View Full Version : Polearm build advice

2012-10-18, 01:05 PM
Im wanting to build a frontline fighter that can capitalize on the ability of a polearm to annoy the **** out of melee fighters. I would like some tips on feats and build optimization. I know im taking quick draw so if i do get swarmed i can just drop m spear and draw sword and shield without taking too many hits. Im gunning for a croud control off-tank.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-10-18, 01:09 PM
a lock-down build will work just perfect

Get combat reflexes+standstill+ improved trip (preferably via wolf totem barbarian 2) at the very least. Quickdraw is a wasted feat, you can always 5 foot step if you think you wil lneed more breathing room and getting your armour outfited with armor spikes would save you a feat.

Some sort of enlarge person effect is also a very good idea.

2012-10-18, 01:28 PM
Do you have access to Player's Handbook 2? If so, then get the Short Haft feat. (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-handbook-ii--80/short-haft--2616/)

It allows you to attack adjacent opponents with your polearm.

Speaking of which, what sourcebooks is your DM allowing access to? Because I'd honestly recommend using a Tome of Battle class instead of a baseline fighter if you can get them.

2012-10-18, 01:30 PM
a lock-down build will work just perfect

Get combat reflexes+standstill+ improved trip (preferably via wolf totem barbarian 2) at the very least. Quickdraw is a wasted feat, you can always 5 foot step if you think you wil lneed more breathing room and getting your armour outfited with armor spikes would save you a feat.

Some sort of enlarge person effect is also a very good idea.

Unfortunately im stuck with straight fighter. My dm doesnt allow barbarians in his world and he makes multiclassing is so insanely complicated that its really not even worth it.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-10-18, 01:36 PM
Do you have access to Player's Handbook 2? If so, then get the Short Haft feat. (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-handbook-ii--80/short-haft--2616/)

It allows you to attack adjacent opponents with your polearm.

Speaking of which, what sourcebooks is your DM allowing access to? Because I'd honestly recommend using a Tome of Battle class instead of a baseline fighter if you can get them.

That feat sucks... he could spend the same feat for spiked chain proficiency and get the same benefits without having to spend a swift action and reducing your threatned area.

Unfortunately im stuck with straight fighter. My dm doesnt allow barbarians in his world and he makes multiclassing is so insanely complicated that its really not even worth it.

Seriously no barbarians? well that sucks... straight fighter can be dencent if you get some ACF (Zentharim Fighter and Dungeoncrasher would get you some utility and variety on your tactics).

2012-10-18, 01:36 PM
Do you have access to Player's Handbook 2? If so, then get the Short Haft feat. (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-handbook-ii--80/short-haft--2616/)

It allows you to attack adjacent opponents with your polearm.

Speaking of which, what sourcebooks is your DM allowing access to? Because I'd honestly recommend using a Tome of Battle class instead of a baseline fighter if you can get them.

We have access to any sourcebook we can find but are limited to the core classes minus monk and barbarian.

2012-10-18, 01:55 PM
If you do get surrounded then death is near no matter how tanky you are, barring cheese. All you have to do is max out your combat expertise on armor spikes, assuming you already have CE for improved trip anyway. Then 5 foot step out of the flank and towards allies if you can. You might still draw a shield but it takes a second move action to strap it on meaning it takes 2 rounds. If you do them both in 1 round you can't use CE, which is worse. If you're really in trouble drawing a shield is probably worth it for levels 1-10 until you get hasted (via spell or boots). At that point you're probably better off full attacking instead even at the -5 from CE. Before that point I wouldn't bother with the second attack at -10 and I'd go for a shield or potion of invisibility or anything else instead.

The above are all backup tactics anyway. Don't blow too much money or any feats on them, but do carry something. Most of the time you 5 foot step back and continue using your polearm. Or if things are bad and you have room to 5 foot step you can polearm + max CE. Best of all trips are touch attacks so you still might hit with them even at -5. So easy that you might even CE + trip even when things aren't bad to frustrate foes further, unless for some odd reason you need faster damage against tripped foes. Or if everyone's already tripped and there's no one left to hurt you much anyway.

Armor spikes are also handy if you get grappled.

2012-10-18, 02:33 PM
do you have any other suggestions for feats specifically for polearms? and what polearm is the best? also i cant find standstill. what book is it in?

