View Full Version : Star Gate: Is there a D20 system for it?

2012-10-17, 12:10 PM
I was wondering if anyone had ever used a system to run a Star Gate based game and if so what would that be?

If the are more than one which is better and if possible is one a D20 game?

2012-10-17, 12:24 PM
I know AEG made one when OGL was bright and new and everything had a d20 game, but I have no experience with it. Given the usual quality of those games, I'd probably use a generic system instead, but here (http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/10/10809.phtml)'s a review that looks like it gives a positive and fairly detailed summary of what the book is.

2012-10-17, 12:59 PM
Sounds OK.
Better than writing a system from scratch.

2012-10-17, 08:40 PM
The Stargate d20 game does exist, yes. I've played it a couple of times. What I noticed was that Soldiers (going into Sniper, particularly when you armed them with a Barrett .50 sniper rifle and used a feat combo to hit and crit on a 10... which you could also auto-roll via taking 10) tended to be the best class. Oh, and always take C4 with you. There are very few problems that cannot be solved with the correct application of explosions.

One thing I have heard recommended for Stargate is the Star Wars SAGA system, except with the Force powers all ripped out (or doled out very sparingly/GM-exclusive to represent Ascended beings or similar). That might be something for you to investigate.

2012-10-17, 10:27 PM
Yes. I've been playing in an intermittent SG campaign-via-Skype since 2009. I don't know the publication details, and the GM has come down with a severe case of Ill Advised Romance and been out of contact for a while, but at least you know it exists.
C4 is good. More is better.

2012-10-18, 11:05 AM
The one thing I find with saga ed is that my group of munchkins tend to build themselves into an armed weapons platform. With that removed and normal earth tech I shouldn't have such a hard time making fights interesting.

With Star Gate, I think, strange powers would be required given their prevalence but the force powers are very universe specific. Having said that it would not be had to make new ones.

Anyone know if this Star Gate system is still being sold? Is it old?

2012-10-18, 11:14 AM
AEG's StarGate was based on their SpyCraft System. It has some neat things in it but it is a bit more involved for combat (initiative is fluid and you can take actions that change your initiative, sometimes multiple times in a turn). Never had the chance to play but a friend did in another group and he enjoyed it alright.

There are entries for the various books on RPGgeek: http://rpggeek.com/rpg/813/stargate-sg-1

AEG has nothing anymore except a section in their forums (not on them so don't know how active they are).

2012-10-18, 12:13 PM
Make sure to put as many points into spinning as you can. Spinning is so much better than not spinning.

Agent 451
2012-10-18, 02:12 PM
Anyone know if this Star Gate system is still being sold? Is it old?

Ebay is your friend...that is if you have way more money than I do. There's a copy of the core book on there that is going for $80 Canadian. Best bet would be canvasing your FLGS, or used book stores in general. I've seen them on occasion here in Calgary.