View Full Version : Burglar(Rogue)- Assassin

2012-10-22, 12:54 PM
ok this is the thing, my girlfriend made a burglar its lvl 2 but we are allowed to have a magic item worth max 10,000 gp because the story is epic, so she is planning on lvling the rogue till lvl 8 then start with lvls of assassin the question is what item would be good for it taking in consideration that its going to be an assassin.... i thought of something that helped her bluff because she has to be evil to become assassin and most people in the party are neutral or good

The Random NPC
2012-10-22, 03:36 PM
Well a magic item of Mind Blank is always useful, but I would personally go with a Ring of Darkhidden, which allows you to be invisible to darkvision. If she plans on focusing on the death attack, Bracers of Murder from Drow of the Underdark, and Assassin's Blade from the DMG help. I find that, unless the others are paladins, you can just accuse them of prejudging her (it only sometimes works on paladins). After they don't know that she's committed an evil act, for all they know she's just willing to do so.

2012-10-22, 03:46 PM
What sources are available?

Is this item itended to help her along at the low levels until she gets more powerful, or is the intention for the item to be useful and complimentary to what her abilities are going to be down the road?

2012-10-22, 04:51 PM
Wands of Gravestrike, Golemstrike and Vinestrike (all in Spell Compendium, originally printed in CAdv?) are dirt cheap and solve one of sneak attackers' major damage problems. A wand bracer from Dungeonscape makes them more easily accessible.

Assassination weapons (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070314a) are awesome for assassins for the cost.

I'm also a fan of Shadow Cloaks from Drow of the Underdark, which cost 5,500 and let you teleport as an immediate action after you're attacked (as well as Deflection +1 to AC). Even with a conservative ruling that the teleport takes place after the attack is completely resolved, it's very useful for avoiding full attacks.

And it's boring, but a Cloak of Resistance is pretty high-priority if the character doesn't have one. Assassins tend to have terrible bonuses on the really important saving throws. In the same vein, a Third Eye Clarity (Magic Item Compendium) inexpensively gives immunity to some of those nasty effects 1/day.

Just grabbing the items from the Class Boosters (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=477.0) thread:

Weapon Enchantments
Deadly Precision (CAd): +2d6 SA.
Deadly Precision (MiC): +1d6 SA.
Assassination(Online): +1d6 SA, also enhancement bonus to poison save DCs.

Bracers of the Hunter (EB:SoX): +1d6 SA, +5 hide & +2 initiative.
Bracers of Murder (DotU): +2 profane to attack/damage vs flat-footed foes, reroll SA's 1s, +2 to Death Attack save DCs too.
Rogue's Vest (MiC): +1d6 SA, +2 hide/move/reflex.
Murderer's Gloves (?): 3/day swift action, one round invisibily after SAing.
Umbral Awn or Custom Legacy (ToB/WoL): +3d6 SA.
Full Mon's Trick or Custom Legacy (WoL): +4 to attack/damage while SAing.
Sword of Subtlety (Core): +1 short sword, +4 to attack/damage while SAing.

Grave Strike (SpC): can SA undead.
Golem Strike (SpC?): can SA golems.
Hunter's Eye (PHBII): +<cl/3>d6 SA, claim a cleric using anyspell made the wand for +6d6 :)
Nightstalker's Transformation (CAd): Bonuses to dex, ac, reflex, skills, gives weapon finesse and evansion, and 3d6 SA in exchange for spellcasting (including casting off items).

Other Noteable Stuff
Mantle of the Predator (MiC, item): +1d6 SS on melee only, +5 hide/move.
Shadow Veil (MiC, item): while in shadows, gain concealment against stuff that does not use light to find you.
Ring of DarkHidden (MiC, item): darkvision cannot see you.

2012-10-22, 05:00 PM
Why wait till level 8, if you don't mind me asking? Rogues don't get anything all that special between level 5 and level 8 that taking Assassin earlier won't improve on.

Lortharian Duin
2012-10-22, 05:12 PM
This guide could give you some idea. An utility belt (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=4400.0). If you're lookin' for somethin' shady lookin' and she is into subtle approach, I would warmly suggest to pack as much tricks as possible.

For worst thing that can happen to a thief/rogue or assassin is to become predictable.

2012-10-22, 05:50 PM
Ask the GM Really nicely if she can add her current wealth (900gp) in order to buy a Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis. (10.800gp) from Tome of Magic.

This little gem of an item gives the Dark template for 10 minutes every day (can be divided up into 1 minute uses).
Darkvision, Hide in plain sight (when in some form of shadow), +8 hide. (among other things.)

Edit: No burglar should be without. Or save up for the 22.000 contionous version

2012-10-23, 04:21 AM
Ask the GM Really nicely if she can add her current wealth (900gp) in order to buy a Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis. (10.800gp) from Tome of Magic.

This little gem of an item gives the Dark template for 10 minutes every day (can be divided up into 1 minute uses).
Darkvision, Hide in plain sight (when in some form of shadow), +8 hide. (among other things.)

Edit: No burglar should be without. Or save up for the 22.000 contionous version

^ this!
And some speed increase aswell.

T.G. Oskar
2012-10-23, 11:16 AM
OP, next time, try specifying that you're asking from Pathfinder. Also, it's more helpful to state what sources you have access to.

That tidbit about making a burglar (https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/classes/core-classes/rogue/archetypes/paizo---rogue-archetypes/burglar) tipped me off. Most of the recommendations are from D&D 3.5, so...

Guys, what in PF can help the character? So far, probably the Assassin's Blade, IF intending to go Assassin. I'd definitely recommend NOT going as an Assassin if playing PF, because that version is downright horrible. The 3.5 version is infinitely superior because it has spells, even if it's just a few of them.

I can't help much on PF (I don't play with it, and I don't intend to), so I can't be of more help, but if the sources you have include 3.5, you might as well listen. Ergo, why it's important to mention the sources you have.