2012-10-18, 02:38 PM
If you do get surrounded then death is near no matter how tanky you are, barring cheese. All you have to do is max out your combat expertise on armor spikes, assuming you already have CE for improved trip anyway. Then 5 foot step out of the flank and towards allies if you can. You might still draw a shield but it takes a second move action to strap it on meaning it takes 2 rounds. If you do them both in 1 round you can't use CE, which is worse. If you're really in trouble drawing a shield is probably worth it for levels 1-10 until you get hasted (via spell or boots). At that point you're probably better off full attacking instead even at the -5 from CE. Before that point I wouldn't bother with the second attack at -10 and I'd go for a shield or potion of invisibility or anything else instead.

The above are all backup tactics anyway. Don't blow too much money or any feats on them, but do carry something. Most of the time you 5 foot step back and continue using your polearm. Or if things are bad and you have room to 5 foot step you can polearm + max CE. Best of all trips are touch attacks so you still might hit with them even at -5. So easy that you might even CE + trip even when things aren't bad to frustrate foes further, unless for some odd reason you need faster damage against tripped foes. Or if everyone's already tripped and there's no one left to hurt you much anyway.

Armor spikes are also handy if you get grappled.

i know this is probably a stupid question but what is this cheese you speak of?

2012-10-18, 02:40 PM
100+ AC build tricks. Don't have the url's recorded but you can search around for AC builds.

2012-10-18, 02:41 PM
Behold! I give you Locke Down (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19856162/A_little_Lock_build_for_you...), the twentieth level fighter that makes a habit of taking down druids and their little dogs too.

2012-10-18, 02:45 PM
also we are using pathfinder character templates on fast progression so i am effectively getting a feat every level. im not really worried about not having enough feats, im just trying to make the most of the ones i get.

2012-10-18, 02:46 PM
Um... why don't you just use spiked chain?

2012-10-18, 03:16 PM
Behold! I give you Locke Down (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19856162/A_little_Lock_build_for_you...), the twentieth level fighter that makes a habit of taking down druids and their little dogs too.

I would not suggest this build versus a druid.

Keld Denar
2012-10-18, 03:17 PM
Yea, for control, you are gonna get the best return on your investment from a Spiked Chain. You get 1.5x Str and 2:1 PA, so your odds of having a respectable Standstill DC is better. Also saves you money on enchants. Also, being enlarged with a standard polearm doubles your adjacent dead zone, meaning a simple 5' step isn't gonna save you.

If you just want to hit fools upside the head, a Glaive is probably your best bet. If you want to do any sort of control, spend the feat on the chain. And certainly spend the feat on the chain before you spend a feat on a crappy feat like Short Haft.

2012-10-18, 03:42 PM
My dm is trying to make the world a bit more realistic as far as equipment and everything else goes so exotic weapons are very hard to find. The chances of even getting a hold of a spiked chain are next to none. And i'm just kinda partial to the polearm idea. Im not looking to make the perfect lockdown build, just a fun to play fighter with some fairly decent utility in the lockdown field. Plus my dm loves to annoy us with monsters with reach so it would be nice to turn the tables on him.

2012-10-18, 03:49 PM
My dm is trying to make the world a bit more realistic as far as equipment and everything else goes so exotic weapons are very hard to find. The chances of even getting a hold of a spiked chain are next to none. And i'm just kinda partial to the polearm idea. Im not looking to make the perfect lockdown build, just a fun to play fighter with some fairly decent utility in the lockdown field. Plus my dm loves to annoy us with monsters with reach so it would be nice to turn the tables on him.

Fighters aren't really known for their utility. The Short Haft feat, upon further realization and from other posters, ain't so hot.

I'd recommend getting a hold of the Mounted Combat feat, a Lance (which has reach), and a Pegasus, Spider Eater, or other winged mount. Flying opponents are very common in D&D, and a melee fighter is pretty much useless against them (and may need to resort to an inferior bow which he has no feats in). Lances can also do more damage on a charge attack or when readied against a charge.

2012-10-18, 03:54 PM
Guisarme + Armor Spikes
Guisarme + Gauntlet
Guisarme + Spiked Gauntlet
Some custom polearm and associated training that happens to have the stats of a Spiked Chain. Perhaps call it a Guisarme-Voulge? I'm sure I could find a Japanese equivalent if you want it to be more 'eastern'.

Also, read this:


And the linked threads.

2012-10-18, 04:31 PM
Have you considered knock-down? It has been debated before, but by the SRD it works with Improved Trip, meaning that when you attack and deal ten or more points of damage, you get a free trip attempt, and on a successful trip, you get a free attack. STAY DOWN!

