View Full Version : Ereign (Freeform Mage) - [IC]

2012-10-22, 09:39 AM
Every good game should have a good intro. Here, I'm leaving it up to each individual to give a good intro to their character first :smallbiggrin:

Reference Material:

Magic Stat Descriptions:


Power is the most noticeable form of magic most commonly used in magic items, and when magi decide to make stuff go boom.

Power is mastery over elemental forces beyond the control of man. Power magic is generally strong and quick to cast causing momentous effects.

Power is also the most draining to use and nearly impossible to conceal. Power commonly has very noticeable manifestations, be it the explosion that can be heard all across town, or the black misting aura that clings to the skeleton you animated. Commonly power magic exhausts the user, forcing them to rest a while after a working.


Shadow is the subtle magic of the mutterings in the darkness and the nightmares that haunt you. Shadow is the manifestation of fears and beliefs.

Strengths: Shadow magic is powered by the belief of people, and so long as people believe it the spell shall remain. For instance the tale of a dragon hunting those woods could make a very real dragon do some very real hunting.

Weaknesses: Sadly shadow magic cannot hold up to the light of truth, and its effects are reversed in such instances, even so far as the dead returning to life. Furthermore a shadow mage cannot disbelieve his own magic, and must therefore always be wary for were the above dragon to hunt the mage they would play victim to their own spell.


Manna is pure energy with which to shape the world, the energy that spirits, demons, and even gods use to enact their will upon the world. Manna is a raw energy that can be used to give a power boost to any other kind of magic, or to alter reality itself.

Benefits: Yippy, you have an incredibly strong power source, and you can rewrite existence!

Weaknesses: Manna is a finite resource, and when it's out, it's out and you need to find more. Furthermore it takes allot of manna to change the world, and any change made will revert back to the way it was after a short while unless it's sustained by a stream of manna. So killing someone with manna is only a temporary solution. Manna also comes in many forms allowing the properties of the manna to be manipulated against you by any similarly well adept at manna magic. (For instance a ritual to make love and happiness cast with demon manna can very easily be turned into a mass slaughter depending on how the spell was cast.)

Types of Manna

Distilled manna is the weakest of all manna, filtered of all its intent by magi for ease of use.

Blood manna is the life force in every being. While it isn't exceptionally strong it is well known for the countless rituals that have been conducted, fueled by thousands of human sacrifices.

Raw Manna is the sort most commonly found in the ground. It is strong enough, but pulls magic towards the laws of physics making it harder to use for magical purposes.

Spirit manna is the manna spirits use, it generally takes on whatever traits match the spirit's mood at the time the manna is taken, and is as strong as the spirit.

Demon Manna is much like spirit manna, except that it will always try to twist itself to evil.

Divine Manna: a rare manna that is the only way to magically heal a wound.

Quintessence is the rarest of all sorts of manna. Uncovered only three times in the history of the world, quintessence is manna of the highest grade capable of changing the world permanently.


Ritual magic is the magic of rare components and intricate diagrams. Through carefully made symbols and components you channel your magic in the most effective way possible.

Strengths: Ritual magic is the strongest type of magic. While it it's self holds no power it allows fine manipulation of massive quantities of power. For a wizard at the top of his tower this is the ideal magic.

Weaknesses: Sadly ritual has less practical application on the battlefield. Rarely has any mage the time for magical circles and the careful placement of rare herbs while an army attempts to sever their head from their shoulders.


Most humans have some humanity in them, be it knocking back cold ones with friends, petting that dog, or playing with your beloved children. Sadly magi rarely do. Locked in their tower day and night studying the old lore they rarely have time for socializing, or even taking a stroll for fresh air. No, most magi are cold and heartless, though some, some few with enough humanity in their soul find another form of magic that most magi overlook. The magic of humanity is the means by which one man influences another. Those few men need not even be magi, for every general who has ever rallied his troops knows well how to turn the hearts of men.

Strength: the strength of humanity magic is the might of leadership, the strength to dis-sway a mob, or to lead an army.

Weakness: Sadly it all comes at a cost. The more you manipulate others, the more you begin to lose the very humanity they follow, as such in order to maintain this magic you must constantly be regaining humanity least you become as heartless and manipulative as all the other magi.


Grace is a very old magic, and one not well understood by humans. Grace is a power in customs and respect for the world around you. Again a rare quality in a mage as many would readily violate the crypt to get the magic crown, and few would beware crushing a spider for fear of ruining the gorgeous sunny skies.

Benefits: the world tends to work out more in your favor. Spirits will more willingly help you, garlic will ward off vampires for you, and your threshold will keep the nasty things of the night out.

Weaknesses: you won't be going into the nasty crypt filled to the brim with magical treasures because it's not respectful to the dead to go into their crypt and steal their treasure.

Posting a Spell:

The following will be required to cast any spell.

Magic Stat used
Intent of Spell
Mechanics used to cast spell (casting and/or desired effect) for “crunch”
Description of spell (casting and/or desired effect) for “fluff”

Make sure you are clear on the intent, mechanics, and description of your spell, as I will be basing the effect(s) your spell has on your wording.

Posting a Spell (example):

Stat: Power
Intent: To Throw a Fireball at drack
Mechanics: I draw fire from a nearby campfire using Power to fuel the spell.
Description: In short, fluid arm and hand motions, Terran causes the flames of the campfire to dance anew. They quickly start rolling, one on top of another, until a giant fireball is formed. Directing the menacing fire at drack, Terran releases the restraints about the fire directing it towards its target.

2012-10-22, 09:49 AM
As per the normal for her, Ikana has spent her last night alone, cuddling her staff as the barrier she erects holds steady. She won't be harmed by mundanes so long as she rests, and maintains quiet concentration. Ikana would be able to continue her soul searching. The warm climate had been something to get used to, as she'd existed in a much more moderate place, but the girl was dealing with her concerns. She had much to think on, and the world was fading away from her as she entered the vision of her mind. She was not able to draw the diagrams that she loved before her sealing, but she could still imagine them. She hadn't received an accurate answer on when Tenai had fallen, but accounts listed it too have been at least hundreds of years. It wasn't unheard of for someone like her to have existed a few centuries, but she also knew that it was only with exceptional preparation. Besides, if there was any intent to have kept her alive so long, there was no reason her body should have been reduced to such a state. Possibilities were vanishing in her mind, the same ones she idly considered at first before becoming more reasonable.

Ikana's mind visualized time, a single road which all creation walked. Changing the road was impossible, mostly. Some managed to, but only on small personal scales. She understood the basic conceptual process of time manipulation magic, but that required many tools she did not have at her disposal. In short, the only reason she would ever use Time Manipulation would be to restore her body and skills, but she lacked both, which such a venture would need. On top of that, the two pearls she had on the Staff of Osa would never be able to successfully maintain the dilation field. That was perhaps the one blessing she still had. She could make more, if she could obtain the gems. She could recreate a scope of power, power that was going to be needed for her end goal. Her staff, while lovely, lacked the power to restore the proper order of the world.

Since time manipulation was out of the question, the ruins would become the primary concern. They would have the Tenai Stones used to protect the ruins, and possibly others of her people, or treasures she could use. The people of the Mako Archipelago were not bad or any more noticeably dishonest than their ancestral race, but they were stupid. She was stupid. For all of her rank, and worldly right, she could not bypass the black soldiers and enter the one known ruin outside of her own. And naturally, the gems which her own ruin did possess were so deeply embedded in the earth that she would have likely destroyed the area trying to retrieve them. In her state, she couldn't be certain she would retrieve the stones safely, or survive if her preservation chamber collapsed in on her. As such, those would remain where they were known. The stupid natives wouldn't know what to look for, and they had enough shiny rocks of no importance already.

So, Ikana had to leap to the next thought. The islands were clearly remains of Tenai, of various size and importance. So there should be ruins on Elisa Isle as well, but the world had changed too dramatically to remember any markers. The best goal would be too create a jigsaw puzzle out of them, and reform Runyn. It was possible over a while, to do so, but it would require great preparation, and as a novice she couldn't hope to set it up without being detected. There was also the factor of the new natives. Many would die in the forced transition, it was an acceptable loss, but if they discovered her as the one who reformed her continent, she would be far too tired and without the power of her gems. To die at the hands of these stupid people was unacceptable, not until she could return her own.

