View Full Version : Building Twilight Sparkle in Pathfinder?

2012-10-19, 06:29 PM
I wanna play Twilight in my Pathfinder game. I want to keep it subtle, since my fellow players aren't exactly accepting of pony stuff, but I do like her personality.

I found this thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=255509) It helped, but how should I do it?

2012-10-19, 06:34 PM
A Wizard sounds like a good start. Spike could be a familiar, and the DM might approve it having the special ability to send receive messages between just you and your mentor. Have her write letters at the end of each adventure/storyarch/session/whatever to her mentor about what she's been up too.

Prep lot's of mage hand and Prestidigitation, both can be fluffed to do a lot of the minor stuff Twilight does. Keep a Purple energy theme to your spells. Hair color could be an easy comparison as well.

2012-10-19, 06:43 PM
If it was 3.5 I would say Archivist or Erudite, since they both have the "learning other people's abilities" theme.

In Pathfinder I think Wizard is your best bet.

2012-10-19, 07:00 PM
A Wizard sounds like a good start. Spike could be a familiar, and the DM might approve it having the special ability to send receive messages between just you and your mentor. Have her write letters at the end of each adventure/storyarch/session/whatever to her mentor about what she's been up too.

Prep lot's of mage hand and Prestidigitation, both can be fluffed to do a lot of the minor stuff Twilight does. Keep a Purple energy theme to your spells. Hair color could be an easy comparison as well.
Well, we have rotating DM's, and I'm one of them, so I can't really ask the DM since we are all the DM.

Forgot to mention, we're level 5. At 7th I'm planning on taking improved familiar for a psuedo dragon, then have him send letters somehow. There's probably a spell that sends messages to people over long distances, and in pathfinder your familiar can cast spells right?

If it was 3.5 I would say Archivist or Erudite, since they both have the "learning other people's abilities" theme.

In Pathfinder I think Wizard is your best bet.

Yeah, psions are much easier to do this stuff.

Chris StarShade
2012-10-19, 09:36 PM
Now you have me contemplating Vinyl as a bard with skills in Perform(WUBS) and using a BASS CANNON as her instrument.

2012-10-20, 09:24 AM
Now you have me contemplating Vinyl as a bard with skills in Perform(WUBS) and using a BASS CANNON as her instrument.


Or Trixie as a bard with skill in Perform (Oratory: Boast). She draws a large crowd with her performance, her magic isn't as strong as Twilight's, a wizard, and she speaks in a somewhat bard-like speech pattern.

2012-10-21, 08:31 AM
Vespera is a name that means 'Evening Star'
Aki means 'glistening'.

So Vespera Aki seems a perfect name.

There's no question that Twilight is a Wizard, given that she performed the entire 'Wizard vs. Sorcerer' rant during the episode that introduced the Pinkie Sense - so a starting Twilight might still have that attitude that what Sorcerers do isn't *real* magic.

I would recommend getting a diadem that lets her cast Mage Hand at will, very early on. It's a cosmetic change to a standard magic item, so it should be quite easy to get. The diadem is a simple wire band around her temples, with a single purple stone or crystal in the center of her forehead - not terribly valuable, just decorative, except for its magical abilities.

At higher levels, I'd upgrade the diadem to being the equivalent of a rod of metamagic, and ... I forget what the feat is, you'd have to hunt it out, but there's a feat that lets you sacrifice a high-level spell slot to get a lower-level spell slot that you can cast at will. If I remember correctly, you'd actually have to give up a level 7 or 8 spell-slot for mage hand at will ... but that's up to you if you want to go that far for a thematic issue.

She would probably have an obscenely high INT, but a very low (negatives) CHA, and a low-to-average WIS. That low CHA would be manifested as just a complete lack of understanding of people, and how to get along with them - and she could always be actively taking notes of what she learns about people by watching the party. And seriously, sit there with a notebook and take notes of what 'lessons' could be learned from what your team-mates are doing. Ask them questions about *why* they were doing it. Her low WIS makes her fairly gullible, and she takes what they say at face value. But give her a very high perception and Sense Motive, so if they lie to her about it, she knows they're lying, and just gets confused. Treat it as a very scholarly interest - she's a sociology researcher, essentially. And let the group know what she's learned about 'human interaction' during every game.

