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Mystic Muse
2012-10-21, 03:16 PM
The group has successfully found a new place where the Purple Wurm can live, and found what appears to be a dead-magic zone that has lasted far longer than it should.

The druid has just jumped on the back of the malnourished purple wurm, and fully intends on riding it to the new home. Tweedle is saddened by this.

How the rest of the group reacts to Foxglove riding a Purple Wurm, or what the group plans on doing after this has yet to be decided.

Lycan 01
2012-10-21, 10:34 PM
Godwyn idly sips his tea in a dignified manner. He doesn't say anything; socializing isn't really his strong point.

2012-10-21, 10:55 PM
"Hey, calm your wings Hawkflight, lemme handle this," Gearstride waved at Hawkflight dismissively with a smile.

"Mayor, darlin', handsome," Gearstride began in a tone trying to salvage this before it worsen.

"I assure you, its not being made up, I myself was just as much surprised about it. But if a specialist is a thing, perhaps a magic specialist is an order, perhaps, we can find somepony versed with magic, a pony with a magic related cutie mark, eh?" And Gear still waited for her cider.

Mystic Muse
2012-10-21, 10:56 PM
"Weeeell, I suppose one could go look for Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville. She's the only one I know of off the top of my head. Honestly, before now, this question has never come up. One could also attempt to go see Princess Celestia. She seems like she'd know about this, if anypony did." The mayor responds to Gearstride.

2012-10-21, 11:21 PM
"Twilight Sparkle ... wasn't she one of the ponies involved in the Nightmare Moon incident?" Hawkflight asked.

2012-10-22, 07:53 AM
"...This cup of tea...Is my cup of tea...I think it works like that."

Foxglove mused into her drink.

"Hello little world of mirror ponies..."

She took a sip of her tea.

"...And goodbye."

Mystic Muse
2012-10-22, 10:44 AM
"Twilight Sparkle ... wasn't she one of the ponies involved in the Nightmare Moon incident?" Hawkflight asked.

"Yes, and the Discord incident. She might have some idea of what you're talking about. Frankly, it's a little over my head." The mayor tells Heartflight.

Lycan 01
2012-10-22, 11:01 AM
Godwyn silently surveys Foxglove drinking her tea. Then, as she takes another sip, he opens his beak and makes a soft, mock scream in time with the sip, trying to imitate the "ponies" being imbibed. If Foxgloves gives him a look, he simply returns it with a crooked smirk, before daintily sipping at his own tea, his pinkie talon raised.

2012-10-22, 11:39 AM
"Weeeell, I suppose one could go look for Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville. She's the only one I know of off the top of my head. Honestly, before now, this question has never come up. One could also attempt to go see Princess Celestia. She seems like she'd know about this, if anypony did." The mayor responds to Gearstride.

"Yes, and the Discord incident. She might have some idea of what you're talking about. Frankly, it's a little over my head." The mayor tells Heartflight.

"Its alright Mister Mayor, its understandable, some of this things ain't something a little town like Mareford would be concerning themselves with. Heck, its news to us as well, but anyways, yea,' Gearstride said with a relaxed smile.

2012-10-22, 02:24 PM
Foxglove returned to looking around the room restlessly, as if trying to find something to completely focus on.

Mystic Muse
2012-10-28, 10:13 PM
"So...umm...yes. Go find Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville, or try to get an audience with the princesses or something. I have no idea who to refer you to." The mayor says.

"Bartender, get them whatever drinks they ask for, on me." The mayor says with a smile.

2012-10-29, 01:59 AM
"Sounds like a plan," said Hawkflight.

2012-10-29, 02:44 AM
"How generous," Gearstride winked at the mayor. "We'll check out this Twilight Sparkle, she sounds cute."

Lycan 01
2012-10-31, 03:40 PM
Godwyn idly sips his tea, and looks around the bar. This is... foreign to him. He rarely actually spends time sitting around, doing nothing besides daintily sipping tea and trying to make polite conversation. He prefers to be off exploring and looking for good deeds to perform. But unless there's a board covered in "help wanted" signs or something of that sort, the best he can probably do right now is ask the barmaid if they need help washing dishes.

Godwyn takes another dainty sip of tea, and glances around to see if there's a "quest-board" of sorts. If not, he waves the barmaid over.

Mystic Muse
2012-10-31, 03:50 PM
The bar maid comes over.

"What can I do for you, handsome?" she asks the Griffin Paladin.

2012-10-31, 03:51 PM
Foxglove will just keep looking around the bar; she see anything of interest?

Lycan 01
2012-10-31, 04:06 PM
Godwyn gives the barmaid his best charming smile. "Yes, ma'am, I was wondering if you know of anypony who is in need of assistance around here. Odd jobs that need doing, issues that need to be dealt with, or any other 'good deeds' that need to be done, as cliche as that sounds. Or if you need any assistance yourself, I'd be more than happy to help."

This will probably earn him some odd looks. But eh. Paladin.

2012-11-06, 02:34 PM
"Could I get my cider soon?....Kinda feel like I was forgotten about...and that depresses a 'gal like me..." Gearstride shook her head and let out a small smigh.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-07, 11:43 PM
"Could I get my cider soon?....Kinda feel like I was forgotten about...and that depresses a 'gal like me..." Gearstride shook her head and let out a small smigh.

Soft zips to the fountain and zips back to give Gearstride her cider without spilling a drop. "Sorry for the delay. I have a lazy player." Soft says.

Godwyn gives the barmaid his best charming smile. "Yes, ma'am, I was wondering if you know of anypony who is in need of assistance around here. Odd jobs that need doing, issues that need to be dealt with, or any other 'good deeds' that need to be done, as cliche as that sounds. Or if you need any assistance yourself, I'd be more than happy to help."

This will probably earn him some odd looks. But eh. Paladin.

This does earn him a few odd looks.

"Unfortunately, I can't think of anything. This is kind of a small town. Only thing that's happened recently was the crops being ruined." Soft says to the Griffin.

Foxglove will just keep looking around the bar; she see anything of interest?

Make a Perception/Spot check.

Lycan 01
2012-11-07, 11:57 PM
"Crops being ruined?" Godwyn asks, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "Who's crops, and how so? Trampled? Burned? Poisoned? Eaten? Any idea who or what is behind it?"

Mystic Muse
2012-11-08, 12:05 AM
"Crops being ruined?" Godwyn asks, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "Who's crops, and how so? Trampled? Burned? Poisoned? Eaten? Any idea who or what is behind it?"

"Uh, I think it was that purple Wurm you folks already took care of. Sorry for being unclear.

People other than Foxglove can make perception checks as well if they'd like. I'm not promising there's anything there, but you can make them.

Lycan 01
2012-11-08, 12:42 AM
Godwyn's face falls. "Oh," he replies, his beak curling into a small frown. "Well, alright then."

The Paladin slumps back in his chair, and lets out a small sigh. "Well, I guess there's nothing else for me to do in this town, then. Unless of course there's one of those secretive underground old-timey boxing fight clubs around here, or something like that," he mutters, mostly to himself.

The griffin gives a curious glance around to see if he spots anything noteworthy.

(Perception: [roll0])

Mystic Muse
2012-11-08, 01:08 AM
Godwyn the Griffin sees absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

2012-11-08, 02:51 AM
Soft zips to the fountain and zips back to give Gearstride her cider without spilling a drop. "Sorry for the delay. I have a lazy player." Soft says.

"I have no idea what that means," Gearstride says with a lazy smirk. "Anyways, moving on...Its alright....I'm just glad ya didn't forget about me...heh..." Leer.

2012-11-08, 11:21 AM
Hawkflight shuffled her hooves anxiously, ready to go. They had a course of action, so why weren't they taking it? Getting bored, she looked around the room for anything of interest.

Perception: [roll0]

Mystic Muse
2012-11-08, 12:05 PM
Hawkflight/Heartflight/whatever the pony's name is.

There's a dark blue pony with a black mane and tail in a corner booth who is apparently pretending to be sleeping.

2012-11-08, 02:08 PM

to See if Foxglove sees anything to do while they're talking to the client.

2012-11-08, 03:22 PM
Hawkflight observed the sleeping blue pony curiously.

What kind of pony?

Mystic Muse
2012-11-08, 06:33 PM
Hawkflight observed the sleeping blue pony curiously.

What kind of pony?



to See if Foxglove sees anything to do while they're talking to the client.

Nothing that out of the usual for a bar. A jukebox filled with family friendly music, a game or two you can play with bits where you can maybe win something, and there are free peanuts to munch on.

Lycan 01
2012-11-08, 06:38 PM
Godwyn hops up and slinks over to grab a claw-full of the complimentary peanuts. He returns to his seat, and idly munches on the legumes.

He'd rather have a hot dog right about now, but saying so in present company would likely be unwise...

"So, when do we leave?" he casually asks Foxglove, and the rest of the group if they're within earshot.

2012-11-08, 06:40 PM
Foxglove shrugged.


That sounded more hopeful than anything, though she found this whole 'we' thing took a moment of getting used to.

2012-11-09, 12:14 AM
Hawkflight trotted over to the mayor, indicating the blue unicorn pony sleeping in the corner. "Who's she?" she asked in a whisper.

((Wait, are we at the mayor's office or the bar? O.o))

Mystic Muse
2012-11-09, 12:28 AM
Hawkflight trotted over to the mayor, indicating the blue unicorn pony sleeping in the corner. "Who's she?" she asked in a whisper.

"Oh her! She's just a local mage. Kind of odd if you ask me, but a fine gal." The mayor says with a smile.

((Wait, are we at the mayor's office or the bar? O.o))

The bar.

2012-11-09, 11:18 AM
"A mage? She got a name?" Gearstride casually asked. She was sitting with the mayor after all still, this conversation she would hear.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-09, 12:39 PM
"A mage? She got a name?" Gearstride casually asked. She was sitting with the mayor after all still, this conversation she would hear.

"I believe her name is Aurora. Like I said, nice gal, if a little weird." The mayor says.

2012-11-09, 05:55 PM
"...Would she know, or know someone...Who'd be...something about the woods? Concerned? Aware?"

Foxglove asked, having followed the conversation with her eyes and circular attention span. She moved over to them, cautiously.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-09, 06:33 PM
"Uuuuh, maybe?" this mayor appears to be a little bit out of touch with his town.

Lycan 01
2012-11-10, 04:06 AM
Godwyn frowns. The mayor didn't seem to know his town or its citizens all that well. But it wasn't his place to judge the leadership qualities of public figures. That was what elections were for, after all.

He casts a curious glance over to the slumbering pony. "Should I go wake her up?" he quietly asks Foxglove and the rest of the group. "I'd hate to bother her, but if you think she might have useful knowledge or advice, I will go try to politely rouse her from her slumber."

2012-11-11, 03:07 AM
Godwyn frowns. The mayor didn't seem to know his town or its citizens all that well. But it wasn't his place to judge the leadership qualities of public figures. That was what elections were for, after all.

He casts a curious glance over to the slumbering pony. "Should I go wake her up?" he quietly asks Foxglove and the rest of the group. "I'd hate to bother her, but if you think she might have useful knowledge or advice, I will go try to politely rouse her from her slumber."

"Couldn't hurt," reasoned Heartflight. "If she's a mage, she might know something about the anti-mag field."

Lycan 01
2012-11-11, 03:11 AM
Godwyn nods. "Very well."

The griffin slinks across the bar, over to where the mare is sleeping. "Excuse me, ma'am?" he quietly addresses her, keeping a few feet between them so he doesn't spoke her. "Ma'am?" If she doesn't respond, he'll rap his knuckles lightly on the table or bar to make a bit of noise. "Ma'am, please wake up."

Once she's awake, he'll smile and gesture to his traveling companions. "I am sorry to wake you, but my companions would like to have a word with you, if you don't mind," he politely tells her.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-11, 03:19 AM
Godwyn nods. "Very well."

The griffin slinks across the bar, over to where the mare is sleeping. "Excuse me, ma'am?" he quietly addresses her, keeping a few feet between them so he doesn't spoke her. "Ma'am?" If she doesn't respond, he'll rap his knuckles lightly on the table or bar to make a bit of noise. "Ma'am, please wake up."

Once she's awake, he'll smile and gesture to his traveling companions. "I am sorry to wake you, but my companions would like to have a word with you, if you don't mind," he politely tells her.

The mare slowly opens her eyes which look...very odd. For one, they're a bright glowing blue, and almost look crystal like. For another, despite her smiling rather sincerely, they look...incredibly sad.

"If I can do something to help a Paladin, I see no reason why not." She says.

2012-11-11, 10:06 AM
Foxglove watches the pony's eyes carefully. She found them, for their sorrow, very beautiful. As she looked, she approached and spoke.

"The woods here are...Very strange. They're broken...Magically, for one way."

Foxglove kind of considered the lack of animals more important than the anti-magic field, but that's because it's Foxglove. But the two were probably connected...

Mystic Muse
2012-11-11, 02:09 PM
The mare gives Foxglove a quizzical look. "What exactly do you mean by "Broken Magically"? she asks.