So, that plan was thrown out for the time being as well, and Ikana was left with nothing, again. Her barrier flickered slightly, as an animal would be heard touching it and wandering away. Ikana sighed as she pulled her staff closer to her belly and chest, leaning against the tree she'd been resting on. Her fire was starting to overburn slightly, reaching byond some of the stones. It was time to rest, as she pointed the Staff of Osa at the flame, and saw the light simply die. Her free hand pressed on the tree as she drank in the flow of energy, feeling the soothing sensation, before it was expelled back through her other hand, and into the staff, to replenish the the garnet she'd just used. She'd slowly breath her heart's concerns, before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.

"I need... to progress. This can't be acceptable..."

2012-10-22, 10:01 AM
Iroh strode confidently down the hall, as he would have to war. Ready for every possible outcome, and yet unwilling to give even an inch of ground. sitting across from the big man he took his flask and drained it quickly enough to show he could, but slowly enough to show he was in no rush. The big man was confident quickly downing his own. Almost instantly the two were refilled. "What's the wager" Iroh inquired casually as he downed the second flask.
"Our tabs" the big man replied.
Iroh knew well that the man had been living off that bar for months accumulating quite a tab, and yet still he laughed and accepted trading firm grips with the large man. After all the man probably didn't know, but for the past decade Iroh had come to this vary tavern allowing his own tab to grow as well. "Agreed, but I hope you have the coin for it." As if to emphasize his point he called out to the kind, elderly man at the counter. "I think that all this drink may upset my stomach, would you brink me one of your finest cuts with some of your softest bread?"
"I'll have the same" The big man was not impressed, and yet he was beginning to see that his opponent may be a kindred soul after all.

The two of them drank late into the night until finally the large man passed out. Stumbling slightly Iroh bid the innkeeper farewell before stumbling into an alleyway for a spot of rest. He always liked sleep when he was drunk, it allowed him to sleep as fitfully and long as most did sober, and so long as a age didn't bewitch him, he would be able to gut anyone who tried anything before they had even touched him. Life was good.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-10-22, 10:15 AM
Anastasia had a cosy room to herself tonight: some nights in the last few weeks she had been crowded in with refugees who filled the taverns beyond their capcity. But she was further from the fighting now, and the towns around here were quieter: as yet undisturbed by war. Perhaps the nearby presence of the capital helped to keep the peace, but whatever the cause she was grateful.

She had retired early, to read through what little she could of the large volumes she had sneaked from Charanselle when she left, trying to learn more of her powers. She hadn't learned anything useful yet, and what she did was done by instinct, but she hoped to change that, if it were possible. The books seemed to believe it was.

The light had grown dark whilst she mused over the last paragraph, and she laid the book aside, tucking it within her pack. All her belongings were neatly strapped together except for her slender, pale wood staff, which lay within easy reach.

She calmed herself, trying to centre her mind and avoid distractions just as the book had hinted. For a time that was all there was until she drew the courage to tap into the power. With dragon pin in hand she drew on two things: she didn't know how they were different, only that they were, one the power of destruction, the other of life and light. For a moment flames seemed to dance around the room, curling and leaping without harming anything, before settling down and fading from sight. She did not know what she had done, but instinctively she felt that should someone who meant her harm cross that line, those flames would appear once more, yet a lot more damaging than before.

Stat: Power and Grace
Intent: to create a barrier around Anastasia which would burn anyone who crossed with hostile intent.
Mechanics: Grace to create a line which protects the caster and is anathema to any who intend evil. Power to create a wall of flame, drawing strength from the Dragon Pin, which will activate once the barrier is broken.

2012-10-22, 05:20 PM
The rolling hills of Cerroeste are quite beautiful at sunset. Mounds of gold fall away to dusky shadows as the wind whistles through the tall grass and rattles the leaves of scattered trees.

I think it's safe to assume we're lost.

"i know where I'm going. We'll be in Barcello this time tomorrow."

Why don't we ask that tree for directions?"

"What would a tree know about directions? It hasn't moved since it was a seed!"

Well what about the wind then?

"The last time I asked a wind for directions we ended up walking in the wrong direction."

Well what do you expect? You people call a wind heading south a north wind and there's bound to be confusion.

Alvaro grimaced as the last of the sun's rays nipped at the horizon.

"Little use traveling at night, perhaps we should ask the tree for shelter instead. Wake me up if you notice anything."

Why do I have to keep watch?

"You don't sleep."

...fair point.

2012-10-22, 08:58 PM
Vasae had been told to keep himself covered in the lands outside the Exodus, the humans had a history of violence after all and a young elf outside of his home alone was a target. Dressed in thick furs and heavy robes with his face covered by a heavy hood he moved through the streets of the port city of the South Western Continent. He’d never seen so many people in a single place, the smell of exotic foods and languages he didn’t understand surrounded him like a dense fog. He’d learned a little of the human’s tongue from the Elders of his caravan, only enough to buy food and buy lodgings. The Eye in his pack provided the rest, speaking in Elven the words those around it spoke. It wouldn’t help him converse back but it helped with the more difficult situations. He’d only come to the city for provisions, the idea of sleeping in a human city was less than appealing. Even on first inspection their buildings were much to rigid, the scent of the humans foreign and unpleasant in such a high concentration. Plus there was always the worry he might be discovered and sleeping left one vulnerable.

Once he’d purchased provisions he stole out into the coming dusk, finding a large enough copse of trees to set up his modest tent and small fire. He certainly wasn’t certain what to do next, in the days of old the Sages would take their Apprentices out into the world, teach them of the other peoples and then let him travel on their own. But that was long since possible and the world had changed much since the Sages had roamed apart from their homelands. He was happy to be out from the heavy robes once he’d settled into his tent, taking out the eye to place near his small fire. He was uncertain how many travelers moved through the forest but it was never unwise to be over cautious. With a murmur he reached out to touch the Eye, weaving a story of a mighty forest that concealed his little tent. Dinner and sleep were all that mattered after that, he would think of where to go next when the sun rose.

Stat: Shadow
Intent: Create more trees to obscure his tent from view
Mechanic Using the storytelling tradtion of his wandering people, Vasae conjures images to accompany his story much like puppetry or shadow play.

2012-10-22, 10:49 PM
Yuli was exhausted.

It had been a very long day. First, she had had to attend another lecture at the shrine. While she didn't really mind, Mother Yashan was really long-winded, and everyone seemed to want her to learn everything all at once. She didn't even know about magic three months ago! Yuli thought she really was doing quite well, all things considered. And then all of the packing! She didn't even have another set of clothes she was allowed to wear, and she knew how to fish, so she didn't really see a point to packing so much stuff, but everyone else certainly thought otherwise. And then Nayin insisted on more staff practice. Yuli could still feel the bruises, though the pain was already starting to go away for some reason.

The girl would take a seat on the edge of one of the docks, legs dangling over the edge, her eyes staring out to sea. She looked down at herself, fingering the fancy Raiment she always had to wear. As if being Chosen wasn't enough, she really stuck out like a sore thumb in the village with this on. It was the finest thing she had ever seen in her life, much less worn, but she couldn't believe she was the one wearing it. Nayin would make a much better choice. Nayin was smarter than her, faster, stronger, and she knew how to spin a staff around and whack people over the head with it, though spirits alone knew where she learned how to do that...

Yuli looked at the ornate staff she had set down next to her on the dock. It looked incredibly out of place here, just like she probably did wearing these fancy Raiments. The Staff of Akitar. The holy symbol of all of Akitar, and it was here, right next to her. And it belonged to her. It was almost too much to believe, and she had had three months to get used to the idea. It was thanks to the Staff that she had learned what she had about magic so quickly, she knew. Yuli wasn't really sure how she knew that, but know it she did; she could feel something pushing her from behind encouragingly when she was on the right track. And when she was on the wrong track, it helped to guide her back. It was only thanks to it that she wasn't hopelessly frustrated, but even so, she was so tired from all this hard work...

She laid back on the dock, staring up at the clear blue skies... Yuli laid the staff across her belly, holding it with one arm as she looked up in a daze... Laying here like this made it feel like it really was all just a dream... That tomorrow, she would just be sailing out like usual to go fishing, rather than to start a journey of a lifetime... That magic was just the stuff of stories, rather than something that had chosen her to make stories of her own.

With those thoughts crossing her mind, Yuli's eyes gradually closed as she slipped off into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of the stories to come...

2012-10-23, 09:23 AM
(OOC: If you have not posted your intro, or read/received the "Dreams" PM, do not read below or respond until you do so. Also, respect the spoilers, anything put in a spoiler is meant only for the people it is addressed to and the GM, and OOC spoilers are for all to see unless they are addressed specifically.)

