View Full Version : How to Hide from "Detct Evil" and similar spells

2012-10-20, 11:56 AM
In my current campaign, I play a level 3 NE factotum pretending to be NG. The rest of the players are Good or Neutral, and unbeknownst to them I have been sabotaging the campaign every encounter. The GM, of course, is aware of this and I'm pretty sure a paladin or something is now chasing me.

This is my first evil character, I need advice on best way to keep my character alive and undiscovered. I doubt my party would be as forgiving as the OotS as to allow something like the "thin sheet of lead" trick to go ignored. Note that my actions have resulted in a few PC deaths, so I don't think the GM will be forgiving.

2012-10-20, 12:00 PM
undetectable alignment spell is very handy.
i'm pretty sure there's an item for it too, i don't know what it's called but someone on here will know.

2012-10-20, 12:02 PM
You can use Undetectable Alignment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/undetectableAlignment.htm) to hide from Detect Evil. The hard part would be if someone shoots Detect Good at you. That said, unless your DM is on board with you doing all this, you will fail.

2012-10-20, 12:13 PM
Always On, Extraordinary means of fooling Detect Evil exist- but they're rare. There's a feat in Exemplars of Evil- Mask of Gentility- but it requires Cha 15, and 9 ranks in Bluff and in Disguise. It also makes it harder for people to use Sense Motive to get hunches about you.

2012-10-20, 12:28 PM
There is, of course, the ever-handy option of 'Bluff your way out of it.' Whip up a wild tale of a curse laid upon your family. How you're seeking redemption for a family member that was killed because of it, and the folly of Paladins that decide to act as judge, jury, and executioner without being in possession of all the facts.

In short, verbal Ju-Jitsu. Use their strengths against them, while taking advantage of their weaknesses. Have fun with it! Even better, this can be used even after your Undetectable Alignment, Feats, and other sundry things fail.

2012-10-20, 04:01 PM
Odd as it is, the thin sheet of lead is technically RAW legal, a thin sheet as the lining of a cloak would be a little more iffy, but it might be worth a shot.

As others have said, there's undetectable alignment.

On the feat front there's a psionic feat in Secrets of Sarlona (whose name escapes me atm) that protects you from detect <alignment> -and- detect psionics. Though the latter only applies to you as a manifester, not any of your psionic items or active powers.

Everybody's favorite mind-blank will become useful later.

Misdirection was made for this, especially if you pick up a minor magic item with an alignment aura you'd rather show them.

Edit: found another one; nondetection. They have to make a cl check to see your alignment.

2012-10-20, 04:42 PM
You better be really good friends with the rest of the group, otherwise this is gonna end in tears.

2012-10-20, 04:52 PM
undetectable alignment spell is very handy.
i'm pretty sure there's an item for it too, i don't know what it's called but someone on here will know.
You want the Ring of Mind Shielding (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#mindShielding). Costing only 8K, you're immune to attempts to magically discern your alignment (and the spells Detect Thoughts and Discern Lies, which are nice bonuses too).

2012-10-20, 05:45 PM
You want the Ring of Mind Shielding (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#mindShielding). Costing only 8K, you're immune to attempts to magically discern your alignment (and the spells Detect Thoughts and Discern Lies, which are nice bonuses too).

This, but be careful. Detect Good could ruin your day here.

You better be really good friends with the rest of the group, otherwise this is gonna end in tears.

To pull a quote commonly used with playing Diplomacy they'd better be "your best friends or people you will never see again."

2012-10-20, 05:49 PM
you could have some custom full plate armor made with a thin lead coating. if it is on the out side it might look dull and a bit odd, but you can say that it is an heirloom peace in your family. if you put the lead on the inside, be wary of the DM saying "well, and one day you don't wake up due to lead poisoning".
if you have your armor painted it would work on either side.
That would also block out detect thoughts and work in an AMF

that being said, i like the bluff method until you can afford a ring of mind-shielding.

edit: btw, why is your char sabotaging everything? is he working against the party (i.e. for the BBEG) or simply out of greed?
Even an evil char can work in a good party (much more the the other way around). If the Evil PC simply argues that being in this group and helping them, i get more gold and power.
so, even if your PC is evil and the others are good, you don't need to be their enemy.

2012-10-20, 05:59 PM
I doubt my party would be as forgiving as the OotS as to allow something like the "thin sheet of lead" trick to go ignored

awe, but combat reflexes + Thin lead sheet is the most fun option

2012-10-20, 09:08 PM
Well the Live my nightmare feat link (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/spelltouchedFeats.htm) can be fun especially if you go for the "No dont use divinations on me i'm cursed!" angle. Plus you pick up the 'cursed' item the medallion of thought (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/cursedItems.htm#medallionofThoughtProjection) projection and go on a rampage!

2012-10-20, 09:35 PM
Have him pretend to be True Neutral, it'll be a lot easier then NG. Earlier in life you did a lot of Good deeds, but then you learned the One True Way of Neutrality, and now you have to balance out your impact on the world with Evil acts.

Say you do bad things for personal gain/profit, so you're really Neutral, not Evil.

Say you're Chaotic Neutral, and that justifies your actions right out of the box. Plus, no one casts Detect Chaos. Ever. Nope, not even then.

2012-10-20, 11:36 PM
FOR THE LOW LOW LOW! Price of (whats that Jim!?) 10 gold pieces! Even you can be immune to the stinging touch of spells specifically made to detect your alignment!

That's right customers, we're offering you a thin lining of lead which can be easily applied to your clothes!

(warning, side effects might be extreme for physically weaker customers by adding 10% weight to the item.)

2012-10-20, 11:42 PM
You can use Undetectable Alignment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/undetectableAlignment.htm) to hide from Detect Evil. The hard part would be if someone shoots Detect Good at you. That said, unless your DM is on board with you doing all this, you will fail.

Not really. Detect Good and Detect Evil are both equally foiled, so anyone who does both would assume you were Neutral. And unless your party has a problem with Neutral people, then you really shouldn't have any concerns. Just make sure you refresh Undetectable Alignment out of sight of everyone else.