Lycan 01
2012-11-11, 03:39 PM
Godwyn gives the mare a kind, genuine smile. "Your assistance is appreciated. As for the woods, there is some sort of strange anti-magic field sprung up in one of the clearings. As a result, or we assume as a result, all the animals in the surrounding areas have fled. There was also an issue with a hungry purple wurm, but thankfully that has been resolved peacefully. So yes, we were hoping your magical knowledge would prove insightful or helpful."

2012-11-11, 03:40 PM
The mare gives Foxglove a quizzical look. "What exactly do you mean by "Broken Magically"? she asks.

"There's ... nothing," said Heart. "No animals, no creatures, just a bitchy raven and an anti-magic zone that's been around for a while. The anti-magic zone kind of looks like the Everfree Forest, near Canterlot."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-11, 03:45 PM
Godwyn gives the mare a kind, genuine smile. "Your assistance is appreciated. As for the woods, there is some sort of strange anti-magic field sprung up in one of the clearings. As a result, or we assume as a result, all the animals in the surrounding areas have fled. There was also an issue with a hungry purple wurm, but thankfully that has been resolved peacefully. So yes, we were hoping your magical knowledge would prove insightful or helpful."

"There's ... nothing," said Heart. "No animals, no creatures, just a bitchy raven and an anti-magic zone that's been around for a while. The anti-magic zone kind of looks like the Everfree Forest, near Canterlot."

"Interesting...the most I can do is refer you to somebody else. I'm not an expert on this kind of thing, though I know a pony who is. I could tell you the basics, but that's not really anything you couldn't find out on your own. And what's this about a...jerky raven?" She asks. She apparently doesn't like swear words all that much.

2012-11-11, 03:50 PM
"Interesting...the most I can do is refer you to somebody else. I'm not an expert on this kind of thing, though I know a pony who is. I could tell you the basics, but that's not really anything you couldn't find out on your own. And what's this about a...jerky raven?" She asks. She apparently doesn't like swear words all that much.

"Well, it could talk, for one thing," said Heart. "And had a real mouth on it too. It said it was somepony's familiar."

2012-11-11, 03:51 PM
"...He was a familliar who gave us a warning, and apparently used to come there with a mare who brought other ponies..."

Foxglove mused, coming into sharper focus on the subject of the raven, who she wanted to think had been trying to help them with the warning. Or maybe not.

"She wasn't very nice...I wonder if she's been through town, or wandered through some other way..."

Apparently the thought of asking her didn't occur to Foxglove, so she just devolved into quiet mutterings, that last sentence the last one loud enough to hear.

Lycan 01
2012-11-11, 03:52 PM
Godwyn gives Heart a disapproving look. He then looks back at the mare and smiles politely. "My apologies. The rude raven was the familiar of some antagonistic mare, who in turn serves a darker, more villainous master. Or so was the implication, what with the death threats and all. It seems they are somehow tied to the anti-magic field, though I am not sure if they caused it, or just tended to it."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-11, 04:09 PM
"Well, it could talk, for one thing," said Heart. "And had a real mouth on it too. It said it was somepony's familiar."

"If it could talk, that doesn't surprise me."

"...He was a familliar who gave us a warning, and apparently used to come there with a mare who brought other ponies..."

Foxglove mused, coming into sharper focus on the subject of the raven, who she wanted to think had been trying to help them with the warning. Or maybe not.

"She wasn't very nice...I wonder if she's been through town, or wandered through some other way..."

Apparently the thought of asking her didn't occur to Foxglove, so she just devolved into quiet mutterings, that last sentence the last one loud enough to hear.

"Who wasn't very nice?" the pony questions.

Godwyn gives Heart a disapproving look. He then looks back at the mare and smiles politely. "My apologies. The rude raven was the familiar of some antagonistic mare, who in turn serves a darker, more villainous master. Or so was the implication, what with the death threats and all. It seems they are somehow tied to the anti-magic field, though I am not sure if they caused it, or just tended to it."

"I'm merely speculating. My friend could tell you more. She lives just outside Trottingham." The mage says.

2012-11-11, 06:18 PM
"The mare...I mean, I don't know about her supply of lighting fixtures, but...Godwyn may be right about her...."


Lycan 01
2012-11-11, 06:23 PM
"Who wasn't very nice?" the pony questions.

"The mare in charge of whatever scheme is at play. The one who gave us death-threats, via the raven," Greif explains.

"I'm merely speculating. My friend could tell you more. She lives just outside Trottingham." The mage says.

The griffin smiles. "Thank you. What is your friend's name, and what can you tell us about her and where to find her? I am not from these lands, so I am unfamiliar with where Trottingham is..."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-11, 09:05 PM
The griffin smiles. "Thank you. What is your friend's name, and what can you tell us about her and where to find her? I am not from these lands, so I am unfamiliar with where Trottingham is..."

"Her friends call her "Anna", so just call her that. She always likes making new friends." The mage says with a genuine smile. "Trottingham is much easier to reach if you hire a mage who knows how to teleport. Otherwise, it's a bit of a walk." The mage says.

"The mare...I mean, I don't know about her supply of lighting fixtures, but...Godwyn may be right about her...."


"I think he meant she's really really evil." The mage points out. "But I think there is something in the evil overlord handbook about insufficient amounts of light." the mage jokes.

2012-11-11, 11:24 PM
"Her friends call her "Anna", so just call her that. She always likes making new friends." The mage says with a genuine smile. "Trottingham is much easier to reach if you hire a mage who knows how to teleport. Otherwise, it's a bit of a walk." The mage says.

"Or a train," Hawkflight pointed out. "Or a hot-air balloon. Or a carriage. Or I could fly ahead and she could teleport me back. Or ... yeah, basically anything else. I'm Hawkflight, by the way. Speedster, adventurer, and rather good cook."

2012-11-11, 11:46 PM
Gearstride popped up behind the mage with a flirty smirk and leaned over. "Are you a mage with teleportation abilities? If you are, maybe I'll hire you."

Lycan 01
2012-11-11, 11:48 PM
"But of all those things, teleportation would be fastest and easiest," Godwyn muses.

He looks at the mage and smiles politely. "Oh right, introductions. I believe the mayor mentioned your name was Aurora. Mine is Godwyn."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-12, 12:20 AM
"Or a train," Hawkflight pointed out. "Or a hot-air balloon. Or a carriage. Or I could fly ahead and she could teleport me back. Or ... yeah, basically anything else. I'm Hawkflight, by the way. Speedster, adventurer, and rather good cook."

"I'm Aurora. Self-proclaimed wizard, passing through this rather small town, basically just travelling the countryside. Libraries get awfully boring and confining every once in a while after all."

Gearstride popped up behind the mage with a flirty smirk and leaned over. "Are you a mage with teleportation abilities? If you are, maybe I'll hire you."

"I am in fact a mage with teleportation abilities. I generally require compensation for such spells though." the mage says.

"But of all those things, teleportation would be fastest and easiest," Godwyn muses.

He looks at the mage and smiles politely. "Oh right, introductions. I believe the mayor mentioned your name was Aurora. Mine is Godwyn."

"Pleased to meet you, Godwyn." the mage says with a small smile.

2012-11-12, 12:21 AM
"Well cutie pie, I could, provide you your compensation. Name your price love," She crooned.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-12, 12:22 AM
"Well cutie pie, I could, provide you your compensation. Name your price love," She crooned.

"My price is quite simple. Make me laugh." Aurora responds to Gearstride.

2012-11-12, 12:30 AM
Heartflight winced. She had no problem participating in the mage's game, but ...

"Does it /have/ to be teleportation?" she asked warily.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-12, 01:18 AM
Heartflight winced. She had no problem participating in the mage's game, but ...

"Does it /have/ to be teleportation?" she asked warily.

"It doesn't have to be. Teleportation is merely the quickest and easiest method." Aurora points out, as has Godwyn.

2012-11-12, 08:26 PM
"...Ummm....Could you carry Tweedle?"

Foxglove pointed out to Hawkflight. She wasn't sure about teleporting...But the odds that a pegasus or a griffon could carry a baby hydra and the other two... It seems a little silly.

Lycan 01
2012-11-12, 10:24 PM
Godwyn shrugs. "I am fine with teleportation. If you are opposed to the idea, Miss Heartflight, you can take flight and meet us there, or the group can simply go with more traditional methods."

The Paladin then turns to Aurora and deadpans: "Two timber wolves are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says 'does this taste funny to you?'"

He doesn't stop there.

"Why don't skeletons play music in church? They have no organs."

"What does a 50 pound canary sound like?" he asks, before saying "TWEET" in a very deep voice with a derpy expression.

Even if she doesn't laugh, Godwyn hopes he can at least make the sad little mage smile.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-12, 10:29 PM
The mage just tilts her head. "...Were those supposed to be jokes?" she asks. She definitely doesn't crack a smile.

2012-11-12, 11:36 PM
"Oh wow...someone wasn't born with the humor bone in them...though admittedly, those jokes were a little lame," Gearstride lightly chuckled.

She poked the mage in the leg pit, and then in the side, and then brushed her tail underneath her chin to try to tickle her. It was worth a shot.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-12, 11:39 PM
"Oh wow...someone wasn't born with the humor bone in them...though admittedly, those jokes were a little lame," Gearstride lightly chuckled.

She poked the mage in the leg pit, and then in the side, and then brushed her tail underneath her chin to try to tickle her. It was worth a shot.

"...This is a bit of an unwanted violation of my personal space." The mage says to Gearstride with not so much as a flinch.

2012-11-12, 11:43 PM
"Hah...dahlin'...your personal space hasn't even really been violated yet!" Gear said with a haughty laugh and with an unintentional dubiousness in her comment.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-12, 11:46 PM
The mare recoils a little.

"I don't really appreciate the implications of what you just said." Great. You're supposed to be making the mare laugh and you're making her uncomfortable instead.:smalltongue:

2012-11-12, 11:57 PM
"I don't know what you're talking about. Anywhom, you leave me no choice but to wield my hammy poetry to get a snerk or brief sarcastic chuckle out of you," Gearstride said as she stood on the table with a clatter and cleared her throat. Eath line filled with a hammy presentation and theatricality to it.

"Oh what is love but a four letter word,
A word that we throw around so aimlessly.
But when I look at ye, its more than a word to me.

Why with love, I'd travel all over Equestria to find you.
No matter where you be, I'll never be far.
Because I will always be in your heart."

Perform Hammy Poetry [roll0]

2012-11-13, 02:23 AM
"Hah...dahlin'...your personal space hasn't even really been violated yet!" Gear said with a haughty laugh and with an unintentional dubiousness in her comment.

The mare recoils a little.

"I don't really appreciate the implications of what you just said." Great. You're supposed to be making the mare laugh and you're making her uncomfortable instead.:smalltongue:

Heartflight facehooved, letting out a long-suffering sigh. "Through her you pass into the city of woe, through her among tasteful jokes lost for aye."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-13, 01:24 PM
"I don't know what you're talking about. Anywhom, you leave me no choice but to wield my hammy poetry to get a snerk or brief sarcastic chuckle out of you," Gearstride said as she stood on the table with a clatter and cleared her throat. Eath line filled with a hammy presentation and theatricality to it.

"Oh what is love but a four letter word,
A word that we throw around so aimlessly.
But when I look at ye, its more than a word to me.

Why with love, I'd travel all over Equestria to find you.
No matter where you be, I'll never be far.
Because I will always be in your heart."

Perform Hammy Poetry [roll0]

"...*Snerk* Okay, that counts well enough." She gets a small laugh and smile for a brief moment. "Once you get things straightened out with your paranoid pegasus friend, I can teleport you at any time."

2012-11-13, 01:30 PM
"Once you get things straightened out with your paranoid pegasus friend, I can teleport you at any time."

"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me!"

Apparently Gear's hamminess was infectious. :smalltongue:

Mystic Muse
2012-11-13, 01:31 PM
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me!"

Apparently Gear's hamminess was infectious. :smalltongue:

The mare gives a look that implies a facehoof, but Hawk isn't worth the effort of an actual one.

2012-11-13, 03:08 PM
"...I wonder...what to do now..."

Foxglove muttered, to no one in particular. The path didn't seem all that clear to her.

Lycan 01
2012-11-13, 03:57 PM
Godwyn smiles apologetically at Aurora. "I am a Paladin, not a comedian."

He then turns to Foxglove and gives her a small, comforting smile. "It would seem we are taking a trip to Trottingham through teleportation. Once there, we'll be looking for more information on the magic circle, and if that proves fruitless or if we feel we still need more information, we'll likely be going off to Ponyville to seek the aid of somepony there regarding it. Heartflight seems to be adamantly opposed to teleportation, though, so she may be flying to meet us there."

2012-11-13, 04:59 PM
"I followed that...But since we're supposed to come back when we convince her...We need to do something while that happens."

Or, possibly, to convince her, Foxglove.

"I guess maybe we should at least get Tweedle while we convince her...He's never been in a bar before...But he's too young to drink..."

Her brow furrowed. Then again, it didn't look like they ID'ed to get in...

2012-11-13, 05:05 PM
"Yeah, I need to find Gar too, he hates being left behind." Gar was her pet falcon.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-13, 11:18 PM
"...A Hydra? I'll meet you guys on the outside of town. Trust me, it's for the best." Aurora says and gets up from her seat.