A bone chilling scream pierces the night, waking you from your rest. Immediately you realize you were not in the place you were. You rest on a cold stone floor. The room is poorly lit, and you can only see the outline of shapes, you see ten shapes standing erect, and at least another six on the floor scattered around the room. The room seems eerily familiar, almost like right out of your dream. A few minor details are different. For one the 30 ft tall statue is not trying to kill you.

From your vantage point, you cannot see the alter.

Some of the others on the ground appear to be stirring as well.

A bone chilling scream pierces the night, waking you from your rest. Immediately you realize you were not in the place you were. You rest on a cold stone floor. The room is poorly lit, and you can only see the outline of shapes, you see ten shapes standing erect, and at least another six on the floor scattered around the room. The room seems eerily familiar, almost like right out of your dream. A few minor details are different. For one the 30 ft tall statue is not trying to kill you.

From your vantage point, you cannot see the alter.

Some of the others on the ground appear to be stirring as well.

@al-Lan Mandrag
A bone chilling scream pierces the night, waking you from your rest. Immediately you realize you were not in the place you were. You rest on a cold stone floor. The room is poorly lit, and you can only see the outline of shapes, you see ten shapes standing erect, and at least another six on the floor scattered around the room. The room seems eerily familiar, almost like right out of your dream. A few minor details are different. For one the 30 ft tall statue is not trying to kill you.

From your vantage point, you cannot see the alter.

Some of the others on the ground appear to be stirring as well.

A bone chilling scream pierces the night, waking you from your rest. Immediately you realize you were not in the place you were. You rest on a cold stone floor. The room is poorly lit, and you can only see the outline of shapes, you see ten shapes standing erect, and at least another six on the floor scattered around the room. The room seems eerily familiar, almost like right out of your dream. A few minor details are different. For one the 30 ft tall statue is not trying to kill you.

From your vantage point, you cannot see the alter.

Some of the others on the ground appear to be stirring as well.

A bone chilling scream pierces the night, waking you from your rest. Immediately you realize you were not in the place you were. You rest on a cold stone floor. The room is poorly lit, and you can only see the outline of shapes, you see ten shapes standing erect, and at least another six on the floor scattered around the room. The room seems eerily familiar, almost like right out of your dream. A few minor details are different. For one the 30 ft tall statue is not trying to kill you.

From your vantage point, you cannot see the alter.

Some of the others on the ground appear to be stirring as well.

A bone chilling scream pierces the night, waking you from your rest. Immediately you realize you were not in the place you were. You rest on a cold stone floor. The room is poorly lit, and you can only see the outline of shapes, you see ten shapes standing erect, and at least another six on the floor scattered around the room. The room seems eerily familiar, almost like right out of your dream. A few minor details are different. For one the 30 ft tall statue is not trying to kill you.

From your vantage point, you cannot see the alter.

Some of the others on the ground appear to be stirring as well.

A bone chilling scream pierces the night, waking you from your rest. Immediately you realize you were not in the place you were. You rest on a cold stone floor. The room is poorly lit, and you can only see the outline of shapes, you see ten shapes standing erect, and at least another six on the floor scattered around the room. The room seems eerily familiar, almost like right out of your dream. A few minor details are different. For one the 30 ft tall statue is not trying to kill you.

From your vantage point, you cannot see the alter.

Some of the others on the ground appear to be stirring as well.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-10-23, 09:46 AM
Anastasia Meroden

Anastasia panicked and scrambled to her feet, glancing round to see if she could locate the giant statue: if this was the same place then that thing might be here, and she really didn't fancy another encounter with that spear. She hurriedly picked up her quarterstaff, and held it before her, the thin, pale wood seemingly only a fragile defence between herself and whatever this place was.

2012-10-23, 10:04 AM

Moving around, you notice the 30 ft statue behind the altar, wielding the spear and the shield, as it was originally in the dream, but with no signs of it actually having ever moved.

2012-10-23, 10:48 AM
Ikana vi Sarna

Ikana's eyes would open slowly as she allowed herself to take in the now familiar surroundings. Her somewhat alien orange eyes would narrow almost as soon as they'd opened, the frail girl lifting herself and using her staff to brace herself. She wasn't quite as panicked as the other girl, but she had her own reasons on the matter. Prophetic dreams were one thing, but to have been actually taken here was more problematic. What was more, she found herself in a place that could be of great power. There were certain benefits, but not when others could deter her.

She wouldn't move, really, simply gazing around to figure out a bit more, seeing what had changed. Most noted of them were the new companions, looking to them as she tried to assess who they were, and how capable a threat they could be to her. It was likely premature to gauge when they were almost sleeping, but in an unknown place like this, she was at her most vulnerable. Dying here was not an option.

She would refrain from speaking much, but there were certain things that needed to be settled. Her gem-ridden staff would point its head to Anastasia. "Calm." She didn't really know what else to say, both from what she meant to, and how to say it. The word was thick Tyrethi, not the more common language accepted by the world.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-10-23, 10:57 AM
Taking in the sight of the great statue, Anastasia's blood turned to ice, but when she heard a word uttered in a foreign tongue she spun to find another girl standing before her. In a moment her staff was ready, gripped loosely in both hands whilst she adopted a determined outer calm and attempted to force inner calm (though less successfully).

"Who are you?" She asked levelly, kicking herself inwardly for asking such an obvious and stereotypical question.

2012-10-23, 11:00 AM
Calmly surveying the room, you begin to pick up details that would have alluded you, were you in hysterics like the other girl.

The first thing you notice is that the creator of these ten statues did not have near the skill as the one who created those in the dream, and though the light be poor, you notice that they all seem to show the same expression, and not varying as those in the dream.

Then there is the fact that there are four torches and not two, and that the 30ft statue that stands above them (of which you can only make an outline of) is not trying to pummel you.

2012-10-23, 11:05 AM
Given my that I lost my previous post, I'm trying to get through this a little more quickly so I won't be going into as much detail. I will make up for the loss of my lengthy post at a later date.

It was a day like any other. Riven was busy scouring the streets for food. He had had no luck with finding any rats or similar small animals that morning so he had resigned himself to searching through garbage for leftovers. He was not having much luck there either.

As he was searching, he noticed a man come around the corner onto the small side street that Riven was currently searching through. Having already missed breakfast, and not fancying to miss another meal, Riven resolved himself to once again take that which he needed to survive. Standing quickly, he set off at a run, intent on reaching the man before he had traveled too far from the street corner so that he could grab the man's purse and slip around the corner before the theft had been noticed.

With head down he made his way up the street, bumping into the man with his shoulder as he went by. Riven's hand slipped lightly into the man's pocket and was about to grab hold of what felt like a small pouch when his arm was grabbed forcefully and his hand was yanked out from within the pocket. The man had an emotionless look on his face, but his eyes screamed with rage at the fact that Riven had the audacity to attempt to steal from him. The Thieves don't take kindly to being stolen from kid. You're going to regret that. With that, he shot out his other hand, grabing hold of Riven's shoulder and brought his knee up to land firmly in Riven's midriff. The air exploded out of Riven's lungs at the force of the impact and he collapsed to the ground, gasping for air, when the man released him.

That was the second time Riven had tried to steal accidentally from a member of the Thieves. They love stealing, but they hate it when their things get stolen. Riven moved his hand into his bag in an attempt to draw the knife, but before he could find it, the man's boot came down, impacting in the same area that the knee had landed. Once again, Riven was left gasping for air. The man then proceeded to set his boot atop Riven's head. Leaning down, placing his arms on the raised knee, the man spoke again. Hope this teaches you a lesson kid. You mess with me again, I slit your throat. His tone of voice was cold and deadly. Standing back up, he lifted his boot from Riven's skull, only to bring it back down with a solid 'Thunk'. Riven's mind began to go blank as he faded from conciousness. As he did so, one thought crossed his mind and he felt his lips move but was unsure if the words had actually come out. Screw you...

2012-10-23, 11:21 AM
Iroh stood striding across the room surveying the statues closly, drawing a heavy one handed sword in case the other people were to become violent.

2012-10-23, 11:25 AM
The statues are not of the same quality as those from the dream, nor are they made of the same material. The thirty foot statue stands as well, though something is "off" about it too, though with the poor lighting, it is difficult to tell exactly what.

2012-10-23, 11:30 AM
Iroh continues to observe the statues casting a quick glance about the other people in the room

Statues: so, faces the same as the dream? different? my statue there? Gonna look for any traces of magic on them. Similarly gonna observe strength of stone of the walls, any doors/windows/hallways, as well as size of the room/lighting.

