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2012-10-24, 10:41 PM
Edit: OOC - http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=259378

I am going to start with Karsht due to the whole "Magic blooded Changeling" is the easiest to start off with...everyone will be given their chance to shine however.

"Elves versus Dwarves"...
"Humans versus Humans"..
"Gnomes versus halflings"...

This stuff used to happen all the time. Rivalry and general dislike was rampant until a few years ago. Good people of the good alignment disliked each other for reasons so minor you would think they were taking advice from the beholders, but now almost all the evil has been sealed up, broken, or are in hiding. Evil people aren't murdered off knight templar style, but there is so much good in the world it's getting hard to do any kind of real damage....What happened?

This Woman.


Meet Demon King Miki. Not an actual demon, but she could probably fool you with that. Created an army seemingly out of nowhere and nearly crushed the whole planet under her heels. Zeth, Leazus, Takeda, Shimazu...and endless other countries...until she was miraculously defeated by a united force of the whole planet putting aside their differences and working together against her. Some even say if I wasn't for her right-hand man Kentaro backstabbing her at the right moment that she would've won anyway.

However after the war, the world was in ruin. There was nothing left to fight with. Everyone decided to stop any sort of conflict. The remnants were quickly crushed and driven into hiding, and the world is at peace.

...Well...at least until you guys came along.


You live in the country of Zeth. Under the manipulation and mental corruption of the demon kings forces, this country until a few years back had a strict anti-mundane law. You could either cast magic spells, or you were a slave. One the corruption was cleared, the princess Magic the Gandhi took the throne and repelled the law.

You wander through the streets when you notice something out of place. A merchant has a small shard on display, but you find it weird none of the guards are questioning her. The shard is clearly glowing with an evil aura. You don't even need detect magic to see the aura, this thing looks like a chunk of metal taken from Baator.

Edit: Other people you can post too, I've just decided that since the first chunk of the campaign starts in urban areas, that Karsht gets the first piece of the artifact. Keep in mind that that doesn't mean she gets to KEEP the artifact, and you guys may find that shifting artifacts to different people to suit your needs might help your cause.

Of course you could just give one guy all of them and have him one-shot everything, like my one party did with the Arma Golem.

2012-10-25, 12:51 AM
I spend a few minutes watching her to try and get a feel for what the situation might be, and then walk over to her in the guise of whatever species she is and ask, "Hello, do you mind if I browse your wares?" and start browsing while making small chat to see if I can make her warm up to me, all while working my way to the metal shard.

Rolls, if relevant
Sense Motive [roll0] For 'Hunch' use
Disguise [roll1] +2 if this counts as acting in character
Diplomacy [roll2]
Wow that dip roll tanked.

2012-10-25, 01:20 AM
The merchant notices you looking at the shard. "That is...well...nothing special..." She says, your extremely good sense motive check tells you she is lying, but she doesn't want to be lying. She's more paranoid of the guards. She looks at you with piercing eyes, but comments with nothing. You come off a bit blunt but she doesn't seem to mind.

Suddenly you hear a voice in your head, it sounds like the merchant's voice. "Can you see it?" She asks.

2012-10-25, 02:08 AM
I reply mentally "Yes, I see the aura of this item. I might be interested in it, though, I am more interested in you and how you got it." all the while pretending to observe her other wares to not attract attention.

2012-10-25, 02:13 AM
I reply mentally "Yes, I see the aura of this item. I might be interested in it, assuming it comes with a decent price?" all the while pretending to observe her other wares to not attract attention.

The women looks around trying to hide her paranoia. "Come to the bar tonight. I'll have a back room rented." She tells you in your head. "Gather as many evil people as you can find. But keep it subtle! This is not something light, and this might be the chance we need. I have this eye of detect evil, that I'll give you for free. They make them dirt cheap in order to keep the crime down." She pulls out a small eye glass and pretends to examine the shard with it before handing it to you so you can pocket it after pretending to use it as well.

You gain a minor item. This item can use Detect Evil at will, but it is subject to all the same rules, it can be blocked by lead, undetectable alignment, etc.

2012-10-25, 02:47 AM
I send my thought to her, "I will meet you later at the bar. I will try to gather as many as I can... for a price. You were planning to pay me for this request, right?" and begin to examine the shard with the glass. After a few moments of examining the shard, I pocket the glass and hand the shard back to her saying out loud "Nice selection of wares, but you don't seem to have what I am looking for, unfortunately" for the benefit of those who might be listening, and stroll off down the street to think up a plan.

2012-10-25, 02:51 AM
I send my thought to her, "I will meet you later at the bar. I will try to gather as many as I can... for a price. You were planning to pay me for this request, right?" and begin to examine the shard with the glass. After a few moments of examining the shard, I pocket the glass and hand the shard back to her saying out loud "Nice selection of wares, but you don't seem to have what I am looking for, unfortunately" for the benefit of those who might be listening, and stroll off down the street to think up a plan.

You hear her voice in your head as you leave. "What I will be paying you with is much more than coin." the merchant voices before going back to her wares and putting the shard away.

(Okay this is the part where you gather the party, we'll want as many people online as possible, plus it's 4 am where I am, so I'm retiring for the night. I'm happen you're enjoying it so far, feel free to gather the party and roleplay without me. I'll be on again tomorrow)

2012-10-25, 03:01 AM
(In that case, don't mind if I do)

As I stroll down the streets I begin to take small glances at people through the glass, canvasing as many people as possible as I go...

2012-10-25, 03:37 AM
Sitting atop a bridge is a young human who is giving off a faint aura. He is watching the water flow beneath the bridge with not paying much attention to what is going on around him.

2012-10-25, 03:56 AM
I send a tentative, whispering thought to the man one the bridge "Say, how would you react to a job offer?" while walking to the side of the bridge and staring out at the river.

((Sorry, tis late, and I have an early class tomorrow, so see y'all later))

2012-10-25, 04:15 AM
The sudden incursion into his thoughts startles Baldor he jumps a little sending him into the shallow river. Who is in my brain? My thoughts are my own... What kind of job are we talk...thinking about here?

Baldor stands up walks out of the river and proceeds to dry himself off. "Some people have no respect for their superiors." Baldor sulks to himself.

2012-10-25, 04:30 AM
A loud laughter is heard not too far away, at a look you see a dwarf looking at the human in the water, while trying to stop laughing he says "You okay there lad?"
The walks over to the bridge, holding his laughter back till it's just a chuckle.

2012-10-25, 08:42 AM
"Me fine? I am soaked because someone wanted to ask me if I wanted a job without any sort of hello how are you? Oh that is good I am doing fine thank you for asking. Where I come from I should whip whom ever dare to approach me from behind and scare me half to death." Baldor vents while attempting to dry himself off.

"But other than that why yes I am fine, thank you for being a civilized person. Are you the one who asked if I wanted a job?" Balred lowers his voice. He was chosen for a reason no need to bring more attention to himself.

2012-10-25, 09:01 AM
"Me? Job? I'm afraid not, what sort of job? I sure don't hope it's as a fisher"

Taron still can't help but chuckle at the human.

I'm Taron, and you are?
Taron reaches out his hand to the human.

2012-10-25, 09:12 AM
"Not sure on the type of job. I am Baldor." Baldor shakes the Dwarf's hand firmly. "So do you know of any good pubs in the area I can get a drink at to get my insides as wet as my outsides?"

2012-10-25, 09:23 AM
"Well i know a few pubs, but how about this whole job thing you talk about?"

Taron starts leading the way to the nearest pub he know of.

"So what kind of job are we talking about?"

2012-10-25, 09:50 AM

Findo took a table in the pub, his body covered in his cloak so none around could actually recognize him for what he was. He liked the pubs, not for the food or drink, but for the information he gathered from being there.

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-25, 10:07 AM
Overhearing most of this, a thickly robbed and hooded creature skulks out behind the unlikely pair from under the bridge, where it had been sleeping. Cloak drawn up tight, concealing it's otherwise-clearly goblinoid features, it shuffles about, hunched over, drawing as little attention as possible while trying to decide what was worse: Dwarves or Humans.

Deciding that regardless of his answer, it was a close call here, that finding a way to either hex them or steal from them during their apparently very important job would be a perfect way to repay a ruined nap.

As Narrik, the little angry shuffling mass of rags, moves behind them (Several paces back, far enough not to be too obvious) and discusses (with himself) the various awful qualities of both the Tall-Men and the Beard-People, his evil aura flares rhythmically with contempt, disgust, and awful intentions.

Stealth to avoid them noticing me: [roll0]
I really dont think from the angle I'm at and the way I'm doing this that it'd even be possible for the one on the bridge to miss me.

Moments after heading out, anyone observing the bridge can see a small snake unravel itself from what appears to be a makeshift bed, slither along the cobblestones toward the shuffling, muttering shape, and disappear beneath the rags.

2012-10-25, 11:00 AM
As they reach the pub Taron takes a quick look around and finds a table to sit at, then looks at Baldor and asks "So what would you like to drik?"

2012-10-25, 12:03 PM
The waitress comes up and takes your orders. A fairly cute elf girl with tanned skill (not drow, actual tan). She smiles and asks you want you want. The tavern is fairly busy, but no one seems to have suspicion of anything, it's mostly commoners with the occasional off-duty guard.

The merchant from before sneaks in, takes to the bartender and pays her coin for the backroom before heading in.

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-25, 12:06 PM
After hesitating a few minutes across the street from the bar, the small form of the en-cloaked goblin shuffles through the door and into the crowds, trying its best not to be seen, and immediately seeking out the most poorly-lit area in which to hide. Clawing it's way up into a seat, it sits low, watching the dwarf and formerly sopping human from across the room.

2012-10-25, 12:18 PM
Without waiting for an answer from Baldor, Taron says to the waitress "Bring us your best ale, Elf! And something strong to warm my friend here up!"

2012-10-25, 12:51 PM
Without waiting for an answer from Baldor, Taron says to the waitress "Bring us your best ale, Elf! And something strong to warm my friend here up!"

The elf looks you over. "'Best' is subjective." She says. "But I'll try to do the best I can without costing you 100 gold a bottle. As for warm, I think I know just the thing."

She leaves after writing down your request.

She comes back a while later after talking to the bartender. "This might not be what you're looking for exactly but, this Dwarfhead Stout, seems it would sastify you, as for your friend, the bartender recommended frenzywater."

She places two mugs in front of you. "3 gold please." (I can't find how many mugs are in a bottle in the arms and equipment guide so I'm just guessing).

2012-10-25, 12:59 PM
"Frenzywater eh? Bring one for us both!"
Taron hands the Waitress 3 gold, then leans back to drink from his mug while takeing a look around the inn.

2012-10-25, 01:03 PM
"Frenzywater eh? Bring one for us both!"
Taron hands the Waitress 3 gold, then leans back to drink from his mug while takeing a look around the inn.

She brings back a nearly empty bottle of Frenzywater and places it on the table. "Not enough left in the bottle to fill a full mug, and it's a waste to just leave it. The bartender says you can have the rest for free."

She smiles at you and walks off keeping other tables. She moves slyly and quickly, sometimes seeming to vanish for small periods of time when she gets stuck behind chairs or something.

A bard is sitting in the corner playing a lute fairly well, but he seems to be focused on the backroom as if deep in thought about the merchant that came in.

2012-10-25, 01:58 PM
Taron looks at the bard, and then at the backroom before beckoning the waitress over to ask her about the backroom and the merchant from earlier.
Once she comes over Taron hands the waitress a gold coin as an excuse for haveing her come over to their table, then says in a loud voice "Here is your tip!" before asking her in a low voice The merchant from before, do you know her, and whats back there? Taron nods towards the backroom while asking.

((Diplomacy if relevant))

2012-10-25, 02:04 PM
"Some kind of meeting." The waitress replies. "Apparently some kind of merchant meeting. Some major sale or something, we used to get weird meetings back there all the time. One time we actually had a succubus and a pleasure devil back there playing cards. Of course that was before Demon King Miki, and all the portals to the lower realms were sealed or at least protected." She shivers. "Miki was nuts, to this day they still say they haven't found all her artifacts or strongholds. For example we know for a fact they never found her crown or Kentaro's sword." She takes the tip and smiles at you. "That's pretty much all I know, people tend to try and keep the topic off this stuff, but I think if we forget that it happened we won't be prepared for the next guys."

