View Full Version : A Ninja in Star Wars

2012-10-19, 09:47 AM
I have recently joined a new group that is running a Star Wars d20 campaign. The current group consists of a Gungan sniper soldier, a dark side Zabrak Councilor, a very goody goody Jedi Guardian who is at odds with the Councilor, and a Han Solo rip off Scoundrel.

I, however, want to be a ninja. My knowledge of this system is limited, so I am asking for help to bring this concept to fruition. Can anyone help?

Scots Dragon
2012-10-19, 10:00 AM
If you're running Saga Edition (and if you aren't, do so), you're better off starting with a scoundrel, taking acrobatics, initiative and stealth (at least) amongst your starting skills. Take the sneak attack talent from the scoundrel's misfortune talent tree, if you want to do the attack-from-the-shadows thing.

There are a few general paths that you can take in order to achieve ninja-ness in Saga Edition from there that I'm sure someone more experienced with the system can point you to.

2012-10-19, 10:04 AM
Assuming you mean star wars aga edition, go Scout for camoflauge talent tree, max out stealth (and Dex), dip scoundrel for sneak attack, pik up Deceptive Strike from Unknown Regions, maybe Steadying Position from GaW, and then go to Rebellion Era CG for Infiltrator PrC.

2012-10-19, 10:54 AM
On the other hand, I am a Revised d20 fan and don't really like Saga Edition ... The WEG d6 version of the game is very good as well.

With regards to a ninja in SWd20, there are two prestige classes in the Hero's Guide I think you'll like: The Infiltrator and the Martial Arts Master. It's hard to qualify for martial arts master, but it gets some good abilities that would fit the ninja concept. The infiltrator is not as combat oriented, but gets some very good bonuses to hide. No matter which route you go, pick up a Shadow Suit from the arms and equipment guide. Very cheap, huge bonuses (+10!) for a sneaky character.

I'm not really too sure what a "ninja" is supposed to be able to do other than be sneaky and be a hand-to-hand powerhouse ... let me know I can give you some other suggestions ...

2012-10-19, 11:08 AM
On the other hand, I am a Revised d20 fan and don't really like Saga Edition ... The WEG d6 version of the game is very good as well.

The d6 version of Star Wars is the best version in my opinion. It allows for ultimate variability since it's a skill based game. You could play a Defel, get lot of dice in Stealth, Melee, Melee Parry, and Brawling: Martial Art specialization and you'd be set. You could even throw a few specialization dice into Computer Program/Repair: Slicing for easy entry into almost anywhere.

All this can be done as a starting character. And it would only get better from there.

2012-10-19, 12:52 PM
On the other hand, I am a Revised d20 fan and don't really like Saga Edition ... The WEG d6 version of the game is very good as well.

With regards to a ninja in SWd20, there are two prestige classes in the Hero's Guide I think you'll like: The Infiltrator and the Martial Arts Master. It's hard to qualify for martial arts master, but it gets some good abilities that would fit the ninja concept. The infiltrator is not as combat oriented, but gets some very good bonuses to hide. No matter which route you go, pick up a Shadow Suit from the arms and equipment guide. Very cheap, huge bonuses (+10!) for a sneaky character.

I'm not really too sure what a "ninja" is supposed to be able to do other than be sneaky and be a hand-to-hand powerhouse ... let me know I can give you some other suggestions ...

I did not even know there were different versions of SWd20. We are playing Revised. Sorry I didn't clarify that.

I really like the sound of both of those prestige classes, and I will definitely take a look at them when I have access to the books.

As far as my definition of "ninja" goes, you hit the nail on the head. I am trying to build a stealthy melee combatant. Fancy combat tricks are nice but not required. I suppose my only restriction for building this character is that I do not want to be a Jedi. I don't mind force abilities, but being a Jedi (or a Sith for that matter) is something I want to avoid at all costs.