2012-10-18, 05:22 PM
If all you are is Fighter, there are some ways to improve your versatility... Here are some good alternative class features for Fighter:

Zhentarim Soldier http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060327a
Thug http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#fighterVariantThug
Dungeon Crusher (Dungeonscape)
Exoticist (Dragon Magazine #310)
Hit and Run Tactics (Drow of the Underdark)
Physical Prowess http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20061013a
Skilled City Dweller (trade Ride for Tumble, handle animal for gather information. You don't need gather information if you get Thug though) http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a
Sneak Attack Fighter http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#fighter

Note: You don't want all of these, and many don't stack with one another. But you should look at as many of these as you can! I am sure folk will come up with a few more, too!

2012-10-18, 05:27 PM
do you have any other suggestions for feats specifically for polearms? and what polearm is the best? also i cant find standstill. what book is it in?

It is, oddly, in the Expanded Psionics Handbook, despite having nothing to do with psionics.

On the plus side, XPH is open gaming content, so you can freely and legally view it here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#standStill).

For class...if limited to core classes and no monk or barbarian.... can you do the "martial rogue" (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#rogue) variant? Fighter 1-20 is just so...awful....

For feats, aside from Stand Still and Improved Trip and Combat Reflexes, which are the primary feats for a lockdown guy, there are some other good ones. Off the top of my head...

Hold the Line from C.Warrior makes enemies that charge into your threatened area provoke an AoO from you (on top of the AoO they provoke for moving out of a threatened square; this happens from moving *into* one of them).

Martial Study and Martial Stance from Tome of Battle are useful primarily to get the Thicket of Blades stance, since you can't just multiclass into the ToB classes for it.

Defensive Sweep from PHB 2 causes enemies that do not move at all between your turns while threatened by you to provoke an AoO at the start of your next turn. You basically combine this w/ Thicket of Blades (which makes 5 ft steps provoke and does not allow tumbling) to basically put an enemy into a lose-lose situation. Has an insanely high BAB req of like +14 for reasons beyond my understanding, considering the feat's worthless w/o Thicket of Blades or some way to make difficult terrain (and thus also shut off 5 ft steps).

And the Mage Slayer feat line from C.Arcane is good for any melee person that expects to fight casters or outsiders frequently.

2012-10-18, 05:50 PM
Be a Half giant Psionic Warrior, Grab Expand, Vigor, Psionic Lions Charge, Force Screen, Hustle and whatever other powers suit your fancy at higher levels. Take the Above mentioned, Improved Trip, Knockdown, Stand still, and Combat reflexes feats. Watch in amusement as every melee enemy eats attacks of opportunity from your 40 foot reach

Piggy Knowles
2012-10-18, 06:10 PM
Most of this info has been mentioned, and can be found in the various links people have provided, but...

1. The best polearm for you is probably a guisarme. 10' reach, reasonable damage at the low levels, and you can make trip attacks with it.

2. There are a bunch of ways to avoid spending a feat on Quick Draw. Actually, the feat itself isn't really the issue - fighters have lots of feats. It's the fact that you want to threaten adjacent areas as well as those further away, and you'll have to drop your guisarme to quick draw whatever you need. I personally recommend armor spikes.

3. Fighters, as mentioned, have lots of feats but can't do much else. Look into some ACFs. Dungeoncrasher probably won't be so great if your goal is to lock people down, but look into Zhentarim Fighter (Champions of Valor web expansion), and the various ACFs from PHB2. (Overpowering Assault is especially good, because the damage boost lasts until your next turn, meaning it applies to all your AoOs as well.)

4. Basically, you want to threaten a big area, and prevent enemies from getting anywhere while you do so. For that, I'd recommend some of the following feats (not necessarily all of them, but some):

Mage Slayer (CArc, when you threaten an enemy they can't cast defensively)
Stand Still (XPH/SRD, instead of dealing damage when you make an AoO, you can stop the enemy from moving)
Knock-down (Deities and Demigods/SRD, when you deal more than 10 points of damage to an enemy, you can make a free trip attack - in other words, make your AoO and then knock them down when you hit them)
Improved Trip (PHB, just a generally good way to screw with melee enemies)
Knockback (Races of Stone, must be large sized or a goliath/half-giant. When you hit them while using Power Attack, you also bull rush them backwards.)
Martial Stance (Thicket of Blades) (Tome of Battle, prevent people from 5' stepping through your threatened area.)
Earth Devotion (Complete Champion, not as good as picking up Martial Stance for Thicket of Blades, but this can be an alternative, especially since you can take it way earlier than Thicket of Blades.)
Combat Reflexes (PHB, no point in building around AoOs if you can only make one a round!)