2012-10-25, 02:16 PM
Thank you that was all
Taron puts up a polite smile at the Elf

2012-10-25, 03:38 PM
After following the human, the dwarf, and the strange little creature for a bit, Karsht is pleasantly surprised to find that they seemed to head right to the bar he was going to take them anyway.
Looking around in the bar and taking small peaks through the glass to find the evil ones, he comes up with a mental list...

Human: does funny things when you surprise him.
Dwarf: Seems like a jolly little drunkard.
Short Thingy: Not sure, but think he is either wanted, or a disliked race.
Bigger Thingy: Might also be wanted or a disliked race.

Yeah... This should be fun.
Karsht sends out a thought to the Human, waiting till he is about to take a drink. "That was hilarious by the way, watching you fall into the river" not even bothering to keep the amusement out of his thoughts.
To the dwarf he sends The human is funny right? Well then, would you be interested in a Job as well?"
To the short thing at the bar "Greetings small one. I am curious as to why you hide your appearance, and was wondering, how would you react to a job offer?"
To the big thingy sitting alone he thinks Hello there... whatever you are. Would you be interested in a job offer?"

2012-10-25, 03:50 PM
Baldor takes the cup up cheers' this new Dwarven friend he puts the drink to his mouth and drinks deeply. This time not acting surprised. "Fool me once." Balred whispers with a smile. Now time to figure out something about that job. Who in here would be a likely person to offer me a job mentally and then contact me again without showing themselves.

2012-10-25, 03:57 PM
At the sound inside his head Taron nearly yells Oy, i heard that one aswell!

Taron peers around the pub, quickly focusing his gaze on the darker parts of the tavern trying to locate anyone looking shady.


2012-10-25, 04:01 PM
Natural 20 spot check. You see the um...whatever form he/she is in outside the window lurking.

2012-10-25, 04:02 PM
I guess I should look for these shady people two since four eyes might be better than two.


"I can't see the broad side of a barn in here this drink must be stronger than I thought."

2012-10-25, 04:05 PM
Pokes Baldor on the shoulder and says Outside the window over there!

Taron points towards the window where he saw the figure.
He seems to be keeping an eye on us, might be that guy!

2012-10-25, 04:17 PM
"Oh... I see him now. Now lets buy him a drink I guess. Barmaid another round for me and my friend and another of what I am having for that man out there if he comes and sits with us. Here is 10 gold to cover our expenses." Baldor says as he motions for the man to come and sit.

"We should be friendly until we know this man's intentions" Baldor reminds himself as much as the dwarf he is sitting with.

2012-10-25, 04:20 PM
I suppose you are right, besides a job offer is worth listening to

Taron drinks his ale and leans back in the seat, looking at the figure to see it's response.

2012-10-25, 04:40 PM
The merchant waits in the backroom examining the shard. It likely won't happen in one day gathering a group of evil people willing to work together. That was what made Miki different, she commanded a united army with no infighting, their logistics and skill meant there were no delays. Only when Kentaro broke away from her and betrayed her did weakness show. Of course she didn't win every fight, but it was clear she had the upper hand for the longest time.

Zeths anti-mundane law was repelled by Magic and the slaves given rights and reprecussions. Most mages don't mind the fact that the mundane are free, since Zeth was practically in civil war during the law's enactment. A master tactician had formed an underground group and was countering the mage's moves easily, and had the law not been removed after the corruption of the king was revealed, likely would've been removed by the royal family getting their heads cut off.

2012-10-25, 04:40 PM
Keeping the hood of his cloak up, Karsht walks in to the bar while shifting to imitate the feature of the female merchant. He then lowers his hood and starts talking in a hushed tone Well, You saw me. I guess we should get down to business then. I have been asked to gather up a group of individuals to do a job of some sort, though I know not what. Other then you two, I have also spotted two others who are also in this bar, though I am giving them time to think things over before they join in.
To the Narik and Findo he sends a simple message "If you are interested, I am in the bar at the table with a human and dwarf."

2012-10-25, 04:58 PM
Peers at the person, not sure what to make of this whole situation, looking to Baldor to see his reaction.

Well i suppose i could help you, but without knowing what kind of danger or reward we are talking about, I don't know what to make of your offer

Taron finishes his drink, then looks to the person once again.

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-25, 05:52 PM
Grabbing the sides of his head, the little shuffling mass grawls and snarls angrily before hopping off its seat, and angrily lurching toward the Human and dwarf. Saying nothing, it sits down on the floor and waits for further instruction

2012-10-25, 06:53 PM
Jesus, you guys went so far during my extended nap


He politely responds to his mental query. "Yes i am interested, just tell me who you are before i leave my seat."

2012-10-25, 07:09 PM
"I guess it will be me that asks the much needed question. Why us specifically? There is a reason you are getting this specific group together. Its not a racial reason, its not a religious thingy unless you are trying to convert people. No I think it is something way more secretive or you would have made contact through different means. So my new mind talker friend how is it that we may help you today?"

2012-10-25, 07:11 PM
(Guys I am SO sorry about not Dming more. I promise this will pick up once the merchant and you guys meet together and the campaign actually you know...starts. You 5 guys meeting each other isn't something I can really step in on short of the merchant coming out and railroading you guys into the back room. But your roleplaying is great so far, keep it up!)

2012-10-25, 07:16 PM
(And somtimes that is part of DMing sitting back and watching players RP.)

2012-10-25, 07:33 PM
(Well then, now to address it)
Karsht sighs and send everyone the following message "I am Karsht, and I have been... hired I guess is the proper term in this case, to collect an assortment of people to come and listen to a prospective job offer, nothing more. I am unaware of what this job will entail, or what risks will be involved, but I was asked to find a collect a group of those considered to be 'evil' for this task. Oh, and in case it is relevant, I think there might be a piece of very powerful, very magical metal in it for us, at least, that is what I gathered from my conversation with my employer."
He looks around and says "So, interested?" while smiling.

2012-10-25, 07:38 PM
"Ha so you Mr. Goodie two shoes can throw us in jail for some stupid reason or another. I am not going to fall for some random person walking up saying hey you evil guys I don't know who hired me to bring the ONLY evil people I can find together so we can do some neferious thing. Yup not my cup of tea. Now if you want to do some more recon on this person see what they are really about and then see if this job is ligit maybe. It sounds like a trap trying to get evil people more dead than they already are."

2012-10-25, 07:55 PM
A guard walks into the tavern and starts asking if anyone had seen a succubus running around the town.

"Do NOT approach this woman. We have evidence that Apostle Shikibu might be in Zeth trying to destroy all we've worked so hard to create." Everyone gasps at this fact.

"I heard something too." The bard speaks up from the back of the tavern. "I heard Apostle Gigai escaped into the lower planes before the whole sealing of the portals. She might be trying to summon him again."

Everyone except for possibly you shiver at this fact. Shikibu and Gigai were special demons that Miki created somehow. They were unique demons, devils, outsiders, whatever you might call them that could have only been created via epic magic.

"What about the other 4?" Another patron speaks up and starts counting on his fingers. "Byakko, Madou, Xaiver, and Kentaro if I recall."

The guard turns to him. "We know for a fact that Kentaro and Madou are dead. Xaiver was banished into the abyss, and Byakko was binded by the Hojo Clan if I recall."

The patron turns back to his drink. "I still don't trust them with that action. Binding a demon is good, but I shiver at what would happen if Byakko escaped. He was a great tactician."

"To be fair, they think that if they had killed him that he would've regenerated in the lower planes." Another mage speaks up, people start debating.

"Just keep your eyes out." The guard says before leaving and thanking the bartender for taking his business's time.

2012-10-25, 08:13 PM
"Hmmm dark times are among us. Maybe I was a little to rash. Lets see what is to be offered."

The power of the Lower planes is what I need. Hellfire maybe I still don't like the idea but that will remain to be seen. But their support, their recognition is all I really want.

2012-10-25, 08:55 PM
Lying along the dirt road was a torn up and beaten man, his face clearly pummeled severely by metal gauntlets. He whimpered, begging for his life as a hunched over hulking man (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/images/09/september/dow2.jpg) (Roughly, not a exact duplicate but it gives a general idea) gripped his great axe. The bruised man outstretched his arms, a bag in his hands

"Just... Just take my money and leave me be!"

The man in gold and black armor merely stared at him, bending to a knee before slapping the money away "I care not for your money. Your blood is all I want." Lucius said as he began to bring his greataxe upwards "Wait!" the man said, disparity in his voice "What have I done to you! Please, just leave me be!" Holding his axe even tighter Lucius replied "If only you could have seen yourself back then. How proud you were at what you accomplished. How ironic that it would come back to finish you and what cast off remnants of your church remain." A perturb smile comes across his face as he begins a quiet sing song

There once was a boy here, who fell on his own spear
And he began to cryyyy, Maaaaa, Maaaa. Poor little innocent I.

And as if on que the man began to bawl before having his skull caved in with the business end of an axe. Cleaning himself Lucius dragged the body away and hid it from sight. With the grisly deed done Lucius took his helmet off and headed back to town. Yet there it was again, that incessant buzzing in his head, it had gotten so much worse as he grew older, reaching to rage inducing deafening levels. And only in acts of malevolence did it go away, yet they only kept it at bay, and bit by bit it seemed to come back. Shaking his head Lucius puts his hands against his ears until the buzzing stopped. Finally in town he turns to the nearest tavern, the only thing that drowned out the buzzing other then violence was ale. And so the Dark Knight entered, looking meticulously around for any seat that could support his bulky armor.

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-25, 09:09 PM
Looking quickly up at the hulking, armored man, the little pile of ragged mess snarls again, shrinking further into the shadows. Anyone who can speak goblin can distinguish this:
Nyahhh! Need another f****n' Tall-man like I need a third eyebrow! If there's something to gain here, it better be worth not cursing the idiot short-beard and man-thing that woke me, lest I waste my time" ...before it goes back to senseless grumbling. Closer inspection reveals the basics, two well hidden arms, legs, a central body, and a stooped, over-sized, well covered head. Occasionally a snake circles the floor, or through the rags, before disappearing. The apparently disfigured little beastie is anxious, excited, and twitchy enough to reveal one thing: It is just waiting for violence.

2012-10-25, 09:28 PM
Karsht looks speculatively at the big man who walked in and takes a quick glance through his glass...
Yep, another possible recruit I guess...
He turns to Baldor "Well, I think the guard just explained who our prospective employer is. Now then, I must see about giving a job offer to the large man in armor who just walked in."
He turns slightly to peer at the giant and reaches to his mind "Hello, how would you like a job offer? If so, I am at the table with the dwarf, human, and the midget robed thing."

2012-10-25, 09:44 PM
Lucius cringed, clutching his head with one of his gauntlets as the voice resonates through his head. He looks through out the room, not botherin to reply to the voice until he finally rests his eyes on the intruder of his mind. He strides forward, pulling up a seat that creaks a bit under the suit of armor "Please.... Do not do that again... My mind is of my own will and privacy." he says, the very tints of a lingering threat at the idea of having more voices and sounds in his head. "So, what is this job you're offering oh 'Great and powerful piercer of minds'." he asks, a sly grin on his pale face grows slowky as he stared at the changeling. It had been such a long time since he gotten mercenary work. Too long infact.

2012-10-25, 10:05 PM
(@Tychris1 Just for reference, I am in the form of a human, not changeling)

Karsht nods apologetically at the armored giant, and begins in a hushed tone "Ahh, my apologies, but I figured it would cause a little less attention to contact you that way, as opposed to yelling 'Hey, come over here!'. Anyway, I guess I will just recap a bit. My name is Karsht, and I have been tasked with finding some people to work for a person, who may or may not be a succubus I think, in order to do who knows what, for whatever reward. All I do know is that this seems interesting, and there is a very shiny, very evil little piece of metal in it for me to try and bring some 'evil' people to listen to a pitch" Pausing to catch take a drink he glances at all of them in turn "Yes, I think you people fit the bill nicely. Shall we go and meet this potential fiend?"

