View Full Version : Hogwarts 1912 [IC2]

2012-10-23, 07:13 PM
You've gotten your money for school supplies from Gringotts, whether on loan from Hogwarts or from your parents' vault. Diagon Alley was reasonably easy to navigate to the bank, but now you're facing a wall of colors and banners.

There are some stops to make, and your first choice as a free-thinking 11-year-old is in what order to make them. Looking down at the scrap of parchment in your hand, you make out the following list:

Ollivanders Wand Shop - Wand
Quality Quiddich Supplies - Broom
Flourish and Blotts - Books
Magical Menagerie - Pet
Amanuensis Quills - Quill, Ink, Parchment
Slug & Jiggers - Potion Supplies
Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions - Robes
Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment - Misc. Supplies

You can probably find anything else you'll need at one of the street peddlers.

2012-10-24, 05:24 PM
First half hour


You head over to Ollivanders. Lucky for you, you're one of the first to show up, as the beginning rush for first year wands is understandable. The man behind the counter sizes you up, then wordlessly goes to the back, rooting around in piles of boxes. Coming back about 20 seconds later, Ollivander opens the box and hands you a wand that looks extremely basic at first glance. About 10" long, the wand is a completely straight cylinder, with moderately rounded corners. When you look more closely, however, you see that one section of the wand (presumably what is meant to be the handle) is patterned with hair-thin, but relatively deep grooves. As you prepare to wave the wand, Ollivander chimes in, "Can't tell you how many witches and wizards have tried that wand without knowing which way was which! Glad to see someone with a discerning eye, even as young as yourself."

As you flick the wand wand a very low tone sounds, almost like the sound of a quiddich-field-wide bell. Ollivander seems happy enough, and goes about writing up a receipt.


The Magical Menagerie is a fair ways off, and seems farther without a parent accompanying you. You only get a few odd looks from people along the street, as most people simply drone around, ignoring their surroundings. You eventually find your way, and immediately go about finding the healthiest looking animals.

There is a selection of owls, and they seem to be selling the most quickly. There is also a magical chameleon that, rather than blending into its surroundings, it displays the colors and patterns of other animals. A selection of cats is available as well, including one with beautiful silvery hair.


At the Madam Malkin's, you take a look at the dress robes being offered, wishing you could buy one. Since you haven't been sorted, however, the themed robes would be fairly presumptuous.

You are in and out relatively quickly, with a set of well-fitted robes. You'd really like to learn the enchantment for that automated tape measure.

2012-10-24, 06:06 PM

Nathan's eyes wandered about, looking every which way. It had been a few years since his father had broken the masquerade around the Wizarding World for him, and though he had known about magic for some time...to be in this place...full of it, sufusing every shop and sign, in every single person, well, it was amazing. And a bit overwhelming. But Nathan was too enthralled by the sights and sounds to pay very much attention to the odd stares he got walking down the streets. After all, they were his people. Wizards. They were like him. It was fantastic!

Eventually, he found himself inside the Magical Menagerie. Animals of all shapes and sizes lined the walls. Owls in cages far above his head, and cats in their boxes. Rats, frogs, even a newt or two. Nathan's eyes roamed over all of them, desperately searching for one that seemed to be his.

When his eyes alighted on the chameleon however, Nathan almost shouted in joy. Yes. That was the animal for him. The constantly changing colors, the way its eyes could seperate from one another, its exotic looks. Everything screamed to him "Buy me!"

Nathan shyly approached the owner of the store. "Um...Excuse me...but, ah, I'm a first-year, at Hogwarts, and I was wondering how much the chameleon cost?"

2012-10-24, 06:15 PM
First half hour


"One galleon and 6 sickles. Same as the owls over there," he gestures toward the front of the store. "Surprised it hasn't sold yet. I suppose it's a tad eccentric."

2012-10-24, 07:17 PM

"Eccentric. Yes, I suppose it would be." Nathan smiles, and pulls out the requisite money. "I'll take it, and whatever supplies I'll need to take good care of it."

2012-10-24, 10:17 PM

"We'll sell you some treats for it, if you'd like, but the house-elves will take care of general feeding and cage maintenance. Can I help you with anything else?" the shopkeeper asks.

