View Full Version : Domain Feats and SLAs

2012-10-18, 03:30 PM
Quick question regarding utility use. Strictly speaking from a martial adept/melee rouge build, how useful would the feats night haunt and trickery domain be? Granted this is no where near optimized, but I can for-see these two adding a boon to a rouge/swordsage finding himself in a tight spot, and possibly a need to fool an enemy for a brief moment or two, speaking from just a combat perspective, from a roleplay and interaction one, they provide not only comic relief, but also a few unique things, such as sneaking and the like. Granted both a very short lived considering one only is once a day and only lasts an hour, and the other only a minute. Thoughts though are appreciated, and what other uses we can gain from said things other than the normal trap, flanking and or high jinks.

2012-10-18, 03:55 PM
For non-optimal feats, I know Trickery is actually surprisingly effective. Even if it is just once per say, having a duplicate of you, even if just for a little bit, is very very handy.
Night Haunt is somewhat less so. While Prestidigitation has many uses, these uses tend to come in handy more often when one has multiple uses of it available, and further, if your DM lets you request custom magic items, buying one with unlimited uses would be both dirt cheap, and exponentially more enjoyable. Dancing lights has its uses, but generally falls into the same category and therefore might not be worth the time with the feat, as you'd get more enjoyment from the item. Unseen servant is the only one of these that provides some good utility, and that a DM might (justifiably) be a bit iffy about letting you get an unlimited charge version of. From retrieving out of reach objects, to setting off traps, to grabbing you your dinner, the spell has a nice duration and a lot of utility. So, realistically speaking, if you are getting Night Haunt, you are getting it for this. And really, if you don't might care about optimization, I would just as soon say (character build permitting) to grab two levels or bard, or a level of sorcerer, and get the other nice things that go along with having a few levels of these classes (I would recommend bard in particular, since you can use it to buff yourself, as well as get access to healing magic).

2012-10-18, 04:03 PM
True, trickery is definitely more for the combat option considering what it can do, and having a double of myself running around the battle for a minute when something big and ugly shows up is a blessing, if not just another target for it to focus. The second one is more fluff than crunch to be blunt, considering my back story, but again, once per day is a use I can for see being fun, helpful, but also not as effective as say having unlimited charges as you pointed out. I am just, hypothesizing on different feats to take.