2012-10-25, 10:23 PM
Lucius sits there, completely baffled by what he just heard. He takes his helmet, slowly sliding it over his head as he began to say "So let me get this straight, the job is to meet a mysterious and vague employer, with vague and mysterious intentions, who is not directly offering us anything aside from giving you some vague and mysterious metal shard. Said employer is possibly a demon but their origins are also unknown. This is all happening in the backroom of a tavern that seems locked away from the outside world with a potential demon locked in with us. And all we apparently have to do is listen to another job offer?..." This was all a bit.... Fishy. But, one did not advance through the blessings of demons and dark beings by being cautious "Well then, what are we waiting for?" he says, his horned helmet turning to face the taverns rented out room.

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-25, 10:37 PM
The shuffling mass of disheveled rags scooches along the floor at the heels of the massive armor-coated man. Mumbling constantly to itself, only occasional words or phrases are even remotely coherent, and even then in Goblin-speak.
Stupid... Demons... Metal... Boozer... f***.... burn it all down anyway.

2012-10-25, 10:51 PM
I guess I may as well go to. I really hope this does not end up being a trap. It is always a trap though. So who will be the one to spring it?

"Karsht a moment of your time. If you can read my mind I will think something to you if not I will whisper it to you when no one is within ear shot."

"I do not know your goals but I am sure getting caught is not one of them. We would do well to work together yes but do you think we can control all of these people"

2012-10-25, 10:59 PM
Lucius shoots his head up, turning away from the door down to the little rag like goblin. He smiles at the thing, cute really, almost like the imp he had met at such a young age. He listened to it's bumbling anger muttering, grabbing what few words he can before saying in goblin speak
"You're a strange little thing. Aren't you?"

2012-10-25, 11:20 PM
Karsht smiles gently, looking at Baldor and sends a message just dripping with sarcasm
"Goals? I have no such thing as a goal, I only decided to help the lady out because it seemed interesting to do so at the time, so there is not much for you to get caught up in. As for the others, I think it would be more interesting to watch and see what comes about in an organic fashion. I mean, look at it, the little creature seems to like the giant... I wonder if it will come to fruition."

2012-10-25, 11:29 PM
Now this is not what I signed up for. I hope someone will listen to reason.

Baldor heads into the back room with everyone else ready to call upon his eldritch powers in a moments notice.

2012-10-25, 11:38 PM
The woman is sitting there waiting with the shard. You notice the shard is in fact glowing with what is clearly an evil aura.

"Well hello there." she politely says. "I assume you're one of the group that my contact gathered for the meeting?"

She seems overly kind, not like she's hiding something, more like she's going to ask you something and is really hoping you'll go along with it. Kinda like an employee going to ask their boss for a raise. She still drips with charisma, but from what you can sense, she isn't hiding any real power. Either this woman has an insane bluff check, or she's not Shikibu.

2012-10-26, 12:23 AM
I activate my eldritch ability detect magic to see if she is hiding anything. Also since her and the shard will be inside of my cone of vision I will be able to look at both of them for three rounds determining strength and school of magic on both of them and any items she has on her.

"I assume that you are the person with this job that we were offered. How do we know that you are not a member of one of the more obnoxious churches who still want to eradicate my kind because of a hard heritage?"

Baldor is standing behind where the door would open so he can take out anyone who enters unannounced.

2012-10-26, 12:29 AM
She has a few minor magical items on her, mostly abjuration items.

The shard on the other hand is something else all together. It's still an abjuration effect, but it's clearly on a whole other level. Artifact level strength, but it feels like something is missing, like it's part of a whole rather than an artifiact of itself, the fact that it's clearly a piece of metal broken off of something helps the matter.

She smiles.

"Well it's less a 'job' and more a 'call to adventure'." She states. "I don't have any real money on me to give you, but this shard and the information I have might be something your kind would be interested in."

2012-10-26, 01:48 AM
Taron gets up, picks up his gear and walks over to the back room, looking around the room as he enters, then looks at the Merchant.

"So you are the one behind all these mysteries, maybe now we can get some clarity on what this job is about?"

2012-10-26, 02:05 AM
After the other gather into the room the woman take a breath and speaks.

"I assume you are all familiar with Miki, the "Demon King" who a few years back nearly destroyed the whole planet." She starts.

"I am Jebel, I an explorer who travelled around the globe seeking out treasures and strongholds left behind by the age's past." She motions to the shard. "Most of my findings were either stripped bare and nothing more than empty rooms and maybe a few torn up books, but in one tomb I managed to find this shard."

She holds it up. "Now it's hard to see through the aura, but I have reason to believe it is made of obdurium, a metal that makes adamantium look weak. During my searches I came across a few books that lead me to the conclusion that this shard is a piece of Miki's crown. The crown that made her nearly unstoppable." She places the shard down. "The effect of the shard is greatly weakened compared to the whole crown however. As far as I can tell it will protect you but from only minor attacks. Someone bashing you over the head with a greatclub isn't going to be negated by the shard, find the other pieces though and you might get something good on your hands if you can repair it."

She pulls out a map. "The place I found it was a minor dungeon near the border of Leazus and Hojo. It wasn't very built up, it was more like a stop for resting. Minor kitchen, few bunks, etc. I have a feeling that the shard might have been hidden there by Kentaro when he stole her crown and broke it in hopes that Miki wouldn't think to look there. Other similar dungeons might be in existence and hold the other pieces."

She hands one of you the shard. "I have no real use for it, and given my reputation as a trader of lost artifacts I'm already under heavy fire from the guards and rulers. I can't go around sneaking into Miki's dungeons looking for loot."

She pauses to give you a chance to ask some questions.

2012-10-26, 02:19 AM
Seeing noone else seems to take the shard Taron holds it for now
Crown huh? Interesting, please continue

Taron listens to the merchant with interest.

2012-10-26, 08:11 AM
Looking over at two of the group leaving for the backdoor Lucius decides to join in, picking up his new found goblin friend by his mangy rag collar and motioning for Karsht to follow. Entering he looks at the piece of metal and says "So, that's what all the hubbub is about. I expected it to look less.... Broken."

2012-10-26, 03:32 PM
Looking over at two of the group leaving for the backdoor Lucius decides to join in, picking up his new found goblin friend by his mangy rag collar and motioning for Karsht to follow. Entering he looks at the piece of metal and says "So, that's what all the hubbub is about. I expected it to look less.... Broken."

"If it wasn't broken, Miki would've won." Jebel says. "Kentaro stealing and destroying her crown was one of the key turning points of the war."

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-26, 03:35 PM
The rag-pile was stunned a moment at the Tall-One's fluent grasp of a language that he's only heard from himself for quite some time. The question and tone, however, were offensive enough to be ignored as he shuffles into the room, Yellow eyes glinting under his cowls and hoods as he stares greedily at the shard of ancient, powerful metal. Still mumbling, (Languages aside: Gibberis) it is visibly excited as it listens to the others talk.

2012-10-26, 03:44 PM
"Well I didn't expect it to be THAT broken. I'd expected it to be more recognizable.... So, do you have any leads on where we may find further pieces of Miki's crown?" Lucius says, holding out his hand to take the shard for himself.

2012-10-26, 03:51 PM
"So what is the catch? We take your shard we look for others. But I don't see what you are getting out of all of this. What do you want?"

Balred knows that there is something more to her. He just has to ask the right questions.

2012-10-26, 03:57 PM
"So what is the catch? We take your shard we look for others. But I don't see what you are getting out of all of this. What do you want?"

Balred knows that there is something more to her. He just has to ask the right questions.

"The fact I can see the aura too, should be answer enough, if you think about it."

You put two and two together. She can see the aura, only evil people can see the aura, therefore this woman is like you evil, but of course that just raises further questions.

Anyone with knowledge (planes) may make a check.

2012-10-26, 04:01 PM
Lucius stares at her intently, his mind wracking itself trying to figure out who this women is. He's dealt with the likes of demons and devils, perhaps he had met her face before?

Knowledge Planes:[roll0]

2012-10-26, 04:07 PM
Rolls do not display in edited posts. If you screw up a roll, feel free to
double post, just don't go nuts.

Edit: (1d20+2)[11]

You know the name Jebel is Planar in nature. That's all you get.

2012-10-26, 04:42 PM
"No it is not enough I am afraid. Because you can see the aura means that you are evil. Not that you are willing to help us with no benefit of your own. I will be no pawn in your games. Speak your true intentions, not all of us of lesser morals were fond of the last war, people think that good won. No humanity won the war, I am sure we all have our own goals, but you are implying that you have no reason to really help us other than we can all see the shard. Who are you really?"

Baldor will not be satisfied until he has a real answer. It may not be true but he wants to hear a decent reason why this woman is helping them.

2012-10-26, 04:51 PM
"No it is not enough I am afraid. Because you can see the aura means that you are evil. Not that you are willing to help us with no benefit of your own. I will be no pawn in your games. Speak your true intentions, not all of us of lesser morals were fond of the last war, people think that good won. No humanity won the war, I am sure we all have our own goals, but you are implying that you have no reason to really help us other than we can all see the shard. Who are you really?"

Baldor will not be satisfied until he has a real answer. It may not be true but he wants to hear a decent reason why this woman is helping them.

Jebel looks at him and analyses him before finally speaking.

"Hunting grounds." She states, as if expecting you to know what they are. "Evil gains powers, world becomes corrupt, souls go to hell, and since I made you corrupt the world, the souls that go to hell have my name on them. It's just how the system works. Souls go to hell with my name on them, I get promoted, I get promoted I get power. Fairly basic."

2012-10-26, 04:52 PM
"Easy there lad, it is not even sure this woman know much more about this shard than we do, but if this really are a shard from the crown, we have to be careful, we don't want anyone to be listening in on us"

Taron takes a look around.

I don't know any of you mish-mash magic, maybe one of you can, do you woodoo and make sure noone is listening.

2012-10-26, 05:00 PM
Lucius turns towards Baldor "Not much experience with the denizens of the lower plane I guess?" At the prospect of the paranoid Dwarf Lucius shrugs, walks towards the door and peers outside, he makes a few joking gestures with his hands before doing a swift glance into the tavern. Closing the door again he says "No Holy paladins flinging flaming swords around, priests or nuns lurking. Seems like we're not being listened to."

2012-10-26, 05:04 PM
Call me paranoid, and i might not know your fancy magic, but i know that if we all get caught in a matter like this, we wont get anywhere fast"

Taron sends a look at the man trying to mock him, haveing no idea if he actually cast some sort of spell, but sensing the mocking tone.

2012-10-26, 05:06 PM
"Was that so hard? That is an answer I will gladly accept as truth."

Baldor nods his head.

I do not care for their trickery nor their true intentions but before her last statement could we be sure that she was of the lower planes? Information is worth more than gold.

Baldor shakes his head at the dark knight. He is going to be trouble, or he is going to be a great asset. Now time to figure out how to continue on about our mission.

"So you give us one shard and vauge hints to more. Any ideas on how to hide ourselves or our bounty? Because of course the more damage we do the higher you get promoted. So of course you should want to help us to help yourself."

2012-10-26, 05:15 PM
"So you give us one shard and vauge hints to more. Any ideas on how to hide ourselves or our bounty? Because of course the more damage we do the higher you get promoted. So of course you should want to help us to help yourself."

"Our kind work subtlety usually. I noticed you have a telepath in your group, that's good. Use her mental reading and talking to communicate among yourselves, unless in private. Find craftsmen and professionals who can repair and prepare items, you don't need to start constantly bringing in outside hands. Open shops and other businesses to make money and as fronts."

She sighs. "And get out of Zeth." She sighs. "This place has some of the most powerful mages in existence." She looks over the map. "Here." she points to a small country. "Tanegashima, it is a country with lots of craftsmen and merchants. It is a minor country no one pays attention to unless they're looking to buy something, and it's a place where you can get easy access to firearms. It'll be easy to build a stronghold on the border of this country and Akashi, just hide it in an abandoned mine or the mountains...or...if you're insane, the active volcano that is in the north of the country."