2012-10-24, 11:20 PM

"Ummm...yes." Nathan grinned sheepishly. Though his father had been a wizard, his parents had kept him away from the magical world until they were sure he had the power in him. He still had much to learn. "What's a house elf?"

2012-10-25, 02:06 AM
I'm drunk as ****... sorry if something seems out of plaace. I'll remove this when i can check it in teh morning.


Valerie wanted to buy one of the thremed robes, but it would of been a waste if she brought robes to a house she did not end up in. So was quite certain she would end up in Slytherin, because everyone on her fathers side of her familly was Slytherin. But their was a chance she could end up in Ravenclaw, like her mother. And her mothers side of the famility ran the gambit of hogwarts houses. She will just have to contend herself to telling her mother or father to buy the appropriate robes for her once she had been sorted.

Seeing how getting fitted robes took sooner than she expected, Valerie went to her next location with a smile on her face... though most people would perceive it as a sneer.

2012-10-25, 06:51 AM

"House-elves are magical creatures that take care of the maintenance duties at Hogwarts. Most students go through their school careers never even seeing one. They are trained to be as unobtrusive as possible. Think of them as the best servants you could have."

The shopkeeper bags your chameleon treats and directs another employee to get the cage onto a cart you can push with you for the rest of the day. The treats each have crude sketches of various animals on them, and you already have an idea what they might do.

2012-10-25, 05:49 PM
Second half hour


You enter Ollivanders behind a large crowd of other students. The shopkeeper seems to be almost sprinting around between piles of wand boxes, tossing them to students. He gives you one glance as you walk in, then runs to another stack, tossing you a wand from the very top. You're pretty sure he just tossed you this one to keep you busy.

You open the wand box to find a small, fine-grained wand. It looks to be one of the shorter ones (judging by what other students are waving about), and has a slight curve to it on one side. You pull the wand out of the box and wave it at the floorboards. They seem to warp momentarily, and a small haze of steam comes from beneath them, staying relatively close to the ground. A small dog walks over to your side, a receipt in its mouth. It looks at you expectantly.

Valerie & Edward

Flourish and Blott's sells all sorts of books, and it would actually be quite difficult to find the ones you need, were it not for the large display near the front of the store labeled FIRST-YEAR BOOKS. It seems like the rest of the student body is stuck browsing the shelves for their volumes, and you decide to do the same. It seems there are a couple books on advanced topics designed with the first- or second-year in mind, as well as some lightly used copies of those books on the required list.

As Valerie gathers her books and heads up to the counter, she trips on a stool sliding across the room on its own accord. Volumes slide across the ground in a wide arc. Edward witnesses the entire spectacle as he is looking through the sixth-year potions bookshelf.

2012-10-25, 08:21 PM

Edward, intrigued by scene, puts the book he was examining back in the shelf and approaches the stool, staring at it for some time. then, as if realizing he forgot something, he turns to face the girl.

Oh... Sorry!
Let me help you...

2012-10-25, 09:07 PM

Nathan laughed and jumped in joy at the small bit of magic his wand produced. It felt so right. This was his wand. Every bit of it, every inch of the wood, was his, and he was the wand's boy. Nathan briefly wondered if everyone got this sensation when they found their wand, but that wondering was cut off by the approaching dog. Nathan knelt down, and took the receipt. "I'm supposed to pay you then, am I?" Nathan patted the dog's head, and then dug out the money needed for the wand. He held it out in one hand, looking for where he was supposed to put it.

2012-10-25, 10:04 PM

The dog lifts its head, showing the small change purse attached to its collar.

2012-10-26, 03:32 PM

As Valarie was heading towards the clerk to buy for required books as stool came sliding at catching her foot just right. The following trip was rather spectacular. Her arms flailed as she dropped her mint condition books to the floor, her body lurching forward as her feet tried to keep up with it. For second, it appeared she was not going to take the dive onto the floor as her hands shot up to catch herself. Sadly, her lower body was moving forward to fast. Valarie ended up face down and rear-up on the stores floor.