Lycan 01
2012-11-13, 11:27 PM
Godwin moves to walk alongside Aurora. "I shall accompany you, if you do not mind," he says with a polite smile. "I would enjoy a chance to speak with you, if you will permit it."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-13, 11:30 PM
Godwin moves to walk alongside Aurora. "I shall accompany you, if you do not mind," he says with a polite smile. "I would enjoy a chance to speak with you, if you will permit it."
"If you would like, then very well." The mare says, paying her tab, and beginning to walk out of the bar.

2012-11-14, 11:15 AM
"You lot go on ahead...I got some business with a bartender..." Gear said with a sly smile.

2012-11-14, 01:57 PM
Foxglove, without further ado, went outside to look for Tweedle.

Lycan 01
2012-11-14, 04:20 PM
Godwyn grabs his lance and slings it over his shoulder, before he goes to slink alongside Aurora as the takes her leave. "So Miss Aurora, where did you learn of Paladins from? I must say I was surprised you knew what one was, and even more surprised when you showed such respect," he muses with a kind smile. "Most ponies don't seem to know about them, or regard them as mythical."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-14, 04:25 PM
Godwyn grabs his lance and slings it over his shoulder, before he goes to slink alongside Aurora as the takes her leave. "So Miss Aurora, where did you learn of Paladins from? I must say I was surprised you knew what one was, and even more surprised when you showed such respect," he muses with a kind smile. "Most ponies don't seem to know about them, or regard them as mythical."

"Well, I've studied. I've spent most of my life studying various forms of magic, especially divine. Rather interesting, though obscure topic. Naturally I learned about Paladins in my studies. I know for a fact they aren't mythical, just rare, like deities. From what I've read of them, Paladins are beings deserving the utmost respect, showing a level of goodness and lawfulness few mortals or even deities are capable of matching." Aurora says. "And besides that, I was born with a slight...defect you might say." She adds in at the end, as they walk towards the edge of town.

Lycan 01
2012-11-14, 04:42 PM
Godwyn smiles pleasantly. "Thank you, Miss Aurora. It is nice to meet somepony who actually recognizes my calling for what it is, and does not merely think me a blithering naive fool," he muses with a wry smirk. "Though while I may ascribe to emulate a specific deity, I am by no means on par with one. Even so, your analogies are apt." He then casts her a curious glance, and raises a feathery eyebrow. "A defect?" He quickly adds: "If you do not wish to expound on something that is no business of mine, I am content to leave it at that."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-14, 04:49 PM
Godwyn smiles pleasantly. "Thank you, Miss Aurora. It is nice to meet somepony who actually recognizes my calling for what it is, and does not merely think me a blithering naive fool," he muses with a wry smirk. "Though while I may ascribe to emulate a specific deity, I am by no means on par with one. Even so, your analogies are apt." He then casts her a curious glance, and raises a feathery eyebrow. "A defect?" He quickly adds: "If you do not wish to expound on something that is no business of mine, I am content to leave it at that."

"Yes. A rather...intriguing ability. As soon as somebody walks into my sight, I know everything about them. Every last little thing that's possible to know about them." She says. "This, combined with eidetic memory can be rather, *Ahem* unpleasant at times." She says.

Lycan 01
2012-11-14, 05:06 PM
Godwyn ponders the implications of that.

Specifically, the fact that she'd no doubt gotten a "good" look at Gear.

He winces. "Oh. Yes. I can see how that would be unpleasant," he observes with a slight grimace.

He then ponders for a moment. "Ah. So you know all there is to know about me, I suppose. Interesting." He flashes her a wry smile. "A good thing I had nothing to be ashamed of, then. Aside from the stupidity of youth, of course," he says with a roll of his eyes.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-14, 05:59 PM
Godwyn ponders the implications of that.

Specifically, the fact that she'd no doubt gotten a "good" look at Gear.

He winces. "Oh. Yes. I can see how that would be unpleasant," he observes with a slight grimace.

He then ponders for a moment. "Ah. So you know all there is to know about me, I suppose. Interesting." He flashes her a wry smile. "A good thing I had nothing to be ashamed of, then. Aside from the stupidity of youth, of course," he says with a roll of his eyes.

"Yes. Most beings are prone to doing stupid things during their youth, regardless of who they are." She says. "Personally, I did some pretty stupid stuff during my youth too. Turning a noble into a toad for a week is not the best idea..." she says.

Lycan 01
2012-11-14, 06:37 PM
"Well that depends. Were they a corrupt noble who deserved it?" Godwyn asks, giving Aurora a small, knowing smirk.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-14, 06:43 PM
"Well that depends. Were they a corrupt noble who deserved it?" Godwyn asks, giving Aurora a small, knowing smirk.

"Well, they were an ass, I can say that much." Aurora says with a very slight smirk. "I tried fixing it, but nothing I did seemed to help." Aurora actually looks very ashamed about this.

Lycan 01
2012-11-14, 06:58 PM
"Fixing their status as a frog, or as an ass?" Godwyn asks with a raised eyebrow.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-14, 07:06 PM
"Fixing their status as a frog, or as an ass?" Godwyn asks with a raised eyebrow.

"A frog. Trust me, they're still an ass." Aurora says, rolling her eyes a bit. "Apparently, being a frog for a week doesn't always put things in perspective."

Lycan 01
2012-11-14, 07:23 PM
"Was their condition eventually rectified, or were they stuck as an ass-frog?" Godwyn asks with a tiny smirk of amusement.

Just because he was a Paladin didn't mean he couldn't appreciate a funny bit of poetic justice. If anything, it gave him more reason to enjoy it...

Mystic Muse
2012-11-14, 08:02 PM
"Was their condition eventually rectified, or were they stuck as an ass-frog?" Godwyn asks with a tiny smirk of amusement.

Just because he was a Paladin didn't mean he couldn't appreciate a funny bit of poetic justice. If anything, it gave him more reason to enjoy it...

"He is stuck as an ass who is no longer a frog." Aurora responds. "I've tried to teach him a little humility, but it hasn't happened."

Lycan 01
2012-11-14, 08:52 PM
Godwyn ponders. "I see. How many times have you tried? I'm surprised he let you get away with that frog incident without any major repercussions..." the Paladin muses. "Alas, I am afraid it is hard for some ponies, griffins, and other creatures to overcome their flaws. Sometimes, being confronted by what their issues are or being given a change of perspective helps. Sometimes dialogue, reasoning, and understanding are required, which unfortunately is much more challenging and time consuming. But it gets better results. Usually," he sighs.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-14, 08:56 PM
Godwyn ponders. "I see. How many times have you tried? I'm surprised he let you get away with that frog incident without any major repercussions..." the Paladin muses. "Alas, I am afraid it is hard for some ponies, griffins, and other creatures to overcome their flaws. Sometimes, being confronted by what their issues are or being given a change of perspective helps. Sometimes dialogue, reasoning, and understanding are required, which unfortunately is much more challenging and time consuming. But it gets better results. Usually," he sighs.

"Long enough to know I'm not helping, and he let me get away with it, because a mage that turns you into a frog once is liable to do it again if you make her angry. In his mind anyway." Aurora responds.

Lycan 01
2012-11-14, 09:02 PM
Godwyn continues to ponder. He does that a lot.

"Perhaps I should pay him a visit one day, then?" he asks aloofly. "Maybe a charismatic Paladin could reason with him, and show him the error of his ways."

He looks up at the sky, a small thoughtful smile on his feathered face as he waits for his companions.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-14, 09:07 PM
Godwyn continues to ponder. He does that a lot.

"Perhaps I should pay him a visit one day, then?" he asks aloofly. "Maybe a charismatic Paladin could reason with him, and show him the error of his ways."

He looks up at the sky, a small thoughtful smile on his feathered face as he waits for his companions.

"Doubtful. Besides, it's not worth the trouble." SHe looks around, now that they're suitably far from town and says "And now I suppose we wait for your friends." As she lays down on the comfy grass.

2012-11-14, 11:49 PM
Heartflight (yes, I am going to keep changing the name to confuse you :smalltongue:) trotted outside with the others. She gave a shrill whistle, and after a moment a falcon flew down and perched on her shoulder. It looked like an ordinary peregrine falcon, but its feathers had a light blue sheen to their tips.
"Hey Gar, how did it go?" she asked the bird. The bird shrieked back in birdese.

2012-11-15, 12:22 AM

Gearstride, in the bar, called over Soft with a flirty smirk.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-15, 09:29 AM
Soft comes over.

"What can I do for you, miss?" Soft asks with her trademark smile.

2012-11-15, 10:38 AM
Heartflight (yes, I am going to keep changing the name to confuse you :smalltongue:) trotted outside with the others. She gave a shrill whistle, and after a moment a falcon flew down and perched on her shoulder. It looked like an ordinary peregrine falcon, but its feathers had a light blue sheen to their tips.
"Hey Gar, how did it go?" she asked the bird. The bird shrieked back in birdese.

"Oh, what a lovely falcon! His name is Gar, you said?"

Foxglove perked back up. She gave the falcon a little bow.

2012-11-15, 10:39 AM
"I'm here to take my payment of a smooch," The flirty bard smirked.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-15, 10:57 AM
"I'm here to take my payment of a smooch," The flirty bard smirked.

Soft gives Gear a smooch without complaint, even on the lips if Gear wants.

2012-11-15, 11:11 AM
Right in the bar amidst the other patrons, Gearstride enjoyed themselves a nice smooch on the lips.

"Mmm....has a little fragranty taste of cotton candy," Gearstride as they pulled away.

2012-11-15, 03:02 PM
"Oh, what a lovely falcon! His name is Gar, you said?"

Foxglove perked back up. She gave the falcon a little bow.

The falcon observed Foxglove for a moment, then screeched hello.

"Yep! This is Gar. Raised him from an egg myself. It was the first task Sensei gave me."

2012-11-15, 03:44 PM
Foxglove smiled cheerfully.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Gar. Allow me to introduce you to Fox-glove. That's Foxglove as in Fox Gloves, not Foxgloves...Oh, but Fox Gloves as in Fox's Gloves, not as in Fox Gloves. I'd rather he not become Fox gloves, and being a Foxglove would..."[/color]

Fox-Glove yipped to interrupt her and sniffed in the general direction of Gar.

2012-11-15, 04:54 PM
Foxglove smiled cheerfully.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Gar. Allow me to introduce you to Fox-glove. That's Foxglove as in Fox Gloves, not Foxgloves...Oh, but Fox Gloves as in Fox's Gloves, not as in Fox Gloves. I'd rather he not become Fox gloves, and being a Foxglove would..."[/color]

Fox-Glove yipped to interrupt her and sniffed in the general direction of Gar.

Gar (and Heart) gave Foxglove a confused/deadpan look. <Is she always like this?> Gar asked Foxglove (the fox).

Lycan 01
2012-11-15, 05:25 PM
Godwyn casts a curious glance at Aurora while waiting for his comrades. "So, Miss Aurora, anything else you'd like to share about yourself? Any other misadventures, interesting facts, or strong opinions?"

2012-11-15, 06:58 PM
Gar (and Heart) gave Foxglove a confused/deadpan look. <Is she always like this?> Gar asked Foxglove (the fox).

"<She is.>"

The fox nodded. He scratched his ear with his back paw and added,

"<She's having fun.>"

Mystic Muse
2012-11-15, 08:17 PM
Godwyn casts a curious glance at Aurora while waiting for his comrades. "So, Miss Aurora, anything else you'd like to share about yourself? Any other misadventures, interesting facts, or strong opinions?"

"Not in particular." Aurora says, having closed her eyes. "Anything in particular you want to ask about?"

Mystic Muse
2012-11-16, 12:43 AM
Right in the bar amidst the other patrons, Gearstride enjoyed themselves a nice smooch on the lips.

"Mmm....has a little fragranty taste of cotton candy," Gearstride as they pulled away.

Soft giggles a little.

"You kinda taste like fresh honey." Soft says, and checks on the status of Gear's cider to see if it needs re-filled or anything.

Lycan 01
2012-11-16, 12:48 AM
Godwyn gives an aloof shrug. "I do not wish to pry into your personal affairs; I am a Paladin, not an Inquisitor. Though, if there are any topics you wish to discuss, or things you'd just like to share, you are welcome to do so. I make for an excellent listener," he muses with a polite smile.

2012-11-16, 12:51 AM
"Fresh honey? I'm surprised apples didn't come out your mouth first hahah.." She smirked trying to taste her own apparently honey lips. Her apple cider mug was empty

Mystic Muse
2012-11-16, 12:57 AM
Godwyn gives an aloof shrug. "I do not wish to pry into your personal affairs; I am a Paladin, not an Inquisitor. Though, if there are any topics you wish to discuss, or things you'd just like to share, you are welcome to do so. I make for an excellent listener," he muses with a polite smile.

"I didn't figure you for an inquisitor. Too much niceness and too few attempts to burn me at the stake, or weigh me against a duck, or trying to throw water on me to get me to melt." Aurora says. "If you don't mind, I'd rather just lay here and wait for your friends to be ready." she tells him as politely as possible.

"Fresh honey? I'm surprised apples didn't come out your mouth first hahah.." She smirked trying to taste her own apparently honey lips. Her apple cider mug was empty

"Apples would be the boring answer." Soft says, and refills Gear's cider mug. "Besides, you're sweet like honey too." Soft says, attempting to flirt back with Gear.

