View Full Version : PF Build question

2012-10-20, 05:20 PM
Okay, real simple: I'm building what basically amounts to an expy of Mordin Solus, as an elven alchemist. The question is this: is it better to take the Amateur Gunslinger feat, or take a level in Gunslinger?

One loses me a feat, the other a whole level. If I take the feat, I get limited Gunslinger abilities, if I take the class level I lose an effective Alchemist level, but gain all the first level benefits of Gunslinger. So. To dip or not to dip. Thoughts?

2012-10-20, 06:40 PM
One loses me a feat, the other a whole level. If I take the feat, I get limited Gunslinger abilities, if I take the class level I lose an effective Alchemist level, but gain all the first level benefits of Gunslinger. So. To dip or not to dip. Thoughts?

First off, you need Firearm Prof. to shoot guns, so you're actually looking at TWO feats.

Are you going to get to level 20? If yes, then take the feat, as Grand Discovery will beat out anything you'll have from that level of Gunslinger.

If not (or if you are going beyond 20), then take the level of Gunslinger.
You'll actually gain quite a lot from that 1 level:

If your WIS is 14 or higher, you'll gain more Grit from the level than you will the feat.

Quick Clear deed is VERY nice to have, as it is one of the few ways to "fix" a Gun during combat.
The other deeds aren't too shabby either,

Gunsmithing for free (that's 3 effective feats now, the Grit and Proficiency).

Finally, your choice of archetype can get you some goodies as well, specifically, Musket Master gets Rapid Reload as a bonus feat at level 1, that's FOUR feats.
Or Pistolero/Mysterious Stranger gets you alt-damage increasing options.

2012-10-21, 09:41 AM
Okay, so I take the level. Aside from my minor (massive) oversight with the proficiency feat, I also overlooked gunsmithing, which I'll probably kind of need...

I don't know if we'll ever hit level twenty, though. Most of our campaigns go from level one to fifteen or so. I digress. For the purposes of this build, I'm taking the dip.

Thanks for the advice.