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View Full Version : Looking for something a bit differnt

Ranting Fool
2012-10-20, 06:41 AM
*Spoiler Warning* For those of you in my group, Voidling, Mortuus, Wraith. This a warning for you to leave this thread now as it contains/may contain spoilers for our up coming games and would ruin them.

Right well that's sorted out. This is a general sort of question about populating a dungeon after the brake.

The PC's may or may not be heading to a great and long since abandoned by it's long dead owners temple dedicated to Transmogrification. Or more precisely a place used to "Weaponize sentient life" so half golem grafts or adding templates to animals to make them useful for war as well as "self improvement" a nice big mad scientist temple place and I was hoping you GiTP guys and gals will help me think of some cool and funky combos.

The party is level 11 mostly, might be 12 or 13 by the time they go here/IF they go here.