2012-11-16, 01:14 AM
"Like honey eh? Honey apples maybe?...Oohh...that's a thing...honey apples....or rather apple flavored honey...could be a thing...anyways!..." Gearstride returned to flirting and gave the bartender/server here a wink.

"Honey with a tinge of cotton candy could to be a thing too."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-16, 01:15 AM
"Like honey eh? Honey apples maybe?...Oohh...that's a thing...honey apples....or rather apple flavored honey...could be a thing...anyways!..." Gearstride returned to flirting and gave the bartender/server here a wink.

"Honey with a tinge of cotton candy could to be a thing too."

"Ooooo~ I could make a drink that tastes like honey with a cotton candy flavor shot." Soft suggests. Thanks for the idea Gear!

Lycan 01
2012-11-16, 01:24 AM
Godwyn gives a polite nod. "That is acceptable. Though, they seem to be taking their time..."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-16, 01:55 AM
Aurora, meanwhile, appears to have dozed off.

2012-11-16, 01:58 AM
"Ooooo~ I could make a drink that tastes like honey with a cotton candy flavor shot." Soft suggests. Thanks for the idea Gear!

"Well sweetcheeks.....maybe I'll get to be your first taster for it?" Gearstride asked.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-16, 02:03 AM
"Well sweetcheeks.....maybe I'll get to be your first taster for it?" Gearstride asked.

Soft prepares the drink for Gearstride to taste. How she manages to have random ingredients like that on hoof all the time not even I will ever know.

2012-11-16, 02:34 PM
Gearstride takes a sip as her eyes light up. "Oh...not bad actually...marketable. A likely winner here."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-16, 05:03 PM
Gearstride takes a sip as her eyes light up. "Oh...not bad actually...marketable. A likely winner here."

"Glad to hear it! But, uh, I think you might need to get going soon. Your friends appear to have all left." Soft points out, not wanting Gear to get left behind.

2012-11-16, 05:12 PM
"Indeed they have, heh, well, my sweet cotton candy flavored barista...I must bid you adieu and farewell, and perhaps fortune will favor you that we run into each other again." Gear smirked and bowed her head. Gear pointed to their own cheek.

"One for the road?" Gear asked, requesting a smooch from the barista.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-16, 05:13 PM
"Indeed they have, heh, well, my sweet cotton candy flavored barista...I must bid you adieu and farewell, and perhaps fortune will favor you that we run into each other again." Gear smirked and bowed her head. Gear pointed to their own cheek.

"One for the road?" Gear asked, requesting a smooch from the barista.

Soft gave Gearstride a smooch on the cheek. "Seeya some other time, Gearstride." Soft says.

2012-11-16, 05:17 PM
Gearstride simply smirks and flicks the barista's leg with her tail and canters off, presumably meeting up with her companions.

Another bar down, hundreds to go.

2012-11-16, 06:26 PM
"<She is.>"

The fox nodded. He scratched his ear with his back paw and added,

"<She's having fun.>"

....Yeah, I've got nothing. Have this awkward silence instead. :smalltongue:

2012-11-16, 06:30 PM
Foxglove drifted off towards the edge of town, where Tweedle was waiting. He looked unhappy. Also, he had eaten a chunk of ground.

"We're going teleporting! Isn't that fun?"
"...Good enough. It'll be OK."

...And then presumably went to look for Godwyn and found him.


She stared at him for a while, though not for any particular reason.

2012-11-16, 07:21 PM
"We're going teleporting! Isn't that fun?"

"Not really," Hawk muttered, following Foxglove back to the others.

Lycan 01
2012-11-16, 07:34 PM
Godwyn smiles at the rest of his companions as they arrive. "Ah, hello. I trust you are prepared for the journey?" he asks with an idle wave of greetings.

2012-11-16, 09:20 PM
"(Don't say that to him. He gets scared really easily!)"

Foxglove whispered to the Flight-type entity whose first syllable escapes me.

2012-11-16, 10:02 PM
"Why I am," Replied an awfully cheerful Gearstride as she strutted up to him and the others. She flashed a grin at Aurora.

"Well beautiful, I think we're all here, do we have to touch and hold hooves, and claws for this teleport to work for us all?"

Mystic Muse
2012-11-16, 10:12 PM
"Why I am," Replied an awfully cheerful Gearstride as she strutted up to him and the others. She flashed a grin at Aurora.

"Well beautiful, I think we're all here, do we have to touch and hold hooves, and claws for this teleport to work for us all?"

Aurora doesn't respond. Her horn simply starts glowing, and about 10 seconds later, they're all suddenly in a house out kind of in the middle of nowhere near Trottingham.

The house is a nice, kinda big place, and it's...noisy to say the least.


"Stop yelling, Nightwing!" somepony else responds.

"Everypony, mommy is making lunch, get downstairs!"

Then there's a lot of banging as a presumably large number of foals goes down to the ground floor for lunch.

"...The house is pretty consistently like this, trust me. Anna deals with it. So, do you want me to come with you, or shall we part ways?" Aurora asks.

Lycan 01
2012-11-16, 10:19 PM
Gowdyn resists the urge to roll his eyes at Gear's never-ending flirtations.

And then fwoosh, teleportation!

Once they've arrived, the Paladin surveys the house and the noises coming from within it. "Oh. Great. Kids," Godwyn deadpans.

He then turns to Aurora and smiles meekly. "I will not hold you here, but I think it would be helpful if you stayed, at least to mediate introductions. A group of unannounced strangers waltzing into lunchtime would probably not be... appreciated."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-16, 10:54 PM
"Alright." She goes up and knocks on the door. A rather large unicorn mare with a dark blue coat, eyes like the night sky, and a mane and tail that look like each hair was carved from purest platinum.

"Oh, Hello Aurora. What can I do for you?"

"Hello Anna. Some people, along with their pets, are in need of your help. I'll leave it to them to introduce themselves."

The mare referred to as "Anna" waves to the group.

Aurora waves goodbye. "I'm sorry, but I have things I need to be doing. I'll see all of you later." and with that, she disappears as if she was never there to begin with.

2012-11-16, 10:57 PM
Foxglove and Tweedle slink around in the back, uneasy with the noise of children.

Fox-Glove stands in front of them, clearly the most fearless of the group.

2012-11-16, 11:25 PM
"Well hello there, tall, dark, and gorgeous. I am Gearstride, traveling do gooder and adventurer, and these fine folks behind me are my harem members. Hahah, I kid. They're just my lackeys. We come to you, seeking your knowledge and expertise on the subject of anti magic...magic...stuff," Gearstride said with a smile and a gentlecoltly bow. She flashed another one of her smiles before continuing on.

"Anyways, and we got a recommendation from your friend Aurora who poofed away. Do you think you could assist us, ma'am?"

Mystic Muse
2012-11-17, 12:18 PM
"Yes. Anti-magic you say? Please describe in detail what the problem is." The mare says. She looks quite intrigued.

2012-11-17, 01:12 PM
"Well my dear, in a recent adventure we found an area in a forest that seemed to hurt us, since all ponies have magic in them, forcing us down, creating a painful sensation, and well, not allowing the use of magic."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-17, 06:58 PM
"Well my dear, in a recent adventure we found an area in a forest that seemed to hurt us, since all ponies have magic in them, forcing us down, creating a painful sensation, and well, not allowing the use of magic."

"Aaaah, dead magic zone. And I take it it's been there for a long while, which is why you're here instead of waiting a few minutes for it to go away...Hmm....Roughly how big would you say it was? A couple feet? A couple dozen feet? A couple miles?"

It was a couple dozen feet.

2012-11-17, 07:36 PM
"I couldn't really get the best estimate, but I have a guesstimate that it was probably around thirty feet, more or less." Gear said with a look of uncertainty as she rubbed the back of her neck.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-17, 07:43 PM
"I couldn't really get the best estimate, but I have a guesstimate that it was probably around thirty feet, more or less." Gear said with a look of uncertainty as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Alright. That's good. And this was where, precisely?" The pony asks.

A baby silver dragon very slowly, and kinda cutely flies by in the house behind her. It then lands on her.


"Not now Sweetie, Mama is doing important things."

The Silver dragon looks sad at that response.

(D&D style four legs, 2 wings dragon, not MLP style.)

2012-11-17, 08:00 PM
Gear smiled at the talking baby dragon, it was kinda cute. She then told the mare the name of the town and the near by forest. White Tail Woods, or something like that.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-17, 08:02 PM
Gear smiled at the talking baby dragon, it was kinda cute. She then told the mare the name of the town and the near by forest. White Tail Woods, or something like that.

"Alright, thank you. I'll deal with that as soon as possible. In the meantime, would you all like to join us for lunch?" The mare asks the group.

2012-11-17, 08:04 PM
Foxglove looked at the dragon for a while before answering, a faint smile on her lips.


Lycan 01
2012-11-17, 08:05 PM
Godwyn nods respectfully. "Thank you for the invitation, ma'am."

He sets his lance and shield down in the grass beside the front door. No sense in bringing weapons into a peaceful household. He then gestures to the rest of his companions to enter before him. "Mares first."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-17, 08:06 PM
"By the way, I didn't catch your names, other than the name of your mistress." she says with a small smirk.

Lycan 01
2012-11-17, 09:17 PM
"My name is Godwyn, Paladin and general do-gooder," the griffin says with a polite smile and respectful nod.

2012-11-17, 09:40 PM
"...I'm Foxglove. These are Fox-Glove and Tweedle."

She didn't find it odd that her hostess didn't find it odd that there was a baby hydra in her house.

2012-11-18, 02:10 AM
Heartflight shook her head, recovering form the teleport. She hovered a bit, testing out her wings before deciding everything was in order and following the others to the house. As introductions were made, she introduced herself as well.

"Name's Heartflight. And this is Gar," she said, indicating the falcon.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-18, 02:19 AM
Heartflight shook her head, recovering form the teleport. She hovered a bit, testing out her wings before deciding everything was in order and following the others to the house. As introductions were made, she introduced herself as well.

"Name's Heartflight. And this is Gar," she said, indicating the falcon.

"Greetings, Heartflight and Gar. Interesting name for a falcon." The mare comments.

"...I'm Foxglove. These are Fox-Glove and Tweedle."She didn't find it odd that her hostess didn't find it odd that there was a baby hydra in her house.

"Hello, Foxglove, Fox-glove, and Tweedle."

The Silver Dragon playfully roars at Tweedle.

"My name is Godwyn, Paladin and general do-gooder," the griffin says with a polite smile and respectful nod.

"Greetings Godwyn. A Paladin of Icarus I presume?"

She leads them into the kitchen.

"As for us, the Dragon is Eingefroren, that one- she points to a filly who looks like a filly pegasus version of Princess Luna Is Nightwing. That one- she points to a filly who looks like a filly unicorn version of Celestia with a pink mane and tail. Is Solar Flare. That one- she points to a unicorn filly with a dark red coat that transitions into a black, Rarity style mane is Obsidian Flare. That one, she points to an energetic, rather large pegasus colt is rolling thunder. That one she points to an Earth pony teenager with a somewhat sickly green coat with no cutie mark Is Broken Scale. That one she points to a male unicorn Is Faith's shield. You've already met Aurora it seems, so I suppose that just leaves me. My name is Anacra. How do you do?"

There are seats set at the table for the new visitors, and even a space cleared for Tweedle. Yeah, it's a big table.

Lycan 01
2012-11-18, 02:43 AM
Godwyn's eyes widen slightly at the mention of Icarus. His composure is near-instantly recovered though, and he gives only a small nod and a faint smile.

Once seated at the table, he looks around at the room full of various youths. "My goodness, quite a family..." he observes with a warm grin. "A pleasure to meet you all. As for ourselves, we are well. I hope you and your household are the same."

2012-11-18, 10:27 AM
Tweedle Dee look a little nervous about the dragon roaring, but Dum roars happily back.

Foxglove is visibly balking at the prospect of being in a room, much less a table with, so many people. But she is brave. She is doing the social thing.
She is going to that table.
Also, because Fox-Glove is pushing her forward with his head.


She and Tweedle take their respective places, as her face fades into a complete void where expression goes to die.

2012-11-18, 03:59 PM
"Mmm, I kinda like tall, dark and lovely myself," Gearstride said with a wink and bowed. "But it is a pleasure to meet you all."

2012-11-18, 04:23 PM
"As for us, the Dragon is Eingefroren, that one- she points to a filly who looks like a filly pegasus version of Princess Luna Is Nightwing. That one- she points to a filly who looks like a filly unicorn version of Celestia with a pink mane and tail. That one- she points to a unicorn filly with a dark red coat that transitions into a black, Rarity style mane is Obsidian Flare. That one, she points to an energetic, rather large pegasus colt is rolling thunder. That one she points to an Earth pony teenager with a somewhat sickly green coat with no cutie mark Is Broken Scale. That one she points to a male unicorn Is Faith's shield. You've already met Aurora it seems, so I suppose that just leaves me. My name is Anacra. How do you do?"

There are seats set at the table for the new visitors, and even a space cleared for Tweedle. Yeah, it's a big table.

