View Full Version : When Worlds Collide

2012-10-23, 02:21 PM
So, me and a few people have decided for the next campaign we are all going to be using characters that imitate to some degree MegaMan characters.

Like X, Zero, and Protoman.

I personally ended up with Zero, so I've decided on Warforged Warlock 12/ Binder1/ Hellfire Warlock3/ X.
I'm having trouble deciding on what to finish it off with.

If you guys have any options we are open to 3.X.

2012-10-23, 02:26 PM
Legacy champion If Zero doesn't qualify nobody does.

2012-10-23, 02:30 PM
Chameleon 2 is a popular dip, allowing you to gain a "floating" feat that you can change every day. Extremely useful for magic item crafting.

Another option is Warlock 1/ Binder 1 / Warlock +3 / Ur-Priest 2 / Eldritch Disciple 8 / Hellfire Warlock 3 / chameleon 2. This loses more warlock levels, but gives you 9th level divine spells and turn undead. Can be finished off with Eldritch Disciple +2 instead of chameleon if you really want more warlock oomph.

2012-10-23, 02:31 PM
Legacy champion If Zero doesn't qualify nobody does.

To be more accurate, Zero (Megaman Zero series) would be a Warforged Warlock/1 Warmage/3 Eldritch Theurge/6 Legacy Champion/10 (for bonus Eldritch Theurge levels) :smallsmile:

Seriously, my favorite character ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eFI0UFfAJE) and easily has the best boss music ever :smallamused:

2012-10-23, 02:40 PM
So, me and a few people have decided for the next campaign we are all going to be using characters that imitate to some degree MegaMan characters.

Like X, Zero, and Protoman.

I personally ended up with Zero, so I've decided on Warforged Warlock 12/ Binder1/ Hellfire Warlock3/ X.
I'm having trouble deciding on what to finish it off with.

If you guys have any options we are open to 3.X.

Why warlock? I mean I kind of get the blasting but that is not really his schtick. Honestly Zero would strike me more as a Duskblade than anything else due to his moves being based around his blade, and the Duskblade's limited ray spells. Also Zero is far more tactical than charismatic at last stat wise, thus suggesting a more int based progression on powers, though I do get the chaotic aspect at least. Uncanny Trickster if your DM will allow it to advance HellfireWarlock, and then one more level of Warlock if you are sticking this route, or just got with legacy champ as previously mentioned.

Also Arcanist, that is vs Nightmare Zero/Fake one.

2012-10-23, 02:47 PM
Why warlock? I mean I kind of get the blasting but that is not really his schtick. Honestly Zero would strike me more as a Duskblade than anything else due to his moves being based around his blade, and the Duskblade's limited ray spells. Also Zero is far more tactical than charismatic at last stat wise, thus suggesting a more int based progression on powers, though I do get the chaotic aspect at least. Uncanny Trickster if your DM will allow it to advance HellfireWarlock, and then one more level of Warlock if you are sticking this route, or just got with legacy champ as previously mentioned.

Warlock allows him to replicate his Buster (Depending on your Zero, he actually has), Warmage allows you to replicate his use of Elemental chips (Megaman Zero series), Eldritch Theurge allows him to progress both of these and Legacy Champion allows him to create the Legacy Weapon, Z-Saber :smallamused:

I must admit I was saddened that Zero never made a canon (outside of a crappy chip and a poster) appearance in the Battle Network series :smallsigh:

2012-10-23, 03:43 PM
Warlock mostly for the glaive. Granted, its not exactly a beam saber, but it only appears whenever I actually attack things and vanishes thereafter. Much like the Z-saber itself. I took a look at warmage, but it's not really hitting me as 'Zero'. Legacy Champ yes, Uncanny Trickster no for the same reason... Now I just need to brush up on my rules for legacy items..