So, taking all this into account, try something like...

Stats: 13 minimum in Intelligence, Str/Dex/Con need to be decent. Sorry... no real way around it.

ACFs: Overpowering Assault (PHB2), Zhentarim Fighter (CValor Web Enhancement)

1- Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Jotunbrud
2- Improved Trip
3- Mage Slayer, Skill Focus (Intimidate)
4- Martial Study (Vanguard's Strike)
6- Knock Down, Pierce Magical Protection
9- Blind-Fight
10- Improved Initiative
12- Robilar's Gambit, Martial Stance (Thicket of Blades)
14- Martial Study (Moment of Perfect Mind)
15- Pierce Magical Concealment
18- Deft Opportunist, Stand Still
20- Weapon Focus (Guisarme)

Fight with a guisarme and armor spikes. Find a way to get as big as possible, so you threaten a good hunk of the battlefield. Use overwhelming assault on your turn, and then smack anything that moves, either knocking it down or preventing it from moving further.

As an alternative, try a goliath with Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush and Knockback. When something moves, smack it and bull rush it back. For that I'd go with something like:

1- Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush
2- Combat Reflexes
3- Knockback
4- Blind-Fight
6- Shock Trooper, Mage Slayer
8- Improved Initiative
9- Deft Opportunist
10- Martial Study (Foehammer)
12- Martial Stance (Thicket of Blades), FILLER
15- Pierce Magical Concealment
18- Pierce Magical Protection, FILLER

Fill the filler however you'd like. Melee weapon mastery, or weapon supremacy, or combat focus feats, or more martial studies. It doesn't really matter. The point is you threaten a big area, people can't cast defensively or 5' step around you, and when you hit people, you blast them backwards with Knockback/Shock Trooper. Deft Opportunist is especially nice here, because it helps mitigate the penalty you'll be taking from Power Attack.

2012-10-18, 06:38 PM
This isn't treading any new ground, but I fiddled around a bit with what I think is a pretty fun-looking Fighter-based lock build.

Kalashtar Fighter 20

Assuming Elite Array:
Str 15 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 8 Cha 12
[Ideal base stats: Max Str, Good Con, Passable Dex/Wis, Int=10, Cha=13]

{table=head]Level |Class |Class Feature |Feat
1 |Fighter 1 |Combat Reflexes |Hidden Talent (Dimension Hop)
2 |Fighter 2 |Blind-Fight |
3 |Zhentarim Soldier 1 |Skill Focus: Intimidate |Stand Still
4 |Fighter 4 |Power Attack |
5 |Zhentarim Soldier 2 |Extended Intimidation |
6 |Fighter 6 |Martial Study (Wall of Blades) |Mage Slayer
7 |Fighter 7 | |
8 |Fighter 8 |Resolute |
9 |Zhentarim Soldier 3 |Swift Demoralization |Imperious Command
10 |Fighter 10 |Martial Stance (Thicket of Blades)|
11 |Fighter 11 | |
12 |Fighter 12 |Robilar's Gambit |Pierce Magical Concealment
13 |Fighter 13 | |
14 |Fighter 14 |Improved Bull Rush |
15 |Fighter 15 | |Shock Trooper
16 |Fighter 16 |Dodge |
17 |Fighter 17 | |
18 |Fighter 18 |Mobility |Sidestep
19 |Fighter 19 | |
20 |Fighter 20 |Elusive Target|[/table]

Skill Ranks: Dump them all in Intimidate and Tumble (through Skilled City Dweller), sacking level 9 skill points for the Never Outnumbered skill trick.

Relevant Gear: Fearsome Armor enhancement (move action intimidate and intimidate bonus), Sudden Stunning weapon enhancement (inexpensive stun effects on melee attacks), items with Crown of the White Raven-type enhancements (the best value comes from Iron Heart Surge, Action before Thought, Shadow Jaunt and Defensive Rebuke) and let's say a Gnomish Battlecloak, because on a fighter, why not.