"Um, good, we're good," said Heart. She wanted to ask if Broken Scale wasn't a mean name to name one's colt, but decided against it.

Tweedle Dee look a little nervous about the dragon roaring, but Dum roars happily back.

Foxglove is visibly balking at the prospect of being in a room, much less a table with, so many people. But she is brave. She is doing the social thing.
She is going to that table.
Also, because Fox-Glove is pushing her forward with his head.


She and Tweedle take their respective places, as her face fades into a complete void where expression goes to die.

So she decided to focus her attention on Foxglove instead.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-18, 04:38 PM
"Mmm, I kinda like tall, dark and lovely myself," Gearstride said with a wink and bowed. "But it is a pleasure to meet you all."

"A pleasure to meet you too." Anacra responds.

Tweedle Dee look a little nervous about the dragon roaring, but Dum roars happily back.

Foxglove is visibly balking at the prospect of being in a room, much less a table with, so many people. But she is brave. She is doing the social thing.
She is going to that table.
Also, because Fox-Glove is pushing her forward with his head.


She and Tweedle take their respective places, as her face fades into a complete void where expression goes to die.

The little dragon approaches Foxglove, and gives the closest thing to a purr a dragon can manage.

"Ein appears to like you." Anacra comments.

Godwyn's eyes widen slightly at the mention of Icarus. His composure is near-instantly recovered though, and he gives only a small nod and a faint smile.

Once seated at the table, he looks around at the room full of various youths. "My goodness, quite a family..." he observes with a warm grin. "A pleasure to meet you all. As for ourselves, we are well. I hope you and your household are the same."

"We are well." The mare says with a smile.

"Um, good, we're good," said Heart. She wanted to ask if Broken Scale wasn't a mean name to name one's colt, but decided against it. Broken Scale is actually a filly, not a colt. Will not say any more about her or the name, just thought I'd clear that up.

"Glad to hear you're all well...interesting to see ponies traveling with a Hydra, if you don't mind me saying. Most I've met would prefer to run in fear."

A few of the foals look at the Hydra in awe.

Nightwing is looking at Fox-Glove like she wants to pet him.

Solar Flare (the one who looks like a filly Celestia whose name I apparently didn't write down.) Looks up at Gar in interest.

Broken Scale appears to be examining Godwyn.

Mealtime consists of a few veggies for the ponies, specifically made food for Ein and Tweedle, and Anacra is currently preparing a stew for Godwyn. The drinks consist of milk and/or water.

2012-11-18, 04:52 PM
The little dragon approaches Foxglove, and gives the closest thing to a purr a dragon can manage.

[COLOR="Navy"]"Ein appears to like you." Anacra comments.

Solar Flare (the one who looks like a filly Celestia whose name I apparently didn't write down.) Looks up at Gar in interest.

Gar looks back at Solar Flare and gave an inquiring screech.

Bluff to hide that Heart wants to pet or hug the dragon: [roll0]

2012-11-18, 05:01 PM
Foxglove answers Heartflight in a quiet, affectless voice.

To the dragon, however, she gives a warmer reception, her smile coming out of hiding. She pets him.

"Well, I like Ein, too. He's just a sweetie, isn't he?"

Tweedle Dee looks unnerved by everyone watching him. Tweedle Dum is scarfing down the food, until Dee notices and begins squabbling with him.


Foxglove interrupts them in a level voice. "...What have I told you?"

"<...Never ride balloons?>" "<The wind doesn't like practical jokes, or anything, really?>"

She nods, and adds,
"...You have one stomach, so there's enough for all of you."

They eat a bit more peacefully for a few minutes after that.

Fox-Glove is clearly carrying himself a little taller, preening under admiring eyes.

Since the subject of Tweedle came up, as Foxglove pets Ein, she mentions it.

"...We've noticed, Tweedle and Fox-Glove and I... Tweedle's really...very gentle."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-18, 05:04 PM
Gar looks back at Solar Flare and gave an inquiring screech.

Solar Flare continues looking at the Falcon. She holds out her foreleg, clearly hoping he'll land on it.

Bluff to hide that Heart wants to pet or hug the dragon: [roll0]

Sense motive

Heartflight has successfully tricked a baby dragon into thinking that she does not want to pet it.

The dragon continues putting its attention towards Foxglove.

Foxglove answers Heartflight in a quiet, affectless voice.

To the dragon, however, she gives a warmer reception, her smile coming out of hiding. She pets him.

"Well, I like Ein, too. He's just a sweetie, isn't he?"

Tweedle Dee looks unnerved by everyone watching him. Tweedle Dum is scarfing down the food, until Dee notices and begins squabbling with him.


Foxglove interrupts them in a level voice. "...What have I told you?"

"<...Never ride balloons?>" "<The wind doesn't like practical jokes, or anything, really?>"

She nods, and adds,
"...You have one stomach, so there's enough for all of you."

They eat a bit more peacefully for a few minutes after that.

Fox-Glove is clearly carrying himself a little taller, preening under admiring eyes.

Since the subject of Tweedle came up, as Foxglove pets Ein, she mentions it.

"...We've noticed, Tweedle and Fox-Glove and I... Tweedle's really...very gentle."

"It's quite admirable that you've been taking care of him." Anacra says, as she continues brewing stew for Godwyn.

She then turns to Heartflight. "You can pet or hug Ein if you want. Trying to hide that you want to is fairly pointless." Anacra says.

2012-11-18, 06:03 PM
"...W-well, I couldn't leave him...The people the world turns its back on...Those are the ones who need help the most...Also the ones on fire, or maybe on the edge of a cliff, or something. People on the back of the world may be Ok, though....

Foxglove muttered, casting her eyes upward as she petted Ein. She was also very much not fooled.

"He really is sweet..."

She encouraged, since Heart's secret was already blown.

2012-11-18, 06:04 PM
Heartflight gave Anacra that tsundere 'gee, thanks for telling everybody /sarcasm' look, then reached over to pet the dragon.

Gar hopped onto Solar Flare's foreleg, giving her an inquiring look.

Lycan 01
2012-11-18, 06:45 PM
Godwyn smiles politely at Broken Scale. "Hi there." He turns towards them so they can better see the breastplate clasped around the griffin's torso, emblazoned with a stylized heraldic griffin. Best to look heroic and cool for the kids, right?

When Godwyn notices Anacra making him a stew, his eyes widen slightly in surprise. "Oh, you didn't have to make me anything special..." he tells her with a sheepish, modest smile. "I'm quite fine with whatever the others are having."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-18, 06:50 PM
Godwyn smiles politely at Broken Scale. "Hi there." He turns towards them so they can better see the breastplate clasped around the griffin's torso, emblazoned with a stylized heraldic griffin. Best to look heroic and cool for the kids, right? "How does one become a Paladin?" Broken Scale asks, admiring the shiny breastplate.

When Godwyn notices Anacra making him a stew, his eyes widen slightly in surprise. "Oh, you didn't have to make me anything special..." he tells her with a sheepish, modest smile. "I'm quite fine with whatever the others are having."

"It's no trouble. What kind of stuff specifically do you like in your stews?" Anacra asks, throwing in various herbs and spices, and a few veggies. "I do have some preserved meat, since Ein likes some every once in a while. I don't know if you eat any, or prefer vegetarian meals." Anacra says, tasting the currently vegetarian stew. "Needs more black pepper."

Lycan 01
2012-11-18, 07:21 PM
Godwyn smiles warmly at the filly. "A Paladin is not an official title with set occupational requirements. At least, not anymore. Rather, it is a simply yet important decision one must make on a personal level. You must want to make the world a better place, to be nice and helpful to those in need, to be the very best griffin - or pony - that you can be, to strive towards being a paragon of goodness and strong character, and most of all, you have to be willing to put the needs of all others above your own, no matter the cost to yourself," he explains to her in a wise, sagely manner. His beak curls into a small, playful smile. "The colorful band of traveling companions is optional."

Godwyn then turns to smile politely at Anarca. "I have no specific preferences for ingredients, and I am fine with a vegetarian meal." No sense in taking little Ein's provisions, and eating a carnivorous meal in front of a bunch of ponies seemed... impolite.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-18, 07:25 PM
Godwyn smiles warmly at the filly. "A Paladin is not an official title with set occupational requirements. At least, not anymore. Rather, it is a simply yet important decision one must make on a personal level. You must want to make the world a better place, to be nice and helpful to those in need, to be the very best griffin - or pony - that you can be, to strive towards being a paragon of goodness and strong character, and most of all, you have to be willing to put the needs of all others above your own, no matter the cost to yourself," he explains to her in a wise, sagely manner. His beak curls into a small, playful smile. "The colorful band of traveling companions is optional." "I'll keep that in mind, thank you sir." Broken Scale responds.

Godwyn then turns to smile politely at Anarca. "I have no specific preferences for ingredients, and I am fine with a vegetarian meal." No sense in taking little Ein's provisions, and eating a carnivorous meal in front of a bunch of ponies seemed... impolite.

"Alright. Should be done in a few moments then." she throws a little more seasoning into the mix, pours it into a bowl, and sets it in front of Godwyn.

Solar Flare

Solar Flare decided to pet Gar as gently as possible.

"I like birds." she says, kind of mispronouncing the 'r' as little foals do sometimes.

2012-11-18, 09:06 PM
Solar Flare

Solar Flare decided to pet Gar as gently as possible.

"I like birds." she says, kind of mispronouncing the 'r' as little foals do sometimes.

"Yeah, birds are pretty cool," said Heart, fluttering her wings a bit.

Lycan 01
2012-11-18, 09:12 PM
"Why? Aspiring to be a Paladin yourself one day, perhaps?" Godwyn asks Broken Scale with a warm smile.

He nods respectfully to Anacra. "My thanks, m'lady." He takes a bite of the soup, and whether or not it actually tastes good, he gives the mare a smile of enjoyment.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-18, 09:29 PM
"Why? Aspiring to be a Paladin yourself one day, perhaps?" Godwyn asks Broken Scale with a warm smile.

"Was hoping to do something with my life one day, and that sounds about as good as anything." Broken Scale says.

He nods respectfully to Anacra. "My thanks, m'lady." He takes a bite of the soup, and whether or not it actually tastes good, he gives the mare a smile of enjoyment.

It does in fact taste good. Anacra, who now sits down to politely eat her own meal, is definitely no slouch when it comes to cooking.

"Yeah, birds are pretty cool," said Heart, fluttering her wings a bit.

"I think I saw a Phoenix once. She was pwetty." the little foal says, and continues gently petting Gar. "What does he eat?" She asks.

"Troublesome foals like you." Obsidian Flare says.

"Does not!"

"Girls, we have guests, can we please save these kinds of arguments for when they're gone?" Anacra asks somewhat sternly.

"Yes mommy." the two foals say in response.

Lycan 01
2012-11-18, 09:48 PM
Godwyn looks up from his stew to smile at Broken Scale. "Well now. Wanting to do something with your life is an admirable aspiration, indeed. Motivation and drive are excellent traits to have, compared to the complacency or laziness. But I feel I should warn you, while being a Paladin can be a rewarding experience, it is not an easy life. Sometimes it can be very dangerous. Sometimes it can be quite challenging. And sometimes," he leans in and smiles wryly, "Between you and me, it can be kinda boring."

He's not trying to discourage her from being a Paladin. But he wants her to realize it's not all heroic awesomeness, and that it's a life decision not made lightly.

He takes another bite of stew, before raising a curious eyebrow at Broken Scale. "How much do you know about Paladins, out of curiosity? Besides what I have told you, of course..."

2012-11-18, 11:21 PM
"I think I saw a Phoenix once. She was pwetty." the little foal says, and continues gently petting Gar. "What does he eat?" She asks.

"Troublesome foals like you." Obsidian Flare says.

"Does not!"

"Girls, we have guests, can we please save these kinds of arguments for when they're gone?" Anacra asks somewhat sternly.

"Yes mommy." the two foals say in response.

Foxglove eats her food quiety, but does respond to the topic of the food,

"Oh, a bird Gar's size could really only eat you .... if you were already dead and he were picking.... small pieces of flesh from your corpse... or maybe some nutrient-rich entrails...But in Equestria, most birds don't concern themselves with scavenging."

Foxglove said, ignoring concerns like 'what makes for good conversation over food' or 'what doesn't make you sound kind of creepy'

2012-11-19, 03:54 PM
and Gearstride was there, doing something I'm sure.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-19, 08:44 PM
Godwyn looks up from his stew to smile at Broken Scale. "Well now. Wanting to do something with your life is an admirable aspiration, indeed. Motivation and drive are excellent traits to have, compared to the complacency or laziness. But I feel I should warn you, while being a Paladin can be a rewarding experience, it is not an easy life. Sometimes it can be very dangerous. Sometimes it can be quite challenging. And sometimes," he leans in and smiles wryly, "Between you and me, it can be kinda boring."

He's not trying to discourage her from being a Paladin. But he wants her to realize it's not all heroic awesomeness, and that it's a life decision not made lightly.

He takes another bite of stew, before raising a curious eyebrow at Broken Scale. "How much do you know about Paladins, out of curiosity? Besides what I have told you, of course..."

"Do you want the short version or the long version?" Broken Scale asks.