She grimaced in pain as she sat up right before glaring around with accusatory eyes. Stools didn't just slide into people on their own accord after all. Could somebody had recognized her? She didn't see how could they have... she must of just been the unlucky target of a prank. A boys voice nearby got her attention as he offered to help her. "Oh... you don't have to." She said awkwardly as she started reaching for a book. "Sorry for what?" Valarie asked curiously.

2012-10-26, 05:39 PM

Err... Nevermind
The boy blushed, quickly turning away from Valarie and starting to collect the books scattered around the room.

Well, at least she was too distracted by the fall to notice i forget to help her while i was looking at that stool... Kinda weird tho, i wonder if it moved on it's own will or someone played a trick on her... Daddy told me they do this kind of pranks a lot in Hogwarts... Oh crap! I was supposed to help her stand...

[OOC: Assuming Valarie stood up while Edward was collecting the books]

Here's your books.
I... i hope you are all right.

Edward was even more embarassed, hising his face behind the big pile of textbooks.

2012-10-26, 06:06 PM

Valarie saw the boy blush slightly before he busied himself with helping her with her books. Valarie own cheeks became a bit rosy as well. Does he think I'm cute? Finishing getting the books she could, Valarie rose, slightly before her helper. After he handed her the rest of her books and asked if she was okay Valarie responded, "That fall was brilliant wasn't it? But, I'm alright. I'm Valarie by the way." She said nervously as she inched towards the clerk. They both had to purchase their books still.

2012-10-26, 08:30 PM

I'm Edward, nice to meet you

Edward approached the clerk and put down the bookpile. He started to search for his purse, before realizing those were Valarie's tomes.

Oh, but i still have to pick up MY books!

He rushed for the shelf where he came from, completely forgetting about the stool, and almost tripping over it.
Even more embarassed, he disappeared behind the books.

2012-10-26, 10:46 PM
Second hour


Amanuensis Quills is pretty close to the book shop, and students are making it in and out in good time. You pick up the supplies you need, still thinking about that stool with a mind of its own.

The people at Madam Malkin's fit your robes and sends you on your way with a set of 3. As you leave, you realize that you have no idea how long it actually took. That seamstress really knew how to chat it up.


After brushing yourself off and buying your books, you head off to Slug & Jiggers. There's plenty of exciting things here, but you have no idea what you'd use any of them for. It seems easiest to just pick up a pre-constructed first-year kit and get out of here before you accidentally combine the wrong things.

You then make your way to Amanuensis. Deciding to treat yourself to a fancy green quill (may as well have a good luck charm), you get the rest of your supplies and slip out of the store before you're taken out at the ankles by furniture again.


Flourish and Blotts is quite busy, and you see a few flustered students scurrying out of the store as you're entering. Aside from the required texts, you decide to pick up a couple other interesting-looking books. You're not sure you'll have time to read them in their entirety, but a quick glance through tells you that you can probably handle the material, and you know you shouldn't give up on learning more than the minimum before classes even start.

Slug and Jiggers has a bunch of things that are either intimidating or downright strange, so you decide to simply browse at a distance for a short while, then buy the first-year student's kit being sold at the front.

2012-10-28, 12:02 PM

As she headed to her next store, Valarie thought of the green pen she brought. For a foolish moment, she considered returning it, because she might end up in Ravenclaw and not Slytherin. She had to remind herself though, it was just a pen. It didn't matter what house she ended up in to use it, unlike the themed cloaks. With that thought, she hurried along.

2012-10-29, 09:35 PM

Nathan & Edward

The rest of your shopping is more or less uneventful. You are given a small satchel and a piece of parchment with instructions on it as you leave.


You go to the Magical Menagerie in search of a suitable pet. The only remaining interesting ones are a miniature bobcat and an animated stone frog. The enchantment on the frog seems quite permanent.

Quality Quiddich Supplies only has one remaining expensive broom. Made of ivory, rather than wood, the handle is molded to look like a sea serpent. The hair of the broom is typical, and the two are bound at the middle with quartz.

2012-11-01, 09:30 AM

Valarie's luggage was now getting out of hand. With her bobcat kitten in a carrying case and the new ivory broomstick, all she could manage was a shuffle. Why did she not bring a maid or something with her? But even with her struggles, she knew the kitten and the broomstick were well worth it.