People: what do these poor saps look like, any correlation to the statues? Any of them appear to be a threat?

2012-10-23, 11:36 AM
Ikana vi Sarna

Ikana would stare at at the seemingly more feeble staff wielder, sighing softly as she spoke in another language Ikana had not yet learned. It was troublesome, and dangerous with how frightened she appeared to be. and another appeared to be rising, only to take a weapon with him. It was further trouble that she simply did not need. The statues, however, held her interest, as the frail girl simply shook her head at Anastasia, moving towards the large statue which her nightmare had been so central on. The girl placed her hand upon it, searching for hidden power, and if so, would happily absorb it into her increasingly famished body. She would remain silent, not attempting to communicate further with the person she'd already frightened.

2012-10-23, 11:39 AM
The statues appear to all wear the same expression, none look like you.
From what you can tell, there is no magic about them; they seem to be just simple statues. The windows are high (roughly 30 feet in the air, eye level with the massive statue) slits in the stone, wide enough to allow sunlight in (which is lacking), though too narrow for anyone to pass through. There is one door behind the middle two statues, which is currently closed, beyond that it is a circular room.

Surveying the people, there appears to be no correlation to the statues. However, behind each of the end statues you notice pools of blood slowly oozing into the torch light, you can see lumps that you assume is creating them, but with the lighting, you can't get a clear look from your current position.

None of the others seem to have noticed this yet.

2012-10-23, 11:42 AM

Placing your hand on the statue, it is cold to the touch, as stone typically is. Still, when focusing, you feel a slight sense that there is some power in the room that might be absorbed, though none emanating from the statue itself.

2012-10-23, 11:46 AM
Iroh casually tosses a dagger out one of the windows and he walks over to see if the door is locked.
Dagger spell

Stat: ritual/power
Intent: freeze the dagger just enough to make it brittle
Mechanics: Sending a small burst of power down the runes that have been preplaced to channel power magic into chilling the dagger. (initially intended to use the ice as a striking surface, but less power, less chill)
Description: the dagger should shatter when it hits the ground outside. I'm seeing how long it takes to do so.

2012-10-23, 11:55 AM
Ikana tilted her staff a bit, as she simply wavered a bit from step to step, breathing in slowly as she tried to find the source of the power. She couldn't think properly when she was as hungry as she was.

2012-10-23, 12:00 PM
In relation to the door, which direction was it thrown?

Standing in front of the 30ft statue, you seem to be being drawn in two directions, to your left and to your right.

2012-10-23, 12:04 PM
Dagger is out the window, door I'm checking in the sense of jingling the handle. :smalltongue:

2012-10-23, 12:08 PM

The door handle seems to giggle just fine. and the dagger shatters exactly when you'd expect it to if you were to assume that the ground outside was level with the ground inside. (if that makes sense)

2012-10-23, 12:10 PM
Iroh opens the door glancing outward.

2012-10-23, 12:15 PM
It extends out into a hallway. The hallway seems to be lined with more statues, similar to the ten about the room you are currently in. These statues, however, wield a variety of weapons, and are standing at attention, apparently guarding the hallway. However, the hallway has no light, and all of this you can only see because of the light from the torches in the room you are in. After roughly 20 feet, the torch light fails completely as the hallway extends into darkness.

2012-10-23, 12:24 PM
Iroh grins sheathing the small sword. It had it's uses, but it wasn't all the most useful. Instead he extended his right arm clutching it like a claw, and the next instant a rather large bundle of spears appeared in his arms. Slipping the shorter ones into his sleeves, and the larger across his back he took one in his hand and began walking towards the nearest statue tapping it's sword with his spear.
Summoning weapons

Not a spell :smallcool:

2012-10-23, 12:26 PM

Riven is a little slow to react to the unfolding circumstances around him. His first priority once his eyes had drifted open was to check on the condition of his possesions. Finding his bag safely over his shoulder, he breathes a sigh of relief and then scrambles to his feet. He eyes the man with drawn sword with caution. Upon hearing the girls, Riven looks their way, studying them.

Do either of them look familiar?

Then he takes a look around the room, taking in whatever information he can about the room, noting any and all differences between this room and that in the dream. In particular, he's interested in the statues.

2012-10-23, 12:36 PM
Congratz, your now touching weapons with a statue. Apart from that, nothing happens

The statues appear to be of less quality and a different material than the ones from the dream. Also you notice four torches instead of two.
No one looks familiar to you (unless you had a joint background with another character, though I'm pretty sure no one did). The huge statue towers above all else, but it is unmoving, nor does it appear to have moved.

You notice little else from where you are due to the lack of light.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-10-23, 12:44 PM
As she was so casually ignored by the others, Anastasia takes a step back: theo thers seemed to move about as if in a dream,, fixate don these statues and not the other humanoids around them (she wasn't entirely sure the girl she had encountered was human...)

She shied away from the man with the sword and spears, and followed the others to the statues, trying to observe them dispassionately, whilst at the same time trying to sense any magical residue.

2012-10-23, 12:50 PM
Iroh, keeping the spear ready, uses his other hand to draw forth four dabs of some paste from his pocket, one on each finger. Casually He wipes all four fingers against the statue. Afterwards he removes a flask and drains some water over the marks.

finger paints

Stat: Ritual
Intent: to test the statue for a few things through the ritual proprieties of a few components.
Mechanics: lets go through these one by one. If they test positive they should crystallize onto the statue and not wash off with a simple trickle of water.
The first is ground dragon horn (the cheep weak modern kind of dragons, not the good stuff) Mixed with the ashes of a cremated raven. These should be attracted to magic and stay if the statue is magical.
The second has a red tinge and is made from crushing the first flowers of spring with some blood from birthing which should be attracted to life, remaining if the statue were ever truly alive in the sense humans an animals are.
The third carries a golden tint being ade from the coin of a man obsessed with money, powdered, and mixed with dirt and grits cleaned from his hands. this shoul be attracted to ill intentions and remain if there were ill intentions or negative feelings involved in the creation of the statue.
The fourth is water of a bog mixed with countless unimaginably small seeds that should remain if there is a soul trapped in there.
Description: as the water runs the marking may or may not fade. Initial colors were: black, red, gold, green

2012-10-23, 01:49 PM

Further inspection of the statues reveal that these statues are different from the dream. Their facial expressions are all the same, and their workmanship is shoddy compared to those in the dream. The material used to make them is also not the same.


All wash off, though a hint of gold is left, adhered to the statue.

2012-10-23, 02:05 PM
Iroh returns to the room repeating the same test on one of the statues there. Casually as he works he informs the others "My name is Iroh." before inquiring "Any idea why we're here?"

2012-10-23, 02:07 PM

The same test produces similar results

2012-10-23, 02:37 PM
Yuli Celinas

Yuli would flinch as she awoke with a start, raising the staff above herself as if to protect herself from an incoming blow. She quivered for a moment before opening her eyes, and her rapid breathing slowly calmed as she looked around, realizing that it had just been a dream. And yet...

"Where... am I?" The Tyrethi words were spoken quietly, almost under her breath. She would sit up, adjusting her hat slightly with her left hand as the staff lowered to her side. Standing up, she would turn in place, trying to take in her surroundings. Her heart was still pounding hard in her chest; this wasn't supposed to happen. From what Mother Yashan and the other priestesses and monks had told her, the Staff of Akitar was supposed to protect her from being teleported or moved around magically against her will. Was this... still a dream?

If it was, then... that child. Yuli would turn in the direction where the altar had been, quickly walking over to see if she was still there, and if so, if she really was... dead.

2012-10-23, 02:45 PM

Quickly scanning your surroundings, you seem to be in the same room as the last dream, though perhaps not identical. A few details are different, as there seem to be others mulling about, inspecting the statues mostly. Scrambling to the front of the altar, there is no dying, or dead little girl, and scanning the faces of the others, you do not see anyone that remotely looks like the girl either.

2012-10-23, 02:54 PM
Alvaro Ramirez

Alvaro lurched to his feet his hand instinctively gripping the hilt of his blade.

I'm here, relax. the blade murmured through his fingers.

There was... a dream. I dreamed this place, and something else before but I can't seem to remember. Can't really know if I've woken up either. Do you remember anything?

We were resting by the tree and then... nothing, just darkness. But also-



"A spell of some sort?"

Quite likely. But perhaps now isn't the time to discuss it.

"Why not?"

You started talking out loud again.

Alvaro looked up at the others trying to think of a reason he might be talking to the air.