Foxglove eats her food quiety, but does respond to the topic of the food,

"Oh, a bird Gar's size could really only eat you .... if you were already dead and he were picking.... small pieces of flesh from your corpse... or maybe some nutrient-rich entrails...But in Equestria, most birds don't concern themselves with scavenging."

Foxglove said, ignoring concerns like 'what makes for good conversation over food' or 'what doesn't make you sound kind of creepy'

Cue everypony in the room other than Anacra being horrified. Dragon isn't either, but that's because it doesn't really understand what Foxglove said.

and Gearstride was there, doing something I'm sure.

Obsidian Flare goes over to Gearstride and pokes her.

Lycan 01
2012-11-19, 08:58 PM
Godwyn looks up from his stew and smiles politely at Broken Scale. "Either will suffice. Whichever you prefer."

That smile becomes slightly strained and forced when Foxglove starts talking about entrails and carrion in front of the children, and at the dinner table no less, but he manages to maintain his appearance of kind etiquette. Barely.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-19, 09:06 PM
Godwyn looks up from his stew and smiles politely at Broken Scale. "Either will suffice. Whichever you prefer."

That smile becomes slightly strained and forced when Foxglove starts talking about entrails and carrion in front of the children, and at the dinner table no less, but he manages to maintain his appearance of kind etiquette. Barely.

Scale is clearly trying to avoid that big pile of Awkward as she responds to Godwyn.

"Where there is no third option, you create one. You find the way in the darkness. Where there is no hope, you bring hope, because you are a paladin, and giving up is incomprehensible. When people say "someone should do something about this," that someone is you. And sometimes all you can do is apologize, that everything you had within you wasn't quite enough." BRoken Scale says, summing up her own view as well as she can.

2012-11-20, 02:56 AM
Gearstride poked Obsidian Flare back and cocked a brow and smirked.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-20, 01:49 PM
Gearstride poked Obsidian Flare back and cocked a brow and smirked.

"You're pretty." Obsidian Flare said, and poked back back.

2012-11-20, 01:59 PM
"You're pretty." Obsidian Flare said, and poked back back.

"Well you have a good eye, you're a little pretty pie yourself," She said playfully and poked her back.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-20, 02:00 PM
"Well you have a good eye, you're a little pretty pie yourself," She said playfully and poked her back.

"You probably have a special somepony, don't you?" Flare says, and pokes back again.

2012-11-20, 02:07 PM
"You probably have a special somepony, don't you?" Flare says, and pokes back again.

"Mmm....not exactly. I don't have so much as a special somepony as opposed to part time special someponies.

"I haven't really met that one pony to really call my special somepony," She said with a small smile and poked the filly back. She probably wouldn't be that good at keeping that special somepony anyway.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-20, 02:09 PM
"Mmm....not exactly. I don't have so much as a special somepony as opposed to part time special someponies.

"I haven't really met that one pony to really call my special somepony," She said with a small smile and poked the filly back. She probably wouldn't be that good at keeping that special somepony anyway.

"Aww, why not? You seem like a nice pony, and you're pretty." Obsidian Flare responds, and once again pokes Gearstride.

2012-11-20, 03:17 PM
"I don't know, perhaps I'm destined to just be a bachelorette? Forever running free with no one holding me back." She replied and poked the filly back.

2012-11-20, 07:35 PM
Cue everypony in the room other than Anacra being horrified. Dragon isn't either, but that's because it doesn't really understand what Foxglove said.

Foxglove shrinks her posture and eats in silence.

Lycan 01
2012-11-20, 08:02 PM
Godwyn looks up from his stew, and gives Broken Scale a curious look. "Hm. You are wise beyond your years, Miss Scale. For the most part, your analysis is sound. And yes, it is an unfortunate truth that sometimes, a Paladin's best is simply not enough," he observes with a sad smile. "Though, if you still have the strength within you to apologize, then you still have the strength within you to keep trying. Only when you are entirely exhausted to the point of being physically unable to move or act or even think, even if that point means death, have you truly given it your all. But sadly, sometimes even that is not enough to solve the problems and injustices in this world. But..." he sighs, "Better to try and to fail, than to have done nothing at all. That is part of what being a Paladin is about. When others cannot or will not act, you try try try your hardest in the name of goodness and justice and all that is right, even if failure or even death are the only realistic outcomes."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-20, 08:47 PM
Foxglove shrinks her posture and eats in silence.

Faith's shield looks at her. "So...you have a pet fox and a pet Hydra? he asks her, looking up at Tweedle.

Ein observes Tweedle, and gives an Inquisitive roar.

"I don't know, perhaps I'm destined to just be a bachelorette? Forever running free with no one holding me back." She replied and poked the filly back.

"...That sounds really sad." the little filly says and looks really sad. She doesn't poke back this time.

Godwyn looks up from his stew, and gives Broken Scale a curious look. "Hm. You are wise beyond your years, Miss Scale. For the most part, your analysis is sound. And yes, it is an unfortunate truth that sometimes, a Paladin's best is simply not enough," he observes with a sad smile. "Though, if you still have the strength within you to apologize, then you still have the strength within you to keep trying. Only when you are entirely exhausted to the point of being physically unable to move or act or even think, even if that point means death, have you truly given it your all. But sadly, sometimes even that is not enough to solve the problems and injustices in this world. But..." he sighs, "Better to try and to fail, than to have done nothing at all. That is part of what being a Paladin is about. When others cannot or will not act, you try try try your hardest in the name of goodness and justice and all that is right, even if failure or even death are the only realistic outcomes."

Broken Scale nods in response."Death against overwhelming odds appears to be a distressingly common fate for Paladins." Broken Scale says and takes another bite of her veggies.

Lycan 01
2012-11-20, 09:02 PM
Godwyn nods, and gives a wry smirk. "Well, not all of them. But yes, one would almost think martyrdom for the Greater Good is part of the Paladin job description." He takes a sip of his drink, before giving a small chuckle. "Hidden in the fine print, perhaps."

He takes a moment to enjoy more of his stew, before returning to the conversation. "That's probably why there are so few griffins lining up for the position these days. Though, that primarily has more to do with changes in our culture and society over time," he shrugs. "To my knowledge, there are currently very few other Paladins amongst my griffin kin right now. If any at all."

2012-11-21, 01:51 AM
"...That sounds really sad." the little filly says and looks really sad. She doesn't poke back this time.

"I dunno..I prefer to think of it as that I am able to sample all kinds of possible very special someponies, except, I kinda think myself lucky that way if ya think about it," She said with a smile and playful wink.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-21, 02:36 AM
"I dunno..I prefer to think of it as that I am able to sample all kinds of possible very special someponies, except, I kinda think myself lucky that way if ya think about it," She said with a smile and playful wink.

"That still sounds really sad..."

Anacra comes over. "Please, excuse my daughter. SHe has very specific ideas of how romance is supposed to go." she says, and lightly pushes her daughter to go back into her seat.

Godwyn nods, and gives a wry smirk. "Well, not all of them. But yes, one would almost think martyrdom for the Greater Good is part of the Paladin job description." He takes a sip of his drink, before giving a small chuckle. "Hidden in the fine print, perhaps."

He takes a moment to enjoy more of his stew, before returning to the conversation. "That's probably why there are so few griffins lining up for the position these days. Though, that primarily has more to do with changes in our culture and society over time," he shrugs. "To my knowledge, there are currently very few other Paladins amongst my griffin kin right now. If any at all."

"I certainly haven't heard of any, though Paladins don't seem to make the news recently anyway." Broken Scale says, finishing off her vegetables.

Lycan 01
2012-11-21, 06:47 AM
Godwyn does not intrude on Gear's discussion, instead focusing on his own precocious conversation partner. "Ah, and what is the recent news?" he asks with a warm smile. "I am not from around there lands, so I am afraid I am a bit lacking in knowledge of current events and local knowledge."

2012-11-21, 06:35 PM
Faith's shield looks at her. "So...you have a pet fox and a pet Hydra? he asks her, looking up at Tweedle.

Ein observes Tweedle, and gives an Inquisitive roar.

Tweedle roars back...With a little less volume control.

"...I wouldn't...I wouldn't call them pets."

She answered, a little uneasily.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-21, 10:28 PM
Tweedle roars back...With a little less volume control.

"...I wouldn't...I wouldn't call them pets."

She answered, a little uneasily.


Ein runs and hides behind Anacra in fear.

"Mommy!" It yells.

"Shhh. Don't worry dear, it won't hurt you." Anacra says, petting the little dragon.

Godwyn does not intrude on Gear's discussion, instead focusing on his own precocious conversation partner. "Ah, and what is the recent news?" he asks with a warm smile. "I am not from around there lands, so I am afraid I am a bit lacking in knowledge of current events and local knowledge."

"Not really any recent news. Nothing exciting has happened recently." Broken Scale responds.

2012-11-22, 04:00 PM
"That still sounds really sad..."

Anacra comes over. "Please, excuse my daughter. SHe has very specific ideas of how romance is supposed to go." she says, and lightly pushes her daughter to go back into her seat.

"Oh, its no problem, its understandable," Gear said with a lazy smile.

2012-11-22, 04:04 PM

Ein runs and hides behind Anacra in fear.

"Mommy!" It yells.

"Shhh. Don't worry dear, it won't hurt you." Anacra says, petting the little dragon.

"Don't be afraid, little one. He's just trying to be friendly, right, Tweedle?"

Tweedle makes a happy little roar noise from both mouths.
"<Right! Friends?>"

Mystic Muse
2012-11-22, 04:08 PM
"Don't be afraid, little one. He's just trying to be friendly, right, Tweedle?"

Tweedle makes a happy little roar noise from both mouths.
"<Right! Friends?>"

<Friends? Umm...okay.> The dragon slowly, steadily comes out, looking like it'll decide to hide behind Anacra if so much as a twig snaps.

"So, if you wouldn't call them pets, what would you call them?" Faith's Shield asks.

2012-11-22, 04:12 PM
"They are my companions...And my dear and trusted friends. We're...Like family. If we have nothing else in the world, we have each other."

She ends it with a thoughtful nod. Tweedle is trying to control his enthusiasm, resulting in a very fidgety hydra.
"<Yay! Friends! I have many little friends.>"
He added, as if to soothe the little dragon.

Lycan 01
2012-11-22, 04:15 PM
Godwyn returns to enjoying his delightful stew. "This is very good, Miss Anacra. Thanks again for the wonderful meal," he observes with a polite smile.

"Do you have any further questions, or thoughts you'd like to share, Miss Scale?" he cordially asks Broken Scale. Truth be told, he's enjoyed the little discussion they've had, and he doesn't mind helping explain the Paladin ways to her.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-22, 05:04 PM
"Oh, its no problem, its understandable," Gear said with a lazy smile.

"I think she's seen a few too many romantic films." Anacra says, amusedly rolling her eyes. "I personally am on the rather extreme end of the monogamy scale." Anacra says. "Only ever been with one pony, and that was enough for me." she says. She sounds slightly bitter.

Godwyn returns to enjoying his delightful stew. "This is very good, Miss Anacra. Thanks again for the wonderful meal," he observes with a polite smile.

"Do you have any further questions, or thoughts you'd like to share, Miss Scale?" he cordially asks Broken Scale. Truth be told, he's enjoyed the little discussion they've had, and he doesn't mind helping explain the Paladin ways to her.

"Well...it's kind of an odd question but...how do you tell the difference between a legitimate god, and an impostor?"

"They are my companions...And my dear and trusted friends. We're...Like family. If we have nothing else in the world, we have each other."

"That sounds kind of nice. I used to have a puppy. His name was Odin. He was a nice dog. A stray I found one day and mommy helped me take care of him. I called him Odin because he only had one eye." Faith's Shield says.

She ends it with a thoughtful nod. Tweedle is trying to control his enthusiasm, resulting in a very fidgety hydra.
"<Yay! Friends! I have many little friends.>"
He added, as if to soothe the little dragon.

<I'm not that little!> Eingefroren is in fact, that little. <Watch!> The dragon lets loose its ice breath. Given how small it is, it just results in the temperature lowering a little, but the size is pretty big for such a small dragon.

Lycan 01
2012-11-22, 05:59 PM
Godwyn's eyes light up. "My goodness, you certainly like rather complex and heady topics for a filly your age. To answer your question, though, I am afraid I do not know the answer, for I have never met either," he explains with a wry smile. "It is also a matter of advanced theological scholarly discourse, which I am not all that experienced in, though I am quite knowledgeable of various religions' histories and belief systems. And on top of that, it is also a matter of varying perspectives and views. One griffin's god is another griffin's joke, for example," he explains with a shrug and an idle wave of his talons.

When the little dragon breathes ice, Godwyn gives him a warm smile. "Impressive."

2012-11-23, 05:05 AM
"I think she's seen a few too many romantic films." Anacra says, amusedly rolling her eyes. "I personally am on the rather extreme end of the monogamy scale." Anacra says. "Only ever been with one pony, and that was enough for me." she says. She sounds slightly bitter.

"What?...Really? You've never tried to jump back into the dating game?" She asked curiously.

