View Full Version : Homework in France

2012-10-16, 08:25 AM
I know we have some French people here, so I was wondering if there was any comment on this story (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443675404578058301483391978.html#a rticleTabs%3Darticle) : A proposal to ban all homework.

The kids all go: Yay!

Banning out-of-school assignments would put France on the cutting edge of pedagogical fashion, though it wouldn't be entirely unprecedented. An elementary school in Maryland recently replaced homework with a standing order for 30 minutes a day of after-school reading. A German high school is also test-running a new homework ban, after an earlier reform lengthened the school day and crowded out time for extra-curriculars such as sports or music.

Naturally, there's plenty of sneering by Americans in the comments section, but this one caught my eye:

This article shows a great ignorance of the French school system. I happen to be French and my wife and children are all US citizens. So we have had plenty of opportunities to compare the US and French schools...!

In essence, there is little in common between both systems. The US schools are encouraging discovery, sports, individual expression, leadership and other great traits. The French schools are all about pure scholastic performance in particular in math and science. Too often the pressure on children and parents is oppressive. School work in France is infinitely more demanding than in the US and homework is an incredible source of stress for working parents unless their children are particularly intellectually gifted.

My wife and I have raised four children and would definitely have loved less homework and a more balanced approach to teaching children


So I'm wondering if anyone here who has been through the French school system has any comment. Here in America, such a proposal would make no sense because all too often students are not adequately challenged by classroom instruction. But there's no point in projecting a French proposal on an American classroom, because that's not what it's intended for . It's intended for a French classroom, which is evidently a very different environment.

FYI, I did plenty of "homework" when I was in school but never at home. I retired to the school library and did my homework there, often staying 2 or more hours late simply so that I could preserve home as a sanctuary from school. :smallamused:


Brian P.

2012-10-16, 02:38 PM
here goes
i'm french
i went to both american and french schools

American schools are fun and encouragement, and while maybe not academically challenging they are usually not hellish for most people

then we have French schools

these thing are brutal, grinding machines, that churn out students. Their primary goal is to teach students to sit down and shut up and have facts poured into their brain
their is no/very little creativity
children are forced to work like maniacs, they are like a machine...

its brutal man.. friggin brutal and definitely not the best way to educate

then again, imo neither is the US system

2012-10-16, 09:59 PM
Thanks, Grimbold!
Two questions.

1) Is it a good idea to cut back on homework in the French system and make there be more work in school?

2) If you had kids, which system would have them educated in? If neither, what alternative would you use?


Brian P.