2012-10-23, 02:59 PM
Yuli Celinas

Yuli audibly sighed with relief. No dead girl meant she hadn't actually done... that. She almost shivered at the thought.

Still, she couldn't relax. Yuli had no idea where she was or who these other people were, but she definitely needed to find out more about the place she had ended up in. And how to get back home.

Attempting to quell her nerves, or at least get them under control, Yuli would walk over to the wall of the room behind the altar, turning her back to it as she took a couple of deep breaths. As she released the second, she raised both hands to chest height, arms half extended, palms facing upward. The Staff of Akitar would rest in both palms, her thumbs lightly gripping the ornate staff, and she concentrated, drawing on her lessons from the shrine...

Commune with Spirits

Stat: Grace
Intent: To gain information from the spirits in the area
Mechanics: Using the Staff of Akitar as a focus, Yuli attempts to silently commune with the spirits to gain information about the environment and her situation
Description: Yuli remains motionless, in a silent, almost meditative state, as the Staff of Akitar begins to glow faintly, assisting the young woman with channeling the required energies to commune with the spirits all around her.

2012-10-23, 03:03 PM

When you walk to the wall behind the altar, which way do you go, to the right or to the left?

2012-10-23, 03:05 PM

As Yuli began to channel her inner sight to heed the spirit world a voice crawled back to her, though it didn't seem to be speaking to her.

You started talking out loud again.

2012-10-23, 03:05 PM
"So are we proceeding with introductions?" Iroh wonders out-loud. Meanwhile he kneels by a statue to further examine it.

Gonna examine the oozing substance at the base

After his examination Iroh will turn to a statue at random, cutting cutting off it's head with the long blade on is spear.


Stat: power/ritual
Intent: sharpen the spear for a moment.
Mechanics: Channeling power through the runes on his staff, Iroh will sharpen it for the instance in which he cuts the stone before allowing the spell to fade.
Description: nothing noticeable

2012-10-23, 03:07 PM
*flips a coin* Right.

2012-10-23, 03:07 PM
Ikana vi Sarna

The girl would slowly drift to the right, as she felt an ear turn. She continued on the bath, seeking the magical energy, slowly but surely looking about her for the source. She was relieved to find an islander here, though, as she sighed gently. Her words were practiced, but unnatural, obviously from a foreigner, but correct enough to show some fluency.

"Here... It is a ruin... perhaps in the Maka... It is strange... these people are not normal."

2012-10-23, 03:12 PM
@Ikana & Yuli

You both move to the right of the altar simultaneously. Ikana accidently bumping Yuli, causing her to stagger further right, causing her to step into something, slick, yet sticky.

Looking down, you realize there is a pool of blood, which seems to have originated from behind the statue you now stand in front of.

@Ikana Only
You can feel remnants of power coming from the blood, this would be the source you felt, though you still feel a tugging from behind as well


Examining the pool of blood on the left side of the altar, you glance to notice that the two girls have stumbled onto the pool on the right side. You trace the blood back to a heap of something behind the altar.

Also, you chop off the statues head...now he's headless...

2012-10-23, 03:20 PM
"I... apology."

The frail girl sighed as she would gently place her hand to the blood, near where it ended, before she began to absorb the magic from it. The fact that it still held any power meant it was fresh though, and even as she was feeding she tried to look around. The young Chosen would see the orange eyes glow for just a moment before returning to the norm, and her hand rising form the pool of blood, with a slight stain on it, before moving to investigate further.

"That is better. Be cared for, this blood is fresh."

2012-10-23, 03:22 PM
Iroh continues pacing the room, now approaching the alter and studying it.

Does the alter look mobile, look to have anything under it, and/or look to have anything under it? Does the alter have any ruins/books? Does the floor sound hollow under my feet judging by the tap of my spear? Do see anything odd (magically) about the alter?

2012-10-23, 03:24 PM
Yuli Celinas

Stumbling from the accidental bump, Yuli would gasp as her foot stepped in something wet and sticky... Looking down, she cried out in surprise. "B-Blood...!" She could quickly step out of the pool of blood, wiping her slipper off on the drier stone rapidly, her breath rapid...

As she calmed down from the sudden fright, she shivered, looking at the other girl. Putting her hand in the blood like that... Gross... Not that Yuli was unfamiliar with blood, she had gutted her fair share of fish and animals, but the feel of this place was so dark and eerie and... ugh...

Shivering, she continued along, trying to follow the pool of blood with her eyes. Where did it come from...? She would walk if need be to follow the blood, though she certainly avoided stepping in it again if at all possible, her eyes on the ground as much as anywhere else.

2012-10-23, 03:26 PM

Vasae jolted, glancing about the room with a frown. He pulled his robes closer to hide himself as he spotted the other people though he seemed to go unnoticed by them as well. They spoke strange languages though the Eye spoke softly in his mind. He didn’t recognize any of the words and each seemed to move about oddly. He would simply follow. If they’d not noticed him now perhaps this was still part of that strange dream.

2012-10-23, 03:32 PM

It seems a simple stone altar, quite solid. Nothing magical about it, and no books to be seen.


Tracing the blood back to the source, you find a woman with a dagger buried between her breasts, her body still warm, and the blood still flowing from the wound.


Based on your post, I assume you plan to just watch, if you need something from me, let me know.

2012-10-23, 03:39 PM
Ikana vi Sarna

Ikana frowned as they found the body, she wouldn't scream or whine on the matter down. It wasn't the first corpse she'd seen after all. She did place the Staff of Osa in front of Yuli though, to protect the child, and calm her with what limited capability she could.

"Calm. It will be fine. Deep breathe."

The Garnets and Onyx would glow for a moment, as Ikana concentrated slightly, before an inky light would swirl around her staff, leading into a small monkey-like creature, completely black, with glowing white eyes.

"Must investigate."

Casting Base Summoning, to create a minor Shadowstuff Summon.

2012-10-23, 03:41 PM
Alvaro Ramirez

Judging from their actions they all appear to have been summoned here as well. And yet no one has made any real effort to communicate. How strange.

I... might have an idea on that front.


Back in the village, there was a teacher who used to make her students take turns speaking. She would pass a stick around and whoever held it was the only one allowed to speak.

You're going to make a talking stick?

"Not exactly..."

I will not be passed around a circle like a children's toy!

"Got any better ideas?"

No, but I won't do it. Come up with something else.

2012-10-23, 03:42 PM
Yuli Celinas

And Yuli let out a small squeak as she saw the body. She had expected as much, but... seeing it was different than thinking it... Upon a second look, she realized that this was no child, though. A full grown woman was... not what she expected. She frowned, determination rising up. She gripped the Staff in her right hand for a moment, brushing the other staff in front of her aside with her left, along with the girl standing next to her.

Approaching the body, Yuli gently rolled her onto her back, checking her wound. It was... possible, if unlikely, that she was still alive, and Yuli intended to find out. She kneeled in the blood, her fear forgotten for the moment as she checked for a pulse, examining the wound. If it was very recent, perhaps she could be treated, or even healed by the Staff. She kept the Staff in one hand as she checked the woman, hoping that it would show her a way to save this woman's life, if she wasn't truly dead yet. "Please, give me a way to help this woman..."

2012-10-23, 04:53 PM
"Riven, just Riven." He said this in response to Iroh'a introduction. Noting the action that he took to sever the head from one of the statues, Riven almost cringed in response. That last dream had only reinforced his fears. Now statues were added to the list of things to be wary of. That man needs to learn caution. "You really shouldn't do that. Never know when one of them will take your head off in return."

Turning now to the other people in the room, Riven is relieved that the girl is not among them. He had felt incredibly guilty upon realizing that he had killed such a young child.

He didn't like the darkness; too many things can hide there. "Can any of you light this place up a bit? The darkness is a dangerous place."

2012-10-23, 05:11 PM
"Which is precisely why I needed to try it. If they were gonna take our head off we'd better off know it first. In any case the dark is dangerous, but only so much so as is the light." Turning his back on the corpse Iroh walks down the hallway looking to explore the building and then to exit it and survey the outside. "Too much that none of us seem to know" He mutters almost absently to himself.

2012-10-23, 07:15 PM
OOC: Please post spells in the appropriate format, as without an intent and a description, I have no idea what your summons actually did, if anything, or how it was made, etc.

Thanks :smallsmile:


There is nothing to do for the poor woman, she is dead, and has been dead, and even if it were that she were able to be saved, it seems that all signs of magic have been drained from her blood.


In case your interested, the corpse causing all the blood has a giant, circular hole through the chest cavity...if you're interested.