Ideally establishing a legacy item to ensure access to magic abilities like flight, see invisibility, dimension anchor, swift grease, true seeing, miss chances, etc. (Yeah, WoL mechanics hurt, but Reflex-dumping Table 4-2 penalties aren't bad compared to what you get from the deal.)

Also ideally using Crown of the White Raven-type items to bootstrap the build's way into feat qualification (eg. Use a Devoted Spirit Amulet to learn Foehammer, which qualifies for Martial Stance: Thicket of Blades, which then self-qualifies, removing magic item reliance and allowing the Amulet to learn a stronger power like Defensive Rebuke). Otherwise, the build can shift Wall of Blades to Leading the Attack or Foehammer.

And if the basic abilities need explanation/sources:
Kalashtar for a decent PP pool + Hidden Talent (Dimension Hop) for cheap swift action teleports to deal with the Fighter's movement issues (both the action cost and the control-based lockdowns), and to force Shock Trooper damage even when otherwise not possible (either due to starting too close or there being something in the way).
Resolute ACF for a decent Will save despite low Wisdom priorities and slow advancement.
Pierce Magical Concealment to avoid being completely outplayed with common low-level magic effects like Blink, Mirror Image or Invisibility.
Shock Trooper removes the attack penalty from PA when charging and paints the fighter as a target, potentially baiting Robilar's Gambit fodder.
Robilar's Gambit to make all attacks against the fighter trigger AoOs (again at the previously-mentioned double-damage)
Robilar's Gambit+Sidestep to move out of range when attacked with multiple attacks (when doing so is tactically advantageous).
Elusive Target to ignore Power Attack damage and flankers (including the easiest sneak attack damage).
Combat Reflexes/Stand Still/Mage Slayer/Thicket of Blades for standard fighter-based control abilities.
Swift Demoralization + Never Outnumbered + Fearsome Armor + Imperious Command to inflict Panicked attacks on targets at a very high DC as a swift action at will (with a 1/encounter multi-target Panicked effect).

Champions of Valor Web enhancement (Zhentarim Soldier sub levels), Complete Arcane (Mage Slayer feat, Pierce Magical Concealment feat, Pierce Magical Protection feat) Complete Champion (Resolute ACF), Complete Psionic (Dimension Hop power), Complete Scoundrel (Never Outnumbered skill trick), Complete Warrior (Elusive Target feat, Shck Trooper feat), Drow of the Underdark (Fearsome Armor, Shadow Cloak item, Imperious Command feat), Dungeon Master's Guide 2 (Sudden Stunning Weapon), Expanded Psionics Handbook (Hidden Talent feat), Miniatures Handbook (Sidestep feat), Player's Handbook 2 (Robilar's Gambit feat), Races of Eberron (Kalashtar race), Races of Stone (Gnomish Battlecloak shield), Tome of Battle (Martial Study feat, Martial Stance feat, Crown of the White Raven-type items), Weapons of Legacy (legacy items)

EDIT: Looks like I'm not the only one. It's funny how nearly identical these builds all wind up.
EDIT2: Modified for less vulnerability to dispels.

2012-10-19, 05:51 AM
My dm is trying to make the world a bit more realistic as far as equipment and everything else goes so exotic weapons are very hard to find. The chances of even getting a hold of a spiked chain are next to none. And i'm just kinda partial to the polearm idea. Im not looking to make the perfect lockdown build, just a fun to play fighter with some fairly decent utility in the lockdown field. Plus my dm loves to annoy us with monsters with reach so it would be nice to turn the tables on him.

So spiked chains are unrealistic but magic is realistic? :smalleek:

Dusk Eclipse
2012-10-19, 07:03 AM
This isn't treading any new ground, but I fiddled around a bit with what I think is a pretty fun-looking Fighter-based lock build.

Kalashtar Fighter 20

Assuming Elite Array:
Str 15 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 8 Cha 12
[Ideal base stats: Max Str, Good Con, Passable Dex/Wis, Int=10, Cha=13]