2012-10-26, 07:08 PM
"Tanegashima it is. I have nothing other than what I have on my person so I am ready to leave at a moments notice. I have the ability to craft weapons so that can be one of our fronts."

Baldor will sit around until everyone is ready to leave he has one more thing to ask this woman but in private.

2012-10-26, 08:25 PM
Karsht smiles a bit and turns to the dwarf "Don't worry about people coming to spy on us, I can sense every mind within about 30 feet of us." Turning to face Jebel he adds "Though, I have two questions for you Jebel, or should I say Harvester Devil? First, you mentioned what you want us to do, and how it would benefit you, but what is in it for us to help you? Secondly, would the Outsider at the bar happen to be a friend of yours, or is there something else about to happen?"

2012-10-26, 08:32 PM
Karsht smiles a bit and turns to the dwarf "Don't worry about people coming to spy on us, I can sense every mind within about 30 feet of us." Turning to face Jebel he adds "Though, I have two questions for you Jebel, or should I say Harvester Devil? First, you mentioned what you want us to do, and how it would benefit you, but what is in it for us to help you? Secondly, would the Outsider at the bar with the happen to be a friend of yours, or is there something else about to happen?"

Jebel laughs. "Well I already told you that if I put you guys on your quest, anyone you corrupt or send to hell gets my mark. Since mortals can't claim souls in Baator. As for the other outsider...probably some other Archdevil's minion, or maybe a co-worker of mine sent to spy on me or something. Nine hells politics is complex like that."

2012-10-26, 08:33 PM
Lucius bowed, taking the demon women's hand and kissing it "Thank you my lady, I will try my hardest to repay you for this shard with blood and chaos." Standing back up straight he says "Tanegashima eh? Seems easy enough. Shouldn't be hard to bully a couple of merchants into letting us stay in some basement before we get an actual base of operations. I have no ties to this land and can leave whenever we can."

2012-10-26, 08:35 PM
Lucius bowed, taking the demon women's hand and kissing it "Thank you my lady, I will try my hardest to repay you for this shard with blood and chaos." Standing back up straight he says "Tanegashima eh? Seems easy enough. Shouldn't be hard to bully a couple of merchants into letting us stay in some basement before we get an actual base of operations. I have no ties to this land and can leave whenever we can."

"You don't know much about the nine hells do you?" Jebel asks amused with your "chaos" comment.

2012-10-26, 08:38 PM
"No I do. I'm merely the drunk uncle who gifts a child a cooking pan, calls it a training shield, and keeps giving it to him every year despite him not wanting it." Lucius smiles, a small laugh coming off as he played the scene out in his mind.

2012-10-26, 08:45 PM
Jebel laughs. "Well I already told you that if I put you guys on your quest, anyone you corrupt or send to hell gets my mark. Since mortals can't claim souls in Baator. As for the other outsider...probably some other Archdevil's minion, or maybe a co-worker of mine sent to spy on me or something. Nine hells politics is complex like that."

Smirking, karsht replies "Yet again, you speak of how us going out and causing death and destruction benefits you by making it so that you collect souls. I was asking how all of this would benefit us, the mortals in this arrangement. Going on some mission on your request that may or may not lead to our deaths seems to be a big job, so, how are we going to be rewarded for our work? Will you grant us boons and favors? Give us a portion of the power gained via the souls we send to the pit? What is in it for us?"
Giving a barking laugh karsht continues "Maybe we should call in the other one at the bar and see what he might offer us for the work?'

2012-10-26, 08:48 PM
Smirking, karsht replies "Yet again, you speak of how us going out and causing death and destruction benefits you by making it so that you collect souls. I was asking how all of this would benefit us, the mortals in this arrangement. Going on some mission on your request that may or may not lead to our deaths seems to be a big job, so, how are we going to be rewarded for our work? Will you grant us boons and favors? Give us a portion of the power gained via the souls we send to the pit? What is in it for us?"

"A fair point." Jebel said thinking for a second. "I don't have anything I can give you right now, besides the potential of you ruling the planet one day. I'll have to check with my superiors. Unless you guys want to start pulling out contracts to sell your souls my hands are kinda tied. I'll keep looking for any hints or artifacts that might help you on your quest." She thinks for a while. "If the plan is to go to the country I mentioned, I could scout ahead for you, but that's most of what I can think of."

"Also please note this is not a mission" she continues. "I'm just giving you the shard and an idea on how to start off. If you don't want it I'll find someone else. I just figured you would get sick of the whole "world at peace" thing."

2012-10-26, 09:06 PM
"Hmm... Well, we can work out a deal later... maybe it could be a per soul premium, like for every 10 souls we send your way we get something... like a pony or a puppy... I mean magical items or devil servitors. Either way, I will agree to go on this job for now, but reserve the right to back out if either there is no reward, or if things get too risky for my comfort."
Looking thoughtfully at the map and glances at Lucius "No need to bully them when I can make it so that they want us to stay at their home. We should probably focus on getting into the criminal underworld there, maybe set shop as troubleshooters. Considering out various abilities, we could probably do quite well...

2012-10-26, 09:15 PM
Jebel seems quite relieved that you're taking the shard and following her plan.

"Well that's good to hear...I'll see what I can work out with my superiors, lord knows I could use a good boon after the last demotion..."

She thinks for a second. "Give me 5 minutes." She says before teleporting away leaving the shard. She reappears 5 minutes later.

"I can't find anything in the volcano region that shows anyone had a lair there. You're probably right with sticking with the urban areas for now. Of course a volcano lair would be next to impossible to invade and extremely expensive to build with, so once you've got some good cash flow...consider setting up there."

Edit: Posting in OOC give me a second.

Edit 2: nevermind, my map maker was on my old computer, so no I don't have a world map, unless you want me to steal one or make on in ms paint.

2012-10-26, 09:17 PM
"I was already thinking about it, but figured we would need a good cash flow and power base before moving into an isolated area like the volcano. As it is, how will we contact you if the need arises?"

2012-10-26, 09:23 PM
"I was already thinking about it, but figured we would need a good cash flow and power base before moving into an isolated area like the volcano. As it is, how will we contact you if the need arises?"

"Hmmm, well I'm assuming you're not strong enough to planar bind me, and I don't know my truename...that is a very good question."

She shakes her head. "I'll try to hang in that country's area for the next little while. I'll keep using the name Jebel, which is an infernal name, so it's not like it'll be common. I'll try and get a job of my own, maybe at a tavern or something to keep up with the gossip. Plus It'll give me some coin to send your way."

2012-10-26, 09:34 PM
"Very well, I guess we just need to wait for the rest of out motley little group to decide and we can go."

2012-10-26, 10:19 PM
Lucius sits there, contemplating for a bit as he mulled over what it is exactly that they were to do "So unless we can work out a contract or planar bind you then we pretty much have to work at this ourselves?" He mused, his hand holding his chin in contemplation. After a few seconds he finally snaps his fingers and extends his hand "Alright, lets make a contract. I've practically given my soul away already, might aswell further benefit from it. So, tell me a bit more about who i'm selling myself out to before I fully follow through with his." He says, his hand held slightly back as he awaits to hear more about what he can get for fully handing himself over.

2012-10-26, 10:34 PM
Jebel looks at you. "Hmmm...a person who is on the edge of going to Baator anyways, doesn't usually get much for their soul. Usually those deals boil down to "do this action for me, get gold or some other bonus from the pact until you're lawful evil, then we murder you to harvest your soul.""

She smiles. "Of course we're not usually this upfront, but our circumstance is a little different. There's a tavern in Tanegashima that is quite popular. The "Berserk Nymph Clubhouse. We'll meet there one I talk to my superiors, about what I can give you. If you were good aligned, I could just draw up the deal here, but you're not making it a tad more risky. Also please note that if you die and have sold your soul you CAN'T be raised from the dead, without going through a TON of paperwork. So consider the risks."

2012-10-26, 10:39 PM
Lucius pulls his hand backwards, saying "Well, there went me requesting an Unholy Despoiler.... I think I'll hold onto my soul for now."

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-26, 10:39 PM
(Presumably) Rolling its eyes, the previously silent(ish) lump of ragged cloth in the corner cackles at the idea of selling souls before even getting a second shard. In an (apparently rare) moment of clarity it speaks out, though in Goblin:
If this is going to happen, it doesn't need to be here or now. There will be plenty of time in less magic-ey locations to do such lurid deeds. I'll be going with the rest a' ya, no reason to torch even the beardy-one yet, but the sooner we leave the better.

Pausing a second, perhaps mulling over his next action, the little mass seems to shrug before reaching up and pulling down much of the head covering; A rounded, green Goblin head now resting atop the rag pile, only feature that was unusual being discolored red scars along the entire lower half of its face. Eyes and tiny teeth gleaming it switches to common before continuing:

"My sins would follow me anywhere; I can leave immediately. It's been too long since I've done any damage. Hell, why not start here, on our way out?"

2012-10-26, 10:54 PM
"Because, my short friend, it would be a waste to set this city ablaze. Considering the amount of mages here, we would be caught rather quickly, and then be executed. Hardly a preferred option. I myself would rather live and corrupt others slowly, then to go out in a blaze of destruction."

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-26, 10:59 PM
Shrugging again, the Goblin retorts:
"If we're leaving anyway, whose to say we don't knock over a candelabra or an oil lamp on our way out? Just look at the big guy in the armor, seems like he would do that just by breathing too hard...."

Sighing, and retying the several hoods over his head, it mutters to itself: "The demoness wants souls, we could start right here... Sure the people on the first floor will probably get out, but the REAL sins are going on upstairs, and I doubt they'll be ready to run when it gets 'hot'...

....Before giggling to itself in a rather unstable manner as he considers the many different puns that just came to him out of nowhere.

2012-10-26, 10:59 PM
Lucius nods his head in approval of the goblin, his heart was in the right place, even if his mind wasn't "While going out in a blaze of glory is well and all, i'd rather not cut my lifespan drastically. Even if the quality of my short life would spike upwards dramatically."

Wonder if there are any colloseums over at that merchant city. Gladiators get payed quite a bit. Lucius thinks to himself.

Edit: Lucius GREATLY approves of this goblin. The little fella was growing on the big knight like fungus on bread. "Accidents do happen....." And he leaves it at that.

2012-10-26, 11:10 PM
Looking at the knight and goblin in turn, Karsth puts his face in is palms and sighs. "I don't even need to read minds in order to figure out what you guys are planning. Look, while I would enjoy a cheery little fire to cause some entertainment, it is a little risky to have one of us do the deed. Too many forms of divination to find us. However I might be able to come up with a solution that makes the both of you happy, just give me a couple of minutes to think."

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-26, 11:11 PM
Taking a tad longer than he should to understand what the gigantic man-thing intended with that, when he gets it, reaches into his robe and pulls out a jar full of a oily, bubbling liquid. Simply grunting at the mind reader, he goes about some morbid business, assuming that if he's not directly responsible, then he cannot be blamed and found. Climbing the nearest available surface (Chair, table, bookshelf, whatever. Regardless; Taking ten to NOT DIE) he puts the volatile concoction, glass jar and all, precariously on the highest surface he can reach before climbing down again. Looking at the others, ear-to-ear grin made all the more disturbingly maniacal by the reddish burns, he poses one question:

"Anyone else ready to stomp very loudly out, slamming as many doors as possible? Or perhaps we should leave that to whoever's bound to make the next commotion upstairs?"

2012-10-26, 11:32 PM
"You're a brave group." Jebel comments. "Either that or insane." she snarks. "I'm off to the Berserk Nymph. Try to stay out of trouble." She vanishes leaving the shard.

Effect of the Shard: Whoever has the Shard on their person, if they are evil aligned, gains DR 5/-, this stacks with any other DR assuming they both apply.