2012-10-23, 07:37 PM
Yuli Celinas

"This... this is... too horrible..." Yuli shook her head sadly as she finished her brief examination. She would remove the dagger from the woman's chest, setting it on the stone floor, then reach for her face, closing the woman's eyes. "May your soul find peace in your next life." And she stood, taking a step back from the body, switching the Staff to her other hand as she wiped at her eyes with her clean hand.

Turning away, she walked over to the wall she had intended to reach in the first place. Her hands trembled as she raised them to chest level, palms upward and arms half extended. Balancing the Staff in both hands, her thumbs gripping it lightly, she focused on the teachings she had learned back at the shrine. She had to figure out what was going on, where she was, and what had happened to that poor woman. There was clearly someone or something dangerous around here.

Commune with Spirits

Stat: Grace
Intent: To gain information from the spirits in the area
Mechanics: Using the Staff of Akitar as a focus, Yuli attempts to silently commune with the spirits to gain information about the environment, her situation, and what happened to the dead woman
Description: Yuli remains motionless, in a silent, almost meditative state, as the Staff of Akitar begins to glow faintly, assisting the young woman with channeling the required energies to commune with the spirits all around her.

2012-10-23, 07:48 PM
Iroh continues to walk out the door. :smallwink:

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-10-23, 07:56 PM
Anastasia Meroden
Only one of her companions seemed to be talking in a comprehensible dialect, but he said so little it was hard to be sure. The darkness was oppressive and so gathering her power she sent it out through the staff to light the room with golden ephemeral fire.

Stat: Power
Intent: Surround her staff with golden flames that light but do not burn.
Mechanic: Use the Power to create fire (again drawing on Dragon pin) but shaped so that it lacks heat and the capacity to burn.

She then approached the large 30ft statue for a closer inspection, ready to make the flames a whole lot more real if necessary.

2012-10-23, 07:56 PM
Vasae, The Young Thunder Sage

Someone was attempting to leave, there was no use shouting really least they either recognize his elvish or just not understand him at all. Instead he gently used the fact none had yet seemed to notice him to try and slip in front of the door to bar the man exit. He simply points at the corpse, then the rest of the group with his staff and holds up a hand.

2012-10-23, 08:03 PM
Iroh speaks in a crackling tongue long lost to the ages "Krak-ket-keeh-neh-tekm" as he uses the blunt flat of his spear to prod the kid out of his way.


Not elven in case you're thinking that. :smalltongue:

2012-10-23, 08:09 PM
Vasae, The Young Thunder Sage

As expected, the weird person didn't speak anything recognizable however he moved his staff to intercept the spear butt with a shake of his head. He prods his finger at the corpse again.

2012-10-23, 08:13 PM
Noticing the boy's eyes Iroh laughs before replying in elvish "I'd suggest you clear the path kid."

2012-10-23, 08:17 PM
But at least you can see the dangers that come
in the light.

Curious about the limits of his powers, Riven sits and concentrates. He has always found it easier to imitate that which has appeared in his dreams. So it is now that he recalls one of those nightmares and draws his power from it.


Stat: Shadow
Intent: To create enough light to light the entire room.
Mechanics: Drawing on the memories of his nightmares, memories of a fire that had once consumed him. Riven imagines a great ball of fire floating in the air near the largest statue.

Time for me to start experimenting with the limitations of shadow magic.

2012-10-23, 11:15 PM
Vasae, The Young Thunder Sage

"No." Vasae simply stated and held his ground, glancing about in hopes that anyone would come and assist him.

2012-10-24, 06:50 AM
Iroh is going to physically push the kid out of the way and walk out.

2012-10-24, 07:40 AM
Ikana sighed softly as she saw the girl's earnest attempts at helping the fallen woman. It was kind, and likely traumatic for the islander, but it was also the first clue they would have, as Ikana simply pulled the dagger from the corpse, to examine it. She would turn her back on Yuli for the moment, staring at the engagement between the two at the door. Annoyance seethed from her face, but with a situation unraveling as it was, there was little she could do. Her staff would clash to the ground, as a crack could be heard across the stone, amplified by her own magic, the Garnets glowing bright red for a moment.

Spell: Amplify Sound
Mechanic: Uses power to increase the sound of the staff by many levels, making the normal crack against the ground sound more akin to a gunshot.

"What is name, young girl? This one Ikana. There much strange here, we must remain calm, explore."

2012-10-24, 07:52 AM
Light flares from the tip of a staff, illuminating the room.

Now you can see things somewhat more clearly.

Upon further inspection of the 10 statues, you realize that each is actually masterfully crafted after all, that what you mistook for shoddy work in sculpting a human form, actually isn't human at all.

The statues actually depict creatures, which look very similar to humans, though are leaner, and their faces a little more elongated. The most distinct difference is that they have large, feathery wings. The wings on the 10 statues are wrapped around their bodies, which is what gave the statues the odd look to begin with. However, you still do not recognize the stone they are crafted from.

The 30ft tall statue has a similar complexion to the 10 surrounding it. In the better lighting, you can also see it's wings are spread upward and outward. The spear and shield are held aloft, and there appears to be something on the tip of the spear.

To the left and right of the altar, pools of blood are now visible. On the right, one of the girls appears to be looking at a body behind a statue. There appears to be something similar on the left as well.


Nothing happens, either there are no spirits close by, or none of them care to communicate with you.


Nothing happens.

(Edit Ninja)

The dagger is nothing special, just a plain dagger, nothing distinguishable on the handle

A loud crack splits the air within the room. A sound of wood striking stone, yet much, much louder.

2012-10-24, 08:45 AM
Yuli Celinas

The voice of the other girl was lost as Yuli concentrated, but the loud crack of the staff hitting the ground would snap Yuli out of her reverie with a soft gasp of surprise. Her eyes dart around the now brightened room, taking a moment to adjust to the light as they search out the source of the noise, quickly noticing the wooden staff at that other girl's feet. She sighed slightly with relief. It wasn't anything to worry about. Though why it had been so loud was a bit strange...

Her eyes wandered over to the corpse of the woman for a moment, a sad expression crossing her face, before looking over to the left. Another...? It was... probably too much to hope for, but maybe this one could be saved. She lowered the staff to her side, holding it in her right hand, as she approached the body to examine it much like the first one.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-10-24, 09:37 AM
Anastasia approached the fallen bodies as well, quickly skirting the one that Yuli had passed over, and then following her to the second body. She held the staff aloft to illuminate it, and tried to examine whatever it was without touching it.

2012-10-24, 10:49 AM
To those looking at the 2nd body

The body is that of a man, shrouded in a black cloak. He has wisps of gray in his hair, along with the stain of blood. A look of terror is upon his face, though the first thing you notice is that you can see the ground through him, as he has a giant, circular hole in his chest cavity.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-10-24, 11:01 AM

She fingered her own chest, wondering if that blow was like the one she had received in the dream. She also looked up at the statue, inspecting it: could that spear have delivered that blow?

2012-10-24, 11:05 AM
Vasae, the Young Thunder Sage

A push was all that was needed. He had stood his ground long enough. He stepped to the side though blinked at the sound, glancing about. The other man was forgetten as he moved to the second body, frowning and pulling the cloaks about himself more in the light.

2012-10-25, 06:39 AM

You embark down the hallway, pushing past the elf. The added light in room behind you lightens the hallway all the way to a "T". However, the hallways in both directions quickly darken. With a brief pause, you can hear footsteps, many footsteps, coming from the hallway on the left. These footsteps seem somewhat hurried.


I'm not sure if anyone else needs anything from me at this point, you seem to be interacting with each other, if anyone needs further descriptions or something, or if I missed a cue from someone, please let me know.

2012-10-25, 06:51 AM

Iroh will take the hallway to the left using the two walls to brace himself and walking with his hands just below the ceiling. Hurried footsteps usually came from an exit when they were trying to contain prisoners, and hurried people rarely ever looked up.

Edit: seeing that this would take longer then he thought he summons five bugs adapting his spell to decompose his own stomach (the organ) rather then the stump, trusting to his natural healing ability to counteract the drain. Sadly he didn't like how a magical battle against these odds would feel with the added drain on his body...


stat: ritual/power
Intent: summon five bugs
Mechanics: Tying them to my life force, and setting a trigger to cut them off if they see anything too nasty coming. The spirits are pre-prepared, and linked to my senses as per the other spell. I'm going to activate a speed rune, though I'm going to have it activate-only. (essentially giving them their own spells to cast off my power) I will run our link through the world of the dead such that nobody will be able to see it without looking there.
Description: five luminescent bugs form, much like cockroaches, dropping to the ground and walking back to the room. One will take flight (with wings that modern cockroaches don't have, but I was using it for appearance.) That one will keep watch on the others as one goes for the female corpse walking about her and giving me info on her condition, searching her for possessions. two do the same for the male, and the last stands on two legs at the door pointing into the doorway.

