind of threat, do not make them deal with it in the first scenarii.
Do not fight your players, play with them.
Do not give your players all the solutions, they have to find things out by themselves.
Keep your secrets and NPC secrets secret, otherwise you might kill the fun.

You may want them to always work for your NPC, but in Shadowrun universe, dealing with only one Mr Johnson or fixer is not a good omen. Your main NPC may use other fixers to offer jobs to your runners (For you the result is the same, for your players, it introduces diversity).

2012-10-16, 10:59 AM
Thanks for the post. all of us are verteran RPGers except for one. We have a charactor building program called Chummer. It seems to be quite handy. so building should be easier. you can tell it what books you are using and it will pull the material from that only. It calculates everything and prints it out with reference pages and book titles.

My NPC is just a jump off point to assemble the team as well as some intrigue later on. The idea was to have a reason to leave seattle in the future. My idea was to get them comfortable then make them have to move leaving them naked so to speak. NO contacts, introduce para critters, needing papers to travel to different countries, ect..

As far as i know, I will have a Dryad face, human adept assassin gov type, rigger/hacker, Formorin as the tank, and a street sam. the other charactor i a not sure of.

I personally have played D&D almost from inception. I just wanted a change of scenery so to speak with a SCI-FI Game.

We toyed with Serenity also. using the cortex system.