Example: Someone has DR 10/Silver and the shard, If hit with a non-silver attack, 15 points of damage will be negated, if hit with a silver attack, only 5 damage will be negated.

2012-10-26, 11:43 PM
Lucius stares on as the Devil dissapears from sight, he walks up and takes the shard; pocketing it away deep within his armor for safe keeping. He turns about raising a boot particularly high up "Shall I?" he says, looking at the goblin. Even with a helmet on one could tell be felt rather good. He had known so little companionship througb out his life, and so clunged to what he could get.

2012-10-26, 11:46 PM
"Damn I had one more request for her. While you figure out your plan I am leaving." Baldor says as he walks out looking mad.

Once outside of the room he points at one of the patrons "Hey you this guy" Pointing at some other guy "Says your mom moans like a whore."

And he keeps on walking out of the building.

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-26, 11:57 PM
The snickering, ragged mass of furs and cloth scooches it's way out of the bar, stopping only a moment to wink at the giant-man-thing on it's way out, a very 'You know what to do' kind of wink, with his near sprint to the door being advice enough.

2012-10-27, 12:04 AM
"Damn I had one more request for her. While you figure out your plan I am leaving." Baldor says as he walks out looking mad.

Once outside of the room he points at one of the patrons "Hey you this guy" Pointing at some other guy "Says your mom moans like a whore."

And he keeps on walking out of the building.

Make a bluff check.

2012-10-27, 12:05 AM
Lucius nods his head back at the pile of rags. Of course he would not proceed until after the rest of the group left so he made certain that he got the Dwarf and the Changeling (Human) out of there. With everyone out there's nothing to hold back Lucius and he goes into full drunk mode. He walks about with large and heavy steps in wide arcs, slammed the door shut with the full strength of his back, and burped/mumbled/shoved some people askde all the while he headed towards the exit. Muttered something about the ale being too weak.

2012-10-27, 12:06 AM
Smiling, Karsht strolls on out of the bar. As soon as he is outside he begins to try and manipulate the people in the bar who are the most depressed and intoxicated. "Let's see if we can incite some mayhem..."

Bluff [roll0]
Diplomacy [roll1]

2012-10-27, 12:07 AM
Smiling, Karsht strolls on out of the bar. As soon as he is outside he begins to try and manipulate the people in the bar who are the most depressed and intoxicated. "Let's see if we can incite some mayhem..."

Bluff [roll0]
Diplomacy [roll1]

You pass, but can you give me a line or two to work with?

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-27, 12:16 AM
Taking another cue, this time from the bizarre focus of the mind-playing creature he now stood outside with, Narik Grins and waves his hands quickly in front of him, muttering some nonsensical multilingual poem before cackling and scooching the rest of the way across the street.

Casting 'Message' and using my 'Secret Signs' feat to conceal the casting: Slight of Hand: 1d20+1
Whispering the phrase: 'I'm gunna' Gut you boy!' to atleast ten people at random in the bar, all ten fingers outspread through the swinging door. Should add a bit to the, well, distraction. Might give the building a bit more time to catch, eh?

2012-10-27, 12:18 AM
You pass, but can you give me a line or two to work with?

Let's see....
"You know your wife is having an affair. You know it. The children don't even look like you. They look like that guy sitting at the end of the bar... HEY! Isn't he the guy that you see near your house all the time! It must be him... Go beat him to a pulp and show him who's boss!."

"It hurts so much... Losing your wife and child in that fire. Think of how much they suffered. If you had been there, you could have saved them, you could have done something. You could have gone with them. End it. End your pain. End your suffering. Go and meet you family again. Die like they did, you deserve it for not saving them. Burn it all to the ground."

"Talk about a degrading life. You serve as nothing more than an entertainment source for those people. What did you do to earn the life of a prostitute? These people treat you like property, like they can do anything to you. Show them that you belong to no one. Show them that you are able to strike back. You have that dagger in your drawer. Use it. Kill those who use you. Kill those who look down on you. KILL THOSE WHO WRONGED YOU!!"

Is that good enough, or do you need more?

2012-10-27, 12:24 AM
Is that good enough, or do you need more?

Works for me!

People start arguing and muttering words out low. It's slowly building up to a brawl, but slow enough that people outside might think there's just a very bad bard on the table singing or something.

The one mind you sense that is planar in nature slips out the bar in the form of a little girl (around 10 years old). Clearly not wanting to get involved. A few other people leave, but they seem normal, someone throws the first punch and a fight breaks out.

2012-10-27, 12:27 AM
Well then...
Karsht looks to the others "See that little girl that just left the bar? She is also an outsider, like Jebel. Do you think I should contact her?"

2012-10-27, 12:29 AM
Well with a fight breaking out Lucius decides to knock a few heads together to get out of there. 3 slumped bodies later and the Blackguard exits the tavern "Let us leave with great haste, don't want to be lit on fire now do we?" he says as he turns to leave the town.

2012-10-27, 12:38 AM
"Yes contact her. We might as well get what information we can before becoming pawns."

Baldor will follow the little girl.

2012-10-27, 12:52 AM
The girl notices you following her and leads you through the city streets in random directions, she doesn't seem to have anyone following her around, and it seems like she's doing it for her amusement. Eventually she stops at a dead end in an alleyway.

"You know it's not safe to go into this part of town at night." She says in a teasing voice.

2012-10-27, 12:59 AM
"What if I told you I was the reason it was not safe to come to this part of town at night? Now if you would be so kind to show me your true form." Baldor says ready to produce his eldritch glaive at a moments notice.

2012-10-27, 01:00 AM
Karsht smiles at the little girl sending the sound of his thoughts into her head "Oh, we are well aware. Just like we know you are not a little girl. If you don't mind, would you please tell us why you were in that tavern?"
He then speaks aloud "After all, I see little reason in keeping up the act, do you?"

2012-10-27, 01:10 AM
The girls grins at your threat. "I will show my true form and say one thing to you, and you better listen.

She transforms into a beautiful woman. She has a pair of small horns jutting from her brow. Her red eyes smoulder with the promise of physical pleasure, and her clothing goes from peasant clothes to fine clothing that would make a king look like a a bum, it clings to her body completing the debauched image.

"Don't screw this up." She says with a seductive and twisted grin. "I'm glad to see Jebel didn't screw up either."

Another DC 30 knowledge planes check. +4 cause you know she's probably a devil.

2012-10-27, 01:18 AM
"So I am guessing you work for the same person? Tell your boss I want protection from the lord of the 9th."

I am running out of time, I know he will want to offer me his power soon and that is not an option for me.

2012-10-27, 01:21 AM
Ok then...

2012-10-27, 01:22 AM
"No one can grant you protection from Asmodeus." she says. "As for working for the same person?" She laughs a soft but dark laugh. "I AM that same person." She smiles and starts walking around you as if sizing you up. "Jebel was a high ranking devil in my court, who greatly screwed up a mission that set me back years of planning. I normally would've killed her out right had one of her own minions not found the shard. So I changed her into a harvester devil and gave her the simple task of sending this world back to the dark ages." She looks you up and down. "Not bad. I've seen stronger of course, but considering how little evil there is on the material plane anymore...."

Jaelesh, you have no clue who this woman is, except for the fact that she scares you and is probably someone you can't take...yet.

2012-10-27, 01:49 AM
"Another wasted avenue then. It looks that my soul is still not my own."

"I have no use in talking to this she devil. She won't anger Asmodeus by killing me. I tire of the politics of the nine hells. Ask her as you will then let us depart."

2012-10-27, 01:53 AM
"Another wasted avenue then. It looks that my soul is still not my own."

"I have no use in talking to this she devil. She won't anger Asmodeus by killing me. I tire of the politics of the nine hells. Ask her as you will then let us depart."

"You have no idea how the nine hells works do you?" Fierna says. "The mere fact you are alive means Asmodeus is using you. If I'm reading your words rights and you're saying he owns your soul. Killing you would send you to the shelves where you would become part of his resources for his use."

She summon a flame blade. "Of course if you WANT to die. I'm not going to say no, although if you have a death wish I question why you haven't killed yourself."

2012-10-27, 02:02 AM
"I only live to find a way to free a soul that was never mine to begin with. My Grandfather sold my families souls away. Where is the order in that She-Devil? You claim to be all about contracts and choice still mattering but in reality you are no better than us mere mortals." Baldor spits on the ground. "I will have my soul be mine. And if not I will see you in hell."

Baldor looks her up and down with her firebrand in her hand. Shakes his head and walks away. "You are a fool to think that you could anger me into attacking you."

2012-10-27, 02:04 AM
Lucius did an about face as he realized absolutely no one was following him and instead they were all still apparently planning on standing around and talking "Do we really have the time for this? Say your farewells to the De-" Lucius stops as he finally glances at the She Devil in front of him "Hmmm. Mayhaps my soul might still be on the market indeed. In any event, despite the.... Pleasure it was to see you I believe we must be going. Corrupting heroes, slaying innocents yadayadayada. All very time consuming things."

Knowledge Planes:[roll0]

2012-10-27, 02:18 AM
Fierna looks at Eisen with a look of analysis, she seems to be putting two and three together.


Tychris, you don't know who Fierna is outside of being powerful.

2012-10-27, 04:53 AM
Taron walks over to Lucius, ready to follow him.
I second we should get going, we have plenty of time to talk later, when we are in a better location!

Taron motions for the other to follow

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-27, 10:29 AM
More muttering, this time in Goblin: "Demons now? Bah! " He spits on the ground, shuffling behind Lucius. "Just as bad as the tall-mans and beard-things. Hideous, oppressive and lazy. Plans plans plan plan PLAN. BAH! " He waves his hand dismissively, actually disgusted by the otherwise-gorgeous demon, and stays close behind those on their way out.

2012-10-27, 12:53 PM
More muttering, this time in Goblin: "Demons now? Bah! " He spits on the ground, shuffling behind Lucius. "Just as bad as the tall-mans and beard-things. Hideous, oppressive and lazy. Plans plans plan plan PLAN. BAH! " He waves his hand dismissively, actually disgusted by the otherwise-gorgeous demon, and stays close behind those on their way out.

"Devil" she corrects you snarkly yet calmly as you leave, although it's clear she doesn't really care. Most people don't know the difference between the devils and demons, even though that's the same as not knowing the difference between a goblin and a hobgoblin. Technically true, but your average person could care less.

As you leave Fierna takes the form of the little girl again and follows you out before turning down a different street from you and eventually vanishing into the crowd.

2012-10-27, 05:50 PM
Lucius looks down at the Goblin and shrugs as the Devil disappears from sight "Alright, let's get moving. We can walk there and attract little attention or hire a form of transportation and get there faster. I say we hire transportation, no need to delay ourselves, and there is nothing for the suspicion to be pinned down on. The sooner we leave, the faster we don't get questioned for the fire." He says, pointing a thumb back at the tavern.

2012-10-27, 05:55 PM
Point taken, shall we hire ourselves onto a trade caravan as guards so we get paid at the same time, or do you want to just pay for transportation?

2012-10-27, 06:01 PM
"If we try to get hired then we'll have to first find a caravan headed to the city in the first place, and then have to go at the pace of the merchants. We should split up, me and the goblin will find a form of transportation to buy while you three look for a caravan to guard. We should meet back here in an hour, if we can find work we'll take it, otherwise we hire a wagon or something."

2012-10-27, 06:09 PM
"If that is the way you want to do it..."
Karsht turns to head off, expanding the web of his thoughts to catch trace amounts of information regarding caravans going in the right direction...

Gather Information [roll0]

2012-10-27, 06:40 PM
In around an hour you find that many caravans do not go from Zeth to Tangenshima due to the difference in the two's method of solving problems. Zeth tends to use magic, Tangenshima technology and firearms, your average wizard has no use for a gun or an auto-cleaning bathtub.

However you do find one merchant who is heading towards there, and she seems rather ticked off that no one wants to help her. Apparently she brought a shipment of goods here, sold them all, then it was found out she was evil and her guards dumped her. You find her sitting outside her caravan drinking from a sake bottle, ranting about "Alignmentism" to no one in particular.