2012-10-25, 07:10 AM
Alvaro Ramirez

"Departed souls I bid you go, vanish through the door. There to find true peace and know eternal rest 'er more." Alvaro's voice was steady as he murmured his prayer over the bodies of the fallen. "We should leave." He said to the others, gesturing towards the door. "There is nothing kind about this place."

Stat: Grace, Ritual
Intent: Rest for the Dead
Description: Simple words meant to ease the passage between life and death, a final gift to the departed.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-10-25, 10:57 AM
Have we overcome the language barrier?

@Terran OOC 2
Just wanted confirmation that the statue's spear could have/did deliver the blow, and the thing on the statue's spear is indeed blood/entrails.

2012-10-25, 01:01 PM
@al'Lan Mandrag

The hole is definitely large enough, though you are unable to tell exactly what's on the tip of the spear, as it is way up in the air.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-10-25, 02:32 PM
Anastasia had a sinking feeling about what might have happened, and dreading what she might find, nonetheless pressed forward with her investigation.
She concentrated on the glowing staff and sent the fire outwards and up, a golden, fiery ball that flew from her staff and hovered up to settle next to the statue's weapon.

Shape some of the flames surrounding the staff, and direct them upwards. Then fix them to a point in the air so they remain for a few minutes.

2012-10-26, 06:03 AM

You see a torch light reflecting off the bend in the hallway 100 feet in front of you, the foot falls are getting closer.


There is definiately a red substance on the tip of that massive spear, but hey, it could be strawberry jam!

2012-10-26, 06:33 AM

Iroh will crawl over to right before the bend as it would give him better chances of not being seen. :smallwink:

2012-10-26, 12:35 PM
A dozen creatures, much like those statues, round the corner. They're wearing leather armor, with most wielding swords, though a few have their swords sheathed and are instead brandishing bows, notched with arrows. Rounding the corner, luckily, they don't look up. However, the torch passes right under you, causing a bit of your clothing to smolder.

Coming from the hallway with the open door, 5 small, glowing bugs, similar in appearance to cockroaches, enter. One is flying and the other four scurry. One bug goes to the female body, two head for the male body, and one seems to just be flying about, watching, while the last is standing by the door standing on two legs, pointing toward the doorway.

Soon after, you notice many, hurried foot falls coming from the hallway.

2012-10-26, 07:51 PM

Iroh proceeds around the bend.

2012-10-26, 08:47 PM

"Can't say I was expecting that." Alvaro said as the glowing roaches made their way into the room. "They seem to want us to leave, and I can't say I disagree with the sentiment." Alvaro said, more to himself than the others since apparently no one was that interested in talking. Deciding to lead by example he begins to make his way to the door.

2012-10-27, 08:25 AM
Yuli Celinas

Yuli's face paled upon seeing the hole in the chest of the second body. "This... this is too horrible... She would rise, shaking her head slightly from side to side. She had no idea how she had ended up here or what had really happened, but no one here really seemed to care that there were two dead people right here, brutally murdered for seemingly no reason. Maybe they knew what had happened, but she certainly had no idea.

She turned away from the body, her hands trembling a bit as she looked down at the Staff. What was she supposed to do? This wasn't supposed to happen, not at all. Becoming Chosen was supposed to be difficult, but it wasn't supposed to be like this. She was supposed to have time; she was supposed to be guided into becoming someone who could deal with things like this, not just... thrust into a horrible situation with no warning at all. Yuli just... wanted to go home.

But that wasn't an option. At least, it didn't seem like one. But without anything else occurring to her, she fell back to the lesson she had learned back at the shrine. When in doubt, trust in the Staff. Yuli took a deep breath, releasing it slowly, as she eyed the doorway where the insects had come from uneasily...

Guided by Fate

Stat: Grace (More of an 'activate magic item' thing though)
Intent: To receive guidance on the best path to take from the Staff of Akitar
Mechanics: The Staff of Akitar guides its Chosen on the best path to becoming a powerful Magi in their own right. While it often offers this guidance of its own accord, it is common for Blessed to seek out its guidance when they have no other option to draw upon.
Description: Yuli communicates with the Staff silently, giving no outward appearance of doing so, while she takes in the environment around her. The Staff of Akitar is tied closely with her life and her destiny, and is quite capable of guiding her to the best path to follow, if not always the easiest.

2012-10-27, 03:54 PM
Well, that sucks... Riven stares at the other flame that had come in to exsistence, conjured by the girl around her staff. Hmm... I wonder how many of us here can use magic. I always thought it was rare, but I've already seen a couple examples from the people here...

Standing, Riven decides that it's time to find out what's going on. These people have barely spoken to each other and as much as he was loathe to admit it, maybe with their help he could figure out what was going on.


Stat: Humanity
Intent: To communicate with everyone in the room, bypassing limitations such as language.
Mechanics: Riven calls upon the one thing in this room that everyone should have in common, their humanity, and communicates his words through that common bond rather than through their seperate languages. He attempts to say: "Hello everyone. Do any of you know what's going on here? Last thing I knew I was lying on the ground bruised an beaten, next thing I know I have a night mare and I wake up here. Can anyone tell me why this happened? If not, do any of you know how you got here?

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-10-27, 06:57 PM
Anastasia feels a weird reverberation in her being, as something beyond words speaks to her. She can sense who it is and exactly what they mena to ask, though she has no idea of how to respond.

Torn between curiosity about the others, and terror of this room and it's stony inhabitants, she stands frozen until the roaches arrive. A man's words, words she understands, draws her attention, and as he draws a blade and guides them, she gathers her courage and falls in step with him. The flames around her staff burn brighter, and she holds it before her as though to ward the insects off.

2012-10-29, 03:47 PM

Vasae follows the first man to the door though this time does not bar him from exiting. He glances back when he hears the voice in his head, frowning deeply as it suddenly dawns on him. Everyone here was using magic. Or at least the vast majority of them were. The man near the door had used the Northern Dialect of the humans, perhaps he could convey it to him.

A simple tug at Alvaro's sleeve was all he dared but perhaps it would be enough to tear his attention. "Mages." he simply uttered in the mans own tongue, fixing him with a gaze. "All Mages."

2012-10-29, 08:45 PM

Turning to the Elf Alvaro smiled. "I'd guessed as much. Quite strange, but perhaps not so considering the circumstances- And you can't understand a word of this can you?" Alvaro said with a sigh. "Mages. Yes." He gestured to the door once more. "Let's get out of here."

You know I speak elvish.

What was that talking stick?


Alvaro sighed. thought as much.

2012-10-30, 05:57 AM

Humanity cannot open communications, at most it could make body language more understandable. Humanity is truly something more akin to likability, goodwill, respect, etc.

The more you have, the more others would be willing to help you, give to you, follow you, perhaps even die for you, but in as far as casting a spell that transcends languages, well, that's just not how it works.


You turn the corner, and the footsteps abruptly stop, also, the hallway is once again dark. Though looking back you can still see torch light coming from around the bend.

You feel the staff invariably pull you toward the doorway.

@Everyone Else
The hurried footsteps you've heard abruptly stop.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-10-30, 06:45 AM
Anastasia approaches the doorway, and hearing that the others are communicating in her tongue joins in: "I am Anastasia. Anastasia Meroden. Where is this place?"

2012-10-31, 06:22 AM


Stat: power/ritual
Intent: nab a bug
Mechanics: using my bond to the bugs I will reach through a bug concealed behind the man, and pull it through its self.
Description: a big appears before me

Silently dropping down and holding the bug to his chest such that the troops behind him wouldn't see the light it casts, Iroh advances on through the hallway.

The remaining bug on the man, and the one on the woman will begin scuttling back down the hallway towards the soldiers, stopping between them and the magi (retreating if the soldiers advance).