{table=head]Level |Class |Class Feature |Feat
1 |Fighter 1 |Combat Reflexes |Hidden Talent (Dimension Hop)
2 |Fighter 2 |Blind-Fight |
3 |Zhentarim Soldier 1 |Skill Focus: Intimidate |Stand Still
4 |Fighter 4 |Power Attack |
5 |Zhentarim Soldier 2 |Extended Intimidation |
6 |Fighter 6 |Resolute |Mage Slayer
7 |Fighter 7 | |
8 |Fighter 8 |Dodge |
9 |Zhentarim Soldier 3 |Swift Demoralization |Imperious Command
10 |Fighter 10 |Martial Stance (Thicket of Blades)|
11 |Fighter 11 | |
12 |Fighter 12 |Robilar's Gambit |Pierce Magical Concealment
13 |Fighter 13 | |
14 |Fighter 14 |Improved Bull Rush |
15 |Fighter 15 | |Sidestep
16 |Fighter 16 |Shock Trooper |
17 |Fighter 17 | |
18 |Fighter 18 |Elusive Target |Pierce Magical Protection
19 |Fighter 19 | |
20 |Fighter 20 |Martial Study (Iron Heart Surge)|[/table]

Skill Ranks: Dump them all in Intimidate and Tumble (through Skilled City Dweller), sacking level 9 skill points for the Never Outnumbered skill trick.

Relevant Gear: Fearsome Armor enhancement (move action intimidate and intimidate bonus), Mobility armor enhancement (the feat as an item), Sudden Stunning weapon enhancement (inexpensive stun effects on melee attacks), items with Crown of the White Raven-type enhancements (the best value comes from Wall of Blades, Action before Thought, Shadow Jaunt and Defensive Rebuke) and let's say a Gnomish Slipcloth, because on a fighter, why not.

Ideally establishing a legacy item to ensure access to magic abilities like flight, see invisibility, dimension anchor, swift grease, true seeing, miss chances, etc. (Yeah, WoL mechanics hurt, but Reflex-dumping Table 4-2 penalties aren't bad compared to what you get from the deal.)

Also ideally using Crown of the White Raven-type items to bootstrap the build's way into feat qualification (eg. Use a Ironheart Vest to learn Wall of Blades, which qualifies for Martial Study: Iron Heart Surge, which then self-qualifies, removing magic item reliance). Otherwise, the build can give up Elusive Target and prereqs for Martial Studies and swap Sidestep for Evasive Reflexes, for the times trading blows isn't in its best interests.

And if the basic abilities need explanation/sources:
Kalashtar for a decent PP pool + Hidden Talent (Dimension Hop) for cheap swift action teleports to deal with the Fighter's movement issues (both the action cost and the control-based lockdowns), and to force Shock Trooper damage even when otherwise not possible (either due to starting too close or there being something in the way).
Resolute ACF for a decent Will save despite low Wisdom priorities and slow advancement.
Pierce Magical Concealment and Iron Heart Surge to avoid being outplayed with common low-level magic effects like Blink, Mirror Image or Invisibility.
Shock Trooper removes the attack penalty from PA when charging and paints the fighter as a target, potentially baiting Robilar's Gambit fodder.
Robilar's Gambit to make all attacks against the fighter trigger AoOs (again at the previously-mentioned double-damage)
Robilar's Gambit+Sidestep to move out of range when attacked with multiple attacks (when doing so is tactically advantageous).
Elusive Target to ignore Power Attack damage and flankers (including the easiest sneak attack damage).
Combat Reflexes/Stand Still/Mage Slayer/Thicket of Blades for standard fighter-based control abilities.
Swift Demoralization + Never Outnumbered + Fearsome Armor + Imperious Command to inflict Panicked attacks on targets at a very high DC as a swift action at will (with a 1/encounter multi-target Panicked effect).

Champions of Valor Web enhancement (Zhentarim Soldier sub levels), Complete Arcane (Mage Slayer feat, Pierce Magical Concealment feat, Pierce Magical Protection feat) Complete Champion (Resolute ACF), Complete Psionic (Dimension Hop power), Complete Scoundrel (Never Outnumbered skill trick), Complete Warrior (Elusive Target feat, Shck Trooper feat), Drow of the Underdark (Fearsome Armor, Shadow Cloak item, Imperious Command feat), Dungeon Master's Guide 2 (Sudden Stunning Weapon), Expanded Psionics Handbook (Hidden Talent feat), Miniatures Handbook (Sidestep feat), Player's Handbook 2 (Robilar's Gambit feat), Races of Eberron (Kalashtar race), Races of Stone (Gnomish Slipcloth shield), Tome of Battle (Martial Study feat, Martial Stance feat, Crown of the White Raven-type items), Weapons of Legacy (legacy items)

Looks like I'm not the only one. It's funny how nearly identical these builds all wind up.