2012-10-27, 06:54 PM
So I am assuming we know she is evil and needs guards.

"Put the bottle down ma'am we may be able to work out a deal to make sure you get to where you are going."
Baldor looks at her and activates his detect magic to see what she has on her of magic.

"Tangenshima is your destination how much are you willing to pay a company of guards who would not mind protecting you regardless of your moral views."

2012-10-27, 06:57 PM
Walking over and quietly taking a seat, he looks at her and smiles "I hear you are looking for some people to work your caravan? Just so happens that myself and a few others are trying to find a way to get to Tangenshima. Do you think we could help each other out?"

2012-10-27, 07:03 PM
She looks up at you. "Tangenshima is about 3 day's journey. I WAS paying my old guards 25 gp a day, but I've spent most of my money trying to survive in this city for the last months. I didn't even do anything wrong, those furs were certified by the guild!"

She stands up and slaps herself to try and shake off the sleight drunk. "Once I return to Tangenshima, I might be able to get some coin...of course I should probably ask why you're going there. Mainly if you're clearly willing to work for me with me being evil, means you're either open minded or evil yourselfs."

She shakes her head. "Name is Yumi. And yours?"

She has nothing magical on her. Mostly just masterwork armor and some minor items like a dagger and pouches

2012-10-27, 07:08 PM
Taron walks up to the woman, extending a hand. " I am Taron, one of your future guards" Hoping the dwarf in a big armor and a large Greataxe will reassure her that they are capable of scaring away potential bandits.

2012-10-27, 07:11 PM
Give a florid bow, karsh respond with an amused tone
"I am Karsht, and I shall leave my friend's introductions to them."

2012-10-27, 07:12 PM
Taron walks up to the woman, extending a hand. " I am Taron, one of your future guards" Hoping the dwarf in a big armor and a large Greataxe will reassure her that they are capable of scaring away potential bandits.

She looks you over. "Hello Taron, Karsht. I'm Yumi." She then hiccups a bit, and corks the sake bottle, putting it away.

"So why do you want to go to Tangansima again?" She asks.

2012-10-27, 07:16 PM
"And I am Baldor, pleased to meet you Yumi."
Baldor extends his hand out, if she takes it he will kiss the back of her hand.

2012-10-27, 07:19 PM
She takes your hand and is surprised by your gesture. "Someone has a fair bit of class."

She goes into her cart and looks it over. "Yeah I've got nothing left, except a bit of food, and a few side supplies. I can't pay you under we reach Tangshima, and even then I might get kicked out of the guild after such a long time away and coming back with no money." she sighs. "We'll have to get some long term terms probably...but I'm too drunk to properly do a contract."

2012-10-27, 07:21 PM
"I am sure that we can figure something out, I am sure that when we get there we will have need of your contacts and a merchant friend would be a valuable ally."

2012-10-27, 07:22 PM
Making a slight grimace of distaste, "Well, as you were muttering before... Alignmentism. In addition, my race is not very trusted so it makes it hard to get work if people know what I am. We wish to leave this place and go to Tangeshima in order to get away for the oppression of this land. As we hear it, Tangeshima is much more understanding of various beliefs."
Making a vague gesture he continues "I am pretty sure you can understand our situation"

((GAH! I type slow I guess))

2012-10-27, 07:22 PM
"I am sure that we can figure something out, I am sure that when we get there we will have need of your contacts and a merchant friend would be a valuable ally."

"Friend..." she muses over the word. "That is a word my kind so rarely hear anymore." She looks at you and gives a faint smile.

Making a slight grimace of distaste, "Well, as you were muttering before... Alignmentism. In addition, my race is not very trusted so it makes it hard to get work if people know what I am. We wish to leave this place and go to Tangeshima in order to get away for the oppression of this land. As we hear it, Tangeshima is much more understanding of various beliefs."
Making a vague gesture he continues "I am pretty sure you can understand our situation"

((GAH! I type slow I guess))

"Ah...makes sense...well I have nothing keeping me here...I can leave anytime."

2012-10-27, 07:31 PM
"Actually, there are two more in our group, they went out to find other possible forms of transportation. We are to meet them in a bit, so if you don't mind, I can go and find them while you wait here, or we can all go and meet them."

2012-10-27, 07:32 PM
"Actually, there are two more in our group, they went out to find other possible forms of transportation. We are to meet them in a bit, so if you don't mind, I can go and find them while you wait here, or we can all go and meet them."

"I'm not going anywhere." Yumi answers before going to the fountain for some water to try and get herself clear headed again.

2012-10-27, 07:37 PM
Nodding, Karsht replies "As you wish. I will go and find them."
Turning around he calls back "I will be back in a bit." before leaving.

2012-10-27, 08:02 PM
"What do you mean your kind?"

2012-10-27, 08:17 PM
"What do you mean your kind?"

"Evil people." She says as if it were obvious. "no friends among good, few friends among neutral, just as many enemies among each other."

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-27, 11:01 PM
Shuffling behind the largest among them, the goblin cannot help but note the smell of cinder in the air, and sniggers at it.
Speaking as he walks, he adresses the armored figure in Goblin:
"Most filthy man-things are dumb to Goblins's words. Why do you know what I say?"

2012-10-27, 11:16 PM
The hulking brute looks down at the goblin and smiles "I've spent many years as a mercenary. In my time i've been recruited by Goblin tribes to raid and destroy their enemies, or protect them from Hobgoblin's attempting to enslave them. It is useful to know the language when working out a contract." he says in fluent Goblin "Now to find some kind of cheap and quick transportation." this time in Common.

Gather Information:[roll0]

Spot check to see if Lucius can just eye anything, Gather Information for obvious reasons.

2012-10-27, 11:18 PM
You do find horses and such, but they're expensive. You eventually spot the changeling looking over and around trying to find you.

(Horses in the SRD are 75 gp each)

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-27, 11:23 PM
Grunting to accept Lucius's answer, Narik takes a look around aswell.

Perception, to hear or see anything, or perhaps to smell horses: [roll0]

The (as usual) clueless goblin simply shuffles along behind Lucius, muttering random thoughts to itself in several languages, not really paying attention.

2012-10-27, 11:38 PM
Nodding to Lucious and Narik, Karsht walks over. "I was able to find a merchant who is heading our way. She said that she would have no issue with us going with her. However, due to her circumstances, she will not be able to pay us now, but will probably be able to pay us when we get there."

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-27, 11:44 PM
Narik nudges Lucius, speaking, again, in Goblin: "Do we even care about getting paid? I thought we were more concerned with getting out and not looking like we were, you know, getting out. Sod it."

He grunts at Karsht, shrugging (a vague gesture for a creature head-to-toe in redundantly layered rags) before spitting out the phrase: "So? Let's get it movin'" in somewhat accented Common.

2012-10-27, 11:50 PM
"Well, we might have to wait until tomorrow morning to leave. Cities tend not to like people in and out at night, and the horses would have to much trouble on the roads."
Turning and signaling for them to follow "Anyway, I will take you to meet her."

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-27, 11:53 PM
With a quick, hesitant look at Lucius, Narik shuffles off after Karsht, assuming that the giant armored beast will follow. Who knows, maybe she'll be less hideous than the rest of the group?

2012-10-28, 12:35 AM
Lucius waved the little goblin on to follow the changeling "Sounds good.... Don't wait up for me, i'll meet you in a bit with our newfound benefactor." With that said Lucius turned around and headed back to the horse salesmen. From there he bought 3 horses with a pony, bit and briddle, and saddles for them. With the remainder of his hold he bought a heavy black warhorse, decked it out in chainmail with a military saddle, and headed round back to meet the group, horses in tow.

Lucius personalized the horse to look like his armor and now only has 25 GP to his name. Gona have to support this broke bum until he gets payed :smalltongue:

2012-10-28, 01:46 AM
(Cut is being done due to the thread dying)

After you've gotten your horses and slept, Yumi gets into her carriage and you start to head for Tanda, the city on the border of Zeth and Tangshima. It's 3 days travel, but the 3 days go oddly smoothly. Only seeing a few wild animals. Bandit activity seems oddly low, but it makes sense since most of the evil rogues were killed or captured when Miki was defeated.

Tangshima as stated, is the country that produces and invented the firearm. Pistols and muskets were key against the armoured knights and constructs created by Miki's..well..however she made her forces. Their country is minor but has a large amount of trade. In the north of their country is an active volcano, but it hasn't erupted in centuries. It seems to be mostly stable.

"I need to check in with the Guild." Yumi states once you reach Tanda. "Feel free to explore the city, just stay out of trouble. I'll be at my carriage if you need to contact me in the future."

2012-10-28, 01:51 AM
"I am going to go look for a Blacksmith. If anyone wants me that is where I will be. I will leave it to Karsht for a living place since he can get it to us for free."

Baldor rides his horse through town looking for a blacksmith. If/When he finds one he will go in and ask "I am new here in town and was wondering if you wanted an apprentice. I have some skill at making weapons."

2012-10-28, 01:55 AM
Looking around quickly, karsht turns to Yumi "Could you tell us where the guildhouse is, as well as let us know where the various landmarks are?"
Hearing Baldor's remarks Karsht responds with a wry grin "Oh, I am so happy to receive your words of confidence. I shall get right on it!"
(For finding potential locations to set up shop)
Gather Information [roll0]
(Aaanddd... I used up all my luck on those rolls in the OOC post it seems.)

2012-10-28, 02:00 AM
Baldor you find a blacksmith, and he lets you use his forge, he'll pay you once you forge him an exotic weapon. (DC 18) It doesn't have to be masterwork, but he needs proof of skills.

Karsht, you find your way to the Guildhouse with Yumi. You also find the city hall, and manage to find that there is quite a bit of available real estate, mainly due to the fact that over 40% of the world's population was murder by Miki's forces.

A small house will be 500 gold pieces. It is described in the DMG. You also need to pay 25 gold pieces for citizenship for the owner. It gives you the ability to vote in the meetings at city hall.

You may attempt a DC 20 diplomacy check to bypass the citizenship fee, there is no bypassing the house cost.

2012-10-28, 02:08 AM
Karsht, you find your way to the Guildhouse with Yumi. You also find the city hall, and manage to find that there is quite a bit of available real estate, mainly due to the fact that over 40% of the world's population was murder by Miki's forces.

A small house will be 500 gold pieces. It is described in the DMG. You also need to pay 25 gold pieces for citizenship for the owner. It gives you the ability to vote in the meetings at city hall.

You may attempt a DC 20 diplomacy check to bypass the citizenship fee, there is no bypassing the house cost.

(Alright then, I have 717.5 gold to spend, so either way I can handle it.)
Diplomacy [roll0]

2012-10-28, 02:16 AM
"Let me see if I can craft something to your specifications"


Wait I can just take 10 and get 18.

2012-10-28, 02:17 AM
"Let me see if I can craft something to your specifications"


(you know, you could have just taken 10 on that, no risk of failure?)

2012-10-28, 02:18 AM
(Alright then, I have 717.5 gold to spend, so either way I can handle it.)
Diplomacy [roll0]

He gives you a citizen's card, and the deed to the house. He also gives a basic map to the city. The city is not a metropolis, but it isn't small either. In any other D&D setting it would be a small city, but it's a large one in this setting due to the whole population problem.

The house can be used to run a low resource business, or just for living purposes. Due to building codes you cannot install forges or other such dangerous objects without covering it with city hall. (Of course you could just do it and risk getting fined).

The house is near what used to be the slums, but there are virtually no beggers anymore, due to almost all the lower class being conscripted for the war. Crime is low in this city due to their being a lot of craftsmen.

As you examine the house, you notice it is VERY well crafted. As expected of Tangshima. It has a basement, and 3 rooms. Someone will have to sleep in the kitchen or living room (or you could share beds, but I think you're not at that stage yet). It was clearly designed for a family of 4 or 5, with two people sharing the main bedroom.


You manage to forge a basic Siangham. He examines it.

"Well it's not usually what we make here, but it's on the same level as muskets. Muskets take a long time to make, but it's constant work at least. The other countries constantly buy them, in case well...something else comes up." He shivers. "They say Miki isn't dead some people, and I believe them. No one that powerful could be killed that easily...we need to be prepared."