Also could you remind me what the soldiers looked like as they passed me? :smalltongue:

2012-11-02, 11:10 PM
Hopefully someone will respond to you soon

Could you explain the spell a little more? Specifically, the mechanics are a bit confusing to me...:smallconfused:

Also, the soldiers look much like the statues from the altar room. They have slightly elongated facial features, and they have feathery wings of varying color. Beyond that, you really didn't get a "close" look at them, as the torch passed right underneath you and you were trying not to get your eyes burned to a cinder :smalltongue:

2012-11-03, 07:30 AM

Essentially the bugs and I are linked, so I strengthen that link for a moment to have reaching through me reach out through them, and sticking my hand in I pull the bug through it's self and out me :smalltongue: (Myst say this guy does have a rather odd and fun sort of magic, no? :smalltongue:)

Anywho soldiers, I forget what they were equipped with :smalltongue:

2012-11-05, 08:44 AM
As you approach the door, you notice the sound of boots hitting the floor coming from down the hall, but as you get to the doorway, the sound ceases.

At the door, you again notice the small bug that is standing on two legs, pointing toward the door.

You also see many statues lining the hallway beyond the door, each holding various weaponry.

At the end of the hallway, you see it ends in a "T", and that there is torch light coming from the left side of the "T".


They were mostly wielding swords, with two holding torches, and a few with their swords sheathed instead wielding bow.s

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-11-05, 09:39 AM
Anastasia there, her staff still providing a golden radiance to light the room, waiting for someone to respond. The silence was growing thick and awkward.

2012-11-05, 10:19 AM

OK, so any news on me moving past them down the hall? :smalltongue:

2012-11-05, 11:35 AM

"My name is Alvaro Ramirez, and I am a healer." As he spoke he continued to watch the flickering torch light at the end of the hall. "I do not know this place.

Why do I have the distinct impression whatever's at the end of that hallway's going to try to kill us?

Because you're paranoid.

We're in a strange place surrounded by mages, dead people, statues that I dreamt tried to kill me and a bunch of beetles giving me orders.


"So Anastasia." Alvaro said whipping around while Arianwen kept her senses honed behind them. "Can I trust you? Or perhaps more importantly, can you trust me?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-11-05, 06:27 PM

"I am in the habit of trusting few. But I would liek that to change." Her words sounded more feeble than she'd intended, and she attempted to strengthen her voice when she added, "So let's hope you are worth trusting."

2012-11-06, 07:57 AM

Moving down the hall, with your little bug to guide you, you find the hall has many twists and turns, though only one path. After a few moments of walking, you come to the end of the hallway. There is nothing there, literally, nothing. No walls, no floor, no ceiling, no light. Not even the bugs light penetrates this void.

2012-11-06, 09:42 AM
Iroh throws the bug in seeing how it is affected through the link they share.
Also remember to post the bit about the disgruntled bug I PMed you. :smalltongue:

2012-11-06, 11:53 AM

Alvaro smiled. "Well then Anastasia, perhaps together we can make it out of this place." He turned once more to face the elf. He got the feeling that "trust" wouldn't be on the list of words the elf had bothered to learn.

Help me out here Ari.

What do you need to know?

Just one word.

For a moment he was silent. Slowly he extended his hand with an open palm. "Together."

2012-11-06, 01:33 PM
The bug flies into the great unknown, of which is it incredibly irritated that you would use it as such, then ceases to be.

2012-11-06, 04:00 PM

Iroh will backtrack and try the other path. :smalltongue:

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-11-06, 07:53 PM

"Quite." was her semi regal response. She then turned promptly to the doorway, and staff held high, headed through, poised to fight or flee, and trusting in Alvaro to guard her back.

2012-11-06, 08:01 PM
On second thought...


Iroh will turn back to the initial room walking silently behind the soldiers. As he does so he'll end the spell sustaining the bugs allowing them to fade from existence. :smalltongue:

2012-11-08, 01:28 PM

Following the hallway back, you come to the bend the soldiers passed under you at and can see a light shining around the bend, though you hear no sound.

@Everyone Else
If you're waiting on me for something, please let me know

2012-11-08, 01:54 PM
Iroh strides back the hallway towards the small group leaving. Speaking the northern tongue he inquires as to why they're taking their sweat time about it before leading them off towards the flickering torchlight around the bend.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-11-08, 06:09 PM
Anastasia is heading down the hallway, not sure if something should be happening to her.

2012-11-08, 06:57 PM
You meet Iroh who calls out to you for being a slowpoke and turns to lead on. :smallwink: (see above)

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-11-08, 07:12 PM
Woops, been ignoring your posts since I'm tight for time and thought you were miles ahead of us... :smallredface:

Anastasia follows Iroh, not sure of this mage any more than the others, but curiousity overwhelmed her caution and she followed after him, bearing her own light.

2012-11-08, 07:16 PM
I figured. Though this stuff likely fits better in the OOC then in spoilers :smalltongue:

2012-11-10, 01:33 PM

Alvaro smiled. "Well then Anastasia, perhaps together we can make it out of this place." He turned once more to face the elf. He got the feeling that "trust" wouldn't be on the list of words the elf had bothered to learn.

Help me out here Ari.

What do you need to know?

Just one word.

For a moment he was silent. Slowly he extended his hand with an open palm. "Together."

Vasae glances at the gesture, an outstretched hand a motion the humans used for camaraderie. "Together." he nods after a moment though doesn't take the hand. "But to where?"

2012-11-12, 11:47 AM
"Together", you all trek down the hallway filled with statues much like the ones in the altar room, however, these all wield weapons, as if guarding the hallway.

At the end of the hallway, you come to a "T", and assuming you follow Iroh and stay together, you move on to the right.

Ahead of you, the hallway extend into darkness, however, there appears to be a branch off to the left not 30ft ahead of you. You can tell this by the flicker of light eminating from it.

2012-11-12, 11:54 AM
Iroh will continue into the light.

2012-11-12, 12:12 PM
You turn the corner, and see the source of the light.

There is a torch hanging from the wall in the midst of a doorway. The flame flickers and dances, as if effected by a breeze, though the air is still.

Venturing through the archway, you come into what seems to be outside, as there is no ceiling, though it appears to merely be a garden within the compound. In the midst of the garden is a large, leafless tree. Bushes are scattered about the garden, marking a path around the circumference. Colors here seem faded.

You realize that even though it is outside, the only light still comes from the torch. Looking up, expecting to see sky, you instead find a vast emptiness, devoid of anything.

2012-11-12, 05:08 PM
Iroh signals the others to hide in some bushes a good ways from the tree and to keep an eye out, before he sprints across the courtyard in a curved line in order to avoid making himself an easy target, going for the wall. Half way there he tosses a spear from his sleeve into the tree.


Stat: rune/power
Intent: burst into flame on impact
Mechanics: again a rune on the spear triggared through power magic
Description: the tree and spear become a healthy crackling flame as the spear impacts

As he reaches the wall he slings the spear in his hands onto his back and begins climbing the wall.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-11-12, 07:37 PM
Anastasia gasps at Iroh's violent and unexpected behaviour, immediately drawing on Power to create a bubble of hardened air around herself. Her staff stops flaming, reducing the light and hopefully her visibility.

Stat: Power
Intent: To make an invisible shield around Anastasia and her companions
Mechanics: Drawing and condensing the air, forcing it into a tightly packed wall that is as hard as steel.
Description: The air seems to warp and flow, and though it may from some angles warp the view either in or out of the shield, it is mostly invisible and transparent, but will hold off even the strongest physical blow.

2012-11-15, 09:52 AM
The explosion in the tree lights it on fire. The fire burns cold, not giving off any heat, yet it still gives light. In the light of the burning tree, you see that there is much writing carved into the trunk of the tree. As the top of the tree burns, burning branches fall, brushing against the trunk, leaving score marks on some of the writing.

At this outburst, the air around Anastasia shimmers and appears to harden, then her posture slumps a little, as the exertion from the spell takes its toll.

2012-11-15, 12:16 PM
Iroh will look aver the wall once he reaches the top.

2012-11-15, 12:40 PM

Alvaro looks on dumbfounded. As soon as he tries to speak he is met with a blow to his lungs as the air thickens around him. Finally he gasps out "Would everyone calm down and stop attacking the trees?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-11-15, 05:19 PM
Anastasia sags from the effort, but doesn't relax her shield, waiting for the inevitable retaliation.

2012-11-20, 08:34 AM
Iroh reaches the top of the wall, a little scraped, but no worse for wear. Over the wall, all you see is void. It's as if this temple you are in, is in the midst of, and surrounding by, nothing.

Elsewhere in the garden, the tree continues to burn cold fire, and the torch flickers, though there is no wind.


The void seems to pull at you, beckoning you to come forward. It's almost as if a part of yourself wills you to step into it.

2012-11-20, 08:42 AM
Iroh stares into the void or a time before climbing back down the wall, an beckoning for the others to follow as he passes through the gateway.