View Full Version : Best cleric path for Anthropomorphic bat?

2012-10-17, 11:32 AM
Stats after racials:
str 10, dex 16, con 17, int 17, wis 24, cha 15

In a new series of sessions my friend who plays in my sessions will host I need to roll a character. Originally because we were so extremely low on available players I was going to play the following:

Goliath Fighter (dungeon crasher)

Dark Creature Templated Anthropomorphic bat Cleric (cloistered)

Well I'm dumping the fighter in favor of the cleric. Here is the party as it stands now:

Wizard, race unknown
Wizard, race unknown
Fighter, orc
Monk, thri-kreen
Warlock, ghost halfling thing

And me. Originally I went with the cleric, because was trying to build this all in one skill monkey, trap finder, scout-like being, who could easily hide and pop out to heal as needed for the group.

Well, now, I'd kind of like to still be a support healer, but focus much more on that. With two wizards, they should be able to take care of most of the divination abilities.

What would you suggest? All wizard 3.5 material is allowed, dragon/dungeon is allowed, 3.0 allowed as long as it wasn't updated with 3.5 or was removed with 3.5.

2x flaws allowed as well, starting ECL no greater than 2. (hence why I did have dark creature template to start, but it can be changed)

2012-10-17, 12:52 PM
Isn't Anthropomorphic Bat a bit cheesy?

If you want to play a skill monkey cleric, you need a god with the trickery domain. In which setting are you playing? A cloistered cleric might be good, too, for skillpoints and class skills.

Other then that, you might want to play a hybrid rogue/cleric class. Shadowbane Stalker springs to mind, I'm sure there are others.

As a cleric, your job is not to heal by the way. Your job is to buff the party and yourself and then rock face. Healing is for after the battle, with a wand of lesser vigor.

If your're playing in Faerun, I'd suggest Akadi. With the travel and trickery domain, you are well on your way for an interesting character, and your God won't give you any sort of commands except "Thou shalt not do boring ****."

2012-10-17, 03:37 PM
Isn't Anthropomorphic Bat a bit cheesy?

If you want to play a skill monkey cleric, you need a god with the trickery domain. In which setting are you playing? A cloistered cleric might be good, too, for skillpoints and class skills.

Other then that, you might want to play a hybrid rogue/cleric class. Shadowbane Stalker springs to mind, I'm sure there are others.

As a cleric, your job is not to heal by the way. Your job is to buff the party and yourself and then rock face. Healing is for after the battle, with a wand of lesser vigor.

If your're playing in Faerun, I'd suggest Akadi. With the travel and trickery domain, you are well on your way for an interesting character, and your God won't give you any sort of commands except "Thou shalt not do boring ****."

Cheesy? I'm not so sure, I like the idea of it, I had a great backstory, he like the idea of the creature.

We will have to disagree on what a cleric's job is. While I'm fully aware that a cleric can level worlds some day, I don't feel that a cleric is 100% exempt from combat healing.

I like the idea of buffing as well. The setting isn't anything particular, it is his world, and he allows everything as I listed so I guess think of it as a world with ALL of those settings smashed together. (for the purposes of building a character)

I really wanted a ranged character since I can fly and dart around the battle field, spot healing and shooting people and casting spells. I wasn't really envisioning this cleric as your typical plate it up and go toe to toe with people.

If the wizards turn out to go down straight offense instead of rogue like magic, then I could continue doing that.

2012-10-17, 03:46 PM
With 16 Dex you could make a good archer. Zen Archery or getting Wis to AC (Monk's Belt, use Luminous Armor for AC if allow, Shield of Faith for deflection).

There are some good healer PrCs, like the something or other of Pelor (adapted, ofc).

Any Cleric can Skillmonkey, since Guidance of the Avatar and Divine Insight are both spells for you. Just make sure you are Trained in the appropriate skills.

2012-10-17, 04:09 PM
You could take a level in fighter (or ranger or something similiar) and go bow cleric.

2012-10-17, 04:11 PM
You could take a level in fighter (or ranger or something similiar) and go bow cleric.

Or you could just ignore fighter or ranger and go bow cleric, and be better than if you took a level in fighter or ranger.



2012-10-17, 04:40 PM
Isn't Anthropomorphic Bat a bit cheesy?

This exactly ^

Personally I ban anthropomorphic bat. +6 to a stat, small size bonus, 60ft darkvision, and flight at 1st level with no level adjustment is broken in my book.

That being said, I'd focus on all manor of ranged spells and take advantage of your flight.

Take Reach Spell, Extend Spell (for buffs), and enlarge spell for better range and you can buff/debuff/and pewpew all you want and be great at it.

You don't really even need the ACF for burning turn attempts to reduce MM as those 3 aren't prohibitively expensive to begin with.

2012-10-17, 05:04 PM
Gavion: He can't go just bow cleric, because to go bow cleric, you have to be proficient with a bow. The one in your example manages that by being an elf.

The character in question will not be an elf, though.

2012-10-17, 05:09 PM
Gavion: He can't go just bow cleric, because to go bow cleric, you have to be proficient with a bow. The one in your example manages that by being an elf.

The character in question will not be an elf, though.

He could take martial weapon proficiency (though I'm sure there's a better way).

2012-10-17, 05:13 PM
He could take martial weapon proficiency (though I'm sure there's a better way).

Yea, Tue Militia feat and flaws.

2012-10-17, 05:16 PM
Maybe you could find a God with a longbow as his favored weapon and the war domain?

2012-10-17, 05:19 PM
Cloistered Cleric gets you the Knowledge domain, yes?

I suggest you take the Time and Planning domains, grab DMM: Persist, and go around being Batman.

2012-10-17, 08:10 PM
Gavion: He can't go just bow cleric, because to go bow cleric, you have to be proficient with a bow. The one in your example manages that by being an elf.

The character in question will not be an elf, though.
Mind you: It is just one feat away - and the right deity with the War domain will give it to you.

2012-10-17, 08:19 PM
Mind you: It is just one feat away - and the right deity with the War domain will give it to you.

You may want to read the posts above yours :smalltongue:.