View Full Version : Gitpg Druid help [3.5 edited]

2012-10-17, 04:00 PM
So, im a lvl 5 druid in a game that has been altered alot by my dm, in fact it has been altered soo much that I cant write it in a forum post.
In short, alot of feats has been removed some chosen, skills altered, some now give bonuses to fights, and alot to item creations. Spells is now mana users, and you can regenerate during battle, if you dare, due to interrupt being fatal. coup.. etc.
So, i was hoping that a very good, or just decent knowledgeable druid could help me out for a few moments.
or if you know what druid I should ask for help?

kind regards

2012-10-17, 04:08 PM
Can you write the entirety of the houserules? Or get the GM to get a full and complete writeup of the houserules to you?

2012-10-17, 04:34 PM
I think we'd need a little more to go on. There are a number of good resources out there. But if significant aspects of those resources have been removed, you may be looking at optimizing a few pegs down.

I suspect many people would be glad to help you.

It would be useful to know at least how the house rules affect:
--The druid class and its class specific abilities specifically
--Druid spells and spells/spell casting in general
--Natural weapons and combat in general
--Feats (like natural spell) and skills

Also, what resources--altered though they may be--are available in your campaign?