2012-11-24, 01:56 AM
Foxglove eats her food quiety, but does respond to the topic of the food,

"Oh, a bird Gar's size could really only eat you .... if you were already dead and he were picking.... small pieces of flesh from your corpse... or maybe some nutrient-rich entrails...But in Equestria, most birds don't concern themselves with scavenging."

Foxglove said, ignoring concerns like 'what makes for good conversation over food' or 'what doesn't make you sound kind of creepy'

"Oooo, right in the appetite," Heart said, lowering her spoon. She turned her attention back to the conversation at hoof.

"They are my companions...And my dear and trusted friends. We're...Like family. If we have nothing else in the world, we have each other."

"It's like Doctor Whoof, only slightly less confusing," Heartflight chimed in.

"I think she's seen a few too many romantic films." Anacra says, amusedly rolling her eyes. "I personally am on the rather extreme end of the monogamy scale." Anacra says. "Only ever been with one pony, and that was enough for me." she says. She sounds slightly bitter.

"Um, if that's the case, then it probably isn't so much from the movies as it is taking after what she observes to be family values, after being raised in a staunch monogamistic relationship despite the wandering nature of many ponies due to a skewed gender ratio." If anypony seemed surprised at her musings, she'd add, "What? I can be philosophical and insightful too sometimes."

"Well...it's kind of an odd question but...how do you tell the difference between a legitimate god, and an impostor?"

Godwyn's eyes light up. "My goodness, you certainly like rather complex and heady topics for a filly your age. To answer your question, though, I am afraid I do not know the answer, for I have never met either," he explains with a wry smile. "It is also a matter of advanced theological scholarly discourse, which I am not all that experienced in, though I am quite knowledgeable of various religions' histories and belief systems. And on top of that, it is also a matter of varying perspectives and views. One griffin's god is another griffin's joke, for example," he explains with a shrug and an idle wave of his talons.

"We could always ask the princesses," Heart suggested.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-24, 02:13 AM
"What?...Really? You've never tried to jump back into the dating game?" She asked curiously.

"I don't see much of a point." Anacra says truthfully. "At best, it would feel like I was insulting his memory." Anacra says, now washing the dishes.

Godwyn's eyes light up. "My goodness, you certainly like rather complex and heady topics for a filly your age. To answer your question, though, I am afraid I do not know the answer, for I have never met either," he explains with a wry smile. "It is also a matter of advanced theological scholarly discourse, which I am not all that experienced in, though I am quite knowledgeable of various religions' histories and belief systems. And on top of that, it is also a matter of varying perspectives and views. One griffin's god is another griffin's joke, for example," he explains with a shrug and an idle wave of his talons.

"Interesting. Thank you." Broken Scale says in response.

When the little dragon breathes ice, Godwyn gives him a warm smile. "Impressive."

The dragon roars "Thanks" in response.

"Um, if that's the case, then it probably isn't so much from the movies as it is taking after what she observes to be family values, after being raised in a staunch monogamistic relationship despite the wandering nature of many ponies due to a skewed gender ratio." If anypony seemed surprised at her musings, she'd add, "What? I can be philosophical and insightful too sometimes."

"No one ever said she was raised in a staunch monogamistic relationship. My husband died a very long time before Obsidian Flare was even born." Anacra responds to Heart. That's probably why she's unwilling to get back into the dating game.

"We could always ask the princesses," Heart suggested.

"I'm pretty sure the princesses aren't actually gods. I'd say there's something that disqualifies them from the term, though I'm not sure exactly what." Broken Scale responds to Heart. "Honestly, the only one I know of who can probably answer that question is Discord. Though, he's hopefully trapped as a stone statue for the rest of eternity. Or dead." She says.

2012-11-24, 02:18 AM
"No one ever said she was raised in a staunch monogamistic relationship. My husband died a very long time before Obsidian Flare was even born." Anacra responds to Heart. That's probably why she's unwilling to get back into the dating game.

....Well. Heart could only respond with one word. "....Oh."

"I'm pretty sure the princesses aren't actually gods. I'd say there's something that disqualifies them from the term, though I'm not sure exactly what." Broken Scale responds to Heart. "Honestly, the only one I know of who can probably answer that question is Discord. Though, he's hopefully trapped as a stone statue for the rest of eternity. Or dead." She says.

"Well then, answer me this," said Heart. "What is a god?"

2012-11-24, 09:21 AM
"That sounds kind of nice. I used to have a puppy. His name was Odin. He was a nice dog. A stray I found one day and mommy helped me take care of him. I called him Odin because he only had one eye." Faith's Shield says.

<I'm not that little!> Eingefroren is in fact, that little. <Watch!> The dragon lets loose its ice breath. Given how small it is, it just results in the temperature lowering a little, but the size is pretty big for such a small dragon.

"He sounds like a very nice dog."

She says, smiling pleasantly. Her mother had never let her have a pet...But taking care of an animal that needed it was always a basically purifying thing.

"<Wow! That is like full of wonder!>"

Tweedle has seen better...But he tends to forget this. There's a reason he relies on Foxglove and Fox-glove to do his thinking, but for now, he's legitimately impressed by 'slightly chilled' breath.

Lycan 01
2012-11-24, 04:05 PM
Godwyn frowns sadly at the mentioning of Anacra's husband being deceased. "My sympathies," he quietly states.

At the mention of the Princesses, Godwyn quirks a feathery eyebrow. "Ah yes, the Princesses of Equestria. Rather fascinating. Equestrian mythos and theology deifies them to a certain degree, particularly for their abilities to control the celestial bodies. However, their lack of omnipotence, omnipresence, and other reality-warping abilities places them below the realm of true godhood. They could perhaps be classified as demi-gods, but as true gods? No," he explains with a few idle waves and gestures of his right claws.

At Heartflight's inquiry, Godwyn smiles politely. "A god is a higher power or being that is omnipotent and/or omnipresent, or near enough to be confused as such, unbeholden to the laws of nature and physics, and is often capable of wielding unlimited or unspeakable cosmic power. The best and most immediately relevant example would be Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disorder. Everywhere yet nowhere, capable of assuming any and all forms, able to rend the very fabric of time and space and bend it to his will, and undefeatable by normal mortal means. And yes, his influence was felt in the Griffin Kingdoms during his last escape, and no, it was not amusing," he muses with a mirthless smile.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-24, 04:15 PM
"And the Elements of Harmony very much do not qualify as normal mortal means." Anacra adds in. "It's quite likely they were created by an unknown god in the first place. Why can only be speculated upon." She says. She then turns to Godwyn with an inquisitive brow.

"Very well put, Godwyn. I have to wonder where a Paladin learned to speak so well. Though, I would argue with "Omnipotent" as there is a very good chance gods could kill other gods if they wanted. As for my husband...your sympathies are appreciated." She says the last statement with a very heavy air of "There is a lot that time cannot erase."

2012-11-24, 04:22 PM
"Yeah, but Discord wasn't a very good god of chaos, was he?" said Heart. "One: He is obviously not omnipresent, because friendshipping his physical form turned him into nothing more than a statue. Two: He was too organized, formulating a complex Batmare gambit in order to battle the elements of harmony. A Batmare gambit such as he used would require prediction of their future actions, which would require order - the very opposite of chaos. Three: Even if his plan had succeeded, then either the elements of harmony would remain Discorded, thus imposing a constant state, and thus order, or they would eventually become un-Discorded and win anyways. And finally, four: His powers were obviously not that powerful if they could easily be overcome by a single young unicorn, even if she is the Princess's star pupil."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-24, 04:39 PM
"If you lot would like to discuss Discord, I would like to politely ask you to please take your conversation elsewhere." Given the way she says it, while she is being quite polite about it, it has a bit of a threatening undertone to it. Discord is apparently a very sore spot with her.

2012-11-24, 04:41 PM
"If you lot would like to discuss Discord, I would like to politely ask you to please take your conversation elsewhere." Given the way she says it, while she is being quite polite about it, it has a bit of a threatening undertone to it. Discord is apparently a very sore spot with her.

"Right, so this anti-magic zone," Heart said quickly. "Who, what, where, when, why, and most importantly how?"

Mystic Muse
2012-11-24, 05:03 PM
"Right, so this anti-magic zone," Heart said quickly. "Who, what, where, when, why, and most importantly how?"

"Likely somebody who plans to use it as a weapon of war, I don't know how to respond to 'What', where is apparently somewhere in *Insert the location here*, when is apparently much longer than it should exist, the why takes a rather long explanation you probably don't care to hear, and how is also long in terms of natural dead-magic zones, but in terms of artificial...Well, that's a much shorter answer. They can be created, likely to be used as a weapon, but it takes an immensely powerful magic user to do so. They can also be extended far past the point where they are supposed to, which leads to a phenomenon like the one you mentioned where there was a complete absence of animal life or any ponies around. I'll close this one up myself tonight.

Also, it's a dead-magic zone. There is a very large difference between an antimagic zone and a dead magic zone. An antimagic zone is a 6th circle, sometimes 8th circle spell that shuts down specific magical effects and spellcasting. You could still fly in an antimagic zone, Golems and undead would still function in an antimagic zone, and certain spell effects keep working while within it, plus any long-term spells currently on you re-activate as soon as you leave the zone, though any time spent within the zone counts against the duration of the spell.

Dead magic zones on the other hoof shut down everything. If it is remotely magical in nature, it doesn't function while within the field, and if you are subject to a temporary magical effect then enter the field, the field essentially kills it. Dead magic zones essentially murder magic. Also, antimagic fields are magic in origin, whereas the origin of dead magic zones is unknown. Lastly, an antimagic field will stop functioning in a dead magic zone." Anacra says, giving the party an exposition dump. And now you know why you're here instead of in Ponyville.

2012-11-24, 06:15 PM
Foxglove observed that that was a lot of words.
"...So, if you're fixing it...Then I guess we're done?"

Foxglove looked pretty unsure.

"I mean, we don't know anything about them...Except that there are at least two, and they have a raven..."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-25, 02:33 AM
"I suppose you're done here, but it would be a good idea to watch your back, or sleep with one eye open if you're feeling threatened by something." Anacra says, which is probably obvious, but good advice nonetheless. "If you have any troubles with dead-magic zones in the future, you know where to find me." she says, having finished cleaning the dishes.

Lycan 01
2012-11-25, 03:46 PM
Godwyn says nothing to Heartflight or to Anacra in response to Discord. He merely nods apologetically to Anacra.

At the explanation about the dead-magic zone, the Paladin raises an eyebrow. "Oh. So. We're done then. Um. Good job team?" he asks apprehensively. "Thank you for your help, Miss Anacra, and for your hospitality."

He looks around at the rest of the team. "Sooo, do we have any other quests that need doing? Or is this where we part ways?" He looks over at Anacra, and smiles meekly. "You wouldn't happen to need assistance with anything, would you?"

Mystic Muse
2012-11-25, 03:57 PM
"Well, would you and your friends be in the mood for a fetch quest? I could try and reimburse you for your time. Otherwise, I can't think of much right now." Anacra says.

Lycan 01
2012-11-25, 04:08 PM
Godwyn folds his claws together and smirks. "Fetch quest? Sounds like a good deed in need of doing. Please, do go on."

2012-11-25, 04:10 PM
"....Shouldn't somepony report this to the princesses, if somepony so powerful is trying to make a weapon?" Heart pointed out.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-25, 04:17 PM
"....Shouldn't somepony report this to the princesses, if somepony so powerful is trying to make a weapon?" Heart pointed out.

"Probably. I can manage to get the message to her, though it might take a while. Though, not as long as it would take to do it yourselves." Anacra says.

Godwyn folds his claws together and smirks. "Fetch quest? Sounds like a good deed in need of doing. Please, do go on."

"There's a unicorn mare who calls herself Thorngrave, though that's not her real name, about 20 miles away outside of town. She's a necromancer, and a slightly dangerous one too. I want you to subdue her, and bring her back here so I can help her." Anacra says, with a slightly sad look on her face.

A few of the foals at the table look slightly concerned after hearing the name.

2012-11-25, 04:22 PM
Foxglove looks from face to face, trying to work out what sort of relationship might be in everyone's minds to make their faces so sad, and use her own musical training to pick at the harmonics of Anacra's voice.

Sense Motive Via Perform (Song) score:

Lycan 01
2012-11-25, 04:24 PM
Godwyn rises from his chair and stands up at his full height, looking suitably gallant and cool, with his expression set and serious. "I'll need a map, some rope, and any information you have which could be used to reason with her - history, real name, weaknesses, motivations, so on and so forth. And if violence is forced to become necessary, I will ensure she is brought back alive."

2012-11-25, 04:25 PM
Heartflight frowned, then nodded. "Alright, I'm in," she agreed.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-25, 04:26 PM
It's very easy to tell what the foals are thinking and what kind of relationship they have. This is concern for a fellow family member.

2012-11-25, 04:29 PM
"...I'll help, too."

Foxglove said. Stopping a necromancer to stop a necromancer was not something that mattered to Foxglove...But stopping a necromancer to help foals worried about their family? That mattered.

2012-11-26, 04:21 AM
"Essentially, my questions/concerns were spoke by the griffon. Also, I'm in," Gearstride said with an assured nod.