2012-10-28, 02:28 AM
Ok, two things
1) Does this house come furnished or do we have to purchase all that seperately?
2) Is there a set price for modification permits, or is it on a per-basis price?
"Thank you for your time."
Looking at the map, Karsht leads all those with him to the new house to do as they wish for now. He then heads to whatever counts as a criminal/redlight district to find some information supply jobs.
Gather Information [roll0]
Edit: (oh, and if nobody wants it, my character will probably move into the basement. IC, he would want it to have as much privacy as possible, so a room with no windows is perfect.)

2012-10-28, 02:31 AM
"I have some other things to take care of but I will be back regularly to help out with crafting weapons. I hope that Miki is not still alive that would not be good for any of us."

With that Baldor goes to find a library or some place that will have lots of books or info about the war and Miki's bases.

2012-10-28, 02:32 AM
Ok, two things
1) Does this house come furnished or do we have to purchase all that seperately?
2) Is there a set price for modification permits, or is it on a per-basis price?
"Thank you for your time."
Looking at the map, Karsht leads all those with him to the new house to do as they wish for now. He then heads to whatever counts as a criminal/redlight district to find some information supply jobs.
Gather Information [roll0]
Edit: (oh, and if nobody wants it, my character will probably move into the basement. IC, he would want it to have as much privacy as possible, so a room with no windows is perfect.)

1) Furnished. The dead guy who left the house ain't going to be using them.
2) Check the stronghold builder's guide.

There is barely any criminal district, the closest is the poison makers and such and the thieve's guild. The guild is mostly made up of the pick pockets too lazy to get real work (kinda like real life).

The library has virtually no data on Miki besides public knowledge. A lot of that stuff is very hush-hush level, so people don't go sneaking around her areas.

2012-10-28, 02:43 AM
Are there any maps of the area? Also I guess this should go here to on any info on where she would have bases Gather info [roll0]

2012-10-28, 02:44 AM
(Huh.... could I apply my gather information roll to finding out which city leaders (mayors, governors, senators, whatever) are most corrupt and willing to by information to discredit one another?)
Well damn... Who would have thought there is a city without major crime levels... Karsht muses to himself while he starts heading to the tavern that Jebel had spoken of, We will need to fix that. I wonder what city leaders would be willing to buy information on the others... or has information they would like to keep hidden.

2012-10-28, 05:16 AM
"Maybe someone can get a permission to set up a shop and set up a forge so we can get the full profit instead of just working for someone, but for now i will try to find work aswell
Taron leaves to find someone willing to hire an Armorsmith

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-28, 09:51 AM
Having been following Karsht (Staying out of buildings, of course. WOuldn't want to dissuade any of the man-things), Narik eventually nudges him several times before reaching into his robe and pulling out a coin pouch, which he hands to the mind-rapistbender. "If you're going to be doing any shopping, be sure to grab food. And if you can, a pot. A BIG stew pot, big enough to fit a couple people in it. Not that that's what it's for, but about that big. This aught to cover all that."

The pouch contains 200 Gold.

Narik then shuffles out of town, shouting "I'll be back later. I need to check up on some things."

He heads toward the nearest forested section, searching for wolves.

2012-10-28, 10:21 AM
Lucius claimed the main bedroom as his own and quickly got acquainted with it. With a living space set up he mounted his horse and looked for any arenas, pit fighting (Or other fight clubs), and even a fighters guild if he could.

Gather Information (Also trying to find info on the priest):[roll0]
Going to try and intimidate the guy into giving me citizenship:[roll1]

2012-10-28, 12:28 PM
Eisen, you manage to find a map of the area. To the south is a small village...well...what's left of a small village. That was wiped out by Miki's forces near the beginning of her attacks of Tangshima. Further south is the capital Kyo, and to the south east is Owari.

Karsht, most of the officials are not evil, but they have minor quirks and disagree on minor issues. Your best bet is to try and cause infighting, possibly by joining the council, or voting in the meetings.

As you enter the tavern where Jebel said she would be, you notice that one of the bar maids seems to be keeping her eyes on you. Eventually she catches your eye and winks in a way that clearly hints that she's her.

Taron - You easily find an armoursmith, but he gives you a similar challenge. Due to most of Tangshima's army using guns, they tend to favor lighter armors. He tells you to make a chainshirt (DC 14).

Narik - You run out of town and start exploring the forests, do you have the survival skill?

Lucius - You find the arena, most fighters now work as entertainers in (non-lethal most of the time) matches, cause there is not much use for warriors who only kill. "The Glitz Pit" is a fairly large Colosseum, and it along with all the enemy houses, hint that this was once a much larger city.

2012-10-28, 12:39 PM
Lucius rests his great axe against his shoulder and walks towards wherever the registration is. If he can, he'll go ahead and scope out how the other fighters are.

Search(?, don't know if necessary):[roll0]

2012-10-28, 12:47 PM
Takeing 10 on my craft check i reach a total of 20 on the check.

2012-10-28, 12:57 PM
Lucius you are greeted by a woman in a warrior outfit. "Another fighter looking for work I assume?" She asks, she quickly goes over the arena rules.

There are 3 parts to the arena.

3 versus 3 - Even fight of 3 versus 3 combat, in ranks F, E, D, C, B, A, S, and M.
1 versus 5 - Fighter against weaker opponents but you're on your own, same ranks.
Elemental Battle - 3 versus 3 against creatures summons from the elemental realms for a twist. Same ranks

Kolosan, you manage to complete the chainshirt, and he offers you work. While working in the forge you gain a +2 bonus to craft checks due to masterwork tools, however unless you pay for the materials yourself, you don't get to keep anything you make.

2012-10-28, 12:59 PM
"Understood, I'd be willing to participate in the 1v5 or 3v3 warrior fights. Do I have to participate in a placement fight?"

2012-10-28, 01:00 PM
Taron assumes that if the other people in the groupe needs him to craft something they will ask him, so for now he just makes whatever the smith tells him to without keeping any of the things he craft for himself.

2012-10-28, 01:03 PM
"Understood, I'd be willing to participate in the 1v5 or 3v3 warrior fights. Do I have to participate in a placement fight?"

"That's basically what the F-rank fights are. If you can't win an F-rank fight, you need more training. Don't worry about getting killed, our medical people are high quality and the creatures we summon don't really exist anyways. Unless you get really unlucky you should be okay."


Every day that pass with you working, you make 1/2 your craft check in gold pieces.

2012-10-28, 01:13 PM
Lucius nods his head "And when do these fights take place? I'm ready whenever."

2012-10-28, 01:42 PM
Lucius nods his head "And when do these fights take place? I'm ready whenever."

"We just need to slot you in, mostly cause we just summon the monsters with summon monster spells, so the wizards can be ready whenever the arena is open." She sizes you up. "I assume you'll be doing the 1 versus 5?"

2012-10-28, 02:15 PM

2012-10-28, 02:19 PM

She writes on a piece of paper and gives it to you. "Gladiator room is in the stairs to the lower left, you're in the blue door. Wait until you're called. Just tell me your name so I can announce you."

2012-10-28, 02:20 PM
"Names Lucius, Lucius Medrek." And with that Lucius takes the piece of paper and walks off to the Gladiator room. He'll sit down and begin inspecting his Greataxe, practicing between swapping from the great axe to his Battle Axe/Shield stance.

2012-10-28, 02:24 PM
Eventually you're called in and the announcer takes the amplify sound magical item as you enter. "And we have some fresh blood for this round, and he looks intimidating! Lucius Medrek is going to be going up against 5 monsters in a 1 versus 5 fight. Let's hope he hasn't bit off more than he can chew!"

You stand on one side of the arena and the mages cast their summon monster 1 spells summoning 5 celestial badgers for you to fight.

Roll to see who goes first.

2012-10-28, 02:28 PM
"Badgers.... Badgers? This is the intimidating display that proves my warrior prowess?" Lucius' face sinks so far into his palm that one would think they melded together. Still, he takes his fighting stance and prepares for combat.


2012-10-28, 02:31 PM

The badgers get ready to attack too.

And apparently the roll didn't work, we'll just say you can go first. They'll get their turns. LOL

2012-10-28, 02:37 PM
Lucius charges forward, his Greataxe fuming with his profane energy as he swings it's might down onto the first badger.

Making a cursed Smite/Power attack +4
To Hit:[roll0]

If it dies, Cleave to the next one:
To Hit:[roll2]

Don't know how close the badgers are, but i'm assuming I can only get 1 cleave off due to distancing.

2012-10-28, 03:05 PM
The badgers were 10 feet apart like this

- - X - X - X
X Y - Y - Y - Y X

So you would've moved to one of the Y's then struck.


"DOUBLE KILL! Maybe starting out on F was a bit too weak for this guy! But listen to the crowd! They love a good show!"

The badgers all close and attack.


Any attack that hits does 1 damage.

2012-10-28, 03:13 PM
Lucius smiles, holding his great axe up to soak in the glory of the crowd. This was swiftly interupted by a Badger hitting him. Turning back towards theBadgers he swings his axe with greater fervor.

Edit: Epic Fail

2012-10-28, 03:14 PM
Lucius smiles, holding his great axe up to soak in the glory of the crowd. This was swiftly interupted by a Badger hitting him. Turning back towards theBadgers he swings his axe with greater fervor.

Edit: Epic Fail

Try again. What's your to-hit? I mean you only need to hit AC 15.

2012-10-28, 03:15 PM
To Hit:[roll0]
To Wound:[roll1]

Cleave 1:To Hit:[roll2]
To Wound:[roll3]

Cleave 2:To Hit:[roll4]
To Wound:[roll5]

Hopefully I won't break the roller again.

2012-10-28, 03:20 PM
One more goes down they attack again. Full attacking this time.


The +4 attacks do one damage if they hit. The -1 do 1d3-1 I will roll them now (minimum 1 remember though).


2012-10-28, 03:35 PM
Lucius swings again, hoping to crush the annoying badger's skulls in.

To Hit:1d20+8
To Wound:1d12+6

Cleave:To Hit:1d20+8
To Wound:1d12+6


2012-10-28, 03:37 PM
To Hit:[roll0]
To Wound:[roll1]

Cleave:To Hit:[roll2]
To Wound:[roll3]

2012-10-28, 03:39 PM
The badgers are defeated. The crowd cheers as you raise your axe up and then leave. The manager meets you in the gladiator room.

"Nice job, I must say you cleared it rather quickly. I look forward to seeing you go places." She gives you 750 gold pieces for your work. "Keep it up, and you might become champion."

2012-10-28, 03:59 PM
Lucius takes his money and pockets it away "Thanks, I look forward to further competition whenever I can get it. Tell me, what do you think about mounted combat? Crowds might like seeing large scale jousts and such. Also, do you know where I can find some of the other gladiators? Might want to ask them for advice or just size up the competition."

2012-10-28, 04:02 PM
Lucius takes his money and pockets it away "Thanks, I look forward to further competition whenever I can get it. Tell me, what do you think about mounted combat? Crowds might like seeing large scale jousts and such. Also, do you know where I can find some of the other gladiators? Might want to ask them for advice or just size up the competition."

"Mounts are generally allowed. The other gladiators fight in the 3 versus 3, through the red door. Few people take up the 1 versus 5, even fewer win it. Come back with two people and you'll get to fight the other guys...of course there are rules for that. We enforce non-lethal damage, since while dismissing the summoned monsters is easy, we can't do that with the actual humans. Of course after we patch you up with some minor healing feel free to come back and try the 1 versus 5 summon monster 2 battle or E rank. The crowd loves a winner, they sometimes sell better than those who actually have to try, sometimes the crowd is just sadistic and likes to see a good one-sided pounding." She heals your wounds with a cure light wounds spell, and leaves to go back to the front of the stadium.

2012-10-28, 04:31 PM
"Non Lethal damage? Guess i'll have to hold back... My comrades are busy at the moment, and I wish to surf on the hype rhat i've already built from the crowd. So i'd be willing to go for a second round of 1 versus 5 combat." He feels through his armor for the shard, holding it tight and making sure it's safe.

