View Full Version : Dungeon Room Height?

2012-10-24, 05:06 PM

Anyone know what average height is for a typical dungeon room? I'm guessing 10'. The reason I'm asking is where playing a module and two of our characters drank potions of gaseous form in an attempt to escape some baddies. If 10' is the average height (module doesn't say) then they could be attacked continuously by an average size person with melee weapons until they can escape.

2012-10-24, 05:12 PM
I've been in actual castle dungeons in a few different countries and as a rule I've seen them from 4ft to 7 ft but that's usually on the high side. I've seen them higher than that as well but that's usually reserve for very large or prominent castles.

2012-10-24, 05:30 PM
What is the average height of the creatures that built the dungeon? I would say it would be that height plus a couple feet.

Ranting Fool
2012-10-24, 05:55 PM
What is the average height of the creatures that built the dungeon? I would say it would be that height plus a couple feet.

I would add: *It would be the height of the people/things that built the dungeon and not who happen to live there at the moment.

A gnomish/halfling/goblin/kobold warren should be rather short:smalltongue:

2012-10-24, 05:59 PM
What's the average height of a house? A cavern? A room in a fortress? A hole in a tree? An organ of a giant beast? A hold of a ship? Any of these could be dungeons.

2012-10-25, 02:21 AM
Very dependent on who created the dungeon. A great dwarven city that is deserted could have 40+ foot ceilings, but secret passages may only be 6 foot tall (my half-giant had troubles). Humans would generally have taller buildings/homes/dungeons than halflings, but smaller than frost giants would.

Decide who resides(or resided) and base it off of them.

2012-10-25, 03:16 AM
OP, put simply, there is no standard dungeon ceiling-height. However, in real life, in subterranean structures, space is at a premium. You want to get as much as you can with as little space as possible. I would say, in a human built dungeon that isn't trying to impress anyone, 7ft. maximum ceiling height. Maybe 6ft. if most people are shorter than that. Tall enough to stand straight and move around, but no wasted space.