Mystic Muse
2012-11-26, 02:18 PM
Godwyn rises from his chair and stands up at his full height, looking suitably gallant and cool, with his expression set and serious. "I'll need a map, some rope, and any information you have which could be used to reason with her - history, real name, weaknesses, motivations, so on and so forth. And if violence is forced to become necessary, I will ensure she is brought back alive."

"I have a map, I have something better than rope, her real name is Silent Night, she's not very strong so direct hits will be rather effective, and I'm not sure what her motivations are. For the most part, she kind of just up and left one day. She might have fallen into something like Cutie Mark Failure Insanity Syndrome." Anacra floats a box down from a high shelf, and pulls out a ring.

"A rather effective, and recent invention. Put it on any place a ring will fit, and it will put the person to sleep for an indefinite period of time, or until you take it off. I say indefinite, because it could be anywhere from five seconds to forever. It has an additional enchantment on it though, that will shut down magic for 48 hours, or until it's taken off, whichever comes first. Far better than rope, because Silent Night could still cast her spells while bound, but Silent Night without her spells is about as effective as a water gun without any water." Anacra says.

Heartflight frowned, then nodded. "Alright, I'm in," she agreed.

"Thank you."

"...I'll help, too."

Foxglove said. Stopping a necromancer to stop a necromancer was not something that mattered to Foxglove...But stopping a necromancer to help foals worried about their family? That mattered.

"Again, thank you."

"Essentially, my questions/concerns were spoke by the griffon. Also, I'm in," Gearstride said with an assured nod.

"Thank you. All of you. I doubt you know how much this means to me." Anacra says, hoofing the ring and a map over to whoever wants to take them.

Lycan 01
2012-11-26, 11:40 PM
Godwyn accepts the ring and studies it in his palm. "Interesting. Cutie Mark Insanity what-now? That is what happens when a pony cannot fulfill their special talent and suffers some sort of anxiety or breakdown, yes? I'm afraid my knowledge of pony physiology, culture, and society in general is at times... limited," the Paladin muses.

"What is Miss Night's special talent? Any specific tricks we should be wary of?" he inquires. "Is more dangerous at a distance, or up close and personal? And..."

He holds the ring up between his claws, looking at Anacra through the small enchanted circle. "Does this work on griffins?"

Mystic Muse
2012-11-26, 11:50 PM
Godwyn accepts the ring and studies it in his palm. "Interesting. Cutie Mark Insanity what-now? That is what happens when a pony cannot fulfill their special talent and suffers some sort of anxiety or breakdown, yes? I'm afraid my knowledge of pony physiology, culture, and society in general is at times... limited," the Paladin muses. "Basically, if a pony can't use their special talent, or their talent is despised and hated, or they view their special talent as despised and hated, they can go insane, and sometimes evil. It's the reason Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon."

"What is Miss Night's special talent? Any specific tricks we should be wary of?" he inquires. "Is more dangerous at a distance, or up close and personal? And..."

"More dangerous at a distance, up close and personal she's not that much of a threat. She has a few rather...large undead minions...her special talent is irrelevant in this case. It won't help you beat her, or help return her sanity." Anacra says. "I hate to say it, but it's likely that your only real option will be beating her unconscious." She says, and it's very VERY clear she hates to say it.

He holds the ring up between his claws, looking at Anacra through the small enchanted circle. "Does this work on griffins?"

"Yes. If it were put on your claw, the sleeping effect would work on you, and things like your flight would be shut down for the next 48 hours." Anacra says.

Lycan 01
2012-11-27, 01:08 AM
Godwyn lowers his claws and gives the ring a distrustful look. "Ah. Right. Into the backpack, then," he muses, before unslinging his backpack and slipping the ring into one of the pockets.

"Undead minions you say?" the Paladin asks, his expression turning grave. He gestures for Anacra to step closer, so that he can lean in and whisper to her, so that the young foals and wyrmling do not overhear what he has to say. "What kind? Animals? Ponies? When her powers are suppressed, will they lose their animation, regain their sentience, or require individual destruction to free them from their suffering?" he quietly asks. He'd like to know what he's dealing with, so he can prepare himself and his allies for whatever horrors await them.

Once he has his answer, he'll turn and walk towards the door. "Thank you, Miss Anacra, for your hospitality and assistance. We shall be off, then, to embark on our journey."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-27, 01:10 AM
"Undead minions you say?" the Paladin asks, his expression turning grave. He gestures for Anacra to step closer, so that he can lean in and whisper to her, so that the young foals and wyrmling do not overhear what he has to say. "What kind? Animals? Ponies? When her powers are suppressed, will they lose their animation, regain their sentience, or require individual destruction to free them from their suffering?" he quietly asks. He'd like to know what he's dealing with, so he can prepare himself and his allies for whatever horrors await them.

She whispers back. "No souls involved, they're essentially golems. Once you beat her, they'll lose their animation. I'm not sure what she has exactly, though you should expect to face a skeletal wurm, or possibly even a skeletal demon or dragon." Anacra tells him.

2012-11-27, 01:30 AM
"More dangerous at a distance, up close and personal she's not that much of a threat. She has a few rather...large undead minions...her special talent is irrelevant in this case. It won't help you beat her, or help return her sanity." Anacra says. "I hate to say it, but it's likely that your only real option will be beating her unconscious." She says, and it's very VERY clear she hates to say it.

Heartflight winced. "We'll try to be careful," she promised.

She whispers back. "No souls involved, they're essentially golems. Once you beat her, they'll lose their animation. I'm not sure what she has exactly, though you should expect to face a skeletal wurm, or possibly even a skeletal demon or dragon." Anacra tells him.

"A skeletal dragon? That sounds kind of awesome!" Heart whispered, unable to hide a tinge of excitement.

2012-11-27, 12:26 PM
"...We'll do our best."

Foxglove nods sadly. Tweedle gives the little dragon a quick nuzzle and turns to leave with her. Fox-glove trails along behind them as they head to the door.

"Thank you...for the lunch."

Mystic Muse
2012-11-27, 12:34 PM
"You're welcome. Thank you for the help." Anacra says.

2012-11-28, 03:19 AM
"Anything for someone as helpful and lovely as you with such great hospitality," Gearstride said with a bow. She flashed a smile before leaving the house. "We'll be back with your friend."

Lycan 01
2012-11-28, 03:41 AM
Godwyn gives a final nod, before heading outside. He picks up his shield and lance, and hops up to hover idly while he waits for the rest of his party. He's also assuming somepony else will grab the map Anacra mentioned...

Mystic Muse
2012-11-28, 11:58 PM
I'm just going to assume somebody takes it and boot you all on your way so we can get to this plot thing.:smalltongue:

2012-11-29, 02:30 AM
Yes, Gearstride in a retroactive move will grab the map, because Benson themselves forgot about it.

"Come on my loves, we go! To adventure!" She high marched out and headed to this vague notion of adventure!

Lycan 01
2012-11-30, 02:03 AM
Godwyn shakes his head in mild bemusement at Gearstride. He hovers aloft above the group as they set out for adventure and good deeds. "So, looks like we're going to have quite a fight on our hands..." he observes darkly, his expression set. "Who wants to carry the ring? If I can close the distance and get right up to her, I can use my claws to grab onto her and force the ring onto her horn while everypony else runs interference. Alternatively, Miss Foxglove can use her telekinesis to get the ring on the necromancer, while the rest of us keep her protected. Which plan sounds best?"

2012-11-30, 09:12 AM
"...I don't like fighting much...S-so I'll probably be in the back anyway."

Foxglove points out.

"I can still help from there, whatever plan we decide."

2012-11-30, 07:58 PM
Godwyn shakes his head in mild bemusement at Gearstride. He hovers aloft above the group as they set out for adventure and good deeds. "So, looks like we're going to have quite a fight on our hands..." he observes darkly, his expression set. "Who wants to carry the ring? If I can close the distance and get right up to her, I can use my claws to grab onto her and force the ring onto her horn while everypony else runs interference. Alternatively, Miss Foxglove can use her telekinesis to get the ring on the necromancer, while the rest of us keep her protected. Which plan sounds best?"

"I vote we simply subdue her, then put the ring on her," said Heart. "I was thinking Gearstride, Tweedle, and I could take care of the undead while you go straight for her, since you're the one with an opposable thumb."

2012-12-01, 03:56 AM
"hey, I myself have quite the maneuverable tongue, hahah...I kid....I kid," The pervy mare laughed, and yes, she was only referring to make outs and nothing more.

"Anyways, yes, we'll subdue her...or I can always try to seduce her ahaha...heh..."

Lycan 01
2012-12-01, 04:02 AM
Godwyn nods to Heartflight. "Alright. I shall serve as Vanguard and close the distance on her, and do my best to incapacitate her through non-lethal means."

At the mention of seduction, the Paladin acepalms, and pinches the bridge of his beak between two talons. "While trying to talk and reason with her first would be the best option, I think the initial tactic should be simple diplomacy. Show her we don't want to fight, try to figure out why she's doing this, negotiate a peaceful solution... If that makes no progress then sure, you are welcome to try more romantic methods to find a non-violent solution. As long as there's no bloodshed," Godwyn sighs. "Though with our luck, we'll have to fight our way through hordes of undead monsters, just for a chance to talk to her. And by that time, she may not be in much of a socializing mood..."

2012-12-01, 09:55 AM
"I like Godwyn's plan... It'd be nice if we could bring her back without a fight...And then maybe there'd be ice-cream..."

She drifted off a bit. Fox-glove poked her to get her back on track.

"But it doesn't seem like, if we needed the ring, she'd not let Godwyn put it on her while she's awake..."

Lycan 01
2012-12-01, 01:03 PM
Godwyn gives a sad smile. "It would be nice if this could all conclude with ice cream. Perhaps we will get lucky, and be able to reason with her one way or another."

The Paladin sighs as he hovers along. "If I can get in close to her, I may be able to put the ring on without having to get too violent. While a few hits to the jaw may knock her out, I'd rather not have to resort to brutality. If we can keep her busy or distracted, perhaps I will be able to grab her and wrestle it into place, or otherwise force her into submission without rattling her teeth..." he harrumphs, clearly not keen on the idea of beating the tar out of a mare, evil or not.

2012-12-02, 03:24 PM
Bleck! All this talk of planning and no doing. Booooooring.

"Ya know...I find winging it and following my guts the much better plan, and exciting! Anyways, half the time most of what's meticulously planned isn't followed through anyway.

Most importantly. We got daylight to burn!" She said with an already triumph grin. She began to march, since Benson is assuming they're to hit the road on wing and hoof.

2012-12-02, 03:45 PM
"That battleplan is always the first casualty..."

Foxglove mutters as she hops up on Tweedle while Fox-Glove hops up on her back, and the three of them follow Gear.

"...Hopefully the only one...There's nothing casual about them."

Mystic Muse
2012-12-02, 08:51 PM
After quite a bit of talking, getting to know one another, all that boring stuff, the ponies and Zoidberg Griffin arrive fairly close to the entrance of the cave. There's only one problem. Even from back here, they can tell there's a patrol, of what look like ponies, but they are far too big for that. They're easily twice the size of the tallest pony in the party.

You guys are roughly 60 feet away or so. Whatever they are, they don't appear to have noticed you. Anybody in the mood for trying to sneak in and get a surprise round or do some scouting or something?

2012-12-02, 08:57 PM
Foxglove looks at the creatures, trying to decide if, in her wealth of knowledge about strange and mystical life (or unlife) forms, and general mysticalness, she knows anything:


2012-12-02, 08:57 PM
Heartflight held up a hoof, seeing the creatures. She peered closer, trying to make out what these figures were.

EDIT: Perception 32.

Lycan 01
2012-12-02, 09:13 PM
Godwyn lands amongst his allies, and scowls deeply. "Something is wrong here. These are Golems - the sort refered to as Witch Hunters and Inquisitors. These things should not be in the service of a Necromancer. They should be hunting her," he explains in a terse whisper. "What is the meaning of this? A trick? A misunderstanding? Have they been enslaved?"

2012-12-02, 09:17 PM
"...How do we find out?"

Foxglove asked, looking at them anxiously. They didn't want to hurt someone uninvolved, of course... But what if someone had gotten here before them, and the necromancer was in trouble?

Foxglove thought for a while: was it possible for a golem to be forcibly taken from its master's command, and into a service that was opposed to its creation?
((Knowledge Arcana Roll))

2012-12-03, 01:02 AM
"Haha, maybe we should ask," Gearstride said jokingly. "I kid, maybe, well, yea, it likely won't work.."

"I'm gonna try to sneak in closer, see better details, maybe the runes or something that make them go...their programming...something...I don't know what I'm talking about!" Gearstride will inch away from the gang and towards the golems trying to stealth, going for as much cover as she can.

"Sneaky sneak.."

Stealth: [roll0]

Mystic Muse
2012-12-03, 01:10 AM
Gearstride manages to make it 40 feet. She's closer, but definitely not close enough to interact with the Golems yet.

The golems don't appear to have noticed her, though it's hard to tell if she's actually managed to properly sneak, or if she just hasn't made it close enough for them to consider her a threat.

2012-12-03, 01:11 AM
Heartflight nodded, then ruffled her wings, preparing for the inevitable battle. "Me too," she said quietly, sneaking off to flank them from the opposite direction to spy on them.

Sneak: [roll0]