You don't qualify for Martial Stance even if Thicket of Blades doesn't have a maneuver requirement. You still need to have a martial maneuver first

Piggy Knowles
2012-10-19, 08:37 AM
It's a moot point regardless - I'm pretty sure Thicket of Blades requires having one Devoted Spirit maneuver anyhow.

It's just too bad Devoted Spirit doesn't really have any great counters... you're pretty much left with either Foehammer (nice to break DR, but kinda eh) or Vanguard's Strike as your pre-req maneuver if you're picking it up via Martial Study. Almost every other discipline has a low level maneuver without any pre-reqs that is more useful to the casual martial adept.

2012-10-19, 08:42 AM
Unfortunately im stuck with straight fighter. My dm doesnt allow barbarians in his world and he makes multiclassing is so insanely complicated that its really not even worth it.

That...is less than ideal. His call, I guess.

i know this is probably a stupid question but what is this cheese you speak of?

"Cheese" is generally considered to be an incredibly literal reading of the rules to gain a benefit that was entirely unintended, OR relying on interactions that were also unintended.

Um... why don't you just use spiked chain?

Spiked chains, if I remember right, are terrible in Pathfinder. Might be because they're not a reach weapon anymore. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/chain-spiked)

Be a Half giant Psionic Warrior, Grab Expand, Vigor, Psionic Lions Charge, Force Screen, Hustle and whatever other powers suit your fancy at higher levels. Take the Above mentioned, Improved Trip, Knockdown, Stand still, and Combat reflexes feats. Watch in amusement as every melee enemy eats attacks of opportunity from your 40 foot reach

This is beautiful =D

Okay, so, based on what you've said, I cannot recommend this build enough. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=80415) Seriously, it's amazing. Anyway, given that you're using Pathfinder, your build will go something like this:
Ranger 3/Fighter 2/Something-Here-Man-Barbarian-Would-Be-Nice

Okay, starting over:
Ranger 4/Fighter 2/Horizon Walker 3+

This gives you, over the first 6 levels, 7 feats to play with, and you don't have to burn one to get in to Horizon Walker (Ranger gets Endurance for free). At your third level of Horizon Walker, you get dimension door 3+Wis modifier times per day, as long as you're picking Astral Plane. After your third level of Horizon Walker, I would recommend returning to Ranger; they get some pretty nice spells and you can justify putting more points in to Wisdom. Alternatively, you could Cleric dip, but I don't know how friendly Pathfinder is to that for melee builds.

For weapons (straight from that build) you're going to want a guisarme and a spiked, locked gauntlet. This gives you a reach weapon and a close range weapon; you might have to pick up Imp. Unarmed Strike so as not to provoke AoOs when you use the spiked gauntlet. Pretty early on, you need Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, and Power attack. That's going to take you all of three levels to do, as long as you're human. Now feel free to enjoy the nice tripping feats mentioned previously in the thread.

You should note that I'm very used to 3.5; I'm not 100% sure that the feats I recommended transferred 1:1 to Pathfinder. I do know that a) the build I presented is legal, and b) trip builds are pretty doable in Pathfinder.

EDIT: Oh, you said multiclassing's a pain. How much of a pain? You can do this with straight Ranger for your first 6 levels, it's just not quite as nice.

2012-10-19, 10:58 AM
You don't qualify for Martial Stance even if Thicket of Blades doesn't have a maneuver requirement. You still need to have a martial maneuver first
It's true that doesn't self-qualify, but I'm having trouble seeing a good argument that a Crown of the White Raven doesn't grant a martial maneuver; if "use of a martial maneuver" is ruled to be somehow distinct from "a martial maneuver," the same contingencies fall into place.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-10-19, 11:04 AM
Ah I didn't catch that you were using the White Raven Crown to meet the pre-requisites. Frankly I don't like to use items to qualify; but to each to their own I guess.

2012-10-19, 01:07 PM
Ah I didn't catch that you were using the White Raven Crown to meet the pre-requisites. Frankly I don't like to use items to qualify; but to each to their own I guess.
I'm not a huge fan either, but I do like the way crowns of the white raven and martial study can basically leapfrog each others' prerequisites.

You did bring up a point I hadn't noticed on the Martial Stance requirement (I'd been applying maneuver prerequisite rules to feats, which don't work the same way), so dispels do look like serious problems. I'll fiddle with that, and see if it can't be smoothed out.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-10-19, 01:16 PM
I was just going to suggest getting a flaw and selecting dodge with it, letting that feat open for martial study. What did you change then?