"To Dean Solis - it has been a very productive adventure of late. Today I have learned about balanced morality - having had the opportunity to witness a number of times where my companions opted to follow a route of rather negative ethical value in the cause of a higher ethical goal. In several instance, they opted to spread untruths around the city, believing that as long as it achieved their ultimate goal of defeating the evil necromancer, it would balance out. It will be very interesting to observe the relative trust levels of the town towards my companions in the future, to see what sort of long-term repercussions might be had from these actions. Additionally, they attempted to keep me from learning about their untruths, attempting to deliver similar untruths to me in the belief that I would not notice. I believe their motives were either fear that I would betray them, or more likely, out of a sense of camaraderie, wanting to spare my feelings and keep negative elements out of my reports to you. I have included more complete scientific recordings of the various interactions and their results, recorded in the standard Volskan / Rittner scale for social measurements. I continue in my concern that my continued interference in events might color the results of the observations - but I was called upon to cast a fireballs, a sleep spell, and a several uses of telekinesis during the recent events, not to mention countless applications of Mage Hand, in the assistance of the test subjects. Yours in good faith, Vespera Aki, researcher for the College of Applied Metaphysics."

2012-10-21, 08:44 AM
I totally read this title and assumed you were making a vampire who glows in daylight.

2012-10-21, 08:48 AM
I totally read this title and assumed you were making a vampire who glows in daylight.

...I thought this as well. XD

2012-10-21, 09:53 AM
Vespera is a name that means 'Evening Star'
Aki means 'glistening'.

So Vespera Aki seems a perfect name.

There's no question that Twilight is a Wizard, given that she performed the entire 'Wizard vs. Sorcerer' rant during the episode that introduced the Pinkie Sense - so a starting Twilight might still have that attitude that what Sorcerers do isn't *real* magic.

I would recommend getting a diadem that lets her cast Mage Hand at will, very early on. It's a cosmetic change to a standard magic item, so it should be quite easy to get. The diadem is a simple wire band around her temples, with a single purple stone or crystal in the center of her forehead - not terribly valuable, just decorative, except for its magical abilities.

At higher levels, I'd upgrade the diadem to being the equivalent of a rod of metamagic, and ... I forget what the feat is, you'd have to hunt it out, but there's a feat that lets you sacrifice a high-level spell slot to get a lower-level spell slot that you can cast at will. If I remember correctly, you'd actually have to give up a level 7 or 8 spell-slot for mage hand at will ... but that's up to you if you want to go that far for a thematic issue.

She would probably have an obscenely high INT, but a very low (negatives) CHA, and a low-to-average WIS. That low CHA would be manifested as just a complete lack of understanding of people, and how to get along with them - and she could always be actively taking notes of what she learns about people by watching the party. And seriously, sit there with a notebook and take notes of what 'lessons' could be learned from what your team-mates are doing. Ask them questions about *why* they were doing it. Her low WIS makes her fairly gullible, and she takes what they say at face value. But give her a very high perception and Sense Motive, so if they lie to her about it, she knows they're lying, and just gets confused. Treat it as a very scholarly interest - she's a sociology researcher, essentially. And let the group know what she's learned about 'human interaction' during every game.

"To Dean Solis - it has been a very productive adventure of late. Today I have learned about balanced morality - having had the opportunity to witness a number of times where my companions opted to follow a route of rather negative ethical value in the cause of a higher ethical goal. In several instance, they opted to spread untruths around the city, believing that as long as it achieved their ultimate goal of defeating the evil necromancer, it would balance out. It will be very interesting to observe the relative trust levels of the town towards my companions in the future, to see what sort of long-term repercussions might be had from these actions. Additionally, they attempted to keep me from learning about their untruths, attempting to deliver similar untruths to me in the belief that I would not notice. I believe their motives were either fear that I would betray them, or more likely, out of a sense of camaraderie, wanting to spare my feelings and keep negative elements out of my reports to you. I have included more complete scientific recordings of the various interactions and their results, recorded in the standard Volskan / Rittner scale for social measurements. I continue in my concern that my continued interference in events might color the results of the observations - but I was called upon to cast a fireballs, a sleep spell, and a several uses of telekinesis during the recent events, not to mention countless applications of Mage Hand, in the assistance of the test subjects. Yours in good faith, Vespera Aki, researcher for the College of Applied Metaphysics."

Wow, that's really detailed. Thank you for the ideas.

2012-10-21, 10:21 AM
My pleasure! I always love pursuing conceptual builds, and finagling the rules to fit. :)