2012-10-28, 04:37 PM
"Non Lethal damage? Guess i'll have to hold back... My comrades are busy at the moment, and I wish to surf on the hype rhat i've already built from the crowd. So i'd be willing to go for a second round of 1 versus 5 combat." He feels through his armor for the shard, holding it tight and making sure it's safe.

She eyes you and filled out another letter or so and sends you through the blue door for the E-rank fight.

"Apparently this man doesn't miss a beat to beat up more monsters! He wants to go for round two! Could we be seeing a champion in the making?"

You get into the arena and the wizards cast their summon monster spells, summoning five Celestial Giant Bombardier Beetles.

"Good luck!" she yells. "He's going to need it...the acid can burn pretty badly!"


Same formation as before.

2012-10-28, 04:45 PM
Lucius holds out his hand, beckoning for the beetles to come at him, his axe resting easily on his shoulder "Come forth! You will find glory in death!"


2012-10-28, 04:48 PM
Lucius holds out his hand, beckoning for the beetles to come at him, his axe resting easily on his shoulder "Come forth! You will find glory in death!"


You have the higher modifier, +1 versus +0, you go first.

2012-10-28, 05:02 PM
Lucius lets out a blood curdling roar as his heavy metal boots stomped through the arena, axe swinging madly. The same dark energy coursing through the axe as he prepared to cleave two beetles in one swing.

Cursed Smite, Power Attack, Cruelty Strike:
To Hit:[roll0]

Cleave:To Hit:[roll2]

2012-10-28, 05:10 PM
"Geeze! What is with this guy!?" The manager yells. "Two down again?! How strong is this guy?"

The beetles attempt to hurt you with their acid attacks.

Make 3 fortitude saves (DC 13) for no damage.


2012-10-28, 05:16 PM
Lucius holds up his gauntlet, attempting to block the acid before going in for the kill.

Fortitude Save:[roll0]
Fortitude Save:[roll1]
Fortitude Save:[roll2]

Power Attack:
To Hit:[roll3]

To Hit:[roll5]

To Hit:[roll7]

2012-10-28, 05:22 PM
You miss the beetle and they try to attack you with their bites, unable to harm you.

(Okay, they can only hurt you via their acid attacks, which do 1d4+2 damage, fort 13 negates, due to the shard their bites can't hurt you).

"This guy must be tough..those attacks don't even look like they're hurting him!"

Roll your next attack.

2012-10-28, 05:37 PM
To Hit:[roll0]

Cleave:To Hit:[roll2]

Cleave:To Hit:[roll4]

2012-10-28, 05:39 PM

Roll a fort save for every one that does more than 5 damage and attack again. (I'm seriously debating just saying you win and giving you your reward).

2012-10-28, 05:41 PM
OOC: I'm debating that aswell, especially when you consider my guy can just stop fighting for 1 round and heal twenty four HP instantly.

To Hit:[roll0]

Cleave:To Hit:[roll2]

Cleave:To Hit:[roll4]

Edit: Not even going to fort save that, it's 2 damage, Lucius will live through it. Heck, he can just spend a swift action and heal it back anyway.

2012-10-28, 05:46 PM
OOC: I'm debating that aswell, especially when you consider my guy can just stop fighting for 1 round and heal twenty four HP instantly.

Yeah we'll go with that then.

Over the next few rounds you take minor damage, barely worth mentioning from the last two beetles before putting them down.

The manager greats you again and gives you your gold. 2000 gold pieces.

(5 CR 2 monster is an ECL 6, table 3-3 in the DMG gives you 2000 gold pieces)

You (and the group) also gains, 3000 xp (level 3, facing 5 challenge rating 2 monsters for 600 xp per monster).

Edit: If I'm not mistaken that's a level up..

2012-10-28, 06:12 PM
When Taron is done at work he will go out to try and find out the rules for setting up a shop, with a forge in this city.

2012-10-28, 06:16 PM
Lucius accepts the money and leaves, promising to return with 2 more warriors to participate in the 3v3 and eventually continue his blaze of glory down the 1v5 path. Out of the arena Lucius saddles his Warhorse (Whom he has since dubbed "Knightmare") and headed through out the town, looking up info on any local monstrous tribes, and the even more monstrous priest that lurks within Tangeshima.

Gather Information:[roll0]

2012-10-28, 06:32 PM
When Taron is done at work he will go out to try and find out the rules for setting up a shop, with a forge in this city.

(Okay a forge is WAY less expensive than I thought it was)

A workshop is 500 gold pieces for a basic one, 2000 gold pieces for a fancy one (which gives +2 circumstances on craft checks) (Stronghold builder's guide).

Of course you need citizen's rights to setup shop, so Diplomacy 20, or 25 gold pieces.

They also need you to undergo standard examinations and such, to prevent you from making stuff like poisons or illegal items.

2012-10-28, 06:46 PM
Okay so a roll for crafting would be [roll0].

Taking a 10 I get 19.

2012-10-28, 06:47 PM
Okay so a roll for crafting would be [roll0].

I figure you are wanting us to roll not take 10.

If you can make the DC with taking 10, go ahead. No reason why not to.

2012-10-28, 06:51 PM
Well then i'll take 10 instead of a 8. Hopefully that'll give me enough info to work with. In the meantime Lucius will hunt down and try to find Taron and Baldor for the arena fights.

2012-10-28, 06:55 PM
I go back to the house to talk to Baldor about buying our own smithy before investing in it.

2012-10-28, 07:00 PM
Lucius saddles his horse, he enters the house, bags of gold in his hand, and when he spots Taron and Baldor he pours the 2.75K gold all over the table "Haha! First days spoils, and there's more where that came from; if you're interested in risking your lives.." He says, staring at the gold layed before him.

2012-10-28, 07:03 PM
You find there was a Kobold tribe in the nearby mountains that was sent into hiding after Miki's defeat. They mostly keep to themselves, and it's fairly safe to travel to the mountains. (Construction).

There is also an orc tribe that is in the middle of a civil issue and is disorganized (Military).

There are no social minions that would be willing to work for you yet. The thieve's guilds have too much to risk, and lack of a stronghold and such makes them less willing to join (a basic house does not count as a stronghold).

2012-10-28, 07:06 PM
"Well i could do with some more excitement after all this common work, i'm up for some risk takeing!"

2012-10-28, 07:07 PM
"We could start our own smithy it would not be a bad idea. We should look into finding a lacky who would be better at running it. I assume that we should have Yumi open and run a tavern for us so our changeling can do some information gathering."

When Lucius enters the room and poors the gold on the table Baldor looks at him stands up and says

"Well then I guess there is nothing else to do but get our fight on.

2012-10-28, 07:24 PM
Lucius nods his head and leads them outside "I can work on getting us some Kobolds to work on the smothy. Shouldn't be too hard to point them in the right direction." he says before whistling, Knightmare and two other horses trotting forward. On horseback he leads them to the Glitz Pit "Welcome to the Glitz Pit. Easy money ready to be taken I tell yah. Now follow me in, we're going through the red door which is for 3v3's. Let me get the manager," he says before heading off to the manager "I've returned as promised, and brought more men to fight. Don't worry, we won't do any harm to the other competitors."

2012-10-28, 07:29 PM
Taron leans back and let Lucius handle the work, while waiting he get his gear ready for battle.

2012-10-28, 07:37 PM
"well you three certainly look tough. Now be warned the 3 vs 3 has harder opponens than the 1 versus 5, but you three look like you can handle yourselves."

You enter the red door as she signs you up, the other gladiators are working out to training. "Ah Fresh meat!" One guy comments. "Nice job against the monsters, that was a nice match, look forward to testing you!"

All attacks do non-lethal damage in the 3 vs 3, you take a -4 to attacks, unless you have another way around it. Killing someone will get you charged with murder.

2012-10-28, 07:39 PM
Baldor also ensures that his Armour is on well and looks around the room. Also he will activate see the unseen(See invisibility) Devils sight(Darkness does not affect me) And Bolstering voice stance giving my allies +2 to will saves.

2012-10-28, 07:48 PM
Lucius rubs the back of his head "Thanks.... I appreciate it. Best of luck to you and your partners." From their Lucius pulls out his great axe and calls forth Knightmare, he tests swinging ontop of the black horse, effortlessly swinging the axe through the air.

2012-10-28, 07:56 PM
After you guys do your preparation, the signal sounds and everyone takes there positions waiting for the sign to go.

"And will Mr. Lucius, and his two friends turn out as good as show as before in the 3 vs 3? Let's test them! Ready! and BATTLE!"

Roll to see turn order.


2012-10-28, 07:57 PM
Init: [roll0]

Toska Moriarty
2012-10-28, 07:58 PM
Looking about, Narik finds himself relatively alone after several hours of walking in the woods. When he's sure he's alone, he drops the outer layer(s) of his ragamuffin outfit, a shabby scholars robe (cut to size) remaining underneath. Less inhibited, he hefts a large stick (His club, finally explained it : ) ) from the ground nearby before heading further in, attempting to emulate animal calls as he does. Even if they weren't perfect, he should be able to get some attention.

Survival: [roll0]
Knowledge(nature): [roll1]

Hopefully experience with wolves from tribal life will lend some bonus, but htat would be up to DM Fiat.

2012-10-28, 08:03 PM
Baldor steps into the arena and looks at who they are fighting trying to figure out what they are.


2012-10-28, 08:04 PM
You call and a few reply in the dead of night, but most seem to not be approaching you. The wolves seem to know you're not one of them and assume you are a hunter.

2012-10-28, 08:04 PM

2012-10-28, 08:09 PM
Kolosan you're first.


X - X - X

Y - Y - Y

This is standard for 3 vs 3.

2012-10-28, 08:12 PM
Taron pulls out his large Greataxe, and use his first turn to do some crowd pleasing by letting out a loud roar and holding his axe up in the air.

Intimidate check: [roll0]

After that he waits for the other peoples move (Ends turn)

2012-10-28, 08:16 PM

Fighter 3 takes -2 to attacks and saving throws.

Edit: Also it's the fighter's turns...geeze.

All 3 charge and attack.

fighter 1 (kolosan) [roll]1d20+4
fighter 2 (Tychris) 1d20+4
fighter 3 (Eisen) 1d20+2

If hit take.

1d8+2 Damage

2012-10-28, 08:26 PM
All 3 charge and attack.

fighter 1 (kolosan) [roll0]
fighter 2 (Tychris) [roll1]
fighter 3 (Eisen) [roll2]

If hit take.

[roll3] Damage

2012-10-28, 08:35 PM
Lucius heaves his greataxe, his profane power coursing through his veins as he swings it down on the warrior who tried to hit him.

Cursed Smite:
To Hit:[roll0]
To Wound:[roll1]

2012-10-28, 08:43 PM
Baldor takes a 5 foot step back

X - X - X
Y - Y - -

Baldor wills his Eldritch Glaive into existence creating a weapon of pure eldritch energy. He then swings at the fighter that swung at him

[roll0] this is against touch AC


2012-10-28, 08:46 PM
Taron raises his greataxe and strikes the guy who tried to hit him

If hit

2012-10-28, 09:00 PM
Eisen and Kolosan hit.

The fighters attempt to attack again. Moving in to attack the ones that attacked them with a sense of fair play



2012-10-28, 09:32 PM
(( Gotta go, posted a couple of rolls in OOC, or you can just take over if you like DM, sorry ))

2012-10-28, 09:47 PM
(( Gotta go, posted a couple of rolls in OOC, or you can just take over if you like DM, sorry ))

I'll keep track of it. You other two going to make your moves?

2012-10-28, 09:50 PM
I will take another 5 foot step away and swing again.



2012-10-28, 09:51 PM
Lucius looks at the offending attacker, a snarl on his face as he roars at the Warrior and unleashes his full profane might upon him.

Activate Aura (Which if the fighters are Good means I get a +2 to Intimidate)

2012-10-28, 09:54 PM

Forgot the /